Association of Former Intelligence Officers

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AFIO Central Office
220 Spring St Suite 220
Herndon, Virginia 20170

Telephone: 703 790 0320
Facsimile: 703 991 1278
© 2024 AFIO
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Making a Donation to AFIO by Codicil to Your Will

[Please complete, sign, and staple to will]

If Unrestricted Bequest, complete this portion

"I give _________________________________________ of the residue (fill in $ amount or percent) of my estate to the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, 220 Spring St Suite 220
Herndon, Virginia 20170 , a Virginia non-profit, non-political educational association of intelligence professionals, for the benefit of the _________________________________________

_________________________________________________________." (name of specific fund or program)

If Bequest to Establish an Endowment, complete this portion

"I give _________________________________________ of the residue (fill in $ amount or percent) of my estate to the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, 220 Spring St Suite 220
Herndon, Virginia 20170 , a Virginia non-profit, non-political educational association of intelligence professionals, for the benefit of the _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ , (name of specific program, activity or fund)

the income only to be used for the following purpose: _______________

_________________________________________________________ . (state the purpose) If, in the future, it is the opinion of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers that all or part of the income of this fund cannot be usefully applied to such purpose, the Association of Former Intelligence Officers may use the same for any purpose that will most nearly accomplish my wishes."


Person(s) Exercising This Codicil Sign(s) Here: 

Dated _____________________________

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