Weekly Intelligence Notes
31 March 2000
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BIN LADEN WEAKENED -- Since the deadly bombings of US embassies in 1998 that
killed 228 people in Tanzania and Kenya, attributed to bin Laden, a number of
planned terrorist acts in the US, Jordan, Albania and elsewhere have been
foiled. Reportedly a round-the-clock focus on bin Laden's movements and methods
have proven effective. Dozens of terrorists, reportedly trained in Afghanistan
and said to be connected with bin Laden, have been arrested in Britain, Germany,
Canada, Jordan, Pakistan and the US. Informants in the Middle East and elsewhere
have provided intelligence and law enforcement officials with valuable
information, after infiltrating bin Laden's "al Qaeda" network and
training camps in Afghanistan. Michael Rolince, Chief of the FBI International
Terrorism Section, cites the indictments in the embassy bombings and the arrests
of some of those indicted individuals as evidence of successes. Ely Karmon, of
the International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism in Israel said that bin
Laden has lost a lot of his infrastructure.
Nevertheless, said a senior US intelligence official, "Like any good
terrorist, he has modified his approach and changed some of his standard
operating procedures to reflect the increased scrutiny that his organization has
come under." For example, bin Laden has shifted his focus to "soft
targets" such as hotels and tourist sites rather than embassies, and has
recruited Algerian terrorists and others who are not members of al Qaeda to
carry out attacks. He has also broadened the scope of operations, claiming
success for his role in Czechnya against the Russians - yet another set of
infidels. And he has begun to empower a second tier of individuals within his
organization with more authority. But, says a US intelligence official, he still
"makes the decision when he wants to try and kill Americans." (Wpost
11 Mar 2000, p. A3, David Vise and Lorraine Adams) (Jonkers)
U.N. special human rights investigator, claimed on March 20 that the absence of
intact civilian power structures in Kosovo had made the region a veritable
playground for various different mafia groups. The statement followed a 10-day
visit to Yugoslavia where Dienstbier honed in on the problems that have faced
the region since NATO-led "peacekeepers" (KFOR) were sent to the area
in June, 1999. He reportedly indicted the international community for
short-sightedness in bombing the region without knowing what to do with the area
following the attack.
Although the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is officially no longer in existence,
Dienstbier explained that the power institutions now set up by the KLA are
entrenched and would be difficult to remove. And in a notable corollary,
Dienstbier claimed that, according to a U.S. anti-narcotics organization, 40
percent of Europe's heroin traffic was now traveling through Kosovo.
A number of observers have viewed our Yugoslav policies and particularly the
US-run Rambouliet ultimatum process and subsequent bombing campaign destroying
the Serbian civic infrastructure, and killing, maiming or wounding thousands of
Serbs and Kosovars - and greatly contributing to the number of Kosovar refugees
- as failures in diplomacy, damaging to our global security strategy, and a
needless expenditure of our moral capital. It can also be considered as
testimony to the unfortunate fact that even the best intelligence cannot
overcome policymakers' errors -- but on the other hand that our intelligence
supporting the military operations was, and still is, the best .
In addition to the boost for the European heroin trade, one of the other
unfortunate yet predictable results of our alliance with Kosovo's Stalinist KLA
extremists, formerly recognized by US intelligence as terrorists and narcotics
criminals, has been yet another US-underwritten ethnic-cleansing and atrocity
campaign in the former Yugoslavia. (SOURCES #164, 22 Mar 00) http://www.dso.com/cgibin/dso.newsearch.cgi?
searchin=both&cartid=% CARTID%&searchfor=Kosovo ; WTimes 31 Mar 00, p.
A29) (Jonkers)
HACKERS ATTACK RUSSIAN WEBSITE - Hackers replaced the Russian military news
agency's (AVN) Internet homepage with a string of insults written in English
about Russia's army and leaders, the agency reported Wednesday. The hackers also
changed some of the site's server configurations.
The AVN agency said the hackers were working from bases in Russia, Britain's
Staffordshire University, and from Brazil. According to AVN, one of the hackers
involved in the February attack on Yahoo and e-Bay had proclaimed as the
objective "to totally exclude Russia from cyberspace to punish it for the
war in Chechnya." The hacker, known under the pseudonym "Smart
Doggy," promised continued attacks against sites linked to the Russian war
effort. (No web link available) (Levine's Newsbits, leanalyst@inteltec.net
Monday to head a new Senate group designed to be a central clearing house for
information on how to combat cyber-attacks. That comes after Bennett, R-Utah,
said last week that he fears the next world war will not be fought with tanks
and missiles, but by enemy hackers attacking the nation's computers to crash
everything from the nation's utilities to its banking.
Bennett also headed a similar committee that oversaw combating the Year 2000
computer glitch. His new Critical Infrastructure Protection Working Group
emerges largely to address threats warned about by the earlier Y2K committee
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., said he formed the group and named
Bennett to head it because "recent hacker attacks on major e-commerce and
government Web sites demonstrate the importance of information security."
(Levine) leanalyst@inteltec.net
March Russians arrested a senior Russian "special services"
intelligence official, reportedly recruited by the British in Estonia. The
alleged Russian spy is currently being detained in a high-security Russian
prison, according to Federal Security Service (FSB) sources. The FSB implicated
Estonian intelligence in the espionage operation. They claimed that the alleged
spy often made contact with his British associates in Tallinn. Former Soviet
states such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, are said to have proven to be
useful agents for Western nations gathering intelligence and recruiting spies.
(Itar-Tass News Agency March 25, Sources #170, Mar30, 2000) (Jonkers)
NATO AIR TARGETING PLANS IN KOSOVO LEAKED -- After a myriad of rumors and
denials and speculation, a DoD spokesman has publicly acknowledged that NATO
suffered security breaches in the early days of the Kosovo bombing campaign. The
spokesman said NATO authorities believe that the Serbs somehow gained access to
portions of the air tasking order, the blueprint for the bombing missions. The
theory is that parts of the order were sent by facsimile machine from
representatives to NATO headquarters in Brussels back to their home capitals.
Another possible explanation might be that "too many of the allied aircraft
sent their transmissions in the clear," allowing the Serbs to intercept the
pilots' radio traffic. Despite British news stories of a Serbian spy in NATO's
ranks, the DoD representatives denied any reports of indications of a spy in
NATO. "We have no concrete evidence of any spy operating during Allied
Force," the spokesman said.
Leaked information apparently enabled the Serbs to move surface-to-air missile
batteries in anticipation of NATO flight plans.in the early days, but there is
no indication that either of the two US aircraft downed during the air war was
hit because of a leak. When the allied air forces changed their procedures, such
as making greater use of encoded communications and limiting distribution of
tasking orders, "the problem went away." He added, "The analysts
who looked at it in our building think it was mainly a problem of sloppy
Older observers are probably moved to wonder if the US has ever been involved in
a shooting war in which one of the earliest lessons learned did not point to
non-existent or sloppy operational security. (Wpost 10 March 2000, p. A2)
"ESPIONAGE 101." The Mar 27 issue of NEWSWEEK carries a short note
with the
misleading title, above, on page 8. It refers to an 81-page monograph, "Intelligence
Essentials for Everyone, " by Liza Krizan, published in June 1999 as
Occasional Paper Number Six by DIA's Joint Military Intelligence College http://www.dia.mil/jmic.html
The monograph was written by Krizan, a DoD analyst, as part of her thesis
while earning a masters degree in Strategic Intelligence at the College in 1996.
It had been sitting unread on my bookshelf for 9 months when the Newsweek story
prompted me to take a look. Well, it's an excellent primer on intelligence--but
don't expect to find secrets, derring-do or skullduggery. It's mostly
theoretical and practical, about knowledge and analysis -- an epistemology of
intelligence if you will.
But don't let that put you off. This is an excellent book for those who work in
intelligence, whether in the public or private sector, as well as those who
teach about or simply want to better understand the intelligence business. It
would also make a very good introductory text, whether for university students
or government trainees. It's available on-line from GPO for, I think, $6.50.
CASSIDY'S RUN - Double Agent for Twenty Years -- A new book to be
published shortly is reported to relate the story of Joseph Cassidy, an Army
sergeant working as an FBI double agent against the Soviet Union for more than
20 years. Mr. Cassidy, now living in retirement in Florida at age 79, has said
in an interview, "The book is extremely accurate about my role as a double
The case is revealed for the first time in David Wise's book, "Cassidy's
Run: The Secret Spy War Over Nerve Gas." The FBI devised the dangle of
Cassidy before Soviet intelligence officers to learn more about Soviet
intelligence operations in America and to keep the KGB/GRU busy with an American
agent under FBI control, rather than with real spies. The USSR was provided
genuine U.S. nerve gas secret information concerning a formula that had been
tried but had then been abandoned because it was considered too unstable for
weapons use. Mr. Cassidy passed to the Russians documents indicating the nerve
agent had been successfully developed in the hopes the false data would lead the
USSR to waste time and effort up a blind alley and also to convince them the US
was ahead in nerve gas development. The nerve gas deception operation ran for
over three years. The news account did not cover any other deceptions the FBI
concocted and ran via Mr. Cassidy, but the book states that the case ultimately
allowed the FBI to unearth deep-cover Soviet moles operating in the US who were
assigned by the Russians to work with Mr. Cassidy.
As portrayed in the news story, the affair would appear to be a clear HUMINT
success for the US in the Cold War. It will be interesting to see how the media
cover the book's release inasmuch as intelligence community failures, as
perceived by the media, are usually accorded prolonged and prominent treatment.
(NY Times 5 Mar '00, p. 13 by James Risen) (Harvey)
Annual Defense Report 2000 -- Forwarded to the President and
Congress annually, the Secretary of Defense's Annual Defense Report
serves as a basic reference document for those interested in national defense
issues and programs. The 350-page 2000 edition is available in HTML and .pdf
formats. It covers topics such as defense strategy, the current state of the
armed forces, plans for transforming the armed forces and the Department of
Defense, statutory reports from the individual secretaries, and a number of
appendices. The Department of Defense (DOD) Annual Defense Report page contains
previous reports to 1995 and an internal search engine. [MD]
From The Scout Report, Volume 6, N 44, March http://www.dtic.mil/execsec/adr2000/
target=_top http://www.dtic.mil/execsec/adr2000/Annual Defense Report -- DOD
The Electronic Frontier: -- In August of 1999, President
Clinton issued Executive Order 13133, which called for the creation of a Working
Group to analyze unlawful conduct on the Internet. This month, the Working Group
has released its report, which is now available at the Website of the US
Department of Justice (DOJ). It is entitled The Electronic Frontier: The
Challenge of Unlawful Conduct Involving the Use of the Internet: A Report of the
President's Working Group on Unlawful Conduct on the Internet.
The report discusses the legal framework in which online crimes exist, the
challenges facing law enforcement agencies in the online environment, and the
role of public education and empowerment in combating online crime. Separate
appendices focus on particular types of crime on the Internet, including fraud,
child pornography, intellectual property theft, and the sale of controlled
The report is available on the CCIPS homepage (see below). Launched by the DOJ
on March 13, 2000, this site details their efforts to stop online crime. Here
users will find materials such as speeches, reports, press releases, and
testimony, covering topics including "prosecuting computer hacking,
intellectual property piracy and counterfeiting, legal issues related to
electronic commerce, freedom of speech, searching and seizing computers,
encryption, privacy, and international aspects of cybercrime."
( From The Scout Report, Volume 6, N 43; March 17, 2000, Copyright Internet
Scout Project 1994-2000. http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) can be found at http://www.cybercrime.gov/
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Commentary and
opinions included are those of the Producer/ Editor Roy Jonkers or the associate
editors (RADM (ret) Don Harvey or Professor (ret) John Macartney), or the
contributor listed in the tagline.
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