Association of Former Intelligence Officers

ISRAELI BOMB Avner Cohen, Israel and the Bomb, Columbia U Press, 1998. The book focuses on a two-decade period from about 1950 until 1970, during which David Ben-Gurion's vision of making Israel a nuclear-weapon state was realized. Cohen weaves together the story of the formative years of Israel's nuclear program, from the founding of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission in 1952, to the alliance with France that gave Israel the nuclear technology it needed, to the failure of American intelligence to identify the Dimona Project for what it was in the late 1950s, to the negotiations between President Nixon and Prime Minister Meir that led to the current policy of nuclear opacity. Cohen also analyzes the complex forces that led Israel to conceal its nuclear program -- from concerns over Arab reaction and the negative effect of the debate at home to consideration of America's commitment to nonproliferation.

Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #01-99, 4 January 1999

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