COMING EVENTS FROM THE LATEST WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES - Use month index in right column to jump to current month:
January 2022
Sunday, 16 January 2022, 2 - 3:30 pm - Zoom Webinar - Steinstuecken: A Little Pocket of Freedom by The Cold War Museum
A lovely German village. But surrounded by hostile forces. Will your friends save you?
Suppose You Live in a Pleasant West German Village During the Cold War. Lovely Thought. Except That Your Tiny Town is Entirely Surrounded by Hostile Forces Who Are Eager to Make Your Daily Life As Tense and Miserable As Possible. Luckily, You've Got Some Determined Friends.
Steinstuecken (German for "stone pieces") is part of one of Berlin's Bezirks, or boroughs, but it is physically separated from its parent borough. About one kilometer of territory belonging to the neighboring German state of Brandenburg separates Steinstuecken from the boundary of Berlin. During the Cold War, NO Berlin-owned road or strip of land connected Steinstuecken to the city. When the Allies captured Berlin in 1945, Steinstuecken's borough became part of the American occupation sector. All the territory surrounding Berlin became part of the Soviet Occupation Zone. When the Cold War erupted, Steinstuecken, a place no bigger than the grounds of a college football stadium, became a de facto Western island in a Communist sea.
Don Smith will tell us this remarkable story, drawing from his recent book Steinstuecken: A Little Pocket of Freedom. He is a retired Army Reservist who served in Germany from 1986 to 1989.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place.
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Don Smith; • 2:05-3:00. Don presents on Steinstuecken in the Cold War; • 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
To register, use this link.
20 January 2022, 12:30-1:30 pm PST - GoToMeeting Webinar - AFIO-L.A. Chapter January Kickoff Meeting
The AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter kicks off 2022 with guest speaker Dr. Daniel Winterhalter, who recently retired as Chief Scientist, from NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). He will be discussing the James Webb Space Telescope, which had a successful launch on December 25, 2021. The Webb Telescope is expected to be a primary science asset to the nation and the world. Please join us for this meeting which will take place on the GoToMeeting platform.
Additional Information: The Launch - Webb/NASA
Platform: Go To Meeting
Chapter President Autiero: "I wanted to take the time and wish all of you celebrating the upcoming Christmas Holiday the best of times! As a reminder anyone who has not yet reserved a virtual space for our upcoming meeting taking place in January to please do so, therefore you have access in advance, your participation and attendance always helps to strengthen the chapter. I look forward to seeing all of you virtually in January!"
To participate in the January webinar, email Vince Autiero, Chapter President, for meeting access link: AFIO_LA@Yahoo.com
POSTPONED - Date TBD - Arlington, VA - Operation Soirée: Social Like a Spy and Save the World - POSTPONED
Mission: Mix and Mingle Like a Pro
Spyher welcomes Paul S. to OPERATION SOIRÉE. Paul is a counterintelligence subject matter expert and served 28 years as an NCIS Agent. During that time, he worked everything from onboard and offshore counterintelligence investigations and operations worldwide to oversite activities of counterterrorism and infrastructure protection. Paul is a highly credentialed and experienced trainer. Coached by senior former intelligence officers, guests prepare for a high-stakes mission to help thwart an imminent chemical attack against the McMillan Reservoir in Washington, D.C. Guests will craft a cover story and learn how to discreetly gather information with the elicitation techniques used daily in the world of espionage. With specific requirements in hand, guests deploy to a cocktail party celebrating the opening of a new art exhibit to find their targets. With new skills, they must tease out details of the attack plan that the Spyher team needs to be successful in stopping the perpetrators.
Location: Ideal lnnovations, inc., 4401 Wilson Blvd Suite 210, Arlington, VA 22203
Dress Code: Cocktail
For More Info or Questions: Spyher - Spy Tours and Events; 703-653-0115; rosanna@spyher.co ; Price: $275/pp;
POSTPONED - Event will be rescheduled - new dates TBD
Wednesday, 26 January 2022, 1 - 2 pm ET - Zoom Webinar - NCF Winter 2022 Cryptologic Program - GCHQ Historical Perspective
The National Cryptologic Foundation's Winter 2022 Cryptologic Program will feature Mr. Tony Comer, retired GCHQ historian and Dr. John Ferris, author of Behind the Enigma: The Authorised History of GCHQ, Britain's Secret Cyber Intelligence Agency. The program will be moderated by Dr. David Sherman.
During the program, our guest speakers will discuss GCHQ's history and its relationships with its allies, including the U.S.
Registration: The cost to attend is free, but registration is required. Zoom login details will be provided in your registration confirmation email.
Questions for the Guest Speakers: A space to submit questions is provided on the registration form. Please use this even if you are unable to attend the live program.
Contact: If you have questions about this program, please contact the NCF office at 443-795-4498 or send an email to ncfinfo@cryptologicfoundation.org
Register here
February 2022
Wednesday, 2 February 2022, 2-3:15pm EST - Zoom Webinar - Ukraine and Russia on the Brink - a Harvard KSG Belfer Center Intelligence Project Event
As Russian troops continue to build up near the Ukrainian border amid rising tensions and stalled negotiations between Russia and the U.S., military action by Russia in Ukraine looks increasingly likely. Policymakers, military officials, and journalists are openly discussing the potential for an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.
What are likely scenarios in the days and weeks ahead, and what are the military and diplomatic options available for Ukraine, NATO, and U.S. policymakers and military officials seeking to contain Russian aggression?
Join the Intelligence Project and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies for a discussion on these key questions with Retired Brigadier General and current Senior Fellow Kevin Ryan, Executive Director of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies Alexandra Vacroux, and Senior Fellow and New York Times senior writer David Sanger. The discussion will be moderated by Intelligence Project Director Paul Kolbe.
Visit the event website for more information and to register. Event is open to the public.
Thursday, 3 February 2022, 7 pm CST - Virtual Zoom Webinar - Major General Glen Shaffer, USAF Retired, discusses challenges for intelligence professionals and the Iraq War at this AFIO San Antonio Chapter Virtual Event
Major General Glen Shaffer was the Director of Intelligence (J2) for the Joint Staff in Washington D.C. beginning July 2002. A career intelligence officer, he began his service in 1970. His many assignments included the Hq Strategic Air Command, Hq Tactical Air Command, Hq Atlantic Command, the National Security Agency, and Hq US Air Force before becoming the Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In addition to service school he has attended Harvard and MIT programs. Major General Shaffer currently teaches at Univ Texas at San Antonio. He will share observations on an intelligence career and his experience as Director of Intelligence for the Joint Staff where he worked for Sec of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
The 30 minute online social time has been dropped and this meeting begins promptly at 7 p.m. for civilians and 1900 hrs for former military. Virtual links will be forwarded closer to the date of the program.
Questions or to participate, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.comor 210 863-0430.
Sunday, 6 February 2022, 2 - 3:30 pm ET - Zoom Webinar - "Wilderness of Mirrors: The Work of the Cold War Military Liaison Missions" with Aden Magee by The Cold War Museum
Aden Magee is an internationally-renowned expert on full-spectrum threats to our way of life. He is a career intelligence and counterintelligence (CI) professional with a legacy of experience supporting U.S. government agencies including the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the Department of Homeland Security.
The Cold War was a Wilderness of Mirrors—a broad labyrinth of chess games played on multiple boards in support of integrated battles supporting even larger fronts on the "battlefields" of the Cold War. This presentation addresses two of the little-known, interrelated games of chess involving the U.S. Military Liaison Mission and the Soviet Military Liaison Mission -- both of which operated "behind enemy lines" for over four decades in Cold War Germany. These Military Liaison Missions were unique to the Cold War era, and their operations were among the most fitting microcosms of the battle for Europe which was a vital component of the strategic Cold War landscape.
The presentation opens an unprecedent historical time-capsule based on declassified U.S. government documents and first-hand accounts that could only be provided by the few secret warriors who fought the enemy in the streets of Cold War Europe. This disclosure of the many never-before documented histories and insights regarding the competing Military Liaison Missions also provides missing pieces to many of the puzzles that would have otherwise faded from human memory. In addition to being a unique story within a story within another story, this discussion applies some of the most important and relevant counterintelligence and intelligence principles to the lesser-known, and mainly never-known, episodes that will be recounted. The lessons learned when the bar was the highest are the ones that should be retained, and the Cold War Soviet adversary set the absolute highest counterintelligence, intelligence, and disinformation bar ever.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Aden Magee; • 2:05-3:00. Aden presents on the history of the U. S. AND Soviet Military Liaison Missions; • 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Register here
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Saturday, 12 February 2022, 11:30am - Indialantic, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Lt Gen Pat Hughes, former D/DIA, on "The Threat to the U.S. from China."
The Florida Satellite Chapter, at this in-person meeting, hears from Lieutenant General Patrick M. Hughes, US Army (Retired), the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, discussing "The Threat to the US from China."
Cost: The sit down lunch (which follows Gen. Hughes' presentation) is $35 per person.
Location: Doubletree Hotel, Rt A1A, in Indialantic, FL.
To register or more information, contact chapter president Larry Sanford at larryfsanford@gmail.com.
Thursday, 17 February 2022, 7- 8:30pm EST - Zoom Webinar - Spies, Lies, and Algorithms - A Presentation by Amy Zegart at the Hayden Center
"Today we face a critical juncture for American spy agencies, as big as 9/11--only most people don't know it," says Amy B. Zegart, a leading expert on intelligence and professor at Stanford University.
Professor Zegart captures the past and future of American intelligence in her compelling new book "Spies, Lies, and Algorithms," one General Michael V. Hayden, former CIA and NSA Director, says is already becoming compulsory reading for any student or practitioner of intelligence.
General Hayden welcomes Professor Zegart to the Hayden Center for a chat on her book with our senior fellow David Priess, a former CIA analyst and author himself of "The President's Book of Secrets," an examination of the history of the President's daily intelligence briefing. All who register will receive a 30% discount on the purchase of Prof Zegart's book.. See your registration confirmation email for details.
There will be time set aside for audience questions. This Hayden Center presentation is being recorded for use on our website and social media.
Thursday, 17 February 2022, 1800/6:00 PM EST; 1700/5:00 PM CST; 1500/3:30 PM PST; 1300 /1:00 PM HST - GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Event on UWDC
Naval Intelligence Professionals will be holding their Virtual Speaker Event using the GoToMeeting platform.
TOPIC: Undersea Warfighting Development Center (UWDC). Our guest will address: UWDC history / evolution; UWDC organization; UWDC mission, roles, functions and priorities; UWDC lines of effort; o Training, o Doctrine;
The relationship between the submarine community and Navy Intel.;
Other UWDC efforts: Arctic Sub Lab and Aggressor Squadron (AGGRON)
GUEST Speaker: Mr. Graham Jackson, CAPT, USN (Ret.), Intelligence Training and Integration Officer, Undersea Warfighting Development Center. Full biography below.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EST:
https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/482386165 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (669) 224-3412 Access Code: 482-386-165
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/482386165
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: • (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update, • (~25 min) Guest Speaker Remarks
(~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com
Thursday, 24 February 2022, 11:30am - 2pm - Tampa, FL and Zoom Webinar - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hears from Dr. Oakley on "The DoD/CIA Postwar Relationship"
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter meets in-person to hear speaker: Dr. David P. Oakley, a national security practitioner-scholar with over twenty-two years in the U.S. Army and Intelligence Community, will be speaking on the relationship between the CIA and DoD, which developed from actions taken in the late eighties and early nineties that set the foundation for their current relationship. A virtual, Zoom webinar option will also be available.
We also will be presenting an honorable mention award in the Chapter Scholarship Program. Please support this important Chapter initiative by attending—a good turnout makes a difference!
Timing: The in-person and simultaneous Zoom program is scheduled to start at noon.
Location: The offices of Bleakley, Bavol, Denman & Grace, 15316 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33613. The offices are off I-275 just north of the Bearss Avenue exit.
To Participate: We require a COVID acknowledgement and a food order form to complete an in-person reservation. Luncheon fee is $15 cash or check made out to "Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter," payable at the door.
We are also providing online access to the meeting free of charge via Zoom with prior registration and acceptance here.
Deadline: The deadline for in-person or online attendance is Thursday, 17 February.
Questions: Please contact the Chapter Secretary at michaels@suncoastafio.org to obtain copies of the required forms for in-person attendance or with any questions.
Thursday, 24 February 2022, 12:30 - 1:30 pm PST - GoToMeeting - AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter holds Elections and General Business Meeting
We will be scheduling our Annual Chapter General Business Meeting. Due to the concerns with the current health challenges, the meeting will be held virtually using GoToMeeting platform. Membership participation is extremely important during this annual meeting, which includes elections. So we look forward to your attendance and participation.
Agenda: 1. Election of Officers; 2. Treasurer's Report; 3. 2022 Objectives; 4. Open Discussion-Members Input.
RSVP President Vincent Autiero at afio_la@yahoo.com for GoToMeeting access link to attend this meeting.
Sunday, 27 February 2021, 2-3:30 PM EST - Zoom Webinar - The Glomar Explorer in Court: The CIA in a Court Case on Project Azorian - by The Cold War Museum
In 1975, a well-known marine engineer and scientist, Willard Bascom, and his company, Ocean Science and Engineering, sued the Federal Government in the US Court of Claims, alleging that the Central Intelligence Agency had infringed his patents and used his proprietary concepts in its effort to recover a Soviet Golf Class missile submarine, the K-129, from the ocean floor. Over the next three years, the CIA defended and won the case – all in secret with almost no press coverage.
Tom Scott, who represented the Government in the case, will tell the story of the CIA's groundbreaking technological effort to develop a lift vehicle to raise the sunken Soviet submarine and its ultimate deployment on a specially-designed ship, the Hughes Glomar Explorer, which was disguised as a mining vessel.
He will explain the CIA's successes and failure in its effort – all in the context of defending a complex litigation that demonstrates the ongoing conflict between the need for openness in the court systems of a genuine democracy and the need for the protection of sources and methods in national security cases.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Details or ticketing here.
Questions? Ask CWM Executive Director Jason Hall at jason@coldwar.org
March 2022
Thursday, 3 March 2022, 7 pm CST - Virtual Zoom Webinar - John Lenczowski PhD, former NSC Staffer/Expert discussing "Chinese Influence Operations in the U.S. at this AFIO San Antonio Chapter Virtual Event
The AFIO Now program interview will be conducted by James Hughes, AFIO President, a former CIA Operations Officer. Dr. John Lenczowski discusses the psychological disarmament of the decision-making elites in the U.S. and in the rest of the West which has led to the greatest theft of intellectual property the U.S. has ever experienced. The Chinese use the media, academic institutions, think tanks, business community, politicians, Hollywood as a tool for their massive propaganda operations, Dr. Lenczowski explains. The interview runs 44 minutes. A must see AFIO Now.
The 30 minute online social time has been dropped and this meeting begins promptly at 7 p.m. for civilians and 1900 hrs for former military. Virtual links will be forwarded closer to the date of the program.
Questions or to participate, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.comor 210 863-0430.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 11:30am PST - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Thomas Fingar discussing "Lessons from Intelligence Reform."
Dr. Thomas Fingar will discuss his book "From Mandate to Blueprint: Lessons from Intelligence Reform," addressing how he defined and prioritized challenges, why he created a new organization inside another new organization and how he maintained best in the world intelligence support to U.S. officials while implementing needed reforms.
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Google maps link to location.
11:30am no host cocktail; meeting and luncheon at noon.
To attend: Eventbrite registration is here. Reservation and pre-payment is required before 1 March 2022. The venue cannot accommodate walk-ins.
Please contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com or Mariko Kawaguchi, c/o AFIO, PO Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011.
Thursday, 10 March 2022, 11:30am - 2pm EST - Vienna, VA - CIRA National Luncheon & 2021 Salvetti Award Presentation
CIRA will be hosting their first national luncheon of 2022. And will be using the occasion to present the 2021 Salvetti Award to Robert (Bob) Wallace. A keynote speaker (TBA) will discuss the 75th Anniversary Program.
For details on the program, precise location, meal, fee, or to make your reservations, visit CIRA's website here.
You must be a current member of CIRA to access this site.
Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 7pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - The Directors' View: Russia & Ukraine
Exclusive to the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security, five former senior intelligence leaders offer their perspectives on the world-changing full invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the role intelligence has played as it has unfolded.
Few have experienced world crises like former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency Michael Hayden, John Brennan, Leon Panetta, and Michael Morell. All faced challenges from Russia in these roles and throughout their storied careers at ODNI, CIA, NSA, NGA, DIA, NCTC, and the Pentagon. Our director Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, will moderate this conversation.
More information or register here
If you are unable to connect to the event via Zoom, it will be live-streaming on their YouTube channel.
Thursday, 17 March 2022, 11:30 AM MDT - Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Major General Richard Engel , discussing "Strategic Intelligence."
SPEAKER BIO: General Richard Engel retired in December 2019 as the Director for Analytic Outreach for the National Intelligence Council (NIC). In this capacity, he was the principal interface between science and technology, international affairs, and social science subject matter experts and the NIC. Prior to his last position, Rich served as the Deputy Director for Strategic Programs and the Director for Environment and Natural Resources within the NIC. While on the NIC, Rich was also the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology (science and technology weapons analysts) where he was the principal representative for the National Intelligence Officer to the Scientific Technical Intelligence Committee (STIC).
Rich was Commandant of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. Prior to that, he was the Commander of the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. He is a graduate of the Test Pilot School and he logged more than 4,000 flying hours in his USAF career and flew more than 30 aircraft types.
For event location and other information, please contact steve13507@gmail.com
Thursday, 17 March 2022, 12:30 - 1:30 pm PDT - GoToMeeting - AFIO LA Chapter hosts TD Barnes on "The Genesis and Evolution of CIA's Area 51"
Our next L.A. AFIO meeting will feature guest speaker Thornton D. "TD" Barnes on "The Genesis and Evolution of the CIA's Area 51." The presentation will cover Area 51 and the U-2 and A-12 projects, the MiG exploitation project, and our pioneering stealth.
Two National Geographic Channel documentaries feature Barnes: Area 51 Declassified and CIA—Secrets of Area 51. Numerous documentaries on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Travel Channel, C-Span, and others also feature him, most recent, the Fox Nation aired August 2021. Barnes is the author of several books, including The CIA Area 51 Chronicles, a three-book series about the CIA at Area 51 and a new release, CIA Station D - Area 51. Barnes lives in Henderson, NV.
To RSVP to virtually attend, do so at AFIO_LA@yahoo.com
Questions to Chapter President Vince Autiero at afio_la@yahoo.com
Saturday, 19 March 2022, 2 pm EDT - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts VADM William Merz on "Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Islands off China's Eastern Coast" - mainly Taiwan. Ukraine also on Agenda.
The speaker is Vice Admiral William Merz. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and holds a Master's Degree from Catholic University. He is currently assigned to the Pentagon as Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy. His previous major assignments include Command of the 7th Fleet, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Systems, Director Undersea Warfare Division, Commander Naval Mine & Anti-Submarine Warfare, Task Force 54 in Bahrain, Submarine Development Squadron 12, the attack submarine USS Memphis and the nuclear deep-sea vessel Submarine NR-1. The 7th Fleet is part of the Pacific Fleet and is based in Japan with a major focus on the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
VADM Merz understands that the Maine Chapter's forum is an unclassified environment and is part of continuing discussions relating to the importance of having an effective Intelligence Community as USA's first line of defense; therefore, his presentation will be based upon statements that have been, or about to be released to the general public. We anticipate VADM Merz will also offer his observations, analysis and opinions of the current problem in Ukraine.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation.
Sunday, 20 March 2022, 2 - 3:30 EDT - Zoom Webinar - Near the End of All Things: Able Archer 1983 & History to Novel - sponsored by The Cold War Museum
You Know How Close the World Came to Ending During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. But Did You Know That 21 Years Later Mutually-Assured Destruction Almost Occurred Again? And This Time One Side (Ours) Didn't Even Know Until the Last Second That We Were Right on the Edge. A Breath Away From the End of All Things: Able Archer 1983 and Turning the History into Fiction
In 1983, the U.S. and the Soviet Union came very close to nuclear war—without the U.S. being aware at the time of the extreme danger of the situation until things had advanced very far toward nuclear war.
The Soviets had become convinced that the 1983 version of an annual NATO exercise known as Able Archer was not the routine military exercise that it in fact was, but instead was the pretext for a first strike against the Soviet Union.
What had happened was a combination of some added realism in the NATO war simulation, including, as Wikipedia notes, "a new, unique format of coded communications, radio silences, and the participation of heads of states," AND unusually tense relations between the Soviets and the West at that time, especially about pending new installation of Pershing nuclear missiles in Europe. When the Soviets heightened their actual defense status in ways that clearly indicated nuclear war was close at hand, only following a U.S. General's advice against responding in kind managed to de-escalate the situation in time.
Brian Morra was an Air Force Intelligence officer during this crisis, serving in some of the locales that were important to Able Archer 1983. He'll be talking with us about The Able Archers, the first in his series of forthcoming novels relating to these events and subsequent ones. After describing why he decided to write this book, he'll explain how he chose his two main characters (one AF intelligence, the other GRU), what the key Able Archer historical events were, and how he's thinking about Able Archers series of novels going forward. This is a chance to not only learn about this key historical event but also to discover how writers of historical fiction who are serious about getting the history right try to do that while creating an engaging story line that will provide a way for people who otherwise might not be interested in history to engage with it through the eyes of the fictional characters on various sides of the events.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE via ZOOM Webinar platform. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Register here
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online;
• 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Brian Morra;
• 2:05-3:00. Brian presents on the history of Able Archer '83 and how he used that history as the framework for his historical novel;
• 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Wednesday, 23 March 2022, 3 - 4:30 PM EDT - Virtual - The OSS Society hosts Virtual Conversation with Drs Robert Gates and Michael Vickers
This first of 2022 "Oh So Social" virtual one-on-one conversation by The OSS Society features Dr. Robert Gates and Dr. Michael Vickers.
Speaker bios, program information, and to register
Thursday, 24 March 2022, 1800/6:00 PM EDT; 1700/5:00 PM EDT; 1500/3:30 PM PDT; 1200 /12:00 PM HST - GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Event
Naval Intelligence Professionals are hosting a Virtual Speaker Event on this topic: Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC)
Topic outline: A) NAWDC history / evolution; NAWDC organization; NAWDC mission, roles, functions and priorities; Training; Doctrine development; NAWDC lines of effort
B) Navy Intel and the aviation community; Challenges; Evolving training and skillsets
C) Targeting and CVW/CSG operations – past/present/future; Traditional alignment with CVW for Strike; TQCP and the Navy Program; Targeting as a functional area of expertise; Fleet demand signals
D) Other NAWDC efforts: Integrated Training Facility and Live, Virtual, Constructive
GUEST Speaker: CDR David "Bergy" Bergesen, Director of Information Warfare, Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC).
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/427078189
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 427-078-189
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update; (~25 min) Guest Speaker Remarks; (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com
Tuesday, 29 March 2022, noon EDT - Zoom - Situational Briefing on Conflict in Ukraine and Roundtable Discussion at this Flordia Suncoast Chapter Virtual Session
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is pleased to present a situational briefing on the conflict in Ukraine and a roundtable discussion. The special online Zoom meeting features Dr. Golfo Alexopoulos, founding director of the USF Institute on Russia and Professor of Global Studies at the University of South Florida, and Dr. Mark Grzegorzewski, Resident Senior Fellow in the Department of Strategic Intelligence and Emerging Technology at Joint Special Operations University, MacDill AFB.
We anticipate the briefing and discussion will run approximately 90 minutes.
Registration is required. Question submission and registration ends at noon on Thursday, March 24. Please send in any questions and register early. Use this link
Questions are welcome; please submit to Chapter Secretary, michaels@suncoastafio.org.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022, 6pm EDT - Atlanta, GA - AFIO Atlanta hears from Reg Regenstein on "Havana Syndrome: Are the Russians Secretly Attacking Americans Abroad?"
Since 2016, hundreds of American diplomats, intelligence officers, and military attaches—and their family members—have suddenly suffered from severe neurological damage and often had their health permanently impaired under suspicious and inexplicable circumstances. Substantial evidence, including from the National Academy of Sciences, points to the cause being pulsed microwave energy radiation. DCI Burns and other national security officials have met, investigated, and discussed these attacks. Some have attributed the injuries to hysteria, tension, pesticides, or even the chirping of crickets. But much credible evidence has emerged implicating Russian involvement.
CIA veteran Lewis "Reg" Regenstein—a charter member of AFIO since 1975—has studied and written extensively on Havana Syndrome and related Russian operations. He and his published articles on the subject have not been challenged, except by the Russian media outlet RT (Russia Today). (RT is an agent of Kremlin policy and a tool directly used by President Vladimir Putin to engage in covert disinformation campaigns designed to sow doubt about democratic institutions and destabilize the West.)
Join us for an exciting lecture as Reg argues that America's weakness, timidity, confusion, and feigned ignorance in the face of these microwave attacks on Americans have helped erode our deterrence, encouraged Russian aggression, and destabilized today's world. The talk will be followed by Q&A when you may feel free to support or dispute his conclusions.
Complimentary appetizers and hors d'oeuvres will be provided
VENUE: Big B's Fish Joint, 4600 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30342 (free parking available)
RSVP: email, call, or text to Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com or 404.403.8004
April 2022
Thursday, 7 April 2022 at 6:30 - 7:30pm EDT - Washington, DC - Dr Harlan Ullman discusses "How Massive Attacks of Disruption are an Existential Danger to the U.S. and World" - at this in-person event at The City Tavern Preservation Foundation
NOTE THE NEW DATE: The City Tavern Preservation Foundation, an organization established for the preservation of the oldest and last remaining Federal era tavern in Washington, DC, invites AFIO members, at no cost, to attend a discussion and book signing with Harlan Ullman for his latest book: The Fifth Horseman and the New MAD: How Massive Attacks of Disruption Became the Looming Existential Danger to a Divided Nation and the World at Large.
Dr. Harlan Ullman is a globally recognized thought leader and strategic thinker. Among his better known innovative concepts are: "shock and awe" "A Brains Based Approach to Strategic Thinking"; and "Massive Attacks of Disruption. "
A former naval person and Swift Boat skipper in Vietnam who carried out over 150 combat missions, and later, commanded a destroyer in the Persian Gulf, he has advised heads of government and industry. He has also chaired several companies.
He lays out the issues and makes major recommendations to repair a broken government, infrastructure, and in many ways a flawed national security policy and organization. He is UPI's Arnaud de Borchgrave distinguished columnist and a Contributor to The Hill
No Charge to attend but reservations required and can be made at this Eventbrite link.
Event location: City Tavern, 3206 M St NW, Washington, DC 20007. Location on Google Maps.
To order a book, do so here at Amazon
Thursday, 7 April 2022, 8:15am - 4:30pm EDT- Hybrid: In-Person and Zoom Webinar - Intelligence and the Changing Security Environment by The Intelligence Studies Consortium - Georgetown University School of Continuing Education and National Intelligence University
The Intelligence Studies Consortium (ISC) was established in 2018 by the National Intelligence University (NIU) to promote communications and cooperation between academic and government organizations. The ISC provides an organized forum for the member universities to work together exploring issues and engaging in solutions that improve national security. The participating universities have national security-focused academic programs and unique relationships with many government agencies; the ISC seeks to develop these relationships and provide an integrated forum to discuss critical intelligence issues. This symposium is an opportunity for students to present recent work at an academic conference in a panel format. Students will be selected for participation in the symposium based on their proposal, which will be judged by the ISC faculty representatives.
All attendees attending in-person must be fully vaccinated and compliant within the GU360 system. The event will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend in-person.
*Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by March 28 to scsevents@georgetown.edu. A good faith effort will be made to fulfill requests made after March 28.* If you have any questions, contact scsevents@georgetown.edu.
LOCATION: Virtual via Zoom; In-Person at Georgetown School of Continuing Studies, 640 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20001. This event will also be live-streamed via Zoom.
Audience: Prospective Students, Current Students, Alumni, Outside Attendees
RSVP for the event using this link.
More about this program at Georgetown University website or at the SCS website
Thursday, 7 April 2022, 7 pm CDT - Virtual Zoom Webinar - Major General Gary W. O'Shaughnessy will speak about careers in intelligence at this AFIO San Antonio Chapter Virtual Event
MG Gary O'Shaughnessy began his military service in 1960, when he was commissioned through the ROTC program. In 1962 he became a Communications Intelligence Officer and served several tours in Asia. He progressed in the military with assignment in the Security Service, Electronic Security Command, National Security Agency, and US Europe Command as the Director of Intelligence. General O'Shaughnessy currently serves on the AFIO National Board.
The 30 minute online social time has been dropped and this meeting begins promptly at 7 p.m. for civilians and 1900 hrs for former military. Virtual links will be forwarded closer to the date of the program.
Questions or to participate, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.comor 210 863-0430.
Friday, 8 April 2022 - McLean, VA - AFIO's First 2022 In-Person Luncheon features Shane Harris, journalist/author, The Washington Post, and Toby Harnden, journalist/author
AFIO's first in-person event of 2022.
Speakers will be: Shane Harris, journalist/author, The Washington Post, author of "@War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex" speaking at 11 am; Toby Harnden, journalist/author of "The First Casualty: The Untold Story of the CIA Mission To Avenge 9/11" speaking following lunch.
Harris, will discuss the latest developments in Ukraine, which he is covering for the Washington Post, with special focus on the intelligence aspects. Also present will be and one of the brave Team Alpha members
featured in Tody Harnden's incredible book.
Event will be held at DoubleTree by Hilton, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA.
Registration has CLOSED. Questions to annettej@afio.com
Sunday, 10 April 2022, 2-3:30pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - Dome of Light: A Real Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon? by John Ramirez, former CIA DS&T - Event by The Cold War Museum
UFOs. UAPs. Is That All Crazy Stuff? Well…Maybe Not. Hear & Ask a Former CIA Technical Expert About the Dome of Light Case.
An unusual phenomenon known as the Dome of Light was detected by US intelligence sensors during certain Russian ballistic missile test launches. Of particular interest was the SS-20 Sable intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM). Ballistic missile analysts at the Foreign Technology Division (now the National Air and Space Intelligence Center -- NASIC) at Wright-Patterson AFB attributed the Dome of Light phenomenon to a ballistic missile countermeasures technique. However, this phenomenon was also detected when there were no ballistic missile launches. What did the Russians know about the Dome of Light, which they called the "Petrozavodsk Phenomenon?" The possible answer has surprising relevance to the US government's Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) investigation as mandated by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022.
John Ramirez served from 1984 to 2009 in the CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Directorate of Intelligence, and the ODNI National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC). During his 25-year career he specialized in ballistic missile defense systems and signals analysis of weapon system radars. He served as the Chief of Base for an overseas technical collection facility and was Chief of the Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Analysis Branch. A founding member of the ODNI NCPC, he was the SIGINT specialist and the multi-discipline collection requirements strategist for counterproliferation equities. Prior to his career in the Intelligence Community, John enlisted in the US Navy as an Electronics Warfare Technician. He is a graduate of the George Washington University in Washington, DC. He is currently a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and the Central Intelligence Retirees Association.
This is the 60th in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War-era events and activities.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Click this link to register.
Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where event will take place.
Agenda: 1:30-2. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; 2-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and John Ramirez; 2:05-3 John presents on the history of the Dome of Light phenomenon and what that suggests for the newly-mandated Congressional inquiry into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; 3-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
13 April 2022, 6:30pm PDT - Las Vegas, NV - AFIO Las Vegas hosts special speaker event on "Is Democracy in Russia Possible?"
The next LV Chapter meeting features a brief business meeting followed by a presentation by a very special guest speaker. Due to sensitivities, the chapter will not be providing the name of the speaker. He is a well-respected advocate for Russian democracy and has agreed to share his insights into our current world situation. The topic of the evening's speaker is "Is Democracy in Russia Possible?" This is going to be an enlightening and intriguing talk and I urge everyone who is able, to attend.
Attendees are invited to meet in the patio room of the clubhouse restaurant for drinks, food, and great conversation anytime after 5:30 pm.
Location: Los Prados Golf & Country Club Clubhouse, 5150 Los Prados Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130.
NOTE: Please... no recording devices or photos at this meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda Cohn at 702-239-1370.
To attend, contact Linda M. Cohn, Secretary, AFIO Las Vegas Chapter, at lasvegasafio@gmail.com
Saturday, 16 April 2022, 10 - noon EDT - Zoom Webinar - AFIO New England 2-Speaker Event - Prof. Declan Hill on "The Origin of Covid-19"; and former FBI Agent Ken Gray on "NWC Talks: America and the Intelligence Revolution with Jeff Rogg"
AFIO New England will be hosting a virtual event with two speakers.
Our first presenter is Declan Hill talking about the origin of Covid-19. Hill will be followed by former FBI Agent Ken Gray, who will show the video "NWC Talks: America and the Intelligence Revolution with Jeff Rogg." The video will be followed by a discussion.
Both presentations will run approximately 45 minutes each, with time for Q&As.
Declan Hill is an associate professor of investigations at the University of New Haven. He specializes in the study of organized crime and corruption specifically in international sport. His first book The Fix: Organized Crime and Soccer tells the story of Hill infiltrating a group of Asian match-fixers as they fixed matches at the World Cup. His second book, The Insider's Guide to Match-Fixing in Football is written for sports officials. Hill was an investigative journalist and news presenter for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and has a podcast "Crime Waves with Declan Hill." His current series is called the "Slow-Motion Chernobyl" on the origins of Covid-19.
Hill received his doctorate from the University of Oxford.
Ken Gray was an officer with the US Navy and then spent 24 years as a FBI Special Agent and served his entire career in the New Haven Division. After an extra 6 months past mandatory retirement, he moved over to University of New Haven, where he teaches criminal investigation in the C.J. Department
To sign up for this webinar or if you have questions: contact chapter President Art Harvey at aharvey@rdi.qozzy.com or Sarah Moore, AFIO/NE Secretary, at afionechapter@gmail.com.
Note: Your invitation will come either directly from Ken Gray or the University of New Haven, or from Art Harvey. Since this webinar will be open to the public, no detailed chapter information will be presented; however, there will be a discussion of resuming in-person meetings on a schedule. The chapter looks forward to connecting with all members and guests in these troubled times.
Saturday, 16 April 2022, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Hosts Maj Gen Gregg Potter on Army Intelligence
Retired Army Major General Gregg Potter will be making a presentation at this AFIO Maine Chapter Event. He will focus on the modernization of the Army and army intelligence. Also, he will comments about the Russia and Ukraine conflict. A question and answer period will follow.
The event takes place at the Brick Store Museum Program Center at 4 Dane St, Kennebunk, ME.
The meeting, which is open to the public. No reservations are required.
Thursday, 21 April 2022, 12:30 - 1:30pm PDT - GoToMeeting - AFIO Los Angeles hears from Maj Charles Christian the Civil Air Patrol on The Wide Range of Essential CAP Missions
The next AFIO L.A. Chapter meeting will feature guest speaker Major Charles Christian, Director of Emergency Services for the California Wing of the Civil Air Patrol.
The Civil Air Patrol is celebrating its 80th Anniversary. Since the founding in June of 1941, CAP has been protecting and serving the U.S. with an unpaid professional force currently at over 66,000 members.
Often called a Force Multiplier by the Air Force, Maj Charles Christian, Director of Emergency Services for the California Wing, will present a wide-ranging insight as to the variety of missions that CAP now accomplishes. From saving lives in SAR, to Counter Drug with Homeland Security, to aerial reconnaissance for Cal OES and Cal Fire, to training Cadets to be the next generation of Air Force Pilots and Cyber Warriors, and community support in Food Bank distribution, Maj Christian will tell us about the best kept secret—the Civil Air Patrol.
Maj Christian is an IT professional with Cyber and Network specialization for the public and private sectors. He is an accomplished Pilot with land and sea ratings. With 12 years in CAP, his dedication has been recognized with 13 Search "Find" Awards, 3 Achievement Awards, 11 Commanders Commendations, 1 Exceptional Service Award, 4 Meritorious Service Awards, Air Force Organizational Service Award, Member of the Year, and Crisis Service Award.
His current role (CA Wing Director of Emergency Services) requires him to generate, facilitate, coordinate, and oversee the execution of operational missions within the State of CA. Maj Christian coordinates with 1st Air Force staff, Federal agencies (such as NOAA, FEMA, Homeland Security), the Governor's office of emergency services for the state of CA, local agencies, and special districts on a weekly basis.
Lt Paul Rivera is a Public Information and Communications Officer for the California Wing and will be assisting Maj. Christian in the presentation.
Please RSVP via email to President Vince Autiero at afio_la@yahoo.com for the access link to the meeting.
Platform: Go To Meeting (Virtual)
Questions: contact Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter, at AFIO_LA@yahoo.com
Thursday, 21 April 2022, 7 - 8:30pm EDT - GoToMeeting Virtual - Naval Intelligence Professionals Virtual Speaker Event on "Surface and Mine Warfighting Center"
Naval Intelligence Professionals will host guest speaker CDR Robert Pipkin, Intelligence Branch Head (N2), Surface and Mine Warfighting Center HQ discussing the "Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC)"
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1850/6:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/386989557
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 386-989-557
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update; (~25 min) Guest Speaker Remarks; (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Thursday, 28 April 2022, 6 - 8pm - Virtual - The OSS Society "Oh So Social" Author Spotlight: Erika Robuck & The Hon. Ellen McCarthy
The OSS Society launches their "Oh So Social" Author Spotlight Series. Starting off that event are The Honorable Ellen McCarthy who will interview author Erika Robuck about her new novel Sisters of Night and Fog.
To register or learn more, do so here
May 2022
Sunday, 1 May 2022, 2-3:30pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - The Black Bats: CIA Spy Flights Over China from Taiwan 1951-1969 featuring Chris Pocock - hosted by The Cold War Museum
We've had a long history of working with Taiwan on info-gathering over mainland China. Come see what the Cold War version of that looked like, as our friend and previous presenter Chris Pocock tells us on May 1 the story of the Black Bats, who took huge risks to gather the necessary data for Taiwan and for the U.S.
This is a great story of courage and determination against a formidable enemy, and one that Chris knows well.
After Mao's communists took control of mainland China in 1949, the CIA went into partnership with the nationalist Chinese government on Taiwan for covert air operations over mainland China—dropping agents and propaganda, and collecting SIGINT. But Communist China's air defences reacted with determination and ingenuity to the unwelcome intruders. Over 100 Taiwanese aircrew lost their lives in this epic yet hardly-known struggle, which is being told in English for the first time.
The story of The Black Bats—the 34th Squadron of the Republic of China Air Force—is one of courage and determination, teamwork, and technical innovation. The CIA won't declassify its history of these remarkable operations. But Chris Pocock and co-author Clarence Fu Jing Ping have reconstructed the story through research and interviews in Taiwan and the US.
Chris Pocock is a British writer, researcher and consultant who specializes in aerospace, airfreight, defense, and intelligence.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Event is ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Register here.
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Chris Pocock; • 2:05-3:00. Chris presents on the story of the Black Bats; • 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
1 - 3 May 2022 - Tucson, AZ - Spies Lies & Nukes Conference

Join Valerie Plame and several of her legendary, highly decorated CIA colleagues as they dive into the secretive world of espionage.
Hear intriguing, provocative, and sometimes shocking conversations on cyber attacks, covert actions, nuclear scams, recruiting real spies from those that lived in the "wilderness of mirrors" for years.
Speakers: Valerie Plame, Conference Host and former Covert CIA Ops Officer; James C. Lawler, former Senior CIA Ops Officer; Alma Katsu, former CIA and NSA Analyst; Marc Polymeropoulos, former Senior CIA Ops Officer; Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer; Mary Beth Long, former Asst SecDef for Intl Security Affairs; Glenn Carle, former Senior CIA Ops Officer; Lucy Kirk, former CIA Chief of Station and Ops Officer; Jonna Mendez, former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer; Gary C. Schroen, former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer
Topics: Some of the topics that will be presented by our experts and panelists:
"Afghanistan: Ending the Forever War"; "What is the 'Havana Syndrome'?"; "Russian election hacking / cyberwarfare"; "SoulCatcher: How to recruit a spy"; "Women in the CIA"; "Spy Fiction: What is real and what isn't?"; "The Morality and Politics of Torture"; and "The Nuclear Threat."
Location: Hacienda del Sol Guest Ranch Resort - a beautiful and historic resort 5501 N Hacienda Del Sol Rd, Tucson, AZ 85718
To celebrate the New Year we are offering $40 off ticket prices through Jan 31.
More information or to register while tickets remain, visit https://www.spiesliesnukes.com/
5 May 2022, 7pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - Afghanistan: A Year After - at the Hayden Center/George Mason University
Masoud Andarabi, former Afghanistan Minister of Interior and Acting & Deputy Director of its intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security, sits down with Michael Morell and other representatives of The Hayden Center to offer his perspective on the current state of play in his homeland. Just over a year since President Biden's decision to withdraw all US forces from Afghanistan, the US ended 20 years of active combat in the country and the Afghanistan government fell to the Taliban, in rapid succession. Michael Morell, former Acting & Deputy Director of CIA will discuss these historic events with Andarabi, look at the current situation inside Afghanistan, and discuss what role the United States and its Western allies should be playing going forward.
To register, do so here
5 May 2022, 7pm CDT - Zoom - San Antonio TX Virtual AFIO Chapter Meeting featuring Bruce Riedel of Brookings Institution, and James Hughes, President, AFIO
The San Antonio Chapter of AFIO [SATX] is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting which features an interview of Bruce Riedel, Director, The Intelligence Project at the Center for Middle East Policy, by AFIO President James Hughes, a former CIA Operations Officer. Mr. Riedel discusses his background and crucial work while on the National Security Council during the Iraq War. The interview was recorded Thursday, 17 September 2020.
To receive Zoom Meeting ID, Passcode, and links, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.com, or call him at 210 863-0430.
The Program is a virtual and runs approximately 30 minutes.
10 - 12 May 2022 - National Cryptologic Foundation General Membership Meeting (GMM) & 18th CCH Cryptologic History Symposium
The 24th NCF GMM will take place on May 10th as a hybrid event with virtual attendance via Zoom and very limited in-person seating at our office in Glen Burnie, MD. Lunch will be optional for in-person attendees.
Our program will include presentations to our first corporate and individual Education Program awardees: Mr. Greg Von Lehmen and Northrop Grumman. Our featured guest speakers will be Mr. Harry Wetherbee and Ms. Betsy Rohaly Smoot. The program will also include, In Memoriam, special recognition of past staff and volunteers, and Foundation & Museum updates. Click to REVIEW THE AGENDA.
We will have signed copies of our guest speakers' books for sale for in-person attendees, as well as a rare and used book sale. Please bring cash or check for book purchases.
The bi-ennial CCH Cryptologic History Symposium will take place on May 11-12. See more about the 2022 Symposium later in this e-letter. We hope you will sign up for both programs and make it Three Days of Cryptology!
The Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) and the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) will host the 18th Cryptologic History Symposium on May 11-12, 2022. The Symposium will be held as an all virtual event via the Microsoft (MS) Teams Live Events platform. Attendees will be able to view sessions either through the MS Teams application or with a standard web browser. The theme for the 2022 Symposium is "Icons & Innovation." Click here to view the preliminary program. Registration is free, but required, and is hosted by the NCF on the NCF website. Registration opens 3 April and will close at 9pm EDT on 10 May. Learn more about the program and to register, explore those here.
Call for Papers - The Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) and the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) invite proposals for papers for 18th Cryptologic History Symposium, 11-13 May 2022.
The Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) and the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) invite proposals for papers to be presented at the 18th Cryptologic History Symposium, 11-13 May 2022. The Symposium will be held at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, Maryland. The theme for the symposium is "Icons and Innovation." Proposals are due 7 September 2021.
For more information visit the NCF or contact cchevents@nsa.gov.
13 May 2022, 11am - 1pm - Arlington, VA - NIP Spring Red Tie Luncheon featuring VADM Frank D. Whitworth
The Naval Intelligence Professionals' Red Tie Luncheon will return to the Army Navy Country Club (ANCC), a world class venue located conveniently near Suitland and minutes from the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, with spectacular views of the Capital and abundant free valet parking.
Agenda: 11-noon No-Host Social; noon-1pm Luncheon; 1230-1pm VADM Frank D. Whitworth - Guest Speaker.
VADM Whitworth is currently the director of intelligence for the Joint Staff and has been confirmed by the Senate to serve as the eighth director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency which is charged with analyzing and distributing geospatial intelligence for the national security community.
At this event, we are pleased to be honoring CAPT (Ret) Dave McMunn as the Red Tie award recipient for 2022.
Event location: Army Navy Country Club, 1700 Army Navy Dr, Arlington, VA 22202
To register and pay by check, please send checks to: NIP, P.O. Box 11579, Burke, VA, 22009-1579. Please remember to include your menu entree selection - Salmon or Chicken or Vegetarian - when registering via mail.
NO WALK UPS PLEASE, RESERVATIONS DUE BY COB 6 May 2022. You do not have to be a NIP member to attend.
Saturday, 14 May 2022, 11:30am EDT - Indialantic, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Alex Goodale, former CIA, on "Actionable Intelligence."
The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Alex Goodale, former career CIA clandestine officer, speaking on "Actionable Intelligence."
The event will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, Rt A1A, in Indialantic, FL. A sit down lunch will be followed by Mr. Goodale's presentation. Cost is $35.00 per person.
Inquiries to: Larry Sanford at larryfsanford@gmail.com
Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 5pm - N. VA. location - CIRA 1st Wine Social & Scholarship Fundraising Event
CIRA is hosting its first CIRA's 1st Wine Social & Scholarship Fundraising Event at a beautiful N. Virginia location (TBA to registrants).
Slow down and enjoy an evening with friends and former colleagues for a relaxing evening of wine, hors d'oeuvres, and music on the deck overlooking Lake XXX. This is a very casual affair, no agenda and no speeches, something of a pot luck happy hour. You bring the wine and the CIRA board members will provide the hors d'oeuvres.
Admission is $20 plus a bottle of wine. All proceeds, after the facility rental fee, will go directly to the CIRA Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships to children of Agency Officers every year.
COVID transmission rates are low in the suburbs surrounding the DC and we will take precautions to keep our CIRA colleagues safe. Hors d'oeuvres will be served on individual covered plates and we request anyone who is not fully vaccinated wear a mask.
To register log into our members-only website https://www.cira.org, go to Online Payments under the main menu on the left, scroll down the page to the 'Payment Wine Social' button and fill in your information. Credit card payment.
Thursday, 19 May 2022, 11:30 AM – Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Mark Pfoff, discussing "Forensics."
Topic: Mark Pfoff will present the latest technologies used by law enforcement to locate/track suspects and obtain digital evidence in criminal cases. The use of some of these technologies is currently being challenged in court. BIO: Mark Pfoff is a retired Detective with 17 years of experience in law enforcement. After a 22 year career as a computer engineer he went into law enforcement full time where he became a Detective with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He specialized in computer crimes and computer forensics. He investigated many major crimes including sex assaults and homicides. Mark is a consultant with Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics where he provides consulting for both criminal and civil cases. He is a court qualified expert in computer and cell phone forensics, cellular technology, police procedures and investigations, digital evidence collection, social media, and child exploitation.
For more information on this event or details on how and where to attend, contact steve13507@gmail.com
Thursday, 19 May 2022, 1750/5:50 PM EDT - GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Event features CAPT (Ret.) Steve Maffeo
This Naval Intelligence Professionals May virtual speaker event features CAPT (Ret.) Steve Maffeo, author U.S. Navy Codebreakers, Linguists, and Intelligence Officers against Japan, 1910-1941, discussing "Intelligence and Cryptology at the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway"
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/486509013
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3212;
Access Code: 486-509-013
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update; (~25 min) Guest Speaker Remarks; (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen
Questions? bob_allen36@hotmail.com
Saturday, 21 May 2022, noon - Mandarin (Jacksonville), FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Luncheon features Ric Prado, former CIA Operations Officer, on "Black Ops"
The North Florida Chapter AFIO will be hosting Ric Prado, former CIA Operations Officer, on his book, "Black Ops," released 1 March. He will be discussing the book and other topics. We also will be celebrating the Jacksonville Bicentennial.
Very limited space remains. Our next meeting location will be in the Angler Room at the Bonefish Grill in Mandarin.
Agenda: noon-12:45 Social Hour; 1-1:05 Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation, Intro of Ric Prado and New Members; 1:05-2:00 Ric Prado presentation and Luncheon; 2-2:15 Post-Lunch break; 2:15-3 Lightning Round and Post-Meal Discussions.
RSVP ASAP to Ken Meyer at kmeyer12@bellsouth.net. Fee: $25 pp. Check or Cash Only.
For your calendars: the chapter meetings in 2022 will all be Saturdays as follows: 13 August 2022; and 5 November 2022.
Saturday, 21 May 2022, 2pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts Dr. Seth Jones on National Security Issues
The next meeting of AFIO's Maine Chapter will take place at the Brick Store Museum's Program Center at 4 Dane St., Kennebunk, ME.
Guest speaker Dr. Seth Jones, a defense expert with an extensive background in strategic and international studies with special emphasis on national security, will talk about what country rivals are using against the United States to undermine American power while adapting American techniques and having made huge gains without traditional warfare.
Dr. Jones, a Bowdoin graduate, has taught extensively about our national security and has written numerous articles and published books related to irregular warfare, counterterrorism, and covert action. He is the director of the Transitional Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
A question and answer period will follow the presentation. All are welcomed to attend. No registration or fee required...just show up.
June 2022
Thursday, 2 June 2022, 5pm CDT - Chicago, IL or Virtual - The Spy Who Came in From the Cold War: Spy Museum Infiltration at the PMML
Join the Pritzker Military Museum & Library, in partnership with the International Spy Museum, for an evening of drinks, intelligence, and espionage.
From 5-6 pm mix and mingle with former members of the intelligence community as well as leadership from the SPY Museum and the PMML. Following the reception, SPY Museum historian and curator, Dr. Andrew Hammond will host a conversation with Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, and retired senior FBI agent John Quattrocki, to talk Cold War intelligence, espionage, and their experiences in the field.
Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years with 25 of those in active duty in hot spots such as Panama, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq is also a past Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council.
Quattrocki retired from the Senior Executive Service (SES - 4) as a Special Agent of the FBI with 19 years of operational experience against the Soviet Union/Russia, the countries of the (former) Warsaw Pact, East Asia, Islamic extremist groups, and domestic terrorism. He also has 14 years of experience in U.S. National Security policy development and implementation at FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) and in the Intelligence Directorate on the National Security Council (NSC) staff at the White House as the Director of Counterintelligence Programs.
Not able to join us in person? Indicate under "Attendance Options" if you wish to attend in person or virtually to access the free livestream of the program. The livestream will begin at 6:00 PM CDT.
Register here
Thursday, 2 June 2022, 7pm CT - Zoom - San Antonio TX Virtual AFIO Chapter Meeting featuring Shane Harris, Washington Post, and James Hughes, President, AFIO, Former CIA Operations Officer
The AFIO San Antonio, Texas Chapter (SATX) will feature at this meeting an interview AFIO National conducted with Shane Harris of the Washington Post. The interview got excellent reviews and I am offering a copy of the program for our virtual meeting 2 June.
Interview between Shane Harris, senior National Security Reporter for The Washington Post, and AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer. They discuss Shane's extensive reporting on the Ukraine-Russia War for The Washington Post. Also covered is the unusual role the Intelligence Community played in this Ukraine-Russia engagement versus the more secretive and timid role in 2008; how reporters are selected for posting overseas in dangerous war zones...the training they receive; and what were Shane's career steps in becoming a nationally-recognized and award-winning journalist. The interview runs 43 minutes.
To receive Zoom Meeting ID, Passcode, and links, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.com, or call him at 210 863-0430.
The Program is a virtual and runs approximately 43 minutes.
Monday, 6 June 2022, noon - Virtual - Washington, DC - Berlin Stories: Gay Espionage in Cold War Germany - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
By the late 1960s, the East German secret police (the Stasi) started to see Germany's gay subculture as both a threat and an opportunity for intelligence work. Western espionage services had long sought to exploit this subculture, recruiting agents and informants from Berlin's gay bars and cruising locales. After 20 years of run-ins with gay Western agents, Stasi officials began to recruit their own gay spies, men who they hoped could use their sexuality as a means to meet new contacts, penetrate Western society, and gather intelligence. Join us for a talk by Samuel Clowes Huneke, author of States of Liberation: Gay Men between Dictatorship and Democracy in Cold War Germany. He will focus on how both Eastern and Western intelligence agencies sought to recruit gay men because they believed that they were naturally more conspiratorial and would thus make better agents. They also came to see the class-crossing gay subcultures of German cities, especially Berlin, as ideal sites from which to extract information about politics and military matters. Huneke explores previously untapped German archives to capture this surprising story of espionage and emancipation with its colorful cast of Cold War characters.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Monday, 6 June 2022, 6pm EDT - Atlanta, GA Hybrid Event: In-Person and Zoom - AFIO Atlanta Hosts former DIA Intel Officer Rebekah Koffler on "The Russia-Ukraine war and Putin's Doctrine"
Last year the AFIO Atlanta (GA) Chapter hosted Rebekah Koffler, the Russian-born former DIA intelligence officer and author of Putin's Playbook: Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America. During her talk, she all but predicted today's Russia-Ukraine war.
Join us on Monday, June 6 (6/6) at 6 PM over Zoom with Ms. Koffler for an AFIO Atlanta exclusive Intel Brief on the Russia-Ukraine war and Putin's Doctrine, followed by Q&A.
Some of us will gather in person for her virtual talk. If you would like to join us in person, please let me know at brian@afioatlanta.com and we will give you the details. Or you can join directly
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86437508588; Meeting ID: 864 3750 8588
Other "Dial by your location" numbers for Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Houston, San Jose, Tacome, will be supplied by the chapter to those who ask at brian@afioatlanta.com
Questions? Ask Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com
Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 6:30pm - Virtual - Washington, DC - Virtual Members-Only Tour of Operación Jaque - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join for this one-of-a-kind event, just for Spy Museum members, to have a special, exclusive look at the Spy Museum's new Operación Jaque pop up exhibit. The program will explore Operación Jaque, a Colombian intelligence operation that freed hostages that were being held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the early 2000s. Watch from the comfort of your own home while our Lead Curator, Dr. Alexis Albion, presents highlights from the exhibit. She will also be joined by special guest Dan Treado, Director of Exhibitions Production. Dan will provide exclusive behind-the-scenes commentary on how the exhibit was created. This event is free of charge and open exclusively to Spy Museum members. You can join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 15 June 2022, noon EDT - Virtual - "New Perspectives on Intelligence Analysis for the Private Sector" - hosted by Johns Hopkins University

Host Dr. Michael Ard of JHU's MS in Intelligence Analysis leads a curated discussion with Dr. Maria Robson Morrow and Lewis Sage-Passant on Intelligence Analysis for the Private Sector.
Dr. Maria Robson Morrow teaches research methods in the MS in Intelligence Analysis program. Outside of Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Robson Morrow works as the Intelligence Project Program Coordinator at the Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Northeastern University.
Lewis Sage-Passant is a doctoral researcher at the University of Loughborough, where he studies the history and present structure, sources, and methods of private sector intelligence teams. Sage-Passant is Manager of Global Strategic Intelligence at the US technology firm Salesforce.
No charge to attend.
To explore or register, do so here
Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 6:30pm - Virtual - Washington, DC - SPY Summer Social: Young Professionals Event - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Sneak into the International Spy Museum after hours for the SPY Summer Social! SPY will kick off its 20th Anniversary celebration with drinks and bites on the rooftop - including unforgettable views of DC at sunset and exclusive access to our galleries complete with a birthday cake bar. More fun surprises will be revealed throughout the night. Register below.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 16 June 2022, noon - Virtual - Washington, DC - Code Name Madeleine with Arthur J. Magida - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Seventy-nine years ago today—June 16, 1943—Noor Inayat Khan was flown to France on a small Lysander plane to take on the dangerous job as a wireless operator for Britain's Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Nazi-controlled France. The daughter of a Sufi mystic from India and an American mother, Khan became an unlikely World War II heroine. Raised in a lush suburb of 1920s Paris, Khan was an introspective musician and writer, dedicated to her family and to her father's spiritual values of harmony, beauty, and tolerance. She did not seem destined for wartime heroism. Yet, faced with the evils of Nazi violence and the German occupation of France, Khan joined the SOE and trained in espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance. For crucial months of the war, Khan was the only wireless operator sending critical information to London from Paris, significantly aiding the success of the Allies on D-Day. Join us for a discussion with Arthur J. Magida, author of Code Name Madeleine: A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris. Magida will share the rich details he gleaned from dozens of interviews, newly discovered manuscripts, official documents, and personal letters about this valiant young woman.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 16 June 2022, 6 - 7:30pm EDT - Virtual - Digital World: Killing Espionage but Saving Intelligence? - by The OSS Society

The Hon. Sue Gordon and The Hon. Ellen McCarthy will discuss how the digital environment is revolutionizing the craft of intelligence.
This is a virtual event as part of The OSS Society's "Oh So Social" Conversation Series.
Fee ranges from free to $1000.
Register here
Thursday, 16 June 2022, 1800/6:00 PM EDT - Virtual - NIP Virtual Speaker Event Featuring NGA's Mark Andress discussing "Leading the Way During a GEOINT Revolution."
This Naval Intelligence Professionals virtual speaker event features NGA's Mark Andress discussing "Leading the Way During a GEOINT Revolution."
GUEST Speaker: Mark Andress, Chief Information Officer & Director, IT Services, NGA.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 916-927-157
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: • (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update; • (~25 min) Mark Andress's Remarks; • (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com
Friday, 17 June 2022, noon - Washington, DC - The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate with Jefferson Morley - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Fifty years ago today, five men were discovered breaking into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate in Washington, DC. President Nixon, desperate to shut down the FBI's investigation of the crime, sought the support of CIA Director Richard Helms. To mark this unhappy anniversary join us for a discussion with Jefferson Morley, the author of the new book Scorpion's Dance: The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate, and James Rosen, author of The Strong Man: John Mitchell and the Secrets of Watergate. In conversation, Morley and Rosen will explore the concealed, deadly power struggle between Nixon and Helms, two Cold Warriors whose edgy relationship dated back to the 1950s. Both president and spymaster knew secrets about the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as well as off-the-books American government and CIA plots to remove Fidel Castro and other leaders in Latin America. Both had enough information on each other to ruin their careers. Morley and Rosen, both veteran Washington reporters, will discuss the various theories of Watergate and the long-neglected evidence Morley has uncovered to give a new perspective on one of America's most notorious presidential scandals.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
19-22 June 2022 - Treviso (near Venice), Italy - 2022 IAFIE and IAFIE-EC Conference and CFP
Theme: "Working Wicked Intelligence Challenges: Intelligence Research, Education-Training and Practice"
The 2022 CALL FOR PAPERS addresses engaging themes that combine the different Intelligence domains and disciplines with a look into the future challenges.
Read the Call for Papers to know the main Conference themes, requirements, deadline and the new IAFIE Study Group Initiative.
Those who had planned to attend and present papers at the postponed 2020 or 2021 Italy conference can resubmit their papers--or propose to present new papers--at the June 2022 Treviso-Venice Conference.
Presenters are encouraged to submit papers for publication in the Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education (JSIRE). IAFIE announces the requirements for a peer-reviewed paper to be accepted for publication in the Call for Papers.
The Call for Papers includes details about Registration, Fees, Travel, and Accommodations along with additional tour options and partners/spouses' tour.
Conference includes a tour to Venice (free of charge) at the end of the Conference.
Event will be hosted by École Universitaire Internationale - Italy.
The Conference will take place in the territories that have witnessed the rise of the first structured Intelligence service in the world, and have always been the bridge between west and east, forefront observer of their evolution through time;
Be with us to live what freedom and Democracy are. Be with us to be a sign, a design for what freedom and democracy will be in the future.
We will meet in Treviso, near Venice, crossroad city that unites cultures, east-west, north-south for a vision of the global universe.
For more information, to respond to the CFP, or to register, do so here.
Thursday, 23 June 2022, noon - Washington, DC - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Darrell M. Blocker - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Darrell M. Blocker, former Deputy Director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center. Blocker is the Chief Operating Officer for MOSAIC Security, a strategic intelligence, crisis management, and executive advisory firm. He retired from government service after a successful 32-year career in the US intelligence community, including 28 years as a CIA operative. He was awarded the CIA's Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal and was recognized as the most senior Black officer in CIA's Directorate of Operations upon retirement in 2018. Blocker is an ABC News National Security Analyst and Contributor. He is also developing espionage-themed content in Hollywood, serving as a tv consultant, and volunteers with nonprofits dedicated to serving youth in the foster care system (Peace4Kids.org).
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 3-4pm EDT - Virtual - "The Israeli Perspective on Strategic Intelligence" - featuring Col Itai Shapira, hosted by Johns Hopkins University

Michael J. Ard, JHU host, leads discussion with intelligence analyst Colonel Itai Shapira on "the Israeli Perspective on Strategic Intelligence."
Colonel (res.) Itai Shapira has more than 25 years of experience in the Israeli Defense Intelligence (IDI), where he has served in various intelligence analysis and management roles on the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. His last assignments included the deputy for analysis in the IDI's Research and Analysis Division (RAD), the head of the Syrian department in the RAD, and the head of the IDI's "Devil's Advocate" department.
Itai holds a B.A and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University and is a graduate of the Israeli National Defense College. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Leicester – studying Israeli national intelligence culture.
No charge to attend. Explore more or register here.
July 2022
Thursday, 7 July 2022, 7pm CT - Zoom - San Antonio TX Virtual AFIO Chapter Meeting discusses Javelin anti-tank missile system and the M270 Multiple Rocket Launcher System - both supplied to Ukraine
The AFIO San Antonio, Texas Chapter (SATX) will be a real "shoot em up" session. Two segments to get you up to speed on the Javelin anti-tank missile system and the M270 Multiple Rocket Launcher System. Both weapons have been provided to Ukraine. Total program time is less than 30 minutes.
To receive Zoom Meeting ID, Passcode, and links, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.com, or call him at 210 863-0430.
Sunday, 10 July 2022, 2 - 3:30pm EDT - Virtual - Subchaser: Finding and Tracking Soviet Submarines in the P-3C by The Cold War Museum
On July 10, CWM is turning to one of our star presenters, Don Stanton, to tell us about one of the most important preventive measures we took during the Cold War to forestall a nuclear attack. What if your nuclear-armed opponent could approach your coast without being detected? That would be unfortunate, since it would cut your warning time drastically if there were a massive attack nuclear missile attack. And what about the other main kind of submarine, the hunter-killers who were prowling to attack your own submarines? What the Soviets didn't know for a long time about both of those kinds of submarines is that we knew where all of theirs were at all times, thanks to a multi-layered system that initially detected Soviet subs far from our coasts using undersea sensors (SOSUS), then had them tracked by our own hunter-killer submarines, which were much quieter than theirs. But we had another tracking element that was much faster and more mobile for acquiring Soviet subs via sound, then tracking them. That was our squadrons of P-3 Orion aircraft, designed and equipped for this task. (One of the U.S.'s longstanding advantages in establishing and maintaining air superiority in multiple situations has been the range of specialized aircraft we can array in a coordinated manner to do specific tasks in sequence.) What vital role did the P-3s play then (and now) in defending against nuclear attack from below the sea's surface? What was it like to fly in one during the Cold War? Don Stanton knows because he was there, doing this work. Ride along with him as he takes on P-3 actions he experienced, explaining how it looked and felt on these vital missions.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Don Stanton;
• 2:05-3:00. Don presents on chasing Soviet submarines from above in the Orion P-3; • 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Register here
Thursday, 14 July 2022, 7-9pm EDT – Washington, DC – Spies & Spymasters Cocktail Party – International Spy Museum Program
This not-so-clandestine affair is part of our epic anniversary celebration of SPY's 20th Anniversary on July 19th. Join us after hours in the Museum for the spy mixer of your dreams—on the dossier: exclusive access to the exhibits, artifacts from the spy vault, delicious drinks, and a chance to meet some of the most interesting people who ever stepped out of the shadows! Mingle with some of the coolest people we've had on camera and off over the last few years including Jonna Mendez, Jan Neumann, Eric O'Neill, Mubin Shaikh, Debra Evans Smith, Bob Wallace, Robert Ashley Jr., Farhana Qazi, Mary A. Legere, Dexter Ingram, Naveed Jamali, Mark Zaid, and Chris Costa to name a few. We'll have your favorite historian Dr. Andrew Hammond; your beloved hosts Amanda Ohlke, Shana Oltmans, and Hannah Saloio; and a few surprise guests as well. Enjoy exclusive after-hours access to the Museum and "one-night-only" activities. Plus, two drinks are included—you can choose from signature cocktails, wine, beer, or non-alcoholic options. Cash bar to follow. Don't worry if you are a hungry agent, we'll have a few snacks for peckish operatives as well. Tickets: $100, Members: $75. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Monday, 18 - 19 July 2022, 8:25 AM - 4:30 PM EDT - Online - North American Society for Intelligence History 2022 Conference
The North American Society for Intelligence History will hold its second conference online.
Before the conference we will send speakers and attendees the link to Hopin, our virtual conference platform, to the email listed on the ticket. The email will come from nasihconference@gmail.com so be sure to check spam/junk folders. Participants should use their preferred email to register.
** All times are Eastern (Washington, DC) time **
Abbreviated listing of Panels follows. Online listing includes panels and panelists...see link below.
Panels are: Panel 1: Covert Operations in the Early Cold War: A Roundtable Reassessment;
Panel 2A: New Findings on the CPUSA on its Centennial: Julia Stewart Poyntz, George Mink, and Earl Browder;
Panel 2B: Anglo-American Intelligence in the European Theater of World War II;
Panel 3A: Intelligence Analysis in the Twentieth Century;
Panel 3B: The Central Intelligence Agency at 75;
Panel 4A: Ethics and Experimentation in Intelligence History;
Panel 4B: New Perspectives on Soviet Intelligence;
Panel 5A: Intelligence, Terrorism, and Insurrection;
Panel 6A: New Beginnings in Signals Intelligence;
Panel 6B: Machinery of Government and Intelligence;
Panel 7: World War I and its Aftermath;
Panel 8A: Intelligence Liaison in History;
Panel 8B: Italian and German Intelligence in the Inter-War Period;
Panel 9A: New Methods and Best Practices for Teaching Intelligence History and Using Intelligence to Teach History;
Panel 9B: US Imagery Intelligence: Meeting the Challenges of the Cold War
Full agenda and Registration here
Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 10am-4pm EDT – Washington, DC – Spy Museum's 20th Birthday Celebration –International Spy Museum Program
The year was 2002: Kelly Clarkson had just won the initial season of American Idol and the New England Patriots were trying on their Super Bowl rings for the first time in history. Plus, another first was on the scene: the International Spy Museum (SPY), the first-ever espionage museum had just opened its doors blocks from the National Mall in Washington, DC. Join us on Tuesday, July 19 from 10 am-4pm as we celebrate our 20th birthday with festivities outside of the Museum for the local community featuring music from the year of its birth (2002), Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams, giveaways, activities, a new 20th birthday scavenger hunt, and a partnership with the DC Public Library for its Summer Reading Day. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
20 July 2022, noon - 1pm EDT - Virtual - Erik Dahl, former Naval Intel, on "Lessons in Strategic Warnings from 9/11 and January 6" - by JHU MS in Intelligence Analysis
Johns Hopkins University asks you to join host Michael Ard for a virtual curated discussion with veteran Naval intelligence officer Erik Dahl on the intelligence analysis comparisons between the strategic warnings for 9/11 and January 6th.
Erik J. Dahl is an associate professor of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, and is author of "Intelligence and Surprise Attack: Failure and Success from Pearl Harbor to 9/11 and Beyond" (Georgetown University Press, 2013), and "The COVID-19 Intelligence Failure: Why Warning Was Not Enough" (forthcoming). Dahl retired from the U.S. Navy in 2002 after serving 21 years as an intelligence officer, and received his Ph.D. from the Fletcher School of Tufts University. Dahl is a former chair of the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association.
No charge to attend. Register here
Thursday, 21 July 2022, 7:00 PM PDT - Virtual via Zoom - The Columbia River Chapter of the AFIO hosts Amb Browning discussing "Inside a U.S. Embassy."
Please join us for a virtual presentation by Ambassador Steven A. Browning entitled "Inside A U.S. Embassy" geared toward an audience with a background in federal service. There will be a short question and answer session following the presentation. Ambassador Browning retired from the Senior Foreign Service holding the rank of Career Minister in December of 2014 and his bio is attached FYI. We look forward to the opportunity to hear from Ambassador Browning and are very fortunate to secure his time in this presentation.
For security, the Zoom link will be sent to those who have contacted
Carl Wege, President of the AFIO Columbia River Chapter, at twege@ccga.edu
Please pass this information on to the members of your Chapter. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thursday, 21 July 2022, 1800/6:00 PM EDT; 1700/5:00 PM CDT; 1500/3:30 PM PDT; 1200 /12:00 PM HST - Virtual GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Event on "Russia-Ukraine Lessons Learned"
Naval Intelligence Professionals hosts Jeff Ringhausen, Senior Naval Intelligence Manager Russia and Eurasia, Office of Naval Intelligence, discussing "Russia-Ukraine Lessons Learned."
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.https://meet.goto.com/722292349
You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 722-292-349
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update, (~25 min) Jeff Ringhausen Remarks; (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Saturday, 23 July 2022, 2-4pm EDT – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing: Toby Harnden – International Spy Museum Program
Visit the Spy Museum Store for a book signing of First Casualty: The Untold Story of the CIA Mission to Avenge 9/11 with author Toby Harnden and special guest David Tyson from CIA Team Alpha. Toby Harden is a winner of the Orwell Prize for Books. A former foreign correspondent for the Sunday Times of London and the Daily Telegraph who reported from thirty-three countries, he specializes in terrorism and war. Born in England, Harnden was imprisoned in Zimbabwe, prosecuted in Britain for protecting confidential sources, and vindicated by a $23 million public inquiry in Ireland. A dual British and US citizen, he spent a decade as a Royal Navy officer before becoming a journalist. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 26 July 2022, 2-3pm EDT – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom once a month. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register below. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 - See Website - CIRA National Summer Lunch Features John Brennan
Please join your CIRA colleagues for our Summer National Lunch!
The keynote speaker will be John Brennan. This will be a conversation with the former director. A cash bar reception will begin at 11:30am, followed by lunch and presentation. Lunch cost is $45 per person and includes salad, entree choice, sides, dessert, and coffee/tea. When you register for the lunch you will need to make a choice of chicken, salmon, or vegetarian entree. If you have a required dietary restriction please let us know for the venue may be able to provide alternatives.
Payment Details: If you pay by credit card on the website, you will be able to indicate your meal choice at the same time. If you are paying by credit card and bringing a guest(s), please send the name(s) and meal choices in an email to admin@cira.org.
Reservations with Credit Card Payment: Log in to the CIRA Website and click on "Online Payments"
Scroll down the page and click on the blue box named "Make Lunch Payment(s)"
Check Payment/Reservation: Credit card payments are strongly encouraged, but if you prefer to pay by check, it must arrive in our post office box by 19 July. You will need to send your meal choice in the envelope with your check. You will also need to include the name(s) of your guest(s) and their meal choice(s).
Mail your Check to arrive by Tuesday July 19th to: CIRA, PO Box 7154, McLean, VA 22106-7154
Additional Notes: Refunds? We are obligated to pay for the number of attendees guaranteed in advance, so refunds cannot be provided should you be unable to attend. Thank you for your understanding.
We will follow the VA Gov's COVID guidance, but will be taking additional precautions to keep our colleagues safe. Anyone not fully vaccinated must wear a mask.
Wednesday, 27 July 2022, 6:30-7:30pm EDT – Washington, DC – Agent Josephine Baker with Damien Lewis and Jonna Mendez – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Prior to World War II, Josephine Baker was a music-hall diva renowned for her singing and dancing, her beauty and sexuality; she was the highest-paid female performer in Europe. When the Nazis seized her adopted city, Paris, she was banned from the stage. Yet instead of returning to America, she vowed to stay and to fight the Nazi evil. Overnight, she went from performer to Resistance spy. Join us for a compelling conversation about Baker with author Damien Lewis and former CIA Chief of Disguise Jonna Mendez. Lewis has uncovered little-known history about the famous singer's life in his new book Agent Josephine: American Beauty, French Hero, British Spy. Discover how Baker became a hero of the three countries in whose name she served—the US, France, and Britain--and fully deserving of her unique place in the French Panthéon. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
August 2022
Tuesday, 2 August 2022, 6 - 7:30pm EDT - Virtual - The OSS Society's "Oh So Social" Conversation Series features General David Petraeus + Dr. Michael Vickers

General David Petraeus, USA (Ret.) and Dr. Michael Vickers talk one-on-one about the state of the world in this latest "Oh So Social" Virtual Conversation Series by The OSS Society.
Fee ranges from free to $1,000.
Register here
Thursday, 4 August 2022, 7pm CDT - Zoom - AFIO San Antonio TX Chapter (SATXAFIO) Hosts Program on History/Geography of Ukraine-Russia
A short program on the history/geography of Ukraine and Russia. A sad tale of camaraderie gone bad, 'when we gave up all our nuclear weapons you said we would be friends forever! On the first day of your special military activity you destroyed our Antonov AN-225 Myra!'
This program reviews the ethnic history of the two countries and their relationship over several centuries. This is a long term relationship with centuries of resentment. It will provide you a background on the motivations behind the fight and a historical understanding of why the Russians want the "Little Russians" to give them back what they think is part of Mother Russia and why the Ukranians shout obscenities at the Russians.
Chapter President John Franklin invites you to join this scheduled Zoom meeting.
Please forward to your chapter's/organizations members if you are a visiting chapter or club.
For Zoom Meeting links and passcodes contact John Franklin at satxafio@gmail.com or call him at 210 863-0430
Thursday, 11 August 2022, noon-1pm EDT – Virtual – Online Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Gina Bennett – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Gina Bennett, former CIA analyst and advisor. Bennett is a recently retired seasoned counterterrorism specialist who authored some of the earliest warnings of today's terrorism trends, including a 1993 report that served as the first warning of the growing danger of the movement Osama bin Laden was fomenting. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Security Studies. Bennett is often featured in documentaries and other media profiling her role in counterterrorism and as a pioneer for women in National Security and Intelligence careers, which she now continues as the new Strategic Advisor for Girl Security, an organization which seeks to empower, secure, and advance young girls into national and international security missions. More info and registration at www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 13 August 2022, 11:30 am EDT - Melbourne, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter Luncheon features Col Stephen Bond discussing "Intelligence in the Panama Operations 1989."
At this in-person luncheon event, the AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Colonel Stephen Bond, US Army (Retired), who will discuss "Intelligence in the Panama Operation 1989."
Location: The Doubletree Hotel, 1665 N. Route A1A, Indiatlantic/Melbourne, FL 32903. Location here: https://goo.gl/maps/TgvNnqRTdfmk6Sf67
A sit down lunch will be followed by Colonel Bond's presentation. Cost is $35.00 per person.
Inquiries or reservations to Larry Sanford, President, AFIO FSC, at afiofloridasatellitechapter@gmail.com.
Saturday, 13 August 2022, noon - Mandarin (Jacksonville), FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Luncheon
Our next meeting location will be in the Angler Room at the Bonefish Grill in Mandarin.
Agenda: 12:00-12:45 Social Hour; 1:00-1:05 Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation, Intro of Guests and New Members; 1:05-2:00 Luncheon; 2:00-2:15 Post-Lunch break; 2:15-3 Lightning Round and Post-Meal Discussions.
RSVP ASAP to Ken Meyer at kmeyer12@bellsouth.net. Fee: $25 pp. Check or Cash Only.
Thursday, 18 August 2022, noon-1pm EDT – Virtual – Kevin P. Riehle on Russian Intelligence – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
The core responsibility of the Russian intelligence services is to preserve the Russian regime and protect it from internal and external threats. How exactly do they do that? And what can be learned? Dr. Kevin Riehle, Associate Professor at University of Mississippi Center for Intelligence and Security Studies, mined all the open-source information he could find to discover the answer. With his new book, Russian Intelligence: A Case-based Study of Russian Services and Missions Past and Present, he has created the definitive guide to Russian intelligence and security. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond for a discussion with Riehle about the organization of the Russian services, the missions they undertake, and the human and technical platforms they use. From the use of non-intelligence personnel like Maria Butina to the key themes that Russia repeats in all disinformation campaigns, Riehle has systematically explored and detailed the inner workings of Russian intelligence. More info and registration at www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 18 August 2022, 1800/6:00 PM EDT - GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Event features Vice Admiral Robert "Bob" Sharp, USN (Ret) on "Continuing Evolution of Naval Intelligence"
This Naval Intelligence Professionals May virtual speaker event features Vice Admiral Robert "Bob" Sharp, USN (Ret), Former Director National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, former Director National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office, and former Commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence, discussing "The Continuing Evolution of Naval Intelligence -- some personal perspectives from a lifetime in the profession."
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
https://meet.goto.com/891638637. You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (408) 650-3123; Access Code: 891-638-637.
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts https://meet.goto.com/install
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update, • (~25 min) Guest Speaker VAdm Sharp Remarks (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com
Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 2-3pm EDT – Virtual – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom once a month. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. More info and registration at www.spymuseum.org
September 2022
Thursday, 1 September 2022, 7pm CDT - Virtual - The San Antonio TX AFIO Chapter program – Two topics: "The Alligator" a six-foot long anti-tank rifle, and Melvin Gamble, former CIA, discussing The Havana Syndrome and other topics
Remember when theaters showed cartoons or newsreels before the movie at the theater? We are going back to the good old days with a newsreel ("The Alligator") from Ukraine in this special all-video meeting. There is nothing funny about "The Alligator." It is a six-foot long anti-tank rifle whose projectile can pierce one inch steel plate at several thousand yards.
No use hiding behind the cinder block wall. The rifle is taking some of the workload and expense off the Javelin anti-tank missile for non-armored targets. (Cost is in the vicinity of $200,000 a Javelin missile). A three minute video on the rifle and the "snubnose" version will precede our main feature.
The main feature of this 1 Sept meeting will be Melvin Gamble, a 40-year career CIA Senior Intelligence Officer, discussing the Havana Syndrome as well as the need and benefits of diversity in the intelligence community, and in the CIA in particular. And other aspects of his remarkable career. This program will be hosted by James Hughes, AFIO President, former CIA Operations Officer. The interview runs 23 minutes. It comes from the popular AFIO NOW video interview series.
Questions? Need the links to virtually attend? Contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.com
Thursday, 1 September 2022, noon-1 pm – Washington, DC – The Fourth Man with Robert Baer – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
In the aftermath of the Cold War, American intelligence caught three high-profile Russian spies: Aldrich Ames, Edward Lee Howard, and Robert Hanssen. However, rumors have long swirled of another mole, one perhaps more damaging than all the others combined. Whether real, imagined, or an ingenious Russian ruse, this shadow is often referred to as the Fourth Man. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with New York Times bestselling author and former CIA operative Robert Baer for a discussion of his new book The Fourth Man: The Hunt for a KGB Spy at the Top of the CIA and the Rise of Putin's Russia. Meet the mole hunters--three women, pioneering counterintelligence veterans, tasked with investigating whether the CIA had another internal turncoat after Ames's arrest and the intriguing characters they encountered as sources and suspects. Find out why Baer contends that this thrilling chase had profound implications for the future of America, Russia, and the rise of Vladimir Putin. More information about this event here www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 9 September 2022, 7 pm – Washington, DC – Nicholas Reynolds: Need to Know – International Spy Museum and Politics and Prose Joint Program Located at Politics & Prose Bookshop
International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond will be interviewing historian and former CIA officer Nicholas Reynolds, the New York Times bestselling author of Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy. Reynolds uncovers the definitive history of American intelligence during World War II, illuminating its key role in securing victory. He has worked in the fields of modern military history and intelligence off and on for forty years, with some unusual detours. Most recently, he was the historian for the CIA Museum, responsible for developing its strategic plan and helping to turn remarkable artifacts into compelling stories. More information about this event here: www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 6:30pm EST - Zoom - Author and Journalist Cole Burgett presents "No More Desires: Ian Fleming, James Bond, and Acedia" at AFIO Atlanta Chapter Event
In 1953, former intelligence officer Ian Fleming published Casino Royale, the first novel to feature the character of James Bond. Now, almost seventy years later, the character has undergone numerous translations and reinventions in both literature and film to become one of popular culture's most enduring icons, as well as the perfect representation of the "spy fantasy." No More Desires: Ian Fleming, James Bond, and Acedia cuts through the numerous interpretations to look at the deeply personal connection Fleming had with his fictional character, and seeks to demonstrate just how much his philosophy of life and even his shaky faith went into shaping James Bond, and why such a fantastical representation of the intelligence community continues to fascinate audiences the world over nearly a century later.
Speaker Cole Burgett is a writer and teacher who holds a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and a BA in Theology from the Moody Bible Institute. He writes extensively about faith in the context of popular culture, and regularly teaches classes in systematic theology and the exposition of biblical books.
Social: TBD.
Questions, Suggestions? Contact Grant at grant@afioatlanta.com or Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com
Friday, 16 September 2022, noon-1 pm – Washington, DC – Wise Gals with Nathalia Holt – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Meet "the Wise Gals"— five women employed by the US government who moved around the globe like shadows during World War II and the tense post-war period of the 1950s and '60s. Nathalia Holt, a New York Times-bestselling author, has brought their lives into the light with her new book WISE GALS: The Spies Who Built the CIA and Changed the Future of Espionage. Dubbed the "Wise Gals" for their sharp humor, intuition, and inventiveness, these women took on dangerous espionage assignments, risking their lives to defend national security. Join us for a conversation with Holt about these remarkable intelligence officers who brought fresh energy and subtle skills to critical operations in WWII and the Cold War. More information about this event here: www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 17 September 2022, 2 pm EDT - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts Carol Rollie Flynn on "Intelligence Today: Cold War Revisited"
Former CIA Station Chief and current President of Foreign Policy Research Institute Carol "Rollie" Flynn will discuss what's new and what's old in intelligence operations. And she will explain how our intelligence priorities and tradecraft have changed two decades into the 21st Century.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation. The meeting, which is open to the public. No reservations are required.
Saturday, September 17, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In-Store Book Signing with Robert Wallace – International Spy Museum Program
The Spy Museum Store for a free book signing of The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception with author and the real life "Q" of the CIA, Robert Wallace. More information about this event here: www.spymuseum.org.
19 September 2022, 4:30 to 7 pm PDT - Simi Valley, CA - The AFIO LA Chapter has a follow-on dinner after this IN-Person event by Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper at the Reagan Library. Attend BOTH.
Dr. Mark Esper is an American politician and manufacturing executive who served as the 27th United States Secretary of Defense from 2019 to 2020. A member of the Republican Party, he had previously served as the 23rd U.S. Secretary of the Army from November 2017 to July 2019. He will be discussing his book, A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times (Publish Date: May 10, 2022). There is no cost to attend this event, unless you wish to purchase an optional book that he has just recently published for release. The program is scheduled to conclude at 7 P.M., following the event the AFIO LA Chapter has reserved a table at the Wood Ranch Restaurant for a 7.30 PM dinner for members and guests to attend. This will be our first in person gathering in over 2 years. If you wish to attend the cost for the dinner is $30 per person, includes the dinner meal & a beverage. Please send Chapter President Vince Autiero an email if you would like to attend the dinner so that he may reserve a table for the appropriate amount of guests.
If you wish to attend the Dr. Esper event at the Reagan Library, this is the link to do so.
Dinner: 7:30 PM Wood Ranch BBQ (10 min. drive from the Reagan Library) 540 New Los Angeles Ave, Moorpark, CA, 93021 Please Email Vince for a Reservation Count
Thursday, 22 September 2022 - Virtual - Naval Intelligence Professionals Speaker Event
TOPIC: Innovative OPINTEL and posturing for the high-end fight: Reflections of a PACFLT Sailor.
GUEST Speaker: CAPT Anthony "Tony" Butera, Chief of Staff, Commander, SECOND Fleet, former Information Warfare Commander, CSG ONE and former Commander, PACIFIC FLEET, Director of Intelligence and Information Operations.
TIME: 1800/6:00 PM EDT; 1700/5:00 PM CDT; 1500/3:30 PM PDT; 1200 /12:00 PM HST
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Sep 2022 NIP Virtual Speaker - CAPT Tony Butera
Thu, Sep 22, 2022 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 290-594-365
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: • (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update; • (~25 min) Guest Speaker Remarks; (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. -
Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com
Tuesday, 27 September 2022, 2-3pm – Washington, DC – SPY with Me: Memory Loss Program – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom once a month. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. Register below. More information about this event here: www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 29 September 2022, noon-1 pm – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with David Marlowe – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by David Marlowe, CIA Deputy Director of Operations. Marlowe is a veteran intelligence officer who became Deputy Director in June 2021. He has served with the CIA for over 30 years. He has previously been the senior officer directing operations in the Counterterrorism Center. Marlowe has served overseas as the senior CIA station chief in undisclosed locations that are acknowledged by the CIA to be "several of the largest and most complex environments, including war zones." Marlowe was recently the Assistant Director of CIA for the Near East Mission Center, which combines operations officers, intelligence analysts, and other specialists to focus on the Middle East. More information about this event here: www.spymuseum.org.
October 2022
Sunday, 2 October 2022, 10-4pm – Washington, DC – Educator Day Out – In Person International Spy Museum Program
YOUR MISSION: Uncover the secret history of history and discover new and exciting resources to enrich your students' learning! During this open-house event, teachers can: explore SPY's exhibits with free Museum admission for current K-12 teachers (with teacher ID); participate in SPY's hands-on student workshops (including Forensics, Operation Code Cracker, Spy School 101, Red White and Spy, and Cuban Missile Crisis); meet with SPY's education team; plan your students' next in-person or virtual field trip to SPY; browse SPY's free curriculum and classroom activities; view artifacts from the SPY vault; and utilize a special discount at the SPY Store. This event is open to current K-12 classroom and resource teachers only. Advance registration required. Registration closes at 11:59pm ET on September 30. Walk-up tickets will not be available. This program is generously supported by Booz Allen Hamilton. Event information at www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 5 October 2022, 6pm EST - Zoom - Former Senior CIA Case Officer Robert Baer discusses his book "The Fourth Man" at AFIO Atlanta Chapter Event
Former senior CIA Officer and author Robert Baer discusses his intelligence career and his newest book The Fourth Man: The Hunt for a KGB Spy at the Top of the CIA and the Rise of Putin's Russia.
Baer's controversial, never-before-told story, presents the complexities of the hunt for a KGB spy in the top ranks of the CIA. A spy who might have blinded the US to the rise of Putin and Russia's dangerous schemes for the future.
We think we know all the Cold War's greatest spy stories. The tales of America's greatest traitors have been told over and over. However, there is a possibility – a theory – of a bigger story that remains untold—until now.
Rumors have swirled of another mole in American intelligence, one perhaps more damaging than all the others combined. Perhaps the greatest traitor in American history, or perhaps just a Russian ruse to tear the CIA apart, or nothing more than a bogeyman: he is often referred to as the Fourth Man.
After the arrest of KGB spy Aldrich Ames, the CIA launched another investigation to make sure there wasn't another double agent in its ranks. Led by three of the CIA's best spy hunters, women who devoted their lives to counterintelligence, its existence was known only to a few. They began methodically investigating their own bosses and colleagues, turning up loose threads, suspicious activity, and intelligence from the CIA's best Russian asset. In the end, they came to a startling conclusion that, true or not, would shake U.S. intelligence to its core, setting the stage for a cat-and-mouse game.
Spies and moles may seem like bygone cold war history, but with Russia again a belligerent power, the skeletons America would rather keep hidden are emerging, and as Robert Baer shows in this book, they matter as much now as ever.
Speaker Robert Baer is one of the most accomplished officers in CIA history, is a bestselling author and intelligence analyst for CNN. Over several decades, he served everywhere from Iraq to New Delhi and was awarded the Career Intelligence Medal for his efforts. Baer is the author of four New York Times bestsellers, including his first book, See No Evil, the basis for the Academy Award-winning film Syriana. He is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on the Middle East and frequently appears on all major news outlets. Baer has contributed to TIME, Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.
NOTE: The following disclaimer you must read before entering the event/Zoom call. Contact team@afioatlanta.com to obtain Zoom instructions to join event.
1. Out of respect for the privacy of our speakers and attendees, we are not allowing press personnel to attend this event, whether or not they attend in a personal or professional capacity. This is to ensure the confidentiality of our members, speakers, and attendees, and we thank you for your cooperation.
2. This event is strictly confidential, and all individuals in attendance are under strict instruction to not record, make publicly available, or submit with attribution any content or the identities of speaker(s) during this event.
3. By registering for, participating in, or attending this event, you agree to not make any recording or capturing of unauthorized audio or video of the virtual event including, but not limited to, confidential presentations, portions, visuals, imagery, conversations, and messaging.
4. The event host (AFIO Atlanta, and its officers), and keynote presenter(s), may designate areas or portions of the event where photo, video, or audio recording may be allowed.
Release of Liability
1. For events open to the public, whether virtual or otherwise, we cannot guarantee that the event will not be recorded or captured by any party attending or participating in the event. By registering for the event, you agree to release AFIO Atlanta from any liability, costs, fees, damages, or any financial obligation for any loss, damages or injuries that may be caused by the recording or capturing of any parts of the virtual event.
2. Requests for image credits, attribution, take down, more information or assistance: contact AFIO Atlanta at team@afioatlanta.com.
Mr. Paul Redmond, a senior CIA official mentioned in the book, has requested that the attached (PDF) disclaimer/public statement be read by participants before the event begins.
If you have any questions, contact us at team@afioatlanta.com, or you can contact me at this address.
We look forward to seeing you all at this event.
Social: Wed, October 12, 6:30 - 8:00pm at Iron Hill Brewery.
Questions, Suggestions? Contact Grant at grant@afioatlanta.com or Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com
Thursday, 6 October 2022, 7pm CDT - Virtual - The San Antonio TX AFIO Chapter hears from Ric Prado, Senior CIA Operations Officer, author of "Black Ops"
This will be a very special San Antonio AFIO Chapter event. A live discussion with Ric Prado, author of "Black Ops, The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior." Hosted by David Endris, SATX AFIO Chapter secretary.
Enrique "Ric" Prado is a paramilitary, counter-terrorism, and special/clandestine operations specialist, with a focus on international training operations and programs. Mr. Prado is a twenty-four-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served as an Operations Officer in six overseas posts. He was Deputy Chief of Station and "Plank Owner" of the original Bin Ladin Task Force/Issues Station under Senior Analyst, Michael Scheuer, as well as Chief of Station in a hostile Muslim country. He also served as Chief of Operations in the CIA's Counterterrorist Center (CTC) during the September 11th attacks, where Mr. Prado helped coordinate CIA/CTC's special operations (SPECOPS) activities with the National Security Council and FBI, as well as with elite U.S. military representatives from Delta Force and SEAL-Team Six, then detailed to CTC/CIA. He retired as Senior Intel Service-2 (SIS-2, Major General equivalent at CIA). Advanced copies of the book can be ordered at https://www.ricprado.com/
Details about the October meeting will be sent out several days in advance to allow it to be forwarded or shared with other members in other chapters.
Questions? Need the links to virtually attend? Contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at satxafio@gmail.com
6 October 2022 (Thursday), 11:30am - 2pm PDT - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Lt. Col. Roger S. Dong. Lt. Col. Dong will be discussing developments in the U.S., Taiwan and China relations.
Speaker: Roger Dong, Lt. Colonel (ret.), United States Air Force Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022
Roger S. Dong is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel who served in counter-intelligence and human intelligence collection for 28 years throughout Asia. After retirement, he returned as a GS-14 serving as our Defense Attaché in Taiwan from 1995-1999. His interest in modern China continued after his retirement and he has lectured on the Belt and Road Initiative and President Xi Jinping and China and Africa in the past. He is one of the most highly decorated HUMINT officers in the nation recognized by the Secretary of Defense, Director of DIA and Director of CIA for his significant intelligence reporting.
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080.
11:30am no host cocktail; meeting and luncheon at noon.
RSVP and pre-registration is required. Eventbrite registration link here.
Reservation and pre-payment is required before September 30, 2022. The venue cannot accommodate walk-ins.
Please contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com or Mariko Kawaguchi, c/o AFIO, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011 for questions.
Sunday, 9 October 2022, 2 - 3:30 pm EDT - Online - The Last Casualty of the Cold War - Program by The Cold War Museum
Gathering intelligence can be a very dangerous business. Some people give their lives to keep the rest of us safe. Here's one of them.
On March 24, 1985, a Soviet sentry shot and killed US Army Major Art Nicholson at a Soviet training site in East Germany. Major Nicholson was a member of the US Military Liaison Mission accredited to the Commander-in-Chief of the Group Soviet Forces Germany and was performing an authorized function in accordance with a 1947 US-Soviet agreement intended to preclude mistaking military training exercises as preparations for an attack.
The killing of Major Nicholson precipitated a military-political confrontation that drew international attention and involved the Commander-in-Chief, US Army Europe (CINCUSAREUR); the Secretaries of both Defense and State; and President Reagan. USAREUR created a Crisis Action Team (CAT) to help CINCUSAREUR and his staff as they sought to resolve the crisis in a just way while continuing operation of the Military Liaison Mission in a safe way.
Major Dewey Browder was a member of the CAT. He will address the "Nicholson Incident" based on personal involvement and the declassified after-action report.
Dewey Browder (PhD Louisiana State U., 1987) is Professor Emeritus of History at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN. He is a retired US Army LTC and former Associate Professor of European History at USMA, West Point (1988-1992).
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Register here
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Thursday, 13 October 2022, 7-8:30pm – Washington, DC – Educator Professional Development Webinar: 13 Days in October…The Cuban Missile Crisis – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
To mark the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the International Spy Museum is pleased to offer an exclusive 90-minute professional development webinar for middle and high school teachers. Join SPY educators for this interactive webinar on how to combine declassified primary documents, role playing, and intelligence analysis to engage students in the study of this critical historical event. In addition, teachers will hear from presidential historian and co-author of the prize-winning book One Hell of a Gamble: Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958-1964, Timothy Naftali, and Spy Museum Historian Dr. Andrew Hammond as they discuss the significance of this case study and how intelligence successes can shape the course of history. Prior to the start of this webinar, teachers will receive via email a specially curated packet of primary documents and resources provided by the International Spy Museum and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Support for this program has been provided by a generous grant from the Pritzker Military Foundation, on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. Event information at www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 14 October 2022, Noon-1pm – Washington, DC – Prisoners of the Castle with Ben Macintyre – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
For his new book, Prisoners of the Castle: An Epic Story of Survival and Escape from Colditz, the Nazis' Fortress Prison, Ben Macintyre shines a light on an unforgettable group of men who occupied the infamous Nazi prisoner of war camp—and their incredible attempts to escape their captors. Macintyre will be joined in conversation by Spy Museum Advisory Board Member Phil Froom, author of Evasion and Escape Devices Produced by MI9, MIS-X, and SOE in World War II, and Spy Museum Curator of Special Projects Dr. Alexis Albion. They'll discuss the never-before-seen material Macintyre uncovered, his insights into the psychology of individuals at war, as well as the indomitability of the human spirit in the face of even the greatest odds. Following their discussion, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Event information at www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 15 October 2022, 2 pm ET - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts Jonathan Alpeyrie - Kidnapped and Imprisoned by Syrian Rebels in 2013 and Wounded in Ukraine in 2015
Not only kidnapped in Syria, Jonathan Alpeyrie was wounded in 2015 in the Ukraine by pro- Russian rebels. These and other experiences provide him valuable insights about how various long-lasting conflicts escalated over several phases to become the present wars we see today in Syria and Ukraine.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation. No reservations are required.
Thursday 20 October 2022, 12:45 EDT - Hybrid In-Person and Zoom - Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter Luncheon/Meeting features LTG Thomas Spoehr (USA Ret) on "the current military recruiting crisis and the impact of wokeness."
The speaker is LTG Thomas Spoehr (USA Ret), addressing the current military recruiting crisis plus the effects of military wokeness. General Spoehr serves as director of Heritage's Center for National Defense where he is responsible for supervising research on matters involving U.S. national defense. He will participate remotely.
Time: The meeting starts at 1300 hours, check-in starts at 1245.
Cost: $20. Please contact the Chapter Secretary for more information and the necessary forms.
Location: The Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Avenue, Tampa, FL 33618-1828. The Library is approximately 3.8 miles east of the Veterans Expressway or 2.1 miles west of I-275. If you plan to attend in person and need directions, please let us know.
To attend remotely via Zoom at no charge—prior registrations required and subject to acceptance—please click on this link.
Deadline: The response deadline for attending either in person or via Zoom is noon on Friday, 14 October. Replies to michaels@suncoastafio.org
20-22 October 2022 - Charleston, SC - The IAFIE-Citadel Conference - "Intelligence Education in a Contested World"
The annual IAFIE (International Association for Intelligence Education) conference will be held at The Citadel — The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
The conference promotes intelligence education and provides an exceptional opportunity for networking among scholars and practitioners from academia, the private sector, and all levels of government. IAFIE also encourages the direct participation of both graduate and undergraduate students.
The conference will have panels and papers ways to advance intelligence education in the areas of national security, law enforcement, and the business sector. Panel and papers will address the broad conference theme of "Intelligence Education in a Contested World" per the subtopics you see below.
• The Death of Democracy; • Combating the Popularity of False Narratives; • Defining the Proper Role of Structured Analytic Techniques; • What Analysts Need to Know about Probability and Statistics; • Defining Core Competencies for Intelligence Analysts; • Challenges of Competitive and Business Intelligence; • Cyber Challenges: Defining the Domain of Cyberspace.
Event location: The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
Inquiries to Dr. Larry Valero, IAFIE Events Chair at citadelconference@iafie.org by 15 September 2022.
For more information on presenting, attending, or sponsoring the conference, please visit the IAFIE conference website or ask questions here
Sunday, 23 October 2022, 5-8pm – Washington, DC – NEW! Access to SPY: Opening Our Doors to Autistic Adults – In Person International Spy Museum Program
The International Spy Museum is pleased to offer its first sensory friendly program designed exclusively for adults (18 years and up) and their friends and family. On this special night, the Museum will host a private social hour for adults with sensory differences and their friends and/or family followed by exclusive access to the exhibits. Guests are welcome to come for all or some of the event. During social hour (5-6pm), guests will enjoy light food and refreshments and the opportunity to meet a former spy. At 6pm, the event will move to the exhibits, where guests can explore the Museum with less noise, fewer people, and a designated quiet room. Guests will also have the opportunity to participate in a scavenger hunt to win various prizes! While this Access to SPY program is geared towards autistic adults, we welcome all adults with sensory processing differences and their friends/family to attend this event (ages 18+). Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. Event information at www.spymuseum.org.
25 October 2022 - Annapolis, MD and Virtual - "The Russia China Partnership" - US Naval Institute and US Naval Academy Conference
Join us in person or virtually for this timely and important discussion of great power competition and the influences and factors that are shaping the Russian and Chinese worldview.
Panels of scholars and experts will discuss: • The global impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine; • Efforts by the People's Republic of China and Russia to work together to displace the United States economically and militarily, as well as undercut its leadership role in world institutions; • Russia and the PRC's attempts to become the world's superpowers; and • A look at Russia and the PRC's past and current use of military power and economic warfare to achieve their goals.
Panel #1 – Russia and China's Gambit to Reset the World Order – Moderator: Kori Schake, Ph.D., Senior Fellow and Director of Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, AEI (Confirmed); o Elbridge Colby, Cofounder and Principal, The Marathon Initiative (Confirmed); o ADM Harry B. Harris Jr., USN (Ret.), Former Commander, U.S. Pacific Command; Former Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea (2018 – 21) (Confirmed); o Michael Kofman, Director, Russia Studies Program, CNA Corporation (Confirmed); o Sarah C. M. Paine, Ph.D., William S. Sims University Professor, U.S. Naval War College (Confirmed).
Panel #2 – What's Next for the Russia-China Relationship: Implications for the United States and the World – Moderator: Rozlyn Engel, Ph.D., Distinguished Visiting Professor, Economics Department, U.S. Naval Academy (Confirmed); o Graham T. Allison, Ph.D., Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, Harvard University (Invited); o Lyle Goldstein, Ph.D., Visiting Professor of International and Public Affairs, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University (Confirmed); o The Honorable Jon M. Huntsman Jr., Vice Chair, Policy, Ford Motor Company; Former Ambassador to Russia (2017-19); Former Ambassador to China (2009-11) (Invited); o Angela E. Stent, Ph.D., Senior Advisor, Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies, Georgetown School of Foreign Service; Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Brookings Institution (Confirmed); o The Honorable Randall G. Schriver, Chairman of the Board, Project 2049 Institute; Partner, Pacific Solutions LLC; Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs (2018 - 19) (Confirmed).
More information about our speakers can be found here.
Sign up today, space is limited!
Thursday, 27 October 2022, Noon-1pm – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Carol Rollie Flynn – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Carol Rollie Flynn, president of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. A 30-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Flynn held senior executive positions there including Director of CIA's Leadership Academy, Director of the Office of Foreign Intelligence Relationships, Associate Deputy Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Executive Director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center, and Chief of Station in major posts in Southeast Asia and Latin America. She has extensive experience in overseas intelligence operations, security, and counterintelligence. Flynn is also an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service/Security Studies Program where she has co-directed the National Security Critical Issue Task Force (NSCITF). She has also taught at the Fordham University Graduate School of Business and previously served as adjunct staff at Rand Corporation. She serves on the Advisory Board of the International Spy Museum and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Event information at www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 27 October 2022, 4:30 - 6:30 pm EDT - Hanover, MD - Cocktails and Codebreakers Event
Please join the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) for Cocktails and Codebreakers, a celebration of women in codebreaking.
Pay tribute to the rich history of trailblazing women in cryptology, to include recognizing the United States Postal Service's launch of a Women Cryptologists of WWII stamp.
Fireside Chat: Ms. Jen Easterly, Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) with Mr. Greg Myre, NPR National Security Correspondent, as moderator.
Special Guest Speaker: Mr. Bill Nye will speak about his mother who was a WWII cryptologist with the WAVES.
Where: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve: 7795 Arundel Mills Blvd, Hanover, MD 21076. Google map link for driving directions and location.
More info here; or
Register here
Questions to R. Diamond at rdiamond@cryptologicfoundation.org
Friday, 28 October 2022 - Washington, DC - NIP Fall Meeting and Luncheon
Hold the date! The Naval Intelligence Professionals Fall Meeting and Luncheon will be held at the Army-Navy Country Club, 901 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006.
Details to follow on the website. Or send your questions to David Mattingly, ISCM, USN Ret at daamattingly@me.com
November 2022
3 November 2022 - Virtual - The San Antonio AFIO Chapter on the Chinese Military and the CCP
The program will be on the Chinese military, which is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese military executes the policies and interests of the Communist Chinese Party. China has successfully begun an expansion of their military and has great potential to become militarily more powerful than the United States.
Questions or more information from John Franklin, Chapter President, 210-863-0430; satxafio@gmail.com
Friday, 4 November 2022, 10:30am - 2pm EDT - Tysons Corner, VA - "Spy Hunt: A Conversation with Paul Redmond and Colleagues" and "Reynolds on 'Need to Know'" - at this AFIO National In-Person Fall Luncheon
EVENT SOLD OUT. REGISTRATION CLOSED. A Special AFIO National In-Person Fall Event on Friday, 4 November 2022 - Tysons-McLean, VA - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spy Hunt: A Conversation with Paul Redmond and Colleagues
Panelists/Co-Presenters: Paul Redmond, Lucinda (Cindy) Webb, Michael Sulick, and other senior intelligence and counterintelligence experts TBA
All named panelists confirmed. MORNING PANEL runs 11 a.m. - Noon.
SPEAKERS: Paul Redmond served 34 years in CIA's Clandestine Service; Lucinda (Cindy) Webb is a former CIA SIS Officer with 32 years of service which included five years as CIA's Chief of Counterintelligence and Associate Deputy Director for Operations - Counterintelligence; and Dr. Michael J. Sulick is a retired intelligence operations officer who worked for the CIA for 28-years. He served as Chief of CIA counterintelligence from 2002 to 2004 and as Director of the National Clandestine Service. More speaker details on registration site.
NOTE: The morning speakers and panel presentations are OFF THE RECORD.
No recordings, tweets, blogposts, articles, or interviews based on these presentations or the Q&A that follows are permitted.
Afternoon speaker: Nicholas Reynolds - CIA Historian/Author - discussing his just released Need to Know: World War II and the Rise of American Intelligence.
Check-in and badge pickup for Registered Attendees begins at 10:30 a.m.
NO registrations or walk-ins at hotel.
Co-presentations by Paul Redmond, Cindy Webb, Michael Sulick, and others begin at 11:00 a.m.; Lunch is served from noon-1:00 p.m.; Nicholas Reynolds is scheduled for 1:00 p.m.; event ends at 2:00 p.m.
Space is limited. Preregistration closes at 5:00 p.m. on 31 October 2022.
Cancellation Schedule: AFIO must commit to the hotel facilities and therefore, regrets it must charge a cancellation fee. 100% refund until 27 October. No refunds or cancellations after midnight 27 October. You will receive a donation receipt for fees forfeited. A donor statement will be sent showing that you made a "gift to AFIO" in such instances. Gifts to AFIO are tax-deductible.
All attendees must be members of AFIO or accompanied by a member of AFIO. If you would like to learn more about becoming a member, please visit our website, www.afio.com. If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact our office at 703-790-0320 or email us at afio@afio.com.
Registration Closed. Event Sold Out.
Luncheon prices are $55 for Members; $70 for nonmember guests and all Subscribers.
Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, McLean-Tysons, VA Address 1960 Chain Bridge Rd McLean, VA 22102. Though we do not provide special overnight room rates, if you wish to make room reservations at the hotel, do so here.
Questions regarding the event? Email events@afio.com
Saturday, 5 November 2022, 10-4pm - Washington, DC - 16th Annual Parade of Trabants - In Person International Spy Museum Program
Join us for the ONLY Trabant Rally in the United States! Celebrate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall at this festive gathering of the quintessential Cold War car—the Trabant. Despite their questionable performance and smoky two-stroke engines, these little cars are now affectionately regarded as a symbol of East Germany and the fall of Communism. Trabants are a rarity here, but on November 5 some of the finest examples in the US will chug their way to the International Spy Museum. Drop in to view the famous "cardboard" cars and other vintage Cold War autos, vans, scooters, and cycles all very far from their original homes, and you can vote on your favorite. The vintage vehicles will be parked around the Museum on L'Enfant Plaza, SW. While the cars are on display, their owners will be on hand to answer queries about how they keep their cars pop popping along. Try your hand at graffiti Berlin-style or see if you can fit into the tiny spaces like those escaping from East Berlin did, all while the Alte Kameraden German Band provides festive music. Support for this program has been provided by a generous grant from the Pritzker Military Foundation, on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 5 November 2022, Noon EDT - AFIO N Florida Chapter Luncheon features Bill Dayhoff, Former FBI
The North Florida Chapter AFIO will be hosting our next meeting on Saturday November 5th. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Bill Dayhoff, retired FBI, discussing the past and present roles of the FBI. We will be meeting at the Bonefish Grill Mandarin, 10950 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32223, beginning at Noon.
Schedule: 11:30-12:05 Social Time; 12:05-12:10 Call to Order, Pledge Of Allegiance, Invocation; 12:10-12:20 Intro of guests & new members; 12:20-1:00 Luncheon; 1:00-1:15 Post-lunch break; 1:15-2:00* Speaker - Bill Dayhoff; 2-3* Lightning Round
Any questions, please contact Ken Meyer, Secretary, kmeyer12@bellsouth.net
Sunday, 6 November 2022, 9am-4pm - Washington, DC - Girl Scout Day - In Person International Spy Museum Program
Do you have what it takes to be a spy? Find out at Girl Scout Day at the International Spy Museum! Test your troop's tradecraft abilities as you complete a TOP SECRET scavenger hunt throughout the Museum's galleries. Upon completion of your mission, each Girl Scout will receive a special SPY fun patch to commemorate their accomplishment! More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 9 November 2022, noon - Washington, DC - Trafficking Data with Aynne Kokas - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with Dr. Aynne Kokas, author of Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty. For over 20 years, Kokas, the C.K. Yen Chair at the University of Virginia's Miller Center, has researched trade between the US and Chinese markets. She has looked at how technology firms in these two countries have exploited government policy (and the lack thereof) to gather information on citizens, putting US national security in jeopardy. Kokas argues that US government leadership failures, Silicon Valley's disruption fetish, and Wall Street's addiction to growth have fueled China's technological goldrush. She believes in turn, that American complacency yields an unprecedented opportunity for Chinese firms to gather data in the United States and quietly send it back to the Chinese government who capitalize on this data for political gain. Program is free of charge but requires advanced registration. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 10 November 2022, noon-1pm - Washington, DC - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with LTG (R) Michael K. Nagata - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by LTG (R) Michael K. Nagata, former Director of Strategic Operational Planning for the National Counterterrorism Center. Nagata is a Senior Vice President and Strategic Advisor for CACI International, which he joined after retiring from the US Army in 2019. He served 38 years of Active Duty, with 34 years in US Special Operations. Early in his military career in 1990, he was selected for a Special Mission Unit, and deployed extensively over several assignments there on contingency and combat operations. From 1999 to 2000, he commanded the Army's Special Forces Qualification Course. In 2000, he returned to a Special Mission Unit as a Squadron Commander and was involved in the initial combat deployments after the 9/11 attacks. After graduating from the National War College in 2003, he served in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. From 2005 to 2008, as a Special Mission Unit commander, he led multiple Joint Special Operations Forces task forces across more than a dozen countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. He then served within the US Intelligence Community in Washington, DC as a Military Deputy for Counterterrorism until 2009. Nagata then deployed again until late 2011 to Pakistan as the Deputy Chief, Office of the Defense Representative at the US Embassy. Upon returning to the US, he served on the Joint Staff as the Deputy Director for Special Operations and Counterterrorism until 2013. From 2013 to 2015 he commanded US Special Operations Command-Central, was responsible for Special Operations across the Central Command, and was heavily involved in the first two years of combat against the Islamic State. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 12 November 2022, 11:30 am EDT - Indialantic FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter Luncheon features Capt Jason Schneider discussing "The Role of NOTU in Supporting Navy Fleet Ballistic Missile Development."
At this in-person luncheon event, the AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Captain Jason J. Schneider, commanding officer of the Naval Ordnance Test Unit (NOTU) at Cape Canaveral, Florida, who will discuss the role of NOTU in supporting Navy Fleet Ballistic Missile Development.
Location: The Doubletree Hotel, 1665 N. Route A1A, Indiatlantic/Melbourne, FL 32903. Location here.
A sit down lunch will be followed by Captain Schneider's presentation. Cost is $35.00 per person.
Inquiries or reservations to Larry Sanford, President, AFIO FSC, at afiofloridasatellitechapter@gmail.com.
Wednesday, 16 November 2022, 6 pm - Virtual via ZOOM - AFIO Atlanta hosts Zoom webinar on "Current Arms Control and Security Environment" featuring Neil Couch, Director of the Office of Verification, Planning, and Outreach for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, U.S. Department of State
Members and allied IC associations are invited to attend (via Zoom) AFIO Atlanta's webinar "Current Arms Control and Security Environment" featuring Mr. Neil Couch, the Director of the Office of Verification, Planning, and Outreach for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance; U.S. Department of State. Neil will speak about contemporary diplomatic and military issues concerning global nuclear nonproliferation efforts. He is an accomplished diplomat and military officer, and, above all, Neil is a Citadel graduate ('82).
For Zoom security, to receive the Zoom links to attend this meeting, contact team@afioatlanta.com.
You must read before entering the event/Zoom call.
DISCLAIMER: Out of respect for the privacy of our speakers and attendees, we are not allowing press personnel to attend this event, whether or not they attend in a personal or professional capacity. This is to ensure the confidentiality of our members, speakers, and attendees, and we thank you for your cooperation. This event is strictly confidential, and all in attendance are under strict instruction to not record, make publicly available, or submit with attribution any content or the identities of speaker(s). By registering for, or attending this event, you agree to not make any recording or capturing of unauthorized audio or video of the virtual event including, but not limited to, confidential presentations, portions, visuals, imagery, conversations, and messaging. The event host (AFIO Atlanta, and its officers), and keynote presenter(s), may designate areas or portions of the event where photo, video, or audio recording may be allowed. Release of Liability For AFIO events, whether virtual or otherwise, we cannot guarantee that the event will not be recorded or captured by any party attending the event. By registering, you agree to release AFIO Atlanta from any liability, costs, fees, damages, or any financial obligation for any loss, damages or injuries that may be caused by the recording or capturing of any parts of the virtual event. Requests for image credits, attribution, take down, more information or assistance: contact AFIO Atlanta at team@afioatlanta.com. If you have any questions, contact us at team@afioatlanta.com, or you can contact Grant at grant@afioatlanta.com or Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com.
Thursday, 17 November 2022, 11:30 AM – Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Sky Foerster, discussing "The War in Ukraine."
Topic: "The War in Ukraine: Update, Prospects, and Issues Ahead"
— summarize where we are in the war as of mid-November
— examine the prospects for either side's victory, defeat, stalemate, escalation, or negotiation
— highlight the issues ahead for all of us in the West
SPEAKER BIO: Schuyler Foerster is emeritus professor of political science at the U.S. Air Force Academy, where he served as the Brent Scowcroft Professor for National Security Studies from 2010-2016. He also teaches as a visiting professor at Colorado College and at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. During his 26-year military career, he served in several assignments as a senior advisor in security and arms control policy. A graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, he holds a doctorate from Oxford University in politics and strategic studies and was a national security fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.
For more information, please contact steve13507@gmail.com
Thursday, 17 November 2022, Noon - Virtual - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter's Zoom event features LCDR Tyson B. Meadors (USN) on "The USN's Cyber Force Needs"
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is holding its next meeting at noon on Thursday, 17 November, Our speaker is LCDR Tyson B. Meadors (USN). He will participate remotely from his current assignment in DC and will address the Navy's cyber dilemma and why the Navy needs its own specialized cyber force to fulfill its traditional mission of protecting the nation's maritime-based economy. The cost to attend this luncheon in person is $15, including a box lunch. Please contact the Chapter Secretary, michaels@suncoastafio.org, for more information or to attend either in-person or via Zoom. Advance registration is required, with a registration deadline of noon on Thursday, 10 November.
Thursday, 17 November 2022, noon - Washington, DC - Superspy Science with Kathryn Harkup - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
The world of 007 is known for its guns, gadgets, and grandiose schemes to take over the world, but would any of these weapons, tech, or plots make it in the real world? With her new book, Superspy Science: Science, Death and Tech in the World of James Bond, international bestselling author, Dr. Kathryn Harkup has set out to explore how science and technology intersect with the world of Bond. From Dr. No to Skyfall, Harkup takes on the really difficult questions such as: Will being covered in gold paint really kill you? Can you run across crocodiles? Can you sled in a cello case? And how do suicide pills work and can you survive taking one? Join us for a conversation with Harkup about some of our favorite Bond weapons, technologies, and tactics and just how rooted in reality they are. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 19 November 2022, 2 pm ET - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts Amb. Robert Cekuta discussing The Caucasus and Central Asia: Russia's Southern Front
Russia's invasion of Ukraine unmasked the Kremlin's ambitions towards all the states that were once part of the Soviet Union or Russian Empire. The countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, many of which are rich in oil, gas, uranium, and other resources, are working to maintain the independence they won just over 30 years ago. But Russia's ambitions are not the only threat; there are also Chinese and Iranian ambitions, Turkey's evolving role, and the threats of terrorism, religious extremism, and drug trafficking. While almost half a world away, the U.S. has its own geostrategic interests in the region as well and many of these countries look for a more active U.S. engagement. Ambassador (ret.) Robert Cekuta will look at this evolving situation in a strategic part of the world and what the United States is, and should be doing to advance our interests there.
The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. A Question and Answer period will follow the presentation. No reservations are required.
Tuesday, 22 November 2022, 2-3pm - Washington, DC - SPY with Me | Memory Loss Program - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
SPY with Me is an interactive virtual program for individuals living with dementia and their care partners. Join SPY as we use music and artifacts to explore some of our favorite spy stories. Programs last one hour and are held virtually through Zoom once a month. To register, please email Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org. Free but space is limited. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
December 2022
1 Dec 2022 - Virtual - The San Antonio AFIO Chapter program features Video on China's Oil and Gas Silk Road Initiative
The program will be a very current educational video on China's Oil and Gas "problem." The program covers China's motives for the Silk Road initiative, expansion into the South China Sea and development of overseas installations.
Questions or more information from John Franklin, Chapter President, 210-863-0430; satxafio@gmail.com.
7 December 2022, 7 pm ET - Virtual - The CIA at 75: Looking Back, Looking Ahead - at the International Spy Museum with Council on Intelligence Issues
Attend this event marking the CIA's 75th anniversary with an evening focusing on the Agency's history, followed by discussion of operational, analytic, technological, and other challenges that illustrate CIA's mission and unique role as a national intelligence agency, and a look ahead to the challenges for the future.
David Robarge, CIA Chief Historian, will set the stage with a brief look at CIA's history, agility at adapting to the world around it, and the challenges it has faced. Following the historic background, Mark Lowenthal, former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, will moderate a panel of CIA experts sharing their diverse firsthand experiences to illustrate how CIA and generations of its intelligence professionals have met some of the challenges and risks they faced around the globe. The panel includes: James Lawler, former Directorate of Operations Officer and counterproliferation expert; Andrew Makridis, Former CIA Chief Operating Officer, analyst and presidential briefer; Dawn Meyerriecks, former Deputy Director for Science and Technology; and William D. Murray, former Directorate of Operations Officer Chief of Station. To conclude the program, John McLaughlin, former Deputy and Acting Director of Central Intelligence, will discuss some of the challenges CIA faces and the role it will play in continuing to provide all-source intelligence analysis and operational support to enable policymakers to anticipate and address traditional and emerging threats to US and global security.
Following the formal program, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform.
Event is co-sponsored by the Council on Intelligence Issues and the Central Intelligence Retirees' Association with thanks to the Central Intelligence Agency for its assistance.
More about event or to register, do so here.
Thursday, 8 December 2022, noon - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO Andre LeGallo San Francisco Chapter hosts Gurvais C. Grigg, former FBI Agent and current Chief Technology Officer, Chainanalysis. Time: Noon (Pacific Time)
Topic: The use of crypto currencies by state and non-state actors.
Speaker Bio: Mr. Gurvais C. Grigg is a bilingual technology executive and recognized thought leader with over 28 year of public and private sector experience leading complex organizations, investigations and technical programs. Mr. Grigg retired from the FBI after 23 years of service and joined Chainanalysis as the Global Public Sector CTO. He is responsible for connecting global governments with the cryptocurrency industry and providing them with the best data and tools to manage risk, address threats, and conduct effective investigations.
Registration: This meeting will be held via zoom. Registrants will receive a zoom link. Reservation and pre-payment is required before November 30, 2022. Please contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com or Mariko Kawaguchi, c/o AFIO, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011 for questions. Students: please e-mail your school ID to get sponsored. Register here.
Sunday, 11 December 2022, 8 - 10 a.m. ET - Washington, DC - ACCESS TO SPY: Opening Our Doors to the Autistic Community - at the International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is pleased to offer a sensory friendly community program geared for families who have an autistic child or an individual with sensory processing differences.
What might be a mission impossible visit during normal operating hours is now mission possible. On this special access morning, the Museum has set private hours (8:00-10:00 am) for families to enjoy an exclusive visit with less noise, fewer people, and a designated quiet room. In addition, guests can participate in a scavenger hunt and create their own cipher wheel!
While this program is geared for families, we welcome all ages and individuals with sensory processing differences to attend this event.
COST: FREE but advance registration is required! QUESTIONS? Email educators@spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 15 December 2022, noon - 1 p.m. ET - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa - Special Guest: Dr. Kimberly Kagan
Attend this online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa will lead the briefing. Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years with 25 of those in active duty in hot spots such as Panama, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq is also a past Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism on the National Security Council. He will be joined by Dr. Kimberly Kagan, founder and president of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via the online platform.
More about event or to register, is here.
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