Weekly Intelligence Notes
4 March 2000
WINs are produced by Roy Jonkers for AFIO members and subscribers. WINs are
protected by copyright laws and may not be reproduced except with the
permission of the producer/editor afio@afio.com
ANNOUNCEMENT: I am delighted to be able to announce that Elizabeth Bancroft,
former editor of SURVEILLANT, has joined us at the AFIO Central Office. This
is a major enhancement of our capabilities!
Notice: Perishability of Links: WINs, sent weekly to
members, often contain numerous webpage links to fast-breaking news,
documents or other items of interest; unfortunately, after four weeks many of these websites [especially newspaper and other media sites] remove items
or shift them into fee-only archives. This underscores the benefit of
receiving the WINs as they are released.
ECHELON ?? - In reaction to the flurry of European allegations and news
stories, the National Security Agency sent a letter to each member of
Congress. "Recently, many allegations have surfaced about activities
conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA). We anticipate a
continuation, if not an increase, in these allegations for the foreseeable
future. . . We want to assure you that NSA's activities are conducted in
accordance with the highest constitutional, legal, and ethical standards,
and in compliance with statutes and regulations designed to protect the
privacy rights of U.S. persons." http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/2000/02/nsalet.html
ECHELON (cont'd) -- Among a huge trove of FOIA documents, Jeffrey
Richelson found one that mentions "ECHELON," the unconfirmed NSA
program that European conspiracy theorists and the EU are naming ECHELON and
are going bonkers about. The document is an innocuous missions-and-functions
statement of a Navy Security Group Activity. Significantly, Richelson
concludes that ECHELON is (or was) a routine program -- there is nothing to
indicate ECHELON is anything sinister. (Macartney)
ECHELON ?? (continued): A Lawyer For All Seasons. The lawyer who served
as NSA's general counsel from 1992 to 1994 has spoken out in response to the
allegations from a Canadian ex-intelligence officer that a secret
international network of SIGINT sensor systems, led by NSA, spies on private
American citizens. Mr. Stuart Baker, a lawyer with the Washington, D.C. firm
of Steptoe & Johnson, informed UPI that ninety-nine percent of the
information on Americans inadvertently picked up by NSA is thrown out. On
the rare occasions when there is doubt whether an American's name should be
deleted from a report, it is automatically elevated to the general counsel's
office. There must be a warrant issued by a court to surveil a person inside
the US; surveillance must be authorized on the same grounds of probable
cause that a person is an agent of a foreign power by the Attorney General
when the person is outside of the US.
Baker said the NSA people are Americans like everybody else and that there
is no monolithic conspiracy or ability to construct one in NSA. He also
emphasized the many groups that watch over NSA to check for slip-ups.
"There must be 100 people whose careers would be golden if they could
find intelligence abuses at NSA," Baker said, noting the various
inspector generals, presidential oversight boards, congressional committees
and watch dog groups. "There hasn't been a credible claim from any of
those people to find those abuses," he said.
The Director of NSA , Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden, has recently spoken out along
the same line, saying that there are rules that require NSA to minimize the
retention and dissemination of information inadvertently collected in the
course of foreign intelligence collection activities. Such information can
only be kept and disseminated, "when the life of the US person is in
danger; they are the target of a foreign power, or the agent of a foreign
power." (UPI by Pamela Hess, 28 Feb '00) (Harvey)
NETWORK SECURITY - Recent events demonstrate that security breaches
to e-commerce are real. The denial-of-service attacks on several Web sites
like Yahoo!, E*Trade, CNN, eBay, Buy.com and others that blocked legitimate
users for hours through a "distributed coordinated attack;" the
diverting of customer traffic from Staples to a web site of one of its
rivals; the attempted extortion of CD Universe Web site to retrieve customer
credit card numbers, and the subsequent posting of those numbers on the
Internet for an hour; along with the Bloomingdale's sales clerk that was
swiping credit card numbers from customers unto a magnetic stripe reader
attached to her Palm Pilot -- - all demonstrate real and multiple threats to
Internet-based e-commerce that are growing in sophistication, duration and
One month after hacker attacks shut down Web sites, including Yahoo and eBay,
much of the Net world is quietly boosting its defenses. Organizations must
protect the information and the resources that get the job done. Network
professionals recognize the susceptibility of unprotected networks to fraud,
theft, vandalism and sabotage.Job listings for security professionals are
now prominent on several leading e-commerce Web sites.. Security consultants
say the attacks have pushed security from being a back-burner issue to
becoming a genuine bottom-line concern across the Net. http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1007-200-1561687.html
(Ron Levine rlevine@ix.netcom.com
years in service to his country in one capacity or another, it is safe to
guess that sympathy for former DCI John Deutch within the intelligence
community, serving and former, does not overflow any container you care to
name. His actions in using unprotected computers for highly classified
material have been widely viewed as stupidity fueled by overweening
arrogance. Despite his public apology, the criticism in the media and the
continuing Justice Department investigation have been considered the minimum
appropriate punishment.
Now, however, a new censorious voice has been added to the chorus from a
totally different direction. Dr. Deutch had returned from his government
service to MIT as an "institute professor," a position essentially
allowing him to do as he pleases. The new critic is molecular biology
professor Jonathan King, an MIT professor for 30 years, who has told the
press that Dr. Deutch should not have been allowed to return to academia.
"The CIA reflects everything contrary to the spirit of the university,
such as openness, international communication and cooperation," he
Professor King's statements will be taken as additional evidence by those
claiming that the unrequited remnants of the 1960's anti-establishment
demonstrators migrated to academia. One wonders what Professor King would
have said about George Washington, America's first proficient agent-handler.
Dr. Deutch's performance was so lamentable, on the other hand, as to raise
the possibility that he deserves to be consigned to continued association
with cohorts such as Professor King. ( AP from Cambridge, Mass. 26 Feb 00;
<http://daily> http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000226/pl/mit-deutch-1.html
NSA GAY EMPLOYEES GROUP. NSA's December newsletter revealed that NSA
now has its own homosexual employees group, the Alan Turing Chapter of the
Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Employees (GLOBE), named after the English
mathematician and World War II code breaker.(Macartney)
DOE NUCLEAR WEAPONS SECURITY - Efforts to curb espionage at nuclear
weapons labs has been improved, but there are still serious problems that
could take years to overcome, not the least of which is the unwillingness of
weapons scientists to take polygraph tests, lawmakers have been told by
(AFIO member) Paul Redmond, the former head of counterintelligence at the
CIA. Redmond conducted an in-depth review of actions taken by the Department
of Energy (DoE) during the past 18 months to improve counterespionage
Redmond said that although the DoE is doing a much better job of looking for
spies within its ranks, the agency nevertheless "has failed to gain
even a modicum of acceptance for the polygraph program in the
laboratories." Moreover, attempts at "awareness training" for
lab scientists on the potential threats posed by espionage "have failed
Weapons lab scientists have traditionally been "free-spirited
scientific types" who have, in the past, been hostile towards
heightened security measures that would limit
open s with foreign counterparts. An intelligence official
familiar with how the labs are run, said that, until recently, even
scientists with the most sensitive clearance for nuclear secrets routinely
violated security standards by not informing superiors of contacts with
foreigners. Furthermore, unlike their counterparts in the Defense Department
or the CIA, who also hold top-security clearances, the scientists were never
administered spot polygraph examinations, and were not required to complete
financial statements that would catch any unusual spikes in income.
In the case of Wen Ho Lee, the fired Los Alamos National Laboratory
weapons designer now charged with more than 50 counts of mishandling
classified nuclear weapons, it's difficult to know precisely where to put
the blame based on open source information only. Lee, who is suspected of
having provided China with nuclear weapons secrets, traveled to China to
deliver scientific papers in 1986 and 1988 as part of trips
"pre-approved and encouraged" by officials at Los Alamos and the
Department of Energy, which claims it "cleared the texts of the papers
given at these conferences." The FBI also is said to have approved the
During the Reagan and Bush administrations, officials are said to have
overlooked the threat to security that is posed by weapons lab scientists
visiting countries like China and giving presentations at scientific
conferences. These conferences were often attended by intelligence services
of countries potentially hostile to the U.S. In a recent message to
lawmakers, FBI Director Louis Freeh indicated that the compromising
information obtained by China from U.S. weapons labs might have originated
in scientific talks given by lab scientists or during private meetings with
their Chinese counterparts.
Freeh told lawmakers that the FBI had been unable to find traditional
physical evidence of espionage in the cases of the specific scientists who
are under investigation. This indicates that the information was quite
possibly transferred during professional meetings with little official
The DoE is pushing for mandatory polygraphs, citing serious and glaring
breaches in security found upon scrutiny of the U.S.'s weapons labs.
"We've had a wake-up call," Habiger has said. "That wake-up
call is, we've got to get serious about security." Energy Secretary
Richardson has been working to allay the concerns of nuclear weapons
scientists at DoE weapons labs around the country regarding mandatory
polygraph testing with a "morale-boosting" tour. "I believe
the [polygraph] policy is adequate, narrowly focused and limited in
scope," Richardson has been quoted as saying. Richardson recently
announced that the tests will be given only to those individuals who have
access to the most highly classified nuclear secrets and will involve both
DoE and contractor employees at the nations nuclear weapons labs, as well as
a small number of officials at department headquarters and other facilities.
The final rule also affects political appointees if they have access to the
information. "This is a narrowly targeted implementation plan,"
Richardson said, adding "we need to focus security efforts on
protecting information that needs protection without impeding scientific
research in the process."
Redmond found no problem with DoE Secretary Bill Richardson's decision to
reduce to about 800 the number of lab workers and scientists subjectto
polygraph tests, from an original testing program that was supposed to
include more than 10,000.
Overall, Redmond stated "the problem [of strengthening
counterintelligence activities] is massive and it's just beginning."
Sources http://www.dso.com/newsletter.html
MAIN JUSTICE -- A front page story in the Feb 14 Washington Times reports
that Richard Scruggs, a Janet Reno protégé, who formerly headed the
Justice Dept's Intelligence division, was accused of leaking highly
classified information to two book authors, but was never charged and still
holds his security clearances. The episode, which came out in the book MAIN
JUSTICE, was about an internal Justice Dept debate on a 1995 FBI electronic
surveillance operation against the NY office of Aum Shin Rikyo. According to
the Times, this was and is the first ever leak from the highly secret
intelligence court within the Justice Dept which was established by the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and which provides "court
orders" for counterespionage electronic surveillance ops. http://www.washtimes.com/national/news1-02142000.htm
FORTHCOMING BOOK -- by Elizabeth Bancroft:
Random House, in March 2000, $25. This is the story of Sgt Joe Cassidy who,
in 1959, suddenly finds himself being dangled by the FBI in front of GRU
officer Polikarpov who was under cover as a Soviet embassy employee. After
Polikarpov bites, the relationship between bait and GRU continues for 21
years and is known, inhouse, as Operation Shocker. Cassidy is able to elicit
the names of ten other Soviet spies and funnels a mass of chicken feed mixed
in with some safe secrets, all of it heading eastwards. Most of it concerned
nerve gas research at the Edgewood Arsenal, leading the Soviets down costly
blind alleys and derailing their chemical warfare plans. Two FBI agents lost
their lives in an accident in this joint FBI/DOD operation. Includes a
chilling look at a Russian-developed nerve gas -- Novichok -- capable of
instantly killing millions of humans, still in unstable Russian hands
despite promises to dispose of all chemical weapons.(Elizabeth Bancroft)
THE LICENSE TO KILL by ********* [unnamed prior to publication] and John
Weisman. HarperCollins, in June 2000, $26.
-- REMOTE VIEWING SECRETS: A HANDBOOK by Joseph McMoneagle.Hampton Roads
Press, in May 2000, $14.95. The author, a former U.S. Army officer working
in INSCOM, worked for the remote-viewing program now identified as STARGATE.
This book provides definitions, examples and qualifications for potential
remote viewers, and includes training methods, technical applications and
protocols. It is a good addition to two more personal accounts which
appeared in 1996 (Morehouse's PSYCHIC WARRIOR) and in 1997 (Schnabel's
A History of the Military-Occult Complex, by W. Adam Mandelbaum, 2000 (RJ))
-- SWAMPED BY WORK WITH NO TIME TO READ? Here are forthcoming
books-on-tape -- use in your car or while exercising....
-- THIRTY YEARS OF TREASON by Eric Bentley, Dove Audio.Includes
transcripts from the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities. 4
cassettes, 6 hrs, $30 in May 2000
-- THE SWORD AND THE SHIELD by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mirokhin.
Highbridge Audio.Based on their 1999 Basic Book. 4 cassettes, 6 hrs, $26.95
in May 2000
Commentary and opinions included are those of the Producer/Editor, the
Associate Editors (Harvey and Macartney) or contributors listed in the
tagline of each article.
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