| COMING EVENTS FROM THE LATEST WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES - Use month index in right column to jump to current month:
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Event listings include AFIO and Chapter events and a selection of events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
January 2017
11 January 2017, noon - Washington, DC - GTEC Update at the International Spy Museum
The latest intelligenceand terrorism news presented by David Major, retired Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI and former Director of Counterintelligence and Security Programs at the NSC staff at the White House. He discusses the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations.
Check www.spymuseum.org to confirm
12 January 2017 (Thursday) - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Special Agent in Charge, John F. Bennett, FBI San Francisco Office.
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080. 11:30am no host cocktail; meeting and luncheon at noon.
Eventbrite registration link is here.
Reservation and pre-payment is required before January 4, 2017. The venue cannot accommodate walk-ins.
Please contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com or Mariko Kawaguchi, c/o AFIO, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011 for questions.
Thursday, 12 January 2017, 6:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - The Gentleman from Ohio with Lori Stokes at the International Spy Museum
Congressman Louis Stokes was one of the most significant figures in the U.S. Congress in recent times. When he arrived in the House of Representatives as a freshman in 1969, there were only six African Americans serving. By the time he retired thirty years later, he had chaired the House Select Committee on the Kennedy and King assassinations, the House Ethics Committee during Abscam, and the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence during Iran-Contra. Congressman Stokes was instrumental in the development of the International Spy Museum and was an Advisory Board Member until his death in August of 2015. This evening, his daughter, Lori Stokes, award-winning anchor of Eyewitness News This Morning, will share memories of her father inspired by the autobiography which he completed at the age of 90, The Gentleman from Ohio. The Gentleman from Ohio will be available for sale at the event. Event is free.
EVENT CANCELED - Friday 13 January 2017 - DNI James R. Clapper discusses "Intelligence Challenges for the New President" at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School National Security Lecture
Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security is a new graduate school serving the national security community
1620 L St NW, Seventh Floor, Washington, DC 20036 - OFFICE: 202-759-4988
Questions? EMAIL: events@DanielMorgan.academy
Friday, 13 January 2017, noon - 2pm - Ashburn, VA - Loudoun Crime Commission hosts 6th Annual State of Law Enforcement in Loudoun County Forum.
More information on event will be forthcoming. Please don't miss what will be a very interesting presentation.
Location: Belmont Country Club.
RSVP by 8 November at RSVP@loudouncrimecommission.org. Doors open at noon.
$25.00 for non-members, $20.00 for members, payable by cash or check or CC (add $1 for cc).
17 January 2017, 11:30am - 2 pm - The Defense Intelligence Forum hears from Daniel Gallington on "Thinking Out Loud about Information Operations."
Mr. Daniel Gallington will speak on "Thinking Out Loud about Information Operations."
Daniel Gallington is an adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, where he teaches National Security Law. He writes extensively on a wide range of national security issues, including proactive cyber security for critical infrastructures.
He served in a series of senior national security policy and legal positions: As Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Territorial Security, as bipartisan General Counsel to the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and as Deputy Counsel for Intelligence Policy at the Department of Justice.
Mr. Gallington served for four years in Geneva as a Member of the United States Delegation to the Nuclear and Space Talks with the former Soviet Union. He also served active duty tours in Europe, Asia, the Pacific and Strategic Air Command as an Air Force officer and Judge Advocate.
Mr. Gallington received the B.S. degree from the University of Illinois, the J.D. degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and the LL.M degree in International Law from the University of Michigan Law School.
Event location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA
Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc. Registration starts at 11:30AM, lunch at 12:00PM
Make reservations by 17 January 2017 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among Chicken Parmesan, Trout Limone, Grilled Sausage with Sweet Peppers, Lasagna, Manicotti with Spinach and Ricotta, Cannelloni Allan Bolognese, or Fettuccini with Portabella. Please send your luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your food. Indicate if you have dietary issues.
Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc.
Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments are discouraged.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Debriefing the President at the International Spy Museum
In December 2003, after one of the most aggressive manhunts in history, US military forces captured Iraqi present Saddam Hussein. Beset by body-double rumors and false alarms, the Bush administration needed positive identification of the prisoner before announcing the capture. John Nixon made the call. As a senior CIA leadership analyst who had spent years studying Hussein and the first man to conduct a prolonged interrogation of the dictator, Nixon offers expert insight into America's most enigmatic enemy in Debrief the President.
Free. No reservation required.
Thursday, 19 January 2017, 11:30am - Monument, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter presents Radicalization, Ideology, and Terrorism in the Middle East.
The presentation will focus on radical ideology in the Middle East and its nexus to terrorism, to include an understanding of radical Islam, sectarian divisions, Shari'a law, the ideology of Jihad in Islam and global influence, regional control of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al Shaam (ISIS), and recent terror attacks in Europe. It will also include how propaganda, social media and non- traditional forms of messaging are influencing the next generation of terrorists, specifically women. The cost of the meal is $15. All presentations to the RMC, AFIO are on the basis of non-attribution so the speakers can feel free to provide information with the assurance it will not be published.
For details, please contact Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net
20 January 2017 - Cambridge, UK - Deadline to apply for Cambridge University's 2017 SHAFR (Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations) Summer Institute Conference
"Security and the State: Cultures of National Security and Insecurity in American Foreign Relations" - the theme of Cambridge University's SHAFR Summer Institute Conference being held 307 July at Clare College.
The term "national security" is everywhere. It permeates virtually every aspect of U.S. foreign relations and defines much of the federal government's structure for foreign and military policies. It is no exaggeration to say that America's relationship with the rest of the world is to a large extent based upon the requirements of national security, and how they are defined, represented, and narrated to the public. At its heart, and in an instinctual way, "national security" connotes safety: its goal is the defense of the nation against foreign threats. Though the pursuit of national security often leads to difficult and controversial wars, it is essentially based on a defensive and fearful mindset. It is also so expansive as to be virtually limitless. For the last several decades, threats to America's national security have been found everywhere, from the beaches of Cuba and the jungles of Indochina to the deserts of Arabia and the mountains of Central Asia - even in the towns and cities of the United States itself. Under the aegis of national security, America has a defensive perimeter that is now both global and holistic. Few of its interests are peripheral.
But where does such a worldview come from? How do Americans conceive of threat and danger in the world? What constitutes the boundaries, legally, politically, geographically, and morally, of self-defense? Have Americans always thought of national security in these terms? We will also delve into questions about the influence national security has had on shaping the government's capacity to project power. If war made the state and the state made war in Europe, was it also the case for the modern United States? How have perspectives on national security led to the augmentation of executive war powers? Have security concerns led to the establishment of a national security state or a military-industrial complex which, in turn, shaped America's engagement with the wider world?
The cultures of American national security and insecurity will be at the heart of the 10th annual Summer Institute of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, which will take place 3-7 July 2017 at Clare College, Cambridge University. Designed for advanced graduate students and early-career faculty members in history and related fields, the program will feature seminar-style discussions and meetings with leading scholars. The Summer Institute will also provide a forum for participants to present their research and participate in workshops on professional development, teaching, and publishing. Each participant will be reimbursed for return travel to Britain, will be provided with free accommodation and most meals in Cambridge, and will receive a modest honorarium.
The deadline for applications is January 20, 2017. Applicants should submit a c.v.; a brief letter detailing how participation in this year's Summer Institute would benefit their scholarship and careers; a short (300 word) abstract about the research project they will present at the Institute; and a letter of recommendation, ideally from their dissertation adviser. Please send this material electronically (in Word or PDF) to both of the Institute's organizers, Andrew Preston, Cambridge University and Mario Del Pero, Sciences Po-Paris; references should be sent directly by the referee. Please direct all questions to the Institute organizers. More information here.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017, 7 - 9 pm - Washington, DC - Introduction To Intelligence Analysis 101 - Spy School Workshop at the International Spy Museum
How good are you in a crisis? To survive in the world of an intelligence analyst, you must be able to quickly gather the facts, determine what is relevant, find patterns, make critical connections, and you must not forget to check your ego and biases at the door. That's what you'll need to do in this hands-on workshop led by Randy Pherson, the CIA's former National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Latin America, recipient of the CIA's Career Intelligence Medal and founder of the Forum Foundation for Analytic Excellence. As you grapple with a real intelligence case about a U.S. nuclear scientist who may have transferred secrets to the Chinese to assist in the development of their nuclear program, you'll go through the same process as an intelligence analyst, evaluating incoming information and questioning your own preconceptions and assumptions under a looming deadline. Learn how analysts employ Structured Analytic Techniques to avoid cognitive pitfalls and spur creative thinking. And ultimately find out whether your analysis would have helped to defuse a crisis or fuel a foreign policy disaster. Tickets for the general public: $40. Register at www.spymuseum.org
Sunday, 29 January 2017, 11:30am - 1:30pm - Lyndhurst, OH - AFIO Great Lakes Chapter hosts Derek Siegle, HIDTA, on "The Responsibilities of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program."
Derek M. Siegle is the Executive Director of HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) Program which is a Federal Agency that coordinates and assists in law enforcement drug investigations. It is staffed by law enforcement officers detached from the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. His talk will cover the responsibilities of HIDTA.
Derek was the ASAC (Assistant Special Agent in Charge) of the FBI's Cleveland Division prior to assuming his present position.
Location: Private Room, Bar Louie, in Legacy Village, 24337 Cedar Rd, Lyndhurst, OH 44124. Food may be ordered off menu so arrive hungry as the room is provided with understanding it is a restaurant.
RSVP to John Heinsons at hp34063@yahoo.com.
February 2017
Wednesdays: 1 - 22 February 2017, 10:15 a.m. - Washington, DC - Lethal Action: Deadly Plots, Silenced Voices, and Epic Fails at the International Spy Museum

Targeted killing. Wet jobs. Assassinations. Eliminations. Spy thrillers feature deadly plots in which governments eliminate spies, operatives, dissidents, or enemies of the state. But when a questionable death occurs in real life, it can be hard to discover what really happened. In this series, intelligence experts and historians will explore the true stories of four real cases of successful, failed, or possible targeted killing.
Feb 1: Lights out fot Litvinenko with James Rosen
Feb 8: (Not) Killing Castro with Dr. Vince Houghton
Feb 15: Murder in Mexico with H. Keith Melton
Feb 22: Walter Krivitsky Checks Out with Dr. John Fox
Tickets: $125 (must be purchased through the Smithsonian at www.smithsonianassociates.org) Internet Quick Tix code is 1M2-883.
Saturday, 4 February 2017, 11-11:30 a.m. or 1-1:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - Slave Spy: The Story of James Lafayette at the International Spy Museum
What was it like to go undercover and spy on the British during the American Revolution? James Lafayette did it against all odds. An enslaved African American in New Kent County when the British invaded Virginia in 1781, James soon found himself working for the Continental Army under the Marquis de Lafayette, and his exploits would influence the outcome of the American Revolution. In this original one-act play, combining live performance with film, Jamar Jones portrays the brave man who passed as a runaway slave to gather information in the British camps and pass along misinformation to fool General Cornwallis. Salve Spy was written by Abigail Schumann and produced by the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown.
Free. No Registration Required.
Thursday, 9 February, 2017, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - The AFIO Arizona Chapter hosts David Gonzalez, US Marshal, District of Arizona, on "The State of Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement in Arizona."
David P. Gonzalez, United States Marshal District of Arizona, will address our chapter on "The state of Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement in Arizona." Marshal David Gonzalez will be discuss the issues effecting law enforcement in Arizona and how the State of Arizona got to this point. He will also talk about the challenges facing the future of Arizona.
Location: Best Western Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E Butherus Dr, Scottsdale, AZ.
RSVP to simone@afioaz.org or simone@4smartphone.net or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016. Cost: $18 pp. RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time. No Shows will be charged. REMEMBER, if you are bringing a guest please send the full name of that person.
Through Tuesday, 28 February 2017 - Washington, DC - Double Agent Date at the International Spy Museum
Celebrate the season's delights with a Double Agent Date Package exclusively through the International Spy Museum. The package includes one ticket for two to the Museum's exhibits, access to a covert Sexpionage scavenger hunt, and a $30 Spy Museum Retail Store Voucher for you and your date to select your own perfect gift. Tickets: $45. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday 10 February 2017, 12:30 - 2pm - Los Angeles, CA - The AFIO Los Angeles Chapter hears from John Hallstead and conducts elections and other business
Presentation: John Hallstead will give a brief intelligence topic overview, following the election & business portion of the meeting.
Lunch will be served
Location: L.A.P.D - ARTC 5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045
RSVP: AFIO_LA@yahoo.com
Saturday, 11 February 2017, 11am - 3pm - Orange Park, FL - The North Florida Chapter hears from William F. Crowe, Citizens Property Insurance Corporation IT Security Risk Manager, speaking on "Cyber Wars, Theft, Methodology and History."
Mr. William F. Crowe, who will speak on "Cyber Wars, Theft, Methodology and History." He is the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation IT Security Risk Manager with over 20 years' experience in Information Technology security, risk, audit and governance which includes my military experience and careers at Citi and Chase.
Please RSVP right away to qbegonia@comcast.net or call 904-545-9549 for this meeting. Cost: $24 per person, pay the Club at the luncheon.
Location: Country Club of Orange Park. Please RSVP on/before the 1st of February so we can lock down attendance to keep the club happy. Remember, as always, kin or friends, especially potential members, are always welcome.
Saturday, 11 February 2017 - 11:30
- Patrick AFB, FL - The Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Dr. Clifford Bragdon on "Transportation Security for Global Survival."
Dr. Clifford Bragdon, AICP, FASA, founder and president of the Global Center for Preparedness and Resilience, has over 40 years of academic experience, research and consulting in the fields of urban planning, sustainability and transportation, homeland security and simulation. He will address us on the topic of Transportation Security for Global Survival.
TIMING: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Social Hour, greet old, new members and guests (limited cash bar - honor system); 12:15 PM: Sit-Down lunch
FEE: Member and spouse: $25; Non-Members/Guest:$28; Student and active duty military: $22
TO ATTEND: Prepaid reservations are required which must be received by Friday, 3 February. Send check and meal choice [salmon, chicken, or beef] to: FSC Chapter President at afiofsc@afio.com.
LOCATION: Please note new meeting venue. The Tides, 1001 N. Hwy A1A, Bldg #967, Patrick AFB, FL 32925.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017, noon - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hears from RADM Gerald Talbot, USN(R) on "The Importance of Intelligence in the Interagency Decision Making Process."
We have a very informative and insightful program in store as we welcome RADM Gerald Talbot, USN (ret), speaking on the importance of intelligence in the interagency decision making process. Mr. Talbot was detailed in June 2011 as the Executive Director National Security Professional Development Integration Office responsible for implementation of a national strategy for the development of National Security Professionals. Prior to that, Talbot served as the Associate Administrator for Management and Administration at the National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for the management and operations of the Administration's planning, programming, budgeting and evaluation function; human capital management; acquisition management; and, administrative operations.
Location: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Blvd, MacDill AFB, FL 33621. Lunch is $20, payable at the door by cash or check.
RSVP: the Chapter Secretary at michaels@suncoastafio.org for more information or to make a reservation. Responses are due by noon on Tuesday, 7 February.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017, 6 p.m. - Washington, DC - SEX(PIONAGE): Spies, Lies, and Naked Thighs - The Valentine Edition at the International Spy Museum
If you think your love life is hot, wait 'til you hear these sultry tales of sex and spies. If you have access to secrets or influential VIPs, you might just find yourself the victim of one of the oldest tricks of the trade: sexpionage. From ancient intrigues to Anna Chapman, spies, counterspies, and terrorists often conduct these covert activities under the covers! International Spy Museum Board Member and intelligence historian H. Keith Melton will reveal how seduction is used a tool to attract and manipulate assets, to coerce and compromise targets, and to control spies in both reality and fiction. Featuring authentic sexual entrapment videos, and technical details of the infamous Russian "honey traps," Melton will tell all about the spies who stop at nothing to get their man - or woman!
Tickets: $35, includes cocktail and sweet treats. Must be 18 or older to attend. Register at www.spymuseum.org
Thursday, 16 February 2017 (6-8pm) - Alexandria, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for February features Capt William Bray on "The Role of Naval Intelligence."
Who: CAPT William Bray, USN (Ret), Managing Director, Ankura Consulting Group, serves as the research director for Ankura's geopolitical advisory practice where he brings more than 25 years of experience in geopolitical threat analysis and national security. Prior to joining Ankura, Mr. Bray served as a distinguished career as a Navy Intelligence Officer. In December 2016, he authored the article, 'Intelligence Is Not Warfare!" in Naval Institute's Proceedings magazine which offered that "Decoupling naval intelligence from the information warfare community is key to ensuring the Navy maintains maritime superiority". Mr. Bray earned a Masters in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense University (Distinguished Graduate), a Masters in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University (Distinguished Graduate), and was commissioned in 1988 from the United States Naval Academy.
Where: Sonoma Cellar 207 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314
Times: 6 PM (Private Room Upstairs) - Remarks by our Speaker 6:30-8 PM Social hour continues. Cash bar with an exceptional Wine, Beer, and Food menu. Open to All members and non-members. No RSVP Required. Dress: Smart Casual
Saturday, 18 February 2016, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - Mary Margaret Graham, former ADDO/CIA and Deputy DNI for Collection, discusses at this AFIO Maine Chapter meeting: "The Impact of Modern Terrorism on American Intelligence Strategy."
Mary Margaret Graham, former ADDO/CIA and Deputy DNI, will discuss the "The Impact of Modern Terrorism on American Intelligence Strategy." Graham served 27 years at the CIA, including as the Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counterintelligence. From 2005 to 2008, she was appointed the first Deputy DNI for Collection, coordinating the collection efforts of all 15 U.S. intelligence agencies. Earlier in her career, she served as the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director of the National Security Agency. Following her retirement, Graham was named a Visiting Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Her talk is expected to include a look at the historical and current posture of federal, international and domestic threat detection and counterterrorism efforts; the new role of state, local and tribal partners; and the challenges of collaboration versus competition in the intelligence community. She has earned several prestigious medals for her service: the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal in 2008, the Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal in 2008, the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service in 2008, the Intelligence Medal of Merit in 2005, the Donovan Award in 2001, and the National Intelligence Medal of Achievement in 1996. The latest in a series of public affairs discussions, the AFIO meeting is open to the public, and will begin at 2 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk. A question period will follow the presentation. No registration is required. There is no cost to attend.
Sunday, 19 February 2017, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Claudia Friddell: George Washington's Spies - at the International Spy Museum
Think you know everything about Washington? Think again. During the Revolutionary War, General George Washington (AKA Agent 711) was the leader of a ring of spies. The group called the Culper Ring used secret names, codes, invisible ink, and more to spy on the British and pass along information. Nobody knew about it at the time (and few do so today), but those sneaky heroes risked their lives to help win the American Revolution. Join us at the International Spy Museum for an in-store book signing of "Totally True Adventures! George Washington Spies" by Claudia Friddell, an educator and researcher with a passion for nonfiction. In researching this book, she visited many of the sites where the Culper Ring lived and conducted their spy activities. Illustrated throughout in black and white, with an appendix that includes photographs, bonus content, and links to primary source materials, this Totally True Adventures series book is ideal for supporting the Common Core State Standards and today's renewed interest in nonfiction. It's a thrilling read made even better because it really happened. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
21 February 2017, 1130am - 2pm - McLean, VA - The Defense Intelligence Forum hosts Joseph Mazzafro on "What to Expect from an IC Reset."
Defense Intelligence Alumni Association luncheon features Joseph Mazzafro who has over four decades of IC experience. Since 2011, he has used his in-depth knowledge of the Intelligence Community to enable CSRA (formed through the combination of the North American Public Sector business of CSC and SRA International) to grow. He has worked at Oracle's National Security Group and also led business development/IC alliances for EMC. At Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory where he was Scientific and Technical Officer, he guided the labs' relationship with the IC in its key role in the development of: IED defenses, the Area Air Defense Commander system, the Global Net Centric Surveillance and Targeting System, various ballistic missile defense programs, and concept of operations for numerous intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. Before entering the private sector he served in the U.S. Navy for 27 years and retired with rank of Captain.
Event location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA
Fee: Pay at the door with a check for $29 payable to DIAA, Inc. Registration starts at 1130 AM, lunch at noon.
RSVP by 21 February 2017 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses for each attendee and choose among Chicken Parmesan, Trout Lemone, Grilled Sausage with Sweet Peppers, Lasagna, Manicotti with Spinach and Ricotta, Cannelloni alla Bolognese, or Fettuccini with Portobello. Please provide your luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your food. If you wish to pay at the door, do so with a check for $29 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc.
Wednesday 22 February 2017, 7:30 - 8:45 PM - McLean, VA - "How the Internet Developed the Global Jihadi Movement" - Yigal Carmon at the Westminster Institute
"How the Internet Developed the Global Jihadi Movement" is the topic of Yigal Carmon's presentation at this Westminster Institute's free evening presentation.
Yigal Carmon is President and founder of MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute. He combines four different areas of expertise - intelligence, counter-terrorism, diplomacy, and research. Carmon is a colonel (ret) in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) intelligence corps. He was counter-terrorism advisor to two Israeli prime ministers heading governments from both Likud and Labor, overseeing the national deployment against terrorism. He participated in the 1991-1992 peace talks in Madrid and Washington as deputy head of the Israeli delegation negotiating with Syria. Founded in 1998, MEMRI bridges the language gap between the West and the Middle East and South Asia, providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, Urdu-Pashtu, Dari, and Turkish media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends. "As an institute of research," said Carmon, "we want MEMRI to present translations to people who wish to be informed on the ideas circulating in the Middle East. We aim to reflect reality." MEMRI research is particularly sought out by intelligence agencies in Europe and North America. Carmon is frequently relied upon by leading media sources and government officials as an authority on current developments in the Arab and Muslim world. He has briefed governments worldwide on issues ranging from jihad and terrorism to reform in the Arab world. In the United States, Carmon has given testimony on Capitol Hill and conducted briefings before Congress as well as at the State Department, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, Justice Department, Library of Congress, FBI, National Security Council, and NYPD counterterrorism division, and is frequently interviewed on a variety of Western channels, as well as on Arab TV.
WHERE: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101
24 February 2017 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO National Kick-off Luncheon for 2017 - Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying To Destroy America, and Spy Sites of Washington, DC.
AFIO National's first luncheon of 2017 features Dr. James E. Mitchell discussing Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying To Destroy America. Mitchell was a civilian contractor who spent years training U.S. military members to resist interrogation should they be captured. Aware of the urgent need to prevent impending catastrophic terrorist attacks, he worked with the CIA to implement "enhanced interrogation techniques"–which included waterboarding. Despite the media hysteria that followed, he tells us why EIT remains valuable. Mitchell's co-author, Bill Harlow, will be present but not a presenter.
"Emotions are high and accusations are being thrown about, but facts matter. Before anyone rushes to judgment, they should read this book and take in what happened through the eyes of a key player in the CIA's interrogation program." - General Michael Hayden, USAF, Ret., Former CIA Director
"The authentic account of head-to-head hardball with fanatical Islamic killers by a professional who not only won big for America, but did it while fending off powerful critics. The lessons learned needed to be told - and well-told they are. The war on us by radical Islamists is far from over - read and learn!"
- Hon. Porter J. Goss, Former Chairman of House Intelligence Committee and CIA Director
In the afternoon, we hear from Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton, authors of what will be the just-released Spy Sites of Washington, DC: A Guide to the Capital Region's Secret History. A mesmerizing tour of traitors and tradecraft revealing the wheres and whys of Washington's second-oldest profession. Robert Wallace is the former director of CIA's Office of Technical Service. He and Melton have co-authored four books. Keith Melton is an intelligence historian and owns one of the largest collections of spy paraphernalia in the world.
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel Mezzanine, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons Corner, VA 22102. Hotel: 703 893-2100. For security reason, reservations on day of event are not allowed.
24 February 2017, 5:30 to 7 p.m. - Washington, DC - The Changing Role of Intelligence in a Changing World - Gene Poteat presentation at The Institute of World Politics
American intelligence services, constrained by law and with oversight from the executive and both branches of Congress, are thus liable for their actions, but are not immune from politics. Rather than going along with our changing culture and politics, the problems facing our intelligence are avoided by strict vigilance and adherence to the highest professional judgements and ethics - without political considerations. This event is the fourth Brian Kelley Memorial Lecture and is sponsored by the IWP Alumni Association. About the speaker S. Eugene (Gene) Poteat is a retired senior CIA Scientific Intelligence Officer, and has served as President of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). He was educated as an electrical engineer and physicist. He holds a Masters in Statecraft and National Security Affairs from IWP. His career in intelligence included work with U-2 and SR-71 class of aircraft and various space and naval reconnaissance systems. He also managed the CIA's worldwide network of monitoring sites. He holds patents on covert communications techniques. His CIA assignments included the Directorate of Science and Technology, the National Reconnaissance Office, Technical Director of the Navy's Special Programs Office and Executive Director of the Intelligence Research and Development Council. He served abroad in London, Scandinavia, the Middle East and Asia. He received the CIA's Medal of Merit and the National Reconnaissance Office's Meritorious Civilian Award for his technological innovations.
Location: The Institute of World Politics 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
22-25 February 2017 - Baltimore, MD - The International Studies Association (ISA) 58th Annual Convention: "Understanding Change in World Politics."
The International Studies Association (ISA)
58th Annual Convention: "Understanding Change in World Politics" is a major annual academic conference which has a section of special interest to professors and students studying intelligence: the Intelligence Studies Section (ISS) which hosts many panels and presentations at the conference. Headquarters Hotel: Hilton Baltimore, Baltimore, MD.
A tentative list of the ISS panels at this ISA may be viewed here.
ISA has a new online program (requires login) that lets ISA members or event registrants to search by person, title, sponsor, and keywords. You can use this to build a personalized schedule that you can download as a PDF to have handy when you're at the convention.
For much more information visit this link
Saturday, 25 February 2017, 11am-noon - Washington, DC - Magic of Spying: Tradecraft Trickery - at the International Spy Museum
In the real-life world of espionage, spies often call upon the art of magic and illusion to distract the enemy, make evidence disappear, and escape unnoticed. Join professional magician, Peter Wood, as he demonstrates the art of misdirection, sleight of hand, and other illusions used by skilled spies. This one of a kind performance, custom-designed for the Spy Museum, is guaranteed to fascinate children and adults alike. Space is limited - advance registration required. The Magic of Spying is for children ages 5 and up. One adult is required for every five KidSpy agents. Tickets for the general public: $10, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $9. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
March 2017
Monday, 6 March 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - Brian Regan: The Spy Who Couldn't Spell at the International Spy Museum
Before Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, the largest theft of government secrets was committed by an awkward, unassuming American Intelligence agent: Brian Patrick Regan. Join award-winning writer Yudhijit Bhattacharjee as he takes a probing look at how a learning disability, a lifetime of ridicule, and a serious cash shortage shaped Brian Regan's decision to betray his country. Bhattacharjee's research for his new book The Spy Who Couldn't Spell: A Dyslexic Traitor, an Unbreakable Code, and the FBI's Hunt for America's Stolen Secrets reveals how Regan engineered a meticulous strategy to download, copy, and bury thousands of pages of classified documents from the National Reconnaissance Office that he planned to sell; how he deployed a brilliant multi-layered encryption system to mask his communication with foreign governments; and the old-fashioned detective work that finally led to Regan's capture.
Tickets: $10. Register at www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 8 March 2017, noon - Washington, DC - The Spies of Palestine: Love, Betrayal, and the Heroic Life of Sarah Aaronsohn
Sarah Aaronsohn was born as part of the first wave of Jewish immigrants who fled the pogroms of Russia and Eastern Europe in the 1880s, settling in the province of Syria-Palestine. By the outbreak of WWI, her family was one of the area's most prominent. Join author James Srodes as he discusses his newest book which describes how the Aaronsohns came to side with the Allied forces and form the NILI espionage organization to spy against the Turkish Army. Late in the war, Sarah assumed command of the spy network as their penetration of the Turkish Army reached a critical juncture. The intelligence gathered by NILI was crucial for the British in liberating Palestine, the first dramatic Allied victory; and Sarah's tragic end would prove important in holding the Allied victors to their promises of a new Jewish state.
Free. No registration required.
Thursday, 9 March 2017, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - The AFIO Arizona Chapter hosts SAC Thomas G. Atteberry, ATF, on "Reestablishing stability in the Phoenix Field Division, following the 'Fast and Furious' Investigation."
Thomas G. Atteberry, Special Agent in Charge, Phoenix Field Division, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), will discuss "Reestablishing stability in the Phoenix Field Division, following "Fast and Furious Investigation."
Location: Best Western Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E Butherus Avenue, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Fee: $18 pp.
RSVP to simone@afioaz.org or simone@4smartphone.net or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016. If you are bringing a guest please also send the full name of that person.
Reminder: The chapter needs your RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time. WE ARE charged for the no-show. BADGES: if you do not have a badge supplied by the chapter from prior events, email simone@afioaz.org with the information you would like on your badge (Full Name and Past Career Title/Affiliated Organization ~ should you wish). The cost for a badge with a magnetic strip is $5.
Saturday, March 11, 2:30pm-4:30pm - Washington, DC - Harry Potter and the Art of Spying: Young Agent Edition - at the International Spy Museum.
Do you have young children interested in an intelligence career, and still have an interest in Harry Potter-themed children's books? The Spy Museum is Calling all Potterheads! "Spy novelist" Lynn Boughey and former CIA agent Peter Earnest are back with a new edition of their book, Harry Potter and the Art of Spying: Young Agent Edition. Join the authors for an in-store book signing and uncover all the lessons and tricks any Harry Potter fan might want to know to become a secret-agent-in-training. The first edition of Harry Potter and the Art of Spying revealed spycraft in the Harry Potter series. In the Young Agent Edition, the authors provide an introduction to the code-breaking and intelligence-gathering, bringing these skills to life for younger readers with fun facts, mazes, matching games, crosswords, and many other Potter-inspired activities. Illustrated by Kevin Cannon, Harry Potter and the Art of Spying: Young Agent Edition is a suitable book for kids who are interested in Harry Potter-themed material. Advance copies for sale at the Spy Store. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, March 16, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Sandy Grimes - at the International Spy Museum
The Spy Museum Store hosts "Meet A Spy" - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally. Sandy Grimes is a highly-regarded, longtime veteran of the CIA's clandestine service who - along with her colleague Jeanne Vertefeuille - helped capture Aldrich Ames, the infamous CIA officer turned traitor. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 16 March 2017, 11:30 am - Colorado Springs, CO - AFIO's Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Capt Steve Maffeo USNR(Ret) on "U.S. Navy Codebreakers, Linguists, and Intelligence Officers against Japan."
Captain Steve Maffeo USNR(Ret) speaks on "U.S. Navy Codebreakers, Linguists, and Intelligence Officers against Japan: 1910-1941" which is based on 59 short biographies of people who were key to the sea services' preparation for fighting the Japanese Empire when World War II broke out, and whose advance work proved crucial. These intelligence pioneers invented techniques, procedures, and equipment from scratch, not only allowing the U.S. to hold its own in the Pacific despite the loss of much of its fleet at Pearl Harbor, but also laying the foundation for today's intelligence methods and agencies.
Our speaker, Captain Steve Maffeo USNR Ret., recently retired as the associate director from the USAFA Library. He served in the Colorado Army National Guard (Signal Corps), and in U.S. naval intelligence, from 1978 until 2008. He commanded three naval reserve/joint service intelligence units. His last navy assignment was teaching the history of intelligence at the NDIC. He has published four books dealing with naval history and the history of intelligence. RSVP or for more information, contact Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net.
Thursday, 16 March 2017 (6-8pm) - Alexandria, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Leadership Intelligence Speaker Series This Month: Driving Entrepreneurial Success
Jim Kelly, PRESIDENT & CEO of Invictus International Consulting, CDR, USN (Ret) (Intelligence Officer). Jim is a retired U.S. Navy Officer with over 35 years of experience in the National Security Arena. Since retiring from a successful Navy career in 1997, Jim has successfully built, managed and sold two small businesses. Invictus , Jim's 3rd company, specializes in providing cyber security assessments and services to both U.S. Government and Commercial clients. Invictus has been in business only 2.5 years and has grown rapidly. Invictus now employs more than 70 people in 4 different countries and in 9 different states in the U.S.
Location: Sonoma Cellar, 207 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
6 PM (Private Room Upstairs) - Remarks by our Speaker. 6:30-8 PM Social hour continues. Cash bar with an exceptional Wine, Beer, and Food menu. Open to All members and non-members. No RSVP Required. Dress: Smart Casual
Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 11:30 a.m. - McLean, VA - DIF Forum features SSA Tom O'Connor and SA Jean O'Connor on Terrorism Issues
The Defense Intelligence Forum (DIF/DIAA) luncheon features SSA Tom O'Connor and SA Jean O'Connor will speak on Terrorism Issues. SSA Tom O'Connor is a distinguished FBI Agent with a long career in local and Federal Law Enforcement. As an FBI Agent for about the past 20 years he has served internationally and domestically on a number of different cases and is a Terrorism expert. He is an expert on Lone Wolf Terrorism and International Terrorism. He has served in many areas to include on the ground at 9/11, and on the ground in Afghanistan. Tom is the President of the FBI Agent Association. SA Jean O'Connor is the Senior Team Leader for the FBI Evidence Response Team at the Washington Field Office. The attribution for this presentation will be provided at the beginning of the presentation
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA
Fee: Pay at the door with a check for $29 payable to DIAA, Inc. Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; credit card payments are discouraged.
Registration starts at 1130 AM, lunch at 1200 PM
RSVP: Make reservations by 21 March 2017 to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among Chicken Parmesan, Trout Limone, Grilled Sausages with Sweet Peppers, Lasagna, Manicotti with Spinach and Ricotta, Cannelloni Alla Bolognese, or Fettuccini with Portabella for your luncheon selection. Please provide your luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your food.
Thursday, 23 March 2017 - Austin,
TX - Intelligence in Defense of the Homeland: A Symposium by the
Intelligence Studies Project and the Business Executives for National
The Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) and Business Executives for
National Security are pleased to announce a symposium, "Intelligence in
Defense of the Homeland," at the Etter-Harbin
Alumni Center on the campus of UT Austin.
"Intelligence in Defense of the Homeland" is designed to promote an
exchange of well-informed views on the challenges our intelligence and law
enforcement agencies face in detecting and disrupting attacks inside the
U.S. by violent extremists. Keynote speakers are James Comey, the Director
of the FBI and Thomas Bossert, the Assistant to the President for Homeland
Security and Counterterrorism. Other speakers are: Stephen Slick, Intelligence Studies Project Director; Bruce Hoffman, Peter Bergen, Ben Wittes, Robert Chesney, Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, president of BENS.
The Symposium is free and open to the public, however, advance
registration is required for each session. Please click
here to complete your registration and reserve your ticket(s).
NOTE: Advance registration does not guarantee admission. Please plan to
arrive early to secure your seat!
This event is co-sponsored by the Robert Strauss Center for International
Security and Law, the Clements Center for National Security, and the LBJ
School of Public Affairs. Please visit the Intelligence
Studies Project website for more information about ISP and its
Wednesday, 29 March 2017, 10am - 1pm - Annapolis Junction, MD - Stephen Budiansky discusses A New Perspective on NSA's Covert Activities at this NCMF spring program. Complex Russian Ciphers, Snowden, Turf Battles, Lies, Coverups,
and Secrecy.
 Please join National
Cryptologic Museum Foundation friends and colleagues welcoming Stephen
Budiansky acclaimed author, journalist, and historian
of cryptology, speaking
on "A New Perspective on NSA's Covert Activities."[To immediately register, click on image above]
A book signing of Mr. Budiansky's book Code Warriors: NSA's
Codebreakers and the Secret Intelligence War Against the Soviet
Union follows his presentation and lunch follows that at
Mr. Budiansky will speak about his latest book (noted above) that draws on an array of recently declassified documents to explore the NSA's long SIGINT struggle against the Soviets, and traces the historical forces behind the intelligence controversies making headlines today. Mr. Budiansky is the author of numerous books of military and
intelligence history, science and biography including Battle
of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War II and Blackett's War. He is the former foreign editor and
deputy editor of US News & World Report, and
former Washington editor of the scientific journal Nature,
and a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal's
book review pages. You will not want to miss this program that
draws on an array of recently declassified documents to explore
the NSA's long SIGINT struggle against the Soviets and to trace
the historical forces behind the intelligence controversies making
headlines today.
Where: CACI, Inc. located at 2720 Technology
Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701, Tel 301-575-3200. Directions
and Map here. Click "directions" to get driving guidance.
RSVP NOW: register online here or mail registration fee of $20 (members)
or $50 (guests, includes one-year membership) to NCMF, PO Box
1682, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-9998. Please register prior to 23 March to ensure space available.
Wednesday, March 29, 6:45pm-8:15pm - Washington, DC - Deep Undercover with Jack Barsky - at S. Dillon Ripley Center.
What happens when a Soviet spy decides his American life is the best fit? Join former KGB spy, Jack Barsky, and International Spy Museum Curator and Historian Dr. Vince Houghton, for a discussion of Barsky's double life as an American businessman who was really an East German spy for the Soviets in the 1980s. Barksy's new book Deep Undercover: My Secret Life & Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America will be available for sale and signing after the talk. This event is co-sponsored by the Smithsonian Associates and will be held at the Smithsonian Institution (S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW). Tickets for the general public: $30, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $20. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 30 March 2017, 12:30 - 2pm - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO LA Chapter hosts Phil Pressel on "The Hexagon KH-9 Spy Satellite Program."
AFIO LA hosts guest speaker Phil Pressel will be speaking on the subject of the Hexagon KH-9 spy satellite program. Phil worked for 30 years for the Perkin-Elmer Corporation in Connecticut and was responsible for the design of the Hexagon's stereo cameras. It was the last film based spy satellite. The Hexagon satellite was acknowledged to have been an invaluable asset providing intelligence information for security agencies and the military. It was responsible for President Nixon signing the SALT treaty and allowed President Reagan to say, "trust but verify" what the Russians were doing. The program was declassified by the NRO in 2011.
Location: LAPD-ARTC 5651 W Manchester Ave, L.A. CA 90045 ROOM 1G
To RSVP, email Vince at AFIO_LA@yahoo.com.
Thursday, March 30, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - Beware of the Predator: In-Store Book Signing with Warren D. Holston - at the International Spy Museum.
Meet at the Spy Museum bookstore and meet author/career CIA Technical Operations officer, Warren D. Holston, and Intel analyst/contributing author, Dave White. Holston worked throughout the IC, DOD, and defense industry for more than 30 years and was awarded the CIA's Intelligence Commendation Medal and the Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal. White worked for the USG in a broad range of roles and missions within the Intelligence and Defense Communities for almost 30 years, including serving as a Deputy Senior Operations Officer and Identity Intelligence Analyst at the NCTC and as a biometrics technology consultant in the IC. Their latest book, Beware The Predator, is an easy-to-read guide for anyone who wants to raise their security awareness and defensive posture. This book will help you understand how to protect yourself, your family and business from criminal predators, corporate intrusion, and State sponsored spying. Whether you are a corporate or government executive, a high-net-worth individual, or someone simply concerned about identity theft and personal safety, you should be aware of the vulnerabilities to your personal data and predatory attacks against your assets and relationships. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
30 March - 1 April 2017 - Washington, DC - Joint Conference on "Creating and Challenging the Transatlantic Intelligence Community"
The Woodrow Wilson Center, the German Historical Institute, and the Intenational Intelligence History Association are delighted to invite you to the jointly organized conference on "Creating and Challenging the Transatlantic Intelligence Community".
Please register for the conference by email to the IIHA Executive Director at exec_director@intelligence-history.org before 23 March 2017.
The conference fee is 150 EUR / 165 US-Dollar, 110 EUR / 120 US-Dollar for IIHA members and 75 EUR / 80 US-Dollar for students.
This includes dinners on Thursday and Friday as well as coffee breaks during the conference and a snack lunch on Saturday.
Please register for the conference by email to the IIHA Executive Director at exec_director@intelligence-history.org before 23 March 2017.
Thursday, 30 March 2017, 6:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - The Mysterious Disappearance of Jim Thompson, "The Silk King of Thailand" - at the Textile Museum
When Jim Thompson vanished 50 years ago, he was the best-known American in Thailand. Rumors still swirl around his disappearance. Thompson had set up the Bangkok OSS office and later served as a CIA asset in Thailand, but it was his beautiful Thai silk that made him famous. He revitalized the industry, amassed a huge art collection, and built a magnificent house from traditional Thai homes to showcase his precious objects. So what could have happened in March of 1967, when he went for a short walk in the high jungles of Malaysia? Why were the CIA, DOS, US Army, and FBI involved in the massive search? Join Dr. Llewellyn Toulmin, the co-founder of Missing Aircraft Search Team, as he analyzes the case from a scientific search and rescue point of view, discusses Thompson's CIA connections, and suggests a solution to this 50-year-old famous mystery.
Tickets: $10. Contact Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org for tickets.
April 2017
Wednesday, 5 April 2017, 7 p.m. - Atlanta, GA - AFIO-Atlanta Chapter and the Harvard Club Host Dinner & Drinks with a Spy: Jack Barsky, Former KGB.
 The AFIO-Atlanta Chapter is co-sponsoring with the Harvard Club of Atlanta a "Dinner & Drinks with a Spy": the spy in question is Jack Barsky, former KGB.
Jack Barsky - who could have stepped right out of the FX Network series The Americans (on Russian illegals, which he was) - has published a book being released today: Deep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America. Barsky will provide a presentation, entertain questions, and have dinner with us.
A fine review of Barsky's book should whet your appetite to attend. It is by AFIO member/GA Tech Professor Kristie Macrakis and at this link.
Location: Manuel's Tavern, 602 N Highland Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307; (404) 525-3447 (tavern).
Fee: Entrance free, buy your own dinner/drinks.
RSVP macrakis@gatech.edu to assure space.
5 April 2017 (Wednesday), 11:30 am - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO "Andre LeGallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Brigadier General Roderick Macdonald on "The Falklands Conflict 35 Years On."
Brig Gen Roderick "Rod" Macdonald discusses the "The Falklands Conflict 35 years On." at this April meeting of the AFIO "Andre LeGallo" San Francisco Chapter. The Falklands War from 2April to 14 June 1982 was the largest air sea battle since World War II. British forces launched the longest amphibious operation in history, sailing 8,000 miles to retake the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic, invaded and occupied illegally by over 10,000 Argentine soldiers and Marines. Retired British Army Brigadier General Roderick Macdonald will give a personal overview of the campaign.
Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080. 11:30AM no host cocktail; meeting and luncheon at noon.
RSVP: Eventbrite registration link is here. Reservation and
pre-payment is required before 26 March 2017. The venue cannot accommodate
walk-ins. Contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com or Mariko Kawaguchi, c/o AFIO, PO Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011 with
your questions.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017, noon - MacDill AFB - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts Dr. Mudhafar Amin on "Iraqi and Regional Affairs from view of a former member of Iraq's Foreign Service."
Dr. Mudhafar A. Amin will be offering insights on Iraqi and regional affairs from his perspective as a history and political science scholar and former senior member of Iraq's Foreign Service. We will also be honoring several WWII veterans living in Tampa Bay as well as holding elections for Chapter officers.
Location: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Boulevard, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
Fee: $20, payable at the door by cash or check, for lunch.
RSVP or more info: Chapter Secretary michaels@suncoastafio.org for more information or to make a reservation. Deadline: Tuesday, 4 April 2017.
Thursday, 13 April 2017, noon - 2 pm - AVM Peter Alan Clement CSC, Head Australian Defence Staff on Australian Contribution to the Fight Against Terrorism
The Washington Sub-Branch of the Returned & Services League of Australia luncheon at the Australian Embassy features AVM Peter Alan Clements CSC, Head Australian Defence Staff - Washington, discussing the Gloster Meteor and the Australian contribution to the fight against terrorism.
Air Commodore Clements operational deployments include Chief of Staff of the National Command Headquarters for Operation SLIPPER in 2002 and air operations Battle Director of the Middle East area in the USAF CAOC (Al Udeid) in the first half of 2010. On promotion to Air Commodore in October of 2011 he was posted to Director General Force Structure Review. He was appointed as the Commandant of the Australian Defence Force Academy in December 2013 finishing in December 2016. For his achievements in this role he was awarded a Conspicuous Service Cross in the 2016 Queen's Birthday Honours List. He was promoted to Air Vice Marshal on 06 January 2017 and took up his current role as Head Australian Defence Staff on 13 January 2017.
Where: Amenities Room, Embassy of Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
Charge - $15, including buffet lunch and sodas. Alcoholic beverages- $2 each. Attire: Business casual.
RSVP by noon on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 to David Ward at 202-352-8550 or via e-mail to dmward1973@gmail.com NOTE: Valid photo ID required. Parking: While there is no parking at the Embassy, paid, off street parking is available behind and under the Airline Pilots Association- 17th and Mass, and at 15th and Mass (1240 15th St). On street two hour metered parking also available.
18 April 2017 - Arlington, VA - NIP 2017 Spring Red Tie Luncheon features Admiral Bobby R. Inman,former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Director of the National Security Agency and Director of Naval Intelligence
The Naval Intelligence Professionals Spring 2017 Red Tie Luncheon welcomes legendary retired Admiral Bobby R. Inman to share his thoughts and impressions of the challenges facing our Navy and Nation now and in the turbulent years to come. His unique insights from the summit of the IC during the long Cold War with the Soviets are a particularly rich resource as the Russian Bear once more swims to sea.
Naval Intelligence has never been more relevant against a sea of emerging threats - be part of the coming renaissance of America's oldest continuously serving intelligence service!
We return to the Army Navy Country Club (ANCC), near Suitland, Maryland, and minutes from the Pentagon in Arlington. There is abundant, free valet parking. Registration ends on 11 April 2017. Fee: $59 pp; Table of 8 for $470. Register here.
Wednesday, 19 April 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - "Three Minutes to Doomsday" - at the International Spy Museum
Imagine tangling with a spy who eventually succeeded in making the US defenseless against a nuclear attack. When former FBI agent Joe Navarro, an expert in analyzing body language, embarked on a routine assignment in August 1988 to interview "person of interest" Roderick James Ramsay regarding his association with a known traitor, he couldn't know that it would be the beginning of an all-consuming battle of wits at the highest level. In connection with his new book, Three Minutes to Doomsday, Navarro will share his personal memories of being pitted against Ramsay, an ex-soldier who possessed the second highest IQ ever recorded by the US Army. And Navarro had to contend with Ramsay's photographic memory, which allowed him to vacuum up vast amounts of top-secret information to be sold to the Soviet Union. The book will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets: $10. Register at www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 20 April 2017, 6:30 PM - Michigan - The AFIO Michigan Chapter hosts SSA David A. Fluitt, FBI, discussing counterintelligence and counterproliferation issues.
The AFIO "Johnny Micheal Spann" Memorial Chapter hosts David A. Fluitt Counterintelligence Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) with the Detroit FBI and also serves as the counterintelligence and counterproliferation Program Coordinator within the state of Michigan. Speaker: David Fluitt, Counterintelligence Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) with the Detroit FBI Location: Contact us for information on meeting location Send inquiries to afio.secretary@afiomichigan.org or visit their website at www.afiomichigan.org.
Thursday, 20 April 2017 (6-8pm) - Alexandria, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for April features Dave McMunn on "Seizing Transitions as Opportunities."
Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for April features Dave McMunn on "Seizing Transitions as Opportunities."
Where: Sonoma Cellar 207 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314 Times: 6 PM (Private Room Upstairs) - Remarks by our Speaker 6:30-8 PM Social hour continues. Cash bar with an exceptional Wine, Beer, and Food menu. Open to All members and non-members. No RSVP Required. Dress: Smart Casual.
22 April 2017, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - The AFIO Maine Chapter hosts CIA Operations Officer/COS - Gerry Gossens - on "Peace in the Middle East?"
The next meeting of AFIO's Maine Chapter features Gerry Gossens, a veteran CIA clandestine operative, who will review chances of peace in the Middle East. He is a former CIA station chief in six different countries, and will discuss current geopolitical landscapes from Iraq to the Congo. Gerry Gossens graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and was commissioned by the U.S. Air Force. He went on to become a pilot and intelligence officer in the Strategic Air Command. Next he was recruited by the CIA for clandestine service and served in Beirut, the Congo, Tunisia, Guinea, South Africa, Zambia, and Paris. Later in civilian life he was involved in politics and served two terms each in the Senate and House of Representatives in Vermont.
No registration required. The chapter meeting is open to the public and begins at 2 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane St. in Kennebunk. A question and answer period will follow the presentation.
Saturday, 22 April 2017, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - Allan Topol: "The Italian Divide" - at the International Spy Museum
The Spy Museum's Spy Store is hosting a signing of the novel, The Italian Divide, by Allan Topol. The book follows former CIA Director Craig Page in his investigation into a murder of friend and sponsor, prominent Italian banker Frederico Castiglione. He suspects foul play. With the help of Elizabeth Crowder, CIA director Betty Richards, and director of EU Counter Terrorism Giuseppe, Craig discovers a complicated web of mysterious political and financial takeovers across Italy, all linked back to Craig's sworn enemy, Zhou Yun, and Roberto Parelli. Allan is the author of ten novels of international intrigue. Two of them, Spy Dance and Enemy of My Enemy, were bestsellers, and many of his works appear in Japanese, Portuguese, and Hebrew editions. Event is free. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 28 April 2017, 11-2pm - Washington, DC - Penny Warner: Code Busters Club at the International Spy Museum
FOR YOUNG CHILDREN: Calling all Code Busters! The club is coming to the International Spy Museum Store. Join author Penny Warner for some code-cracking fun. Get a signed copy of The Code Busters Club, and take home a Top Secret Decoder Cards! Event is free. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
May 2017
Monday, 1 May 2017, 6 pm - New York, NY - The NY Metro Chapter Meeting features Dr. Robert Jervis on "Can We Do Intelligence Analysis Better? A View From a Complex Systems and 'Black Swan' Expert."
Robert Jervis, PhD is Stevenson Professor of International Affairs at Columbia University, and was the recipient of the 1990 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for "Ideas Improving World Order." He is an expert on the complexities of systems, politics, intelligence, and human nature and competing values. The ideal speaker for the chapter (and the country) at this time. So you will not want to miss this presentation.
Jervis held appointments at the University of California at Los Angeles and Harvard University. In 2000-2001, he served as President of the American Political Science Association. Professor Jervis is co-editor of the "Cornell Studies in Security Affairs," a series published by Cornell University Press, and a member of numerous editorial review boards for scholarly journals. His publications include Perception and Misperception in International Politics, The Meaning of the Nuclear Revolution, System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life, American Foreign Policy in a New Era, and Why Intelligence Fails: Lessons from the Fall of the Shah and Iraqi WMD, and several edited volumes and numerous articles in scholarly journals.
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St, New York, NY 10065.
RSVP Chapter President Jerry Goodwin at afiometro@gmail.com.
4 May 2017, 6 pm - Atlanta, GA - The AFIO Atlanta Chapter holds "First Thursday Social: Cocktails and Cigars at the Club at Chops."
Please join us as we convene for cocktails and cigars at the Club at Chops (70 West Paces Ferry Road, NW, in Buckhead next to the St. Regis Hotel).
Cost: Free for members and special guests, but we respectfully request that attendees purchase food, a drink, or a cigar from the hosting establishment, and tip generously (15% - 20%).
If you can attend, RSVP to AFIO Atlanta Membership Chair Dr. Patrick Barton at av8rp@comcast.net. (You can read about the Club at Chops here).
Thursday, 4 May 2017, noon - 2 pm - For CIA and Special Forces Officer CWO(4) James Stejskal USA Rtd., discusses Special Forces Berlin: Clandestine Cold War Operations of the US Army's Elite, 1956–1990 at the Australian Embassy
The Washington Sub-Branch of the Returned & Services League of Australia luncheon at the Australian Embassy features CWO (4) James Stejskal USA Rtd., discussing his new book: Special Forces Berlin: Clandestine Cold War Operations of the US Army's Elite, 1956–1990.
James Stejskal hails from the Great Plains of Nebraska. After a short stint at the University of Nebraska he enlisted in the US Army. First training as an airborne infantryman and serving with the 82nd Airborne, he then qualified for Special Forces and successfully completed the arduous "Q" Course to win his "Green Beret." He served with US Army Special Forces in many "interesting places" worldwide, including Germany, the Balkans, the Middle East, and Africa before retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CWO4) after 23 years. But the adventure was only just starting... He then worked as a security consultant for a US NGO in central Africa during the Rwandan insurgency and second Congo War. In the last century, he was recruited by CIS and served as a senior case officer in Africa, Europe, and the Far East before retiring again. He is now a military historian
Where –Amenities Room, Embassy of Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
Charge - $15, including buffet lunch and sodas. Alcoholic beverages- $2 each. Attire: Business casual.
RSVP by noon on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 to David Ward at 202-352-8550 or via e-mail to dmward1973@gmail.com NOTE: Valid photo ID required. Parking: While there is no parking at the Embassy, paid, off street parking is available behind and under the Airline Pilots Association- 17th and Mass, and, at 15th and Mass (1240 15th St). On street two hour metered parking also available.
Thursday, 4 May 2017, 7 pm - Washington, DC - 2017 Night of Heroes Gala - PenFed Foundation
You are cordially invited to join the PenFed Foundation, our partners and friends, Thursday, 4 May 2017, as we honor those who lead the way in supporting our military and veterans. All proceeds benefit the PenFed Foundation, helping members of the military secure the financial future they deserve.
Location: Trump™ International Hotel, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, D.C.
VIP Sponsor Reception - 5:30 pm; General Reception - 6:00 pm; Dinner - 7:00 pm Black Tie
Please respond by 21 April 2017.
For more information and to RSVP online, do so here.
Thursday, 4 May 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Star Wars or Spy Wars: Who Needs the Force When You Have Good Intel? - at the International Spy Museum
Location: Long ago in a galaxy far, far away; Operative: Leia Organa; Works for: the Rebel Alliance; Mission: Scientific and technological espionage; Cover: Diplomatic; Target: Death Star Plans. From the moment Leia receives the stolen plans and conceals them within R2-D2 to the surprise intel that Finn provides from his stint in sanitation the importance of inside and secret information in Star Wars is essential. Infiltration, deception, resistance movements, sabotage, disguise are all featured. Is Star Wars the ultimate spy movie series? Spy Museum historian, Dr. Vince Houghton thinks so. Join him for a deep dive into the espionage themes that run through the series and are a central part of Rogue One. He'll even share rumors about the upcoming Episode VIII and you may get to mingle with a few of your favorite characters. Tickets for the general public: $15, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $12. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 6 May 2017, 11 am - 3 pm - Orange Park, FL - The North Florida AFIO Chapter hosts former CIA Officer Dr Edward Mickolus on "Coercive Intelligence, including EIT."
On May 6 our presenter will be one of our own. Compatriot Edward F. Mickolus, PhD who will be speaking on "Coercive Intelligence, including EIT (Enhanced Interrogation Techniques)."
Mickolus received his A.B. at Georgetown University, and Ph.D. at Yale. He served 33 years at the CIA in analysis, operations, management, recruiting and public affairs. His 31 books include a series of multi-volume chronologies and biographies on international terrorism; including many articles and reviews in journals and newspapers. He served as editor of CIA's internal publication, "What's New at CIA" from 1994-2005. For the last seven years, he has been a senior instructor for SAIC and its spinoff Leidos. Inc. He currently serves teaches at the University of North Florida.
AGENDA: 11-noon Social Hour; noon-12:05 Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation; 12:05-12:15 Intro of guests & new members; 12:15-1 Lunch; 1:00-1:15 break; 1:15-2 presentation by Dr. Edward F. Mickolus, CIA (Ret.); 2-3 Chapter business.
RSVP to Ken Meyer kemeyer123@att.net or call at 904-777-2050. Cost: $24 per person; pay Club at the luncheon. Family and guests, especially potential members, are all cordially invited.
Sunday, 07 May 2017 - 2 - 5:30p - Warrenton, VA - Stasi Prisoner, Soviet Prisoner: Former Prisoners Tell You What It Was Like - a presentation by The Cold War Museum
"Inside Their Walls and in Their Power: Former Intelligence Professionals Who Were Stasi and Soviet Prisoners tell you What It Looked and Felt Like" is the program on this Sunday event being held by the Cold War Museum in cooperation with Old Bust Head Brewing Company, invites you to attend a presentation by Werner Juretzko; Francis Gary Powers, Jr.; and Chris Sturdevant This is the fourth in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum in cooperation with Vint Hill entitiesThe Juretzko-Powers, Jr.-Sturdevant presentation will occur at the Brewery, followed by a visit to the Cold War Museum (across from the Brewery). Cost: $35 (advance sales online), which covers the presentation with Q&A, a $7 coupon for the Brewery's craft beers or other beverages, a $20 contribution to the Cold War Museum, and special access to the Museum (directly across from the Brewery) for event participants following the presentation. $45 at the door (if there are any seats available.)
Location: Old Bust Head Brewing Company, 7134 Farm Station Road, Vint Hill, VA 20187, and the Cold War Museum, 7142 Lineweaver Road, Vint Hill, VA 20187.
Monday, 8 May thru Sunday, 14 May 2017, all day - Washington, DC - Free Admission for Teachers! at the International Spy Museum
The Spy Museum celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week. It's no secret, we love teachers! In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, show your school ID and enjoy free admission to the Museum + 20% off at the Spy Store! Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update - at the International Spy Museum
Learn the latest intelligence news from David Major, retired supervisory special agent of the FBI and former director of Counterintelligence and Security Programs at the NSC staff at the White House, for his briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre's SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
11 May 2017, 6:30 pm - Atlanta, GA - The AFIO Atlanta Chapter hosts Dr. Harvey Klehr - on "From Russia with Love - Soviet Agent Turned Bond Consultant: The Career of Joseph Katz."
Join us as AFIO Atlanta member Dr. Harvey Klehr -- one of the country's foremost historians on Soviet espionage against the United States in the 20th century — presents on his recent article in Commentary magazine (available here). Moderated by Dr. Eddie Mienie, Executive Director for Strategic Studies and Partnerships at the University of North Georgia, The Military College of Georgia.
Program begins at 6:30 pm at Emory University School of Law, Gambrell Hall, First Floor, Classroom 1B (1301 Clifton Road, Atlanta, Georgia).
Cost: Free for members and special guests. RSVP: AFIO Atlanta President Brian Hooper at bhooper@wcsr.com or 404.879.2440.
12 May 2017 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO National Spring Luncheon features NYTimes Washington Correspondent David Sanger on "Terrorism, Secret Wars, Nuclear Proliferation, and the Use of American Power," and Author Eva Dillon on "Living Life Undercover in a CIA Family"
David E. Sanger,
Chief Washington Correspondent for the New York Times,
speaks on "Terrorism, Secret Wars, Nuclear Proliferation, and
the Use of American Power." His address starts at 1 p.m.
The 11
a.m. speaker is Eva Dillon, author and magazine
publisher, on Spies in the Family: An American Spymaster, His
Russian Crown Jewel, and the Friendship That Helped End the Cold
War and join AFIO as we welcome and thank Marina, the granddaughter of Gen Polyakov
present with us at this special event. It is an engaging true-life memoir, of her CIA father, Paul Dillon, and the GRU officer who became a CIA agent whom her father handled - the highest ranking, longest serving asset the US had during the Cold War. It is also a memoir about both families growing up unknowingly as the children of spies.
"A beautifully written, profoundly moving account of one of the most important U.S Intelligence sources ever run inside the Soviet Union. A cliff-hanger from beginning to end, Dillon's account is filled with espionage tradecraft and family drama - essential reading for intelligence professionals, memoir enthusiasts, and anyone fascinated by how spying really works." -- Peter Earnest, Executive Director, International Spy Museum
Event location the Crowne Plaza (soon to be renamed DoubleTree-Hilton),
Tysons Corner, VA, at 1960 Chain Bridge Rd,
McLean, VA 22102.
Registration is here. Do so now to assure seating.
13 May 2017, 11:30 am - Patrick AFB, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Alexander Penalta, J.D. on "Civilian Drone Operations: The Threat Over the Horizon."
The guest speaker at this Florida Satellite Chapter meeting will be Alexander Penalta, Esquire (Juris Doctor), on "Civilian Drone Operations: The Threat Over the Horizon in the Age of Counterterrorism."
Attorney Penalta is an American Business Litigation and Aviation Lawyer, fluent in English and Spanish, licensed to practice in Florida and Washington, DC, with offices throughout North and South Florida. He currently serves as Chief Counsel at the The Penalta Law Firm (www.penaltalaw.com) and is a partner member of FBI Infragard.
Penalta's presentation will be followed by Q&A by Dr. Joseph Finley Ph.D., a former FBI Special Agent, on "ISIS Terror Tactics."
Location: The Tides, 1001 N. Hwy A1A, Bldg #967, Patrick AFB, FL 32925
Times: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Social Hour, greet old, new members and guests (limited cash bar – honor system); 12:15 PM: Sit-Down lunch To Attend: Prepaid reservations are required which must be received by 5 May 2017. To reserve, send check ($25 member; $28 guests) and meal choice (Marinated Beef Flank Steak (B); Twin Seared Chicken Breast w/Artichoke and Caper Sauce (C) Vegetarian/vegan available) to: FSC Chapter President at afiofsc@afio.com.
16 May 2017, 11:30 am - 2 pm - McLean, VA - Defense Intelligence Forum hears from former FBI Special Agent Gary Harter on "The Insider Threat and Cyber Security."
The Defense Intelligence Forum (DIA Alumni Association) hears from former FBI Special Agent Gary Harter on "The Insider Threat and Cyber Security." Mr. Harter served 30 years with FBI. Most of this time was spenton various cases of insider threats. Attribution for this presentation will be provided at the beginning of the presentation to ensure a complete understanding of how the presented information should be handled
Event location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA.
Registration starts at 1130 AM, lunch at noon.
Make reservations by 16 May 2017 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses for self and guests. Choose Chicken Parmesan, Trout Lemone , Grilled Sausage with Sweet Peppers, Lasagna, Manicotti with Spinach and Ricotta, Cannelloni alla Bolognese, or Fettuccini with Portobello. Provide your luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your food. Pay online with a credit card or at the door with a check for $30 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc. Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments are discouraged.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 7-10pm - Washington, DC - Dinner with Spies: An Evening with N. John MacGaffin III and William Ross Newland III - at the International Spy Museum
What's it like to be a CIA Chief of Station? To manage all the CIA's operations in a country that may not be too happy with your work if you are discovered? Does it take nerves of steel? A brilliant mind? Or a good sense of humor? Possibly all of the above, if you judge by tonight's guests of honor: John MacGaffin and Ross Newland. These intelligence experts have nearly 60 years of CIA service between them. Their extraordinary intelligence careers have taken them to some of the most interesting and tension filled places in the world. Of their many overseas assignments, MacGaffin had four postings as chief of station, primarily in the Middle East; and Newland had three including Bucharest and Havana. Although some of their toughest assignments were at home forging relationships between the CIA and FBI, and the CIA and the US military. At this spirited dinner, you'll discover the reality behind a job that is frequently featured in films and television - MacGaffin serves as an advisor to the Homeland series! You will be one of only twenty guests at The Riggsby for this delicious four-course dinner of upscale American cuisine with European influences. Tickets for the general public: $225, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $200. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 18 May 2017 (6-8pm) - Alexandria, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for May features Sam Cox on topic TBA.
Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for May features Sam Cox on topic TBA.
Where: Sonoma Cellar 207 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314 Times: 6 PM (Private Room Upstairs) - Remarks by our Speaker 6:30-8 PM Social hour continues. Cash bar with an exceptional Wine, Beer, and Food menu. Open to All members and non-members. No RSVP Required. Dress: Smart Casual.
Thursday, 18 May 2017, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. William E. Berry, discussing "North Korea's Nuclear Weapons and Missile Program."
Dr. William E. Berry, Jr. is currently an independent consultant specializing in East Asian security issues after retiring from the Air Force as a colonel in 1997. During his military career, he served in Vietnam, the Philippines, Korea, and Malaysia where he was the air attaché from 1990-1993. He also taught at the Air Force Academy, the National War College, and the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and was the senior military professor and chair of the Academy's Department of Political Science toward the end of his career. Dr. Berry completed his most recent book entitled Global Security Watch-Korea, published by Praeger/Greenwood Press in March 2008.
The presentation will begin with a review of how the Kim dynasty in North Korea has endured from 1948 to the present, passing from father (Kim Il Sung 1948-1994) to son (Kim Jong Il (1994-2011) to grandson (Kim Jong Un 2011-present) despite widespread famine, malnutrition, and other inhumane sufferings of the North Korean people. It will then proceed to detail the North Korean nuclear weapons programs and the development of missile delivery systems.
The nuclear program started in the 1980s with a graphite reactor provided by the Soviets with a demand that NK join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In the early 2000s the US accused NK of developing a covert highly enriched uranium program. NK withdrew from the NPT and probably produced about 50 warheads. Some 5 underground tests were conducted with increasing yields. Three tests occurred under the regime of the current Kim Jong Un.
A missile delivery system has also been developed, resulting in more than 20 intermediate range missile tests in 2016. There are plans for Intercontinental ballistic missiles. There are still technological issues with miniaturization and hardening, fitting warhead to missile and surviving reentry into the atmosphere, guidance systems etc. But the regime is extremely serious in further development.
The presentation will conclude with an examination of possible rationales for the decision of the Kims to expend scarce economic resources to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems.
For details, please RSVP to Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net.
Thursday, 25 May 2017 10 am - 11:30 am - Fort Meade, MD - National Cryptologic Museum's Schorreck Lecture: "Codebreaking and the Battle of Midway" with Author/Historian Elliot Carlson
2017 Henry F. Schorreck Lecture Speaker Series features Elliot Carlson, author of the celebrated biography of CMDR Joseph Rochefort (cryptologic hero of the Battle of Midway) featured in Carlson's Joe Rochefort's War: The Odyssey of the Codebreaker Who Outwitted Yamamoto at Midway. Carlson's talk will be "Codebreaking and the Battle of Midway: When Cryptanalysis Came of Age."
On 3-7 June 1942, the US defeated Japan in the Battle of Midway, one of the most decisive battles in world history. The battle regained the initiative in the Pacific for the US after its setback at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 while placing Japan on the strategic defensive from which it never fully recovered. On the 75th Anniversary of this US naval victory, Carlson discusses the pivotal role that intelligence played in it. In particular, the breaking of JN-25, the Japanese Imperial Fleet's operational code, by codebreakers at Station Hypo in Hawaii led by CMDR Joseph Rochefort USN.
Carlson holds degrees from Stanford University (MA) and the University of Oregon (BS); he lives with his wife in Silver Spring, MD.
RSVP: Advaned registration required since this popular NCM Schorreck Lecture Series always has a full house. So, to not lose a spot, email history@nsa.gov and/or gjnedve@nsa.gov and provide the number of seats you will need. They will confirm your reservations and answer any questions.
Event location: National Cryptologic Museum: 9900 Colony Seven Rd, Fort Meade, MD. Directions here.
June 2017
4 - 7 June 2017 - San Antonio, TX - USGIF GEOINT 2017 Symposium theme is: "Advancing Capabilities to Meet Emerging Threats"
The always impressive US Geospatial-Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) is offering more than 25 training and professional development sessions at their GEOINT 2017 Symposium which features the theme of "Advancing Capabilities to Meet Emerging Threats." Symposium is being held in beautiful San Antonio, TX. Monday, June 5 through Wednesday, June 7 are a variety of training sessions running two hours each. Attendees receive 0.2 Continuing Education Units per qualified session. Expand your knowledge on a familiar topic or learn a new one in one of the hottest, most promising and useful fields in the Intelligence Community. Sessions include: Hacking for Defense: Solving National Security Problems; 3D Terrain Modeling; Analytics for Small Sat Systems; Recent Advances in Deep Learning Cognitive Social Media Analytics Framework; Open Geospatial Machine Learning; Cyber Attack and Defense Wargame with IT, Industrial, and GEOINT Context; And much more.
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, TX.
Agenda and other information here.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Allies vs. Axis: Roosevelt, Churchill, Hitler, and Atomic Espionage - at the International Spy Museum
Join former FBI special agent Raymond J. Batvinis, author of Hoover's Secret War Against Axis Spies, as he tells a remarkable story of counterintelligence, German atomic espionage efforts, FBI-British wartime relations, and radio deception conducted during the most critical part of the Second World War. Hoover's Secret War Against Axis Spies will be available for sale and signing at the event. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017, 7:30 to 8:45 pm - McLean, VA - iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age by Bill Gertz at the Westminster Institute
Covert information warfare is being waged against the United States by world powers and rogue states-such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea-and even terrorist groups like ISIS. This conflict has been designed to defeat and ultimately destroy America.This new type of warfare is part of the Information Age that has come to dominate contemporary life. In his new book iWar, Bill Gertz describes how technology has completely revolutionized modern warfare, how the Obama administration failed to meet this challenge, and what we can and must do to catch up and triumph in this struggle. (iWar will be available for purchase and signing.)
Bill Gertz is an award-winning national security journalist and author of seven books, including Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11 and The China Threat: How the People's Republic Targets America. He is currently senior editor of The Washington Free Beacon, an online news outlet, and national security columnist for The Washington Times. Gertz has an international reputation. Vyachaslav Trubnikov, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, once called him a "tool of the CIA" after he wrote an article exposing Russian intelligence operations in the Balkans. A senior CIA official once threatened to have a cruise missile fired at his desk at The Washington Times after he wrote a column critical of the CIA's analysis of China. China's communist government also has criticized him for his news reports exposing China's weapons and missile sales to rogues states.
Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101. Register here.
Thursday, 15 June 2017 (6-8pm) - Alexandria, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for June features Pete White on topic TBA.
Naval Intelligence Professionals Lessons in Intelligence Leadership Speaker Series for June features Pete White on topic TBA.
Where: Sonoma Cellar 207 King Street, Alexandria VA 22314 Times: 6 PM (Private Room Upstairs) - Remarks by our Speaker 6:30-8 PM Social hour continues. Cash bar with an exceptional Wine, Beer, and Food menu. Open to All members and non-members. No RSVP Required. Dress: Smart Casual.
Friday, 16 June 2017, 5:30 to 7:30pm - Washington, DC - Spy Fiction Writer's Workshop - at the International Spy Museum
The shadow world of spying has captured the imagination of authors for centuries. Join this unique writing workshop for young spies led by Melissa Mahle, former CIA intelligence officer and author of Anatolia Steppe: Lost in Petra and Camp Secret. Learn from her hands-on work in disguise, surveillance, and spy gadgetry and be the one to develop a plot and storyline that grips readers' attention and quickens their pulses. Ages: 9-14. Tickets for the general public: $30, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $25. Dinner included. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
20 June 2017, 10 am to 1 pm - Annapolis Junction, MD - NCMF 2017 Summer Cryptologic Program features David Priess on The President's Daily Brief
 Program features Dr. David Priess, former CIA Intelligence Officer and author of the bestseller The President's Book of Secrets. This National Cryptologic Museum Foundation event can be signed up for here. Click image at left for bigger image of announcement.
Where: CACI, Inc. located at 2720 Technology
Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701, Tel 301-575-3200. Directions
and Map here. Click "directions" to get driving guidance.
RSVP NOW: register online here or mail registration fee of $20
to NCMF, PO Box
1682, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-9998. Please register prior to 23 March to ensure space available.
Also on 20 June, following the Priess presentation above, NSA's Center for Cryptologic History joins the Museum to host a WWI Panel Discussion: Decoding The Great War and Presentation of the new World War One Exhibit at the National Cryptologic Museum.
Presentations and speakers are:
Presentation 1: 1305 - World War I as an Intelligence Revolution, Michael Warner, Command Historian, U.S. Cyber Command.
Presentation 2: 1325 - An Ear to the Air and an Ear to the Ground: Radio Intelligence in the American Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1918, Betsy Rohaly Smoot, Historian, Center for Cryptologic History, NSA.
Presentation 3: 1345 - Native American Code Talkers: the Secret Weapon of World War I, Dr. Steve Huffman, Retired Research Analyst, NSA. Q&A: 1345 - 1400 1405 - 1430: Presentation of World War 1 Display - Betsy Rohaly Smoot. For details on each of the presentations and speakers, or to register for one or both of these NSA/NCMF Events, use this link.
20 June 2017, 1130 am - 2 pm - McLean, VA - the Defense Intelligence Forum (DIF/DIAA) hosts John L. Moore on "The Middle East."
Mr. John L. Moore will speak on "The Middle East." From 1968 thru 2000, John Moore was an analyst, senior analyst, manager and senior executive on the Middle East for DIA. From 1984 thru 1992, he was the chief of the Middle East and Africa Division and from 1992 thru December 2000 when he retired, John served as the Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism. Mr. Moore worked as a Middle East consultant from 2000 thru 2002 where he appeared as the first non-lawyer to brief the international Court of Justice (World Court). From 2003 thru 2012, John was a consultant on the Middle East for DIA; the last five years he served as the Senior Mentor in the Middle East office. John was twice awarded the National Distinguished Service Medal (1991 and 2000) and was twice awarded the DIA Exceptional Civilian Service Medal (1984 and 1997). John was a 1965 graduate of LaSalle University and a 1978 graduate of the US Army Was College. Attribution for this presentation will be provided at the beginning of the presentation to ensure a complete understanding of how the presented information should be handled.
To attend: Make reservations by 20 June 2017 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken parmesan, trout lemone, lasagna, grilled sausage with sweet peppers, fettuccini with portabella, manicotti with spinach and ricotta, or cannelloni alla Bolognese for your luncheon selection. Please provide your luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your food. Pay at the door with a check for $ 30 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc. Check is preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments are discouraged.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Espionage Act of 1917 at 100 - at the International Spy Museum
Come hear a panel of distinguished experts including Johns Hopkins University senior lecturer, Dr. Mark Stout, and national security lawyer, Mark S. Zaid, discuss the past, present and future use of the Espionage Act, including such topics as whether journalists should have reason to fear being prosecuted for disclosing classified information, and what protections whistleblowers might or should have in the 21st century. Tickets for the general public: $12, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $10. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
21 June 2017 (Wednesday), 11:30am - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts CMDR Waldron, a dual career path afloat operations and intelligence officer to discuss how the Coast Guard Intelligence program coordinates with the national law enforcement and intelligence communities to support and drive Coast Guard operations in the counter drug and homeland security missions.
TOPIC: Cmdr. Matthew J. Waldron, a dual career path afloat operations and intelligence officer, will discuss how the Coast Guard Intelligence program coordinates with the national law enforcement and intelligence communities to support and drive Coast Guard operations in the counter drug and homeland security missions.
WHERE: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080. 11:30AM no host cocktail; meeting and luncheon at noon.
RSVP: At this link. Reservation and pre-payment is required before 13 June 2017. The venue cannot accommodate walk-ins. Contact: Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com or Mariko Kawaguchi, c/o AFIO, PO Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011.
Thursday, 22 June 2017 6:30 PM - West Bloomfield Hills, MI - AFIO Johnny Micheal Spann Memorial Chapter, Michigan hosts author, former senior CIA officer Frederick Harrison.
Fred Harrison is the author of seven novels dealing with contemporary Intelligence challenges. He is also Director of NortonNet, a large professional networking organization focusing on the Defense and Intelligence communities. Until retiring from Government service, Harrison was a member of CIA's Senior Intelligence Service, assigned as Acting Director of the Intelligence Systems Secretariat (ISS), co-sponsored by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. The ISS mission was to expand intelligence systems interoperability across the US Government. He was a senior member of the IC Management Staff, and is a recipient of the CIA Career Medal. He resides in the Washington, D.C. metro area. RSVP afio.secretary@afiomichigan.org
Saturday, 24 June 2017, 5 - 8 pm - Dumfries, VA - OSS 75th Anniversary Celebration Dinner and Presentation
Prince William Forest Park which served as Area A and Area C training facility for the wartime Office of Strategic Services is c0-hosting with The OSS Society, a 75th anniversary celebration featuring historian/author Patrick O'Donnell reflecting on the historical legacy of the OSS.
Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. followed by O'Donnell's presentation at 7 p.m. Eastern National Bookstore, a cooperating partner with the National Park Service, is providing dinner for free to all OSS veterans and their spouses. For nonveteran attendees, dinner will be $12 per person paid at time of dinner. The meal will be catered by Mission BBQ.
Location: OSS Theater at Prince William Forest Park, 16675 Pleasant Road, Dumfries, VA 22025
RSVP: by 14 June 2017 to Chris Alford at chris_alford@nps.gov or 703-221-7183
Monday, 26 June 2017, noon-1:30pm - Washington, DC - A Conversation on North Korea with Michael Morell and Ambassador DeTrani - at the International Spy Museum
Attend a luncheon and receive an insider's perspective on North Korea with former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell and Ambassador Joseph DeTrani. Few places on earth remain as mysterious and forbidding as North Korea. With the escalation of events in the North Korean relations, hear from two experts who have played integral roles in our nation's security and can provide current insight on the secretive nation. RSVP by June 19. Tickets: $129+. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
27-28 June 2017 - Los Angeles, CA - USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Event (CREATE-TSA) Symposium on "Innovations in Transportation Security."
The USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will come together for a two-day symposium to examine Innovations in Transportation Security. The agenda for the CREATE-TSA Symposium at the University of Southern California (USC) is available here. The invite-only event will discuss numerous relevant topics including Public Response to Crisis, Deterrence: Demotivating Terrorism, Cyber Security Threats to Transportation and Recent Airport Attacks: Lessons Learned. There will also be several keynote speakers and a panel discussion with former TSA Administrators Admiral James Loy, John W. Magaw, Peter Neffenger and John S. Pistole. Space is limited, if you have not yet registered we encourage you to do so before before the May 30, 2017 deadline.
REGISTRATION: The registration fee for the event is $300 ($150 for government employees), and includes breakfast and lunch on both days and a reception on the evening of June 27th. To register please follow this link. Code: usccreate (lowercase). The deadline to register is May 30, 2017.
HOTEL: We currently have a limited number of hotel rooms available at a discounted rate of $169 at the nearby Radisson Hotel. Reservations can be made either online here or by calling 800.333.3333. Use reservation code 17TSA7. Please note the code is only valid for June 26-28, 2017. The last date to make a reservation at the discounted rate is 25 May 2017. If you would like to stay at the hotel earlier or after these dates, please make reservations through the hotel directly at 213.748.4141.
July 2017
Sunday, 2 July 2017, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Curtis Harris: High Hand - at the International Spy Museum
Espionage, political machinations, oil, secretly funded high-tech weapons of intelligence, ghosts of the Cold War, murder, and poker. Who could want more in a summer read? Join the author Curtis Harris for an in-store Spy Museum Store signing and join in the discussion on how spies, journalists, union leaders, and politicians intertwine to the extraordinary ways that advanced technology could be used in the pursuit of surveillance and interrogation. This is a high octane spy thriller! Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
3 - 7 July 2017 - Cambridge, UK - Cambridge University's 2017 SHAFR (Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations) Summer Institute Conference
"Security and the State: Cultures of National Security and Insecurity in American Foreign Relations" - the theme of Cambridge University's SHAFR Summer Institute Conference being held 307 July at Clare College.
The cultures of American national security and insecurity will be at the heart of the 10th annual Summer Institute of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, which will take place 3-7 July 2017 at Clare College, Cambridge University. Designed for advanced graduate students and early-career faculty members in history and related fields, the program will feature seminar-style discussions and meetings with leading scholars. The Summer Institute will also provide a forum for participants to present their research and participate in workshops on professional development, teaching, and publishing. Each participant will be reimbursed for return travel to Britain, will be provided with free accommodation and most meals in Cambridge, and will receive a modest honorarium.
The term "national security" is everywhere. It permeates virtually every aspect of U.S. foreign relations and defines much of the federal government's structure for foreign and military policies. It is no exaggeration to say that America's relationship with the rest of the world is to a large extent based upon the requirements of national security, and how they are defined, represented, and narrated to the public. At its heart, and in an instinctual way, "national security" connotes safety: its goal is the defense of the nation against foreign threats. Though the pursuit of national security often leads to difficult and controversial wars, it is essentially based on a defensive and fearful mindset. It is also so expansive as to be virtually limitless. For the last several decades, threats to America's national security have been found everywhere, from the beaches of Cuba and the jungles of Indochina to the deserts of Arabia and the mountains of Central Asia - even in the towns and cities of the United States itself. Under the aegis of national security, America has a defensive perimeter that is now both global and holistic. Few of its interests are peripheral.
But where does such a worldview come from? How do Americans conceive of threat and danger in the world? What constitutes the boundaries, legally, politically, geographically, and morally, of self-defense? Have Americans always thought of national security in these terms? We will also delve into questions about the influence national security has had on shaping the government's capacity to project power. If war made the state and the state made war in Europe, was it also the case for the modern United States? How have perspectives on national security led to the augmentation of executive war powers? Have security concerns led to the establishment of a national security state or a military-industrial complex which, in turn, shaped America's engagement with the wider world?
The deadline for applications was 20 January 2017. Applicants were to have submitted a c.v.; a brief letter detailing how participation in the Summer Institute would benefit their scholarship and careers; a short (300 word) abstract about the research project they will present at the Institute; and a letter of recommendation, ideally from their dissertation adviser. If you missed deadline, it might still be worth contacting the organizers. The Institute's organizers are Andrew Preston, Cambridge University and Mario Del Pero, Sciences Po-Paris. More information here.
Thursday, 6 July 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - Zero Day [a novel] with T.L. Williams: WMD Program - at the International Spy Museum
Cyber hacking is fast becoming a preferred method of 21st century conflict. Recent attacks by Russia and China show the susceptibility of our economy, political institutions, and our democracy to this high-tech method of modern warfare. In Zero Day: China's Cyber Wars [a novel], T.L. Williams, a former CIA operative who ran human intelligence operations in Asia and Europe for over 30 years, has crafted an intriguing story about what this threat means to our interests here and abroad, the techniques used by cyber spies, and what it really means to be a spy in this new day of rapidly changing technology. Join Williams as he shares how he drew on his intelligence background to compose a thriller that moves elegantly between Chongqing, China, and Langley, Virginia, to reveal a plot by the Chinese government to seize the edge on global power by undermining the US economy. Zero Day will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for the general public: $10 per person; Members: $8. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
CHILDREN: Friday, 7 July to Saturday, 8 July 2017, 7 pm - 10 am - Washington, DC - KidSpy Overnight: Operation Secret Slumber - at the International Spy Museum
When the lights go down, the adventure begins! The Museum doors have been locked for the night, but in the shadows a group of exclusive recruits stand ready to begin a night of top-secret KidSpy training. Perfect your alias and cover-story, check in at "Border Patrol," and prepare for a night of intrigue and adventure. As a spy school recruit, your mission begins with taking on a secret identity and gathering intelligence about real spy skills. During the night, you will transform yourself through disguise, make and break secret codes, uncover important secrets, interrogate real spies, and hunt for a mole within your ranks! At the same time, the adults lurking nearby will be kept on their toes with their own super-clandestine mission. As day breaks, enemy agents will be exposed in a dramatic finale, KidSpy agents and adults will reclaim their "real" (how do we know you are who you say you are?) identities and this adventure-filled mission will be accomplished. *Includes an evening spy snack, light breakfast, take-home goody bag, and admission to the Museum on Saturday. Bring a sleeping bag, air mattress/pad, pillow, and sense of adventure. Tickets for the general public: $115 per person; Members: $105. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
CHILDREN: Saturday, 8 July 2017, 11 am - noon - Washington, DC - The Magic of Spying: Tradecraft Trickery - at the International Spy Museum
In the real-life world of espionage, spies often call upon the art of magic and illusion to distract the enemy, make evidence disappear, and escape unnoticed. Join professional magician, Peter Wood, as he demonstrates the art of misdirection, sleight of hand, and other illusions used by skilled spies. This one of a kind performance, custom-designed for the Spy Museum, is guaranteed to fascinate children and adults alike. Ages: 7 and up (one adult required for every five KidSpy agents). Tickets for the general public: $10; Members: $9. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 12 July 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update - at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
EVENT CANCELLED - 17 July 2017, noon - 2 pm - Washington, DC - DIAA and DACOR hosts John Pustay discussing "Second Wave of Conflict in the Middle East: Challenges for the New Administration."
EVENT CANCELLED - The Defense Intel Alumni Association and the Diplomat and Counselor Officers Retired-Joint Forum hosts John S. Pustay, PhD, Lieutenant General USAF, Retired; will address "Second Wave of Conflict in the Middle East: Challenges for the New Administration." This lecture will cover a range of current flashpoints in the region and discuss the dynamic undercurrents which will surface even after the destruction of the Islamic State "Caliphate." To begin, ISIS in Syria and Iraq will morph into an underground terrorist organization in the region with tentacles in Africa and Western Europe and possibly Russia and Central Asia. Even after a cessation of current military activities in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, a regional tribal, sectarian and nationalistic conflicts will arise complicating boundary settlements of existing or newly emerging political entities.
Location: DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F St. NW, Washington, DC 20006
17 July - 11 August 2017 - Cambridge, UK - The International Security and Intelligence Programme and Conference at Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
This four-week summer programme, to be held at Trinity Hall, Cambridge between 17 July and 11 August, offers a unique opportunity to work with leading practitioners and academics from the security and intelligence communities in the delightful riverside setting of one of Cambridge's oldest Colleges. Chaired by Sir Richard Dearlove (formerly head of MI6, Britain's Secret Intelligence Service) and convened by Professor Michael Goodman and Dr. David Gioe, the International Security and Intelligence Programme (ISI) will consider the claims of state secrecy, the threat of nuclear proliferation, of cyber attack, of terrorism, the problems generated by the demand for regional security and the security challenges of revolutions and governing diversity. Intelligence collection, analysis of the product, and its dissemination to customers remain at the core of the intelligence cycle. Counterintelligence and covert action play more opaque but still vital roles at the heart of the nation state. Understanding these perspectives, what intelligence can achieve, but also its limitations, are major Programme and Conference themes. The panoply of threats facing Western democracies is diverse and the issues which preoccupy the highest levels of government will be discussed and analysed. With its emphasis on contemporary and future challenges and practice, ISI will appeal to those with an academic or professional interest in intelligence and contemporary threats. Uniquely, the ISI Programme will host a conference which will examine in more detail many of the key issues explored during the course. Entitled 'Security and Intelligence challenges arising from 'Brexit' and the U.S. presidential election', the two-day conference will bring together delegates from academia, politics and government agencies and be attended by all ISI participants.
More information is available here. Or contact them at: isi@thecsi.org.uk
Tuesday, 18 July 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - The History and Mystery of the World's Greatest Ciphers from Ancient Egypt to Online Secret Societies - at the International Spy Museum
In 1953, a man was found dead from poisoning near the Philadelphia airport with a picture of a Nazi aircraft in his wallet. Taped to his abdomen was an enciphered message. In 1912, a book dealer named Wilfrid Voynich came into possession of an illuminated cipher manuscript once belonging to Emperor Rudolf II. Wartime codebreakers tried-and failed-to unlock the book's secrets, and it remains an enigma to this day. Craig Bauer, author of Unsolved Ciphers and editor of Cryptologia, will examine these and other vexing ciphers yet to be cracked. Some may reveal the identity of a spy or serial killer, provide the location of buried treasure, or expose a secret society-while others may be elaborate hoaxes. Guests are invited to stay after his talk for some collaborative cipher-breaking fun. Unsolved Ciphers will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for the general public: $10; Members: $8. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 20 July 2017, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. Schuyler Foerster, discussing "The U.S. and Europe: What kind of Europe? What kind of relationship?"
The post-Cold War vision of "Europe whole and free" is looking more and more tenuous, with an assertive Russia, growing political movements to break away from the EU, and the prospect of a new Administration changing the ground rules of NATO's transatlantic security relationship. How these trends play out remain to be seen, but it is clear that long-standing assumptions need to be revisited. Dr. Schuyler Foerster will have just returned from a semester teaching at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic as the Fulbright Commission's Distinguished Chair in Social Studies and from a Wilton Park (UK) Conference on recent developments in relations between Russia and the West. He will report on how these trends are playing out and the prospects for sustaining a healthy transatlantic relationship.
From 2010-2016, Dr. Foerster served as the Brent Scowcroft Professor of National Security Studies at the U.S. Air Force Academy. During his 26-year Air Force career, he served as a senior advisor in security and arms control policy, on the USAF Academy faculty, and as an intelligence officer. A graduate of the USAF Academy, he holds a doctorate from Oxford University in politics as well as master's degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the American University, and served as a national security fellow at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He is the founding principal of CGST Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in national security policy and civic education, teaches at Colorado College, and is past president of the Colorado Springs World Affairs Council.
To register of for more details, contact Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net.
Thursday, 20 July 2017 (6-8pm) - Alexandria, VA - NIP Monthly Social Summer Cool Down Event
Calling all Navy Intel Shipmates! Naval Intelligence Professionals "Third Thursday" Monthly Social takes place at Sonoma Cellar, 207 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314. Open to All members and non-members! No RSVP Required. Dress: Smart Casual 6 - 8 PM Social Hour; Cash bar (cold beer, chilled wine, or cold non-alcoholic beverages) Excellent food menu!
CHILDREN: Monday, 24 July to Friday, 28 July 2017, 9 am - 3 pm - Washington, DC - Spy Camp: Session 1 - at the International Spy Museum
Somewhere deep inside the Museum an elite group of recruits is lurking in the shadows preparing to take on top secret missions. No one really knows who they are, or for that matter, what they're really up to. Now it's your turn to join their ranks. Each day at Spy Camp is filled with top secret briefings and activities that will put spy skills and street smarts to the test. Aspiring KidSpy recruits will hone their tradecraft, learn from real spies, and hit the streets to run training missions. Develop a disguise for cover, make and break codes, discover escape and evasion techniques, create and use spy gadgets, uncover the science behind spying-all of this and more awaits young recruits! Tickets for the general public: $445; Members: $415. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
August 2017
Monday, 31 July to 04 August 2017, 9 am-3pm - Washington, DC - Spy Camp - at the International Spy Museum This isn't your ordinary day camp - this is Spy Camp!
Somewhere deep inside the Museum an elite group of recruits is lurking in the shadows preparing to take on top secret missions. No one really knows who they are, or for that matter, what they're really up to. Now it's your turn to join their ranks. Each day at Spy Camp is filled with top secret briefings and activities that will put spy skills and street smarts to the test. Aspiring KidSpy™ recruits will hone their tradecraft, learn from real spies, and hit the streets to run training missions. Develop a disguise for cover, make and break codes, discover escape and evasion techniques, create and use spy gadgets, uncover the science behind spying - all of this and more awaits young recruits! Spy Camp is specifically designed for agents age 10 to 13. If your child is not age appropriate, we will be unable to accommodate them. Please note that program tickets are non-refundable. Tickets for the general public: $415, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $395. NOTE: Early Bird Rates expire 4/17/17. Registration rates will increase to $445 (general public) and $415 (Inner Circle Members) at that time. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
8 - 11 August 2017 - Odense, Denmark - The XVIII Nordic Political Science Congress - From Russia with Love - the study of intelligence meets International Relations
Textbooks for students about theories of international relations are remarkably silent on the topic of espionage. This is a serious flaw, because the state practice of espionage has affected decisions and outcomes in world affairs. For instance, the Iraq war is often seen as an intelligence failure. Or, take the Korean War - the Americans knew about the Soviet air support for North Korea from their intelligence. This workshop seeks to remedy this flaw by bringing together Nordic scholars who study the intelligence practices of selected states or non-state actors. As the two chairpersons represent two vital disciplines within the study of intelligence - political science and history, respectively - this is a workshop that is open to multidisciplinary papers and debates. Indeed, our ambition is to further cross-fertilize and perhaps launch a joint publication if the participants feel it makes sense.
The workshop invites papers dealing with any topic within the field of intelligence studies. Studies of Russian and Soviet espionage are indeed welcome as indicated through the title of the workshop, but so are studies of contemporary Chinese espionage activity, studies of private intelligence actors, industrial espionage as an issue within IPE (International Political Economy), Stasi studies, covert CIA action, etc. One paper will be devoted to reflecting upon the broader approaches within the study of IR (realism, liberalism, constructivism, the English school, geo-economics) as well as the agent-principal approach known from administrative science and their possible application upon the phenomenon of espionage. Such a macro-perspective upon the field might serve the didactic purpose of opening the teaching of IR to intelligence studies.
Contact Information:
Chair: Mette Skak, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Aarhus University.
Vice-chair: Thomas Wegener Friis, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of History, Center for Cold War Studies, SDU.
More information here.
Wednesday, 9 August 2017, 7 to 8:45 PM - McLean, VA - Westminster Institute hosts David Des Roches on "Push and Pull of Religious Extremism: Who Are the Terrorists, How Are they Recruited, What Can We Do?"
David Des Roches, Associate Professor, Near East South Asia Center, discusses "Push and Pull of Religious Extremism: Who Are the Terrorists, How Are they Recruited, What Can We Do?" at this Westminster Institute evening event. Des Roches is Associate Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Security Studies at National Defense University. Prior to this, he was the Defense Department director responsible for policy concerning Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101 Fee: None.
Register here. Questions: Robert R. Reilly, Director, The Westminster Institute, at 703-288-2885 or br@westminster-institute.org.
Saturday, 12 August 2017, 11am - 3pm - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter hears from Lt Gen Rick Tryon (USMC - Ret) on ISIS and the Taylor Leadership Institute at the University of North Florida.
Chapter President Dane Baird has lined up an excellent speaker: Lt. Gen. Rick Tryon, USMC (Ret.), who will be talking about ISIS, with which he is quite familiar, as well as a bit about the Taylor Leadership Institute at the University of North Florida that he heads. The "Lightning Round" is alive and well! Please advise Bill Webb of any topic(s) you might like to pursue -- contact him at wwebb@comcast.net or at (850) 668-5752 as soon as possible.
Event location: the Country Club of Orange Park.
FEE: $24 pp for event and meal.
RSVP: With only four weeks to go before the meeting, respond to Quiel Begonia at qbegonia@comcast.net or call at (904) 545-9549 also as soon as possible, as the club needs 20+ attendees. Let's try to top the outstanding turnout we had in May! Remember that family, guests and potential members are always welcome to our meetings.
15 August 2017, 11:30am - McLean, VA - DIF Luncheon with Greg Bristol on "Human Trafficking from a DOD/DIA Perspective."
The Defense Intelligence Forum hosts Greg H. Bristol speaking on "Human Trafficking from a DOD/DIA Perspective."
Bristol is a former FBI Special Agent who worked on foreign counterintelligence, public corruption, corporate fraud, and civil rights cases. He later became a Special Agent with the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, working complex contract fraud cases. He currently is an instructor with the University of Louisville's Southern Police Institute, where he teaches Advanced Human Trafficking investigations. He is also a U.S. DoJ Office for Victims of Crimes human trafficking consultant.
Event location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA Fee: Pay $30 pp at door with a check payable to DIAA, Inc. Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments are discouraged.
RSVP: Make reservations by 15 August 2017 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken parmesan, trout lemone, lasagna, grill sausages with sweet peppers, fettuccini with portobella, manicotti with spinach and ricotta, or cannelloni alla bolognese for your luncheon selection. Please send your luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your food!!!
Thursday, 17 August 2017, 6:30pm - West Bloomfield, Michigan - AFIO Johnny Micheal Spann Memorial Chapter, Michigan hears from FBI SAC David Gelios.
The speaker at the AFIO Michigan Chapter meeting will be David P. Gelios, FBI SAC Detroit. Gelios most recently served as the chief inspector of the FBI's Inspection Division, as well as the Inspection Division's acting deputy assistant director from June 2014 until March 2015. As the chief inspector, Mr. Gelios oversaw all FBI field office inspections, national program reviews, and agent-involved shooting investigations.
To attend or additional information, contact Charles Kirkpatrick at afio.secretary@afiomichigan.org. More about the chapter is at www.afiomichigan.org
Saturday, 19 August 2017, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - Allan Topol: Washington Power Play - at the International Spy Museum
Join the International Spy Museum for an in-store book signing of Washington Power Play by Allan Topol. Washington Power Play spins a tale of international intrigue, deception, and corruption at the highest levels of power. Kelly Cameron, a young FBI agent, has just thwarted a terrorist attack on the Walter Reed hospital in Washington, and is now placed in charge of a task force to find a mole in the U.S. Government. She soon finds evidence of a plot initiated by the Chinese government supporting General Cartwright to be elected as the U.S. President. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Spies on Screen: Bon Voyage - at the International Spy Museum
Paris 1940, the German occupation is imminent. Among the citizens swirling through the chaotic City of Light are escapees from prison, a movie-star lover of an important government official, and a physicist and his assistant who have something to hide. This 2003 ensemble film featuring Isabelle Adjani and Gerard Depardieu includes German spies, the French Resistance, romance, and a corpse. Not to mention a shipment of heavy water-which the French desperately want to keep the Germans from using to produce nuclear weapons. Along with the evening's screening of Bon Voyage, enjoy popcorn and sparkling French soda almost as delicious as the characters' chemistry in the film! In French with English subtitles; screening at the Spy Museum. Cosponsored by the Alliance Française de Washington. Tickets for the general public: $10 per person; Members: $8. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 24 August 2017, noon - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts LTC Juan Carlos Garcia, CENTCOM, on Operations in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt
We have an informative program as we welcome LTC Juan Carlos Garcia, the Branch Chief for the Syria-Iraq-Levant in the CENTCOM J-3 Information Operations (CCJ3-IO) Division. His team is responsible for the planning, coordination and synchronization of Information Operations (IO) throughout the region encompassing Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. A strict policy of non-attribution will apply to LTC Garcia's remarks.
RSVP: Individuals wishing to attend must respond to the Chapter secretary at sectysuncoastafio@att.net, no later than Thursday, August 17. If individuals do not have base access, please contact the Chapter secretary for further information. The luncheon fee is $20.
LOCATION: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Boulevard, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
24 August 2017, 8 am - 2 pm - Alexandria, VA - Analytic Objectivity Symposium by OSD/DI
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence is hosting an Analytic Objectivity Symposium with panelists representing business, judiciary, intelligence, medicine, finance & academic research. Featured speakers include: Judge James A Wynn Jr., U.S. Court of Appeals for Fourth Circuit, Ret Capt, USN; Dr. Mark Lowenthal, Former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis & Production; Bob Woodward, Senior Editor, Washington Post, Author; and Jeffrey Ballou, President, National Press Club. Location: The Mark Center, 4800 Mark Center Dr., Alexandria, VA 22311. Information and Registration: contact Kevin Riehle, Defense Analysis & Partnership Engagement Directorate, OUSD(I), at 703-571-2404 or at kevin.p.riehle.civ@mail.mil
September 2017
Saturday, 9 September 2017, 11:30am - Patrick AFB, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter Hears from Dr. Scott Tilley on "Big Data."
EVENT CANCELED DUE TO HURRICANE IRMA. The Florida Satellite Chapter was scheduled to host Dr. Scott Tilley on "Big Data, the Era of Yottabytes and Developments in Machine Learning." This talk describes the current big data landscape, provides an overview of some of the tools available to manage massive datasets, and discusses some of the possible impacts of big data and predictive analytics on businesses and society at large in the coming years.
Location: The Tides Collocated Club, Patrick Air Force Base, 1001 North Highway, A1A S Atlantic Ave, Patrick AFB, FL 32925.
To Attend: EVENT CANCELED DUE TO HURRICANE IRMA. Prepaid reservations are required which must be received by 5 September 2017. To reserve, contact chapter FSC Chapter President at afiofsc@afio.com. Menu Choices are: Sole stuffed with crab meat (F) or sliced flank steak (B).
Speaker has rescheduled for February 2018 event.
Monday, 11 September 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Foxtrot in Kandahar: A Memoir of a CIA Officer in Afghanistan at the Inception of America's Longest War - at the International Spy Museum
An ancient desert crossroads, and as of fall of 2001, ground zero for the Taliban and al-Qa'ida in southern Afghanistan. Progress has been made in the North, but with no "Southern Alliance" for the US to support, a new strategy is called for. Veteran CIA officer Duane Evans is dispatched to Pakistan to "get something going in the South." Join Evans as he shares some of the highlights of his unexpected journey from the pristine halls of Langley to the badlands of southern Afghanistan. As told in his new memoir Foxtrot in Kandahar, Evans was on the front lines in Pakistan, first as part of the advanced element of CIA's Echo team supporting Hamid Karzai, and finally as leader of the under-resourced and often overlooked Foxtrot team. He'll also comment on the opportunities lost in the years since his time in Afghanistan. The book will be available for sale and signing at the event. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
12-13 September 2017 - Washington, DC - Intelligence Courses on Intelligence Budget Process Available for Individual Enrollment at The Intelligence Academy
We offer a 10% AFIO member discount for enrollment in this course. The discount is included as an option in the registration process, so be certain to use it.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 5:30 pm - New York, NY - The NY Metro Chapter Meeting features Carol Rollie Flynn, former Senior CIA Officer, discusses "Ethics in Intelligence."
 A 30-year veteran of CIA, Carol Rollie Flynn held a number of senior executive positions at the Agency including: Associate Deputy Director of the National Counterterrorism Center; Executive Director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center; Chief of Station in major posts in Southeast Asia and Latin America; and Director of CIA's Leadership Academy. Ms. Flynn is currently Managing Principal at Singa Consulting, a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy and School of Foreign Service/Security Studies Program.
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St (between Park and Lexington), New York, NY 10065.
Timing: Registration starts at 5:30 pm, Speaker presentation starts at 6 pm.
Fee: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner, cash bar.
RSVP: Strongly recommended that you RSVP to insure space at event. Call or Email Chapter President Jerry Goodwin at afiometro@gmail.com or 646-717-3776.
Monday, 18 September 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Col. Rose Mary Sheldon, PhD on Ancient Espionage: The Greeks and the Great Game - at the International Spy Museum
Espionage is called the second oldest profession. Intrigue, trickery, and guile have always been powerful weapons. Spies have shaped the destiny of nations since the beginning of time-some inspired by patriotism, some driven by fear, others fired by greed, or a combination of motives. The Greeks excelled at deception: the story of the Trojan Horse is still with us today, but they also shone at intelligence gathering, ambush, and surprise attacks. This evening, Col. Rose Mary Sheldon, author of Ambush: Surprise Attack in Ancient Greek Warfare and Espionage in the Ancient World will transport you to the earliest days of espionage history. Discover how the first spy masters and military deceivers operated, their tradecraft, and their successes and failures in Greek warfare. Co-sponsored by the National Hellenic Society. Tickets for the general public: $20 per person; Members: $16. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
September 2017, 11:30am - 2pm - McLean, VA - The Defense Intelligence
Forum (DIAA) hosts LTG Bob Noonan, USA(Ret) on the "Idea of Innovation and How the Government Adopts it in Practice Versus Reality."
Retired US Army Lieutenant General Bob
Noonan will discuss the "Idea of Innovation and How the Government Adopts it in Practice Versus Reality" at this Defense Intelligence
Forum event. General Noonan is the chief security officer of Booz Allen's
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) military intelligence account. His work
supports DIA, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the armed services,
and combatant commands.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion
Drive, McLean, VA. Parking: Pulcinella has a large parking lot. You can
park also in the Staybridge Hotel lot, diagonally across the street in the
southwest corner of Old Dominion Drive and Beverly Road.
Fee: Pay $30 at door with check payable to DIAA, Inc.
Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments
are discouraged. Registration starts at 11:30AM, lunch at noon.
RSVP: Make reservations by 19 September 2017 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include
names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose
among chicken parmesan, trout lemone, lasagna, grill sausages with sweet
peppers, fettuccini with portobella, manicotti with spinach and ricotta,
or cannelloni alla bolognese for your luncheon selection. Please send your
luncheon selection with your reservation to reduce the wait time for your
Thursday, 21 September 2017, 11:30 AM - Denver, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts an experienced DHS Field Intelligence Officer and Briefer.
The DHS Field Briefer will provide an unclassified briefing on current threats and trends both nationally and internationally.
For details, please contact Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net.
Thursday, 21 September 2017, 11:30am - 1:30pm - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO AZ Chapter hears from military medical officer and public health expert Dr. Donald Noah, USAF(Ret) on "Strange Bedfellows: The Intelligence and Public Health Communities."
The Arizona Chapter hears from Donald L. Noah, (USAF-Retired) DVM, MPH, DACVPM, on "Strange Bedfellows: The Intelligence and Public Health Communities." During his lengthy career as a military medical officer, he had the fortune of several assignments within the Intelligence Community (DIA and CIA). He writes: At first, I experienced great misunderstanding (to the point of distrust) between the respective missions and attitudes of the US public health and intelligence organizations. This presentation will highlight some of these experiences and chronicle (from a personal perspective) how this relationship evolved over time.
Dr. Donald L. Noah is an Associate Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology at Midwestern University's College of Veterinary Medicine in Glendale, AZ. He is responsible for building and delivering new educational courses to students across several medical disciplines at the University. An early champion of the One Health concept, Dr. Noah performs comprehensive academic duties relating to teaching, mentoring, public speaking and other forms of institutional and/or extramural professional service. Dr. Noah received his bachelor's and veterinary medical degrees from The Ohio State University, a Master of Public Health from the University of Minnesota, and is a graduate of Harvard University's National Preparedness Leadership Institute. He is also a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and is a USDA-certified Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostician.
Meeting Location: Best Western Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E Butherus Dr, Scottsdale, Az 85260.
RSVP: simone@afioaz.org or simone@4smartphone.net or call 602.570.6016. If you are bringing a guest provide their full name, as well. Your RSVP needs to arrive no later than 72 hours ahead of event. No-shows will be charged. BADGES: many chapter members were given permanent badges. If you need one for this event, email Simone with the information you would like on your badge (Full Name and Past Career Title/Affiliated Organization ~ should you wish). The cost for a badge with a magnetic strip is $5
Cost: $18 pp. - only checks or cash accepted.
21 September 2017, 11 am - 4 pm - Riverside, CA - AFIO Los Angeles Chapter Tours Drone Pilot Training Program in special visit to March Air Base
Tour includes: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Division
(1hr); MQ-9 Reaper (1 hr); Lunch at The Backstreet Café 1.30 P.M.
(approx); Security Forces Weapons Demonstration (1 hr); C-17 Globemaster
III (1 hr); Departure Time 4 PM (approx)
No spaces remain. Event has sold out.
LOCATION: March Air Base 655 M St. Riverside,
California, 92518-5000
Questions? Contact Vincent Autiero, President,
AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter, 5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Email him at AFIO_LA@yahoo.com.
If you haven't yet joined this active chapter, visit AFIO and then visit
their webpage: www.afio.org
P.S. The event is scheduled September 21, 2017, for those of you
planning to attend the annual AFIO national symposium at NGA
headquarters, you will find that there is no conflict with the dates
that the symposium is occurring and our visit to March Air Base.
25 September 2017 - Bethesda, MD - HOLD THE DATE for the PenFed Foundation Military Heroes Golf Classic.
Join the PenFed Foundation for the 14th Annual Military Heroes Golf Classic on 25 September 2017, at the world-renowned Congressional Country Club, host to five major championships, three U.S. Opens and a PGA Championship, in Bethesda, MD. As you enjoy a round of golf, know that your support will help the Foundation meet the unmet needs of our Military, Veterans, and their families. Their grants help ensure that those who have bravely served our country will not struggle to pay necessary bills, purchase a home, or get the treatment and support they need. Visit PenFedFoundation.org.
28 - 29 September 2017 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO's 2017 National Intelligence Symposium
"Succeeding in the Open — The Future of GEOINT" at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and "Active Measure — A Global Threat" at the Doubletree-Hilton are the themes of AFIO-NGA's 2017 Intelligence Symposium being held at NGA and the DoubleTree-Hilton, Tysons Corner, VA.
Agenda: THURSDAY: • Opening Remarks by Jim Hughes, AFIO President; • NGA Overview and Q&A; • Video Presentation • Robert Cardillo, D/NGA, (invited) NGA Leadership Remarks (D/NGA or DD) - Includes GEOINT Strategy and Functional Management; • Lunch (with museum tours, NGA store, and group photo). Presentations/Panels on: • KH 8 Declassification; • Pathfinder (unclassified research to solve intel problems); • Commercial GEOINT Activity; and • the Small Satellite Revolution.
FRIDAY: • "Active Measures - A Global Threat" - Includes agitprop, kompromat, fake news, political spin, hacks and ransomware, and other methods to harm US businesses, citizens, and cohesiveness. • Chris Inglis, Professor in Cyber Security Studies, US Naval Academy's Center for Cyber Security Studies, on "Making Sense of 2016 and the Limits of Intelligence." He is the former Deputy Director of NSA. • William "Bill" Evanina, Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), the 5th National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX). As the NCIX, he serves as the head of Counterintelligence (CI) for the US Government and as the principal CI and security advisor to the Director of National Intelligence. • Thomas Rid, PhD, Professor of Security Studies at King's College London. Rid is an expert on "Attributing Cyber Attacks" explaining and improving the identification of network breaches and the perpetrators. • Luncheon keynote presentation by James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence. • Champagne Reception and Banquet featuring keynote presentation by former CIA Deputy Director for Operations David Cohen. Chapter breakfast workshop meeting is Friday morning at the hotel starting at 7:30 a.m. followed by the General Membership meeting.
Arrive Wednesday evening, 27 September, to overnight at the hotel to be
ready early Thursday, 28 September, for coach service to NGA Headquarters for all day
conference including visit to their new museum. Agenda here.
Friday evening is our "Spies in Black Ties" banquet.
Hotel: DoubleTree-Hilton, Tysons Corner, VA
[formerly the Crowne Plaza], at 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22102.
registrations at the non-event price can be made at 1-800-HILTONS. [To make room reservations carefully follow the prompts dialing "1" twice — this is to get to reservations, and then to make a new reservation. You then are asked to enter your phone number followed by the pound sign. After that, you are placed into a queue in order to speak with a customer service rep. When they get on the line, they ask for the city [Tysons Corner, VA], the name of the hotel [DoubleTree-Hilton], and the group name.
Registration has closed. Register
securely ONLINE to ensure a place.
Or use this printable packet with the formal invitation, agenda, and off-line
registration forms sent earlier to all current member.
Wednesday, 27 September - 18 October 2017, 10:15am - Washington, DC - Great Escapes or How Spies, Hostages, and Assets Survive and Get Out Alive: Four Sessions - at the International Spy Museum
Escape rooms are popular, but what if your life depended on the result? This series shares tales and tactics of escapes, rescues, and evasions from the 1970s until today. Explore ingenuous rescue and escape plans with people who developed them and used them as well as experts familiar with these life or death operations. You'll discover how intelligence services bring back assets from abroad in a hot or Cold War and learn about the 21st century approach to training people in self escape and how to survive a rescue. Tickets for the general public: $130, tickets for Spy Museum Inner Circle Members: $80. Tickets must be purchased through the Smithsonian. To register: 202.633.3030 or www.SmithsonianAssociates.org.
Friday, 29 September 2017, noon-3pm - Washington, DC - Josh Dean: The Taking of K-129 - at the International Spy Museum
Come to the Spy Museum Store for an in-store book signing of The Taking of K-129 by author Josh Dean. The Taking of K-129 is a true-life tale of espionage and engineering set at the height of the Cold War-a mix between The Hunt for Red October and Argo-about how the CIA, the U.S. Navy, and America's most eccentric mogul spent six years and nearly a billion dollars to steal the nuclear-armed Soviet submarine K-129 after it had sunk to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean; all while the Russians were watching. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
28-29 September 2017 - Baltimore, MD - CyberMaryland Conference
More information, when available, will be provided for this event.
October 2017
Wednesday, 4 October 2017, 8am - 4pm - Washington, DC - Ethos and Profession of Intelligence 2017 at George Washington University - Co-sponsored with CIA
AFIO Members and guests are invited by CIA and the George Washington University who are co-hosting CIA's fourth public conference on national security, "The Ethos and the Profession of Intelligence," on the GW campus. The full-day conference, themed "Achieving Strategic Advantage," features a panel of former CIA Directors and other panels bringing together a diverse array of leaders from the Intelligence Community, other government agencies, private industry, non-governmental organizations, and the media to give each participant - on stage or in the audience - new perspectives on global security and how the U.S. Intelligence Community can best serve the open society it defends.
Panel topics at the conference will be: • Leading CIA: A Conversation among Former CIA Directors; • Countdown to Crisis: Asia Pacific Insecurity and America; • The Looming BioThreat: Perils and Promises of Biotech Innovation; • Tectonic Shifts: Forecasting Conflict and Political Instability; • Masking Unmasked: Conducting Espionage in a Transparent, Connected World.
Registration: 8-9am; Conference: 9am-3:45pm
Location: Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St NW, Washington, DC 20052
To view invitation. To register. The registration link takes you to registration page on GW ticketing system for Lisner Auditorium. No promotional code is required to proceed with registration. For other information about conference, contact cchs@gwu.edu or by phone at 202-994-2437.
There is no charge to attend.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017, noon - MacDill AFB - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts Col Wayne Whitten, USMC(R) on "Without A Warning" on the Shootdown of a U2 spyplane during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We have an exciting program as we welcome Colonel Wayne Whitten, USMC (ret), author of a new book, Without a Warning, that tells the story of the avoidable shootdown of a U2 spyplane during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After 55 years of silence on the subject, the book reveals the details of how Air Force Major Rudolph Anderson, Jr., became the only casualty of the Crisis. Colonel Whitten is a combat-experienced flight officer and electronic warfare officer with subsequent experience in operations, requirements, systems acquisition, tactical intelligence and mission planning systems.
LOCATION: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Blvd, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
TO ATTEND: Email chapter secretary sectysuncoastafio@att.net no later than noon on Tuesday, October 3. Attendees require base access with military ID or by special arrangement using driver's license identification for a background check. Colonel Whitten will be personally inscribing copies of his book, available for $20 at the meeting. Please also let the Chapter secretary know if you wish to reserve a copy of the book.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update - at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired supervisory special agent of the FBI and former director of Counterintelligence and Security Programs at the NSC staff at the White House, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre's SPYPEDIA, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
12 October 2017 (Thursday), 11:30 am - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Brad Roberts on "The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century."
Brad Roberts, Director of the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory discusses the "Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century" at this October meeting of the AFIO "Andre LeGallo" San Francisco Chapter. Drawing on his recent publication with Stanford University Press, The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century, Dr. Roberts will discuss the lessons-learned from the efforts of the Obama administration and its predecessors, to create conditions that would allow us to move further away from nuclear deterrence. Arguments counter to the conventional wisdom that the United States can and should do more to reduce both the role of nuclear weapons in its security strategies and the number of weapons in its arsenal, will be presented, as well as the reactions from the political, military, and academic communities.
WHERE: United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94116.
11:30AM no host cocktail; meeting and luncheon at noon.
RSVP: Use this Eventbrite Registration link.
Reservation and pre-payment is required before 2 October 2017. The venue cannot accommodate walk-ins.
Contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary at afiosf@aol.com with your questions
Friday, 13 October 2017, 6-9pm - Washington, DC - Spooky SPY Family Night (featuring New York Times bestselling author Anthony Horowitz) - at the International Spy Museum
Has your brother been spying on you? Is grandma really a secret agent? Does dad really have lethal ninja skills? Now's your chance to find out as your family of spies gains exclusive after-hours access to the Museum! Test your family's spy skills as you run top secret missions, go deep undercover and transform your appearance with the help of professional make-up artists, challenge yourself in Code Cracker competitions, explore all forms of spy tradecraft, and enjoy SPY snacks. New York Times bestselling author, Anthony Horowitz, will be speaking and signing his newest book in the Alex Rider Series: Never Say Die. The world's greatest teen spy is back in action in a thrilling new mission: destroy once and for all the terrorist organization SCORPIA. Americans may have purchased more than 6 million copies of Alex's adventures, but now, more than ever, we all need his heroics. Ages five and up. One adult required for every five KidSpy agents. Tickets for the general public: $14 per person; Members: $12. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
18 October 2017- Arlington, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals 2017 Annual Membership/Board Meeting and Fall Luncheon
Registration Closes 11 October 2017 LOCATION: Army Navy Country Club (ANCC), Arlington, VA. Plenty of parking.
You don't have to be a NIP member to sign up and attend the no-host social hour and luncheon.
Guest luncheon speaker will be VADM Matt Kohler, Commander, Naval Information Forces. Winners of the US Naval Institute-NIP co-sponsored 2017 Naval Intelligence Essay contest will also be honored at the luncheon.
Remarks by RADM Bob Sharp, Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence, will be featured during the NIP Annual Membership/Board Meeting which is scheduled to commence at 1000 and is open to current NIP members only.
Please pass along to those that might be interested that you do not need to be a member of NIP to attend the no-host social hour and luncheon scheduled to start at 1100.
Once again we have an online registration system to pay by credit card. To register online system, do so here and click on the event, or go to www.navintpro.org and click on the event on the home page or the community calendar.
To register and pay by check, send check to NIP, PO Box 11579, Burke, VA 22009. Please remember to include your menu selection when registering either online or by check. NO WALK UPS PLEASE, RESERVATION DUE BY COB 11 October 2017.
18 October 2017, 9 am - 3 pm - Laurel, MD - NCMF General Meeting & Symposium: "How Cyber has Changed the World Around Us."
Registration is now open for the 2017 NCMF General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium - "How Cyber Has Changed the World Around Us" - on 18 October from 0900 to 1500 hours in Laurel, MD. Guest speakers include Dr. Mary Aiken, renowned Irish forensic cyberpsychologist and author of The Cyber Effect, as well as Mr. Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, award-winning writer and recent author of The Spy Who Couldn't Spell. The program will also feature a panel discussion on the impact of cyber on future social, political, and economic climates, featuring experts from the field, such as Mr. Robert B. Dix, Dr. Mike Warner, and Professor Bill Nolte. Registration is $25 for NCMF members and $50 for guests (includes complimentary one-year NCMF membership). Deadline to register is 13 October. And remember - this year our program precedes the 2017 CCH Symposium on Cryptologic History. Please note registration for the CCH Symposium is separate (see listing at right). Additional details
at www.cryptologicfoundation.org.
Event location: The Kossiakoff Center, Johns Hopkins University/Applied
Physics Laboratory.
Thursday 19 October 2017, 6:30pm - West Bloomfield, MI - AFIO Johnny Micheal Spann Memorial Chapter, Michigan hosts Thys DeBruyn, former CIA Chief, China Operations.
Thys DeBruyn, a former CIA China expert, is President of ADVANCE Resources and Consulting and a principal consultant with the firm. He spent 24 years as a China specialist at CIA. His last position before he left CIA in 2008 to join the private sector was Chief of China Operations. Thys also served as Chief of Station, Jakarta, Indonesia 2003-2006, where he led successful efforts to bring to justice terrorists targeting U.S. and other western travelers, including those responsible for the Bali, JW Marriott Hotel, and Australian Embassy bombings. Since joining the consulting world in 2008, Thys has applied his intelligence background and China expertise helping companies protect their information, their people and their facilities in China and other high-risk foreign markets. TO ATTEND: contact Michigan Chapter at afio.secretary@afiomichigan.org for additional information.
19 - 20 October 2017 - Laurel, MD - 16th NSA/CSS Center for Cryptologic History Symposium: "Milestones, Memories, and Momentum."
Registration is now open for the 2017 CCH Symposium on Cryptologic History, 19-20 October 2017 (with additional events at the NCM on 21 October). The theme for this year's Symposium is "Milestones, Memories, and Momentum." There are many milestones to mark
in 2017: the 160th anniversary of the first attempt to span the Atlantic
with a telegraph cable, 100 years since both the entry of the United
States into World War I and the Russian October Revolution, and 75 years
after the World War II battles of Coral Sea and Midway. The Symposium
will take place just a few months before the 50th anniversary of the Tet
Offensive in Vietnam, and during the 25th year after the fall of the
Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
View the preliminary program details via the PDF link on the Event Calendar Page. Registration deadline is 13 October. Learn more via the event calendar. To purchase your tickets now do so here.
Location: Kossiakoff Conference Center, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics
Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland.
Saturday, 21 October 2017, 7 - 9pm - Hillsboro, OR - The Provisional AFIO Columbia River (Oregon) Chapter Presents FBI Analyst Brent Bowman on "Big Data and Intelligence Analysis: Is Big Data the answer or another obstacle to effective intelligence analysis?"
This unclassified program will be feature FBI Intelligence Analyst Brent Bowman from the Portland Field Office, discussing "Big Data and Intelligence Analysis: Is Big Data the answer or another obstacle to effective intelligence analysis?"
To attend: membership in AFIO is not required. The event is free of charge with ample parking. Contact Carl Wege twege@ccga.edu.
Event location: HF3 Auditorium at Intel's Hawthorne Farms campus, 5100 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124.
21 October 2017 - Washington, DC - The OSS Society Holds the Donovan Awards Dinner honoring Dr. Michael G. Vickers
The event, by invitation only, takes place at The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC.
Sunday, 22 October 2017, 6-8pm - Washington, DC - Access to SPY: Opening Our Doors to the Deaf and ASL Community - at the International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is proud to introduce the second in its series of Access to SPY programs. With an emphasis on expanding the Museum's reach into communities who have challenges in experiencing the wide range of exhibits and resources, this program specifically addresses the needs of the Deaf and ASL communities. This exclusive after-hours event provides complimentary general admission to members of the Deaf and signing communities and their family and friends. Advanced registration is required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Hitler's Monsters: Nazi Germany and the Occult - at the International Spy Museum
The Nazi fascination with the occult is legendary, and in reality the supernatural was an essential part of the Nazi project. The regime enlisted astrology and the paranormal, paganism, Indo-Aryan mythology, witchcraft, miracle weapons, and the lost kingdom of Atlantis in reimagining German politics and society and recasting German science and religion. Occult approaches were also applied to military and intelligence efforts as well. Join Eric Kurlander, professor of history at Stetson University and author of Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich, for an eye-opening look at the occult ideas, esoteric sciences, and pagan religions touted by Nazi Germany in the service of power. The book will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for the general public: $12 per person. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
24-25 October 2017 - Washington, DC - Intelligence Courses on Analyst Training: Writing, Analysis & Preparing Briefings Available for Individual Enrollment at The Intelligence Academy
We offer a 10% AFIO member discount for enrollment in this course. The discount is included as an option in the registration process, so be certain to use it.
Analyst Training: Writing, Analysis & Preparing Briefings course registration or more information can be found at this link.
November 2017
4 November 2017, 11 am - 3 pm - Orange Park, FL - The North Florida AFIO Chapter hosts Col Kent Steen, USMC(Ret) on "The Battle of Khe Sanh of 1968."
The chapter's speaker will be Colonel Kent Steen, USMC(Ret.) speaking on the Battle of Khe Sanh of 1968. He is also an intelligence specialist, which is right up our alley.
There is coincidentally a very special article entitled Khe Sanh and the Mongol Prince which you should read before attending. A short lead-in to this longer article about the battle appears on page 3 of the chapter newsletter sent to members. But for the full story, click on the link above to read the 28-page account by Chaplain Ray William Stubbs. You absolutely HAVE TO read this, it's amazing.
THE LIGHTNING ROUND: Please email ASAP to Batman at wwebb@comcast.net any subjects, topics, or controversies you feel should be discussed at the upcoming meeting.
Location: Country Club of Orange Park, 2525 Country Club Blvd, Orange Park, FL 32073.
Cost will be $24 per person, pay the Club at the luncheon. Remember that family and guests, especially potential members, are all cordially invited.
RESERVATIONS: RSVP to Ken Meyer (our Quiel look-alike) via email at kemeyer123@att.net or call him at (904) 777-2050.
Saturday, 4 November 2017, 10am-4pm - Washington, DC - 11th Annual Parade of Trabants - at the International Spy Museum
The ONLY Trabant Rally in the US! It's been more than 25 years since the Berlin Wall fell, but one Cold War icon is still chugging away - the Trabant. Despite their questionable performance and smoky two-stroke engines, these little cars are now affectionately regarded as a symbol of East Germany and the fall of Communism. Trabants are a rarity here, but on 4 November some of the finest examples in the US will chug their way to the International Spy Museum to celebrate our Eleventh Annual Parade of Trabants. Drop in to view the vintage cars, which will be parked in front of the Spy Museum on F Street NW, and enter a raffle to win a ride in a Trabant. While the cars are on display, experts will be on hand to answer questions about Trabants, the Cold War, and Communism, while the Alte Kameraden German Band provides festive music. You can take a photo with a friendly Stasi officer. Try your hand at graffiti Berlin-style and see if you can fit into the tiny spaces like those escaping from East Berlin did.
Event is free. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
4-5 November 2017, 7pm-10am - Washington, DC - KidSpy Overnight: Operation Secret Slumber - at the International Spy Museum
YOUTH EVENT. The Spy Museum doors have been locked for the night, but in the shadows a group of exclusive recruits stand ready to begin a night of top-secret KidSpy training. This could be you! Perfect your alias and cover-story, check in at "Border Patrol," and prepare for a night of intrigue and adventure. As a spy school recruit, your mission begins with taking on a secret identity and gathering intelligence about real spy skills. During the night, you will transform yourself through disguise, make and break secret codes, uncover important secrets, interrogate real spies, and hunt for a mole within your ranks! At the same time, the adults lurking nearby will be kept on their toes with their own super-clandestine mission. As day breaks, enemy agents will be exposed in a dramatic finale, KidSpy agents and adults will reclaim their "real" (how do we know you are who you say you are?) identities and this adventure-filled mission will be accomplished. Ages 9-13. One adult required for every two KidSpy agents.
Tickets for the general public: $115 per person. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Monday, 6 November 2017 - Washington, DC - Three speakers discuss "Allies Under the Shadow: Thailand, the Philippines and the State of US Alliances in Southeast Asia" at CSIS.
CSIS Presentation - "Allies Under the Shadow: Thailand, the Philippines and the State of US Alliances in Southeast Asia."
Speakers: John Blaxland, Richard Heydarian, and Mark Montgomery. John Blaxland is director of the Southeast Asia Institute and head of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University (ANU). He served previously as director of Joint Intelligence Operations (J2) at Headquarters Joint Operations Command, and before that as Australia's defense attaché to Thailand and Myanmar. Blaxland will discuss his forthcoming paper "Tipping the Balance in Southeast Asia?: Thailand, the United States, and China," the result of a three-year research project funded by the Minerva Research Initiative. The paper was co-authored by Greg Raymond.
Richard Heydarian is a resident political analyst with the GMA Network and a non-resident fellow with Stratbase ADR Institute in Manila. Formerly he was an assistant professor in International Affairs and Political Science at De La Salle University. Mark Montgomery is policy director of the US Senate Armed Services Committee. A career naval officer, he served previously as Director for Operations at US Pacific Command from 2014 to 2017. Before that, he commanded Battle Force Seventh Fleet/Task Force 70/Carrier Strike Group 5 aboard the USS George Washington from 2013 to 2014, and was Deputy Director for Plans, Policy, and Strategy at U.S. European Command from 2010 to 2012.
LOCATION: CSIS headquarters - 1616 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
Questions to David Ward, Washington Sub-branch of Returned & Services League of Australia, dmward1973@gmail.com
Tuesday, 7 November 2017 - Ottawa, ON - CANIC 2017 - The Fifth Annual Canadian Military Intelligence Association Conference "Hybrid Warfare and the Implications for Intelligence."
The Canadian Military Intelligence Association's (CMIA) Canadian Intelligence Conference will be held in the John G. Diefenbaker Building, 111 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, ON K1N 5A1, Canada. This year's theme will be: "Hybrid Warfare and the Implications for Intelligence." Among those speaking at this year's conference are Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Jon Vance and Latvia's National Security Advisor. More information here.
8 November 2017, 5:15 to 7pm - Washington, DC - Gen. Michael Hayden speaks at "Ethics & Intelligence" Symposium at Catholic University - Theme: Double Lives and Moral Lives: An Exploration into the Ethics of Intelligence
Ethics and Intelligence -
Double Lives and Moral Lives: An Exploration into the Ethics of Intelligence. An open, no-fee event at Catholic University.
8 November 2017, 5:15pm to 7pm
Former CIA and NSA director General
Michael Hayden will be the featured speaker on this evening symposium on "Ethics and Intelligence" which
asks "Can ethics and intelligence coexist?"
Join the Institute for Human Ecology for this interesting
featuring CIA veterans at a time global challenges demand the
attention of the intelligence community.
LOCATION: Heritage Hall inside
O'Connell Hall, Catholic University,
620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC. Starts at 5:15pm in Heritage
be a panel of other distinguished experts.
David E. Hoffman, the Washington
Post; V. Sue Bromley, former ExDir, CIA; Jamil N. Jaffer, Law School Professor, George
Mason University, founder National Security Institute; and Nicholas
Dujmovic, former CIA Staff Historian, current director
of the Intelligence Studies Program at The Catholic University.
Event description here.
RSVP: AFIO members, guests, professors, students, and media invited. No
fee to attend. If you are media, well, there's a story here.
Further information from Nicholas Dujmovic, Ph.D.,
Visiting Professor of Intelligence Studies, Politics Department, Catholic
University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20064,
(202) 319-5272 or email him at dujmovic@cua.edu.
Thursday, 9 November 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - The Ghosts of Langley: Into the CIA's Heart of Darkness - at the International Spy Museum
As the CIA turns seventy, celebrated intelligence historian John Prados takes a provocative and panoramic look at the Agency through the eyes of key figures in CIA history and in light of a narrow slice of a few of its covert actions around the world. Drawing on newly declassified documents, join Prados as he throws light on classic agency operations such as the Bay of Pigs, and discerns a disturbing continuum from the practice of covert actions from Iran in the 1950s, Chile and Vietnam in the 1970s, and Central America in the 1980s to the current secret wars in the Muslim world. He'll explore the premise of his new book Ghosts of Langley that spy chief legends, including Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, were masters of obfuscation who shielded the agency from government probing to the extent that their legacy culminates in the secret overseas prisons and torture programs of the War on Terror. The book will be available for sale and signing at the event.
Tickets for the general public: $10 per person. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
11 November 2017, 11:30am - Melbourne, FL - CIA Interrogator addresses Florida Satellite Chapter
Former CIA interrogator, James Mitchell, will address the AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter at the Suntree Country Club in Melbourne, FL. Dr. Mitchell interrogated the most senior terrorists in US custody, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of the 9/11 terror attacks. He has consulted with US counterterrorist units and intelligence agencies. Members and guests assemble at 11:30 AM, with a call to order at 12:15 PM.
Attendance is by registration only and registrations cannot be accepted after 3 November.
To register, contact FSC Chapter President at afiofsc@afio.com.
12 November 2017, 11:30 - 1:30 - Lyndhurst, OH - The Great Lakes Chapter hosts Dr. Steven Oluic on "The Geopolitics of Eastern Europe and the Baltics."
The speaker will be Lt Col Steven Oluic USA(Ret) PhD, Dean of Arts and Sciences at Lakeland Community College, Cleveland/Akron. The topic of his presentation will be " The Geopolitics of Eastern Europe and the Baltics." He is a noted author and has presented at many professional conferences and at such venues as the Defense Intelligence Agency, the FBI and State Department. During his 27-year military career, he served overseas tours in Iraq, Korea, Germany, and Bosnia.
Location: The private meeting room in Bar Louie (www.barlouie.com) 24337 Cedar Rd, Lyndhurst, OH 44124.
RSVP by 8 Nov 2017 to chapter president John Heinsons at hp34063@yahoo.com with the number of persons attending.
Monday, 13 November 2017, 11:30am - Washington, DC - Reflections on the Career of Intelligence by Admiral Bobby R. Inman Tickets Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security presents "Reflections on the Career of Intelligence by Admiral Bobby R. Inman."
At the request of Spike Bowman, a trustee of the Daniel Morgan Graduate School, the school asked that AFIO bring to the attention of our members that they are hosting Admiral Bobby R Inman, USN (Ret) for the inaugural lecture in a new DMGS series endowed by the University of Virginia School of Law's Center for National Security Law in honor of Mr. Bowman. The series has been titled "The M.E. 'Spike' Bowman Distinguished Lectures in Intelligence and National Security Law."
Use these links for more information about this event, or to register, or more information about the school.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017, 6-8pm - Washington, DC - The International Spy Museum's Spies and Spirits of the Revolution - at Anderson House
Whiskey, spies, and rebellion: a winning combination for the Patriots in the 1770s and for you in 2017. Spend an evening enjoying tales and tactics of the cunning spies George Washington depended on in the magnificent mansion dedicated to the War's memory and toast them with whiskey distilled just as it was at that time. This evening you'll enjoy an Old Fashioned cocktail and other whiskey and cider samples from Wigle Whiskey and Threadbare, Pittsburgh's award-winning craft distillery and new ciderhouse, while the Spy Museum's Vince Houghton and Jacqueline Van Eyl give you an exciting rundown of the wildest true tales of the brave and wily men and women who spied for Independence. After their talk try more Wigle samples, tour Anderson House, the home of the Society of the Cincinnati - founded by Revolutionary War officers, and try your hand at using George Washington's own invisible ink. Society of the Cincinnati Members, please contact Shana Oltmans at soltmans@spymuseum.org.
Tickets for the general public: $25 per person. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
15 November 2017, 5 - 8pm - Washington, DC - The OSS Society hosts "by invitation only" 75th Anniversary Event
The OSS Society is hosting a "by invitation only" event at the Omni Shoreham Hotel to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Dr. Christian Lambertsen's test of his underwater rebreathing unit in the hotel's pool for the OSS Maritime Unit, precursor to the Navy SEALs. The speaker will be Patrick O'Donnell, author of First SEALs: The Untold Story of the Forging of America's Most Elite Unit. Space is limited and is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
RSVP by 10 November 2017 to monica.vela@omnihotels.com.
LOCATION: Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert St NW, Washington, DC.
Thursday, 16 November 2017, 11:30am - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts John Tarbert, discussing "Counterterrorism Awareness for Public Transportation."
This presentation by Dr. John Tarbert - "Counterterrorism Awareness for Public Transportation" is based on actual events happening in the world of public transportation; a favorite target of terrorist attacks. John Tarbert is an instructor for the Transportation Security Institute on Terrorism. He was until recently the Chief of Police Regional, Transportation District, Denver. Before that he was employed in various police departments in Colorado and Illinois. He is a Certified Safety and Security Director by the World Safety Organization and a certified Terrorism Awareness Instructor. He has a Ph.D. in Business Management from California Coast University, a Master's degree in Criminal Justice & Public Administration from Webster University and a BA in Biology & Chemistry from Carthage College.
To attend or for more details, contact Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - The Foundation of the CIA: Harry Truman, the Missouri Gang, and the origins of the Cold War - at the International Spy Museum
The US was late to the practice of intelligence, but during WWII the country created a new model of combining intelligence collection and analytic functions into a single organization-the Office of Strategic Services. How did this outfit transform into today's CIA? Thanks to President Harry Truman and a small group of advisors. Join Dr. Richard E. Schroeder, retired CIA officer and author of The Foundation of the CIA, as he reveals how President Truman and his "Missouri Gang," which included Sidney Souers and Roscoe Hillenkoetter, developed this new, centralized agency directly subordinate to and responsible to the President, despite entrenched institutional resistance. Schroeder will reveal how this group provided the leadership the US needed to take on the responsibilities of a global superpower during the very first years of the Cold War. The book will be available for sale and signing at the event.
Tickets for the general public: $10 per person. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017, 6 - 10pm - Washington, DC - The Honorable William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award Dinner by the International Spy Museum
On November 29, 2017, the first annual "The Honorable William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award Dinner" takes place at The Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC. This International Spy Museum event honors an individual who has served the nation in the field of National Security with integrity and distinction.
The Museum’s award is named for Judge William H. Webster, former director of the CIA and FBI (the only individual to hold both offices), a man whose reputation for probity and forthrightness is the standard by which all others are measured. Before serving the intelligence community, Judge Webster was a distinguished jurist of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and of the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
Since retirement from public office, Webster has practiced law at the Washington DC office of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy where he specializes in arbitration, mediation, and internal investigation. He is currently the Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council and a founding member of the International Spy Museum Advisory Board of Directors. Judge Webster has a long record of distinguished service to our country; the International Spy Museum is pleased to name this award in his honor.
LOCATION: The Ritz-Carlton, 1150 22nd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037
ATTIRE: Cocktail
EVENT SCHEDULE: VIP Reception 6 - 7 PM;
Cocktail Reception 6:30 - 7:30 PM;
Dinner/Awards 7:30 - 9 PM;
After-Glow 9 - 10 PM
Sponsorship benefits and opportunities or to attend this event, email: Rebecca Diamond (Vice President of Development & Membership) at: rdiamond@spymuseum.org, or call: 202.654.0954, or use this online link.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017, 7 to 8:45pm - McLean, VA - Ibn Warraq "The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology" at the Westminster Institute
Ibn Warraq, Senior Research Fellow, Westminster Institute, discusses his new book The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology. In it, he takes the dogmas of jihadists seriously and critically examines the Islamic sources upon which they draw.
Ibn Warraq is known for his book, Why I Am Not a Muslim (1995), an early warning to the West about the dangers of political Islam and multiculturalism. He has edited and contributed to several books of Koranic criticism and on the origins of Islam. Bernard Lewis has written that, "Ibn Warraq exemplifies the rarely combined qualities of courage, integrity, and intelligence." Ibn Warraq's Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism, 2007, was described by distinguished professor Paul Berman as "a glorious work of scholarship, and it is going to contribute mightily to modernizing the way we think about Western civilization and the rest of the world."
He is currently Senior Research Fellow at the Westminster Institute, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and a contributing editor to The New English Review. He studied Arabic and Persian at the University of Edinburgh.
Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101.
Register or for more information: here.
30 November 2017, 6 pm - Washington, DC - Dr Harlan Ullman discusses Anatomy of Failure: Why America Loses Every War It Starts at City Tavern Club.
The City Tavern Club invites AFIO members and guests to attend a program they are hosting upon the release of Dr. Harlan Ullman's latest book, Anatomy of Failure: Why America Loses Every War It Starts. Anatomy of Failure has been called a "must read" by former Secretaries of State General Colin Powell and Senator John Kerry and termed a combination of a Tom Clancy thriller with the gravitas of Karl Von Clausewitz by House of Cards creator Lord Michael Dobbs (see publisher blurb). To attend, contact Zana Metelski at zmetelski@icloud.com or the Club Manager, Heather Herfel, 202 337-8770.
Event location: The City Tavern Club, 3206 M ST NW, Washington, DC 20007; 202 337-8770.
December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017 - New York, NY - The AFIO New York Metro Chapter hosts Eva Dillon, author of "Spies in the Family: An American Spymaster, His Russian Crown Jewel, and the Friendship That Helped End the Cold War."
SPEAKER: Eva Dillon - Author "Spies in the Family" About her father, an American Spymaster and his "Russian Crown Jewel" that helped win the Cold War.
TOPIC: A beautifully written, profoundly moving account of one of the most important US Intelligence sources ever run inside the Soviet Union. The book is filled with espionage tradecraft and family drama. It is essential reading for anyone fascinated by how spying really works. Books available for sale at the meeting.
LOCATION: Society of Illustrators building, 128 East 63rd Street, Between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue, New York, NY.
TIME: Registration starts 5:15 PM Meeting starts 6:00 PM COST: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner, cash bar.
REGISTRATION: Strongly recommended, not required. Email: afiometro@gmail.com Phone: 646-717-3776.
5 December 2017 - Columbia, MD - Dr Robert W. Love, Historian at US Naval Academy, discusses the rationale and wisdom of the Attack on Pearl Harbor at the NCMF 2017 Pearl Harbor Program
Join the National Cryptologic Foundation on 5 December for their 17th Annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Program which focuses on the rationale for the attack, which even its architect, Admiral Yamamoto, characterized in so many words as a "death warrant." The event features special guest speaker Dr. Robert W. Love, a professor and historian at the US Naval Academy. He will explain the motives and goals of the planners and whether it was "a bold stroke or senseless strategy."
When: 10-11:30 am, followed by lunch.
Cost: $25 for NCMF members, $50 for guests (complimentary one-year NCMF membership included with guest purchase).
Where: CACI Inc., Maryland Conference Center, 2720 Technology Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20755
RSVP or More Info: Register online here or mail a check to NCMF, PO Box 1682, Ft. Meade, MD 20755. For further details, call NCMF office at 301-688-5436.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - Meet An F-4 Pilot: Mark Hewitt - at the International Spy Museum
Come to the Spy Museum and meet an F-4 pilot. Mark A. Hewitt has always had a fascination with spyplanes and the intelligence community's development and use of aircraft. He flew F-4s in the Marine Corps and served as Director of Maintenance with the Border Patrol and the Air Force, and was an Associate Professor for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is the author of Special Access, Shoot Down, No Need to Know, and his latest, Blown Cover. His novels have been approved by the CIA Publication Review Board.
Event is free.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
5-7 December 2017 - Chantilly, VA - Science, Intelligence and Operations - The Innovation Imperative at this ATIA TS//SI/TK US Only Conference
The ATIA (Advanced Technical Intelligence Association) believes that the US is at a national, "Sputnik Moment." There is a compelling need to expand the breadth of outreach within government and, externally, with the private sector. The overall goal needs to be accelerating the pace of government science.
The agenda at this classified event provides a structure by which (a) key government management speakers can describe their vision and initiatives; (b) will use case studies to provide an opportunity for deep dives into the problems and technologies needed; and, (c) will include collaboration panels to explore inter-agency opportunities to leverage new and existing technologies across mission needs.
More info on conference is here.
Cost: $1075 discounted to $925 to Nov 19.
Where: Engility Heritage Conference Center, Chantilly, VA 20151
Register here.
Friday, 8 December 2017, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - James Rosen: High Hand - at the International Spy Museum
Espionage, political machinations, oil, secretly funded high-tech weapons of intelligence, ghosts of the Cold War, murder, and poker. James Rosen, Curtis Harris & James Ellenberger are the co-authors of High Hand and wrote under the single pseudonym Curtis J. James. Join the author James Rosen for an in-store Spy Museum Store signing of this spy thriller and join in the discussion on how spies, journalists, union leaders, and politicians intertwine as well as the extraordinary ways that advanced technology could be used in the pursuit of surveillance and interrogation. Event is free.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017, noon - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast Chapter event features Juan Rivera, Operations Officer CIA.
Juan R. Rivera is the featured end-of-year speaker at this Suncoast Chapter event. Rivera was a Senior Operations Officer in CIA up to his retirement on 31 December 2006. During his career he served mostly in Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. He had permanent tours of duty in Venezuela, Guatemala, and Dominican Republic, and travelled frequently between CIA Headquarters and these overseas assignments. He also has nearly two decades of experience working against major drug trafficking organizations operating in these areas. From the summer of 2002 until his retirement he served as CIA's liaison and Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and Director of National Intelligence (DNI) representative to the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL. Mr. Rivera served in the US Army from 1966 to 1969 and, as an infantryman, fought in the Vietnam War where he was wounded twice during separate combat actions.
Location: Surf's Edge Club, MacDill AFB
Fee: $20. Seating is limited.
TO ATTEND: If interested in attending, contact Chapter secretary Michael Shapiro at michaels@suncoastafio.org ASAP.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017, 7 pm - McLean, VA - Professor Hassan Abbas discusses "The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Afghan-Pakistan Frontier" at the Westminster Institute
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies and Chair of the Department of Regional and Analytical Studies at National Defense University's College of International Security Affairs (CISA), discusses The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Afghan-Pakistan Frontier. Aside from his expertise on Pakistan and Afghanistan, he also travels frequently to Iraq for research work on Hashd al-Shaabi (also known as Popular Mobilization Forces/Shia Militias). Along with addressing the main topic of the Taliban revival, he will compare and contrast Taliban and Hashd.
When: Reception at 7pm; presentation 7:30 to 8:45pm.
Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101
Register here.
Sunday, 17 December 2017, 1-4pm - Washington, DC - Curtis Harris: High Hand - at the International Spy Museum
Espionage, political machinations, oil, secretly funded high-tech weapons of intelligence, ghosts of the Cold War, murder, and poker. Who could want more in a summer read? James Rosen, Curtis Harris & James Ellenberger are the co-authors of High Hand and wrote under the single pseudonym Curtis J. James. Join the co-authors Curtis Harris for an in–store Spy Museum Store signing and join in the discussion on how spies, journalists, union leaders, and politicians and politicians intertwine to the extraordinary ways that advanced technology could be used in the pursuit of surveillance and interrogation. This is a high octane spy thriller! Event is free.
Visit www.spymuseum.org.
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