WORLD HISTORY OF ESPIONAGE: AGENTS, SYSTEMS, OPERATIONS, by Janusz Pielkalkiewicz, translated from the German by William M. Henhoeffer and Gerald L. Liebenau (unpublished edition inscribed to AFIO) - -
An unpublished special copy of this massive volume was sent to the AFIO Library as a special memorial to William Henhoeffer, retired Director of the Historical Intelligence Collection of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Bill Henhoeffer, a former OSS and CIA officer, initiated this translation because he felt that it contained a wealth of knowledge, highlighting the effects of intelligence gathering and how it has significantly altered the course of human history. It was his firm belief that this book should be required reading for every acting as well as aspiring intelligence officer, for, as his sister Rosemary Herbst wrote in the foreword to the translation, "there is no escaping the power of the history of espionage for those professionals who do not wish to repeat historical errors" - as well as for anyone who merely loves a good story
Bill Henhoeffer died in 1993 before he could complete the task, which was completed by another former CIA officer, Gerald Liebenau. In its current state, the translated volume (865 pages) should be considered unfinished and only briefly edited. The table of contents spans the range from the Phoenicians to the 1980's, covering cases, equipment, and sources. It is well-written, easy reading.
Additional financial resources must be found for further research and editing before an American edition can be contemplated. The German publisher permitted a restricted number of special research copies to be printed as a special memorial to William Henhoeffer. The distribution of this unpublished translation has been limited to those who would appreciate its research value. AFIO is honored to be a recipient.
Original in German "Weltgeschichte der Spionage: Agenten, Systeme, Aktionen", Sudwest Verlag, Munich, 1988 (1186 pages, with 500 illustrations, facsimiles and graphics) ISBN 3-517-00849-4 . (RoyJ)
Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #11-99, 17 March 99
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