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Weekly Weekly Intelligence Notes
28 February 2000 |
WINs are produced by Roy Jonkers for AFIO members and subscribers. WINs are
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This underscores the benefit of receiving the WINs as they are released.
Senate intelligence committee is focusing on the actions of former CIA general
counsel Michael O'Neil who was identified in a CIA report as withholding
information from investigators and the Justice Department about activities of
his boss, former CIA chief John Deutch. O'Neil, who is unpopular among
Republicans because of his extreme partisanship while serving on the House
intelligence committee staff during the Reagan/Bush years, will testify before
the Senate intelligence committee March 1. The CIA Inspector General Report on
"Improper Handling of Classified Information by John M. Deutch" is now
posted on the Website of the Federation of American Scientists. http://www.fas.org/irp/cia/product/ig_deutch.html
CYBERWAR THREAT. Experts told Joint Economic Committee that foreign
military and intelligence organizations represent a far greater cyber threat to
America than hackers do. On Wednesday CIA said in testimony to Congress that
there are increasing signs that such countries as Russia and China are
developing tools that could attack commercial computer networks within the
United States.
Computer crime is burgeoning and is outpacingthe capability of our cybercops.
"Our resources are stretched paper thin," FBI Director Louis Freeh
told a Senate subcommittee last week. He said officials have seen a 39% increase
in computer crimes from 1998 to 1999. The nation has only several hundred
high-caliber forensic computer experts. Many of them are lured by technology
firms and private security outfits waving salary offers of $150,000 to $250,000,
twice their government paychecks.
( Ron Levine Newsbits, rlevine@ix.netcom.com ) (Jonkers)
ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE CHARGES. A former employee of Canada's security agency
has charged that Canadian spies once managed to overhear the American Ambassador
to Canada discussing a pending trade deal with China on a mobile telephone and
used that information to undercut the Americans in landing a $2.5-billion
Chinese grain sale. Mike Frost, a former CSE employee and author of Spyworld,
which is about his career in Canada's secret service, claims that as far back as
1981 Canada was using its U.S.-produced spy technology to eavesdrop on the
American ambassador to Ottawa.
The European Union has published a report stating that the world's five leading
English-speaking nations have engaged in a joint project (allegedly
"Echelon") that provided advantages to their domestic industries in
international competitive bids. The EU parliament will open a major
international debate on this topic.
Last spring's EU report on electronic spying said that U.S. intelligence
agencies intercepted phone calls between Brazilian officials and the French firm
Thomson-CSF in 1994 and used the information to swing a $1.3-billion radar
contract to Raytheon.
In 1990 the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel claimed NSA intercepted
messages about a pending $200-million telecommunications deal between Indonesia
and the Japanese satellite manufacturer NEC Corp. George Bush, then the U.S.
president, is said to have intervened on the basis of the intelligence intercept
and to have convinced the Indonesians to split the contract between NEC and
U.S.-owned AT&T.
A French intelligence report recently accused U.S. secret agents of working with
computer giant Microsoft to develop software allowing Washington to spy on
computer users around the world. It claims that the National Security Agency
helped install the secret programs on Microsoft software, currently in use on
90% of computers.
US authorities have consistently denied that the SIGINT system is tasked to
support US firms. The British PM also took the same position in regards to UK
industries. (Source: National Post Online, Canada,19Feb2000) (Macartney)
million to reimburse telecommunications companies willing to modify equipment to
enable electronic surveillance, matching the amount sought by the Justice
Department for domestic wiretapping. (Def Info Electronic Report, Feb 18) (Macartney)
SATELLITE RECONNAISSANCE - The press reports that a swarm of miniature
electronic reconnaissance "pico-satellites" were released from a
"mothersat" earlier this month (February) , reversing a long trend
towards building bigger and heavier satellites. The pico-satellites were said to
have been developed by Aerospace Corp., Rockwell International and Stanford
University. Despite their tiny size, alleged to be no larger than a deck of
cards, they were said to be operational and exchanging"chirps" with a
ground station. (Business Week, Feb 28, 2000, p.70) (Jonkers)
RUSSIA BATTLES TERRORISM -- After receiving a tip that warned of
possible terrorist attackS, Russia's Organized Crime Fighting Unit searched
various sites in Moscow and the surrounding areas Feb. 16, and seized an arsenal
of weapons. The
searches led to 30 arrests of individuals. The tip reportedly stated that an
organized crime group was planning a number of terrorist attacks in Moscow and
various other locations in
Central Russia. Among the confiscated weapons were three flame-throwers, four
launchers, 25 grenades, nine submachine guns, eight pistols with silencers, one
sawed-off shotgun, 1,190 rounds of ammunition and various explosive devices.
In a related story, the Organized Crime Fighting Unit of Gudermes, Chechnya,
seized 200 kilograms of explosives Feb. 16, following a similar seizure of 250
kilograms only days before. (SOURCES, http://www.dso.com ) (Jonkers)
US CHEMICAL WARFARE IN COLUMBIA -- For the past 10 years the U.S.
government has sponsored a program to fumigate illicit drug crops in Columbia,
hoping to force growers into bankruptcy. Crop yields, however, continue to grow
to a record high. New reports put cultivation up by 20 to 30 percent over last
year and indicate that total yield has doubled since 1995. Columbia currently
supplies about 80 percent of the world's cocaine
Chemical fumigation -- shades of Vietnam defoliation -- has a detrimental
impact on the surrounding rainforest, but apparently has not had a lasting
effect on the habits of coca and opium poppy growers. Instead of quitting, the
growers either move their crops elsewhere or wait until the soil has recovered.
One police official estimated that 40 to 50 percent of all sprayed crops are
The fragile balance of the rainforests cannot handle the chemical impact of the
fumigation. Furthermore, growers whose land has been sprayed often move deeper
into the Amazon rainforest, clear-cutting the forest to re-establish their
The effort to curb production has grown increasingly violent. One major
counternarcotics base was raided by rebels in 1998 and spray planes were hit
with gunfire 35 times in 1999. The U.S. government has now proposed a greatly
increased counternarcotics package with incentives to lure local Columbians away
from growing plants. The same package also includes 15 additional spray planes,
and 30 helicopters equipped with miniguns. (SOURCES, http://www.dso.com ) (Jonkers)
BIN LADEN's NETWORK -- US officials have sensitive intelligence
information that connects a bomb plot foiled just before New Year's Day to Saudi
fugitive Osama bin Laden's terrorist network. The officials base their
conclusion on information from confidential informants with direct knowledge of
the bomb plot and bin Laden's organization, data shared by foreign police and
intelligence officials, monitoring of domestic telephones and other forms of
electronic eavesdropping.
Major law enforcement and intelligence agencies including the FBI, the CIA and
the NSA have been analyzing vast amounts of data collected since Ahmed Ressam, a
32-year-old Algerian, was arrested attempting to enter the United States from
Canada in mid-December in a rental car filled with bomb-making materials and
timing devices.
The US government has distributed hundreds of matchboxes offering a reward for
the capture of Osama bin Laden - who is charged with planning the bombings of
two U-S embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. VOA, Feb 17;
An investigation under the Official Secrets Act has been ordered by the British
Home Office into the leaking of a top MI6 report describing a plot to
assassinate Colonel Gadaffi, the Libyan leader. The Metropolitan police is
investigating how the four-page MI6 document, designated UK Eyes Alpha, was
published on a California website. The intelligence services and the Foreign
Office, which refused to say whether the document was genuine, are also under
pressure to answer questions about who knew what, and when. (Macartney)
ESPIONAGE - Navy Seaman Michael Lance Walker, recruited by his father,
the notorious John Walker, at the age of 22 to steal US naval codebooks and
communications materials, served 15 years of his 25 year sentence and was
released on probation for the duration of his sentence. John Walker, a retired
Navy Chief who spied for the Soviet Union during his career as a communications
officer, recruited his son Michael, his brother Arthur, a retired Navy
Lieutenant commander, and his friend, Jerry Whitworth, a Navy Chief Petty
Officer, to continue his spying operations after his retirement. They were
convicted in 1985 and 1986. By some quirk of the system, John and Arthur,
principal culprits, were both sentenced to 30 years in prison, Whitworth to 365
years. (Fairfax Journal, Feb17,2000, p. A5) (Jonkers)
AIR AMERICA ON TV -- Monday evening be sure to watch: "BIRDS OF A
FEATHER: Air America" the story of American Air Commandos around the globe,
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM central time, on: Discovery Wings Channel (check your TV
listings) (Tony Newcomb)
SECRET MESSAGES: Codebreaking and American Diplomacy 1930-1945, by David
Alvarez, U Press of Kansas, 2000. Alvarez, who teaches at St Mary's College in
Calif, is a former NSA historian. The book focues on the history of American
diplomatic (as opposed to military) codebreaking and its influence on American
foreign policy from 1930 to 1945. It covers in detail cryptanalytic operations
against friends, foes and neutrals during WWII (with a chapter on work against
Russian traffic). It contains a lot on the origin and evolution of Anglo
American SIGINT collaboration. (Ralph Erskine)
THE CIA'S BLACK OPS: Covert Action, Foreign Policy, and Democracy, by
John Jacob Nuttter, Ph.D., Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2000, ISBN
1-57392-742-2 (cloth) . This is a critical examination of black operations and
foreign policy by a former university professor. Nutter explains a number of
types of covert action -- e.g. subsidies, graymail, propaganda, psychological
operations, economic warfare, military support, paramilitary operations, coups
d'etat and assassinations -- and seeks to examine the issues raised for a
democracy by these activities. He finds that the US has become enamored with
covert action, that black operations sometimes have substituted for foreign
policy, and that, in fact, a foreign policy elite has subverted covert
operations for its own purposes. After a caveat to the effect that his findings
are not a call for the abolition of the CIA, he concludes by stating that "The
existence of these organizations inherently diminishes democracy, thereby
producing a government of men, not of laws. Because of its
overpowering appeal, however, covert action will indeed continue, serving the
same masters if always has: expedience and power." Nutter is clearly
expressing an a priori point of view that may or may not affect the
credibility of the analysis. I am awaiting a thorough review of the book by one
of our members. (Jonkers)
ECHELON RESEARCH INFO - With all the recent interest in the ECHELON
global surveillance system, some of you may appreciate a few more Web references
on the topic.
NOTE: This is speculative reporting published on the INTERNET about this topic,
true or not, unconfirmed, and certainly not official Government information.
ECHELON is said to be operated jointly by five intelligence organizations under
the umbrella of the 1948 UKUSA signals intelligence (SIGNET) agreement. The five
agencies are said to be the NSA in America, Canada's Communications Security
Establishment (CSE), the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ),
Australia's Defense Signals Directorate (DSD) and New Zealand's Government
Communications Security Bureau (GCSB).
The NSA is the senior member and is said to call virtually all the shots.
Further references: http://www1.ekstrabladet.dk/VisArtikel.iasp?PageID=43054
(M. Sedano Reynolds mrpc@optonline.net )
Denial of Service attacks, which recently crippled some major Internet service
providers, are not Trojan horses. A Trojan horse is a hostile program that
replaces a normal program; it usually performs the same function as the normal
program, so that the victim does not realize he or she has triggered some
hostile code. These attacks are also not viruses. A virus is hostile code that
replicates itself into other programs when a user runs an infected program. DDSA
uses four tools. They are the Tribal Flood Network (TFN), Trinoo, Stacheldraht
(German for "barbed wire"), and TFN2K. All of these tools are
available to the public on several hacking and computer security web sites, such
as PacketStorm http://packetstorm.securify.com.
These tools first surfaced in late December of 1999; at that time, security
professionals tracked the distribution and testing of these various tool kits.
These attacks have two software components: a master and a handler. There is one
master to many handlers. When the master targets a system, it send the address
of the victim to all the handlers. The handlers, then, simultaneously execute
their programmed Denial of Service attacks against the victim. Any one of these
denial of service attacks may be sufficient to hamper normal operations on a
site, but tens or hundreds of them at the same time can be devestating.
An attack occurs in three steps: targeting, distribution, and activation. In the
targeting stage, the attacker scans hundreds or thousands of networks for
machines on which he can install the handler. These machines must be vulnerable
to some attack that results in superuser privilege for the attacker. Note that
appropriately protected machines, up to date with the latest security patches,
and running integrity checking tools, will be highly resistant to these
attackers. These attacks are successful because many sites do not maintain
adequate levels of system security.
Once the attacker identifies the intermediate machines, he must compromise those
systems and install the handler. There are a number of popular techniques for
accomplishing this. We have seen scans for vulnerable mail handlers (IMAP),
configuration utilities (linuxconf), services (portmap/sunrpc), and name
services (DNS), all of which contain known security vulnerabilities. Note that
patches are available for all of these known problems; again, the attacks
succeed because individuals, companies, or organizations do not maintain their
security. After the attacker compromises the machine and installs the handler,
he will move on to the next intermediate system. The attacker will eventually
have enough intermediate sites compromised.
At that time, he can run the master program that communicates with all the
handlers, select a victim, and let the handlers take the victim off the Net.
Some of these tools use spoofed IP addresses, which means that the packets that
arrive at the victim site do not contain enough correct information to figure
out where the attack originated.
There are a number of defenses against these attacks.
A. Sites should maintain adequate security on their perimeter systems.
This keeps the attacker from installing the handler.
B. Sites should configure their external routers to use egress filtering, which
prevents the actual attack from getting to the Internet, if one of their
machines happens to be running a handler.
C. Sites should run the detection software from the National Infrastructure
Protection Center (NIPC) to determine if their machines are running the handler
code. The tool is available from the FBI web site or the SANS web site, amongst
others. A number of commercial tools will also detect the handlers, according to
the vendors.
Unfortunately, there are few effective responses once the attack has been
targeted on your network. Additional information is available from
The NIPC - http://www.nipc.fbi.gov
SANS - http://www.sans.org/giac/
CERT - http://www.cert.org
Bugtraq - http://www.securityfocus.com
Packetstorm - http://packetstorm.securify.com
(Philip R. Moyer, CISSP, pmoyer@hyperon.com)
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