- Biden picks new National Security Agency head, key to support of Ukraine, defense of US elections - Associated Press, 23 May 23
- European Union Fines Meta $1.3 Billion Because of NSA Spying Programs - Reason, 26 May 23
- ASIO spies to defend AUKUS subs as Australia is now a larger ‘target for espionage’ - SkyNews, 24 May 23
- Treasury Targets DPRK Malicious Cyber and Illicit IT Worker Activities - U.S. Department of the Treasury, 23 May 23
- Cyber Army! US Mulls Creating A New Military Unit That Can ‘Track & Whack’ Chinese, Russian Aggression - Eurasian Times, 25 May 23
- Chinese spy hit on US military base sparks fears of communications blackout - The Telegraph, 25 May 23
- Intel agency mapping the moon to support future lunar navigation - C4ISRnet, 23 May 23
- At GEOINT, Space Force and NGA lean into the metaverse, whatever that means - Breaking Defense, 26 May 23
- Under the sea and ready for war? US wants to spend billions on spy submarine to fend off ocean-deep China, Russia advances - USA Today, 23 May 23
- The "spy whale” is back - The Barent Observers, 24 May 23
- Counterespionage Corner - A collection of recent material on arrests, convictions, expulsions, and more...
- "70th Anniversary of James Bond Special" with Alexis Albion, Part II — Andrew Hammond, PhD. SpyCast
- The upcoming NATO Summit provides an opportunity for NATO members to support Ukraine’s security, even without membership. — Former Acting CIA Dep. Dir. for Ops and Arkin Group President Jack Devine, In Other News
- Türkiye Election Leaves Western Concerns Unresolved, Sudan’s Refugees Face Dire Humanitarian Conditions, Diversification and Ideological Malleability of Far-Right Extremism, Pakistan’s Political Crisis — Former FBI Special Agent and Soufan Group CEO Ali Soufan, Intel Brief
- Kremlin-backed poisonings, Whelan, Sudan, Conflicts in Ukraine and Sudan are connected, More extremist content showing up online, Tiring of Ukraine, Neo-Nazi Crashes at the White House, and more... — WTOP National Security Correspondent JJ Green - Inside the SCIF, Target USA, The Hunt
- Henry Kissinger: Killer Case Officer - Jeff Stein and Colleagues in SpyTalk (Substack)
- Article: Russians snitch on Russians who oppose war with Soviet-style denunciations - Washington Post, 27 May 23
- Article: The Man Who Kept the Secrets - Wall Street Journal, 26 May
- OpEd: Stars on the wall at CIA headquarters tell Memorial Day tale - Washington Times, 25 May 23
- Article: Unearthed: CosmicEnergy, malware for causing Kremlin-style power disruptions - ArsTechnica, 25 May 23
- Article: Why are Germany and South Korea sharing military secrets? - Deutsche Welle, 24 May 23
- Article: The cyber gulag: How Russia tracks, censors and controls its citizens - Associated Press, 23 May 23
- OpEd: How FISA Shields FBI Abuses - Wall Street Journal, 23 May 23
- Article: Anti-Putin militias mount cross-border incursion in western Russia - The Washington Post, 23 May 23
- Article: Spies can’t work from home — and that’s hurting recruitment in Germany - Washington Post, 23 May 23
- Article: ‘Spies’ carry goods to New York in mission to help children with cancer - Washington Times, 22 May 23
- Odisha may turn haven for espionage - The Hans India, 28 May 23
- The United States, China and Russia: Intelligence, Cybersecurity and new developing technologies. An interview with Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori - Israel Defense, 27 May 2023
- Inside the National Intelligence Service: A Closer Look at Kenya’s Security Apparatus - Social Science Research Network, 21 May 23
- Tradecraft in Open Source Intelligence - Janes' The World of Intelligence Podcast (57 mins), 24 May 2023
- Expert Backgrounder: Title I of the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Act vs. Section 702 - Justice Security, 25 May 23
- What a Debt Default Would Mean for National Security - Center for a New American Security citing The Hill, 22 May 23
- Infographic and Report: Charted: The Number of Democracies Globally - Visual Capitalist, 28 May 23
- Intelligence in History - A Collection of Recent Content
- True Intelligence Matters in Film: Mata Hari: The Red Dancer - Friedrich Feher (1927)
- Walking Tours: The Spies of Embassy Row and Spies of Georgetown - Washington, DC. (Sundays, Dates/Times Vary)
Section V - Books, Research Requests, Academic Opportunities, Jobs, Obituaries
Books — Forthcoming, New Releases, Overlooked
Research Requests and Academic Opportunities
- Survey for Members: Skill Sets Needed for Intelligence Analysis Degree Holders to See Success After Graduation
- Call for Information: 430th CIC in Salzburg in 1946
- Call For Sources: Intelligence activities in Grenada and the southern Caribbean between 1979, Operation Urgent Fury, Leonard Barrett
- Call For Sources: Intelligence Officers Who Lived in Spain in the 1970s
- Call For Papers: Intelligence and Post-War Reconstruction - International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
- Call For Articles: AFIO Journal, The Intelligencer
- Doug Wheeler, Army Intelligence Officer and Academic
- Jon Price, Latest CIA Memorial Wall Star Recipient, CIA Medical Officer
- Leonard Charlap, Institute for Defense Analysis Cryptographer
Section VI - Events
Upcoming AFIO Events
- 19 Jun 23 (Monday), 1800 (PDT) - Virtual - Peter Warmka, veteran CIA operations officer on "Confessions of a CIA Spy - The Art of Human Hacking" - AFIO Columbia River Chapter
- 27 Jul 23 (Thursday), 1130 (Pacific) - In Person, San Francisco - Col. Robert W. Parr, USAF (ret), on "12 Days with a Soviet Pilot Defector" - AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, Others
- 31 May 23, 1200 (ET) Lost Son with Brett Forrest – International Spy Museum - Virtual
- 06 Jun 23, 1700-1900 (ET) The OSS Society Commemorates the 79th Anniversary of D-Day – OSS Society - In Person - Washington, DC
- 13 Jun 23, 1200-1300 (ET) Amy Zegart, "How Technology Is Changing American Intelligence" – NASIH - Virtual
- 13 Jun 23, 1800 (ET) An "Oh So Social" Conversation - A discussion about Michael Vickers forthcoming book, "By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Intelligence, Special Operations, and Strategy" – OSS Society - Virtual
- 14 Jun 23, 1200-1300 (ET) The Making of Global Trends 2030 – Johns Hopkins University - Virtual
- 20 Jun 23, 0800-1000 (ET) A Celebration of Excellence: Honoring Charlie Allen – INSA - In Person - Tysons Corner, VA
- 29 Jun 23, 0900-0945 (ET) Coffee and Conversation with The Hon. Michael Vickers – INSA - Virtual
- 13-14 Jul 23 2023 Intelligence and Security Summit – AFCEA/INSA - In Person - National Harbor, MD
- 20-22 Jul 2023 NASIH Annual Conference 2023 – NASIH - In Person - University of Calgary, Canada
See the AFIO Calendar of Events for scheduling further in the future.
The WIN editors thank the following contributors of content for this issue:
Readers are encouraged to suggest material for any section of the WIN to:
Our editors include a wide range of articles and commentary in the Weekly Intelligence Notes to
inform and educate our readers. The views expressed in the articles are purely those of the authors and do not reflect support or endorsement from AFIO. WIN notices about non-AFIO events do not constitute endorsement or recommendation by AFIO.
AFIO does not vet or endorse research inquiries, career announcements, or job offers. We publish reasonable-sounding inquiries and career offerings as a service to our members. We encourage readers to exercise caution and good judgment when responding and to independently verify the source before supplying resumes, career data, or personal information.
Readers who encounter problems with links or viewing this newsletter as an email can access
the latest web edition here.
Roy Berkeley's "A Spy's London" - Original U.S. Edition - A Few Unsold Copies Available
In 'this remarkable book' (as intelligence historian and AFIO member Nigel West describes in his Foreword), the reader will be struck by the vibrancy of history made real. Author/AFIO member Roy Berkeley goes behind the facades of ordinary buildings, in the city that West calls 'the espionage capital of the World,' to remind us that the history of intelligence has often been made in such mundane places. With his evocative photographs and compelling observations, The 136 sites are organized into 21 manageable walks. But also a joy to armchair travelers. Among the sites: the modest hotel suite where an eager Red Army colonel poured out his secrets to a team of British and American intelligence officers; the royal residence where one of the most slippery Soviet moles was at home for years; the London home where an MP plotting to appease Hitler was arrested on his front steps in 1940.
A few copies are available at only $20 a copy (postage to a U.S.-based address included). Telephone the office at 703-790-0320 or email to obtain one of these last copies.
Clearance Sale on Long-Sleeved Polo Shirts with AFIO Logo
Superior quality and shrink resistant; features a detailed embroidered AFIO seal. The shirt color is royal blue.
The sale price is $25 and includes shipping.
Available in men's sizes only: small, medium, large, extra-large, XXL, and XXXL.
Due to limited quantities, please contact the AFIO National Office for availability of size and to provide payment information.
You may telephone the office at 703-790-0320 or email
Released exclusively to members today - 30 May 2023...
Experiences of a CIA Targeting Officer
as told in the novel "The Syndicate Spy"

Recorded 2 May 2023
Brittany Butler, author and former CIA Targeter,
discussing her latest book, The Syndicate Spy
Interview of Tuesday, 2 May 2023 of Brittany Butler, author and former CIA Targeter, discussing her latest book, The Syndicate Spy. Host and Interviewer: James Hughes, AFIO President, a former Senior CIA Operations Officer.
TOPIC: Brittany Butler and Jim Hughes discuss THE SYNDICATE SPY, her novel, which is based on her experiences as a CIA targeting officer. It tells the tale of two female spies as they race to uncover terrorists' conspiracies and ultimately change the course of war.
Though this is her first spy thriller, she has been writing the book in her head for years. She adores thrillers and spy novels. But none of the books she read come close to telling what it was really like for a woman working at the CIA. So, when she set out to write a spy thriller, she created a fresh female protagonist who felt human, who navigates the morally grey areas in espionage, and grapples with her ability to do good in a world where she is the outsider.
Her heroine, Juliet, embodies all those things but she's not Brittany. She partners Juliet with Mariam—a Saudi feminist who is eager to see the Kingdom flourish under more progressive rulers—these two women take off in an electrifying, page-turning thriller.
The Syndicate Spy showcases these two strong women who display the badassery that a good spy thriller demands, but with unparalleled depth not seen elsewhere in the male-dominated genre.
The interview runs 17 minutes and includes several Q&As.
The Syndicate Spy is available here
Access the Brittany Butler interview here or click above image
This, and upcoming AFIO Now videos in 2023, are sponsored by Northwest Financial Advisors.
AFIO is seeking a Director of Outreach. (This is an In-Office Position)
A few of the responsibilities include: • Serve as focal point for a major AFIO project, to include maintaining project database and supporting a large annual formal dinner • Provide back-up support to AFIO Directors of Membership and Operations • Support AFIO's existing partners and stakeholders ... Robust Microsoft Office Skills (Excel, Outlook, Word) required.
Full job description here.
"AFIO Now" Video Interviews and Podcasts in 2023 are sponsored by
Northwest Financial Advisors
Read the Press Release on this new Joint Arrangement

Click here to watch interviews in the AFIO Now series released in 2023.
View interviews from 2020 to 2022 here.
Watch public-release interviews on our YouTube channel or listen to them in podcast form at the links below.
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"AFIO Now" Podcasts
Latest podcast episode: Nigel West, Historian and Former MP, on "Hitler's Trojan Horse: The Fall of The Abwehr"
Video and Podcast released to public 21 May 2023.
Nigel West and Jim Hughes discuss Nigel's recent book, "Hitler's Trojan Horse: The Fall of The Abwehr." Topics include: Impact of Abwehr defections; Richard Wurmann; Erich Vermehren; SIS Officer Nicholas Elliott; Paul (Willi) Hamburger; SIGINT; Adm. Wilhelm Canaris; Operation Valkyrie; 20 July Plot; Sicherheitsdienst; Otto John - code name WHISKY; Claus von Stauffenburg; Prince Frederick III, Solms-Baruth, tortured for his attempt to assassinate Hitler on 20 July 1944, SIS officer and professor H.L.A. Hart..
Are you too busy to watch an entire AFIO Now episode on YouTube? Would you rather listen in your car or while accomplishing other tasks? You can download or stream episodes on any of the 8 podcasting platforms that host AFIO Now. Search for 'AFIO Podcast' for a selection of the interviews above (public released ones) on:
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page, and YouTube channel. Access them here: LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

The OSS Society's first 2023 "Oh So Social" Virtual Conversation Series is 13 June 2023, 6-7 p.m. EDT

Please join The OSS Society for the first installment in its Virtual 2023 "Oh So Social" Conversation Series on June 13, 2023 — the OSS' 81st birthday — at 6 p.m. EDT. Gen. Jim Mattis will interview OSS Society Chairman Dr. Mike Vickers about his forthcoming memoir, By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Special Operations, Intelligence, and Strategy. Please register for this event by clicking here.
You can pre-order a copy of "By All Means Available" by clicking here.
10-12 November 2023 - Sante Fe, NM - Spies, Lies & Nukes Conference
Spies, Lies & Nukes - Third Conference - Santa Fe, NM
Plan Your Fall Attendance NOW to capture the lower rates
This third, enhanced running of Spies, Lies & Nukes. Join Valerie Plame and some of her legendary, highly decorated, and experienced CIA colleagues as they pull back the curtain on the real life "wilderness of mirrors" that is international espionage.
Hear from and engage with the best of CIA's spies to better understand today's world: from emergent threats, to never-before-told spy operations, black market nuclear scams, how to recruit a spy, the growth of domestic terrorism, how social media is used in espionage, and keeping your employees and your company safe from foreign spies.
Topics: "Soul Catcher: The Metaphysics of Recruiting a Spy" with Jim Lawler, Former Senior CIA Ops Officer
"Delusion and Illusion in Moscow" with Jonna Mendez in conversation with Valerie Plame, Former Covert CIA Ops Officer
"CIA in the Movies" - Panel;
"China: An Emerging Threat" with Mary Beth Long, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
"Inside Putin's Head" with Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer
"Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA" with Marc Polymeropoulos, Former Senior CIA Ops Officer
"Disinformation Distortions: AI, Deep Fakes, and Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Social Media and Espionage" with Alma Katsu, Former Senior CIA and NSA Analyst
"Morality and Ethics in the CIA" with Doug London, Former Senior Officer in the CIA's Clandestine Service
Michael Morrell in conversation with Valerie Plame, Former Covert CIA Ops Officer
"Eliminating Players on the Intelligence Battlefield: Havana Syndrome" with Marc Polymeropoulos, Former Senior CIA Ops Officer
"The End of the Global Nuclear Order" with Valerie Plame, Former Covert CIA Ops Officer
Program also includes: Former Senior CIA Intelligence Officer; Michael J. Morell, Former CIA Deputy Director
FEE: Early Bird purchase window: Apr 12 - Jun 15, $1200; Regular Sale purchase window: Jun 16 - Nov 2, $1300; Late Sale purchase window: Nov 3 - Nov 10, $1450
Ticket price does not include accommodations. More about accommodations here
Tickets include breakfasts, lunches, VIP reception and all speaker presentations and activities.
Conference location: Conference Location: La Fonda On the Plaza, 100 E. San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
More information or to register here
Access CIA's Inhouse Gift Shop
One special benefit of AFIO membership is access to CIA's EAA Store.
After completing the required, quick pre-approval process for all AFIO
members, described here, you can purchase directly from the EAA online store their unusual logo'd gift items for self or colleagues.
EAA on 12 May 2023 released the photo above, which features some of their newest CIA items and other gift suggestions.
Biden picks new National Security Agency head, key to support of Ukraine, defense of US elections - Associated Press, 23 May 23
President Joe Biden has chosen a new leader for the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command, a joint position that oversees much of America’s cyber warfare and defense. Air Force Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh, the current deputy commander of Cyber Command, would replace Army Gen. Paul Nakasone, who has led both organizations since May 2018 and was expected to step down this year, according to a notice sent by the Air Force this week and confirmed by a person familiar with the announcement. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel matters not yet made public. If confirmed, Haugh will take charge of highly influential U.S. efforts to bolster Ukraine’s cybersecurity and share information with Ukrainian forces fighting Russia’s invasion. He will also oversee programs to detect and stop foreign influence and interference in American elections, as well as those targeting criminals behind ransomware attacks that have shut down hospital systems and at one point a key U.S. fuel pipeline. (Full article here.)
European Union Fines Meta $1.3 Billion Because of NSA Spying Programs - Reason, 26 May 23
Ireland's Data Protection Commission announced this week that Meta Ireland, the Irish subsidiary of Facebook parent company Meta, had violated privacy provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a rule that went into effect in 2018. The GDPR mandated much stricter data privacy rules in the European Union (E.U.), which caused some growing pains upon implementation. The Irish agency determined that Meta "transfer[red] personal data" from the E.U. to the U.S. in a manner that "did not address the risks to the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects," i.e. Europeans who use Facebook. It fined the social media firm 1.2 billion euros ($1.3 billion USD), the E.U.'s largest penalty on record. But the fine seems to be based less on Meta's carelessness with customer data than the U.S. intelligence community's snooping practices. (Full article here.)
ASIO spies to defend AUKUS subs as Australia is now a larger ‘target for espionage’ - SkyNews, 24 May 23
Sky News contributor Kosha Gada says ASIO agents to be embedded in defence to protect AUKUS secrets from foreign spies is expected as Australia is set to increase as a “target for espionage”. “After the AUKUS deal many expected Australia is going to increase as a target for espionage, for cyber warfare and expectedly that’s why ASIO is trying to shore up our defences in that,” Ms Gada told Sky News host Peta Credlin. (Full article here.)
Treasury Targets DPRK Malicious Cyber and Illicit IT Worker Activities - U.S. Department of the Treasury, 23 May 23
Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned four entities and one individual involved in obfuscated revenue generation and malicious cyber activities that support the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Government. The DPRK conducts malicious cyber activities and deploys information technology (IT) workers who fraudulently obtain employment to generate revenue, including in virtual currency, to support the Kim regime and its priorities, such as its unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. “Today’s action continues to highlight the DPRK’s extensive illicit cyber and IT worker operations, which finance the regime’s unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson. “The United States and our partners remain committed to combating the DPRK’s illicit revenue generation activities and continued efforts to steal money from financial institutions, virtual currency exchanges, companies, and private individuals around the world.” (Full article here.)
Cyber Army! US Mulls Creating A New Military Unit That Can ‘Track & Whack’ Chinese, Russian Aggression - Eurasian Times, 25 May 23
Of course, cyber threats as a phenomenon have not suddenly appeared. Worries over them have existed over the years. Each service in the US has had a cyber service of its own. But the willingness of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea to utilize their cyber power against their adversaries has made the American policymakers, particularly the Congress, dance around the idea of creating a separate cyber force. Two recent cyber incidents have intensified the call for a US cyber force. The US Cyber Command operators have confirmed that they carried out an online defensive mission in Albania in response to last year’s cyber attacks against the local government. The attack had shut down the NATO member’s online public services and websites. It was alleged that Iran had conducted the attack. Accordingly, the US Treasury Department issued sanctions against Iran’s intelligence service in retaliation, and later, US Cyber Command worked with Albanian cyber experts to track digital threats and detect vulnerabilities in the country’s online defenses. It was said that Iran had attacked Albania for refusing to prosecute the Mujahideen Khaleq, an anti-Iranian group with a presence in Albania. The second incident was the recent February ransomware attack on the US Marshals Service, which compromised data on law enforcement operations, high-security people, and fugitives. All this has made the US Congress seek an assessment of the costs, benefits, and values of establishing a uniform cyber service. (Full article here.)
Chinese spy hit on US military base sparks fears of communications blackout - The Telegraph, 25 May 23
Chinese state-backed hackers have infiltrated US communication systems in the Pacific, Microsoft has said, prompting fears that Beijing could cut off American military channels during an invasion of Taiwan. Security researchers at Microsoft said hackers codenamed “Volt Typhoon” were caught infiltrating critical national infrastructure on the Pacific island of Guam, which acts as a crucial military staging post for the US in the region. Microsoft said the “stealthy and targeted” campaign had been ongoing since at least 2021 and “has targeted critical infrastructure organisations in Guam and elsewhere in the United States.” “In this campaign, the affected organisations span the communications, manufacturing, utility, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors,” researchers said. Hackers appear to be using their access to spy on US operations but Microsoft warned that the group was “pursuing development of capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the US and Asia region during future crises.”(Full article here.)
Intel agency mapping the moon to support future lunar navigation - C4ISRnet, 23 May 23
The intelligence agency charged with mapping the Earth is laying the groundwork for a navigation system that would help visitors to the moon find their way around the lunar environment. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, along with other government space organizations, is developing what it calls a Lunar Reference Frame — essentially, the mapping infrastructure that would support a GPS-like capability for the moon. “Today, we’re working NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Space Force and U.S. Space Command to develop a lunar geodetic system that will guide future visitors around the moon’s surface as accurately and safely as GPS does on Earth,” NGA Director Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth said May 22 at the GEOINT Conference in St. Louis. The Lunar Reference Frame will serve a similar function as the World Geodetic System, which undergirds navigation capabilities like GPS, providing precise and accurate latitude, longitude and timing data. NGA maintains that system, dubbed WGS 84. (Full article here.)
At GEOINT, Space Force and NGA lean into the metaverse, whatever that means - Breaking Defense, 26 May 23
While Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft already may have abandoned the metaverse as yesterday’s news, the Defense Department and Intelligence Community continue to embrace the concept — with the theme of this year’s annual US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) here in St. Louis, “GEOINT: From Maps to Metaverse.” The only rub is that no one seems to have precisely the same definition for what the metaverse is, how exactly to get there or what to do once inside. To hear officials here and in the past tell it, sometimes it’s all about the data, data fusion and how data is delivered. Sometimes it’s about real-time man-machine teaming. And while for some the term is most closely associated with creating realistic synthetic training environments, for others it is a kind of digital “theory of everything” at the heart of the future way of war. (Full article here.)
Under the sea and ready for war? US wants to spend billions on spy submarine to fend off ocean-deep China, Russia advances - USA Today, 23 May 23
Forget space warfare. The newest frontier for potential combat is the ocean floor, and the U.S. and its adversaries – especially Russia and China – are scrambling for dominance. It’s called seabed warfare. For the U.S. Navy, that means building its most expensive spy submarine ever, a $5.1 billion high-tech vessel that would patrol the deepest reaches of the ocean and deploy mini-subs and drones that can battle hostile forces while withstanding the crushing pressure of the ocean depths. This proposed successor to the USS Jimmy Carter – a nuclear-powered spy submarine filled with robots and specialized ships and divers – is just one of Washington’s secret initiatives aimed at protecting America’s commercial and security interests deep under the sea. It has become an especially urgent priority after last year’s suspected attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, which carry gas from Russia to Germany. (Full article here.)
The "spy whale” is back - The Barent Observers, 24 May 23
This time the arctic waters whale has reached the densely populated area near Oslo. On Tuesday, May 24, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, that has management responsibility for marine mammals, called for people not to interact with the mammal in order not to cause it any harm. The beluga ‘Whaledimir’ (Hvaldimir in Norwegian) was first was spotted by local fisherman Joar Hesten on Norway’s Barents Sea coast in April 2019 in Måsøy municipality and has since been traveling along the Norwegian coast. When it was first spotted, the whale was wearing a harness that some took for equipment to potentially attach a GoPro camera to. That prompted different speculations about the whales origin - one of the versions was that the sea mammal possibly escaped from one of Russia’s naval bases in the Murmansk region and thus could be “trained to spy” on Norway. (Full article here.)
Counterespionage Corner - Recent Arrests, Convictions, Expulsions, and more...
The Latest from International Spy Museum Historian Andrew Hammond, PhD.
Spycast is the official podcast of the International Spy Museum and hosts interviews with intelligence experts on matters of HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, OSINT, and GEOINT. Spycast is hosted by historian Andrew Hammond, PhD.
23 May | "70th Anniversary of James Bond Special" with Alexis Albion, Part II Curators Alexis and Andrew use James Bond artifacts in SPY’s collection to discuss all things 007. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the first Ian Fleming novel, Casino Royale.
Past episodes:
16 May | "70th Anniversary of James Bond Special" with Alexis Albion, Part I
09 May | "St. Ermin's Hotel London" - The History of a Legendary Spy Site
02 May | "Ukraine and the Alliance with NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security"
The Latest Insights from Former CIA Acting Deputy Director for Operations Jack Devine.
In Other News The proprietary analytic newsletter crafted for The Arkin Group's private clients by former CIA Acting Deputy Director for Operations Jack Devine.
25 May | The upcoming NATO Summit provides an opportunity for NATO members to support Ukraine’s security, even without membership. Ukraine’s security depends on countering both immediate and long-term threats and NATO’s strategy should reflect this. European leaders have updated their outlook since Russia first invaded Ukraine last year: where before the predominant view was that Russia must not win and Ukraine must not lose, this view has since shifted to the Russia must lose, and Ukraine must win. This shift, combined with the demonstrated strength of Ukraine’s military and Putin’s intolerable disregard for respecting international law and territorial sovereignty, make a political solution to the conflict untenable at present. But to promote future regional security, NATO needs to determine not only how to sustain Ukraine’s strong military defense, but how to best ensure the nation’s security moving forward. (Full version available to AFIO members in the coming days here.)
18 May | Ukraine and allies demonstrate the impact of a committed defense.
12 May | As the war grinds on, Ukraine’s patience and preparation stands in stark contrast to the bluster of Russian leadership.
05 May | If EU member states maintain a more unified stance on China, it will bolster the EU’s standing on other issues.
Daily Analysis of Security Issues and Geopolitical Trends
Intel Brief The Soufan Center's flagship, daily analytical product focused on complex security issues and geopolitical trends that may shape regional or international affairs. The Soufan Center was founded by former FBI Special Agent and Soufan Group CEO Ali Soufan.
30 May | Türkiye Election Runoff Leaves Western Concerns Unresolved
As was the initial presidential and parliamentary round of voting on May 14, the runoff election between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and People’s Republican Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu was orderly and devoid of significant unrest or major disputes over the results. After Erdogan exceeded expectations in the first round of voting by nearly clinching the 50%+ vote total required to win outright, Erdogan’s win in the second round of voting seemed a foregone conclusion. His 52-48 margin of victory over Kilicdaroglu in the May 28 runoff was clear, although not a landslide – undoubtedly aided by the endorsement of hardline nationalist Sinan Ogan, who garnered 5% of the vote in the May 14 round. Erdogan’s re-election dashed the opposition’s hopes that, after 20 years in office, Erdogan could be ousted by Turkish voters. Six opposition groups had formed an unprecedented, unified bloc behind Kilicdaroglu to try to wrest power from Erdogan, and the incumbent’s popularity had seemingly suffered from extremely high inflation, a sharp decline in the value of Türkiye’s currency (the lira), and a perception that Erdogan was progressively institutionalizing an authoritarian form of leadership. The opposition had described the 2023 election as a last stand for Turkish democracy, accusing Erdogan of hollowing out the country’s democratic institutions, eroding the power of the judiciary, controlling virtually all media, and repressing dissent. Even had Kilicdaroglu won the runoff, his ability to return Türkiye to a parliamentary system - undoing Erdogan’s establishment of an “executive presidency” - would have been limited; Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP)-led coalition won a solid majority of seats in the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the May 14 vote. A referendum to return to a parliamentary system would have required a vote of a supermajority in the parliament. (Full brief here.)
26 May | A Looming Disaster: Sudan’s Refugees Face Dire Humanitarian Conditions in Chad
25 May | The Diversification and Ideological Malleability of Violent Far-Right Extremism
24 May | Pakistan’s Political Crisis Defies Easy Disentanglement
Analysis of Global Security Events with WTOP National Security Correspondent JJ Green
Inside the SCIF - 25 May - A Perfect Cyber Storm, Major Chinese Hack of US, Another Russian Myster Death, and more...
Target USA Podcast - 24 May - Warning for those growing tired of the war in Ukraine
The Hunt Broadcast - 24 May - Man carrying Nazi flag crashes U-Haul into White House barriers
The Latest Insights from Jeff Stein and Colleagues in SpyTalk (Substack)

27 May | Henry Kissinger: Killer Case Officer - Jeff Stein
Many years ago I made a trip to New York to pitch publishers on a book about a murder case in South Vietnam involving the Green Berets and the CIA in Cambodia. At one of my stops, a young assistant editor gushed, “I love your proposal! But there’s one thing in the story I don’t understand: How could we bomb Cambodia ‘in secret?’” Well, I thought, that’s a stupid question: The Pentagon Papers, leaked decades earlier, had detailed all sorts of secret raids on North Vietnam. But the young person’s question, intentionally or not, dug at something more complex: How was it that both Cambodian ruler Prince Sihanouk and Hanoi, whose troops in Cambodia were the target of American B-52s, also saw reason to stay quiet about the devastating carpet bombing? I ended up devoting considerable space to the issue in my book, even though it provided only an introductory context to the case I was recounting, about the Green Berets’ murder of one of their own spies in Cambodia. (Full article here.)
22 May | A New History of the Church Committee - Jeff Stein
16 May | Nearly 600 Americans Missing in Mexico - Jonathan Broder
14 May | "Ghosts of Beirut," a Reflective Counterterrorism Masterpiece - Jeff Stein
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Article: Russians snitch on Russians who oppose war with Soviet-style denunciations - Washington Post, 27 May 23
Parishioners have denounced Russian priests who advocated peace instead of victory in the war on Ukraine. Teachers lost their jobs after children tattled that they opposed the war. Neighbors who bore some trivial grudge for years have snitched on longtime foes. Workers rat on one another to their bosses or directly to the police or the FSB, the Federal Security Service. This is the hostile, paranoid atmosphere of Russians at war with Ukraine and with one another. As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime cracks down on critics of the war and other political dissenters, citizens are policing one another in an echo of the darkest years of Joseph Stalin’s repression, triggering investigations, criminal charges, prosecutions and dismissals from work. Private conversations in restaurants and rail cars are fair game for eavesdroppers, who call police to arrest “traitors” and “enemies.” Social media posts, and messages — even in private chat groups — become incriminating evidence that can lead to a knock on the door by FSB agents. The effect is chilling, with denunciations strongly encouraged by the state and news of arrests and prosecutions amplified by propagandist commentators on federal television stations and Telegram channels. (Read full report here.) (NOTE: This material may require a free registration or sit behind a pay wall.)
Article: The Man Who Kept the Secrets - Wall Street Journal, 26 May
The son of a Medal of Honor recipient always suspected that something was wrong with the official story about his father’s service in World War II. And the son was right to be suspicious. His father’s sacrifice 80 years ago was even more significant than initially reported. The Medal of Honor that U.S. Navy Capt. John Cromwell posthumously received in the 1940s carried a citation that certainly described remarkable courage and dedication: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commander of a submarine coordinated attack group with flag in the U.S.S. Sculpin, during the 9th war patrol of that vessel in enemy-controlled waters off Truk Island, 19 November 1943. Undertaking this patrol prior to the launching of our first large-scale offensive in the Pacific, Capt. Cromwell, alone of the entire Task Group, possessed secret intelligence information of our submarine strategy and tactics, scheduled Fleet movements, and specific attack plans. Constantly vigilant and precise in carrying out his secret orders, he moved his undersea flotilla inexorably forward despite savage opposition and established a line of submarines to southeastward of the main Japanese stronghold at Truk. Cool and undaunted as the submarine, rocked and battered by Japanese depth charges, sustained terrific battle damage and sank to an excessive depth, he authorized the Sculpin to surface and engage the enemy in a gunfight, thereby providing an opportunity for the crew to abandon ship. Determined to sacrifice himself rather than risk capture and subsequent danger of revealing plans under Japanese torture or use of drugs, he stoically remained aboard the mortally wounded vessel as she plunged to her death. (Read full report here.) (NOTE: This material may require a free registration or sit behind a pay wall.)
OpEd: Stars on the wall at CIA headquarters tell Memorial Day tale - Washington Times, 25 May 23
The CIA‘s Memorial Wall is in the lobby of the Original Headquarters Building. For years, when I walked into CIA headquarters, I would greet the security officer while looking at the stars on the wall commemorating our fallen heroes. And when I departed, I would repeat the ritual, deep in thought, about those whom we had lost and how we could best honor their legacy. CIA officers serve our country in anonymity, and that secrecy remains for some even after they made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country. That’s why the “Book of Honor,” which sits beneath the Memorial Wall, displays stars with corresponding years of death for some of the fallen, but not all. I will never forget joining the families of these heroes at the CIA’s memorial ceremony, which takes place around Memorial Day when our nation honors our fallen military veterans. Together we remembered and celebrated our heroic comrades. As then-CIA Director David Petraeus eloquently said of those we lost: “Never for acclaim, always for country.” (Read full report here.)
Article: Unearthed: CosmicEnergy, malware for causing Kremlin-style power disruptions - ArsTechnica, 25 May 23
Researchers have uncovered malware designed to disrupt electric power transmission that may have been used by the Russian government in training exercises for creating or responding to cyberattacks on electric grids. Known as CosmicEnergy, the malware has capabilities that are comparable to those found in malware known as Industroyer and Industroyer2, both of which have been widely attributed by researchers to Sandworm, the name of one of the Kremlin’s most skilled and cutthroat hacking groups. Sandworm deployed Industroyer in December 2016 to trigger a power outage in Kyiv, Ukraine, that left a large swath of the city without power for an hour. The attack occurred almost a year after an earlier one disrupted power for 225,000 Ukrainians for six hours. Industroyer2 came to light last year and is believed to have been used in a third attack on Ukraine’s power grids, but it was detected and stopped before it could succeed. (Read full report here.)
Article: Why are Germany and South Korea sharing military secrets? - Deutsche Welle, 24 May 23
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stayed in South Korea for only a few hours — but his visit and talks with President Yoon Suk-yeol yielded a series of agreements, most notably the pact on sharing military intelligence and streamlining supply chains for the two nations' defense industries. The bilateral summit took place as Scholz was returning from the G7 meeting in the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Both diplomatic events focused largely on the ongoing security crisis in Ukraine and the simmering tensions in northeast Asia. And when it comes to Asia, China was once again the most important topic. Analysts point out that the defense deals between Scholz and Yoon are just the latest examples of similar deals between various nations that, taken together, can be seen a pushback against Chinese influence. (Read full report here.)
Article: The cyber gulag: How Russia tracks, censors and controls its citizens - Associated Press, 23 May 23
When Yekaterina Maksimova can’t afford to be late, the journalist and activist avoids taking the Moscow subway, even though it’s probably the most efficient route. That’s because she’s been detained five times in the past year, thanks to the system’s pervasive security cameras with facial recognition. She says police would tell her the cameras “reacted” to her — although they often seemed not to understand why, and would let her go after a few hours. “It seems like I’m in some kind of a database,” says Maksimova, who was previously arrested twice: in 2019 after taking part in a demonstration in Moscow and in 2020 over her environmental activism. For many Russians like her, it has become increasingly hard to evade the scrutiny of the authorities, with the government actively monitoring social media accounts and using surveillance cameras against activists. (Read full report here.)
OpEd: How FISA Shields FBI Abuses - Wall Street Journal, 23 May 23
The Durham report recently revealed how the FBI opened its Trump-Russia investigation in 2016 without “any actual evidence of collusion.” Now a newly unsealed court document reveals that the bureau conducted thousands of improper searches on American citizens under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The numbers are astounding. The document issued by the secret FISA court says the FBI improperly conducted 278,000 warrantless searches on U.S. citizens. Rudolph Contreras, then the presiding judge of the FISA court, issued his ruling in April 2022 but it was only made public Friday. It deals with the Section 702 powers that are used to spy on the electronic communications of foreign nationals overseas but can incidentally include communications with Americans. (Read full report here.) (NOTE: This material may require a free registration or sit behind a pay wall.)
Article: Anti-Putin militias mount cross-border incursion in western Russia - The Washington Post, 23 May 23
Ukraine — Russian officials said Tuesday that a counterterrorism operation has expelled saboteurs from the Belgorod region, which borders Ukraine, after militias made up of Russians fighting on Ukraine’s side in the war mounted an attack on a border post and targeted a building of the Federal Security Service, or FSB. The governor of Belgorod, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said Tuesday that one woman died while being evacuated during the attack and eight others were injured. One of the militia groups, the Legion of Free Russia, insisted on Tuesday evening that its fighters had not been expelled and were still in control of some Russian territory. Russia’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday afternoon that security forces killed 70 fighters and destroyed four infantry vehicles and five pickup trucks. (Read full report here.) (NOTE: This material may require a free registration or sit behind a pay wall.)
Article: Spies can’t work from home — and that’s hurting recruitment in Germany - Washington Post, 23 May 23
Would-be spies face many challenges — from mastering the difficult technical or linguistic skills that intelligence agencies seek, to the new life of secrecy that awaits them if they are accepted. But, according to the head of Germany’s foreign intelligence service, its potential recruits have more mundane concerns: the lack of remote working and not being able to take their personal cellphone to work. “We cannot offer certain things that are taken for granted today,” Bruno Kahl, president of the Federal Intelligence Service, or BND, said in a live-streamed discussion Monday. He called recruitment a “major challenge” for the agency. Remote working is “barely possible” for the agency’s workers for security reasons, he continued, and the idea of not being able to take cellphones to work “is asking a lot from young jobseekers today.” (Read full report here.) (NOTE: This material may require a free registration or sit behind a pay wall.)
Article: ‘Spies’ carry goods to New York in mission to help children with cancer - Washington Times, 22 May 23
The plot may sound familiar to fans of spy thrillers: A retired U.S. intelligence officer works quietly to move high-value items out of a war zone. A top Ukrainian general personally signs the contents and ensures they are driven safely away from the front lines of his country’s raging battle with Russia. The box of secret items arrives in Washington with just hours to spare. The retired intelligence officer covertly transports the load to its final destination: the Spyscape museum in midtown Manhattan. The box is opened, and the objects inside are revealed dramatically to a crowd of former spies, national security professionals, journalists and business leaders gathered in a second-floor ballroom nestled beneath the city’s iconic skyline. That sequence of events played out last week and culminated on stage at a high-powered New York City gala to raise money for children battling cancer. (Read full report here.)
Odisha may turn haven for espionage - The Hans India, 28 May 23
The canvas of espionage in Odisha, experts say, is much larger than what meets the eye. The very fact that the Pakistan-based Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has penetrated the rural Odisha targeting youths to indulge in anti-national activities is shocking. If the unscrupulous employees of such a highly guarded and secretive defence setup as DRDO can be honey-trapped with impunity, it only goes to prove how porous and defective the system is. Classified technical information with regard to launch of various types of missiles from the ITR in Chandipur was accessed by the ISI at least for a decade despite the first culprit, a contractual employer, being arrested in 2015. (Full report here.)
The United States, China and Russia: Intelligence, Cybersecurity and new developing technologies. An interview with Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori - Israel Defense, 27 May 2023
In recent years China has delved into the importance and development prospects of artificial intelligence (AI) in many important fields. Stepping up the development of a new generation of AI is an important strategic starting point to stay ahead in the global technology competition. The current gap between AI development and the advanced international level is not very wide, but the quality of companies must be “matched” by their number. Efforts are therefore being made to expand application scenarios, by strengthening data and algorithm security. The concept of third-generation AI is already advancing and there are hopes that the security problem will be solved through technical means other than policies and regulations, i.e. mere talk. AI is a driving force for the new stages of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Accelerating the development of a new generation of AI is a strategic issue for China to seize new opportunities for organising industrial transformation. (Full report here.)
Inside the National Intelligence Service: A Closer Look at Kenya’s Security Apparatus - Social Science Research Network, 21 May 23
Espionage, the act of obtaining confidential or sensitive information without permission, has been part of human history for centuries. From ancient spies to modern-day intelligence agencies, espionage has been used for a variety of purposes, including national security and political gain. In this article, I delve into the national intelligence service, exploring its history, techniques, and impacts on individuals and society. Whether you are a history buff or simply interested in the world of intelligence gathering this article will provide a comprehensive overview of the fascinating and often controversial world of espionage. I must however warn you that whatever you are about to read is not classified information! (Full report here.)
Tradecraft in Open Source Intelligence - Janes' The World of Intelligence Podcast (57 mins), 24 May 2023
In this episode we look at tradecraft in Open Source Intelligence with Neil Wiley, former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, former Chair of the National Intelligence Council, and former Director for Analysis at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He is currently Professor of Practice at the University of Maryland’s Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security, and Managing Principal at Lyseon Consulting, LLC. Wiley is a former naval officer, retired in 2021 after nearly 40 years of government service, and is an Intelligence analyst by profession. (Full report here.)
Expert Backgrounder: Title I of the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Act vs. Section 702 - Justice Security, 25 May 23
An issue that has surfaced in reaction to Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the FBI’s handling of Crossfire Hurricane is the reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), set to expire in December of this year. But that connection – drawn from the report to the surveillance program – reflects a confusion and conflation. The two events – the content of the Durham report and the 702 surveillance program – have little, or nothing, to do with each other. This widespread misunderstanding, and the deeper confusion it reflects, threatens to pollute the needed democratic debate and sober consideration of whether to reauthorize or reform one of the most important but controversial tools in the U.S. national security arsenal. (Full report here.)
What a Debt Default Would Mean for National Security - Center for a New American Security citing The Hill, 22 May 23
Over the past several years, American political leaders have rightly focused on augmenting national power. Faced with China’s geopolitical challenge, Washington has boosted its defense budget, stimulated domestic innovation, built new international partnerships, and moved to protect its technological lead. These steps have won broad support in both parties and across very different presidential administrations, and for good reason: A more powerful United States, working ever more closely with likeminded partners, is best placed to engage in long-term competition with Beijing. In this context, the possibility of a default on U.S. debt — which Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns could occur as soon as June 1 — seems utterly mystifying. Defaulting on the nation’s debt threatens catastrophic economic consequences and would seriously harm national security. It’s hard to think of a single American action that would more effectively reduce its global standing, influence and power — and boost those of its chief competitor. (Full report here.)
Charted: The Number of Democracies Globally - Visual Capitalist, 28 May 23
The end of World War II in 1945 was a turning point for democracies around the world. Before this critical turning point in geopolitics, democracies made up only a small number of the world’s countries, both legally and in practice. However, over the course of the next six decades, the number of democratic nations would more than quadruple. Interestingly, studies have found that this trend has recently reversed as of the 2010s, with democracies and non-democracies now in a deadlock. In this visualization, Staffan Landin uses data from V-DEM’s Electoral Democratic Index (EDI) to highlight the changing face of global politics over the past two decades and the nations that contributed the most to this change. (Access visual tool and full report here.)
Intelligence in History - A Collection of Recent Content
- Article - Shadow Games: The Cunning Art of Espionage in Ancient China - The World of Chinese, 29 May 23
- Article - Sisters in Espionage: The untold story of Republican spymasters in the Irish War of Independence - Irish Central, 26 May 23
- Article - Glorious Amateurs: The Legendary OSS of World War II - Coffee or Die, 19 May 23
- Article - The evolution of cryptology - Gettysburg Times, 23 May 23
- Article - 21 of the most impactful intelligence leaks in US history -, 26 May 23
- Article - The top-secret leak that led to a spying scandal, infuriating Indonesia – and Tony Abbott - The Guardian, 25 May 23
True Intelligence Matters in Film - Mata Hari: The Red Dancer - Friedrich Feher (1927)
Mata Hari: The Red Dancer (German: Mata Hari, die rote Tänzerin), often shortened on release to Mata Hari, is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Friedrich Feher and starring Magda Sonja, Wolfgang Zilzer and Fritz Kortner. It depicts the life and death of the German World War I spy Mata Hari. It was the first feature-length portrayal of Hari. It was shot at the Staaken Studios in Berlin with sets designed by Alfred Junge.
More information about this based-on-true-events production here.
Walking Tours - Washington, DC - Sundays (Dates/Times Vary)
Former intelligence officers guide visitors on two morning and afternoon espionage-themed walking tours: "Spies of Embassy Row" and "Spies of Georgetown." For more information and booking, click here or contact
The Spymaster of Baghdad: A True Story of Bravery, Family, and Patriotism in the Battle against ISIS
by Margaret Coker
(Dey Street Books, 23 Feb 21)
The Spymaster of Baghdad tells the dramatic yet intimate account of how a covert Iraqi intelligence unit called “the Falcons” came together against all odds to defeat ISIS. The Falcons, comprising ordinary men with little conventional espionage background, infiltrated the world’s most powerful terrorist organization, ultimately turning the tide of war against the terrorist group and bringing safety to millions of Iraqis and the broader world. Centered around the relationship between two brothers, Harith al-Sudani, a rudderless college dropout who was recruited to the Falcons by his all-star younger brother Munaf, and their eponymous unit commander Abu Ali, The Spymaster of Baghdad follows their emotional journey as Harith volunteers for the most dangerous mission imaginable. With piercing lyricism and thrilling prose, Coker’s deeply-reported account interweaves heartfelt portraits of these and other unforgettable characters as they navigate the streets of war-torn Baghdad and perform heroic feats of cunning and courage. The Falcons’ path crosses with that of Abrar, a young, radicalized university student who, after being snubbed by the head of the Islamic State’s chemical weapons program, plots her own attack. At the near-final moment, the Falcons intercept Abrar’s deadly plan to poison Baghdad’s drinking water and arrest her in the middle of the night—just one of many covert counterterrorism operations revealed for the first time in the book. Ultimately, The Spymaster of Baghdad is a page-turning account of wartime espionage in which ordinary people make extraordinary sacrifices for the greater good. Challenging our perceptions of terrorism and counterterrorism, war and peace, Iraq and the wider Middle East, American occupation and foreign intervention, The Spymaster of Baghdad is a testament to the power of personal choice and individual action to change the course of history—in a time when we need such stories more than ever.
Order book here.
India’s Intelligence Culture and Strategic Surprises: Spying for South Block
by Dheeraj Chaya
(Studies in Intelligence, 29 Sep 22)
This book examines India’s foreign intelligence culture and strategic surprises in the 20th century. The work looks at whether there is a distinct way in which India ‘thinks about’ and ‘does’ intelligence, and, by extension, whether this affects the prospects of it being surprised. Drawing on a combination of archival data, secondary source information and interviews with members of the Indian security and intelligence community, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of Indian intelligence culture from the ancient period to colonial times and, subsequently, the post-colonial era. This evolutionary culture has played a significant role in explaining the India’s foreign intelligence failure during the occurrences of strategic surprises, such as the 1962 Sino-Indian War and the 1999 Kargil War, while it successfully prepared for surprise attacks like Operation Chenghiz Khan by Pakistan in 1971. The result is that the book argues that the strategic culture of a nation and its interplay with intelligence organisations and operations is important to understanding the conditions for intelligence failures and strategic surprises. This book will be of much interest to students of intelligence studies, strategic studies, Asian politics and International Relations.
Order book here.
Spies and Scholars: Chinese Secrets and Imperial Russia’s Quest for World Power
by Gregory Afinogenov
(Belknap Press, 14 Apr 20)
From the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, the Russian Empire made concerted efforts to collect information about China. It bribed Chinese porcelain-makers to give up trade secrets, sent Buddhist monks to Mongolia on intelligence-gathering missions, and trained students at its Orthodox mission in Beijing to spy on their hosts. From diplomatic offices to guard posts on the Chinese frontier, Russians were producing knowledge everywhere, not only at elite institutions like the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. But that information was secret, not destined for wide circulation. Gregory Afinogenov distinguishes between the kinds of knowledge Russia sought over the years and argues that they changed with the shifting aims of the state and its perceived place in the world. In the seventeenth century, Russian bureaucrats were focused on China and the forbidding Siberian frontier. They relied more on spies, including Jesuit scholars stationed in China. In the early nineteenth century, the geopolitical challenge shifted to Europe: rivalry with Britain drove the Russians to stake their prestige on public-facing intellectual work, and knowledge of the East was embedded in the academy. None of these institutional configurations was especially effective in delivering strategic or commercial advantages. But various knowledge regimes did have their consequences. Knowledge filtered through Russian espionage and publication found its way to Europe, informing the encounter between China and Western empires. Based on extensive archival research in Russia and beyond, Spies and Scholars breaks down long-accepted assumptions about the connection between knowledge regimes and imperial power and excavates an intellectual legacy largely neglected by historians.
Order book here.
Survey for Members: Skill Sets Needed for Intelligence Analysis Degree Holders to See Success After Graduation
Northeastern University Security and Intelligence Studies professor researching the skill sets required for Intelligence Analysis degree holders to see success after graduation welcomes the participation of AFIO members in a 5-minute survey in support of the research. Access survey here.
Call for Information: 430th CIC in Salzburg in 1946
I am currently writing about 430th CIC in Salzburg in 1946. I have a (large) CIC file and am now trying to track down further details about two officers mentioned in this: (1) Bill Taylor. The sources do not make clear whether the officer was Major Bill G. Taylor, GSC, Head of the Counter-Intelligence Bureau of G-2 (Intelligence Section), US Forces Austria, or “Mil.Reg.” Captain Taylor of Salzburg. Any information on either/both of these officers would be most welcome. (2) Pace B Rose. Rose was a CIC Special Agent in Austria, later a CIA officer who continued to be attached to the Agency after retirement. He died on 3 January 2009. I would like to contact family and friends of Pace Rose. According to the internet, Rose had children, Donna R. Hilverts and Gary W. Rose, and five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Please contact with any information.
Call for Sources: Intelligence Officers Who Lived in Spain in the 1970s
Spanish journalist Francisco Jiménez is preparing a documentary about the intelligence services in Spain in the 70s. He is looking for intelligence officers who worked in Spain in those years. If you are willing to assist Francisco, he can be reached at
Call for Sources: Intelligence activities in Grenada and the southern Caribbean between 1979, Operation Urgent Fury, Leonard Barrett
The Washington Post is developing a multipart audio documentary series (i.e. podcast) chronicling the Grenadian revolution and the US intervention in 1983. They've interviewed nearly 100 people so far, ranging from the heads of state, former Grenadian officials, current and former US officials, veterans, and intelligence officers. They're looking for people who served at the time and may be knowledgeable about intelligence activities in Grenada and the southern Caribbean between 1979 and Operation Urgent Fury. They would also be interested in speaking with anyone who knew Leonard Barrett during the same period. If anyone is interested in participating, please reach out to Washington Post reporter Ted Muldoon via email at or on Signal at 651-497-5449.
Call for papers: Intelligence and Post-War Reconstruction - International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
History shows that without planning for post-war reconstruction, apparent victory in war can lead to long-term defeat. On the other hand, wise post-war planning can lead to friendly, peaceful, and profitable relations between victor and vanquished. For political, socio-economic and security-related planning, intelligence plays a crucial role in estimating capabilities, securing infrastructure, locating persons of interest, and rebuilding. In honor of the 75th anniversary of the European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) after the Second World War, the editors are particularly interested in papers dealing with intelligence concerning post-war reconstruction initiatives and planning connected to historical and recent conflicts. Both case studies and theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. The studies may include, but do not have to be focused on, the following questions and issues:
- The role of diplomatic and military intelligence during the conflict as preparation for post-war reconstruction, from the conceptual to the practical.
- What intelligence needs to be collected to secure and boost reconstruction?
- What contacts, networks, and infrastructure are necessary for intelligence to be effective?
- Who has been or should be approached and/or recruited for reconstruction efforts based on intelligence?
- When has intelligent post-war planning (or its opposite) been historically evident?
- How should intelligence interact with formerly warring parties and international organizations to empower practical reconstruction efforts?
- What intelligence collection challenges have services encountered in working for post-war peace?
- How did intelligence factor in the European Recovery Program?
- What was George C. Marshall's position on the role of intelligence in general or concrete examples related to "his" plan?
01 Nov 23 deadline. More information and submission instructions here.
Call For Articles: AFIO Journal, The Intelligencer
For the past four years, AFIO has included in The Intelligencer a series of articles on "when intelligence made a difference." Written by scholars, intelligence practitioners, students, and others, they cover events from ancient times to the modern world and in many countries. AFIO is soliciting articles for future issues. Most articles run between 2,000 and 3,000 words, although some are longer or shorter. If you have an idea for an article that fits the theme, email senior editor Peter Oleson at
Retired Federal Government Employees Wanted - National Security Agency - Fort Meade, Maryland
The National Security Agency (NSA) may occasionally need skilled civilian retirees to augment the existing work force on high priority projects or programs. In order to fill these temporary positions quickly, we need to know who may be interested and available to return to work with us on a short notice basis as well as their skills. Retirees provide expertise and corporate knowledge to temporarily support mission requirements, manpower shortfalls, and/or mentor the next generation of Agency employees. Salary Range: $86,335 - $170,800.
Additional information and application here.
Assistant/Associate Professor of Intelligence Studies (Global Security and Intelligence Studies) - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott, Arizona
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Prescott, Arizona campus is accepting applications for a tenure-track assistant or associate-level professor of intelligence studies to teach intelligence courses to students in the Global Security and Intelligence program. The successful candidate will teach students about the intelligence community, strategic intelligence, the intelligence cycle and intelligence analysis, writing, and briefing. Prior experience working in the intelligence community is strongly preferred. We are interested in candidates with teaching acumen in intelligence analysis and writing using structured analytical techniques.
Additional information and application here.
Teaching Associate - Intelligence and National Security Studies - Coastal Carolina University, South Carolina
The Department of Intelligence and Security Studies ( ISS ) at Coastal Carolina University is accepting applications for a pool of Teaching Associates (part-time adjunct faculty) to teach introductory and undergraduate elective course offerings for the program beginning in August 2022. While the ad is open to any specialization within the field of study, courses in the areas of homeland security, law enforcement intelligence, counter-narcotics, and cybersecurity are of particular interest. Course offerings can be in a face-to-face or synchronous online modality. To be considered, candidates must have a masters or doctoral degree in a relevant subject area. Prior professional experience in the profession, as well as prior teaching experience are preferred.
Additional information and application here.
Doug Wheeler — Army Intelligence Officer and Academic
Longtime AFIO member Doug Wheeler, a University of New Hampshire emeritus professor of history, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on December 22, 2022, after a heart attack. Wheeler, who made his home in Durham, N.H., was 85 years old. He was the erudite, gentle and wise partner-in-life of Durham's political and social powerhouse, former NH State Senator Katie Wheeler. Wheeler taught history at the UNH for nearly 40 years, working in a number of different areas – African history, Portuguese history – colonial and modern, world history and the topical field of espionage. Wheeler's early focus was on modern African history, especially Angola and Mozambique and later Iberian history, especially Portugal since 1850. He emphasized political history and the history of Angolan nationalism with later research on espionage and secret intelligence. He also studied protest movements and taught courses on African American history before UNH hired faculty specializing in the subject. He published seven books as author, co-author, or co-editor, edited two scholarly journals on Portuguese history and produced about 250 articles, review essays, or reviews in several dozen journals, magazines, and newspapers, including Foreign Affairs, USA Today Magazine, the Journal of Contemporary History, the Christian Science Monitor, and The New York Times. His scholarship has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese and French. Among many other honors, he was decorated by two Presidents of Portugal for scholarship and teaching on Portuguese history and culture (Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, 1993; Order of Liberty, 2004). Wheeler earned an A.B. in history with high distinction from Dartmouth College in 1959, followed by an M.A. and Ph.D. in History from Boston University in 1960 and 1963. His doctoral dissertation was on 19th century colonial history of Angola, a Portuguese colony in West Central Africa. He received a Fulbright grant and was among the first Fulbright grantees in Portugal, where he taught at the University of Lisbon from 1961 to 1962. He later served as a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army in Intelligence which sparked a lifelong interest in issues of surveillance. Professor Wheeler was a generous contributor to chapters of AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence.
Jon Price — Latest CIA Memorial Wall Star Recipient, CIA Medical Officer
Dr. Jon Price Evans was born in Wilkes-Barre, PA in 1914. He graduated from Washington and Lee University in 1937 and received his medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in 1942. He served in the US Army Medical Corps during World War II and after the war worked in private practice before being recalled to the Army and then government service with the CIA’s Medical Office in April 1948. Dr. Evans was slated for a special assignment with CIA in Japan and while the details were being worked out he began providing medical liaison services for the CIA’s covert offices, Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) and Office of Special Operations (OSO) designing medical kits and providing first aid training for case officers prior to overseas assignments. After 21 months with CIA, Dr. Evans returned to the Army and was assigned as a military medical attaché in Iran and then in India. During his time in Iran, he served as a personnel physician to the Shah of Iran. From 1959-1960, he served as Chief of the Medical Intelligence and Information Agency (Army Surgeon General), followed by a tour in Korea and a second stint as a Chief Medical Advisory Unit ARMISH-MAAG, Tehran (1960-1967). He retired from the Army in 1967 at the rank of Lt. Colonel and then re-joined the CIA Office of Medical Services. During his second time at CIA, he was assigned as the Regional Medical Officer in Bangkok, Thailand in 1967 with responsibility for providing medical care to Agency personnel in Thailand and northern Laos. On January 5, 1969, Dr. Evans was killed on an operational assignment to Vientiane, when the Baron Beechcraft 95-A55 light twin-engined piston aircraft he was flying in crashed into an electrical pylon shortly after take-off near Ponesa village, Amphoe Thabor, Nong Khai Province on the Thai-Laos Border. The pilot (from Continental Air Services) and Dr. Price were killed on impact as were two villagers on the ground. Dr. Evans’s wife Dorothea, who was also on the flight, was severely injured and eventually evacuated by the CIA to the United States for definitive medical treatment and rehabilitation. Dr. Evans was buried with military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. For many years, it was unclear whether Dr. Evans was on official duty or on a private sightseeing tour at the time of his death and thus his death did not warrant a Star. However, knowledgeable sources who served with Dr. Evans in Southeast Asia indicate that he was traveling to Vientiane to provide medical care for a member of the Lao Royal family.
Leonard Charlap — Institute for Defense Analysis Cryptographer
Leonard S. Charlap, age 84 of Princeton New Jersey, passed away in his beloved home on February 5, 2023. Although not an NSA employee, "the cryptomath society knew Len well". Leonard was born in Wilmington, Delaware and grew up in Penns Grove, New Jersey. He studied mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and completed his Ph.D. at Columbia University. Len was an Associate Professor of mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, spent a year at Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and later a full Professor at State University of New York at Stony Brook. While at SUNY Stony Brook, Leonard received a National Science Foundation Award. Leonard finished his career as a Research Staff member at the Institute for Defense Analysis -- Center for Communications Research in Princeton, NJ. He was a member of the Institute for Advance Study from 1962-1964 and again from 1990-1991, and a member of Dimacs at Rutgers University from 1990-1991. In 1986, Len published a graduate textbook Bieberbach Groups and Flat Manifolds. With his CCR colleague, David Robbins, he wrote a paper that has become the standard primer for those interested in beginning to study elliptic curves with an eye to algorithmic implementation. Len retired in 2000.
19 Jun 23 (Monday), 1800 (Pacific) - Virtual - Peter Warmka, on "Confessions of a CIA Spy - The Art of Human Hacking, the topic and title of his recent book. Hosted by the Columbia River Chapter of AFIO. Warmka is a former Senior Intelligence Officer with the CIA having over 20 years of experience in breaching the security of target organizations overseas. He is an Adjunct Professor at Webster University's Masters in Cybersecurity Program and Founder of Orlando based firm Counterintelligence Institute, LLC. All AFIO members are welcome to tune in. For additional information and for the links and password to join the Zoom Meeting, email Chapter President Carl Wege here or call on 912-222-8640.
27 Jul 23 (Thursday), 1130 (Pacific) - In Person - Col. Robert W. Parr, USAF (ret) on "12 Days with a Soviet Pilot Defector" - Basque Cultural Center, San Francisco - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter. No host cocktail at 1130 hours (Pacific). Meeting starts at 1200 hours. Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco, CA. RSVP and pre-payment required. More information and registration here.
See the AFIO Calendar of Events for scheduling further in the future.
31 May 23, 1200 (ET) - Lost Son with Brett Forrest – International Spy Museum - Virtual
When a young American named Billy Reilly vanished into Russia's war with Ukraine, his parents embarked on a desperate search for answers. Was their son's disappearance connected to his mysterious work for the FBI, or was it a personal quest gone wrong? Wall Street Journal reporter Brett Forrest embarked on his own investigation revealing a secretive FBI intelligence program, a young man's lust for adventure within the world's conflicts, and the costs of a rising clash between Moscow and Washington. Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with Forrest about his new book Lost Son: An American Family Trapped Inside the FBI's Secret Wars. They'll discuss how Forrest applied years' worth of research, along with decades of extensive experience in Russia, illuminating the inner workings of the national-security machine that enmeshed Billy and his family, picking up the lost son's trail. It's a trail that brings Billy to the center of the story — a young man who yearns to matter, whose dream led him headlong into Russia's war with Ukraine. Program is free of charge and does not require advanced registration. Visit
06 Jun 23, 1700-1900 (ET) - The OSS Society Commemorates the 79th Anniversary of D-Day – OSS Society - In Person - Washington, DC
Join The OSS Society for a screening of its award-winning short documentary, "Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France." This film tells the story of Allied special forces whose daring exploits for D-Day changed the course of World War II. This event is by invitation only and is non-transferable. More information here.
13 Jun 23, 1200-1300 (ET) - Amy Zegart, "How Technology Is Changing American Intelligence" – NASIH - Virtual
Dr. Amy Zegart is the Morris Arnold and Nona Jean Cox Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and Professor of Political Science (by courtesy) at Stanford University. She is also a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Chair of Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence and International Security Steering Committee, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic. She specializes in U.S. intelligence, emerging technologies and national security, grand strategy, and global political risk management. In this talk, Zegart examines the past, present, and future of American espionage, focusing on how emerging technologies are radically challenging every aspect of the intelligence enterprise. An illuminating case study is nuclear threat detection. Zegart will share her findings that nuclear intelligence is not just for superpower governments anymore thanks to Internet connectivity, automated analytics, and commercial satellites. This talk will focus on the characteristics, benefits, and risks of this democratization of intelligence for threat detection and crisis management. Zegart will also discuss how technology is not a panacea for the intelligence community, how it can exacerbate existing biases, and how it must be used strategically to provide critical insights to the military, policymakers, and the American public. More information and registration here.
13 Jun 23, 1800 (ET) - An "Oh So Social" Conversation - A discussion about Michael Vickers forthcoming book, "By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Intelligence, Special Operations, and Strategy" – OSS Society - Virtual
General Jim Mattis interviews Dr. Michael Vickers about his forthcoming book. In By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Intelligence, Special Operation and Strategy, Vickers recounts his remarkable career, from his days as a Green Beret to his vision for victory in Afghanistan to his role in waging America’s war with al-Qa’ida at the highest levels of government. In captivating detail, he depicts his years in the Special Forces—including his training to parachute behind enemy lines with a backpack nuclear weapon in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, and he reveals how those experiences directly influenced his approach to shaping policy. Vickers has played a significant role in most of the military and intelligence operations of the past four decades, and he offers a deeply informed analysis of the greatest challenges facing America today, and in the decades ahead. More information here.
14 Jun 23, 1200-1300 (ET) - The Making of Global Trends 2030 – Johns Hopkins University - Virtual
Join host Michael Ard for a discussion with strategic foresight and global trend expert Mathew Burrows. Mathew Burrows is the Program Lead of the Stimson Center’s Strategic Foresight Hub and a Distinguished Fellow with the Reimagining US Grand Strategy program. Prior to joining Stimson, he served as the director of Foresight at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Strategy Initiative and as the co-director of the New American Engagement Initiative. Burrows is one of the leading experts on strategic foresight and global trend analysis. In 2013 he retired from a 28-year-long career in the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the last 10 years of which he spent at the National Intelligence Council (NIC), the premier analytic unit in the US Intelligence Community. In 2007, Burrows was appointed Counselor, the number three position in the NIC, and was the principal drafter for the NIC publication Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, which received widespread recognition and praise in the international media. In 2005, he was asked to set up and direct the NIC’s new Long Range Analysis Unit, which is now known as the Strategic Futures Group. Other positions included assignments as deputy national security advisor to Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill (2001-02), special assistant to the UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke (1999-2001), and first holder of the intelligence community fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York (1998-1999). Burrows received a BA in American and European history from Wesleyan University and a PhD in European history from the University of Cambridge. Free registration here.
20 Jun 23, 0800-1000 (ET) - A Celebration of Excellence: Honoring Charlie Allen – INSA - In Person - Tysons Corner
Join colleagues from across the intelligence, homeland and national security communities on Tuesday, June 20, from 8:00-10:00 AM at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, as we celebrate Charlie Allen's 65th year (and counting!) of extraordinary service to our nation. Following a plated breakfast, INSA Chairwoman Tish Long will lead a moderated Q&A with Charlie, as he reflects on key accomplishments, regrets, current challenges and opportunities, and more! Plus, special guests and fun surprises will mark this festive event. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate an iconic intelligence professional and national treasure! Free for students and military. Register here.
29 Jun 23, 0900-0945 (ET) - Coffee and Conversation with The Hon. Michael Vickers – INSA - Virtual
Join intelligence and national security colleagues online on Thursday, June 29, from 9:00-9:45 am ET, for a special Coffee & Conversation with The Hon. Michael G. Vickers, former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. In a moderated conversation with Letitia A. Long, Chairwoman, INSA Board of Directors, Mr. Vickers will discuss his latest memoir, By All Means Available: Memoirs of a Life in Intelligence, Special Operations, and Strategy, including: Key accomplishments during his time at CIA, specifically his role in the invasion of Grenada, operational response to the Beirut bombings, and the covert effort to drive the Red Army out of Afghanistan; Leading the comprehensive transformation of defense intelligence capabilities, while USD(I); Serving as the first ASD for Special Operations, Low-Intensity Conflict & Interdependent Capabilities...and much more! Plus, there will be ample time for audience Q&A! Register here.
13-14 Jul 23 – 2023 Intelligence and National Security Summit - AFCEA/INSA - In Person - National Harbor, MD
"The Nation's Premier Intel and National Security Event" - Save the date for the 10th Annual AFCEA/INSA Intelligence and National Security Summit! The powerful, two-day program, at the Gaylord National Resort, will feature five blockbuster plenaries, six engaging breakout sessions, and a jam-packed exhibit hall full of the latest IC technology innovations. Top leaders will discuss State of the Community, Military Intelligence Priorities, Strategic Intelligence, and Cybersecurity Challenges. Breakout sessions with senior leaders, technology experts, and thought leaders will examine some of the most pressing issues facing the community. Plus, powerful networking opportunities designed to foster partnerships and relationship building. Check for for full agenda and updates here.
20-22 Jul 2023 - NASIH Annual Conference 2023 – NASIH - In Person - University of Calgary, Canada
North American Society for Intelligence History's annual event. Registration is open and the registration fee will increase on 15 Jun 23. Full details on this two-day program, with extensive speaker line up and panels, here. Registration here.
Now available: Black short-sleeved polo shirts with Embroidered AFIO logo
Show your support for AFIO with our new Black Short-sleeve Polo Shirts. Shirts are shrink and wrinkle resistant of fine cotton with a soft, "well-worn, comfy" yet substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal. Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues, family, and friends. Only $50 each including shipping.
Sizes for (M) men, only; Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, and XXXL. $50 per shirt.
You may pay by check or credit card. Complete your order online here or mail an order along with payment to: AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Ste 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Phone orders at 703-790-0320. Questions? Contact Annette at:

PopSocket for cellphones or tablets
Show your support to AFIO while enjoying the convenience offered by our AFIO Logo PopSocket. The PopSocket is most commonly used as a stand and as a grip for your mobile phone or tablet; handy for taking selfies, watching videos, and for texting. The PopSocket looks like a small button or sticker which, when closed, sticks flat to your mobile device. However, its accordion-like design enables it to pop open for use. The benefits of using a PopSocket make it a must-have accessory for your mobile phone or tablet. It also aids in keeping your phone from slipping off your hand during use, falling, or breaking.
Price: $15. Order this and other store items online here.

Duffel Bags - Royal Blue and Black with Full Color AFIO Logo This duffel has it all when it comes to value, style and organization.
600 denier polyester canvas with polyester double contrast; D-shaped zippered entry for easy access. Front pocket with hook and loop closure. End mesh pocket Easy-access end pockets. Four durable, protective feet and built-in bottom board for added strength. Web handles with padded grip. Detachable, adjustable shoulder strap.
Dimensions: 11"h x 19.75"w x 9.75"d; Approx. 2,118 cubic inches
Price: $50. Order this and other store items online here.
AFIO Mug with color glazed seal.
Made in the U.S.A., dishwasher-safe.
$35 includes shipping.
Sip your morning joe in style or use it to stash pens, cards, paperclips, or candy.
Order this and other store items online here.

Caps - Dark Navy with Navy AFIO Logo
An authentic silhouette with the comfort of an unstructured, adjustable fit. Fabric: 100% cotton. Unstructured. Fabric strap closure with adjustable D-clip. Price: $30. Order this and other store items online here.
IN 2023
Be informed on career opportunities in the U.S. Intelligence Community |
Intelligence as a Career - with updated listings of colleges teaching intelligence courses, and Q&As on needed foreign languages, as well as the courses, grades, extracurricular activities, and behavioral characteristics and life experiences sought by modern U.S. intelligence agencies.
AFIO's popular 47-page booklet reaches thousands of high school, college students, university guidance offices, and distributed in classes teaching intelligence, to help those considering careers
in the U.S. Intelligence Community.
This is the all new fifth edition.
The publication is also popular with University Career Guidance Centers, professors and academic departments specializing in national security, and parents assisting children or grandchildren in choosing meaningful, public service careers.
This booklet is provided online as a public service from the generosity of AFIO board, volunteer editors/writers, donors, and members.
We thank all for their support which makes this educational effort possible. |
Careers Booklet (new 2023 Fifth Edition) can be read or downloaded here
Guide to the Study of Intelligence...and...When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has sold out in hard-copy.
It is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have been
published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be appear in future editions.
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Weekly Intelligence Notes (WINs) are a carefully selected collection of timely open source reports and announcements and other media focused on intelligence and related national security matters that is produced for non-profit educational use by AFIO members and WIN subscribers. WINs are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. They may not be reproduced or re-sent without specific permission from the Producer. Opinions expressed in the materials contained in the WINs are solely those of the content creators listed with each item. Notices in the WINs about non-AFIO events do not constitute endorsement or recommendation by AFIO.
(c) 1998 thru 2023
AFIO Members Support the AFIO Mission - sponsor new members! CHECK THE AFIO WEBSITE at for back issues of the WINs, information about AFIO, conference agenda and registrations materials, and membership applications and much more!
AFIO | 7600 Leesburg Pike, Suite 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004 | (703) 790-0320 (phone) | (703) 991-1278 (fax) |
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