Weekly Intelligence Notes (WINs)
AFIO proudly presents a weekly e-Newsletter that keeps members up-to-date with local and national AFIO activities, as well as synopses of the latest news from or about the intelligence community.
To view the current WIN click here! (Locked Version - Members Only)
To view the most recent unlocked and locked WINs for 2025 click here!
To view the unlocked WINs for 2024 or earlier years click here or use list at far right of this page.
About WINs
AFIO WINs are commentaries based on fresh, open source research of intelligence related topics. WINs also contain book reviews. Members receive these Notes via email. WINs are archived on this site. Though WINs are received by AFIO members directly in their email boxes, "unlocked" online versions are made available weekly with a built-in eight week unlock cycle.WINs may be accessed directly. Researchers should use the SEARCH capability to access WINs going back several years. Non-members should apply to join the Association, or go the "subscription-only" route to begin receiving all AFIO publications (includes the digital-delivery-only Weekly Intelligence Notes and the print-only journal, Intelligencer), if they seek access to the latest WINs as we release them, or the journal (released 2 to 3 times per year), and the other benefits AFIO membership.
Warning Notice: Perishability of Links: WINs, sent weekly to members, often contain numerous webpage links to fast-breaking news, documents or other items of interest; unfortunately, after four weeks, many of these websites [especially newspaper and other media sites] remove items or shift them into fee-only archives. This underscores the benefit of receiving the WINs as they are released. Latest "unlocked" WIN Online:
WINs are protected by copyright laws and intellectual property laws, and may not be reproduced or re-sent without specific permission from the Producer. Opinions expressed in the WINs are solely those of the editor(s) or author(s) listed with each article.
| WIN Archives
AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes Archive including "locked" and "unlocked" editions:
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