COMING EVENTS FROM THE LATEST WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES - Use month index in right column to jump to current month:
January 2021
Thursday, 14 January 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa and Special Guest John O. Brennan - hosted virtually by the International Spy Museum
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by John O. Brennan, who served as President Obama's Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor from 2009 to 2012 and as Director of the CIA from 2013 to 2017. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by Accenture.
Event is free – Registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 15 January 2021, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Ocala, FL - "Robert Wallace...America's 'Q' to discuss spy gadgets at upcoming Master the Possibilities event"
Yes...a physical event. A good sign for starting the new year.
The not-for-profit lifelong learning center Master the Possibilities is hosting AFIO Member Bob Wallace, former director of CIA's Office of Technical Service. Wallace's presentation, titled "Q" Lives: Spy Gadgets for Every Season," will be held PHYSICALLY in the Circle Square Cultural Center, 8395 S.W. 80th St. in Ocala, FL.
The course fee for the presentation is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. The event is open to the public. Registration is required, as space is limited.
Wallace, who served 33 years with the CIA as case officer and Director of Clandestine Technical Programs, will talk about how the development of spy technology has transformed espionage operations from Revolutionary War covert communications to present day disinformation operations.
Wallace earned his BA in History from Ottawa (Kansas) University in 1966 and an MA in Political Science from the University of Kansas in 1968. He served in U.S. Army during 1968-1970, leading long-range reconnaissance patrol teams of Company E, 75th Rangers in Vietnam.
Wallace joined CIA as an operations officer in 1971. His career at the CIA included five field tours and Chief of Station assignments. Headquarters tours were with the Comptroller's Office, Director of the Office of Technical Service and Acting Director of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service.
After retiring from the Agency in 2003, Wallace founded Artemus Consulting Group and was a part-time oral historian for CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence.
Wallace has co-authored many books.
Books will be available for purchase and there will be a book signing immediately following the presentation.
Call (352) 861-9751 M-F, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Attendees will be required to bring and wear a personal mask or face shield and to complete and sign a Coronavirus screening form prior to entry into the event.
Sunday, January 17, 2021, 2-3:30 pm EST - Zoom Virtual - The Cold War Museum hosts David Hatch, NSA's Chief Historian, discussing "What Was Likely the Most Important and Most Secret Counterintelligence Project of the Early Cold War? And What Did It Allow Us to Do?" Access to view a recorded version of this presentation, to view on your own schedule, is also available to all event registrants.
The Cold War Museum invites you to attend (virtually) a presentation by David Hatch, the Historian of the NSA on
"VENONA: How an Astonishing and Closely-Held Work of Decryption Led Us to the Atomic Spies, the Cambridge Five, and Much More."
VENONA was probably the best counterintelligence tool the United States had in the early Cold War. The ability to decrypt an exceedingly difficult cryptosystem used by the Soviet intelligence services gave the United States unprecedented insights into Soviet espionage tradecraft as well as Soviet espionage targets, and significant clues to the identities of Americans cooperating in passing secrets to the USSR. Dr. Hatch will give an overview of the program, discuss some specific cases and talk about VENONA's impact on the early Cold War.
Dr. David Hatch has his MA from Indiana University, Bloomington, and his Ph.D. from American University in the District of Columbia. He has worked at the National Security Agency as analyst, supervisor, and staff officer. Since 1993, he has been the NSA Historian. Dr. Hatch is the author of many classified and unclassified articles about NSA's history and the history of cryptology, and has been a talking head on many television documentaries.
To participate live or to view recording of event, buy ticket via Eventbrite, then access event video as your leisure. A special link to that video will be provided to those who need it from CWM Executire Director Jason Hall. Registrants should email Jason@coldwar.org.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
For more information and ticketing, use this link.
This is the 39th in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War events and activities.
Monday, 18 January 2021, 1 PM EST - Virtual - AFIO Atlanta hosts Chapter member Harvey Klehr on "In Search of Godsend, the Fourth Soviet Spy at Los Alamos."
Harvey Klehr PhD is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Politics and History, Emeritus, at Emory University. He has written many books on espionage in the United States and the American Communist Party's history, among them Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (1999) and Spies: The Rise of the KGB in America (2009). He will discuss his work unmasking the fourth Soviet spy at the Manhattan Project, recently published in Studies in Intelligence. All members and friends of AFIO are invited.
For details, contact Atlanta Chapter President Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com or 404.403.8004.
Thursday, 21 January 2021, noon PST - Virtual via GoToMeeting - L.A. Chapter hosts Dr Ray Batvinis, Historian, Author, and former FBI discussing "Agent Zhora: The Most Devastating Spy in the US History."
Our guest speaker will be Ray
Batvinis, a former FBI Special Agent. He will discuss: Agent Zhora: The Most Devastating Spy in American History.
William Wolfe Weisband [Agent Zhora] was an American who is considered by many scholars as the most damaging spy in the nation's history. He was a KGB source working as a Russian linguist for the Army Security Agency and the Armed Forces Security Agency - both were predecessors of the NSA. He was at the heart of American codebreaking against the Russians at the dawn of the Cold War and did incalculable damage to American security in the run up to the Korean War.
Raymond J. Batvinis PhD is a historian and
educator specializing in the discipline of counterintelligence as
a function of statecraft. For twenty-five years (1972-1997) Dr.
Batvinis was a Special Agent of the FBI concentrating on
counterintelligence and counterterrorism matters. His assignments
included the Washington Field Office and the Intelligence
Division's Training Unit at FBI headquarters. Later he served in
the Baltimore Division as a Supervisory Special Agent where he
supervised the espionage investigations of Ronald Pelton, John and
Michael Walker, Thomas Dolce and Daniel Walter Richardson.
Following 9/11, Dr. Batvinis returned to the FBI for three years
managing a team of former FBI agents and CIA officers who taught
the Basic Counterintelligence Course at the FBI Academy. In
addition to authoring scholarly articles, he has contributed to
the Oxford History of Intelligence, an anthology of
essays, published in 2009 by Oxford University Press. He has
produced two books on the history of the FBI's counterintelligence
program. The Origins of FBI Counterintelligence,
(University Press of Kansas [UPK], 2007), and Hoover's Secret
War Against Axis Spies, (UPK, 2014). He is currently
writing a biography of William Weisband, an early Cold War
American spy, while completing the third of a three volume history
of the FBI's activities during World War II.
To participate or if you have other questions about this or other Los Angeles Chapter or meetings, email Vincent Autiero,
President, at afio_la@yahoo.com To participate in the above event, email him and he will send you the link for the virtual GoToMeeting event.
Thursday, 21 January 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Frank Figliuzzi, The FBI's Keeper of the Code – hosted virtually by the International Spy Museum
As the FBI's former head of counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi had a unique opportunity to study patterns of conduct among high-achieving individuals, as well as the errors made by unethical persons. He came to understand that maintaining a "code of excellence" was the key to success in any field. Appointed the FBI's Chief Inspector by then Director Robert Mueller, as "Keeper of the Code," Figliuzzi was charged with overseeing sensitive internal inquiries, target shooting reviews, and performance audits. He ensured each employee met the Bureau's exacting standards. Now, drawing on his distinguished career serving as a special agent for twenty-five years with leadership positions in major American cities, Figliuzzi takes us on a personal journey with The FBI Way: Inside the Bureau's Code of Excellence. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond for a discussion with Figliuzzi about his memoir, the lessons he's learned, and the FBI execs who he believes erred! Following their discussion, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform.
Event is free – Registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 21 January 2021, 1800/6pm EST; 1500/3PM PST; 1300/1PM HST; 0700 Beijing, 22 January - Virtual GoToMeeting Event - Naval Intelligence Professionals Virtual Speaker Series
RDML Thomas M. Henderschedt, Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché, Beijing, PRC on "Perspectives on the Evolution of U.S.-PRC Relations in the Last 15 Years."
• RDML Henderschedt will provide an overview of:
o DAO Beijing support the evacuation of US Citizens from Wuhan;
o A more confident PLA in its interactions with foreigners;
o The "modernization" and post-2015 reforms of the PLA.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT:https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/859605821
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3212; Access Code: 859-605-821
As always, please mute your device/phone.
• (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks.;
• (~30 min) RDML Henderschedt remarks;
• Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please ask your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Monday, 25 January 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Dead Doubles with Trevor Barnes - hosted virtually by the International Spy Museum
In 1960, alerted by the CIA, MI5 discovered two British spies stealing secrets from the highly sensitive submarine research center in Portland in southwest England. In the wake of the spies' sensational trial, the FBI would uncover the true identity of the enigmatic Lonsdale—Konon Molody, a Russian who had lived in California before being recruited by the KGB. While in jail Molody and the Cohens opened secret talks with MI5 to betray Russia, but before they had the chance, the KGB blackmailed Britain into spy swaps to fly them back to Moscow. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with journalist and intelligence historian Trevor Barnes as we mark the 60th anniversary of the arrest of the Portland Spy Ring. Barnes is the author of Dead Doubles: The Extraordinary Worldwide Hunt for One of the Cold War's Most Notorious Spy Rings. He and Hammond will explore how he drew on never-before-seen MI5 and FBI files, private family archives, and sources in Russia to illuminate one of the most infamous spy cases from the Cold War. Following their discussion, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Event is free – Registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 27 January 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Adolf Tolkachev, the Billion Dollar Spy - hosted virtually by the International Spy Museum co-sponored with the Council on Intelligence Issues
What is a good spy worth? In the case of this one, an estimate by the US Air Force specialist who used the intelligence gained from this one source to terminate or direct research, "somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 billion…" That was before the source, Adolf Tolkachev, delivered another 179 rolls of film with thousands of pages of Soviet documents. Burton Gerber, a legendary CIA officer and senior leader and Moscow Chief during much of the operation, will join Washington Post journalist and Pulitzer Prize winning author David E. Hoffman for a discussion of the Tolkachev case. William D. "Bill" Murray, a retired senior operations officer of the CIA and co-founder of the Council on Intelligence Issues, will be moderating this program. Please join us for this unique presentation which will bring you deeply into one of the most successful and important US espionage operations of the late 20th century, and then you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Co-sponsored by the Council on Intelligence Issues.
Event is free – Registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Thursday, 28 January 2021, 6 PM EST - Virtual & In-Person - AFIO Atlanta hosts its monthly Thursday Cigar & Strategy Group social.
For details, contact Atlanta Chapter President Brian Hooper at brian@afioatlanta.com or 404.403.8004
28 January 2021, 6 pm EST - Virtual - OSS Society "Oh So Social" Conversation with Sec James Mattis and Hon. Mike Vickers
OSS Society kicks off their "Oh So Social" Monthly Conversation Series for 2021 with a presentation by Secretary James Mattis and the Honorable Michael Vickers. Event includes a special cocktail presentation by noted author/cocktail historian Philip Greene.
There is no charge to attend. To register, use this link.
February 2021
Thursday, 4 February 2021, 6:30pm CST - Virtual - San Antonio AFIO hear "The Dragon Lady and the Dreamland Resort."
We will begin the meeting with a 30 minute social "half-hour" to talk with other members and then begin the presentation "The Dragon Lady and the Dreamland Resort." It is a story your mother never knew to tell you! Prior to the meeting members will be sent a unique pass code for admission to the virtual meeting. Guests from other chapters may attend by requesting to be added to the email prior to Groundhog Day (2 Feb). The chapter will be joined by students from the University of Texas at San Antonio's Global Intelligence Association. We will have a 30 minute social time where you can meet in smaller groups and talk, then we will have the presentation.
In preparation for the meeting, here is a link to an online article from the Wall Street Journal. This excellent article includes a link to an approximately 20 minute video that will prepare you to meet the Dragon Lady. The video is excellent quality.
Questions to John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter at 210 863-0430 or email him at satxafio@gmail.com.
Thursday, 11 February 2021, 1 - 2 pm (EST) - Virtual on Zoom - AFIO Atlanta presents its Chinese New Year Event featuring Nicholas Eftimiades, author of Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics (2020), whom SpyTalk calls "one of the most well informed former U.S. government officials on Beijing's espionage apparatus."
The AFIO Atlanta Chapter hosts Nicholas Eftimiades, a professor of homeland security at Penn State University. In 2017 he retired as a senior intelligence officer from a 34-year career in the U.S. Intelligence Community, serving in CIA, State, and DIA. Mr. Eftimiades currently holds senior appointments on the DoD Defense Science Board, DHS Security Advisory Council, DHS Economic Security Subcommittee, and an Intelligence Community Associate for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Intelligence Council. He was also a Senior Research Fellow at King's College War Studies Department in London. His Chinese Intelligence Operations examines the structure, operations, and methodology of the intelligence services of the People's Republic of China. His recent monograph Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics expands on that work and details Chinese economic espionage. He has testified numerous times before Congress, and he consults to USG agencies and private industry. SpyTalk calls him "one of the most well informed former U.S. government officials on Beijing's espionage apparatus."
RSVP or questions to afioatlanta@gmail.com or 404.403.8004, Brian Hooper, President, AFIO Atlanta, 1266 West Paces Ferry Road NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30327.
All AFIO members and friends are invited!
Thursday, 11 February 2021, 5:30pm EST - Virtual - Spies & Spymasters Happy Hour: The Valentine Edition - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
How do you know if your Valentine is your one and only? Have you ever considered lie detection? Join these experts virtually, for a serious, though tongue-in-cheek, approach to Valentine's Day. National security lawyer Mark S. Zaid will be leading this exploration of lie detection techniques from their roots, including discussion of polygraph provocateur and Wonder Woman creator William Marston, to the latest research into voice stress analyzers, micro-facial expressions, brain scans, and how the spy community has used such techniques over the years. Guests include: Retired DOD Chief of Polygraph Thomas P. Mauriello, University of South Carolina Associate Professor Jennifer Vendemia, and University of Rochester Associate Professor M. Ehsan Hoque. Event is sponsored by the Alumni of the University of Rochester.
Event is free but registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 18 February 2021, 12:30 - 1:30 pm (PST) - Virtual GoToMeeting - Annual 2021 AFIO-LA Chapter Business Meeting
The AFIO Los Angeles Chapter will hold its annual General Business Meeting which includes annual elections, yearly objectives and other chapter business. All members are encouraged to attend and bring forth any chapter points of interest for the 2021 agenda. This meeting will be held virtually through GoToMeeting. Please RSVP via email reply to attend, we look forward to your participation.
RSVP or Questions to: afio_la@yahoo.com, Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter, 5651 W Manchester Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Thursday, 18 February 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Inside the Robert Hanssen Investigation with Debra Smith - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Twenty years ago today, the worst spy to ever penetrate the FBI was arrested at Foxstone Park near his home in suburban northern Virginia. Robert P. Hanssen was a veteran FBI agent with thwarted ambitions. Beginning in 1979, he provided highly classified national security information to Russia and the former Soviet Union on and off through 2001. Join this virtual museum event for an inside look at Hanssen and the investigation that rolled him up with Debra Smith, former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division at FBI Headquarters. Event is free but registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 25 Feb 2021, 1800/6pm EST; 1500/3pm PST; 1300/1pm HST - Virtual GoToMeeting - NIP Speaker Series Features RDML Michael Vernazza
The Naval Intelligence Professionals Virtual Speaker Series this month features RDML Michael Vernazza – Commander, Naval Information Warfighting Development Center, on "Mission, Role, and Status of the Naval Information Warfighting Development Center."
Biography: RDML Vernazza bio available here.
Video Conference – GoToMeeting.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT at this link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/153406485
You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 153-406-485.
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now at https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/153406485 and be ready when your first meeting starts.
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks; (~30 min) RDML Vernazza remarks; Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please ask your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Thursday, 25 February 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa and Special Guest Thomas P. Bossert - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join these experts for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Homeland Security Advisor to two US presidents. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by Accenture. Event is free but registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Sunday, 28 February 2021, 2-3:30pm EST - Virtual - The Cold War Museum hosts MG Robert Parker (USAF, ret.) on "Protection and Inspection: US Missile Forces & Site Inspections in the USSR"
The Soviets Signed a Lot of Arm Control Treaties with Us. Then Came the Hard Part: Making Sure They Were Complying.
What Did That Look Like on the Ground? How Did We Know They Weren't Spoofing Us? How Did Those Site Inspections Work? Ask the Former Missileer AF General Who Was Director of the On-Site Inspection Agency—and Commanded Our ICBM Missile Forces. Major General Robert Parker (USAF, ret.) will discuss "Protection and Inspection: US Missile Forces & Site Inspections in the USSR."
This presentation provides a window into what it took to be a Cold War Missileer at all levels and in many capacities, from Second Lt. Parker reporting for duty at Ellsworth AFB to his rise to commanding the deployment of 1,000 missiles at six bases. But the second phase of his career, as Director the On-Site Inspection Agency, while depending heavily on his experience as a missile commander, called for additional skills: as a diplomat and as an expert evaluator of technological situations with very important strategic consequences.
General Parker will take us through the highlights both of his leadership of the forces controlling some of our most devastating strategic weapons and what it looks and feels like to be part of an on-site missile inspection team where the stakes were very high, and error was not an option.
This is the 41st in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War events and activities.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. Event, including the Q&A, will be recorded and for those unable to virtually attend when event is taking place, you will still have access to the video after the event. The video will also be placed in the Cold War Museum's archives.
To access the event video after the live event, contact CWM Executive Director Jason Hall at Jason@coldwar.org.
To register now for this virtual event, use this Eventbrite link.
Sunday, 28 February 2012, 3pm EST - Virtual - The Magic of Spying with Peter Wood: Live Virtual Family Performance and Workshop - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
You may have seen him on Penn & Teller: Fool Us, now join professional magician Peter Wood as he performs the art of misdirection, sleight of hand, and other illusions used by skilled spies. In the real-life world of espionage, spies often call upon the art of magic and illusion to distract the enemy, make evidence disappear, and escape unnoticed. Event is $10/household. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
March 2021
Wednesday, 3 March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Secret History of History: Three Ordinary Girls - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Truus Oversteegen, her younger sister Freddie, and their friend Hannie Schaft, came of age during a tumultuous moment in 1930s Europe. In their medieval home city of Haarlem, there were mass protests, communist party meetings, and whispers that the Queen's son-in-law had secret ties to the Nazi party. When the commander of The Dutch Royal Army surrendered to the Nazis in May 1940, the girls felt compelled to resist. Join us for a talk with award-winning author Tim Brady, about his new book Three Ordinary Girls which explores how these young women cleverly wielded the only weapons at their disposal – wits, bravery, audacity, intelligence, and youth – to repeatedly undermine the Nazis and their Dutch collaborators. These Dutch girls started with simple acts of covert illegality: lifting German ID cards to counterfeit them, distributing fliers announcing strikes, and passing out anti-Nazi literature. They then progressed to bigger, deadlier jobs: ferrying Jewish children to safeguard locations, stockpiling weapons, detonating bombs, gathering intel, and ultimately murder. All in support of the Dutch Resistance.
Event is free - registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
4 March 2021 - Virtual - San Antonio AFIO will discuss "CIA's Defector Resettlement Program" based on CIA Officer Joe Augustyn's AFIO Now Interview
The next San Antonio AFIO Chapter Meeting will include discussion of CIA's Defector Resettlement Program. The topic is part of the National AFIO programing that was recently recorded interview with CIA Operations Officer Joe Augustyn, who managed the defector resettlement program.
A message with the link to the meeting will be sent prior to the meetings.
For more detail, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio at satxafio@gmail.com or 210-863-0430
Saturday, 6 March 2021, 11am-2pm EST - Virtual - Sisterhood of Spies: A Virtual Girl Scout Event - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Calling all Girl Scouts! Celebrate Women's History Month with the International Spy Museum and learn about the Sisterhood of Spies. Girl Scouts will test their spy skills and learn tricks of the trade. They will meet Sonia Purnell, author of A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II to learn about Virginia Hall; former Chief of Disguise of the CIA Jonna Mendez for a gadget workshop; Liza Mundy, author of Code Girls: The True Story of the American Women Who Secretly Broke Codes in World War II to discuss female code breakers; and Tracy Walder, former CIA and FBI and author of The Unexpected Spy. The speakers will share their knowledge about the shadow world of spying and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. Designed for Brownies through Senior Girl Scouts.
Event is $12/household. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 2-3:30 pm EST - Zoom Virtual - "Researching Covert Operations in Iran" A Conversation with Mark Gasiorowski sponsored by the National Security Archive (at GWU)
The National Security Archive (at The George Washington University) is pleased to present a talk and panel honoring Prof. Mark Gasiorowski who retired from academia in December 2020 as one of the leading scholars of U.S.-Iran relations.
Mark's books and articles from the 1953 coup to post-revolution covert interactions have stood out for their rigorous use of international archives and groundbreaking interviews with intelligence officers, diplomats, and other historical actors. Mark will discuss his experiences, including numerous research and teaching visits to Iran, as well other Iran-related matters. Topic: Researching Covert Operations in Iran. Panelists: Homa Katouzian (St. Antony's College, Oxford);
Farideh Farhi (Independent Scholar, University of Hawai'i, Manoa); Roham Alvandi (London School of Economics);
Malcolm Byrne (The National Security Archive) (chair).
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please note: space in the Zoom session is available on a first-come first-served basis and may fill up very quickly.
Thursday, 11 March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Secret History of History: Color Wars Part II - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Some of us have the blues these days we'd like to shake, but some blues are the subject of desire, intrigue, and passion. This is the story of indigo. Every year Pantone picks a "Color of the Year"—2021 is a departure—two colors: Ultimate Gray and Illuminating Yellow. But these can't hold a candle to a color that's been desired for centuries — indigo. In October we explored how cochineal red became coveted and was the subject of economic intelligence campaigns. Today, we will submerge ourselves in the elemental and timelessness of indigo blue—its history, cultural role, and the efforts made to steal and recreate it far from the land where it emerged. Catherine E. McKinley, author of Indigo: In Search of the Color that Seduced the World and just published The African Lookbook, will explore her personal search for indigo and the incredible role it has played globally for centuries. Please join this colorful conversation, and then you'll be able to ask questions via the online platform.
Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 - Virtual on Zoom - AFIO Atlanta presents its St. Patrick's Day Event featuring Ruth Dudley Edwards on "How the Appeasement of Terrorism in Northern Ireland by Western Liberalism has led to the Spectre of a Fascist Takeover."
The AFIO Atlanta Chapter hosts Ruth Dudley Edwards, an Irish historian, political commentator, and crime writer who has written extensively on the Troubles. Her most recent book is The Seven: The Lives and Legacies of the Founding Fathers of the Irish Republic (2016), and some of her other works include Aftermath: The Omagh Bombings and the Families' Pursuit of Justice and The Faithful Tribe: An Intimate Portrait of the Loyal Institutions (shortlisted for Channel 4/The House Politico's Book of the Year).
Her bio can be found here.
RSVP or questions to afioatlanta@gmail.com or 404.403.8004, Brian Hooper, President, AFIO Atlanta, 1266 West Paces Ferry Road NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30327.
All AFIO members and friends are invited!
Wednesday, 17 March 2021, noon PDT - Virtual Zoom Event - The "Andre Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Phil Gioia on "The History of the OSS."
The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Phil Gioia on "The History of the OSS."
Phil Gioia grew up as an Army Brat on US Army posts in the United States, Japan, and Italy. After graduating from Virginia Military Institute, he was commissioned as a Regular Officer in the US Army. Twice wounded in action in Vietnam, he served as an Infantry platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne Division during the 1968 TET Offensive, and as an Infantry company commander in the First Air Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in 1969-70.
Following his military service, Phil received an MBA from Stanford University. He also holds a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.
Phil has thirty years of experience in business management, has served as investor, CEO or board member of emerging-growth corporations in the technology sector, and is a co-founder of Pathfinder Partners LLC, providing services to the US defense and national security communities.
Registration is required to receive the zoom link. Register here.
Questions to Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary, AFIO San Francisco Chapter at afiosf@aol.com
Wednesday, 17 March 2021, noon EDT - Virtual - Curator's Corner: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE with Josh Campbell - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
CROSSFIRE HURRICANE was the codename the FBI gave the investigation into the Trump campaign's possible ties to Russia. And like any hurricane disaster surrounded it. Join Spy Museum's Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with Josh Campbell, former Special Assistant to FBI Director James Comey. In that position, Campbell had a front row seat to the FBI's investigation and experienced the growing alarm inside the Bureau about the sustained assault on the FBI and its independence. The former special agent has written CROSSFIRE HURRICANE: Inside Donald Trump's War on the FBI, an illuminating fly-on-the-wall account from the earliest days of the Russia investigation. Campbell—now a CNN analyst on crime, justice, and national security issues—will also discuss the investigation into the question of Hillary Clinton's private emails and his insights into Trump's war on justice from his perspective inside the FBI. Following their discussion, you'll be able to ask questions via the online platform.
Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 18 March 2021, 12:30-1:30 pm PDT - Virtual Go-to-Meeting Platform - the Los Angeles AFIO Chapter hosts Mark Gorwitz on Iran's Nuclear Activities
This LA Chapter virtual event features guest speaker Mark Gorwitz speaking on open source research of Iran's lithium-6 and tritium activities uncovered last year. Details will be presented on Iranian research going back to the early 1980s and continuing to the present day. Both English and Farsi language thesis, journal articles, conference presentations and documents will be covered.
Mark Gorwitz has over thirty years of experience working in the field of the scientific aspects of dual-use nuclear and missile proliferation. He has written numerous articles during this time mainly focusing on Iran and North Korea. His research activities were profiled in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and he has also been interviewed by major news organizations for many important proliferation sensitive events such as South Korea's past research in the area of uranium laser isotope separation (AVLIS). He spent ten years working for the DOD and served as a consultant to various U.S. government agencies and contractors in the WMD field. He is currently writing a detailed report on Iran's research activities in the lithium-6 and tritium areas.
Meeting Information: Virtual using the Go-To-Meeting Platform.
TO ATTEND: RSVP via email to AFIO_LA@yahoo.com
Questions? contact Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter at AFIO_LA@yahoo.com.
Thursday, 18 March 2021, 6 pm EDT; 3 pm PDT; 12 pm HST - GoToMeeting Virtual - Naval Intelligence Professionals Virtual Speaker Series features RADM Thomas Brooks
Guest Speaker: RADM (Ret.) Thomas A. Brooks – Director of Naval Intelligence, 1988-91.
Topic: In Honor of the Birthday of the Office of Naval Intelligence, RADM Brooks will discuss the "History of the Naval Intelligence Officer Community."
AGENDA: (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks; (~30 min) RADM (Ret.) Brooks remarks
Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen - Please ask your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT:
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 540-848-773
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/540848773
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
Sunday, 21 March 2021, 2 pm EDT - Virtual - The Cold War Museum features CIA's Historian, David Robarge, on "The CIA's Covert Actions During the Cold War."
When Did Covert Action Work for CIA? When Did It Fail? Why, in Both Cases? Ask the Agency's Chief Historian
The Cold War Museum invites you to attend a presentation by Dr. David Robarge, the Chief Historian for CIA, on The CIA's Covert Actions During the Cold War
Covert action historically has been perhaps the most controversial and least understood function of the CIA. While all presidents since World War II have used covert action to try to influence the political situation in countries of interest to advance US national security interests, they sometimes have done so to rescue failing foreign policies, with exaggerated expectations of the prospects for success, without due attention to long-term consequences, or in ways that contradict the popular will in the countries targeted. Nonetheless, the CIA has had some notable operational successes, and public perceptions of covert action have been skewed by excessive attention to a small number of dubious undertakings.
David Robarge received his Ph.D. in American History from Columbia University. After teaching at Columbia and working for banker David Rockefeller and at the Gannett Center for Media Studies at Columbia, he joined CIA in 1989 and later became a political and leadership analyst on the Middle East. Dr. Robarge moved to the CIA History Staff in 1996 and was appointed Chief Historian of the CIA in 2005.
He has published several classified works as well as unclassified monographs on the CIA's supersonic A-12 reconnaissance aircraft and intelligence in the American Revolution. His biography of Director of Central Intelligence John McCone was recently declassified. His articles and book reviews on CIA leaders, counterintelligence, covert action, and technical collection have appeared in Studies in Intelligence, Intelligence and National Security, The Journal of Intelligence History, and The Oxford Handbook of Intelligence and National Security. Dr. Robarge has taught at George Mason University, currently teaches at Georgetown University, and also has written a biography of Chief Justice John Marshall.
This is the 42nd in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War events and activities.
(NOTE: If you cannot attend at day/time listed, purchase a ticket via eventbrite. You will be given a special link to access the post-event video. Contact CWM Executive Director Jason Hall to arrange: Jason@coldwar.org
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Ticketing and Information at this link.
Thursday, 25 March 2021, noon EDT - Tampa, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hears FBI Cyber Agent discuss Cybercrime
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is holding its first post-pandemic inperson gathering featuring John Cauthen, a cybercrime investigator and retired FBI Cyber Agent who worked on many infamous cases during his FBI career. He will share some stories from his tenure and speak to the critical elements of cybercrime.
Event location: the offices of Bleakley, Bavol, Denman & Grace, 15316 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613. The offices are off I-275 just north of the Bearss Avenue exit. The program is scheduled to start at noon.
After careful evaluation of the current situation, we concluded it is reasonable to hold an inperson Chapter meeting employing suitable safeguards such as social distancing, mask use, and hand sanitizer.
We have striven to make our meetings informative but also provide the opportunity to meet with colleagues and maintain the ties that are a foundation of involvement in the intelligence community. Almost certainly, we have all experienced Zoom overload, so this is a great chance to gather in person following all COVID-19 guidelines. We thank our member Brian Battaglia for allowing us to utilize space at his office that will satisfy these safety requirements and allow us to meet again.
REGISTRATION GUIDELINES: The chapter will provide box lunches and adhere to CDC guidelines for social distancing, mask use, temperature checks and availability of hand sanitizer. Obtain details from the Chapter secretary at michaels@suncoastafio.org.
Registrants/Attendees will be required to complete a COVID-19 Health Acknowledgements and Food Order form which must be returned with reservations no later than noon on Wednesday, 17 March. Complete, scan, and return forms with your email RSVP or fax them to (813) 832-1154.
The cost is $10, cash or check made out to "Suncoast Chapter, AFIO."
TO ATTEND: If you will be attending, please send an email to Michael Shapiro at michaels@suncoastafio.org, no later than noon on Wednesday, 17 March, with your name and the names of any guests. Each guest must also complete a box lunch and health acknowledgement form (Michael will send you those forms if you lack them). The logistics of this meeting require us to enforce a strict reply deadline, so please do not respond late nor forget to include your box lunch order form(s) and your health acknowledgement form(s) since we will be unable to accept late or incomplete RSVPs.
If you make a reservation, find that you cannot attend, but do not formally cancel and receive a cancellation confirmation by 17 March, and then fail to show up, you will be responsible for the cost of your registration because the chapter will have to pay for your scheduled, uneaten meal.
Thursday, 25 March 2021, noon EDT - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa and Special Guest Lieutenant General Robert P. Ashley, Jr. - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Lieutenant General Robert Ashley, Jr., who retired as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in October of 2020. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by Accenture.
Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
25 March 2021 - Virtual - The next OSS "Oh So Social" Conversation features former Asst Sec of State for INR Ellen McCarthy
The next "Oh So Social" conversation by The OSS Society will feature the Honorable Ellen McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research - the successor to the OSS' Research and Analysis Branch - will interview best-selling author Erika Robuck about her new book "The Invisible Woman" - the OSS' Virginia Hall, the only civilian woman to receive the Distinguished Service Cross in World War II. More information: The PDF flyer for event is here and includes registration link. To register for this virtual event, do so here.
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 7 pm EDT - Virtual on Zoom - "Enemy Within: The Challenge of Domestic Terrorism" webinar featuring Former FBI official Andrew McCabe, former DHS official Elizabeth Neumann, and former CIA analyst David Priess (now with the Hayden Ctr at GMU)
The Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security at GMU is presenting a virtual conversation on "Enemy Within: The Challenge of Domestic Terrorism." Joining them as panelists will be Andrew McCabe, former Deputy and Acting Director of the FBI; Elizabeth Neumann, former Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy at the Department of Homeland Security; and moderator David Priess, former CIA analyst, who currently serves as Hayden Center senior fellow and CEO of the Lawfare Institute.
Come prepared to ask questions of these newsworthy panelists.
N.B. This Hayden Center presentation will be recorded for use on their website and social media.
April 2021
1 April 2021 - Virtual - San Antonio AFIO hosts Martin Gurri on "The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium."
On 1 April the San Antonio Chapter meeting will feature a live presentation by Martin Gurri a geopolitical analyst and expert in new media and information effects. He served the DNI Open Source Center in various senior positions, including Director of Research and chief of a Latin American bureau. Wikipedia. He will be talking about topics related to his book: The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium.
A message with the link to the meeting will be sent prior to the meetings.
For more detail, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio at satxafio@gmail.com or 210-863-0430
Running from 5 April - 31 May 2021 - Washington, DC - NEW LIMITED-RUN MINI EXHIBIT: Codes, Ciphers, & Mysteries: NSA Treasures Tell Their Secrets - International Spy Museum Mini Exhibit
The Spy Museum (aka "SPY") launches a limited-run mini pop-up exhibit, Codes, Ciphers, & Mysteries: NSA Treasures Tell Their Secrets in partnership with the NSA's National Cryptologic Museum, from April 5 through May 31 to showcase a select trove of key codebreaking and secure communications artifacts. Some of these historic objects are first-of-its-kind, one-of-a-kind, and breakthrough pieces from major moments in world history, including highlights such as a late 18th/early 19th century cylinder cipher, believed to be the oldest existing true cipher device in the world; a piece of Colossus, the world's first-ever electronic computer; and the US Space Shuttle Challenger Encryption System; among others. Tickets to the Museum available on the website.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 10 April 2021, 11:30am-1:00pm EDT - Washington, DC - Access to SPY: Spy Skills Virtual Workshop - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
The Spy Museum offers their most popular virtual workshop, Spy Skills, to the autistic community! Do you have what it takes to go undercover, decrypt secret messages and think like a gadget-maker to solve problems? In this skill-based program, interactive challenges with real-world stories will be woven together as participants explore the shadow-world of espionage and answer the question…Do you have what it takes to be a spy? Afterwards, participants will meet former spy, Chris Costa (current executive director of the Spy Museum) and hear about how his spy skills were put to the test on various overseas missions! This virtual program is designed to appeal to all ages and abilities and is focused on family fun. Sponsored by The Embassy of the State of Qatar in the United States. Event is free of charge. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Sunday, 11 April 2021, 2- 3:30 pm EDT - Virtual - Atomic Spy's Son: Discovering the Reality of Your Father's Secret Life by The Cold War Museum
Your dad is an atomic spy for the Soviets. You feel the strange tension in your family. You learn the truth with your research skills.
The Cold War Museum invites you to attend a presentation by Dr. Boria Sax on "Atomic Spy's Son: Discovering the Reality of Your Father's Secret Life."
It is many decades since the end of the Cold War, but many of the traumas and mysteries that it engendered are with us still. In this talk, drawing from his book Stealing Fire: Memoir of a Boyhood in the Shadow of Atomic Espionage,
Dr. Boria Sax will describe his discovery as an adult that many of the strange tensions in his family's life as he was growing up were due to his father's espionage for the Soviet Union.
He will talk about how to investigate anomalies in the past, as well as the often-difficult task of distinguishing between reasonable speculation and paranoid imaginings. This talk is presented in the hope of inspiring others to investigate and tell the Cold War stories in their families, for there are surely thousands of strange, interesting narratives that have yet to be told. We have enough distance from the Cold War that people need no longer feel afraid to ask questions. Memories of the Cold War are fading yet still fairly vivid. We have a unique chance to record stories of that era before they are lost forever.
Fee: $20. To attend, use this link.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Wednesday, 14 April 2021, 9 - 10:30am EDT - Zoom Webinar - Special 25th Anniversary Kick-Off for the National Cryptologic Foundation
We hope you will join us for a very exciting virtual program featuring a panel discussion with six former NSA directors to discuss challenges we have faced in the past 25 years, as well as challenges we may face in the next 25 years.
Panel Participants: VADM Bobby Inman, USN (Ret); VADM William Studeman, USN (Ret); VADM J. Michael McConnell, USN (Ret); Lt Gen Kenneth Minihan, USAF (Ret); Gen Keith Alexander, USA (Ret); and ADM Michael Rogers, USN (Ret).
Panel Moderator: Greg Myre, National Security Correspondent, NPR.
Cost: Free. Special Anniversary Donations are Appreciated.
Registration is Required.
REGISTRATION: Please register here and choose one of the options. You will receive an email confirmation. Save that confirmation email as it will contain your Zoom login information.
Deadline: Registration will close on 12 April 2021.
Questions: If you have questions about this program, please email ncmfinfo@cryptologicfoundation.org
Wednesday, 14 April 2021, 5pm EDT - Movie and Zoom Webinar - Virtual Spies & Spymasters Happy Hour: The Courier - Film Preview and Discussion by International Spy Museum
Note: To preview film, you must register between now and April 11.
AFIO Members are invited by the International Spy Museum to attend a complimentary advance virtual screening of The Courier and a later discussion and Happy Hour!
The true-life spy thriller is a story of an unassuming British businessman Greville Wynne, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, who is recruited into one of the greatest international conflicts in history. At the behest of the UK's MI-6 and the CIA, he forms a covert, dangerous partnership with Soviet officer Oleg Penkovsky in an effort to provide crucial intelligence that helps prevent a nuclear confrontation and defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis.
View the trailer here.
And then REGISTER to attend. Registered guests will receive a personal link to view the film (beginning Friday, 9 April) in advance of a special "Live Virtual Spies & Spymasters Happy Hour + Q&A" which will take place 14 April at 5 pm EDT.
At the post-previewing of the film, you will join the Museum experts and guests discussing the film. Film director, Dominic Cooke, who became passionate about the little known story of Wynne and his intense and intriguing Cold War connection with Penkovsky, "the spy who saved the world" will be joined by Spy Museum Historian and Curator, Dr. Andrew Hammond who will give a brief overview of the true spy story behind the movie and share artifacts from the Spy Museum related to the case. Former CIA chief of disguise, Jonna Mendez will describe how the fallout from the Penkovsky case shaped the way the CIA operated in Moscow — the subject of her book The Moscow Rules.
Receive your personal link to preview the film but the window to do so is limited. If you register by 9 am EDT on Friday, 9 April, you will receive your link Friday evening.
If you register by 11:59 pm EDT Sunday, 11 April, you will receive a link to watch The Courier for a limited time. Link will sent to you on Monday, 12 April.
Any registrations after Sunday, 11 April will not receive a link to preview the film.
More information on the programs here.
Thursday, 15 April 2021, noon EDT - Washington, DC - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa and Special Guest Ellen McCarthy – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join the experts at the Spy Museum for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Ellen McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, governing board member of International Spy Museum. Event is free - registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 15 April 2021, 1800/6PM EDT; 1500/3PM PDT; 1200/12PM HST - GoToMeeting - Joint NIP-Naval Order of U.S. (NOUS) Book Club Event - "Between Five Eyes - 50 Years of Intelligence Sharing."
This Naval Intelligence Professionals Speaker Series features Anthony R. Wells, author "Between Five Eyes – 50 Years of Intelligence Sharing" discussing the history of the Five Eyes Community. More about the book and author here.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/301329901
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 301-329-901
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/301329901
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, Welcome, NIP Update; CAPT (Ret.) Bill Steagall, Commander NOUS, National Capital Commandery, Welcome; (~30 min) Anthony Wells Remarks; Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please ask your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Thursday, 15 April 2021, 7pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - Spy Writing in the Real World by The Hayden Center of George Mason University
The Intelligence Community has found itself making real world headlines in recent years, but spying has been a staple in fiction writing for decades. Both non-spies and former intel officers have crafted spy thrillers that have won critical and popular praise. What are the differences between writing spy novels with or without previous intelligence experience? What are the challenges of writing realistic spy fiction? How much creative license is needed to make it exciting? How much realism is sacrificed in the process? How do real life spies react to spy fiction? How different is their response to that of the broader public?
Join Hayden Center senior fellow David Priess as he talks with authors Alma Katsu, Karen Cleveland, and Brad Thor about spy writing in the real world and about their exciting new novels.
This Hayden Center presentation is being recorded for use on the GMU website and social media.
Friday, 23 April 2021, noon ‐ 5:30pm EDT - Virtual - Climate Change, Intelligence, and Global Security featuring John Kerry, James Clapper, Sue Gordon
Climate Change, Intelligence, and Global Security is a half-day conference co-sponsored by the Intelligence Project and the Environment and Natural Resources Program at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs along with the Center for Climate and Security.
The conference will take place directly following the April 22/23 Earth Day Leaders Climate Summit, and will emphasize the critical need for international cooperation and global leadership to collectively address the security threats posed by the climate crisis. With a keynote address by Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, the conference will convene senior climate experts, current and former intelligence officers, and leaders in the private sector and academia to facilitate productive dialogue and innovative solutions for combating the climate crisis. The four panels will examine climate change from a security perspective, discuss the role of the intelligence community in monitoring and mitigating the threats posed by climate change, explore new ways of thinking about international cooperation, and examine the role and contributions of the private sector.
This conference is virtual, open to the public, and free to attend. Advanced registration is required. Please register individually for each session.
Speakers are:
Welcome & Opening Remarks (12:00-12:15pm) - Paul Kolbe, Director, Intelligence Project; Kristin Wood, Belfer Center Non-Resident Fellow; Erin Sikorsky, Deputy Director, Center for Climate and Security.
Session 1: An Overview of Climate Change as a Threat to International Security (12:15-1:15pm) - Panelists: Dr. John Holdren, Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Co- Director of the School's Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program, Professor of Environmental Science and Policy in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Faculty Affiliate in the Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science; Sherri Goodman, Senior Strategist and Advisory Board member at the Center for Climate and Security, Chair of the Board at the Council on Strategic Risks, Secretary General of the International Military Council on Climate and Security, and Senior Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center's Polar Institute and Environmental Change and Security Program; Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn, United States Navy (Retired), Former Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment; Moderated by Kristin Wood, Intelligence Project Non-Resident Fellow and Former Deputy Director of the Innovation & Technology Group at the CIA's Open Source Center
Session 2: The Role of Intelligence in Addressing Climate Change (1:30-2:30pm) - Panelists: The Honorable Sue Gordon, Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence; Dr. Rod Schoonover, Founder and CEO of the Ecological Futures Group and former Director of Environment and Natural Resources at the National Intelligence Council (NIC); Erin Sikorsky, Deputy Director for the Center for Climate and Security, Director of the International Military Council on Climate and Security, and former Deputy Director of the Strategic Futures Group on the National Intelligence Council (NIC); Moderated by Paul Kolbe, Intelligence Project Director
Session 3: Looking Forward: The Future of Intelligence Cooperation and Climate Change (2:45-3:45pm) - Panelists: Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper, Former Director of National Intelligence; Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Former Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence,Department of Energy; Lt. Gen. Richard Nugee CB CVO CBE, Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy Lead for the UK Ministry of Defence; Moderated by Caitlin Chase, Intelligence Project Coordinator.
Session 4: The Private Sector View of the Climate Threat (4:00-4:50pm) - Panelists: Antoine Halff, Founder, Kayyros; Richard Jenkins, Founder & CEO, Saildrone; Mekala Krishnan, Partner, McKinsey Global Institute; Moderated by Paul Kolbe, Intelligence Project Director
Keynote Address: Secretary John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.
24 April 2021, 10 - noon EDT - Zoom - AFIO New England Hosts Dr. Jeff Treistman on "Right-wing Terrorism"
After some coordination the AFIO NE Chapter is pleased to announce that it will have a virtual presentation from Dr. Jeff Treistman discussing his research into right-wing terrorism. He just got an article published "Revisiting Reactionary Terrorism: Definitions, Causes, and Consequences." Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (2021).
Registrants will get an invitation from Ken Gray or the University of New Haven or from chapter President Art Harvey. If you opted out of the meeting announcement in favor of a private notice, it will be sent after the ZOOM invitation has been sent. As this is an unsecure event, no detailed Chapter information will be presented. The chapter looks forward to this event and connecting with all of the members in these troubled times.
Dr. Treistman is an Assistant Professor of National Security at the University of New Haven's Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences. Prior to coming to the University of New Haven, Dr. Treistman was a Research Assistant at the Institute of National Security and Counterterrorism. He also served as a consultant to the Department of Defense's Africa Command (AFRICOM) and was a Policy Advisor for the Department of State in Iraq. Dr. Treistman currently sits on the editorial board for the journal Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. His research interests focus on military policy, international relations, asymmetric war, and terrorism.
Watch for your invitation to appear in your mail
To explore further or seek an invitation, contact Arthur Harvey at aharvey@rdi.qozzy.com or afionechapter@gmail.com
28 April 2021, 11 am - 5 pm EDT - Virtual - Revolution in Intelligence Affairs - COLLOQUIUM #1: Technological Drivers - Event sponsored by ODNI and NASEM
Revolution in Intelligence Affairs: Colloquium Series
by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine (NASEM) Intelligence Community Studies Board
Join us for a colloquium series on how emerging technologies will impact intelligence operations and the future strategic environment.
About this Event
Emerging and disruptive technologies are in the process of facilitating a revolution in intelligence affairs (RIA). These technological drivers will impact intelligence strategy, operational and organizational concepts, and contribute to shaping the future strategic environment. This revolution will create new threats, opportunities, and challenges for the U.S. Intelligence Community.
At the request of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the National Academies will host a three-part subseries of virtual colloquia seeking to address these issues. The subseries will be split into three days, each with a different focus, throughout 2021.
Join us for the first colloquium on 28 April 2021 from 11am-5pm ET.
Featured Talks:
The Coming Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, Dr. Anthony Vinci, Center for a New American Security
Providing Security and Protecting Privacy on an Instrumented Planet , Mr. Robert Cardillo, The Cardillo Group
Augmenting Intelligence: The Future of AI in the IC, Mr. Dean Souleles, Ginosko Consulting
Autonomous Intelligence: Eyes and Ears Everywhere , Mr. Luke Shabro, U.S. Army Mad Scientist Initiative
Turning the Ship: Adapting to the RIA , Ms. Heather Williams, The RAND Corporation
REGISTER here. No cost to attend.
LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS will be supplied online and sent by email as the event approaches.
You will receive login instructions via email before the event.
The entire 3-part series is: Colloquium 1 on April 28, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Technological Drivers; Colloquium 2 on June 30, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Strategic, Operational, and Organizational Impact; and Colloquium 3 on August 25, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Future Strategic Environment
These events are part of an ongoing series of colloquia organized by the National Academies' Intelligence Community Studies Board and sponsored by the ODNI.
28 April 2021, 6 pm EDT - virtual - "Special Duties Pilot" - with Capt. John Billings & Gen. Norton Schwartz in this Conversation Series by The OSS Society
This "Oh So Social" conversation features former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz interviewing another one of WWII's greatest heroes, Captain John Billings, a B-24 Liberator pilot who flew the real "inglourious basterd" - the OSS' Fred Mayer - into Nazi-occupied Austria in one of the war's most daring missions. You can register for this event by clicking here.
This conversation is being held on the same date that Billings's autobiography, "Special Duties Pilot: The Man Who Flew the Real "Inglourious Basterds" Behind Enemy Lines," is being published. You can purchase an advance copy of his book by clicking here.
If you wish to see the prior OSS Society video between The Honorable Ellen McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), and Erika Robuck, author of "The Invisible Woman" about the OSS' Virginia Hall, one of the greatest heroes of WWII, it is available here.
May 2021
Thursday, 6 May 2021, 5:30pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - Spies in Toyland: Live Virtual Spies & Spymasters Happy Hour – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
From Garden Gnomes to G-Men Toys, the Spy Museum has delightful playthings in the toy chest -- and some wicked things, too. The Happy Hour Hosts: Amanda Ohlke, Shana Oltmans, and Hannah Saloio will give you a tour of spy toyland with a special emphasis on all things spy gnome. From playing cards with terrorist signatures to WWII escape and evasion board games, these are not the kind of games you leave behind at the beach rental. They might give you a chance to experience one of the Museum's Mind Games from home or take a stab at their version of Kim's Game.
Event is free of charge. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021, Noon - 1:30 pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - "Whistleblowing in the Intelligence Community (IC) - Legal and Practical Challenges" - a Joint Event by the CII and ABA
The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security and the Council on Intelligence Issues is hosting this webinar on "Whistleblowing in the Intelligence Community - Legal and Practical Challenges."
Whistleblowing in the Intelligence Community (IC) is a matter of national security and of increasing public interest and concern. Drawing from their extensive practical experience, the panelists will discuss the legal landscape of IC whistleblower rights and protections and address the challenges that government and private sector counsel face when attempting to validate and resolve whistleblower allegations. Among these key challenges are those relating to preserving essential anonymity and preventing retaliation, protection of classified information, and addressing competing interests among government elements, employees, and the public.
Panelists will address questions such as:
• What are the obligations of IC general counsels, IG's, and whistleblowers when faced with competing executive and legislative branch approaches to handling information about whistleblower complaints?
• What steps can be taken to incentivize individuals to trust whistleblower processes?
• Is it ever appropriate for an intelligence officer to "go public" with a whistleblower complaint if following the established procedures hasn't been effective?
• How are lawful whistleblowers different from those who leak classified information?
Featuring Moderator Dawn Eilenberger (Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Former Assistant DNI for Policy & Strategy, Office of the DNI); Michael Atkinson (Partner, Crowell & Moring LLP; co-lead of the National Security practice and former ODNI Inspector General); Joel Brenner (Senior Research Fellow, MIT Center for International Studies and former NSA Inspector General); Jason Klitenic (Partner, Holland & Knight, Head of National Security, Defense and Intelligence Team and former General Counsel, ODNI); and Mark Zaid (Managing Partner, Mark S. Zaid, PC; Founder, James Madison Project and Co-Founder, Whistleblower Aid). Registrants receive 50% off ABA's 2014 publication, Whistleblowers, Leaks, and the Media.
This is a free online panel event being held on Zoom. Registration is limited. All attendees must be registered and will be provided a separate registration link. Ample time will be allowed for questions/discussion.
13 May 2021, 11 a.m. - noon EDT - Virtual via Zoom Webinar - The NCF Quarterly Program features Dr. Robert Spalding, BGen, USAF (Ret)
The National Cryptologic Foundation 2021 Spring Cryptologic Program will feature Dr. Robert Spalding, BGen, USAF (Ret) on "What's to Follow in 2021? From Coronavirus to Taiwan - the new Chinese Communist Party," and will focus on his recent and timely book, Stealth War: How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept.
According to Dr. Spalding, most Americans don't realize just how much influence the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has had in the United States and the free world. Our democratic freedoms are being challenged by the CCP everyday, by infiltrating our universities, businesses, politicians, and our daily lives. 2020 has been a very hard year for most. How do we stop the CCP in 2021 and years to come?
Signed Book Discount Offer: Dr. Spalding has generously offered a discount for NCF program registrants who would like to purchase his book and have it signed. Upon registration for the program, you will receive a discount code in your confirmation email for 25% off when ordering his book via his website at www.generalspalding.com. The coupon code will be valid through 15 May 2021.
Registration: The cost to attend is free, but registration is required. Deadline to register is 11 May 2021. See link below to register. Your Zoom webinar details will be included in your registration confirmation email. If you are unable to attend the live presentation, there will be a recording of the program made available via their website.
Questions for Dr. Spalding: If you are unable to attend the live presentation, but would still like to submit a question for the speaker, please send them to ncmf@cryptologicfoundation.org prior to 11 May 2021. Those registering for the live program will have an opportunity to include questions with their registration.
Contact: If you have questions about this program, please contact the NCF office at 301-688-5436 or send an email to ncmf@cryptologicfoundation.org
Thursday, 13 May 2021, noon EDT - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa Featuring Special Guest: The Honorable Christopher C. Miller - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by The Honorable Christopher C. Miller, who recently served as the Acting SecDef. Following the discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via the online platform. Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, International Spy Museum, Board of Directors.
Event is free but registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 13 May 2021, 7 pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - China: National Security Consensus? - theme of this Hayden Center event at George Mason University featuring Mike Morell, Christopher Johnson, and John Culver.
In an era of polarized politics, where agreement on even the most basic issues is elusive, a consensus has emerged that China is America's most important national security challenge over the next several decades. But is there consensus developing on how to address the challenge? What does this mean for U.S. foreign policy? To what degree should America compete or cooperate with Beijing? What role does the Intelligence Community play in informing policy? Are America's national security institutions prepared for the challenge posed by China? Or are reforms like those that occurred at the outset of the Cold War needed?
The Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security tackles this issue head on as Michael Morell, former acting and deputy CIA director, sits down with two former leading CIA analysts on China: Christopher Johnson, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; and John Culver, who retired last year as the National Intelligence Officer for East Asia in the National Intelligence Council after decades at CIA.
This Hayden Center presentation is being recorded for use on our website and social media.
Friday, 14 May 2021, 1700-1900 EDT - Arlington, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Red Tie Reception
Please join your NIP shipmates at a reception and in person presentation of the Red Tie Award to Rear Admiral (Ret.) Sam Cox. A career intelligence professional with a passion for Naval history and an exceptional record of brilliant and relevant performance in peace, crisis, and combat, RADM Cox is known for his analytical insight, courage, integrity, and mastery of the facts. RADM Cox exemplifies the finest qualities of our Naval Intelligence Professionals. Congratulations RADM Cox!
The NIP Spring/Red Tie Presentation for 2021 is being held outdoors on the 3rd deck patio at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, VA. In accordance with the current Virginia health policy, masks are required, and attendance is limited to a maximum of 100 people.
Agenda: 1700-1830 - Socially-distanced Reception with food and drinks provided; 1830 -1900 - Red Tie Award Presentation and Remarks
Registration closes 7 May.
Event Location: Army Navy Country Club, 1700 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
NIP Members: O-4/GG-12 and above: $50**; NIP Members: Enlisted, O-3/GS-11 and below: $40**; NIP Non-Members: $70.
** NIP members need to Login with NIP username and password when registering to get member price.
Event registration will be online by credit card only - no registrations via mail.
Questions? Contact NIP at naval.intelligence.pros@gmail.com
Friday, 14 May 2021, 6 - 7:30pm EDT - Virtual - OSS Society's "Oh So Social" Conversation: Osama bin Laden Raid - 10 Years Later
The OSS Society hosts this fourth installment in its 2021 "Oh So Social" Conversation Series. The Honorable Michael Vickers will lead a discussion with Admiral William McRaven and Secretary Leon Panetta to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Osama bin Laden raid.
With special cocktail presentation by author/cocktail historian Philip Greene.
No fee to attend. Register here.
If you were unable to watch their prior "Oh So Social" conversation between Gen. Norton Schwartz and Captain John Billings, the B-24 Liberator pilot who flew the real "inglorious basterds" behind enemy lines for the OSS, we have made it available online here.
Wed-Thurs, 19 - 20 May 2021 - Online - New Data Solutions for the China S&T Challenge - Intelligence Seminar Series - Harvard University
On Wednesday, May 19 and Thursday, May 20 at 8 a.m. EDT, join us for an online workshop hosted by Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center Intelligence Project, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Innovation Initiative, and The Center for Advanced Defense Studies.
This two-day conference will bring together practitioners from academia, industry, government, and civil society for the first time to begin charting concrete solutions to problems hindering the adoption of data into defense and intelligence awareness.
The last decade has seen dramatic alterations in the international security environment. China is seeking to dominate emergent technologies and gain advantage over the traditional liberal economies through both rapid development of domestic innovation eco-systems and large scale, organized networks for licit and illicit acquisition of foreign technologies. Activities by state and non-state actors across the world's digitized infrastructure produce ever increasing volumes of data, which can be collected, interpreted and acted upon.
Traditional intelligence collection paradigms are ill-configured for a borderless, digital age. Understanding the nature and scale of competition with China will require data collection sensors, advanced analytical tools, and data-literate analysts. It will demand innovative partnerships between industry, academia and government.
Advance registration required. Do so here.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021, noon EDT - Zoom Webinar - Curator's Corner: Dark Mirror with Barton Gellman - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Edward Snowden touched off a global debate in 2013 when he gave Barton Gellman, Laura Poitras, and Glenn Greenwald each a vast and explosive archive of highly classified files revealing the extent of the American government's access to our every communication. They shared the Pulitzer Prize that year for public service. For Gellman, who never stopped reporting, that was only the beginning. He jumped off from what Snowden gave him to track the reach and methodology of the US surveillance state and bring it to light with astonishing new clarity. Along the way, he interrogated Snowden's own history and found important ways in which myth and reality do not line up. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with Barton Gellman for a look at a true-life spy tale about the surveillance-industrial revolution and its discontents. Gellman told the story of his investigative reporting in the acclaimed 2020 book Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State which went far beyond the unique access he had to Snowden.
Event is free but registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 7 pm EDT - Virtual on Zoom - "The Future of Intelligence" webinar featuring Former CIA Director John Brennan, former DD/DIA Robert Cardillo, and former PPDNI Sue Gordon, with Michael Morell, former Acting CIA Director
The Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security at GMU is presenting a virtual conversation on "The Future of Intelligence." Joining them as panelists will be former deputy and acting CIA Director, Michael Morell will moderate a discussion featuring former CIA director John Brennan; Robert Cardillo, former Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; and former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Sue Gordon; and moderator Michael Morell, former Deputy/Acting CIA Director.
Come prepared to ask questions of these newsworthy panelists.
N.B. This Hayden Center presentation will be recorded for use on their website and social media.
Wednesday, 26 May 2021, noon EDT - Zoom Webinar - Curator's Corner: Spooked with Barry Meier - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with Barry Meier, who investigated the private spying industry for his new book SPOOKED: The Trump Dossier, Black Cube, and the Rise of Private Spies. A former New York Times investigative reporter and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Meier reveals the hidden, billion-dollar industry comprised of corporate investigators - or spies-for-hire - who are paid to dig up dirt and, if need be, destroy their clients' adversaries. Politicians, companies, and dictators are all making use of these dangerously clever freelance intelligence agents. From an underground trade in hacked or purloined documents to a certain well-planted dossier (e.g. the Steele Dossier?), and the manipulated reporters assisting it all, Meier shines a light on a landscape worthy of any spy novel -- a place where loyalties are for sale, information is currency, and double crosses are commonplace.
Event is free but registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
June 2021
Thursday, 3 June 2021, noon EDT - Tampa, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts Jeffrey Sanow on "Insider Threat & Cyber Security"
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is meeting IN PERSON at noon on Thursday, 3 June, at the offices of Bleakley, Bavol, Denman & Grace, 15316 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613.
Jeffrey Sanow, intelligence and security expert and retired member of the Intelligence Community, will be speaking on Insider Threat & Cyber Security—very topical given the recent Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident.
The charge for the meeting is $10 cash or check, which includes a box lunch.
RSVPs including COVID health acknowledgement and food choice selection must be received by noon on Thursday, 27 May.
Questions, Registrations...contact the Chapter secretary, michaels@suncoastafio.org.
Sunday, 6 June 2021, 2-3 pm EDT - Zoom Virtual - The Cold War Museum hosts Chris Pocock on "Still Essential: The Enduring Legacy of the U-2"
The Cold War Museum invites you to attend a presentation by the world expert on the history of the U-2. When the U-2 first took off in 1955, no one involved in the top-secret project dreamed that this unique reconnaissance aircraft would still be flying today. The long story of the Dragon Lady is amazing but complex. It includes the early days overflying the Soviet Union under CIA sponsorship; the U-2's roles in the Cuba Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War; and the epic missions over Communist China, flown by nationalist pilots from Taiwan. Chris will focus on the U-2 during the Cold War period and beyond.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Register here. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are videoing the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
• 1:30-2:00 EST. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online.
• 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Chris Pocock
• 2:05-3:00. Chris Pocock presents on the story of the U-2, from the Cold War era to its current uses.
• 3:00-3:30 Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 6:30pm - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Members - Only Tour of NSA Treasures - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to attend this exclusive look at some of the most important and unique objects in the history of covert communications. Grab your favorite beverage for this one-of-a-kind event just for Spy Museum members and watch SPY Lead Curator Dr. Alexis Albion and SPY Director of Adult Education Amanda Ohlke present highlights from our temporary exhibit "Codes, Ciphers & Mysteries: NSA Treasures Tell Their Secrets" live from the International Spy Museum. These objects range from a 200-year-old cypher cylinder to one of the first secure cell phones. Each has a fascinating story to tell.
You can join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840. If you are a current member and have not received the link to sign up for this event, please email membership@spymuseum.org to register. Event is free of charge for members. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 17 June 2021, 11:00am - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Special Guest Robert C. O'Brien - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Robert C. O'Brien, who recently served as the 28th United States National Security Advisor from September 18, 2019 to January 20, 2021. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, International Spy Museum, Board of Directors. Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 24 June 2021, 1800/6PM EDT; 1500/3PM PDT; 1200/12PM HST - GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Series features LCDR Chris George
This Naval Intelligence Professionals virtual event features LCDR James "Chris" George, LT/LCDR Detailer who will provide an update on the Naval Intelligence Officer Community from Millington.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT:
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 484-676-077
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/484676077
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
• (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks.
• (~30 min) LCDR George remarks
• (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Saturday, 26 June 2021, 11 a.m. - Indialantic/Melbourne, FL - Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Bill Prince on "The Qur'an"
The Florida Satellite AFIO Chapter is meeting in person to hear Bill Prince, West Point graduate, Army Ranger, and CIA case officer, speaking on "Everything You Wanted to Know About the Qur'an But Were Afraid to Ask"
A sit down lunch will be served. Cost $30.00.
Event will start at 11:00 AM at the Hilton Doubletree Suites, 1665 N Highway A1A, Indialantic, Fl 32903.
Prepaid reservations are required and must be received by 19 June 2021. Please mail to Treasurer Rhonda Rhoads, PO Box 410158, Melbourne, Fl, 32941.
Questions? Rhonda can be reached at afiofstreas@gmail.com or 321-626-4465.
Sunday, 27 June 2021, 2 - 3 pm - Virtual - Cold War Museum presents Journalist Dori Jones Yang on "The Real Leap Forward: Witness to the Origins of China's Economic Rise"
The Cold War Museum invites you to attend a presentation by former Business Week Hong Kong Bureau Chief Dori Jones Yang on "The Real Leap Forward: Witnessing the Origins of Modern China's Economic Rise."
Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution were disasters in many ways for both the Chinese Communist Party and the people of China. At the end of the 1970s and in the early 1980s, toward the end of the Cold War period, one of Mao's successors, Deng Xiaoping, made some bold choices, differing greatly from those of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union but with same basic goal: to save his damaged Party and people and to secure his country's future. We see the effects of those choices made in the final years of the Cold War period in the China of today.
Dori Jones Yang was among the first American correspondents to cover China under Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s, and she will speak about her new memoir, When the Red Gates Opened: A Memoir of China's Reawakening. This book follows her rise from rookie reporter to experienced journalist. Her cross-cultural romance gave her an inside look deep into China and led to insights into how Deng's reforms led to hopes for better lives. She covered the euphoria that reached its peak in 1989, when peaceful protesters filled Tiananmen Square, demanding democracy. On the ground in Beijing, Dori lived that hope, as well as the despair that followed. After Tiananmen, she returned to America yet continued to watch closely as China resumed its growth. Published in 2020, when China's rapid rise began setting off fears in Washington, her memoir offers insight into the daring policies that started it all as the Cold War period was ending.
This is the 46th in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War-era events and activities.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
• 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online.
• 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Dori Jones Yang.
• 2:05-3:00. Dori presents on what she saw and heard as an eyewitness over time to the effects of Deng's dramatic economic reforms in China.
• 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
To participate in this Zoom event, use this link.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Monday, 28 June to 2 July 2021, 9:30am-noon - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Spy Camp - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
From the moment recruits receive their super-secret spy kit, they will hit the ground running on an "Eyes Only" mission so classified that we can't put it in print. Each day will be filled with top secret briefing and activities that put spy skills to the test. Real former spies will "beam" in from all over the world to help recruits hone their tradecraft. From mastering escape and evasion techniques, to crafting the perfect disguise, building a gadget on the fly or decoding secret intel, Virtual Spy Camp has activities that will appeal to all types of recruits. Each day of camp will take recruits beyond their screens and out into the shadow world of espionage, where "all is not what it seems." Tickets: $350. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 12 noon - Zoom Webinar - The "Andre Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Lt. Gen. Patrick M. Hughes, former DIA Director
Lt Gen Patrick Hughes, former Director of Defense Intelligence Agency, will address chapter on "Internal U.S. Security Concerns and Existential Threats to America."
Registration is required here to receive a zoom link.
Please contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Chapter Secretary at afiosf@aol.com for any questions.
30 June 2021, 11 am - 5 pm EDT - Virtual - Revolution in Intelligence Affairs - COLLOQUIUM #2: Strategic, Operational, and Organizational Impact - Event sponsored by ODNI and NASEM
Revolution in Intelligence Affairs: Colloquium Series
by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine (NASEM) Intelligence Community Studies Board
Join us for a colloquium series on how emerging technologies will impact intelligence operations and the future strategic environment.
About this Event
Emerging and disruptive technologies are in the process of facilitating a revolution in intelligence affairs (RIA). These technological drivers will impact intelligence strategy, operational and organizational concepts, and contribute to shaping the future strategic environment. This revolution will create new threats, opportunities, and challenges for the U.S. Intelligence Community.
At the request of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the National Academies will host a three-part subseries of virtual colloquia seeking to address these issues. The subseries will be split into three days, each with a different focus, throughout 2021.
COLLOQUIUM #2: Strategic, Operational, and Organization Impact
Join us for the first colloquium on 30 June 2021 from 11am-5pm ET.
Featured Talks: TBA.
REGISTER here when registration opens. No cost to attend.
LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS will be supplied online and sent by email as the event approaches.
You will receive login instructions via email before the event.
The entire 3-part series is: Colloquium 1 on April 28, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Technological Drivers; Colloquium 2 on June 30, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Strategic, Operational, and Organizational Impact; and Colloquium 3 on August 25, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Future Strategic Environment
These events are part of an ongoing series of colloquia organized by the National Academies' Intelligence Community Studies Board and sponsored by the ODNI.
July 2021
Thursday, 1 July 2021, noon EDT – Virtual Zoom Webinar – Espionage and Enslavement – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
With July 4th right around the corner, take a fresh look at one of the key members of the Revolutionary War era Culper Ring: Robert Townsend. He was an essential part of the network reporting on the British to General George Washington as Samuel Culper Jr., but he was also a man of his time, full of contradictions like wanting freedom for his country yet denying that same freedom to those who were enslaved. Join us for a talk with author Claire Bellerjeau about her new book, Espionage and Enslavement in the Revolution: The True Story of Robert Townsend & Elizabeth. Elizabeth, known as Liss, was enslaved by the Townsend family. Bellerjeau will reveal how she discovered Liss's existence and then filled in details of an extraordinary life lived during a transformative period in our history. Event is free of charge for members. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
1 July 2021, 6:30 p.m. CDT - Virtual via Zoom - San Antonio AFIO Chapter hears Ralph Hope, FBI, on "Pursuing the Stasi into the Present"
Ralph Hope, Former FBI Special Agent, discusses his book: The Grey Men: Pursuing the Stasi into the Present at this San Antonio AFIO Chapter virtual meeting.
Host-Interviewer: James Hughes, AFIO President; a former CIA Operations Officer.
TOPIC: Ralph Hope and Jim Hughes discuss the odd and often chilling post-Germany unification that left many members of the Stasi still in power or influential, able to access, hide, or destroy evidence, and relatively unpunished. Hope analyzes the German code of secrecy that protects and shrouds many of those with Stasi backgrounds in the newly reunited Germany up to the present. He also draws parallels with the danger that comes from any political or social group that insists on a single point of view, refuses to allow free speech, demands control of words and expressions, and seeks to alter history. A warning for the U.S., China, and many other countries.
The presentation runs 29 minutes and is from the AFIO NOW series of interviews.
This will be a virtual meeting. The meeting on-line location was forwarded to all chapter members. If others wish to attend or a member did not receive the Zoom links and instructions, contact chapter president John Franklin, at satxafio@gmail.com or call 210 863-0430.
Thursday, 8 July 2021, noon EDT – Virtual Zoom Webinar – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Special Guest Ambassador Nathan A. Sales – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Attend this virtual online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Ambassador Nathan A. Sales, who recently served as the Acting Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights at the US Department of State. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, International Spy Museum, Board of Directors. Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 15 July 2021, 7 - 9pm EDT – Washington, DC – The Big Fake Wedding: Sneak Peek on SPYWeddings – International Spy Museum
This is a bridal show alternative complete with a meaningful vow renewal ceremony, light bites, and a dance-party reception. At The Big Fake Wedding, we will connect brides and grooms to the best local vendors. Attendees will receive wedding inspiration they can see and taste. Unlike typical bridal shows or wedding websites, attendees will have the opportunity to bond with each vendor and witness them in action before making an investment toward their big day. Program will take place on site at the International Spy Museum. Tickets: $32. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
15 July 2021, 12:30-1:30 PM (PST) - Virtual via GoToMeeting - AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter hosts John B. Alexander PhD on "Central Asia - Probably Not What You Think"
The next upcoming meeting for the AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter takes place on July 15th with guest speaker John B. Alexander, Ph.D., a retired senior Army officer, covering the topic of Central Asia. Dr. Alexander will be discussing his travel to Central Asia in 2019 including the "five Stans", Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. Included in the presentation will be a better understanding of the area, its current development and its history. Details for the event are listed below.
John B. Alexander PhD, is a retired senior Army officer with nearly half a century experience in special operations, intelligence, and research and development. A Green Beret combat commander in Vietnam, he later advised senior Ministry of Defence officials in Kabul, Afghanistan. His second career was at Los Alamos National Laboratory as progenitor of non-lethal warfare. He served with National Research Council, Army Science Board, and several NATO studies. He also was as an advisor to the National Intelligence Council and U.S. Special Operations Command. A recipient of a Knowlton Award by the Military Intelligence Corps, and the DOE Nuclear Weapon's Program Award of Excellence, he was inducted into the Aviation Week & Space Technology Laureate Hall of Fame and is listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering. Educated at Walden University, Harvard's JFK School of Government, and MIT's Sloan School, he has traveled on all eight continents and made presentations on most of them.
He is a founding member of AFIO-Las Vegas and was a former senior fellow of a DoD university. He is author of many articles, monographs and books, including, Future War --Non-Lethal Weapons in 21st Century Warfare, with foreword by Tom Clancy, UFOS: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities, and most recently, Reality Denied: Firsthand Experiences with Things that Can't Happen – But Did.
Platform: GoToMeeting
Please RSVP via email for the meeting access link: afio_LA@yahoo.com
Questions? Contact Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter at afio_LA@yahoo.com
Sunday, 18 July 2021, 2-3:30 pm EST - Zoom Webinar - The Cold War Museum hosts Olga Sheymov on Victor Sheymov's "Tower of Secrets: Inside the KGB, and How We Escaped to the West."
Recruited by the KGB in 1971 at age 25, Victor Sheymov eventually became the Eighth Chief Directorate's principal troubleshooter, ensuring the security of enciphered KGB communications throughout the world. But as he learned more and more, he became increasingly disillusioned with Communism and the Kremlin elite's corruption. Resolved to inflict as much damage as he could on the system, he evaded his minder on a Warsaw site visit and made contact with the CIA. He became probably the most important CIA asset inside the KGB in the 1980s. The Agency awarded him its Distinguished Service Medal.
Drawing from Victor's book Tower of Secrets, his widow Olga, who lived these events with him, tells their real story, including; Our life in Moscow, how we met, Victor's background, our friends, and the Soviet lifestyle; Victor's work highlights, and our path to discovery of what the Communist system is; Our daughter coming home with "propaganda"; The death of Victor's close friend because he wanted to leave the KGB; Being watched and followed, and our trust in and commitment to each other; Victor's escape plans; working on the operational details; Our exfiltration—the first, and one of the most successful, of the Cold War exfiltrations from the USSR; Our pursuit of freedom and a new life in the U.S.
(More information at www.olgaarts.com )
This is the 47th in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War-era events and activities.
Questions? Contact CWM Executive Director Jason Hall at jason@coldwar.org
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
ONLINE event. Purchase ticket from Eventbrite here and receive link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place.
Thursday, 22 July 2021, 1800/6PM EDT; 1500/3PM PDT; 1200/12PM HST - Virtual GoToMeeting Webinar - NIP Virtual Speaker Series
Naval Intelligence Professionals will be virtually hosting the following Guest Speakers:
• Rear Admiral Ralph R. "Russ" Smith, Vice Director of Intelligence, J2, Joint Staff
• LCDR Ustav "Soho" Sohoni, Intelligence Director, CTF 1020
• LCDR Tolulope "Tolu" O'Brien, NAVSPACE Intelligence Lead
TOPIC: "Intelligence Support to Cyber and Space Operations"
Principal Biography of Rear Admiral Ralph R."Russ" Smith is here.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT:https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/864825405
You can also dial in using your phone.US: +1 (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 864-825-405.
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/484676077
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: • (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Tony Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks.;
• (~30 min) RDML "Russ" Smith, LCDR Sohoni, and LCDR O'Brien remarks;
• (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Monday, 26 July 2021, noon EDT – Virtual Zoom Webinar – Curator's Corner: Sleeper Agent with Ann Hagedorn – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
There were hundreds of spies in the US during World War II but George Koval was the only Soviet military spy with security clearances in the atomic-bomb project. The ultimate sleeper agent, he was an all-American country boy who was born in Iowa, played baseball, and loved Walt Whitman's poetry. Join Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with Ann Hagedorn, the award-winning author of Sleeper Agent: The Atomic Spy in America Who Got Away. Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021, 5:30 - 7:00p - in-person, DC/MD/VA Area - The Spies of Georgetown Walking Tour
This is a 1.5 hour walking tour of spy sites in Georgetown, Washington, DC, hosted by George. George is a former Senior National Security Officer with 30 years of experience with the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of State, and as a Military Intelligence Officer in the United States Army. He served multiple assignments in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and South Asia leading intelligence collection operations. He also led the CIA's advanced tradecraft school and worked in the CIA's Counterintelligence Center.
Fee: $42/per person. Tour dates are available for 27 July, 29 July and later dates per online form.
To explore available dates and to register for a tour, do so here.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021, noon - 2p - in-person Vienna, VA - CIRA's first in-person luncheon of the year
For more information about the speaker, location, costs, and registration, log into www.cira.org
Thursday, 29 July 2021, 5:30pm EDT – Virtual Zoom Webinar – Clarity in Crisis: True Stories from Your Spy Next Door Marc Polymeropoulos – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Marc Polymeropoulos served 26 years in the CIA before retiring from the Senior Intelligence Service in June 2019. After wide ranging experience in field and headquarters operational assignments covering the Middle East, Europe, Eurasia, and counterterrorism, he has written Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA. He bases his strategies and core principles on hard-earned experience. He had to live with the consequences of decisions made under the most high-stress of circumstances, and he wants to help others approach their crises head on and come through stronger. Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond will talk with Marc Polymeropoulos about his extraordinary career and how what he learned can help regular people gain confidence in the face of crisis and embrace less than ideal situations with no fear. Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
29 July 2021, 6 pm - Virtual - The OSS Society hosts Gen. David Petraeus USA (Ret) and Gus Biggio on "The War in Afghanistan"
The OSS Society hosts the fifth installment in its 2021 "Oh So Social" Conversation Series on July 29. General David Petraeus, who commanded U.S. military forces in Afghanistan, will speak with Gus Biggio about his Afghan war memoir, The Wolves of Helmand:
"At turns poignant, funny, philosophical, and raw—but always real—The Wolves of Helmand is both a heartfelt homage to the Marine brotherhood with whom Biggio served and an expression of respect and love for the people of Afghanistan who ultimately trusted, shared, and appreciated their purpose. Ten years after serving his country as a U.S. Marine, Captain Frank "Gus" Biggio signed up once again because he missed the brotherhood of the military. Leaving behind his budding law career, his young wife, and newborn son, he was deployed to Helmand Province—the most violent region in war-torn Afghanistan—for reasons few would likely understand before reading this book."
Do not miss this important conversation as America's military forces prepare to leave Afghanistan later this year.
If you would like to register for this event, click here.
If you were unable to watch our most recent "Oh So Social" conversation with Admiral William McRaven, Secretary Leon Leon Panetta, and Dr. Mike Vickers, who discussed the Osama bin Laden raid on its 10th anniversary, please click here.
August 2021
8 August 2021, 2-3:30 pm - Zoom Webinar - Saving the Kids: The Operation Babylift Plane Crash in the Vietnam War - Presenation by Bud Traynor for The Cold War Museum
Disaster at 23,000 ft. Certain death for crew and the hundreds of Vietnamese orphans aboard. But most saved due to amazing skill & bravery.
You've Got a Cargo Plane Full of Vietnamese Orphans Escaping from Saigon
At 23,000 Feet You Lose Half the Hydraulic Systems and Most of the Flight Controls
Game Over? Not with Pilot Bud Traynor and His Crew in Charge. He tells the full story in this presentation to The Cold War Museum.
• 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online.
• 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Bud Traynor.
• 2:05-3:00. Bud presents on Operation Babylift and the Babylift Crash.
• 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite tickets should be purchased here. Buyers will receive link to virtual room on the Zoom platform.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Thursday, 19 August 2021, noon EDT - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Special Guest Marc Polymeropoulos - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Participate in an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Marc Polymeropoulos, who retired from the CIA Senior Intelligence Service ranks in 2019 after serving for 26 years in the Intelligence Community in operational field and leadership assignments. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform.
Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, International Spy Museum, Board of Directors.
Event is free registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 19 August 2021, 6pm EDT - GoToMeeting - NIP Virtual Speaker Series with Neil Wiley on "Intelligence Fundamentals"
Naval Intelligence Professionals virtually host Mr. Neil Wiley, Retired Naval Officer and Civilian Intelligence Professional on "Intelligence Fundamentals – Every Analytic Principle I Ever Needed I Learned On A FOSIC Watch Floor."
Neil Wiley is Principal Executive, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI); Chairman, National Intelligence Council, ODNI; and Director of Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT:https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/409647493
You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (872) 240-3412; Access Code: 409-647-493
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/409647493
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
• (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Tony Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks.
• (~30 min) Mr. Neil Wiley remarks
• (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
25 August 2021, 11 am - 5 pm EDT - Virtual - Revolution in Intelligence Affairs - COLLOQUIUM #3: Future Strategic Environment - Event sponsored by ODNI and NASEM
Revolution in Intelligence Affairs: Colloquium Series
by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine (NASEM) Intelligence Community Studies Board
Join us for a colloquium series on how emerging technologies will impact intelligence operations and the future strategic environment.
About this Event
Emerging and disruptive technologies are in the process of facilitating a revolution in intelligence affairs (RIA). These technological drivers will impact intelligence strategy, operational and organizational concepts, and contribute to shaping the future strategic environment. This revolution will create new threats, opportunities, and challenges for the U.S. Intelligence Community.
At the request of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the National Academies will host a three-part subseries of virtual colloquia seeking to address these issues. The subseries will be split into three days, each with a different focus, throughout 2021.
COLLOQUIUM #3: Future Strategic Environment
Join us for the first colloquium on 30 June 2021 from 11am-5pm ET.
Featured Talks: TBA.
REGISTER here when registration opens. No cost to attend.
LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS will be supplied online and sent by email as the event approaches.
You will receive login instructions via email before the event.
The entire 3-part series is: Colloquium 1 on April 28, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Technological Drivers; Colloquium 2 on June 30, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Strategic, Operational, and Organizational Impact; and Colloquium 3 on August 25, 2021 from 11am-5pm ET: Future Strategic Environment
These events are part of an ongoing series of colloquia organized by the National Academies' Intelligence Community Studies Board and sponsored by the ODNI.
Thursday, 26 August 2021, noon EDT - Tampa, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts in-person luncheon to hear Michael Peck on "Drones, Computer Brains, and Hackers: Warfare in the 21st Century."
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is holding its next in-person meeting at the offices of Bleakley, Bavol, Denman & Grace, 15316 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613. The offices are off I-275 just north of the Bearss Avenue exit. The program starts at noon.
Michael Peck, our featured speaker, is a prolific defense writer specializing in military technology, strategic issues and military history. Among many other publications, he is a contributing writer for Forbes. He will present "Drones, Computer Brains and Hackers: Warfare in the 21st Century", discussing the future of warfare, including technological trends such as autonomous weapons, cyberwarfare and artificial intelligence.
Cost: $15, cash or check. We are also testing limited online access to the meeting. If you are interested or to attend in person, please contact the Chapter Secretary at michaels@suncoastafio.org. You will need to complete some forms to attend. The reply deadline is noon on Thursday, 19 August.
Thursday, 26 August 2021, noon EDT - Washington, DC - Curator's Corner: Ethel Rosenberg, An American Tragedy - International Spy Museum
In June of 1953, Ethel Rosenberg and her husband were executed for conspiracy to commit espionage for the Soviet Union. Evidence against Ethel was shaky, but she would not incriminate her husband to gain a lesser sentence. Participate with International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with Anne Sebba, the author of Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy.
Following their discussion, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Mike Meeropol, the son of Julius and Ethel, who has spent his life in pursuit of "the real story" behind his parents' secret lives, will join in for the Q&A portion of the program.
Event is free - registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Sunday, 29 August 2021, 2-3:30 pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - Shock & Awe from the Air: Planning & Executing the Desert Storm Air War by The Cold War Museum
Saddam Hussein Knows You're Coming, and He's Got Potent French-Designed Integrated Air Defenses
But Air Superiority Has to Be Total. How Do You Plan That? And How Do You Make It Happen? Hear and Ask the Two People in Charge of Those Two Things
Hear the story of the transformation of air power in the first Gulf War from two pioneers of the planning and execution of the Desert Storm Air Campaign.
Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.) invented the master air-attack plan and wrote the attack plans for each day of the Desert Storm air campaign, using desired end-state effects as a planning mechanism by capitalizing on the technologies of stealth and precision in a fashion never applied in warfare before.
Col Al Mink, USAF (Ret.) deployed as the first bomber pilot from the Air Force's only wing of tactically-qualified and ready bomber forces. He served as initial cadre on the secret "black hole" team to plan the shape of the air campaign applying Gen Deptula's new campaign approach. He brought the fighter-approach of Air Tasking Orders to the nuclear bomber force. During combat operations, he coordinated the launch and refueling of the largest bomber strike in the war and flew 18-hour strike formations.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution
• 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online.
• 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum, then Dave Deptula and Al Mink.
• 2:05-3:00. Dave and Al present on planning and executing the Desert Storm air war.
• 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
To sign up, do so here on EventBrite.
September 2021
Wednesday, 1 September 2021, 5:30pm - Washington, DC - License to Parent: Back to School with Christina and Ryan Hillsberg - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
What if you could draw on hard-earned experience and strategies from one of the world's most clandestine organizations to raise your kids? That's exactly what Christina Hillsberg (with some help from her husband and fellow spy/field operative Ryan Hillsberg) has done with License to Parent: How My Career as a Spy Helped Me Raise Resourceful, Self-Sufficient Kids. Spy Museum's Family & Youth Programs Manager Jessica Harvey and Director of Adult Education Amanda Ohlke will chat with Christina and Ryan about tips to prepare kids for tricky situations, how to teach kids to verify sources, and when it's okay to persuade them to select the cheesecake you secretly crave. Event is free - registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 2 September 2021, 7:00pm - Washington, DC - 9/11 - The Intelligence Angle: Teacher Professional Development Workshop - International Spy Museum
September 11th, 2001: a day that is seared into the minds of millions and changed the course of history. Yet for students today, it is an event that is hard to grasp and understand. As the world approaches the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks, the International Spy Museum will host a virtual teacher professional development workshop to examine the crucial role intelligence played leading up to, during, and following the events of that fateful day. Join SPY's youth education team and Historian/Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond as they delve into declassified documents and provide teachers with a better understanding of intelligence in national security. Teachers will come away with classroom activities and resources to assist them in teaching this important and complex event in the nation's history. Designed for middle and high school teachers. Sponsored by the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation. Event is free - registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 2 September 2021, 6:30 pm - Virtual - San Antonio AFIO Chapter hosts Graham Plaster about his "The Intelligence Community, Inc."
The founder of "The Intelligence Community, Inc." [?] will make a presentation at this chapter virtual event. Graham Plaster, a Navy veteran, serial entrepreneur, national security technology startup advisor, investor, and Founder of The Intelligence Community Inc., will speak. He is the Editor in Chief for the Foreign Area Officer Association Journal, "International Affairs." His book, "In the Shadow of Greatness" is on the official reading list for the US Navy. Graham is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and resides near Annapolis with his family and two dogs, Bravo and Zulu.
Prior to the meeting we will send a link to this virtual meeting. This is a meeting you do not want to miss.
Questions or to register, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, 210 863-0430 or at satxafio@gmail.com.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021, noon - Washington, DC - Curator's Corner: Osama bin Laden with Peter Bergen - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
As the 20th anniversary of 9/11 approached, Peter Bergen sought to reevaluate the man responsible for precipitating America's long wars with al-Qaeda and its descendants. Bergen produced the first television interview with bin Laden in 1997. He has had years to reflect on and study the man. Thanks to exclusive interviews with family members and associates, and documents unearthed only recently, Bergen has used the knowledge he has gained in the intervening years to craft his new book The Rise and Fall of Osama bin Laden where he captures all the dimensions of bin Laden's life - family man, zealot, battlefield commander, terrorist leader, and fugitive - to dissect his contradictions and legacy. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Event is free - registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday-Thursday, 8-9 September 2021 - Zoom Webinar - IMSE 2021 Conference on Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing.
Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Exchange (IMSE). IUU Fishing has replaced piracy as the top global maritime security threat, according to the USCG commandant. The world's fish stocks are threatened by over and unregulated fishing. Countering IUU fishing is largely an intelligence problem. The IMSE two-day conference examines the problem of IUU fishing. The conference has assembled a rich and diverse program, and a distinguished group of speakers to include the vice commandant of the US Coast Guard, NOAA's regional administrator for the Pacific, representatives from the Pew Charitable Trust, Global Fishing Watch, The Nature Conservancy, and others from the State Department, Indo-Pacific nations and academic experts. Day 2 of the conference examines open source technologies used to counter IUU fishing, including imagery, RF, and SAR remote sensing from space to acoustics underwater; integrating disparate data; and the contributions of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Registration required. Go to https://imsehawaii.org.
Thursday, 9 September 2021, 1800/6PM EDT; 1500/3PM PDT; 1200/12PM HST - GoToMeeting Virtual - Naval Intelligence Professionals 9/11 Virtual Remembrance Event
TOPIC: "Rebuilding Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot (CNO-IP) After 9-11"
GUEST PANELISTS with current responsibilities and duties on 9-11:
• Brian Nicholson, CAPT (Ret.), Dep NIA N5; CDR, Deputy Head of Production
• Dr. Keith Dunbar, LCDR (Ret.); LCDR, Assistant-Officer-in-Charge CNO-IP
• CAPT James Pendergast, CO HOPPER ISC; LT, Back-up Briefer
• CAPT Jeff Kargol, Deputy Director N74/Navy Strategy Panel; LT, Flag Briefer
• Claudio Biltoc, LCDR (Ret.); LT, Watch Officer
• Victor Minella, LT, Watch Officer
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 EDT:
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 128-383-133
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/128383133
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
• (5 min) RDML (Ret.) Tony Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks.
• (~45-60 min) Guest Panel Remarks
• (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Saturday, 11 September 2021, 11:30a - 1:30p - Indialantic, FL - In-person Luncheon by Florida Satellite Chapter featuring Capt John Byron USN on "Subs as Intelligence Platforms"
The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter is holding an in person meeting featuring guest speaker Captain John Byron USN discussing "Submarines as Intelligence Platforms."
Location: Doubletree Hotel, 1665 North A1A, Indialantic, FL. Time 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Fee: Sit down lunch for $30.00.
Reservation deadline: 7 September.
Contact Larry Sanford at afiofloridasatellitechapter@gmail.com or call 978-502-3328.
September 2021, 10am EDT - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Panel
Discussion with Former Deputy Directors of National
Intelligence as part of NCF's 25th Anniversary
The National Cryptologic Foundation is excited to announce the
next NCF 25th Anniversary virtual program which features a panel
of former deputy directors of national intelligence. Greg
Myre, NPR National Security Correspondent, will serve
as moderator for the program.
The program is free, but as with our other 25th Anniversary events
and activities - we appreciate any and all donations as they will
help to support our mission - especially our growing list of
exciting education initiatives. Stay tuned as registration will
open soon.
Who: National Cryptologic Foundation
What: 25th Anniversary September 14th Panel Discussion with Former
Deputy Directors of National Intelligence: Confirmed panelists
include: Gen Michael V. Hayden, USAF (Ret), Mr.
Donald Kerr, and Ms. Stephanie O'Sullivan.
This panel discussion will be moderated by: Greg Myre,
National Security Correspondent, NPR.
When: 14 September 2021, 10-11:30 am EDT
Where: Virtual Program - offered via Zoom webinar (Once
registration opens, your Zoom details will be in your confirmation
*If you are unable to attend, please stay tuned to the NCF
e-newsletter and social media for an announcement about the
recording, once available.
Cost: Free. Donations Appreciated.
Contact: If you have questions about this program, please email ncfinfo@cryptologicfoundation.org.
Register at this link.
Sunday, 19 September 2021, 2 - 3:30 pm EDT - Virtual - The Cold War Museum hosts TD Barnes on "CIA Station D: Area 51 in the Cold War" - The True Story
No aliens. Much more interesting. The real story behind Area 51, by a man who was on the ground for CIA's Station D.You've Heard About Area 51. And You Know There Weren't Any Aliens Hanging Around. But What Was REALLY Happening at That Top Secret Location? And Why Was the CIA There? Ask the Agency's Man On the Ground
Area 51 In the Cold War: The True Story
TD Barnes will provide us with an accurate unclassified insider's account of the CIA era at Area 51, a.k.a. Station D, including:
• The need for an Area 51; • Why Nevada was chosen as the location; • Why CIA needed to be there; • The politics; • The challenges; • The accomplishments; • The spy planes; • The development of stealth technology; • Soviet MiG exploitation; and • The lives lost and family sacrifices.
TD Barnes served in US Army intelligence and then worked on radar and surface-to-air missiles. Later he served in Nevada on the NASA High Range during Project X-15 and at Area 51 in the CIA's Science & Technology Special Projects, working on the CIA's Project Oxcart, the Soviet MiG exploitation projects, the development of stealth technology, and other black projects that remain classified today.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Sign Up Here on EventBrite.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
• 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online.
• 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and TD Barnes
• 2:05-3:00. TD presents on what was happening at Area 51.
• 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Thursday, 23 September 2021, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Virtual Members-Only SPY themed Trivia Night - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join other members of the Spy Museum Inner Circle for an exclusive virtual trivia night. Test your knowledge with trivia centered around the International Spy Museum's history, exhibits, and fun facts. If you've visited the museum recently, you might have an advantage. Event is free and open exclusively to Spy Museum members. You can join SPY as a member online or by calling 202.654.2840. If you are a current member and have not received the link to sign up for this event, please email membership@spymuseum.org to register. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
October 2021
Wednesday, 6 October 2021, noon - 1:15pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - Intelligence Project Series:
Truth to Power - The Delicate Dance Between Intelligence Providers and Policy Consumers
Harvard's Belfer Center hosts this Intelligence Seminar featuring: Beth Sanner, Former Deputy DNI for Mission Integration, PDB Briefer for President Trump. Moderated by Paul Kolbe, Belfer Center Intelligence Project Director
The role of intelligence is to provide leaders and policymakers with facts and context which enable better decisions and the formulation of more effective policies. However, this is not a one-way flow of secrets and insight from intelligence producers to intelligence consumers where assessments are just delivered into an inbox for leisurely perusal. Critical intelligence needs often go hand in hand with crisis, pressure, and unrelenting decision deadlines. The Intelligence Community (IC) gets drawn into the thick of the fray, and often finds itself delivering unwelcome news of a policy failure, unintended consequence, or horrific event. The IC may also be placed in the awkward position of grading its own Covert Action homework. It is crucial for intelligence agencies to engender trust, confidence, and understanding in the customers it serves. The complex relationship between intelligence producers and policy consumers is perfectly embodied in the delivery of the President's Daily Brief (PDB), and the role of the PDB Briefer.
In this session, Ms. Sanner will explore core issues on the nexus between intelligence and policy. How do agencies deliver bad news? What is intelligence politicization and how do agencies prevent it? How can intelligence both be used and acted upon, while still protecting fragile sources and methods? Should intelligence engage more transparently with the public, or is too much already revealed by a relentless press?
More about seminar here.
To join via Zoom, please register here.
Friday, 8 October 2021, 11 am - 2 pm - In-Person Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO National Luncheon featuring Seth Jones on his latest book "Three Dangerous Men" and Stephen Vogel on Traitor George Blake from his book, "Betrayal in Berlin."
The first in-person AFIO National Luncheon for
2021 will take place on Friday, 8 October at DoubleTree Hotel,
Tysons Corner. Event will feature Seth Jones on his latest book Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran and the Rise of Irregular Warfare and Stephen Vogel on Traitor George Blake from his book, Betrayal in Berlin. Special health precautions will be instituted. Event restricted to 90 attendees to allow spacing of only 4 seated at each table. Proof of vaccination required. Masks required except while eating.
VENUE: DoubleTree by Hilton, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons Corner,
VA 22182 Phone: (703) 893-2100. Directions at this link.
Sunday, 10 October 2021, 2 - 3:30 pm EDT - Virtual - "Secrets Revealed: Untranslated Russian Sources & the Powers U-2 Shootdown" by The Cold War Museum
Think You Understand the May 1, 1960 U-2 Shootdown Over the Soviet Union of Francis Gary Powers? The Soviet Sources Reveal A Different Picture.
We think we know how Francis Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2 on May 1st, 1960. Many books and articles have been written on this since the event. What we did not know until recently was the additional information contained in the Soviet records of the investigation of the shootdown which were immediately classified and sent to the Soviet Military Archives. In 2002, they were retrieved and declassified. Since 2012, several new articles based on the recovered records have been written and published in Russia. Some of these were by officers who were involved in the event but were sworn to secrecy during the investigation that followed.
John Schell has used translations based on those records in his research, which has resulted in a recent cover article in Air Power History (68:2, pp. 33-42, Summer 2021). Drawing from that article, "Secrets Revealed" provides a more complete account of the shoot-down as it appears to have occurred.
John begins his presentation with a Cold War overflight summary, including early U-2 overflights with sample images, a description of the SA-2 system operation, and the events leading to 1 May 1960. He follows with a timeline of the shootdown, which involved eight missiles from four sites bringing down a U-2 and a MiG-19 in about 30 minutes. His presentation concludes with a summary of the Soviet official investigation and provides a reason why the information was immediately classified and buried—hidden from public view for over 50 years.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
REGISTER: Register here on Eventbrite. Ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 5:30pm or 6:30 pm EDT - Las Vegas, NV - AFIO LV Hosts In-person Meeting
The intention for this meeting is to reconnect with fellow members, review business status, and discuss future activities. The chapter looks forward to holding the December Christmas Party and will discuss plans for exciting events and speakers in 2022. There will be more specifics to go over at the meeting.
Event location: Los Prados Country Club, 5150 Los Prados Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130.
Arrive before the event to have dinner. Join us at the Los Prados Country Club Clubhouse restaurant patio room for dinner at 5:30pm before the meeting.
Attendees will be required to have face masks. Should you have any questions, please contact Linda Cohn, Secretary at 702-239-1370 or email lasvegasafio@gmail.com.
Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 5:30pm – Washington, DC – The Confidence Men with Margalit Fox – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
As Halloween nears, we turn to spirits…both in the glass and in an audacious story from the past. Join us for the true story of the most singular prison break in history—a clandestine wartime operation that involved no tunneling, no weapons, and no violence of any kind. The tools involved? A homemade Ouija board and chutzpah. Margalit Fox, the author of The Confidence Men: How Two Prisoners of War Engineered the Most Remarkable Escape in History will take us along on this real-life high-stakes caper. Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 14 October 2021, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – 9/11 – Inside the Cold War: Why It Matters – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
It's been 30 years since the Cold War ended in December of 1991, but the geopolitical actions and reactions played out between the East and West are still resonating today. Join James Brundage, Museum Curator of the PMML, SPY Executive Director Chris Costa, and SPY Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond, for a 360-degree look at the Cold War. The speakers will discuss the importance of this tense time and why studying it remains of critical importance for anyone seeking to understand global issues. Support for this program has been provided by a generous grant from the Pritzker Military Foundation, on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
14 October 2021 - 9 - 11 am - Virtual-only - 2021 NCF Virtual-only General Membership Meeting
The 2021 National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) General Membership Meeting will feature highlights of some of our accomplishments, including our newly updated Cyber Escape Room, a Gaming Kiosk, and our Middle School Booklet - "Outsmart Cyberthreats."
The updated agenda is: 0900 - 0915 - Memorial Tributes by National Cryptologic Foundation President & CEO, Ms. Laura Nelson; 0915 - 0935 - Opening Remarks by National Security Agency, Director, Engagement and Policy Directorate, Ms. Natalie Laing; 0935 - 0955 - National Cryptologic Museum Update by Director, National Cryptologic Museum, Dr. Vince Houghton; 0955 - 1015 - National Cryptologic Foundation Update by Ms. Laura Nelson; 1015 - 1045 - Cyber Center for Education and Innovation, Education Outreach by NCF Education Director, Mr. Mark Loepker; 1045 - 1100 - Closing Remarks by Ms. Laura Nelson. View full program here.
Register here.
Saturday, 16 October 2021, 2 pm EST - Kennebunk, ME - The Maine Chapter hears from FSO Louis Sell on "Kosovo and Bosnia."
Maine Chapter of AFIO hosts Louis Sell, a former
foreign service officer and author, who will discuss Kosovo and
Bosnia. Sell is the author of "From Washington to Moscow: US-Soviet Relations
and the Collapse of the USSR" and "Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of
Sell will speak on "The Balkans two decades later: are Bosnia and Kosovo examples of successful international intervention?" and will provide background on The Balkans and "why are they so, well, 'Balkan?" In details on Bosnia, he will describe the tragic year of 1985 and the war's end not resolving the conflict, and what the Dayton Agreement did and didn't do. With Kosovo, Louis illustrates that Serbs and Albanians are claiming the same territory, "the uninvited guest at Dayton," and in 1999 NATO intervention into Kosovo ended Milosevic's genocidal effort to change the ethnic balance. With post-conflict Balkans, Sell will speak on "the institutional doughnut hole" and "demographics are destiny." His conclusion offers available alternatives such as: Russia and China, radical Islam, illiberal democracy, and stagnation and despair.Sell's career included assignments for six years at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and eight years in various places in Yugoslavia.
The meeting is open to the public and begins at 2 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk. A question period will follow the presentation.
Questions? Email chapter president, Mike Severance, at maineboats@roadrunner.com or call 207 967-4298
Sunday, 24 October 2021, 2 - 3:30 pm EDT - Zoom Webinar - The Cold War Museum hosts Marvin Kalb on: "Assignment Russia: Foreign Correspondent in the Crucible of the Cold War."
You're a young reporter who just got the best post of the Cold War. But they're very tough here and they hate reporters. Now what?
What was it like to be at the center of political tensions in Moscow and tasked with explaining the Soviet Union to the American public? Chosen by legendary broadcaster Edward R. Murrow to become one of what came to be known as the 'Murrow Boys,' veteran journalist Marvin Kalb shares his journey from radio newswriter to one of America's most widely known foreign correspondents. In his newest memoir, Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Correspondent in the Crucible of the Cold War, Kalb takes readers on a personal journey through some of the darkest moments of the Cold War and the early days of television news.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Agenda: • 1:30-2. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2 - 2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum introduces the Museum and Marvin Kalb; • 2:05 - 3. Marvin presents on what was like to a young network TV reporter in Moscow; • 3 - 3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Register online here.
Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Tuesday, 26 October 2021, 2-3pm EDT - Virtual - Livestream - CSIS hosts "A Conversation with Anne Neuberger and Chris Inglis" on Cybersecurity
Join CSIS [Center for Strategic & International Studies] for a virtual conversation with Anne Neuberger, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology and Chris Inglis, National Cyber Director. The discussion will focus on opportunities to advance U.S. cybersecurity.
Register HERE
The recording of this event will be available via the event page on csis.org
Wednesday, 27 October 2021, 6 - 10 pm - Washington, DC - 30th (+1) Anniversary Gala and Chancellor's Dinner - Institute of World Politics
Current timing of this in-person celebration is:
6:00 PM Cocktail Reception
7:00 PM Dinner
9:00 PM Dessert and Dancing
Location: The Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC
Additional details here
Wednesday, 27 October 2021, noon EDT– Washington, DC – Elizebeth Smith Friedman: The Woman All Spies Fear – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
During World War I, Elizebeth Smith Friedman cracked thousands of messages, but that was only the beginning of her brilliant career. In the 1920s and 1930s, she pitted her wits against the mob. When World War II broke out, she hunted Nazi spies. Despite her fame, she was a woman of many secrets, and later she was pushed into the shadows. To get the true measure of her hidden life, award-winning historian Amy Butler Greenfield sifted the truth from the misdirections and myths to write The Woman All Spies Fear: Code Breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and Her Hidden Life. From the "doll woman" spy to bootleggers, join us for a conversation with Greenfield about the new facts she discovered about the enigma of this astonishing woman's life.
Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 28 October 2021, noon EDT – Washington, DC – Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa and Frank Figliuzzi – Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join in for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Frank Figliuzzi, who served for 25 years as a special agent and directed all espionage investigations across the government. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, International Spy Museum, Board of Directors, and by MAG Aerospace.
Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 29 October 2021, 1015-1330 EDT - Arlington, VA - NIP Fall Luncheon and Membership Meeting
Naval Intelligence Professionals - Fall Luncheon and Annual General Membership Meeting features RADM Curt Copley, USN, Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence.
RADM Curt Copley assumed command of ONI and became Director, National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) in June 2021. As a Flag Officer he has served as deputy director of operations, National Security Agency; director of intelligence, U.S. Forces – Afghanistan; director of intelligence, U.S. Strategic Command; and deputy chief of special collection operations, National Security Agency. His command tours include U.S. Central Command's Joint Intelligence Center (JICCENT) as well as the Kennedy Irregular Warfare Center (KIWC), Office of Naval Intelligence.
Location: Army Navy Country Club, 1700 Army Navy Drive, Arlington VA 22202
AGENDA: 1015-1100: Annual NIP General Membership and Board Meeting (NIP Members Only); 1100-1200: No-host Social Hour; 1200-1330: Luncheon (with Guest Speaker remarks).
REGISTRATION: $60 per person for current NIP members after login; $475 for table of 8; $35 per person for all O-3 and below, enlisted, GG-11 and below; $80 per person for non-members; Corporate/Industry Sponsor tables $1500. Online registration ends 22 October 2021.
Registration and menu selection online here or www.navintpro.org - or, pay by mail with check (must arrive by 15 Oct and please include entrée selection - Chicken, Salmon, or vegan) to: NIP, PO Box 11579, Burke, VA, 22009
Note: This is the first full luncheon we have been able to hold since the fall 2019 luncheon, prior to the pandemic. Currently, there are no restrictions preventing us from holding this luncheon but in consideration of current DoD policies, we ask attendees to be vaccinated.
Hope to see you there!
November 2021
Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 7 - 8 PM EDT - Zoom Webinar - "The Road from CIA to Congress" - The Hayden Center Presentation
For the first time in history, two former officers of the CIA are serving in Congress together. Join the Hayden Center for this conversation with Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-7) and Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-8) and learn what drove them to public service, from the cubicles of CIA to the halls of the U.S. Capitol.
Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who serves Virginia's 7th district, was a CIA operations officer from 2006 to 2014, gathering intelligence on nuclear proliferation and terrorism. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who represents Michigan's 8th district, joined CIA shortly after 9/11, serving as an analyst whose work included three tours in Iraq. Slotkin went on to serve on the NSC staff and as acting assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs from 2015 to 2017. Hear what issues they believe are of paramount concern to Americans both internationally and domestically. And find out what they think of the IC and its performance against today's threats. Moderating the discussion will be Hayden Center senior fellow David Priess PhD, publisher and chief operating officer of Lawfare, the online and podcast source of national security information and insight.
To register, do so here.
Thursday, 4 November 2021, 6:30 pm CDT - Zoom Webinar - AFIO San Antonio Chapter hears from Seth Jones PhD on the Rise of Irregular Warfare and the Change in Global Warfare
Many historians talk about how the military trains for the last war they fought. Well our enemies are not planning for that old war, they are conducting a new type of warfare and the fighting is going on right now!
This program will be an AFIO NOW briefing by Seth Jones PhD. who is very knowledgeable on this type of warfare.
Jones holds the Harold Brown Chair, is director of the Transnational Threats Project, and is a senior adviser to the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He teaches at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.
TOPIC: Seth Jones' latest book -- Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare -- examines how three key figures in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, have built irregular warfare campaigns that are eroding American power. Conventional warfare—clashes between large military forces—defined twentieth-century power. But today, facing dominant US conventional and nuclear capabilities, the U.S.'s principal adversaries, Russia, China, and Iran, have adopted a different style of competition. Cyber attacks, covert action, proxy conflicts, information and disinformation campaigns, espionage, and economic coercion—these are the tools of irregular warfare, which will increasingly reshape international politics. In short, the future of warfare is likely to be closer to the Chinese general Sun Tzu than to the Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. The presentation runs 39 minutes. This is a very timely presentation on attacks that are going on right now.
TIMING: Prior to the virtual presentation using ZOOM you will be sent a link for the program. "Three Dangerous Men" is available from Amazon here.
QUESTIONS or REGISTER: Contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, 210 863-0430 or satxafio@gmail.com
Saturday, 6 November 2021, 11:30 a.m. EDT - Indialantic, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter Meeting Features Col John Hilliard on "Atlas Missiles, Spy Satellites, and Negotiations with Soviet Union on Arms Contol."
The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter will be holding an in-person meeting at 11:30 AM, November 6, 2021 at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel in Indialantic, Florida. The speaker is Colonel John Hilliard who will discuss Atlas missiles, spy satellites and negotiations with the Soviet Union on arms control.
For more information contact Larry Sanford here.
Sunday, 7 November 2021, 9 am - 6 pm EST - Washington DC - Girl Scout Day 2021 at the International Spy Museum
Do you have what it takes to be a spy? Find out at Girl Scout Day at the International Spy Museum. Test your troop's tradecraft abilities as you complete a TOP SECRET scavenger hunt mission throughout the Museum's galleries.
Tickets: $16.95 (Youth); $24.95 (Adult)
*Ticket includes Museum Admission, exclusive Girl Scout scavenger hunt and a special Girl Scout Day SPY patch for each Girl Scout (use promo code GIRLSCOUT at check out).
Register to ge tickets here
Sunday, 7 November 2021, 2 - 3 pm EST - Zoom Webinar - The Vietnam War: How We Got In…And How We Got Out - by The Cold War Museum
A Naval Aviator in the Vietnam War Who's Researched, Taught, and Lived the War Talks About How We Got In, and How We Got Out
Korea and Vietnam Were the Two Big "Hot Wars" of the Cold War Era With Direct U.S. Involvement
The Vietnam War Was the More Controversial of the Two. How Did We Get Into That One? And How Did We Get Out? Ask Someone Who Was There—And Has Thought, Researched, and Taught a Lot About It.
The Vietnam War: How We Got In…And How We Got Out
The US provided significant aid to the French in Indochina after WWII as part of our global Cold War efforts to contain Communism. Why did the US escalate aid to the French in 1950 and why was Edward Lansdale so critical to early American efforts to support South Vietnam? How did US covert assistance in Laos evolve, and in what year did North Vietnam originally plan to militarily take over the South?
We will discuss the 1967 Military Selective Service Act, the Johnson and Nixon Administrations' peace talk efforts, Vietnamization, and the effects of the invasions of Cambodia and Laos. We will look back at the ending of the US war, including openings with Russia and China while the NVA Easter Offensive, South Vietnam defense, Operation Linebacker, and naval operations were ongoing; and events in the US and South Vietnam leading up to the collapse in April 1975.
Don Stanton was commissioned through Cornell University Navy ROTC and served off Vietnam 1972-75 aboard USS R.B. Anderson (DD-786) and as an Officer of the Deck on USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) during the fall of Saigon and the Mayaguez incident.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place.
Agenda: • 1:30-2:00. Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; • 2:00-2:05. Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Don Stanton; • 2:05-3:00. Don presents on how we got into the Vietnam War, and how we got out; • 3:00-3:30. Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Tickets are available here.
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Tuesday, 9 November 2021, 11:30 am - 2 pm - Vienna, VA - CIRA Meeting
CIRA holds another in-person luncheon featuring John Edwards, who recently retired as Deputy Chief Operating Officer and is the new President of the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation. He will do a fireside chat with CIRA's President, John Bennett. Questions will be accepted from attendees.
For location, registration, and other information, log into the CIRA website for full details. Or email admin@cira.org.
Wednesday, 10 November 2021, 6:30 - 9:30 pm EST - Washington, DC - Spy School Workshop: Surveillance 101 with Eric O'Neill
What if you were assigned to watch the most damaging spy in US history? As a young operative in the FBI, Eric O'Neill was put into position as Robert Hanssen's assistant with the secret task of spying on his boss, who was under suspicion of working for Russia.
O'Neill is prepared to share his hard-earned expertise with you. This intense small group introduction to surveillance will include learning the basics and conducting surveillance from the underbelly of L'Enfant Plaza to the surprising hidden spaces of the sleekly revitalized waterfront.
Will you be able to track the "Rabbit" without being "made?"
Tickets: $200; Members: $150. Space is limited to only 16 participants — advance registration required by noon ET on Tuesday, November 9 or until sold out.
Thursday, 11 November 2021, All Day - Virtual - Virtual Screening of "RED NOTICE"
An FBI profiler pursuing the world's most wanted art thief becomes his reluctant partner in crime to catch an elusive crook who's always one step ahead. Join us for a virtual screening of Netflix's upcoming movie, "Red Notice," starring Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot.
FREE! Registration Required.
With a special add-on Q&A with the film's director Rawson Marshall Thurber and Spy Museum's historian/curator Andrew Hammond and Amanda Ohlke (Dir. of Adult Programs).
Saturday, 13 November 2021, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hears Col. William Hall on "Eastern Europe - Thirty Years After the Fall of the Soviet Union."
The AFIO Maine Chapter heard Colonel (Ret.) William Hall, president of the World Affairs Council of Maine, on the topic of "Eastern Europe Thirty Years After the Fall of the Soviet Union."
A U.S. intelligence officer in Asia and Europe for 18 years, Hall will discuss the Berlin Wall and its after effects including democratic capitalism under our leadership, Germany's movement toward reunification, and changes in the Soviet Republics and satellite areas. He will include what was expected, what actually happened, and where we are now.
The event is held at the Brick Store Museum Program Center at 4 Dane St., Kennebunk, ME.
The talk is open to the public.
Saturday, 13 November 2021, 10 am - 4 pm EST - Washington DC - Vroom! Vroom! 15th Annual Parade of Trabants at the International Spy Museum
The ONLY Trabant Rally in the United States. Celebrate the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with everyone's favorite Cold War car—the Trabant! Trabants are a rarity here, but on November 13 some of the finest examples in the US will chug their way to the Spy Museum for our 15th Annual Parade of Trabants. Drop by L'Enfant Plaza to view these beloved vintage cars, experts will be on hand to answer questions about their sweet rides, the Cold War, and Communism, while the Alte Kameraden German Band provides festive music.
FREE! Registration Required.
Register here.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021, noon EST - Washington, DC - CURATOR'S CORNER: Dark Persuasion with Joel E. Dimsdale
Call it what you will—coercive persuasion, thought control, dark persuasion, or brainwashing—techniques to control thoughts and minds blossomed during the 20th century and with advances in neuroscience and social media new avenues for manipulation have emerged.
Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in conversation with Joel E. Dimsdale, author of Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media.
FREE! Registration Required.
16 November 2021, 6 pm EDT - Virtual - The OSS Society Conversation features Gen. David Petraeus USA(Ret) and David McCloskey, former CIA Analyst, on his novel Damascus Station
Join General David Petraeus, USA (Ret.) for a discussion with former CIA officer David McCloskey about his new novel, Damascus Station. Called "the best spy novel I have ever read" by Petraeus, the book is set against the backdrop of a Syria pulsing with fear and rebellion and is a gripping thriller that offers a textured portrayal of espionage, love, loyalty, and betrayal in one of the most difficult CIA assignments on the planet. More about this novel is here.
To register for this virtual event, do so here.
Wednesday, 17 November, 2021, noon PST - Zoom-virtual - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Capt Aynesworth on "Intelligence Challenges of the Movement of International Containerized Cargo."
The "Andre Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts James L. Aynesworth, Captain, U.S. Navy Reserve (ret); President, Trident Information Services International on "Movement of International Containerized Cargo: Intelligence Challenges."
Registration required to receive a zoom link. Register here.
Qs?: contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Chapter Secretary at afiosf@aol.com.
Wednesday, 17 November 2021, 7 - 9 PM EST - Virtual on Zoom - AFIO Atlanta hosts DIA analyst Rebekah Koffler on "Putin's Playbook."
The AFIO Atlanta Chapter is featuring former DIA analyst Rebekah Koffler, author of Putin's Playbook: Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America (2021), on Russian grand strategy and Putin's long-term plans.
A Russian-born U.S. intelligence expert, Koffler served with the DIA for decades and routinely briefed the Pentagon, the White House, and NATO on Russian affairs. U.S. military commanders have called her a "national asset," and she received the National Intelligence Professional Award.
RSVP or questions to brian@afioatlanta.com or 404.403.8004.
All AFIO members are invited!
17 November 2021, 7 pm EST - Zoom Webinar - A Conversation with Chris Inglis, National Cyber Director - sponsored by George Mason University
The White House Office of the National Cyber Director is only a few months old but faces immense challenges. Still staffing up and only now receiving funding in the just-passed infrastructure bill, the threats the office was established to protect the nation from are metastasizing. What is the nature of these cyber threats? What is the new office's role in safeguarding us from them? What are the biggest obstacles to accomplishing that mission? How will it interact with other major U.S. cyber players?
The Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and Intl Security welcomes Chris Inglis, our nation's first National Cyber Director, to address these questions and more. Confirmed by the Senate in July, Inglis has enjoyed a distinguished national security career. He served in the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard from 1976 to 2006, rising to the rank of brigadier general. His 28-year career at the National Security Agency culminated in a 7 ½-year run as its deputy director. After retiring from government in 2014, Inglis has served as a professor at the U.S. Naval Academy and as a Commissioner on the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission. Michael Morell, former acting and deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Hayden Center senior fellow, will host the conversation.
Register for webinar here.
Thursday, 18 November 2021, noon EST - Virtual - CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: Special Guest: Javed Ali in Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news with Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa. He will be joined by Javed Ali, former Senior Director for Counterterrorism, National Security Council.
FREE! Registration Required. Register here.
Sunday, 21 November 2021, 8 - 10 am EST - Washington, DC - FAMILY EVENT: Access to Spy - Opening Our Doors the Autistic Community
The International Spy Museum is pleased to offer a sensory friendly community program designed for families who have an autistic child or an individual with sensory processing differences. On this special access day, the Museum has set private hours (8am—10am) so families can enjoy an exclusive visit with less noise, fewer people, and designated quiet rooms. This event is FREE but advance registration required!
FREE! Advanced Registration Required. REGISTER here.
Sunday, 21 November 2021, 2 - 3:30 pm EST - Zoom Webinar - The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War - sponsored by The Cold War Museum
We Know Quite a Bit About The Politics, Diplomacy, Espionage, and Military Actions of the Early Cold War. But How and Why Did the Post-WWII Climate Move From Freedom as Anti-Communism and Anti-Ideology to Freedom as Jean-Paul Sartre, Rock 'n Roll, the Beatles, and Tie-Dyes?
Ask a Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Who Lived Through This Complex Set of Cultural Changes.
The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War
In a follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize-winning The Metaphysical Club, distinguished Harvard professor and long-time New Yorker staff writer Louis Menand offers The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War, a new intellectual and cultural history of the postwar years.
Louis Menand is professor of English at Harvard University and a staff writer at The New Yorker.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Agenda: 1:30-2 - Participants arrive in the Zoom room online; 2 - 2:05 - Jason Hall, Executive Director of the Cold War Museum, introduces the Museum and Louis Menand; 2:05 - 3 - Jason interviews Louis on some of his main ideas and themes in The Free World; 3 - 3:30 - Q&A opportunity for the audience.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. Register here
Questions? Call or email Jason Hall, 703-283-4124 (cell), jason@coldwar.org
Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 7 pm EST - Zoom Webinar - "U.S. & China At the Brink?" - Hayden Center at George Mason University
The future of U.S.-China relations is the most important geopolitical issue facing American policymakers today. Is conflict inevitable between a declining superpower in the United States and a rising one in China? Or has China's power peaked? If it has, does that make Beijing more or less dangerous? What if Beijing's approach is more cautious than its actions sometimes appear? Could responses to what seem like provocations raise the risk of conflict?
The Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security welcomes a distinguished panel of experts on U.S.-China relations to address these questions. Graham Allison is the Douglas Dillon Professor of Government at Harvard University. His most recent book is Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap? Ketian Zhang, an assistant professor of international security at George Mason's Schar School of Policy Government, has published extensively on China's approach to international security. Hal Brands, the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, has written The Twilight Struggle: What the Cold War Teaches Us About Great Power Rivalry Today, coming in January. Michael Morell, former acting and deputy CIA director, will moderate the discussion.
There will be time for audience questions. This Hayden Center presentation is being recorded for use on our website and social media.
If you are unable to connect to the event via Zoom, it will be live-streaming on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/haydencenter.
To attend this no-cost webinar, register here.
December 2021
Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 5:30 PM VIP Reception / 6:30 PM Progressive Reception & Award Program - Washington, DC - 2021 Webster Distinguished Service Award Event - International Spy Museum
The Spy Museum offers an evening of intrigue for the 2021 Webster Distinguished Service Award event. The award is an opportunity to recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals in the Intelligence Community. This year's awardee is The Honorable Susan M. Gordon, former principal deputy director of national intelligence. Previous recipients of the Webster Distinguished Service Award include President George H. W. Bush (2017), Admiral William H. McRaven, USN (Ret.) (2018), and Gen. Michael V. Hayden (Ret.) (2019). Webster attendee and sponsor support fuels the nonprofit mission of educating the public about the history and craft of espionage and intelligence through youth and adult programs, community service, and the care of the Museum's unique collection of artifacts for generations to come.
Event will be held at the International Spy Museum.
For tickets, sponsorship opportunities, or information about ways to support the International Spy Museum, please contact the development office at 202.654.2853. Event tickets, other details are available here.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 7pm ET - Zoom Webinar - Covid & Intelligence: What More Can Be Done - a Hayden Center/GMU Event
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on everything from global supply chains to individual lives, with its long-term implications only beginning to take shape. Pandemics, a public health issue, are proving to be a national security one as well. Are America's national security institutions prepared to address this threat? What role should the intelligence community play? What reforms could improve global health surveillance?
Panelists include Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA-15), a four-term congressman at the forefront of legislative efforts to reform the intelligence community's approach to pandemic awareness; Dr. Julie Gerberding, who served as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2002 to 2009, where she led the agency through the SARS outbreak, and is currently a senior leader at the pharmaceutical company Merck; and Matt Berrett, a former CIA assistant director and head of its Global Issues Mission Center, and cofounder of the Center for Anticipatory Intelligence at Utah State University. David Priess PhD, our senior fellow and publisher and chief operating officer of Lawfare, will moderate the event.
To participate at the live webinar, register at this link.
If you are unable to connect to the event via Zoom, it will be live-streaming on the Hayden Center YouTube channel.
2 December 2021, 6:30pm CT - Zoom Webinar - The San Antonio TX AFIO Chapter Hears James Gosler, former Dir, CIA's Clandestine Info Tech Office
The final 2021 program for the AFIO SATX Chapter will be a presentation by James R. Gosler, former Director, CIA's Clandestine Information Technology Office, on "Cyber Threats and Mitigation". James Hughes, AFIO President and a former CIA Operations Officer will host the presentation. Jim Gosler discusses the pervasive and existentially disruptive cyber threats the U.S. faces from adversaries. He describes many factors required to warn, educate, prepare for, and possibly mitigate these growing threats. This AFIO NOW presentation runs 44 minutes.
JAMES R. GOSLER is one of the nation's foremost experts on cybersecurity and information operations. He served more than three decades in various cyber- and nuclear weapon-related positions at Sandia National Laboratories. During his Sandia career, he was invited by the National Security Agency to serve as the lab's first visiting scientist, he created and led the Vulnerability Assessments Program, and, in 2003, he was appointed Sandia's sixth fellow.
Mr. Gosler previously served as the first director of the Clandestine Information Technology Office at the Central Intelligence Agency. He is a member of the Defense Science Board and a former member of the Naval Studies Board and the NSA Advisory Board. This will be an excellent presentation. Our sophisticated nation has many vulnerabilities related to cyber attacks.
A link to this ZOOM hosted presentation will be sent out prior to the meeting.
There will be no SATX AFIO Chapter meeting in January.
Questions or to register to received link to the program, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, at 210 863-0430 or at satxafio@gmail.com
Thursday, 2 December 2021, 1830/6:30PM EST; 1730/5:30PM CST; 1530/3:30PM PST; 1330 /1:30PM HST - Naval Intelligence Professionals Virtual Speaker Event
TOPIC: Senior Enlisted Perspectives on the Intelligence Specialist Rating
GUEST PANELISTS and current responsibilities; ISCM Dave Stanton, IS Enlisted Community Manager, Navy Personnel Command; ISCM Jeremy Heyer, CMC, Commander, Naval Air Forces; ISCS Robert Morris II, N72 (IS) Rating Lead & Training Manager, Center for Information Warfare Training HQ; and ISCS Jillian Cardoza, Lead Rating Evaluator (CTI/CTM/CTN/CTR/CTT/IS Ratings), Navy Personnel Command.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1820/6:20PM EST:
You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 607-906-245
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/607906245
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks; (~45-60 min) Guest Panel Remarks; (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to: bob_allen36@hotmail.com.
Sunday, 5 December 2021, 8-10am - Washington, DC - Access to SPY: Opening Doors to the Autistic Community - On Site at the International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is pleased to offer a sensory friendly community program designed for families who have an autistic child or an individual with sensory processing differences. During these private hours, families can enjoy an exclusive visit with less noise, fewer people, and designated quiet rooms. Program is possible because of the donation and generous support from the Embassy of the State of Qatar.
Event is free – registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Sunday, 5 December 2021, 5 - 9 pm EST - Ashburn, VA - CIRA 2021 National Dinner
Join your CIRA colleagues as they recognize two Salvetti Award winners and also hear from Director Burns. This is the last chance to register for CIRA's 2021 National Dinner! Deadline to register online is 6pm Thursday December 2nd. They have made arrangements for Director Burns to be our keynote speaker! The dinner is $85.00 per person. Meal choices are Salmon, Chicken, or Vegetarian. More information on the location of the event, about the dinner, and how to register and pay can be found exclusively at www.cira.org after logging in as a member. If you have trouble getting onto the website please send an email to cira@cira.org.
Again...details, location, dinner fee available only at www.cira.org after you have logged in as a member.
Wednesday, 8 December 2021 - Las Vegas, NV - The AFIO Las Vegas Chapter's 2021 Christmas Dinner Party
Our last holiday event was December 2019, two long years ago. We are returning to the Los Prados Country Club for a full Christmas Buffet. And we have a special guest speaker, Rev Curt Williams, to present an uplifting message on Patriotism. As at past parties, we will have a raffle for a beautiful Christmas Basket.
The newly remodeled Los Prados Country Club is at 5150 Los Prados Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130.
Program: 5 pm Social Hour (cash bar); 6 pm Holiday dinner buffet; 7 pm Guest Speaker - Rev. Curt Williams on "What Patriotism Means"
Fee: $45 per person at the door. Cash or check only
RSVP by 12/03/2021 to: Linda Cohn, 702-239-1370; Mary Bently, 702-544-3377; or email lasvegasafio@gmail.com
I hope to see everyone at this particularly special event for our chapter. Again, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our party coordinators: Linda Cohn, 702-239-1370 or Mary Bently, 702-544-3377. See you there...Gregg Schiffbauer, President.
Thursday, 9 December 2021, noon - Zoom Webinar - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join this online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, The Honorable Susan M. Gordon. During her more than thirty-year career in public service, Gordon was also deputy director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and served for 27 years at the Central Intelligence Agency. Sponsored by the Honorable Mary Beth Long, International Spy Museum, Board of Directors.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 9 December 2021, 6 - 8 PM EST - In-Person in Atlanta & Virtual on Zoom - AFIO Atlanta hosts SA Kevin Bryant on "Spies on the Sidelines" on NFL Espionage.
AFIO Atlanta Chapter invites all AFIO members and friends to join us at our annual Christmas party and celebration of James Jesus Angleton's Birthday. Our special guest speaker is former Department of Defense Special Agent Kevin Bryant, who will speak on his forthcoming book Spies on the Sidelines: The High-Stakes World of NFL Espionage (Rowman & Littlefield July 2022). Not only does his non-fiction book contain the largest collection of football-related spy stories ever assembled, but also it's the first to explore the full arsenal of methods teams use to spy on their opponents and the countermeasures used to deter them. Spanning across all teams and eras, Bryant shines a light on the shady world of NFL espionage—from clandestine photography and hidden draft prospects to listening devices and stolen documents—along with the permissible, if sometimes questionable, spy techniques teams use day in and day out to gain an advantage over their opponents.
RSVP or questions to brian@afioatlanta.com or 404.403.8004.
All AFIO members and friends are invited!
Sunday, 12 December 2021, 2-3:30 pm EST - Zoom Webinar - James Goodall, USAF(Ret) discusses "America's Gem: 75 Years of the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works" at this Cold War Museum Webinar
Why Was the U.S. So Dominant in the Air From the Later Stages of WWII Through the Cold War? A Big Part of the Answer Was Lockheed's Legendary Skunk Works. Why Was That?
Ask Someone Who Knows—And Who Saw a Lot of Things He Wasn't Supposed to See.
America's Gem: 75 Years of the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
Drawing from his book 75 Years of the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, Jim Goodall takes us from the beginning of the Skunk Works's first project (XP-80 Shooting Star) and follows the program through prototype build-up, first flight and, if they reached the frontline, operational service. What sets this presentation and book apart are the photos of the developmental phases of unclassified projects by Skunk Works, featuring the work of lead engineer Kelly Johnson and his team and successors, with more attention to programs that went into production and merit more detailed coverage, such as the P-80/F-94/T-33 family, C-130 family and, of course, the A-12 and SR-71.
If you are interested in the work of greatest team of aeronautical engineers ever assembled, and especially in how things looked in the developmental phases as well as final production, this is a presentation you won't want to miss.
Questions: email Jason@coldwar.org
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
Location: ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A, for the Museum's archives.
For more information and ticketing, please visit the Museum's Eventbrite page here for this event.
Tuesday, 14 December 2021 - In-Person and also via Zoom Webinar - Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter Luncheon features Drs. Alexopoulos and Grzegorzewski on "The Russian Role in Geopolitics."
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is meeting for a luncheon with speakers Drs. Golfo Alexopoulos, founding director of the USF Institute on Russia and Professor of Global Studies at the University of South Florida, and Mark Grzegorzewski, Resident Senior Fellow in the Department of Strategic Intelligence and Emerging Technology at Joint Special Operations University, MacDill AFB. They will be briefing on "Russia and the Russian role in current geopolitics."
At the meeting the chapter will be presenting awards to the six student scholarship recipients. Through their hard work, determination, and achievements, each has proven to be an individual that this Chapter wants to recognize and encourage to continue his or her educational and intelligence career efforts. Each has amply demonstrated and expressed interest and support for the US intelligence community's core values of patriotism, excellence, integrity, dedication and loyalty. Join us in person as we make these presentations.
In-Person Attendees: The response deadline for in-person attendees is Wednesday, December 8, with a food order form for a box lunch and a health acknowledgement form required.
Cost: luncheon cost is $15 cash or check, payable at the door.
Please contact the Chapter Secretary at michaels@suncoastafio.org to obtain more information and the necessary forms.
Virtual attendees: Zoom attendance is available with advance registration, subject to acceptance, with the same response deadline of Wednesday, December 8. Zoom registration is here.
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