Speakers Bureau and Public Outreach
As part of its mission to educate the public about intelligence and its importance to national security, AFIO National has established a non-commercial Speakers Bureau that can provide polished, professional, and authoritative speakers on a variety of topics related to intelligence and security to schools, colleges and other academic and civic associations throughout the country.
TOPICS: The list of topics that the Speakers Bureau can address include, inter alia, terrorism, cyber warfare, Islamic extremism, Islamic networks, the Middle East, irregular warfare in Africa, realities of the Global War on Terror, insurgencies. HUMINT collection, counterterrorism policy, terrorism in Southeast Asia, counterintelligence, deception, Cold War operations, Russian intelligence activities, intelligence and national security, ethical issues in intelligence, supply chain management, agricultural bioterrorism, the Vietnam war, Pearl Harbor, briefing techniques, US intelligence history, the management of national intelligence, the evolution of today’s intelligence structure, history of satellite imagery, Congressional oversight, the history of espionage, industrial espionage, money laundering, covert action, WMD, the history of America cryptology, COMINT in the Civil War, WWI, WWII and the Korean War, the Venona file, ENIGMA and its relatives, and polygraphy.
REQUESTORS SEEKING SPEAKERS: Send us information as indicated below to outreach@afio.com. AFIO will seek to match the closest speaker to the location of your event, topic, experience, and delivery for that age or experience level, and let you make arrangements with that individual. AFIO does not cover costs (if any) of speakers, so requestors are expected to indicate if they will. Please provide
Name of Institution Point-of-Contact:
Name of Institution and/or Event:
Address - City/State:
Date of Event:
Composition of audience (e.g. high school students, college students, academic groups, university events, associations interested in foreign affairs, etc.):
Anticipated Size of Audience:
Audiovisual support. Can group/institution supply PowerPoint projector, laptop, screen, whiteboard? Or should speaker arrive with these if he uses them?
If travel is involved, does group/institution reimburse travel, housing costs?
Is there a fee or honorarium for speakers responding to your request?
Does group/institution supply special accommodations for speakers arriving from out of town?
Does group/institution have means to meet speaker at airport, take to hotel, and return speaker to airport after event?
Other factors about your event that might impact the type of speaker being sought?
Website about current/prior events held by your group/institution:
VOLUNTEER SPEAKER PARTICIPANTS: AFIO members who have an interest in public speaking, possess recognized Federal, State or Local intelligence community experience, and have polished skills in teaching or presenting talks on intelligence and national security, are invited to contact AFIO at outreach@afio.com with the items requested below so we are aware of your availability. As a professional organization AFIO strives to maintain the highest standards and as a non-profit avoids any conflict of interest in its activities or any implied endorsements. Our speaker arrangements are on a non-commercial basis which means these invitations, if any, will not include honoraria or outright payments for speaking, but in some instances, might include pre-approved remuneration by the inviting organization for travel or related expenses. For the AFIO Speakers Bureau we seek individuals with both expert knowledge of their subject and the discretion not to use this opportunity to promote other agendas or organizations. Doing so would pose a conflict-of-interest or trigger questions of propriety.
We ask that you provide the following information:
Professional Intelligence/CT/CI/LE Experience:
Speaking Experience:
Speaking Topics:
Website Video or Audio Links of prior presentations:
Please Note: Again...AFIO does not provide nor encourage honoraria or fee-based speaking engagements through our Speakers Bureau. This is an educational, nonprofit effort in concert with many other AFIO activities. In some instances, host institutions making these requests occasionally cover travel and accommodation expenses. Once AFIO has received a request for a speaker, it will notify Speakers Bureau participants who are geographically closest to the requestor or possess the expertise desired, to determine if a speaker is available. It is then up to the speaker and the requesting organization to come to agreement on topic, timing, dates, extent of talk, reimbursement of expenses.
Those speakers seeking paying speaking opportunities are encouraged to contact commercial Speakers Bureaus. A listing of those in your region can be found through a search of Google or Bing.
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