AFIO Eagle Logo

AFIO Central Office
220 Spring St Suite 220
Herndon, Virginia 20170

Telephone: 703 790 0320
Facsimile: 703 991 1278
© 2024 AFIO
Copyright and Privacy Notice


AFIO Disclaimer, Privacy and Copyright Declaration

Information presented in these pages is for information only. Although every effort is made to ensure that information is reasonably complete and accurate we explicitly state there is no warranty of completeness or accuracy, either real or implied. The information offered is not intended to replace that offered by trained practitioners, such as a doctor of medicine or emergency medical technicians, hazardous materials handling specialists, law enforcement officers or others of expertise or authority especially in an emergency. If you act on information supplied by AFIO in conflict with information supplied by such a trained and experienced practitioner, AFIO accepts no liability for the consequences.


Although every effort is made to ensure that information is reasonably complete and accurate we understand that there may be some factual errors. If we are made aware of errors, we will make every effort to correct them in a timely manner.
Note! some minor errors that do not affect the major points of individual pages are deliberate, as a safeguard against copyright infringements. These may not be corrected.


AFIO only sends email newsletters once a week to those members who have joined and checkmarked the OPT IN box on the membership form. If you are not receiving the Weekly Notes or other mailings from us and wish to, and you have not heard from us that your email address is not working, then let us know at to add you to the OPT IN Weekly Notes list, Provide your full name and your email address so that they can be added. You must be a current National AFIO member to receive our weekly mailings.

OPTING OUT of emails. If you are receiving emails from us and no longer wish to receive them, immediately let us know at and provide the email address where you are receiving the notices. Also provide your full name. If the emails are indeed coming from AFIO and you are on our list, we will flag your record for no further emails.

PRIVACY of MEMBERSHIP and EMAIL DATA: Email addresses, names, social security and date of birth and personal postal mailing addresses and phone numbers are never shared, loaned, or given to other non-AFIO entities. All membership information is maintained by AFIO National securely and encrypted on computers offline. We use no online membership management services and our data is not available online. That is the reason you cannot update or verify your addresses or membership online -- it is too insecure allowing that to be handled in that manner.

External Resources

AFIO supplies links to external resources. No warranty of completeness or accuracy, either explicit or implicit is made for the content of these sites.

Advertising and Sponsorship

AFIO accepts advertising and sponsorship at reasonable commercial rates, but reserves to right to reject either, and to discontinue any advertising or sponsorship found to be false or misleading without refund of advertising fees. AFIO will make reasonable efforts to assess the probity of its sponsors and advertisers but can make no warranty, either real or implied, about content of advertising or sponsorship carried by it.

Privacy Statement

AFIO asks visitors to supply feedback to allow us to improve our products and to register for updates on developments at the site. We collect a minimum of information and will not share it with anyone outside of AFIO without your express permission. We will make reasonable efforts to contact you to ask about any such disclosure, but it is our policy to require your express permission. This policy is void if we have reason to believe that you may be using our information for criminal purposes.

Copyright Notice

AFIO provides the information at this domain to anyone, but retains copyright on all text and graphic images. This means that...

You may not:

  • distribute the text or graphics without the permission of AFIO;
  • "mirror" or include this information on your own documents, including the use of frames leading to the loss of a direct link to our site for others, without our permission;
  • modify or re-use the text or graphics on this site.

You may:

  • print copies for your own personal use only;
  • reference hypertext documents at this domain from your own documents.

Licensing of Content

AFIO is willing to license its content for:

  • multiple users in an intranet;
  • use in another copyrighted product, such as a CD-ROM

AFIO will either make modifications for a specific product at the request of the licensee or allow the licensee to modify to the content, provided the modifications made by the licensee do not lead to the licensed work making false or misleading statements and subject to the final approval of AFIO.

Copyright© 2020

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