COMING EVENTS FROM THE LATEST WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES - Use month index in right column to jump to current month:
Upcoming events are here.
Programs Offered by External Organizations are HERE
January 2023
18 January 2023, 6 - 8:15 pm ET - Atlanta, GA - AFIO Atlanta Chapter Holiday Party/Banquet. Speaker FBI Agent Dell Spry on Mole Hunting
Please see the invitation here for our upcoming Holiday Party / Banquet to be held Wednesday, 18 January 2023 at 6:00pm. From 6:00 - 6:15 we will have a check-in and social period, and around 6:20 we'll start taking seats and begin the program.
This event will be strictly in-person, no virtual / VTC component will be offered. Our very own Atlanta member, famed FBI Special Agent Marvin O. "Dell" Spry will be our keynote speaker. Over his career as a supervisory special agent, Dell was decorated by many foreign governments, by the Directors of the CIA and FBI, and is best known as the lead investigator who personally caught and cuffed Aldrich Ames.
WHAT: AFIO ATL 2023 Holiday Banquet
WHEN: Wed, January 18, 6:00pm - 8:15pm
WHERE: Grand China Atlanta Address: 2905 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30305
Please see the invitation for RSVP instructions and further details.
As a side note for our chapter members, since we will reinstate collecting dues in 2023 to launch the website and continue hosting zoom meetings, etc., we can collect dues in person via cash or check (G. N. Miller).
RSVP by 16 January to Grant at grant@afioatlanta.com
Please let Brian Hooper, Chapter President, know if you have questions.
Saturday, 21 January 2023, 2 pm ET - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts Daveed Gartenstein-Ross discussing Enemies, Near and Far, Foreign and Domestic: How the U.S. is Confronting the Challenges of International and Domestic Terrorism.
Over the past decade, the terrorist threat has definitively evolved. National security professionals voice increasing concerns about polarization and domestic violent extremist movements, while evidence ranging from Afghanistan to Africa suggests that the threat of jihadism that occupied the U.S. for more than two decades is anything but dead. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, an internationally recognized expert on jihadist terrorism, was also the author of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's 2019 Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence, an acclaimed document that reoriented the Department's focus to recognition of the rising domestic terrorist threat. He will provide a comprehensive account of current terrorist threats and what we should do to address them.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation. No reservations are required.
Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 2-3pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register here.
Wednesday, 25 January 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Operation Underworld with Matthew Black – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
After Pearl Harbor, Americans were traumatized by the event's sudden widescale death and destruction on US soil. When the second largest ship in the world, the SS Normandie, caught fire on the Hudson River and sank, many suspected sabotage. In the face of saboteurs, spies, and enemies of the state on the New York shoreline, the US Navy did the unthinkable and empowered the New York Mafia to help them patrol the New York City docks and act as informants. Journalist and crime historian Matthew Black has uncovered this clandestine coalition that brought homefront enemies together and ultimately succeeded in helping the Allies win World War II. Black will discuss his new book Operation Underworld: How the Mafia and US Government Teamed Up to Win World War II and how he came to uncover this hidden history. From Montauk to Sicily, from German garrisons to the halls of power in Washington, DC, with a side trip to Sing Sing, join us for an eye-opening evening and learn why "Lucky" Luciano was rumored to be up for a Congressional Medal of Honor! Support for this program has been provided by a generous grant from the Pritzker Military Foundation, on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration here www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 26 January 2023, 7 pm PST - Virtual via Zoom - The AFIO Columbia River Chapter will be hosting Samuel Kaplan discussing China -- Trade and Supply Chain Management
The Columbia River Chapter will be hosting Samuel Kaplan as a virtual speaker. He will be giving a presentation on China and has decades of experience with both China trade and supply chain management. If you would like to attend please contact Carl Wege via email to attend this event: twege@ccga.edu.
Thursday, 26 January 2023, 2-3pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register here www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 27 January 2023, 6:30-9:00pm – Washington, DC – Spy Fest: Tradecraft Try-Its – In Person International Spy Museum Program
Could you be a spy? Now's your chance to find out! Do you have the savvy to beat a lie-detector? The smarts to break a top-secret coded message? The wits to create secret writing? Families are invited to find out how they measure up at the Museum's annual Spy Fest! Learn tradecraft from experts in the field and participate in spy skill challenges that will give KidSpy recruits and their handlers an insider's peek into the shadow world of spying—and who knows, there just may be a spy or two in your midst. Tickets for the general public - Youth (4-17): $25; Adults (18+): $30; Tickets for Members - Youth (4-17): $20; Adults (18+): $25. Museum admission is included in your ticket. All attendees must have a ticket available here www.spymuseum.org.
February 2023
Thursday, 2 February 2023, 7 pm CST - Virtual event - AFIO SATX (San Antonio, TX) hosts Zoom event featuring Ben Robinson discussing John Mulholland, a CIA Magician and Illusionist
John Franklin, President of the AFIO SATX (San Antonio, TX) Chapter invites AFIO members to this scheduled Zoom meeting with Ben Robinson, author of MagiCIAn, a book about John Mulholland, a magician and illusionist who was employed by the CIA decades ago for training and covert work during the Cold War.
Ben Robinson discovered John Mulholland (1898-1970) in 1968. In 1977, news broke Mulholland had assisted the Central Intelligence Agency between 1953-1958. Ben spent the next 31-years trying to distinguish truth from illusion as to Mulholland's activities. The story involves the famous MK-ULTRA project, LSD use, surreptitious drugging, ESP research and fraternization with "the loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires."
David Endris, the SATX AFIO chapter secretary will moderate the presentation.
TO ACCESS THIS ZOOM EVENT: contact John Franklin at satxafio@gmail.com ASAP to receive the link and passwords to the meeting. Do not wait until the day of event.
The MagiCIAn: John Mulholland's Secret Life is available in print, e-book, and audio book with the author reading.
Friday, 3 February 2023 - Tysons, VA - AFIO National In-Person Luncheon
Registration has closed AFIO National's Luncheon: Friday, 3 February 2023 - Tysons, VA
This Friday is our sold-out National Luncheon featuring Talent Acquisition Officer with CIA, Mike Bruni, discussing CIA Careers and Recruitment starting at 11 a.m.
The afternoon speaker is the renowned intelligence historian, author, former MP, and AFIO Honorary Board member Nigel West, discussing his newest book "Hitler's Trojan Horse."
Timing: Check-in and badge pickup for Registered Attendees begins at 10:30 a.m. NO registrations or walk-ins at hotel.

Presentation by Mike Bruni, Talent Acquisition Officer with CIA, begins at 11:00 a.m. Lunch is served from noon-1:00 p.m.

Nigel West is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. The event ends at 2:00 p.m.
Registration closed last week. SECURITY: No at-event or walk-in registrations. No substitute attendees or guests.
Questions? Contact us at 703-790-0320 or events@afio.com.
Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, McLean-Tysons, VA. Address: 1960 Chain Bridge Rd McLean, VA 22102.
Cancellation Schedule: AFIO must commit to the hotel facilities and must charge a cancellation fee. No refunds or cancellations after close of registration (which closed last week). No-Shows are not "tax-deductible donations or cancellations" since hotel charges AFIO for your meal regardless. AFIO is unable to provide substitute attendees for your late cancellations. No donation receipts issued for no-shows or week-of-event cancels.
Wednesday, 08 February 2023, 1800 (PT) - Simi Valley, CA - AFIO Los Angeles Chapter hosts event in conjunction with Reagan Library Presentation by former CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
In conjunction with the Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs, the LA Chapter will be conducting their annual chapter general business meeting. Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo will be the guest speaker with a presentation set to start at 6 PM. Following the presentation we will move over to dinner at the Wood Ranch restaurant and conduct our annual general business meeting along with the election for our chapter officers.
This is a two step reservation process. Please follow the directions below. We look forward to your attendance and participation. Happy New Year!
Mike Pompeo is an American politician, diplomat, and businessman who served under President Donald Trump as director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2017 to 2018 and as the 70th United States Secretary of State from 2018 to 2021. He is the first person to have held both of those positions.
TO ATTEND Sec. Mike Pompeo 6 PM PST Presentation - Step 1: Reserve for Sec. Pompeo's presentation: Onstage at the Reagan Library with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo - An in-person event.
TO ATTEND POST-EVENT DINNER: Step 2: Dinner Reservation Wood Ranch restaurant 7:30 PM: email AFIO_LA@Yahoo.com..
If you would like to only attend the dinner portion you may do so. Cost is $30 per person meal & beverage included. Questions to Vince Autiero, Chapter President, at AFIO_LA@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, 8 February 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Spies Who Changed History with Nigel West – In Person International Spy Museum Program
He tracked down the elusive World War II double agent GARBO in Venezuela. He identified and interviewed German Intelligence chief Admiral Canaris' mistress. He was responsible for the exposure in the early 1980s of British military officer Leo Long and retired diplomat Edward Scott as Soviet spies. And now he has identified the fourteen spies he believes made the greatest impact on the 20th century. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond live in conversation with renowned intelligence historian Nigel West. They will discuss how West used newly declassified files and his own comprehensive knowledge to choose the Spies Who Changed History: The Greatest Spies and Agents of the 20th Century. His criteria for selection is the degree to which each can now be seen to have had a very definite influence on a specific course of events, either directly, by passing vital classified material, or indirectly, by organizing or managing a group of spies. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. More about event here.
Thursday, 9-16 February 2023, All Day – Washington, DC – Member Appreciation Days – In Person International Spy Museum Program
For our 2023 Member Appreciation Days only, our members enjoy an additional one-time-use guest pass (redeemable between February 9 and 16), an exclusive membership gift (while supplies last), 25% off their purchases at the SPY Museum Store, entrance to our member raffle to win an exclusive SPY swag gift bag, access to our Member Scavenger Hunt: Valentine's Day Edition (for both kids and adults), and photobooth props to take a fun family photo in front of our famous Bond car! As part of these days, we will host a Members-Only Event on Saturday, February 11th. You can join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840. If you are a current member and have questions about Member Appreciation Days, please email membership@spymuseum.org. More about event here.
Saturday, 11 February 2023, 11:30 am ET - Indialantic, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Mr. Jamie Draper, Museum Director, Air Force Space & Missile Museum, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, discussing the Museum's History and Future
The Florida Satellite Chapter will be hosting Mr. Jamie Draper, Museum Director for the Air Force Space & Missile Museum at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. His presentation will focus on the museum's operation's past, present, and future. The event will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, Rt A1A, Indialantic, Florida. Mr. Draper's presentation will follow a sit-down lunch. The cost is $35.00 per person.
Questions or Reservations to Larry Sanford, President Venue Doubletree Suites by Hilton Hotel Melbourne Beach, 1665 North SR A1A Indialantic FL 32903.
Saturday, 11 February 2023, 10:00am – Washington, DC – Members-Only Event: How to Read a Secret Document with Dr. Mark Stout – In Person International Spy Museum Program
During Member Appreciation Days, members are invited to an exclusive talk with Dr. Mark Stout, former historian of the International Spy Museum and former US intelligence officer, followed by coffee and pastries and an opportunity to chat with Dr. Stout and other members of the Spy Museum team. When you see the phrase "top secret document" in the news, or "classified information" in a history book, do you really know what it means? Join Dr. Stout to uncover how secret documents are written and how to decode them: from the critical role of fonts and codewords, to the important terminology used by intelligence insiders. (Don't worry – no current confidential documents will be shared! But we will take a look at a few historical examples from the Spy Museum's collection.) This event is free of charge and open exclusively to Spy Museum members. You can join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840. If you are a current member and have not received the link to sign up for this event, please email membership@spymuseum.org to register. More about event here.
Thursday, 16 February 2023 - 11:30am - 2pm - Ashburn, VA - First In-Person CIRA Luncheon of 2023
This first in-person CIRA luncheon of 2023 features special guest former DCIA Gina Haspel. Gina and Scott White, Chair of the CIRA Board, will hold a fireside chat covering a wide range of topics.
The luncheon begins at 11:30am with a cash bar reception followed by a plated meal and the fireside chat. Lunch is $30 per person and includes salad, entree (chicken, fish, or vegetarian), sides, dessert, and beverages.
For event location and other details, access the CIRA.org website or email events@cira.org providing your current member details or number to receive response.
To pay by check: access the event form on the CIRA website, print it, and mail with your check to: CIRA, PO Box 7154, McLean VA 22106-7154. Your registration must be received no later than Friday, 10 February.
Questions to events@cira.org
Saturday, 18 February 2023, 2 pm ET - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts former CIA Analyst John Gentry on discussing The New Politicization of the US Intelligence Community
Political activism, radically new for the American Intelligence Community (IC), has surprised observers of U.S. intelligence.
But, the still incomplete story has significant political and bureaucratic ramifications for the roles and usefulness of US intelligence. This activism amounts to a new form of the "politicization" of intelligence by some officers to influence policy decisions and this article offers a theory of the origins of the cultural changes within parts of the IC that have created this politicization.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation. No reservations are required.
Saturday, 18 February 2023, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – Book Signing Event with James Ponti – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
New York Times bestselling City Spies series author and Edgar Award winner James Ponti will be in the Spy Store for a signing of his new book. In this fourth installment of the series, City Spies: City of the Dead follows the young group of spies as they go codebreaking in Cairo in another international adventure perfect for fans of Spy School and Mrs. Smith's Spy School for Girls. Codename Kathmandu, better known as Kat, loves logic and order, has a favorite eight-digit number, and can spot a pattern from a mile away. So, when a series of cyberattacks hits key locations in London while the spies are testing security for the British Museum, it's clear that Kat's skill for finding reason in what seems like randomness makes her the perfect candidate to lead the job. More about event here.
Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 1-3pm - Virtual via Zoom - National Cryptologic Foundation Winter Cryptologic Program with presentation by author and former NCM curator Patrick Weadon on "Night Raid on Truk."
Join the National Cryptologic Foundation for this Winter Cryptologic Program, held virtually via Zoom. In addition to updates about the Foundation and the National Cryptologic Museum (NCM), the program will also feature a special presentation by author and former NCM curator Patrick Weadon. Pat will discuss his book Night Raid on Truk: Bill Martin, Joe Doyle, VT-10, and the First US Navy Carrier Raid (published Oct 2022) and will take questions from participants. See the full agenda below, as well as more details about our special guest speaker.
The Winter Cryptologic Program is free, but registration is required. We do welcome and appreciate donations with registration. Your donations help to support our mission-related goals and activities. Registration closes 20 Feb 2023.
You may also purchase autographed copies of Patrick Weadon's book (paperback) by using the Register with Donation option. Program image is here.
Agenda for NCF 2023 Winter Cryptologic Program ( subject to change)
1:00 – 1:20 pm Welcome and NCF update - NCF President & CEO Laura Nelson
1:20 – 1:40 pm Museum program and exhibit update - NCM Director Dr. Vince Houghton
1:40 – 1:45 pm Break
1:45 – 2:45 pm Guest Speaker Presentation: Author and former NCM curator Patrick Weadon will discuss his book, Night Raid on Truk: Bill Martin, Joe Doyle, VT-10 and the First US Navy Carrier Raid
2:45 – 3:00 pm Program wrap-up by Laura Nelson
To attend (without making extra donation) use this link.
Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - THE SOUND: Mystery of Havana Syndrome - In-Person event at International Spy Museum
In December 2016, a US official in Havana went to the embassy medical centre to report a debilitating and confounding illness. The symptoms included headaches; nausea; hearing loss; problems with memory and vision. And its onset was characterized by hearing… something. A buzzing, hissing, grinding…sound. Soon, a second official came down with the same symptoms. Then a third. Then a fourth. By the time the story went public in summer 2017, dozens of US diplomats, as well as some Canadians, had come down with what was becoming known as "Havana Syndrome." In recent years, The US agencies have failed to agree even on the basic premises. State department said it's a "sonic device," then rolled that back. The CIA have hinted microwave radiation might be involved. The FBI said there was no "there" there. Now they seem to be rolling that back as well.
A new investigative podcast series — THE SOUND: Mystery of Havana Syndrome—from Project Brazen and PRX, peels back the layers of one of the most bizarre mysteries of the modern age. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond for a live panel with Nicky Woolf, investigative journalist and host of THE SOUND; Marc Polymeropoulos, the CIA officer who suffered debilitating symptoms in Moscow; and Mark Zaid, the American attorney who says new victims are coming forward all the time. They'll explore the wild and wide variety of theories that have been put forward. Could it be caused by noisy crickets? Or mosquito spray? A mass delusion? Or a foreign attack? After their conversation, you can ask Nicky, Marc and Mark for their insight into other aspects of the mystery they have come to know and understand so well. Reception to follow.
More about the podcast and event here.
Thursday, 23 February 2023, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest: Dexter Ingram – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Dexter Ingram, Senior Advisor, US Department of State. Ingram is a counterterrorism and counter weapons of mass destruction strategist with over 25 years of experience. He has served as an Advisor to the Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS; Senior Counterterrorism Advisor to INTERPOL in Lyon, France; Senior Political Advisor in Helmand, Afghanistan; Deputy Director of the State Department's Preventing WMD Terrorism team; and as a senior liaison to the FBI and DHS. Ingram led many US interagency delegations to Asia and Africa focusing on nuclear proliferation deterrence. In 2010, Ingram became the first US recipient of the International Counterterrorism Fellowship at National Defense University. He has focused extensively on how information-sharing through law enforcement channels ensure Americans' safety. Ingram began his career as a Naval Flight Officer, fueling his dedication to public service. Ingram serves on the Spy Museum's Advisory Board, and he is actively involved in educational initiatives that empower underserved public schools. This program is generously supported by Spy Museum Board Member Katherine Wood. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. More about event here.
Thursday, 23 February 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register below. More about event here.
Monday, 27 February 2023, 6:30-9:00pm – Washington, DC – Lock Picking 101 – In Person International Spy Museum Program Located at Tolson at The Mayflower Hotel (1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20036)
We may be using fingerprints to open our phones these days, but before biometrics, spies had only one way into a secure treasure house of information: lock picking. Surreptitious entry gets an operative in and out, no questions asked. In this workshop, led by District Locksport, you'll find out how locks work and how to pick them, you'll try your hand at getting out of zip-ties and handcuffs, and you'll also discover the truth about field expedient lock picking tools – in other words, just how handy a bobby pin can be. Participants will work in small groups getting hands-on practice with lock picking experts, and once you've gained some skill, you'll compete against other pickers on timed challenges to open locked cases. The workshop will be held at Tolson at The Mayflower Hotel, a hotel that was the scene of many famous spy stories. The restaurant is named for the FBI's longtime head J. Edgar Hoover who dined at The Mayflower daily and Tolson is a nod to his protégé and lifelong confidant. A "Pick Your Poison" drink menu is featured for us this evening. A few drinks really help your lockpicking skills activate. Food and drink will be available for purchase throughout the event. Tickets: $40; Members: $30. Museum admission is included in your ticket. All attendees must have a ticket. More about event here.
Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. More about event here.
March 2023
Thursday, 02 March 2023, 7 pm (CT) - Virtual via Zoom - AFIO San Antonio hosts Zbigniew Wojcik, author of "Slaying the Soviet Beast" on Communist Chinese Party infiltration of western technical, educational, and research organizations.
Dr. Wojcik is a Polish scholar who was able to get to the U.S. as a visiting professor. He was not able to bring his family to the United States while the communist were in power, but now has his family with him. Wojcik gave the CIA important information about the communist government's weakness. That story is outlined in his book "Slaying the Soviet Beast." He has first hand experience with Chinese Communists infiltration of US educational organizations. We will forward meeting links several days prior to the actual meeting. Questions to John Franklin, Chapter President, at satxafio@gmail.com.
Thursday, 2 March 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest: Alan E. Kohler, Jr. – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Attend this online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Alan E. Kohler, Jr., FBI Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division. Kohler was named assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division in April 2020. Kohler had most recently served as the special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office's Counterintelligence Division. He joined the FBI as a special agent in 1996 and worked counterintelligence matters at the Washington Field Office. He also served on the Evidence Response Team and took part in the FBI's response to the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. In 2003, he transferred to the Counterintelligence Division to manage Russian counterintelligence investigations and was promoted to unit chief in 2004. In 2006, Kohler transferred to the New York Field Office to supervise a counterintelligence squad and then later a squad working cyber national security and criminal matters. He served as an assistant legal attaché in London beginning in 2012, acting as the FBI's liaison with British intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Kohler moved to the Norfolk Field Office in Virginia in 2016 as the assistant special agent in charge of the counterintelligence, counterterrorism, intelligence, and crisis management programs. He returned to FBI Headquarters in 2017 as the chief of the Eurasian Section, which manages the Bureau's operations countering Russian intelligence threats. In 2018, he was promoted to deputy assistant director in the Counterintelligence Division and managed multiple portfolios. He was promoted to the special agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division at the Washington Field Office in 2019. He is a recipient of the Attorney General's Award for Exceptional Service, the FBI Director's Award for Outstanding Counterintelligence Investigation, and the Exceptional Achievement Medal from the Director of National Intelligence. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 3 March 2023, 5:00-8:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY Community Night: Ward 006 – In Person International Spy Museum Program
The International Spy Museum is lifting our veil of secrecy exclusively for our neighbors in DC's Ward 6. This is a chance to explore the Museum's exhibits, meet former spies, and test your spy skills through tradecraft demonstrations. Community organizations will also be briefing you on some of their latest activities—this is intel you can use whether you are a spy or just want to understand your zone of operations better! Ward 6 operatives of all ages are invited to attend! This event is ONLY for Ward 6 residents. Click here to see if you live in Ward 6. Guests 17 and under MUST be with an adult (18+) at all times. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023, noon – Washington, DC – The Double Life of Katharine Clark – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
She was the first female accredited correspondent during World War II. After secret meetings with its author, she smuggled The New Class, an anti-Communist manifesto out of Yugoslavia, where it went on to sell more than three million copies and be translated into more than 60 languages. Isn't it time you knew her story? Katharine Clark was the first female military accredited correspondent during World War II. Staying on as a foreign correspondent behind the Iron Curtain after the War, she risked her life to expose the truth about the realities of Communism to the world. Join author Katharine Gregorio to discover a trailblazer and an intense and too little-known Cold War story. Gregorio dug into the real life of her great aunt to write The Double Life of Katharine Clark: The Untold Story of the Fearless Journalist Who Risked Her Life for Truth and Justice. Support for this program has been provided by a generous grant from the Pritzker Military Foundation, on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 15 March 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Intro to MASINT with Peter Humphrey – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Birds do it, bees do it -- even educated slugs do it! But you can't do it…that is smell certain chemicals, feel an earthquake before it hits, or sense changes in the atmosphere. That's why spy agencies have invented super sensors to collect invisible intelligence -- chemical traces, nuclear particles, vibrations, and wave-lengths – that can be used to identify and track targets. Join us for an introduction to the too little-known field of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) from Peter Humphrey. Humphrey is an all-source analyst: a researcher and writer with some 50 publications in the fields of intelligence, international affairs, and geophysics. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 16 March 2023 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dave Humpert, discussing "1983 The Year of Maximum Danger"
TITLE: 1983 The Year of Maximum Danger
ABSTRACT: "During my first years in Washington, I think many of us in the administration took it for granted that the Russians, like ourselves, considered it unthinkable that the United States would launch a first strike against them. But the more experience I had with the Soviet leaders and other heads of state who knew them, the more I began to realize that many Soviet officials feared us not only as adversaries but as potential aggressors who might hurl nuclear weapons at them in a first strike." President Ronald Reagan
"The American intelligence misconception was not to fully realize the nature of Soviet fears and the implication of those fears….Understanding other people's misconceptions is a long-standing problem in intelligence analysis."
BIO: During his varied career as a USAF Soviet/Russian military and political specialist, Dave relied on his knowledge of Russian political and military history and its culture with two degrees in Russian Area Studies. His Russian language ability was invaluable as an interpreter, translator, and source-language analyst in a variety of challenging assignments for the USAF and the operational intelligence community. In 2002, Dave retired from the USAF and began a career in DIA as the Senior Analyst for Political-Military Strategic (Russia) issues with the J2 Directorate, NORAD/USNORTHCOM. He performed additional intelligence duties for CIA, NSA and Department of State until his final retirement in 2016.
For more information, contact Steve Pease steve13507@gmail.com
Saturday, 18 March 2023, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Meeting features David Greenham discussing "WWII German POW Camps in Maine."
The meeting will feature speaker David Greenham, who is the executive director of the Maine Arts Commission and lecturer at the Drama Theater at the University of Maine in Augusta.
Greenham is the founder of Maine History Theater of Ideas and has been commissioned to create multiple touring programs for the Maine Humanities Council. He will talk about "POW camps here in Maine" from his connection with the German POW project that was created in 2012 through the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine.
Between 1944 and 1946, more than 4,000 German prisoners of war called Maine home. The story of how they arrived, and the lasting impact that they had on the people who encountered them is one of Maine's most interesting and obscure stories. It is a story of cooperation, kindness, and enemies who found a way to work for a common good, and even became friends.
A Q&A will follow the presentation. All are welcome to attend. No registration required...just show up.
Location: Kennebunk High School's Economos Lecture Hall, at 89 Fletcher St., Kennebunk, ME.
Saturday, 18 March 2023, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – Book Signing Event with Jonna Mendez – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
From the spymaster and inspiration for the movie Argo, discover the "real-life spy thriller" of the brilliant but under-supported CIA operatives who developed breakthrough spy tactics that helped turn the tide of the Cold War. Antonio Mendez and his future wife Jonna were CIA operatives working to spy on Moscow in the late 1970s, at one of the most dangerous moments in the Cold War. Soviets kept files on all foreigners, studied their patterns, and tapped their phones. Intelligence work was effectively impossible. The Soviet threat loomed larger than ever. The Moscow Rules tells the story of the intelligence breakthroughs that turned the odds in America's favor. Jonna Mendez is a former Chief of Disguise with over twenty-five years of experience as a CIA officer working in Moscow and other sensitive areas. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
19 - 28 March 2023 - Washington DC to Europe and back - Gary Powers' 10-Day Cold War Espionage Tour
Join author and historian Gary Powers Jr. on this unforgettable 10-day tour of Cold War and Espionage related sites throughout Germany and the Czech Republic
Day 1: Departure from the USA; Day 2: Arrival Berlin; Day 3: Berlin - Potsdam - Berlin; Day 4: Berlin; Day 5: Berlin – Leipzig – Dresden; Day 6: Dresden – Prague – Pilsen; Day 7: Pilsen – Míšov – Pilsen; Day 8: Pilsen – Rozvadov – Nuremberg – Stuttgart; Day 9: Stuttgart – Sinsheim – Speyer – Frankfurt; Day 10: Departure for the USA.
Included Visits: Berlin Wall Memorial • Checkpoint Charlie Museum • German Spy Museum • Military History Museum Gatow • Glienicke Bridge • Hohenschönhausen Memorial • Berlin Stasi Museum • Allied Museum on Clay Allee • Museum in Der Runde Ecke • Leipzig Forum of Contemporary History Museum • Dresden's Military History Museum • Bautzner Strasse Dresden Memorial • KGB Museum • Prague Museum of Communism • Vitkov Hill Nuclear Bunker • Pilsner Urquell Brewery • Atom Museum • Iron Curtain Museum • Nuremberg Trials Memorial • Stuttgart Cold War Bunker • Sinsheim Technik Museum • Speyer Museum of Technology.
Tour Name: Gary Powers' Cold War Espionage Tour - view tour; Group Name: Garypowers.Com Tours; Departure City: Washington, DC; Tour Departure Date: March 19, 2023; Tour Return Date: March 28, 2023.
Tour Price: $3,950.00 (deduct $950 for land only tour) per person, assumes 2-person registration.
For full description of the activities and accommodations on each of those dates and locations, explore full information about the tour here or Call 1.800.323.4466.
To enroll now for this 2023 once in a lifetime tour, do so here.
ALSO See: "Enemy Territory: The Story of American CIA U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers" - A Graphic Novel by Francis Gary Powers Jr. and Walter Pfenninger.
Friday, 24 March 2023, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Sidney Reilly: Master Spy with Benny Morris – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with historian Benny Morris, author of Sidney Reilly: Master Spy, about one of the most colorful and best-known spies of the twentieth century. Emerging from humble beginnings in southern Russia, Reilly was an inventive, multilingual businessman and conman who became a virtuoso of espionage. He spent World War I in the United States, brokering major arms deals for tsarist Russia, and then joined the ranks of MI6, Britain's foreign intelligence service. He tried to overthrow the Bolshevik regime in Moscow before eventually being lured back to Russia and executed. The Spy Museum is proud to exhibit the only object in existence that illustrates the connection between Reilly and R.H. Bruce Lockhart, co-conspirator of the plot. Join the historians as they sift through the reality and the myth of Reilly's life to paint a fascinating portrait of one of the most intriguing figures from the golden age of spies. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
Monday, 27 March 2023, 4:30 - 6:00 PM EST - In-Person Washington DC - Discussion on The Fourth Man with Prof. John J. Quattrocki, Institute of World Politics
Prof. John J. Quattrocki, Former Vice President, CACI's National Intelligence Solutions Group; Former Senior Executive on the National Security Staff, will be discussing "The Fourth Man" controversy raised by retired CIA Case Officer, Bob Baer, who published a book of the same title which has reignited an Intelligence Community bar fight as the IC approaches its 40-year anniversary.
Join the discussion at IWP, as they discuss the case that has been at the core of IWP's curriculum on the Statecraft of Counterintelligence for more than 18 years.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St. NW, Washington D.C. 20036, in the Marlatt Mansion, Commodore Barry Room.
Register here.
No cost to attend but registration required.
Monday, 27 March 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Red London with Alma Katsu – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Alma Katsu is the award-winning author of seven novels; Red London, her latest is a follow-up to the successful Red Widow where she unveiled Lyndsey Duncan, a CIA intelligence officer nicknamed "the human lie detector." Katsu knows what she is writing about. She had a thirty-five-year career as a senior intelligence analyst for several US agencies, including the CIA and NSA, where she advised policymakers and military commanders on issues of national security. Her newest book is a nuanced, race-against-the-clock story that invokes today's headlines. International Spy Museum Director of Adult Education Amanda Ohlke and Katsu will discuss how Lyndsey reflects the reality of women working in intelligence and how the thriller's plot reflects both current affairs and famous notes from the past—like well-placed moles at the CIA. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register below. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 9 am - 5 pm - Boston, MA - In-Person Conference at Boston University's Pardee School of Global Studies on "How Wars End"
AFIO Members are invited to attend this event. Of special interest to members are two panels: PANEL III: How intelligence Supports Diplomats in Ending Wars with Moderator: Joseph Wippl (BU Pardee School), Erik Goldstein (BU Pardee School), Amb. Thomas Simons Jr. (Former U.S. Ambassador to Poland and Pakistan) and PANEL IV: How the Afghanistan War Ended with Moderator: John Woodward (BU Pardee School), Thomas Barfield (BU Department of Anthropology).
More here about conference, other panels, and to register...
Thursday, 30 March 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register below. Explore or Register here: www.spymuseum.org
April 2023
Wednesday, 5 April 2023, noon – Washington, DC – The Dirty Tricks Department with John Lisle – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Glowing foxes. Guns disguised as pens. Exploding fishing boats. All these ingenious ideas were courtesy of the Dirty Tricks Department in World War II. But who was behind this particular branch of wartime business? And where has government backing of covert ingenuity taken us? Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with historian Dr. John Lisle, author of The Dirty Tricks Department: Stanley Lovell, the OSS, and the Masterminds of World War II Secret Warfare. They'll explore the creation of the OSS Research and Development Branch—aka the Dirty Tricks Department—and the brilliant eccentric scientists who ran it. Stanley Lovell was the head of the secret group who developed cunning and creative gadgets, ploys, and props for the CIA's precursor. Their mission was to help bring down the enemy by any means necessary, and the R&D branch stepped up with disguises and manipulated documents for spies in the field, research into biological and chemical weapons, and experiments with truth drugs. Lisle has delved into the moral implications of the division's work as well, and he'll share the reverberations he perceives today from the darker aspects of secret government experimentation that began during World War II. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore program or Register here.
Saturday, 8 April 2023, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing Event: Code Name Blue Wren – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
Join us in the Spy Museum Store for a special book signing event for Code Name Blue Wren: The True Story of America's Most Dangerous Female Spy―and the Sister She Betrayed with author Jim Popkin. The incredible true story of Ana Montes, the most damaging female spy in US history, drawing upon never-before-seen material and to be published upon her release from prison, for readers of Agent Sonya and A Woman of No Importance. Jim Popkin is a journalist and writer whose work has appeared in Washington Post Magazine, WIRED, Newsweek, Slate, The Guardian, Washingtonian and on National Public Radio, and he was a senior investigative producer at NBC News as well as an on-air correspondent, and his stories have appeared on NBC's Today, NBC Nightly News, MSNBC and CNBC. Explore program or Register here.
Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 1130 PT - In Person - San Francisco - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Richard E. Hanson on "CIA Operations in Viet Nam"
No-host cocktail starts at 11:30 a.m. Event starts at noon.
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco, CA.
Questions? Contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com.
Students: please e-mail your school ID to get sponsored.
Thursday, 13 April 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest: LTG (R) John F. Mulholland, Jr. – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by LTG (R) John F. Mulholland, Jr., former Associate Director of Military Affairs for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As CIA's Associate Director of Military Affairs, Mulholland served as the senior military advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence. The career Special Forces officer joined the First Special Forces Regiment in 1983 and led Army and joint special operations units from the time he was a captain until attaining the rank of lieutenant general. He served as Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command; as the Commanding General, Army Special Operations Command; and as the fifteenth Deputy Commander, US Special Operations Command. Mulholland led two notable joint special operations "Task Force Dagger" campaigns. He was commander of Joint Special Operations Task Force-North during the opening days of Operation Enduring Freedom immediately following 9/11 and commander of Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-West during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Mulholland's overseas assignments included two tours in the former Panama Canal Zone, command of the 1st Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (ABN), Okinawa, Japan, and as the Chief, Office of Military Cooperation, Kuwait. Among many honors, he has been awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, and the Bronze Star Medal. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore program or Register here.
Saturday, 15 April 2023, 2 pm ET - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts John Doughty on Space - The Race for the Final Frontier
Today, a new arms race is brewing in orbit. Access to space has become much more affordable as launch and equipment costs have declined sharply. Increasingly, space is becoming more militarized as several nations have developed, tested, and deployed various counterspace systems. Given the importance of space to the U.S. economy and national security, the Pentagon has bolstered spending directed toward space-based systems. Indeed, space is becoming more congested, competitive, and contested. We will discuss the commercial and security aspects of the new space race as well as some of the major space exploration programs.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation. No reservations are required.
Wednesday, 19 April 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Advance Screening: Citadel Episodes 1 & 2 – In Person International Spy Museum Program
Tonight for your eyes only, an advance screening of Citadel, the upcoming Amazon Prime Video spy-thriller series which premieres on April 28. Citadel will be available in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide but only at SPY on April 19. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. First let's get you up to speed: Eight years ago, Citadel fell. The independent global spy agency—tasked to uphold the safety and security of all people—was destroyed by operatives of Manticore, a powerful syndicate manipulating the world from the shadows. With Citadel's fall, elite agents Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) had their memories wiped as they narrowly escaped with their lives. They've remained hidden ever since, building new lives under new identities, unaware of their pasts. Until one night, when Mason is tracked down by his former Citadel colleague, Bernard Orlick (Stanley Tucci), who desperately needs his help to prevent Manticore from establishing a new world order. Mason seeks out his former partner, Nadia, and the two spies embark on a mission that takes them around the world in an effort to stop Manticore, all while contending with a relationship built on secrets, lies, and a dangerous-yet-undying love. Join us for the screening and a reception to follow. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore program or Register here.
Thursday, 20 April 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Codename HEXAGON: Inside the Secret Satellite Program with Phil Pressel – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
Imagine a vehicle orbiting the earth taking photographs. Now imagine two film reels, each holding 30 miles of film. Now imagine the exposed film being dropped in a container from 100 miles above the earth. Imagine a skilled pilot catching the container in mid-air with a net pulling it into a plane and returning it to earth for skilled analysis. Now imagine this happening over and over again. That's the core of the HEXAGON satellite program. Join us today in person, to hear about the US's last film-based intelligence spy satellite program directly from Phil Pressel. Pressel was the project engineer in charge of the design of the formerly top-secret Hexagon KH-9 spy satellite's stereo cameras. The Hexagon satellite was an invaluable asset providing photographic intelligence information during the Cold War. Pressel's presentation will show photographs that the system took of some Russian military assets and of some cities. Hexagon was responsible for President Nixon signing the SALT treaty and allowing President Reagan to say, "trust but verify." It was also one of America's best and most successful spy satellites. Pressel's book Meeting the Challenge, the Hexagon KH-9 Reconnaissance Satellite was published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) in 2013. The program was declassified in 2011 by the RO/CIA in 2011, which is why Pressel can talk about it. After his talk, guests will have a chance to see the Museum's own HEXAGON Take-Up Reel. Program is free of charge and does not require advanced registration. Explore program or Register here.
Friday, 21 April 2023, 10:30 am - 2 pm EST - In-Person Tysons, VA - AFIO National Spring Luncheon
Presentations by LTG Michael Groen (USMC, Ret), former Commander of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, discussing AI. His presentation begins at 11:00 a.m.
And journalist Jim Popkin discussing Cuban Spy Ana Montes featured in his book, "Code Name Blue Wren: The True Story of America's Most Dangerous Female Spy―and the Sister She Betrayed." His talk starts at 1:00 p.m.
Lunch served noon-1:00 p.m. Event ends 2:00 p.m.
Registration has closed.
NO registrations or walk-ins at hotel. Check-in and badge pickup for Registered Attendees starts at 10:30 a.m.
Luncheon prices are $55 for Members; $70 for nonmember guests and all Subscribers.
Though we do not provide special overnight room rates, if you wish to make room reservations at the hotel, do so here.
Cancellation Schedule: AFIO must guarantee XX meals to the hotel; therefore, regrets it must charge a cancellation fee. 100% refund until close of registration. No refunds or cancellations after close of registration. You will receive a donation receipt for fees forfeited. A donor statement will be sent showing that you made a "gift to AFIO" in such instances. Gifts to AFIO are tax-deductible.
All attendees must be members of AFIO or accompanied by a member of AFIO. To learn more about becoming a member, visit: www.afio.com. If you have any questions regarding membership, contact our office at 703-790-0320 or email us at afio@afio.com
Questions regarding event? Email events@afio.com
Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Explore program or Register here.
Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 6 - 7pm EST - Virtual via ZOOM - AFIO Atlanta Chapter Webinar features Sound Off CEO and former CIA Officer Will Negley on Mental Health Resources for Military Veterans
Please join the Atlanta Chapter to hear from former CIA Officer William Negley, founder/CEO of Sound Off, a non-profit mental health support network for U.S. military veterans.
Sound Off is the first mental health resource for veterans and service members that allows anonymity and repeat contact with clinicians or peers, from a smartphone. 47% of post-9/11 veterans who likely suffer from depression or PTSD do not seek assistance, mostly for fear of stigmatization or compromising their careers.
Negley will discuss his nonprofit's mission and his time serving the IC where he served for seven years in the DO in CT and foreign intelligence collection in Afghanistan and South Asia. Will also served as a U.S. Senate aide covering national security issues.
TIME: Webinar begins promptly at 6:00pm EST, and concludes at 7:00pm.
RSVP to membership@afioatlanta.com. Direct all questions to Chapter President Brian Hooper at that email.
Please review the disclaimer and media release here, which you must read before entering the event/Zoom call.
Zoom Link
Dial-in Options: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC); +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston); +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
One Tap Mobile: +13052241968,,95112541535#,,,,*721240# US
Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 7:00pm – Washington, DC – Tokyo Rose: Zero Hour with Andre Frattino, Kate Kasenow, and Janice Chiang – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Tokyo Rose, the seductress of the airwaves, charming and demoralizing the Allies with every broadcast. Her sultry tones were the ultimate WWII propaganda weapon, but who was she really? Iva Toguri was visiting Japan from her home in the United States when Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941. Trapped in Japan, she was pressed to renounce her American Citizenship, but she refused. As war raged across the Pacific, Toguri took a job with Radio Tokyo — where she was forced to host "Zero Hour," a propaganda show aimed at demoralizing American troops. Tokyo Rose - Zero Hour: A Japanese American Woman's Persecution and Ultimate Redemption after World War II is a riveting graphic novel that tells the true story of this much maligned woman. Join us for a conversation with the author Andre Frattino, the illustrator Kate Kasenow, and the letterer Janice Chiang. They will discuss the care they took with telling this story in a meaningful and respectful way, and how important it was to have Chiang involved whose career has spanned 40 years including work with comic book greats like Stan Lee. From the intricacies of propaganda created by coercion to how Toguri became a scapegoat, this is your chance to discover this haunting story in a whole new way. Support for this program has been provided by a generous grant from the Pritzker Military Foundation, on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Explore program or Register here.
Thursday, 27 April 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Explore program or Register here.
May 2023
Thursday, 4 May 2023, 07:00pm CDT - Virtual via Zoom - The AFIO San Antonio Chapter (SATX) hosts virtual webinar on series of thought provoking short programs and the opportunity to share your insights
SATX AFIO hosts a virtual webinar on 4 May 2023 starting at 7 pm on a series of thought provoking short programs and the opportunity to share your insights.
General Philip Breedlove, USAF Retired, former SHAPE/NATO Commander, discusses Russia, Ukraine, NATO countries, and what is going well and not so well.
Break the Fake, Polish television program to counter fake information distributed by bad actors for malicious purposes.
Private Military Forces, an overview of the top TEN private military companies. Blackwater and The Wagner Group, are not the only private militaries. There are lots of them. The second largest employer in the world is a private military company! Learn more about hiring your own military force.
Use the link below to join us at 7pm Central Time on 4 May 2023 Join Zoom Meeting
To receive the meeting ID and Passcode, email Chapter President John Franklin at satxafio@gmail.com or call him 210 863-0430
Tuesday, May 2, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Women Spies of WWII with Ellen McCarthy, Judith L. Pearson, and Erika Robuck – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
Two speakers who have written about the dramatic lives of women spies in World War II will join for a conversation moderated by a woman who has had her own extraordinary career in the intelligence community in the 21st century. Ellen McCarthy, who has formerly been both Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and Chief Operating Officer of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, will interview Judith L. Pearson and Erika Robuck to explore the common threads and research required to make women spies on the page come to life. Pearson is the author of The Wolves at the Door: The True Story of America's Greatest Female Spy. This 2006 biography of Virginia Hall traces the life of the intrepid spy who was the UK SOE's go-to agent in World War II France before she had to flee for her life with Klaus Barbie, "the Butcher of Lyon," hot on her trail. On her second trip to Nazi-occupied France, on an OSS mission disguised as a simple farmer, she radioed vital info to London and ran a Resistance circuit that helped pave the way for the Allied invasion. Erika Robuck is a best-selling author whose works of biographical fiction The Invisible Woman and Sisters of Night and Fog are based on the true stories of Hall, Violette Szabo, and Virginia d'Albert-Lake. Szabo was a renowned SOE agent who operated in occupied France, d'Albert-Lake sheltered Allied pilots as they escaped France, both were imprisoned for their actions. The speakers tonight will share their passion for bringing the bravery of these women's exploits to light and what it might take to get Hall the Medal of Honor. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 5:30 pm - New York City - AFIO NY Metro Chapter hears from Mitzi Perdue with update on Russia-Ukraine War
The Reactivated AFIO NY Metro Chapter Speaker/Topic: Mitzi Perdue. "Behind the Scenes in Ukraine."
Mitzi Perdue, renown author, anti trafficking and human rights activist, has visited Ukraine twice, most recently as guest of the Kyiv Region Police Chief. She has seen first hand evidence of Russian atrocities, booby traps and maiming trickery. Join us for a first hand look at what Ukraine's officials and people are up against and the imagination and perseverance they are bringing to the task.
Registration at 5:30. Meeting begins at 6. Cost: $45. Cash or check payable at the door to "David Hunt." Open bar, hors d'oeuvres.
Location: Racquet and Tennis Club (R&T), 370 Park Ave, NYC 10022 - located between E 52nd - 53rd Streets. Map for directions.
To attend, register: PLEASE ADVISE by 1 May if you are attending. Preferably to: afionyc@gmail.com, or call chapter President David Hunt at 301-520-1417.
Wednesday, May 10, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – The Kneeling Man with author Leta McCollough Seletzky – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
In the famous photograph of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the balcony of Memphis's Lorraine Motel, one man kneeled down beside King, trying to staunch the blood from his fatal head wound with a borrowed towel. This kneeling man was a member of the Invaders, an activist group that was in talks with King in the days leading up to the murder. But he also had another identity: an undercover Memphis police officer reporting on the activities of this group, which was thought to be possibly dangerous and potentially violent. Leta McCollough Seletzky is the kneeling man's daughter. Her book, The Kneeling Man: My Father's Life as a Black Spy Who Witnessed the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., powerfully shares her quest to learn the truth about her father, Marrell McCollough. Join SPY's Amanda Ohlke for a conversation with her and how she grappled with her father's secret history — how he, a Black man, came to be working secretly with the white power structure as a spy — which she felt was in direct opposition to her understanding of what it meant to be Black in America, and of everything she eventually devoted her life and career to. Seletzsky will discuss how she set out to learn what she could about his life, his actions and motivations, and how this has affected her. From his time as a policeman to his career at the CIA, her father's story is a unique and heart wrenching story of an undercover life. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 6:30 - 8:30 pm EST - Dunwoody, GA - AFIO Atlanta Chapter hosts Pop-by Chapter Social at the Iron Hill Brewery
Please join chapter members and bring non-members for this Pop-Up Social.
For a change in location, we will be going to the Iron Hill Brewery located in Perimeter / Dunwoody at 1224 Hammond Dr, Dunwoody, GA 30346
Feel free to suggest new venues or parts of town for the next social to us at membership@afioatlanta.
Non-members welcome!
Dress Code - Business casual or casual are fine.
RSVP via email to membership@afioatlanta.com by May 8 at 4:00pm.
Saturday, 13 May 2023, 11:30am EDT - Melbourne (Indialantic), FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Scott Tilley PhD, discussing "ChatGPT and Disinformation."
The Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Dr. Scott Tilley. His presentation is "ChatGPT and Disinformation." The event starts at 11:30 AM at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Melbourne Beach Oceanfront, 1665 N. State Route A1A, Melbourne (Indialantic), FL. The sit-down lunch cost is $35.00 per person.
For more information or to register, contact Chapter President Larry Sanford here.
Thursday, 18 May 2023 11:30 AM – Colorado Springs – The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Paul Bolt PhD discussing "Chinese-Russian Relations: Mutual and Conflicting Interests"
ABSTRACT: The presentation will address the complexity of the Sino-Russian relationship, focusing on historical foundations, energy, security, and the war in Ukraine. While outwardly relations between China and Russia look good, there are tensions beneath the surface.
BIO: Dr. Paul Bolt is Professor of Political Science at the United States Air Force Academy, where he has taught since 1997. Prior to coming to USAFA, Dr. Bolt taught English at Zhejiang University and Baicheng Normal College in the People's Republic of China. He also taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a visiting assistant professor. In 2009-2010 he served as a Fulbright scholar at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Dr. Bolt's most recent book is a co-edited volume on Chinese nuclear weapons and doctrine entitled China's Strategic Arsenal: Worldview, Doctrine, and Systems, published by Georgetown University Press in 2021. He is co-author, with Sharyl Cross, of China, Russia, and Twenty-First Century Global Geopolitics (Oxford, 2018), and author of China and Southeast Asia's Ethnic Chinese: State and Diaspora in Contemporary Asia (Praeger Publishers, 2000). He has also published on Asia and security issues in a variety of journals and book chapters.
For precise event location, other information, or to register, contact Steve Pease steve13507@gmail.com
Saturday, 20 May 2023, 2 pm ET - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts David Hunt, Veteran CIA Operations Officer, discussing "USA/China/Taiwan"
CIA operations veteran David P. Hunt will discuss "USA/China/Taiwan: The Deeper/Regrettable Reality" at this public AFIO meeting. David Hunt served 32 years in the CIA, including tours in Italy, Vietnam, Somalia, Norway, France, and New York City. He served twice as Deputy Chief of Station (Norway and France) and twice as Chief of Station (Somalia and New York City). A Colby College graduate, he is an expert in Soviet operations, European affairs, and counterintelligence. Hunt holds the Donovan Award for Excellence, as well as the CIA's Distinguished Intelligence Medal, its highest award. Mr. Hunt will focus on recent administrations in Washington that have neglected China's stealthy approach to the US, stealing our tech, neutralizing legitimate concerns about Chinese (CCP) objectives by wooing if not compromising senior political leaders in the US, Confucius Centers and other similar institutes, sister cities programs, Chinese grants to the universities; lobbyists; all have softened attitudes towards China. Taiwan's military assistance has been slow walked. In the meantime, in China, slave labor, extreme violation of human rights, organ removals from prisoners, continues unabated, etc. Also to be discussed is John Lenczowski's article in the fall 2022 issue of the Intelligencer, "Conquest without War". Jackie Hunt, David Hunt's wife, native-born and raised in Taiwan, will present Taiwan's attitudes towards China, the importance of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, and other relatively unknown factors in this volatile mix. Location: The Economos Lecture Hall, Kennebunk High School, 89 Fletcher St, Kennebunk, ME This is the latest in a series of discussions relating to the importance of intelligence in current public affairs. The AFIO meeting is open to the public, and begins at 2 p.m. in the Economos Lecture Hall at Kennebunk High School, 89 Fletcher Street. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation.
No registration required. Questions? Contact Chapter President Michael Severance at 207/967-4298.
Saturday, May 20, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing Event: The Kneeling Man – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
Join us in the Spy Museum Store for a special book signing event for The Kneeling Man: My Fathers Life as a Black Spy Who Witnessed the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. with author Leta McCollough Seletzky. Leta McCollough Seletzky is a National Endowment for the Arts 2022 Creative Writing Fellow. The Kneeling Man: My Fathers Life as a Black Spy Who Witnessed the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. is the intimate and heartbreaking story of a Black undercover police officer who famously kneeled by the assassinated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr—and a daughter's quest for the truth about her father. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, May 23, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, May 25, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest: Dr. Joshua A. Geltzer – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Dr. Joshua A. Geltzer, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Homeland Security Advisor for the White House National Security Council. Previously, Geltzer served as Special Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Homeland Security Advisor on Countering Domestic Violent Extremism, and in that role, he oversaw the development of the US Government's first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. Before returning to government service, Geltzer was the founding Executive Director and Visiting Professor of Law at Georgetown Law's Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection. Additionally, he was an International Security Program Fellow at New America and an Executive Editor at Just Security. From 2015 to 2017, he served as the Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council, having served previously as Deputy Legal Advisor to the National Security Council and as Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the US Department of Justice. Previous to those roles, he served as a law clerk to Justice Stephen Breyer of the US Supreme Court. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, May 25, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, May 31, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Lost Son with Brett Forrest – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
When a young American named Billy Reilly vanished into Russia's war with Ukraine, his parents embarked on a desperate search for answers. Was their son's disappearance connected to his mysterious work for the FBI, or was it a personal quest gone wrong? Wall Street Journal reporter Brett Forrest embarked on his own investigation revealing a secretive FBI intelligence program, a young man's lust for adventure within the world's conflicts, and the costs of a rising clash between Moscow and Washington. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with Forrest about his new book Lost Son: An American Family Trapped Inside the FBI's Secret Wars. They'll discuss how Forrest applied years' worth of research, along with decades of extensive experience in Russia, illuminating the inner workings of the national-security machine that enmeshed Billy and his family, picking up the lost son's trail. It's a trail that brings Billy to the center of the story — a young man who yearns to matter, whose dream led him headlong into Russia's war with Ukraine. Program is free of charge and does not require advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
June 2023
Thursday, 8 June 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – An Interview with Kim, Hyun Woo, Former DPRK Agent – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the US-Republic of Korea (ROK) alliance. To commemorate this partnership formed for the greater good, join us for an unprecedented discussion with a former North Korean agent. International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond will interview Kim, Hyun Woo about his extraordinary journey from North Korean agent to Senior fellow of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in the ROK. Kim worked for the National Security Agency, DPRK—North Korea's Counterintelligence Agency—from 1998 to 2014. How did he break away from the country of his birth and become a resource for the INSS where he has worked since 2015? This organization has for more than 40 years been dedicated to intensive studies on unification, international relations, and security issues in order to ensure Korean national security. The INSS has more recently expanded its focus and scope of research to the field of global terrorism and cyber security while strengthening the existing research capability on traditional security issues. What insight does Kim's time in the DPRK bring to this mission? What does he imagine the future holds for the DPRK and its relationship to the rest of the world? Kim's unique viewpoint will inform this timely and wide-ranging conversation exploring the truth about North Korean capabilities and intentions. This program is in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 10 June 2023, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing Event: Red London with author Alma Katsu – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
Join us in the Spy Museum Store for a special book signing event for Red London with author Alma Katsu. Alma Katsu is the award-winning author of seven novels, most recently Red London, Red Widow, The Deep, and The Hunger. Prior to the publication of her first novel, she had a thirty-five-year career as a senior intelligence analyst for several US agencies, including the CIA and NSA, as well as RAND, the global policy think tank. Katsu is a graduate of the masters writing program at Johns Hopkins University and received her bachelor's degree from Brandeis University. With Red London, Katsu continues to expertly layer the details and drama of some of the most elusive agencies in the nation into her story, while also capturing the complexities of the women at the center of the action. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 15 June 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest Rebecca Ulam Weiner – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Rebecca Ulam Weiner, Assistant Commissioner for Intelligence & Counterterrorism at the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Weiner oversees investigative, analytical, operational, and engagement efforts across the domains of counterterrorism, counterintelligence, criminal intelligence, violence mitigation, infrastructure and event protection, cyber threat intelligence, and geopolitical risk for the NYPD. She develops policy and strategic priorities for the Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau and publicly represents the NYPD in matters involving counterterrorism and intelligence. Prior to assuming leadership responsibilities over the Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau, Weiner oversaw the NYPD's counterterrorism operations and analysis section, developing an internationally recognized intelligence and threat analysis program. She also served as the first representative of local law enforcement on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's National Intelligence Council, where she focused on transnational crime and terrorism. Weiner previously served as Legal Counsel to the Intelligence Bureau's Intelligence Analysis Unit and as Team Leader for the Middle East & North Africa, overseeing intelligence collection and analysis related to threats associated with those regions. She is a lawyer, who has also been a biotechnology policy consultant at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and a Science & Technology Research Associate at the Council on Foreign Relations. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia's School for International and Public Affairs and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 16 June 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Code Name Madeleine with author Arthur J. Magida – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Eighty years ago today — June 16, 1943 — Noor Inayat Khan was flown to France on a small Lysander plane to take on the dangerous job as a wireless operator for Britain's Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Nazi-controlled France. The daughter of a Sufi mystic from India and of an American mother, Khan became an unlikely World War II heroine. Join us today in person for a talk by Arthur J. Magida, author of the Pulitzer-nominated and film optioned Code Name Madeleine: A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris. Magida will share the rich details he gleaned about this valiant young woman from dozens of interviews and previously unknown manuscripts, documents, and letters. How did a person raised in a lush suburb of 1920s Paris—an introspective musician and writer, dedicated to her family and to her father's spiritual values of harmony, beauty, and tolerance—become a risk-taking radio operator behind enemy lines? Khan did not seem destined for wartime heroism. Yet, faced with the evils of Nazi violence and the German occupation of France, Khan joined the SOE and trained in espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance. For crucial months of the war, Khan was the only person transmitting critical information to London from Paris, significantly aiding the success of the Allies on D-Day. After Magida's presentation, guests are invited to ask questions about this remarkable woman and her inspiring life. Magida will sign books after the program. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Monday, 19 June 2023, 1800 (PDT) - Virtual - AFIO Columbia River Chapter hosts Peter Warmka, on "Confessions of a CIA Spy - The Art of Human Hacking, the topic and title of his recent book.
Warmka is a former Senior Intelligence Officer with the CIA having over 20 years of experience in breaching the security of target organizations overseas. He is an Adjunct Professor at Webster University's Masters in Cybersecurity Program and Founder of Orlando based firm Counterintelligence Institute, LLC. All AFIO members are welcome to tune in. For additional information and for the links and password to join the Zoom Meeting, email Chapter President Carl Wege here or call on 912-222-8640.
Wednesday, 21 June 2023, noon – Washington, DC – Nino and the "Rogue Elephant": The Intelligence Career of Antonin Scalia with James Rosen – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Before he became a federal judge and a consequential justice on the Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia served in the Nixon and Ford administrations. Amid the turmoil of the post-Watergate era, Scalia helped reform the intelligence community, worked to preserve the executive powers of the presidency, and provided legal authorization for covert operations. James Rosen is exploring Scalia's life in a two-volume biography. The first volume, Scalia: Rise to Greatness, 1936-1986, just debuted. Rosen, a veteran reporter and bestselling historian, will reveal Antonin Scalia's Executive Branch experiences with the US intelligence community. Drawing on unparalleled access to new documentary and personal sources, Rosen traces Scalia's ground-breaking work on the reforms of the post-Watergate era, including new Justice Department guidelines for the use of surveillance at sensitive foreign installations; his testimony before the Pike Committee; and his role in the approval of covert operations, including the evacuation of the US Embassy during the fall of Saigon in April 1975. Rosen knew Justice Scalia personally and he will discuss Scalia's life and legacy with wit and firsthand insight — just how fast a driver was the justice in his BMW, anyway? Rosen will let us know in his conversation with Amanda Ohlke, Director of Adult Education at the Spy Museum. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 29 June 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 29 June 2023, 6:30 – Washington, DC – Spy Museum Members Only Event: Virtual Tour of Secrets Revealed: Highlights from the Grant Verstandig Collection – Virtual International Spy Museum Member Program
Private collections usually stay private — especially when they are related to espionage and intelligence. These items from the private collection of Verstandig are on public display together for the first time. Here is your chance to steal a look. Watch this one-of-a-kind event only for Spy Museum members from the comfort of your own home while our Exhibitions Project Manager Lauren vonBechmann, Collections Manager Laura Hicken, and Exhibits Technician Madison Strausser present highlights from the exhibit. Lauren, Laura, and Madison will also provide behind-the-scenes commentary on how the exhibit was created. This event is free of charge and open exclusively to Spy Museum members. You can join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840. If you are a current member and have not received the link to sign up for this event, please email membership@spymuseum.org to register. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
July 2023
Thursday, 6 July 2023, 7pm CT - Virtual - The San Antonio AFIO Chapter hears from LTG Michael Groen, USMC, Ret. on Artificial Intelligence
This San Antonio AFIO Chapter's program will be on Artificial Intelligence. This will be an excellent program that should give you an increased understanding of AI. LTG Michael Groen (USMC, Ret), former Commander of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, will speak about AI in this AFIO NOW program. He is interviewed by AFIO President James Hughes. General Groen and Jim Hughes discuss the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, the meaning, uses, adoption problems, and ethics of AI in the military and beyond. The interview runs 44 minutes and includes several Q&As. On 6 July 2023 at 7 pm Central Time click on this link to join the program.
Questions? Email Chapter President John Franklin at satxafio@gmail.com or call him at 210 863-0430.
Saturday, July 8, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing Event: The Peacock and The Sparrow with author I.S. Berry – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
Join us in the Spy Museum Store for a special book signing event for The Peacock and The Sparrow with author I.S. Berry. During the Arab Spring, an American spy's final mission goes dangerously awry in this eerily realistic and sophisticated espionage debut from a former CIA officer that is perfect for fans of John le Carré, Viet Thanh Nguyen, and Alan Furst. Author I.S. Berry spent six years as an operations officer for the CIA, serving in wartime Baghdad and elsewhere. She has lived and worked throughout Europe and the Middle East, including two years in Bahrain during the Arab Spring. She is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law and Haverford College. Raised in the suburbs of Washington, DC, she lives in Virginia with her husband and son. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, July 20, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Chameleon with Remi Adeleke – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Our recommended SPY beach read this summer comes from former Navy SEAL Remi Adeleke. Hot on the heels of his featured roles in the hit film Plane and FOX's Special Forces: World's Toughest Test, this is his first book in a new thriller series, featuring Nigerian-born and New York-raised Kali Kent and the top-secret Black Box program. Like Kali Kent, Adeleke was born in western Africa. Following his father's death, he relocated permanently to the Bronx with his mother and brother. After years of making regrettable decisions, Adeleke joined the Navy in 2002 and later became a Navy SEAL. He separated from the Navy in 2016, and now he delivers his first action-packed thriller inspired by his own time in the military. Chameleon opens when a mysterious former South African commando, Lucas Van Groot, begins taking wealthy hostages all over the world, it appears at first to be a typical ransom gambit. However, it soon becomes clear that his "Hostage Inc." venture is manipulating worldwide stock markets and threatening global economic collapse. Enter Black Box, the CIA's elite, secret special operations branch—so surreptitious that not even the Director of CIA is fully privy to the unit's activities. International Spy Museum Director of Adult Education Amanda Ohlke and Adeleke will discuss how the author drew on his real-life experiences to create Kent and the Black Box. Listen in on the conversation with your favorite beachy cocktail. Your host will be enjoying something with an umbrella. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Session 1: Monday, July 24 to Friday, July 28 -OR- Session 2: Monday, July 31 to Friday, August 4, 9am-3pm – Washington, DC – Spy Camp 2023 – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
Somewhere deep inside the Museum an elite group of recruits is lurking in the shadows preparing to take on top secret missions. No one really knows who they are, or for that matter, what they're really up to. Now it's your turn to join their ranks. Each day at Spy Camp is filled with top secret briefings and activities that will put spy skills and street smarts to the test. Aspiring KidSpy® recruits will hone their tradecraft, learn from real spies, and hit the streets of DC to run training missions. Develop a disguise for cover, make and break codes, discover escape and evasion techniques, create, and use spy gadgets, uncover the science behind spying—all of this and more awaits young recruits. Price per child (ages 9-12): $595 for regular; $515 for members. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, July 25, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, July 27, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest Ambassador Roger D. Carstens – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Ambassador Roger D. Carstens, who serves as the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs at the US Department of State. Carstens is the former Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the US Department of State, where he oversaw the Bureau's work in Near Eastern Affairs, Western Hemisphere Affairs, and the Office of Security and Human Rights. Previously, he served in Amman, Jordan, as the Country Director for a US-based INGO that provided humanitarian assistance and stability support to Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons. Prior positions include Senior Civilian Advisor on the Commander's Advisory and Assistance Team (CAAT) in Afghanistan; Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security; and Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Carstens is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel who served in Special Forces and the 1st Ranger Battalion. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, July 27, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
August 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, August 31, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
September 2023
7 September 2023 (Thu), 11:30am PDT - Las Vegas, NV - AFIO Las Vegas Chapter hosts Gen Membership Meeting plus speaker Greg Schiffbauer on “DEFCON 1 - The Day the World Almost Died”
The Roger E. McCarthy AFIO Chapter Las Vegas, NV General Meeting.
Event location: Charlie’s Lakeside Restaurant and Lounge, 8603 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Agenda: 11:30 a.m. Enjoy the Charlie’s Lakeside restaurant and bar; no-host lunch 1:00 p.m. Call to Order — Gregg Schiffbauer; Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Tribute — Schiffbauer; Chapter Update — Schiffbauer;
Welcome to the new meeting venue; Chapter status; Membership Treasurer Report; Annual dues; New Business; Upcoming election of officers; Adjournment of Business Meeting and Raffle Drawing.
Speaker – Gregg Schiffbauer Topic: “DEFCON 1 - The Day the World Almost Died”
To attend or if you have Qs, email Chapter Secretary Linda Cohn at lasvegasafo@gmail.com anytime or call her at 702-239-1370. We look forward to seeing you!
7 September 2023 (Thursday), 1900 CT - Virtual - AFIO San Antonio Chapter - "Spies, Moles, and the Failure of Counterintelligence Programs."
The Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan has been involved in over 130 full-length motion pictures but was also a spy...not for the United States. "Spies, Moles, and the Failure of Counterintelligence Programs." This will be an excellent look at the things you didn't know were going on. Because of the sensitivity of some of the topics, the program underwent a security review before release. A link to the Zoom program will be sent several days in advance to all chapter members and registrants. Please mark your calendars. Questions or Registration to Chapter President John Franklin, satxafio@gmail.com or call 210-863-0430.
"BONUS" INFORMATION: Cluster bombs are nasty weapons that can keep killing or wounding for years. Just ask any one-legged Laotian farmer 50 years after a war in which he had not even been born. The weapons have gotten even more sophisticated since the war in Southeast Asia. In the Gulf War statistics indicate several thousand civilians have been killed and 25 US troops who came into fatal contact with the weapons by accident. 80 US civilians were killed by "dud" cluster bombs. They are antipersonnel and area denial weapons. Although Geneva Conventions have tried to restrict the use of cluster munitions the effort has obviously not been successful. The link below is to a short video explaining the basic operation of a Russian cluster weapon. Cluster bombs take many forms in addition to being dropped as bombs, cluster weapons can be used in artillery shells and rockets. See video here.
Thursday, 7 September 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Spy Chat with Chris Costa and Special Guest FBI Director Christopher Wray – HYBRID In-Person and Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join with the SPY MUSEUM for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Christopher A. Wray, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Wray became the eighth Director of the FBI on August 2, 2017. He began his law enforcement career in 1997, serving in the Department of Justice as an assistant US attorney for the Northern District of Georgia. In that role, Wray prosecuted a wide variety of federal criminal cases, including public corruption, gun trafficking, drug offenses, and financial fraud. In 2001, Wray was named associate deputy attorney general, and then principal associate deputy attorney general, in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General in Washington, DC. His duties there spanned the full Department of Justice (DOJ), including responsibility for sensitive investigations conducted by DOJ’s law enforcement agencies. Wray was nominated by President George W. Bush in 2003 to be the assistant attorney general for DOJ’s Criminal Division, supervising major national and international criminal investigations and prosecutions. He also oversaw the Counterterrorism Section and the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, which were part of the Criminal Division throughout his tenure. Wray was a member of the President’s Corporate Fraud Task Force, supervised the Enron Task Force, and served as a leader in DOJ’s post-9/11 efforts to combat terrorism, espionage, and cybercrime with domestic and foreign government partners. In 1993, Wray joined the international law firm of King & Spalding LLP, where he spent a total of almost 17 years practicing law in the area of government investigations and white-collar crime. At the time of his nomination to be FBI Director, Wray was chair of the firm’s Special Matters and Government Investigations Practice Group.
Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration.Visit www.spymuseum.org.
9 September 2023 (Saturday), 1130 EDT - Indialantic, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Capt Paris Michaels PhD on "Türkiye in NATO?"
The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter is hosting Captain Paris Michaels, Ph.D., who will be presenting “Türkiye in NATO?”
The event will commence at 11:30 AM at the Doubletree Hotel, 1665 N. Stateroute A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903
Captain Michaels’ presentation will follow a sit-down lunch. The cost is $35.00 per person.
Registrations or Qs to Larry Sanford, Chapter President, or call 978-502-3328.
10 September 2023 (Sunday) - Virtual via Zoom- Without a Warning: The Avoidable Shootdown of a U-2 Spy Plane The Only Casualty of the Cuban Missile Crisis Was U-2 Pilot featuring Maj. Walter Anderson - Sponsored by The Cold War Museum
Recent Evidence Suggests That He Didn't Need to Die. Many of Us Know That Maj. Walter Anderson Was The Only Casualty of the Cuban Missile Crisis Some of Us Know That He Was Flying a U-2 Over Cuba At the Time But Not Many People Know That He Might Not Have Needed to Die Hear and See Wayne Whitten Tell Us What Information Revealed Long After the Event Shows Us About What Really Happened.
Registration is $20... 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum. Do so here.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum’s archives.
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Wayne Whitten; • 2:05-3:00. Wayne presents on what the most recently-revealed information tells us about the Anderson shootdown and how it changes our view of the shootdown; • 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org.
4th Annual National Security Career Fair
University Texas - Austin
13 September 2023

13 September 2023 (Wed), 9-3 pm CT - Austin, TX - 4th Annual National Security Career Fair by UT-Austin
Location: Etter-Harbin Alumni Center, 2110 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, TX 78712
Join us for the 4th annual National Security Career Fair at The University of Texas at Austin. This event is offered by the Strauss-Clements Intelligence Studies Project, Strauss Center for International Security and Law, and Clements Center for National Security, in partnership with Texas Career Engagement and the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
Meet with federal, state, and private employers involved in national security and intelligence. Learn about their missions and internship and full-time employment opportunities.
Click HERE for a list of participating employers.
14 September 2023 (Thursday), 11:30am PT - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Col. Robert W. Parr, USAF (ret) discussing "12 Days with a Soviet Pilot Defector."
The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Col. Robert W. Parr, USAF (ret) discussing: 12 Days with a Soviet Pilot Defector
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco, CA
Time: 11:30am no host cocktails; 12 noon (Pacific) meeting start
Register NOW: Eventbrite Registration link
RSVP and pre-payment is required. RSVP or Qs to Mariko.
Saturday, 16 September 2023, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing Event: The Syndicate Spy: A Juliet ArrowayNovel – In Store Book Signing at the International Spy Museum
Join us in the Spy Museum Store for a special book signing event for The Syndicate Spy: A Juliet Arroway Novel with author Brittany Butler. Brittany Butler spent nine years as a targeting officer within CIA’s Directorate of Operations, Counterterrorism Center. Both at Langley and on temporary assignments in the Middle East, Brittany spearheaded operational efforts to achieve some of the most sensitive foreign intelligence objectives abroad. She has both first-hand knowledge of targeting methodologies used in the recruitment of spies and extensive field experience in working with foreign liaisons to discover and apprehend terrorists abroad. The first in a series, The Syndicate Spy weaves a story of fact and fiction, telling the true story of female intelligence officers who stand on their laurels of intellect and skill to see beyond religious and cultural barriers to find what unites them, rather than what divides them. Brittany lives by the ocean with her husband, three sons, and her dog, Gus. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Sunday, 17 September 2023, 9-10am – Washington, DC – Yoga & Sound Bath at SPY – In Person International Spy MuseumProgram
To master the art of espionage, agents must learn to control body, mind, and spirit. Experience an all-level yoga flow session led by instructor Beth A. Wolfe, accompanied by a sound bath led by Mel of Beyond Yoga, a yoga teacher certified in crystal alchemy sound healing. Harmonic chords and binaural sounds will be played which promote balance and relaxation. We will practice in the inner sanctum of the Museum's Ballroom which offers a sweeping view of the SW waterfront (the Wharf), National Airport, and Nationals Park. All are welcome--the class is open to brand new and seasoned yogis alike! No previous yoga experience required. Please purchase tickets in advance and BYO yoga mat. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 6:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY KIDS: ARMAGEDDON – In Person Spy Museum Program at AMC Tysons Corner in McLean, VA
Agents, join Netflix and the International Spy Museum for a special advanced screening of Spy Kids: Armageddon. In the film, when a game developer unleashes a powerful computer virus, the children of two secret agents must work together to save their parents — and the world. Everly Carganilla and Connor Esterson star with Zachary Levi and Gina Rodriguez in this reboot of the "Spy Kids" franchise. Coming to Netflix September 22. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Seating is first-come, first-served.
21 Sep 2023 (Thu), 12:30 - 5pm ET - Boston, MA and Virtual - “Clandestine Operations Against China during the Early Cold War"
AFIO members and friends are cordially invited to this free hybrid (in-person and remote) Boston University conference.
Join the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, the Center for the Study of Asia, and the Kilachand Honors College for a conference titled “Clandestine Operations Against China during the Early Cold War.” This conference will, in part, honor the service and sacrifice of CIA officer Richard “Dick” Fecteau, a Lynn, MA, native and Boston University alumnus.
The conference will be a hybrid event, combining in-person participation with remote webinar attendance. The half-day conference will be held in the first-floor common room of Boston University’s Kilachand Honors College (91 Bay State Road). Registration and the full conference agenda are here.
Thursday, 21 September 2023 11:30 AM – Colorado Springs – The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. Sara Castro discussing “The Dixie Mission: US Intelligence in the Chinese Communist Party 1947-1949”
Abstract: From 1947 to 1949, an interagency delegation of U.S. military and intelligence officials operated from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) base area of Yan’an, China to observe how the CCP guerrillas were faring in their fights against the Japanese. Known as the “Dixie Mission,” this group of Americans became the first U.S. officials to have extensive contact with Chinese Communist leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Zhu De. The U.S. Army led the Dixie Mission, but it functioned as a true interagency mission, at least in the field. Its history thus offers a unique view of bureaucratic relationships playing out on a greater scale in Washington as executive branch and military organizations competed for resources and influence. Vulnerability to interagency rivalry, politicization, and logistical challenges regularly limited the intelligence that U.S. officials in Yan’an collected and disseminated to policymakers. This presentation will introduce the Dixie Mission and describe some of the unique intelligence it yielded.
Bio: Sara B. Castro is an assistant professor of history at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO, where she began teaching global and East Asian history in 2019. She is also the President of the North American Society of Intelligence Historians, and she serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Castro was named a China Fellow at the Wilson Center in 2020. Before becoming a professor, Castro worked as an intelligence analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency. Her current research focuses on the history of U.S.-China relations through the lens of intelligence collection and analysis.
For more information, contact Steve Pease steve13507@gmail.com
Friday, 22 September 2023, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Inside the HEXAGON Secret Satellite Program with Ricky Deutsch – In Person International Spy Museum Program
The HEXAGON satellite program was the “Verify” in President Reagan’s “Trust but Verify” negotiation strategy. Initiated by President Eisenhower, satellite intelligence provided film photography of denied areas. At 60-feet long and flying at 100 miles up, HEXAGON was the last film-based reconnaissance satellite used by the US. The program required cooperation between the CIA and the Air Force. It was guided by the National Reconnaissance Office. HEXAGON was designed in the 1960s and remained classified until September 17, 2011. Now the story can be told by someone who was there. Join us in person to hear about the history of film-based space intelligence from Ricky Deutsch. In the 1970s, Deutsch was a US Air Force Captain working as an Operations Director for HEXAGON. From the Satellite Test Center known as the “Blue Cube” in Sunnyvale, CA, Deutsch’s military/contractor team generated mission critical commands to be sent to the satellite. Deutsch will reveal how the satellite was built, its major components, the inner workings of the Control Center, and how the satellite interface to six tracking stations worked. He’ll detail the on-orbit functions and the role of the CIA to determine which "targets" should be photographed and how this material affected the outcome of the Cold War. Deutsch will also describe the slightly unbelievable way the film reentry vehicles were caught via parachute by C-130 aircraft at 15,000 feet! Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 5:00-8:00pm – Washington, DC – Educator Night Out 2023 – In Person International Spy MuseumProgram
Enjoy an exclusive evening at the International Spy Museum where the red carpet will be rolled out just for teachers.Educators will uncover the secret history of history and discover new and exciting resources to enrich their students’ learning across all subjects. During this open-house event, teachers can:explore SPY's exhibits with fellow educators, meet the Museum’s youth education team, plan their students’ next in-person or virtual SPY field trip, browse SPY’s free curriculum and classroom activities, check out SPY’s new Digital Learning HQ – an online multimedia tool for educators, be the first to check out SPY’s new Exhibit Learning Guides, and shop with a special discount at the SPY store. Registration includes free Museum admission, a welcome bag, a chance to win prizes, and more. NOTE: This event is open to current K-12 classroom and resource teachers only (21+). A valid teacher ID will be required at check-in. See the website for acceptable forms of teacher ID. Educators can arrive any time between 5pm – 7pm (last entry time into the Museum). Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration – walk-up tickets will not be available. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 28 September 2023, 12:00pm – Washington, DC – Crown, Cloak, and Dagger with Richard Aldrich and Rory Cormac – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Assassins, spies, terrorists, and lunatics have bedeviled the British Royal Family through the years; and some members of the Firm have been a bit suspicious themselves. Now the remarkable relationship between the Royals and the intelligence community is revealed in Crown, Cloak, and Dagger: The British Monarchy and Secret Intelligence from Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II. Join the authors, historians Richard J. Aldrich of the University of Warwick and Rory Cormac of the University of Nottingham, for an exploration of their majesties’ role in the shadowy realm of secrets. From the origins of the British secret services as protection against the persistent attempts on Queen Victoria’s life in the 19th century to the national security risk posed by former King Edward VIII and his American wife in the 1930s, the real stories trump even the most dramatic Netflix series. International Spy Museum Director of Adult Education Amanda Ohlke will interview Aldrich and Cormac about their original research and the new evidence they have uncovered to present the British monarchy in an entirely new light and reveal how far their majesties still call the shots in a hidden world. Just what exactly could make Queen Elizabeth II raise her eyebrow knowingly at prime ministers and spymasters? Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 28 September 2023, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
October 2023
Thursday, 5 October 2023, 6 to 9:30 pm ET - Washington, DC - Fireside Conversation with Dr. Mike Vickers - sponsored by The OSS Society and William & Mary PIPS Alumni
A fireside conversation will be held with Dr. Mike Vickers's about his new memoir, By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Special Operations, Intelligence, and Strategy. Jim Thomas, a William & Mary alumnus and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Resources and Plans, will moderate the conversation.
A Green Beret with an expertise in conventional weapons,Vickers joined CIA in 1983 and was put in charge of its secret war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. After inheriting a strategy aimed at imposing costs on the Soviets for their invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, Vickers transformed the covert campaign into an all-out effort to help the Afghan resistance win their war. More than any other American, he was responsible for the outcome in Afghanistan that led to the end of the Cold War. This incredible story was told in the book and film, Charlie Wilson's War.
The in-person event, being held at the Cosmos Club, 2121 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008 is co-sponsored by The OSS Society and the William & Mary PIPS alumni.
Fee: $75pp. Attendees will receive a signed copy of Dr. Vickers new book By All Means Available. A cocktail hour with light hors d'oeuvres will follow the program. This event has limited seating and early registration is recommended. More information and registration here.
The 2nd Annual Cocktails & Codebreakers Event
11 October 2023 (Wednesday), 5 - 7 pm ET -
co-hosted by the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) -
and the Intelligence and National Security Foundation (INSF)
Attend to celebrate Men & Women in Cryptology at this 2nd Annual event.
We have also extended the early bird ticket rate of $150 through Tuesday, September 12th.
This year, Cocktails and Codebreakers will celebrate "Men and Women in Cryptology." Following an opening networking reception, The Honorable Ronald S. Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (USDI&S) and GEN Paul M. Nakasone, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency; Chief, Central Security Service, will participate in a joint Fireside Chat.
The Early Bird & NCF Member Rate of $150.00 is EXTENDED until 12 September 2023
Individual Tickets = Early Bird & Members Rate of $150 - until 12 September 2023
Full Price Tickets = $189 per person (after September 4th)
Event location: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve: 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd, Hanover, MD 21076
Register now, or for more information, do so here.
11-16 October 2023 - Huntsville, AL - National Counter Intelligence Corps Association Convention
AFIO members are invited to join colleagues at the NCICA (National Counter Intelligence Corps Association) at their annual convention in Huntsville, AL.
For more information explore the event at the NCICA website here.
Or email the NCICA President, John Nolan, at 831xray@gmail.com or call 256-527-2510.
Convention will be held at The Hampton Inn & Suites, 313 Clinton St. W. Huntsville, AL.
The NCICA are all former Special Agents and the organization was formed in 1948 by returning Agents from WWII.
Other questions? Email NCICA Chairman Jerry Burns at gbsacic66@gmail.com or call 423-791-3115.
Friday, 13 October 2023, 10:30am - 2pm - In-Person Tysons VA - AFIO National Fall Luncheon features fireside chat with Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, and Jennifer K. Ewbank, the Deputy Director of CIA for Digital Innovation
Register here.
Check-in and badge pickup for Registered Attendees begins at 10:30 a.m.
NO registrations or walk-ins at hotel. No payment accepted for this event by mail or at the venue.

Fireside Chat with Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, begins at 11:00 a.m.
Lunch served noon to 1:00 p.m.

Jennifer Ewbank, Deputy Director of CIA for Digital Innovation speaks at 1:00 p.m.
Q&A follows each presentation. Event ends at 2:00 p.m.
Luncheon prices are $60 for Members; $75 for nonmember guests and all Subscribers. Payment by credit card required at time of registration. No mailed checks or "at the door or at venue" payments accepted or permitted.
Register here.
Though we do not provide special overnight room rates, if you wish to make room reservations at the hotel, do so here.
Cancellation Schedule: AFIO must commit to the hotel facilities and regrets it must charge a cancellation fee. 100% refund until close of registration. No refunds or cancellations thereafter. You will receive a donation receipt for fees forfeited. A donor statement will be sent showing that you made a "gift to AFIO" in such instances. Gifts to AFIO are tax-deductible.
All attendees must be members of AFIO or accompanied by a current member.
Learn more about becoming a member at www.afio.com. Questions regarding membership? Contact office at 703-790-0320 or email afio@afio.com
Questions regarding this event to events@afio.com
16 October 2023 (Monday) 1730 ET - New York City - AFIO New York Chapter hosts Dr. Anthony R. Wells on “US-UK Intelligence in an Era of Global Challenges”
Speaker Bio: Dr. Anthony R. Wells has worked for British Intelligence as a British citizen and US Intelligence as a US citizen, at sea and ashore for both the Royal Navy and the US Navy. A fifty year veteran of the Five Eyes Intelligence community, Dr. Wells received his Ph.D in War Studies from King’s College, University of London, and has Bachelor’s and Master’s from the University of Durham. Dr. Wells is the author of “Between Five Eyes: 50 Years of Intelligence Sharing," “Room39 and the Lisbon Connection”, “A Tale of Two Navies”, “Guarding Against Extremism in the 21St Century”, and “UK-US Intelligence in an Era of Global Challenges."
5:30 - 5:55 Registration, Open bar & Hors d’oeuvres (hot)
6:00 - 7:00 Lecture
7:00 - 7:30 Open bar, Hors d’oeuvres & Book Signing
Venue: Marymount Manhattan College, Regina Peruggi Room, 221 E 71st St, New York, NY
Registration Fee: $50. Cash or check payable to David Hunt at the door
RSVP by 11 October 2023 (Limited Space) to afionyc@gmail.com or David Hunt at 301-520-1417
Cash or check payable at the door to "David Hunt."
PLEASE ADVISE by 11 October if you are attending. Preferably to: afionyc@gmail.com, or call chapter President David Hunt at 301-520-1417.
26 October 2023, 6 - 10 pm - Washington, DC - “From IWP with Love”: An Evening of Espionage - Institute of World Politics
Join IWP supporters, alumni, and friends for a special Black Tie celebration of The Institute of World Politics! Includes tour of the International Spy Museum.
6:00 PM VIP Exhibit Tours; 6:45 PM General Reception and Dinner Buffet; 7:30 PM Remarks; 8:00 PM Dancing
Exhibits open until 10:00 PM
Options for Attendance:
• You may choose to become a member of the IWP Chancellor's Council (annual donation of $1000 or more) and receive complimentary tickets to all of the Chancellor's Council events, which will take place from October 25-26.
• You may choose to purchase tickets.
• You may choose to become a sponsor.
If you would like to become a sponsor, or if you have questions about becoming a Chancellor's Council member, please email Ariane Sweeney at asweeney@iwp.edu.
Dress: Black Tie or Military Dress Equivalent Optional
Event location: International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024
Accommodations: IWP has a room block at the St. Regis for October 24-27, 2023. Deluxe King rooms are $445 per night, and Premier Deluxe King rooms are $465 per night. Book a room online or call 1-888-627-8087. Because these rooms are limited, we encourage you to book early if you plan to attend.
To explore this upcoming event or to purchase a ticket and view sponsorship opportunities, please click here.
26 October 2023, 7:30 pm - Pasadena, CA - AFIO Los Angeles hosts AFIO National Board Member Everette Jordan, former Deputy Assistant of the Treasury for IC Integration and National Intelligence Manager for Economic Security and Threat Finance for the DNI.
The chapter has an upcoming event with AFIO Board Member Everette Jordan on Oct. 26th. This will be a meet and greet event and will take place out in Pasadena at 7.30 PM at the El Cholo Cafe, 300 E Colorado Blvd Suite 214, Pasadena, CA 91101.
Everette Jordan had an impressive 45-year career in service to the Departments of Defense, The Treasury, and the Army. Part of his service included leadership and staff assignments with IC partners and Capitol Hill. His more recent leadership roles were as the Deputy Assistant of the Treasury for IC Integration and National Intelligence Manager for Economic Security and Threat Finance for the DNI.
Please mark your calendar if you are able to attend. Look forward to you seeing you!
Questions to Vincent Autiero, Chapter President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter, 5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045
27 October 2023 (Friday) - Naples, FL - The new Southwest FL (Naples, Fort Myers) AFIO Chapter Business and Speaker Meeting
This AFIO Southwest Florida Chapter business and speaker meeting takes place at the Hawthorn Suites which is located at 3557 Pine RIdge Road in Naples, FL. Attendees are urged to be on time as there will be a number of presentations.
The meeting runs approximately 2 hours.
The business portion of the meeting kicks off from 3pm to 3:30 pm.
That will be followed by two outstanding speakers who will discuss terrorist activities/countermeasures/intelligence relating to air travel. One speaker will discuss the technical area of "which wire to cut."
Photos or recordings are not allowed.
Location: Hawthorn Suites Meeting Room, 3557 Pine Ridge Road, Naples FL 34109
Registration or Questions to Hugo Harmatz.
November 2023
Wednesday, November 1, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – 2023 William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
SPY is pleased to announce that the 2023 recipient of The Honorable William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award is The Honorable Leon E. Panetta, Former Secretary of Defense. “Throughout his remarkable career in public service, Secretary Panetta has lived the values of the Webster Award in an exceptional way. His commitment to justice and opportunity for his fellow Americans and his tireless leadership to protect the lives and well-being of people around the world are without peer,” shared Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa. Keynote speaker for the event is Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William J. Burns. A VIP reception will begin at 5:30 for those with VIP tickets; the reception will begin at 6:30 for all ticketed attendees. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, November 4, 10:00am-4:00pm – Washington, DC – 17th Annual Parade of Trabants – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
Celebrate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at this festive gathering of the quintessential Cold War car—the Trabant. Trabants are a rarity here, but on November 4 some of the finest examples in the US will chug their way to the International Spy Museum to celebrate the 17th Annual Parade of Trabants. Despite their questionable performance and smoky two-stroke engines, these little cars are now affectionately regarded as a symbol of East Germany and the fall of Communism. Drop in for the car show, vote on your favorite Trabant, ask Trabant owners about their cars, learn from historians about the time period, try your hand at graffiti Berlin-style, see if you can fit into the tiny spaces like those escaping from East Berlin did, all while the Alte Kameraden German Band provides festive music. New this year, German pooches are invited to compete for Best Dog Disguise — does your schnauzer’s beard and mustache look suspicious? Does your dachshund have a dashing double life? Let our expert be the judge at 1:00 pm. The program is free and does not require advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Sunday, November 5, 9:00am-6:00pm – Washington, DC – Girl Scout Day 2023 – In Person International Spy Museum Program
Do you have what it takes to be a spy? Find out at Girl Scout Day at the International Spy Museum! Test your troop's tradecraft abilities as you complete a TOP SECRET scavenger hunt throughout the Museum's galleries. There is no special ticket for this event. You must purchase Museum admission for November 5th to attend the event. Museum admission tickets will include a special FUN PATCH and SCAVENGER HUNT for each Girl Scout attending. Group Museum admission rates are not available on special programming days. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
8 November 2023, 6 - 8pm EST - Williamsburg, VA - Veterans Day Book Talk with Brian Morra '78 on "Cold War History to Today's Russian Invasion of Ukraine"
Please join us for a Veterans Day event with W&M alumni Brian J. Morra ’78, who will be discussing his book "The Able Archers." The talk will focus on Brian’s writing process, the history of the Cold War period depicted in the book, and connections that can be drawn to the present-day Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Brian is a former U.S. intelligence officer and a retired senior aerospace executive. Learn more about him.
A reception and book signing will follow the talk, and the library’s Special Collections Research Center will have select military collections on display. The W&M Bookstore will be there selling copies of his book.
This event is produced in partnership with W&M Libraries, W&M Military and Veteran Affairs, and Association of 1775.
Location: Swem Library, Read and Relax, 400 Landrum Dr, Williamsburg, VA 23185
Map this location
Free food
Registration/RSVP Required
Please register to be guaranteed a seat!
Register for this Event here.
NEW DATE & TIME: 9 November 2023 (Thursday), 11:00 a.m. PST - Las Vegas, NV - AFIO Las Vegas Chapter Meeting features Amir Eden, Friends of The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Director of Nevada, and Colorado Chapters, discussing situation in Mideast.
The AFIO Las Vegas Chapter meeting features Amir Eden, Friends of The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Director of Nevada, and Colorado Chapters. Given current world events we are fortunate to have this special speaker lined up that I’m sure you will enjoy. The event will be held at Charlie’s Lakeside Bar and Restaurant, 8603 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117.
Qs and RSVPs to Linda Cohn at 702-239-1370 or by email if you have any questions. Early RSVPs are also appreciated. See you in November.
Thursday, November 9, 12:00-1:00pm – Washington, DC – Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Special Guest Elizabeth Sizeland – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Elizabeth Sizeland, former UK Deputy National Security Adviser and Prime Minister’s Adviser on National Resilience and Security in the Cabinet Office. Sizeland is a nonresident senior fellow at the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. She has accrued over 20 years of national security experience in the UK government, and her areas of expertise include security strategy and policy, countering state threats, investment security, cybersecurity, national resilience, serious and organized crime, counterterrorism, and crisis response. Prior to working as the United Kingdom’s Joint Intelligence Organisation attaché in Washington, DC, Sizeland held the position of deputy national security adviser and as adviser to the UK prime minister on intelligence, security, and resilience issues, working closely with her counterparts in the United States. Sizeland has also held roles as a director general at the UK Government Communications Headquarters, a director in the UK Home Office tackling modern slavery and exploitation, and a director for transport security for the UK Department for Transport. Prior to that, Sizeland worked in the Cabinet Office Briefing Room, the United Kingdom’s national emergency response committee, and has held operational and analytical posts focused on a wide range of international issues. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
9 November 2023 (Thursday), 11:30 a.m. PST, - San Francisco, CA - AFIO San Francisco Chapter meeting features Ricky Deutsch on "Spies in the Sky: HEXAGON -- A History of the Last Film-Based Satellite."
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco. Time: 11:30am no host cocktails; 12 noon (Pacific) meeting start
RSVP here at Event Registration Link. Pre-registration required.
Questions to Mariko Kawaguchi, PO Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011, afiosf@aol.com
10-12 November 2023 - Sante Fe, NM - Spies, Lies & Nukes Conference
Spies, Lies & Nukes - Third Conference - Santa Fe, NM
Plan Your Fall Attendance NOW to capture the lower rates
Special Rate Available for AFIO Members Here
This third, enhanced running of Spies, Lies & Nukes. Join Valerie Plame and some of her legendary, highly decorated, and experienced CIA colleagues as they pull back the curtain on the real life "wilderness of mirrors" that is international espionage.
Hear from and engage with the best of CIA's spies to better understand today's world: from emergent threats, to never-before-told spy operations, black market nuclear scams, how to recruit a spy, the growth of domestic terrorism, how social media is used in espionage, and keeping your employees and your company safe from foreign spies.
Topics: "Soul Catcher: The Metaphysics of Recruiting a Spy" with Jim Lawler, Former Senior CIA Ops Officer
"Delusion and Illusion in Moscow" with Jonna Mendez in conversation with Valerie Plame, Former Covert CIA Ops Officer
"CIA in the Movies" - Panel;
"China: An Emerging Threat" with Mary Beth Long, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
"Inside Putin's Head" with Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer
"Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA" with Marc Polymeropoulos, Former Senior CIA Ops Officer
"Disinformation Distortions: AI, Deep Fakes, and Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Social Media and Espionage" with Alma Katsu, Former Senior CIA and NSA Analyst
"Morality and Ethics in the CIA" with Doug London, Former Senior Officer in the CIA's Clandestine Service
Michael Morrell in conversation with Valerie Plame, Former Covert CIA Ops Officer
"Eliminating Players on the Intelligence Battlefield: Havana Syndrome" with Marc Polymeropoulos, Former Senior CIA Ops Officer
"The End of the Global Nuclear Order" with Valerie Plame, Former Covert CIA Ops Officer
Program also includes: Former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer; Michael J. Morell, Former CIA Deputy Director
FEE: Regular Sale purchase window: Jun 16 - Nov 2, $1300; Late Sale purchase window: Nov 3 - Nov 10, $1450. Special AFIO rate here.
Ticket price does not include accommodations. More about accommodations here
Tickets include breakfasts, lunches, VIP reception and all speaker presentations and activities.
Conference location: Conference Location: La Fonda On the Plaza, 100 E. San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
More information or to register here
11 November 2023 (Saturday), 11:30 a.m. - Indialantic, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hears from Col Susie Dabrowski USAF (Ret) on "High-Impact Operations."
Colonel Susie Dabrowski served over 26 years in the U.S. Air Force. Her career included positions in space and nuclear high-impact operations. She served in Pacific and European theaters and five Joint Commands. Upon retirement, she served as a Program Manager in the defense industry. She is currently the Vice President, Southeast Region, Space Force Association.
Location: Doubletree Hotel, Rt A1A, Indialantic, Florida. The sit-down lunch cost is $35.00 per person.
RSVPs or Qs to Larry Sanford, President, 978-502-3328
Tuesday, November 28, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Program for Individuals with Dementia and their Care Partners – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
28 November 2023 (Tuesday), 5 - 6 pm EST - Washington, DC - IWP hosts IN-PERSON book presentation by Dr. John Gentry on "The Politicization of U.S. Intelligence: Causes and Consequences"
The Institute of World Politics invites you to attend an IN-PERSON book lecture by Dr. John Gentry, Author and Professor at the School of Defense and Strategic Studies, Missouri State University, discussing "The Politicization of U.S. Intelligence: Causes and Consequences."
"The Politicization of U.S. Intelligence: Causes and Consequences” is a presentation in association with Dr. Gentry's recent book, Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences (Armin Lear Press, 2023). Beginning in 2016 and continuing into 2021, current and former U.S. intelligence officers engaged in domestic partisan politics to an unprecedented extent. This discussion will describe and assess what happened at various agencies, the causes of the politicization, consequences for the agencies and national decision-making, and prospects for renewed politicization in 2024.
***Copies of Dr. Gentry's book will be made available for purchase at the conclusion of the event and can be signed by the author.*** ***This lecture is sponsored by the IWP IAFIE Alpha Student Chapter***
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
More details and registration here.
Thursday, November 30, 2:00-3:00pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Program for Individuals with Dementia and their Care Partners – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom. Every month the same program is offered on two different dates. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
December 2023
Saturday, 2 December 2023, 10-1pm – Washington, DC – Members-Only Spy Store Pop-Up – In-Person International Spy Museum Opportunity
Get a head start on holiday shopping at the Members-Only Pop-Up in the Spy Store. People can enjoy refreshments while they shop and make a spy-themed holiday card at the crafting table. There will also be an exclusive member tote bag for their purchases! Members receive an extra 10% discount (35% total) on all merchandise during the Pop-Up, and all week long (Sunday, November 26 – Saturday, December 2). This event is free of charge and open exclusively to Spy Museum members, no registration is required. Join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840. Refreshments and tote bags provided while supplies last. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Queen of Cuba with Peter J. Lapp – In-Person International Spy Museum Program
As a spy prepared to give away America's biggest secrets after the 9/11 attacks, FBI agents raced to catch the mole. US government officials knew they had an intrusion. But it never occurred to them it was a woman—and certainly not the Defense Intelligence Agency employee known as "the Queen of Cuba." Ana Montes had spent 17 years spying for the Cubans. Montes impressed her bosses, but in secret, spent her breaks memorizing top secret documents before sending them to the Cuban government. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond live in conversation with retired FBI agent Peter J. Lapp, the author of Queen of Cuba: An FBI Agent's Insider Account of the Spy Who Evaded Detection for 17 Years for a discussion of this incredible case. They'll discuss her motivation, the harm she did, and the clues—including never-released information—that led the FBI team to catch one of the United States' most dangerous spies. A very special artifact related to this case will be on display before the program. Queen of Cuba will be available for sale and signing after the program. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Sunday, 10 December 2023, 8-10am – Washington, DC – Access to SPY: A Morning for the Neurodiverse Community – In Person International Spy Museum Program
The International Spy Museum is pleased to offer a sensory friendly community program geared for families who have a neurodivergent child or an individual with sensory processing differences. What might be a mission impossible visit during normal operating hours is now mission possible. On this special Access morning, the Museum has set private hours (8:00-10:00 am) for families to enjoy an exclusive visit with less noise, fewer people, and a designated quiet room. In addition, guests can participate in a scavenger hunt and create their own cipher wheel! While this program is geared for families, we welcome all ages and individuals with sensory processing differences to attend this event. This program is free of charge but requires advance registration. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
11 December 2023, 6 pm ET - Virtual - East Tennessee AFIO Chapter Virtual Event with James Lawler on Intelligence Careers, Counterproliferation, Counterintelligence.
AFIO East Tennessee is excited to be hosting our first virtual Q&A series featuring James Lawler. Learn about Mr. Lawler's exciting intelligence career with special emphasis on counterproliferation and counterintelligence. We will also discuss Living Lies, one of his fast-paced novels.
Mr. Lawler serves as a national security consultant and is the Senior Partner
at MDO Group, which provides HUMINT training to the Intelligence
Community and the commercial sector focused on WMD, CI, technical and
cyber issues. He was a member of CIA's Senior Intelligence Service (SIS-3)
from 1998 until his retirement in 2005. As Chief of the A.Q. Khan Nuclear
Takedown Team, which resulted in the disruption of the most dangerous
nuclear weapons network in history, Mr. Lawler was the recipient of one of the
CIA's Trailblazer Awards in 2007, marking the 60th anniversary of CIA. He has
written two novels: Living Lies, an espionage story of the Iranian nuclear
weapons program, and In the Twinkling of an Eye, about recruiting a spy at
the heart of a devastating covert Russian-North Korea genetic bioweapons program.
Email admin@etnafio.com for a meeting invitation.
The National Cryptologic Foundation VIRTUAL PROGRAMS
NCF Virtual Education Programs
Details on the Virtual Education Programs of the National
Cryptologic Museum Foundation are available here Other NCF Events can be
found here on NCF website here, and CCH website here.
Our #CyberChats are designed to promote cybersecurity education and inspire students to pursue a cyber-related career. NCF #CyberChats are hosted in our Nepris online classroom and also via Zoom. The Chats feature a wide variety of cyber experts and professionals, some who are NCF members. These dedicated professionals share their experiences, insights, advice, and resources with students, parents, and teachers. Chats on a specific topic are often specifically requested by classrooms across the U.S.
Visit the #CyberChat Library
The NCF hosts quarterly cryptologic programs, as well as an annual Membership Meeting & Symposium featuring guest speakers. We also partner with the NSA's Center for Cryptologic History in promoting various programs & lectures. During our Anniversary year (April 2021-April 2022), we are hosting a variety of additional special programs and talks, such as our kickoff event in April 2021 that featured a panel of former NSA directors.
In 2021, we began hosting virtual programs via Zoom. However, prior to that our programs were in person. If you are interested in seeing recaps and photos from those prior events, please visit the Quarterly Programs page or Membership Meeting & Symposium page.
View Past NCF Virtual Cryptologic Programs
The NCF's Education Program hosts Cybersecurity Events with the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), as well as other community partners.The programs highlight relevant cybersecurity topics and feature experts in the field. These events take multiple forms, to include webinars and special events at locations around the National Capitol Region.
View the Selection of Partner Programs
Just as the NCF enjoys interviewing professionals and experts for our #CyberChats and Cryptologic Programs, our staff likewise enjoys the opportunity to be interviewed for other organizations' programs or podcasts regarding their experience and knowledge.
NCF Interviews & Participation
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