Association of Former Intelligence Officers

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220 Spring St Suite 220
Herndon, Virginia 20170

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AFIO Local Chapter Listings -
[N.B. To join a local chapter, one must first be a member of AFIO National. To remain a chapter member, your national membership must be current.]

If you are not served by a nearby AFIO Chapter and wish to consider starting one in your region, contact AFIO Headquarters at


Click map to view larger version

ARIZONA - The AFIO Arizona Chapter — (Phoenix area)

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

ARIZONA - Northern Arizona AFIO Chapter (Prescott)

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

CALIFORNIA - The Los Angeles AFIO Chapter

Vince Autiero, President
John Hallstead, Treasurer
Los Angeles, CA

CALIFORNIA - San Diego AFIO Chapter

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

CALIFORNIA - The "André Le Gallo" San Francisco Bay Area AFIO Chapter
Inquiries to:

Robert Landgraf, President
Cyrille Betant, Vice President - Business Advisor
Matthew Brazil, Vice President - Academic Advisor
Mariko Kawaguchi, Secretary
Peter Bresler, Treasurer
Daryl Jones, Technical Advisor


COLORADO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter  (Denver Area)

Pieter Post Uiterweer, President
Bob Mitchell, Vice President
Barbara Nickless, Treasurer
Anthony Leto, Secretary

FLORIDA - The North Florida AFIO Chapter [Orange Park, FL] (Jacksonville Area)

Will Hux, President
Dane E. Baird, Vice President
Ken Meyer, Secretary
Quiel F. Begonia, Treasurer or call 904-545-9549

FLORIDA - The AFIO Satellite Chapter (Space Coast /  Melbourne Area)
Laurence Sanford, President
Molly Tasker, Vice-President
Bill Prince, Treasurer
Marilyn Sanford, Secretary

FLORIDA - Suncoast Chapter (Tampa Bay Area)

Gary Gorsline, President
Jay Michlin, Vice President
Michael F. Shapiro, Secretary
Lauren Singer, Assistant Secretary
Bill Brown, Treasurer

Website: Suncoast Chapter Website Link

FLORIDA - The Southwest Florida AFIO Chapter (Naples, Ft Myers, Port Charlotte Area) - Inactive
Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

FLORIDA - The "Ted Shackley" Miami-Dade County AFIO Chapter (Miami / Ft Lauderdale / Homestead) - Inactive
Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

GEORGIA - The AFIO Atlanta Chapter

Brian J. Hooper Esq, President — To participate in new chapter, call Mr. Hooper at 404-403-8004
Jack Aguero, Vice-President
Michael A.M. Brown PhD, Vice-President
Edward L. Mienie PhD, Secretary
Ethan Armentrout, Treasurer
Amb. Theodore R. Britton Jr
, Chairman
Maj. Gen. Larry Taylor USMCR (ret.), President Emeritus

INDIANA - (Includes Illinois region) - The AFIO Illinois-Indiana Chapter

Vernon J. Petri, President
John Fanning, Vice President

Website: Illinois-Indiana Chapter Website

MAINE - The Maine Chapter

Michael Severance,President, 207 967-4298

Website: Maine Chapter Website

MICHIGAN - The AFIO Michigan Chapter - In Memory of Johnny Micheal Spann

Richard Tropea, President
Charles Kirkpatrick, Secretary
David Barnes, Treasurer

Website: Michigan Chapter Website

NEVADA - The AFIO "Roger E. McCarthy" Las Vegas Chapter - Las Vegas, NV

Richard Cohn, President
Gregg Schiffbauer, Vice President
Mary Bentley, Secretary
Dave Horn, Treasurer

VermontMassachusetts Maine NewHampshire

NEW ENGLAND - The "David Atlee Phillips" New England Chapter

Contact the NE Chapter President -- Arthur Harvey -- if are interested in the programs of this chapter. Or Sarah Moore.            

AREA COVERED:  Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, N New York, Rhode Island, E and NW Connecticut.

NEW MEXICO - The AFIO "Tom Smith" New Mexico Chapter - Albuquerque

Sam Shaw, President
Tom Dyble, Vice President
Bob Hull, Secretary
Richard Sullivan, Treasurer


NEW YORK - The AFIO New York Metropolitan Chapter    

David Hunt, President / Secretary or call 301-520-1417
Richard R. Valcourt, Ph.D., Vice President
Metro New York City, including Eastern New Jersey, Southern Connecticut and Upstate New York

NORTH CAROLINA - The AFIO Western North Carolina-area Chapter (in formation)

Currently Inactive as of 2019
Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.
Areas include Raleigh-Durham and greater Charlotte.

OHIO - The AFIO Great Lakes Chapter (Cleveland, Ohio and Northern Great Lakes Region)

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

OREGON - The AFIO Columbia River (OR) - Chapter (includes the Washington State region adjoining the Columbia River)

Professor Carl "Tony" Wege, President
John Roberts, Secretary/Treasurer
Tom Peterson, Director-at-Large


Chapter History as a PDF as of 2020 (compliments of Professor Tony Wege)

PUERTO RICO - Chapter Formation Being Explored in 2021-22

Albert Grajales, Acting Organizer

TENNESSEE REGION - The East Tennessee (TN) AFIO Chapter - (includes Nashville, Knoxville, Western North Carolina, and North Georgia)

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

TEXAS - The Greater Dallas Fort-Worth (DFW), Texas Metroplex

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

TEXAS - The AFIO San Antonio Chapter

John Franklin, President


VIRGINIA - The AFIO "Norman Forde" Hampton Roads Virginia Chapter - Hampton Roads/Norfolk area. Currently inactive.

Contact to indicate interest in reactivating this chapter and serving as an officer.

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