Section I -
Israel Prepares for Military Option Against Iran - IT, 12 June 2022
Israel Air Force engineers have successfully modified its fleet of F-35s, making a massive aerial strike on Iran possible now
Last week it became clear that international patience with Iran over its nuclear program is running out.
This feeling emerged from a meeting of the members of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.
The governors of 70 IAEA member countries voted in favor of a resolution censuring Iran for its lack of cooperation with the agency.
Only China and Russia voted against the resolution, the first to censure Iran since 2020 when IAEA governors also condemned the Islamic Republic for lack of cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog.
A few weeks later, Iran backed down and gave the IAEA access to nuclear facilities it wanted to investigate.
Article here
Also see: "Israel Warns Assad, Will Bomb Palaces If Iran Operations Continue – Report" - JPost, 14 June 2022
The Chinese Are Building a Base in Cambodia but Their Sights Are Set on Us - Faddis, AND, 8 June 2022
China is building a naval base for its military in Cambodia. Work has been ongoing for some time with new buildings and roads being constructed and dredging occurring offshore to allow for the docking of large naval vessels. The United States and other Western powers have been monitoring the work continuously, but the Chinese have denied any intention to build a base in Cambodia. American intelligence now assesses that this is about to change and that the Chinese will formally acknowledge their intention to occupy the facility.
The base is located to the west of the South China Sea, where Beijing has overlapping territorial claims with several countries.
Article continues here
Three Blind Kings - A Q&A with Geostrategist and Pentagon Guru Edward Luttwak - Tablet, 12 June 2022
...a transcript of a recent three-hour-long conversation at Luttwak's home in Maryland, accompanied by glasses of chilled vodka, from which Luttwak himself notably refrained. The conversation has been edited and condensed for ease of reading, with all the controversial parts left in.
Includes: Biography of Luttwak; The three kings of the weak kingdoms, starting with Vladimir Putin; Russia's Failed Coup de Main; Twitter as Intellectual Blockchain; Why the CIA Must be Abolished; Dinners with Vlad, and the Need for a Dirty, Contemptible Compromise; The Farce of the Chinese Century; Xi Slaughters the Golden Goose of Shanghai; Now Let's Talk about the Third Weak Kingdom, the United States...America, Who's in Charge?; The Eternal Disappearing People; So is America disintegrating or not?
Interview here
Swarm: A Drone Wars Story - USNI, 7 June 2022
The threats of drone swarms, and tactics to counter them.
Not so long ago, it would be inconceivable to imagine unmanned airborne systems (UASs) as a viable threat. Fast forward to 2020 and you could own a Tello quadcopter drone with a high definition camera for just over $100. At the time of the writing, the maker of the Tello is Da Jiang Innovations Science and Technology Company (DJI), a Chinese company based in Shenzhen. DJI enjoys a market monopoly with nearly 80 percent of drones operating in the U.S. and Canada and 74 percent flown globally are manufactured by DJI.
... Unfortunately, civilian drones can easily be modified to carry out attacks by attaching weapons and explosives. During the Battle of Mosul, ISIS conducted over 300 drone operations and of those, roughly 100 were armed strike missions. A more daunting concern: If simple explosives already being used on drones, what prevents a terrorist organization with intent to cause disarray from upping the ante to chemical, biological, or radioactive payloads? Now-deceased terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi expressed interest in acquiring small-scale chemical weapons and mentioned deployment of these weapons would be very easy with access to a drone.
Article here
Also see: "Warfare Evolved: Drone Swarms" - Geopolitical Monitor, 10 June 2022
Drone Swarms That Harassed Navy Ships Off California Demystified In New Documents - The Drive, The WarZone, 10 June 2022
A major release of documents provides the highest level of detail yet about mysterious drone swarms involving U.S. Navy ships off California.
A series of enigmatic drone swarm events that occurred in the waters off Southern California in 2019 have come to be woven into an ongoing discussion about unidentified aerial phenomena, traditionally known as UFOs. In previous weeks, top defense officials told Congress that the 2019 swarm incidents were caused by drones. These new documents leave little doubt in that regard.
Article, Photos, Documents here
Also see: "Report Concludes Drone Swarms Above US Ships Not Other-worldly" - Newsmax, 12 June 2022
Also see: "China Unveils 'Mothership' to Launch Drone Swarms" - The Defense Post, 31 May 2022
Where Is Alexei Navalny Now? Vladimir Putin's Biggest Critic Goes Missing - Newsweek, 14 June 2022
Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been taken from his penal colony to an undisclosed location, one of his close aides has said.
Kira Yarmysh said on Tuesday that Navalny was not there when a lawyer visited him at the IK-2 colony located around 60 miles east of Moscow, in the Vladimir region.
Article continues here
Intercepted Call: Russian Plan to Send PoWs Out into Minefields - Telegraph, 14 June 2022
Recording shared by Ukraine's security agency suggests prisoners could be made to do de-mining work and otherwise 'serve the motherland'
Russia discussed sending Ukrainian prisoners of war (PoWs) into minefields to clear explosives in Mariupol and other recently captured towns, according to an audio clip posted on Tuesday by Ukrainian authorities.
Two men with Russian accents are heard hammering out details of a plan to use captured Ukrainian soldiers for de-mining work in a recording reportedly intercepted by the Ukrainian security agency SBU. The SBU claims the men are Russian intelligence officers.
Article here
Big Tech, Regulation & National Security: Klon Kitchen & Jamil Jaffer — interviews by Former Acting D/CIA Mike Morell
Intelligence Matters: A CBS News original
national security podcast is hosted by former CIA acting director
and CBS News national security contributor Michael Morell. The
most recent podcasts/interview is:
June 08 | Big Tech, Regulation & National Security: Klon Kitchen & Jamil Jaffer
In this episode, Michael Morell speaks with Klon Kitchen, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Jamil Jaffer, founder and Executive Director of the National Security Institute at George Mason University, about a range of current national security topics, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Iran's pursuit of nuclear capabilities, and the national security implications of regulating Big Tech companies. Kitchen and Jaffer offer their views on why politically-driven legislation could negatively affect innovation that they say is crucial to U.S. national security and to maintaining the country's competitive edge. They also share thoughts on why European and Chinese approaches are ill-suited for American markets.
Other recent "Intelligence Matters" podcasts to stream or
June 01 | The Sandy Hook Shooting and How Conspiracy Theories Affect National Security: Journalist Elizabeth Williamson
May 25 | Reporting From Ukraine's Front Line: CBS News Correspondent Holly Williams
May 18 | State of Play in Ukraine: Former Moscow Chief of Station Rolf Mowatt-Larssen
May 11 | Counterterrorism Chief Christy Abizaid on Top Terror Threats to the U.S.
More about Intelligence Matters by Michael Morell here. Podcasts also available here.
We Go To RSA Conference So You Don't Have To - Stewart Baker, Others at Steptoe Cyberblog
by Steptoe & Johnson LLP — By Stewart Baker [Chairman, AFIO]
Episode 411: We Go To RSA So You Don't Have To released 13 June 2022
Topics include: Comments (and our interpretations) by U.S. officials at the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) conference. Assessing Russian warnings that U.S. should expect "military clash" if it conducts cyberattacks against Russian critical infrastructure. The FBI analysis of the NetWalker ransomware gang. A lack of ransomware incident reporting. Intelligence officials underlined need for intel agencies to share security data with private sector. NYTimes' claim Russia's use of U.S. weapons tech has become vulnerability due to U.S. export controls. Smartphones have transformed war and the law of war in Ukraine. Why Russian troops who've been flagged in special phone app might view every bicyclist as a legitimate target. Forbes expose about USG's use of the All Writs Act to monitor travel reservations by a Russian hacker until he is in a country from which he could be extradited....
More topics covered. Article and podcast here
Some Prior Conversations:
Episode 410: Game Play Trumps Chinese National Security
Episode 409: Silicon Valley Speech Suppression is Going to the Supreme Court
Episode 408: But Was the Sex Viewpoint-Neutral?
Episode 407: An End to End-to-End Encryption?
Episode 406: Who Needs Cyberlaw When We Can Have Unicorns and Fairy Dust?
Stiff Test in Ukraine; Israel-Iran Shadow War on Verge of Exploding Into the Open... by Jeff Stein and Colleagues on "SpyTalk"
series on Substack...
June 14: "Suddenly, a Stiff Test in Ukraine" - Ronald A Marks III
A CIA Cold Warrior Worries About the West's Resolve
June 9: "Jan. 6 Hearings: Will the Strong Opening Stick?" - Jeff Stein
The Watergate hearings were full of surprises that jerked the public's attention back to its TVs—and Nixon's crimes. The unexpected could happen again.
June 9: "Israel-Iran Shadow War on Verge of Exploding Into the Open" - Jonathan Broder
Iran removing UN monitoring cameras, poised to move troops into Syria
June 7: "Watergate's Scorpions: The CIA and White House" - Melissa Graves
New revelations emerge in Jefferson Morley's tale of how the CIA's Richard Helms and Richard Nixon circled each other as mortal enemies—and allies.
June 5: "'Condor' Author Looks Back on Watergate's Surreal Days" - James Grady
James Grady reminisces about being in Washington while dark, high level crimes unraveled drop-by-drop, starting 50 years ago this month
May 28: "Memorial Day Requiem for Our Broken Counterterror Warriors" - Jeff Stein
Ron Capps, a former Army intelligence officer and crisis-scene diplomat, embraces fellow veterans with heartbreaking songs of loss and recovery.
A War of Attrition as Russia Loses Many Elite Fighters – but Will It Be Enough? - Latest Insights from Jack Devine of Arkin Group
The Arkin Group's June 9 "In Other News" letter to private
clients by former CIA Deputy Director,
Operations... Officer Jack Devine features...
- On the heels of Davos and in the weeks before the NATO summit, Russia makes some battlefield gains but it's unclear how far that will take them.
Follow link here to read analyses and predictions given to their private clients
on the topics from last week. There sometimes is a delay of seven days before the above topics will appear at this link.
Ukraine War - Bellwether for Europe — more from JJ Green/WTOP's "Inside the SCIF"
the SCIF by JJ Green, WTOP -
Issue #165, 9 June has details on... Nuclear test in NK soon; Ukrainian Intel Source Updates on the War; City of Secrets - Kovtun death; WH Sudden de-Diversification?; Estonian Spy for China Uncovered; UK's MOD Reports; Cybersecurity Needs Whole-of-Society Effort; Update on Paul Whelan; Medvedev Threatens Western Leaders; more.
Target USA Podcast 335 is on: The War in Ukraine; An urgent bellwether for Europe
Jonathan Vseviov, Secretary-General of Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses how critical it is for Ukraine to defeat Russia.
In The Hunt podcast: Was a Fatal Collision in Berlin Terrorism?
Hans-Jakob Schindler — a senior adviser for the Counter Extremism Project who also lives and works in Berlin — explains what happened.
Is There Such a Thing as Female HUMINT? New Research Highlights Understudied Topic - IntelNews, 14 June 2022
Although intelligence is a traditionally male-dominated profession, the integration of women into the field has grown exponentially in our time. The area of human intelligence (HUMINT), i.e. the use of human handlers to extract secrets through the use of human agents, is among the areas of the profession that remain most resistant to the incorporation of women. Now new research from Germany is shedding light into the understudied topic of female approaches to HUMINT.
In an article published earlier this month in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, Stephan Lau and Farina Bauer ask a number of important questions about the effective inclusion of women in HUMINT. The article is entitled "What About Her? Increasing the Actionability of HUMINT in Paternalistic Cultures by Considering Female Intelligence."
Article continues here
Sanctions and Satellites: The Space Industry after the Russo-Ukrainian War - War on the Rocks, 10 June 2022
When the first commercial space mission launched in 1962, few could have suspected that, a mere 60 years later, a nation's existence might hinge on a tweeted request that a private corporation beam communication-enabling internet services down from the stars. Or that private remote sensing industries, fielding more advanced systems than the then-state-of-the-art Corona spy satellites, would hunt national armies. Commercial space launch and technology industries would reach a level of significance and profitability such that nations could use them as tools of economic warfare. Risks to orbital commercial assets would result in the development of new military organizations, devoted to defending the "space-lanes" of the heavens as national navies defended the sea-lanes of old.
Article here
Work Remains in Fight Against Ransomware - WSJ, 8 June 2022
U.S. officials have made significant progress, but key tools are undeveloped, say authors of influential report
The authors of an influential report on ransomware said the government response one year on in implementing its recommendations has been admirable, but more should be done in key areas.
The Ransomware Task Force, a group of dozens of technology companies and government officials, produced a report in April 2021 to serve as a framework for U.S. government action against ransomware gangs.
The report was notable as one of the first major publications to call ransomware a national-security threat, a label that would come to be widely adopted by U.S. officials after attacks just weeks later on fuel transporter Colonial Pipeline Co. and meatpacker JBS Foods SA.
Article continues here
The Fourth Man and the Hunt for Proof - Augustyn, TCB, 7 June 2022
Nonfiction writers, like intelligence analysts, should always be leery of assumptions. Assumptions lead to more assumptions, that lead to presumed conclusions that, therefore, are assumptions themselves. Should one simple assumption be wrong in the paradigm, then the ultimate story itself becomes fatally flawed.
Unfortunately, this is the case in Robert Baer's The Fourth Man. Baer, a former CIA case officer, is an experienced writer and storyteller, the author of four New York Times bestsellers, and an intelligence analyst for CNN. As a result, he has a wide audience. But his prominence comes with a price, the responsibility to present the truth based on fact, and not on what many in the intelligence business comedically calls "RUMINT" intelligence based on rumors and, yes, assumptions.
Review continues here
Also see at the always impressive The Cipher Brief: "The Potential of Integrating Intelligence and Intuition" by Carmen Medina, TCB, 10 June 2022
Also see: "Ukraine, Russia and the Trust Needed to Open Humanitarian Food Corridor" by Walter Pincus, TCB, 7 June 2022
How Fast Could Iran Build a Nuclear Weapon? - CSP, 14 June 2022
The Islamic Republic of Iran's proximity to acquiring a nuclear weapon appears to be looming closer. Last week, Iran shared its intention to remove 27 surveillance cameras from its nuclear facilities with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This proclamation follows the IAEA's censure of Iran after the regime failed to answer critical questions regarding nuclear material found at various undeclared sites in the country. The removal of visual aids prevents the international watchdog from properly monitoring Iran's nuclear developments. Industry experts assert Iran's regime is merely weeks away from achieving its nuclear breakout time. While the time Iran needs to acquire detonation and delivery remains unknown, the regime's behavior and actions certainly indicate its next steps to possessing a nuclear weapon will be prioritized.
Article continues here
Spotlight on Terrorism: Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria (May 29 – June 11, 2022) - Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, 13 June 2022
Members of the Lebanese Parliament elected Nabih Berri, from the Amal Movement, to continue as speaker of the Parliament, and Representative Elias Bou Saab, from the National Freedom faction, as his deputy.
The Iranian embassy in Lebanon and Hezbollah's civilian institutions marked the anniversary of Khomeini's death with ceremonies and events throughout the country.
Exploring for natural gas off the south Lebanon coast: Senior Hezbollah figures repeated their position that if Lebanon withdraws from the disputed area, Hezbollah would be prepared to respond, with force if necessary.
There has been popular unrest targeting UNRWA in some of the refugee camps, with residents demanding plans to rescue the camps and expressing objections to agency's reduction of its services. In response, Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) issued a joint announcement in support of UNRWA.
Opponents of the Syrian regime issued an increasing number reports about the presence of Iranian militias in Syria near the Jordanian border, and on the steps Jordan is planning to take against them.
Report continues here
Putin Is Losing the War. Don't Be Fooled by What Happened in Severodonetsk - Arkin, Newsweek, 14 June 2022
Russia is losing the Ukraine war. Though Moscow is poised to capture the eastern city of Severodonetsk, it again has proven itself incapable of attaining a broader conquest over its smaller neighbor. The Russian army's so-called victory is the latest installment in its humiliating military display and comes with a crushing human cost.
"The Russian military is getting weaker by the day, with little prospect of overall replenishment or meaningful reinforcement," a senior Defense Intelligence Agency official tells Newsweek. "Meanwhile, Ukraine is holding on ... [and] standing on the brink of major western augmentation of its offensive capability."
Article here
Is Famine Coming? - AmSpectator, 12 June 2022
Putin's barbarism has made an already bad situation worldwide so much worse worldwide.
The past two years as recorded by the news media have felt like something out of the book of Revelation. First came the pale rider in early 2020, mounted on jetliners and sleeper trains, as coronavirus became a pandemic. His fellow horsemen, red and white, arrived this February when Russian tanks scythed across the length and width of Ukraine.
Time dubbed Putin's invasion "The Return of History." And indeed for many in Europe, the moment was a sudden end to the Long Peace that had endured since 1945. The tribulations of yesteryear seemed to be returning.
Article here
A Reply in Defense of the State Secrets Privilege - Croner, Center for Ethics, 31 May 2022
Editor's note: This mini-symposium on the Abu Zubaydah decision, rendered by the Supreme Court on March 3, 2022, raises important issues about the state secrets doctrine and transparency in democratic governance. The first two pieces are reprinted with permission from the original publishers. All posts are available here.
A reply in defense of the state secrets privilege
Two articles, one by Mark Fallon and the other by Professor Claire Finkelstein, who are, respectively, the interim executive director and the faculty director of the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL) at the University of Pennsylvania, have criticized the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Zubaydah. The Court concluded that the state secrets privilege had been properly invoked by the government to protect against the disclosure of information regarding a foreign site that was allegedly used in the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" program—a program broadly condemned by critics and the U.S. Congress as employing torture. I disagree with their criticisms of the Zubaydah decision while acknowledging that, whether described as "torture" or, in the CIA's more euphemistic patois, as "enhanced interrogation," the program represents one of the darker moments in the history of the U.S. intelligence community.
See full reply here
Also see: "The Abu Zubaydah Decision - This mini-symposium on the Abu Zubaydah decision, which the Supreme Court rendered on March 3, 2022, raises important issues about the state secrets doctrine and transparency in democratic governance. The first two pieces are reprinted with permission from the original publishers."
Subordinating Intelligence: The DoD/CIA Post-Cold War Relationship - David P. Oakley - NBN, 14 June 2022
In the late eighties and early nineties, driven by the post–Cold War environment and lessons learned during military operations, United States policy makers made intelligence support to the military the Intelligence Community's top priority. In response to this demand, the CIA and DoD instituted policy and organizational changes that altered their relationship with one another. While debates over the future of the Intelligence Community were occurring on Capitol Hill, the CIA and DoD were expanding their relationship in peacekeeping and nation-building operations in Somalia and the Balkans.
Podcast here
Two-part Radio Marti interview of Ric Prado, author of Black Ops: The Life of a CIA Shadow Warrior - June 2022
Follows Ric's activities at CIA's headquarters. In late 1995, he became Deputy Chief of Station and co-founding member of the Bin Laden Task Force. Three years later, after serving as head of Korean Operations, he took on the dangerous mission to re-establish a once-abandoned CIA station inside a hostile nation in the fight against Islamic terrorism. He and his team carried out covert operations and developed assets that proved pivotal in the coming War on Terror. Book available here.
Podcast is in Spanish and available here
Also see video: "Ric Prado's Interview with AFIO President James Hughes - Part of the AFIO NOW series" 7 June 2022
Ukraine's Vital Ally – Why Poland Matters in the Russian-Ukrainian War - YouTube
Historical context to Poland's decision to throw its resources behind Ukraine and put focus on what this nation, with an economy nominally the size of New Jersey's (ppp-aside), has done to keep the Ukrainian army fighting while preserving the lives and well-being of millions of Ukrainian civilians.
49-minute Video here
Anti-Satellite Weapons: Threatening the Future of Space Activities - Visual Capitalist, 14 June 2022
What Are Anti-Satellite Weapons?
At any given moment, there are thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth for commercial, civil, strategic, and military reasons.
Due to the importance of certain satellites for national security, countries have developed anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons that can be used to incapacitate or destroy satellites in orbit. Also discusses: The Impact of Destructive Anti-Satellite Weapons; The History and Aftermath of Destructive ASAT Tests; The Call to Ban Destructive Testing.
Charts, Tables, and Article here
Section IV -
Books, Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Books — Newly Released, Overlooked, Forthcoming
Degrade and Destroy: The Inside Story of the War Against the Islamic State, from Barack Obama to Donald Trump
by Michael R. Gordon
(Farrar, Straus and Giroux, June 2022)
"Gordon, who embedded with anti-ISIS forces, elucidates both backroom policy wrangles and frontline firefights; his riveting recreation of the 2016–2017 battle to retake Mosul is an epic of desperate combat . . . This is the definitive record of a critical chapter in the fight against extremism." ―Publishers Weekly
"This is the ultimate insider's view of perhaps the darkest chapter of the Forever Wars―the campaign to stop the Islamic State's march toward a Caliphate. Michael Gordon knows everyone, was seemingly everywhere, and brings a lifetime of brilliant reporting to telling this crucial story." ―Retired U.S. Navy admiral James Stavridis, 16th Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and author of To Risk it All: Nine Crises and the Crucible of Decision
"Michael Gordon has written an amazing book. His typically extensive research will more than satisfy any academic in the field. At the same time, he has a top reporter's gift of telling a compelling story. His account of the battle of Mosul is riveting―in my view, the finest war reporting since WW II. And like the best reporting then, this book is never about Michael Gordon. He is the lens through which we are brought to the battlefield, and into the rooms where the decisions happen―in Washington, Baghdad, and places in between. The fight against ISIS is one of the most consequential and complex struggles of our time. Gordon explains why, and most critically, why it isn't over. This book is not only about the last war. It's about the next one." ―Ryan Crocker, former United States Ambassador to Iraq and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
" the first comprehensive history of the US-led coalition's campaign to defeat ISIS. Gordon takes us from the Situation Room to battlefields across Iraq and Syria and lets us witness how key decisions were made and how policy was executed with partners on the ground. This is a must-read book for anyone who wants to understand this consequential chapter of counterterrorism and to learn the hard-won lessons it offers for the future." ―Michèle Flournoy, former United States Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Book available here
The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization
by Peter Zeihan
(Harper Business, June 2022)
Geopolitical strategist Zeihan argues that we are heading toward a period of deglobalization, with ensuing chaos and disaster. 2019 was the last great year for the world economy. For generations, everything has been getting faster, better, and cheaper. Finally, we reached the point that almost anything you could ever want could be sent to your home within days - even hours - of when you decided you wanted it. America made that happen, but now America has lost interest in keeping it going. Globe-spanning supply chains are only possible with the protection of the U.S. Navy. The American dollar underpins internationalized energy and financial markets. Complex, innovative industries were created to satisfy American consumers. American security policy forced warring nations to lay down their arms. Billions of people have been fed and educated as the American-led trade system spread across the globe. All of this was artificial, unsustainable, and temporary. And now all of it is ending. Zeihan maps out the next world: a world where countries or regions will have no choice but to make their own goods, grow their own food, secure their own energy, fight their own battles, and do it all with populations that are shrinking and aging. The list of countries that make it all work is smaller than you think. Which means everything about our interconnected world - from how we manufacture products, to how we grow food, to how we keep the lights on, to how we shuttle stuff about, to how we pay for it all - is about to change.
Book may be ordered here
Waves of Global Terrorism: From 1879 to the Present
by David C. Rapoport
(Columbia University Press, May 2022)
Terrorism is a persistent form of political violence, but it appears intermittently, afflicting certain places in certain eras while others remain unscathed. Since the late nineteenth century, it has risen and fallen in recurrent generation-long spasms in which hundreds of short-lived groups wreak havoc. Why have past outbreaks of terror tended to come in waves, and how does this pattern shed light on future threats? Rapoport, a preeminent scholar of political violence, identifies and analyzes four distinct waves of global terrorism. He examines the dynamics of each wave, contrasting their tactics, targets, and goals and placing them in the context of the much longer history of terrorism. Global terror emerged in the 1880s after technological changes transformed communication and transportation and dynamite enabled individuals or small groups to carry out bombings. Emanating from Russia, a first wave of anarchists assassinated prominent figures in what they called "propaganda of the deed." This was followed by a second wave of anticolonial terrorism that arose in the British Empire in the 1920s. Beginning in the 1960s, a third wave of New Left movements took hostages and hijacked airplanes. Most recently, religious movements—mostly but not entirely in the Islamic world—have constituted a fourth wave, pioneering self-martyrdom or suicide bombing. Rapoport also considers whether a fifth wave of anti-immigrant or white supremacist terror is emerging today.
Book may be ordered
CFP (UTAustin): 2022 "Bobby R. Inman Award" for Student Scholarship on Intelligence
The University of Texas at Austin's Intelligence Studies Project announces the 8th annual competition recognizing outstanding student research and writing on topics related to intelligence and national security. The winner of the "Inman Award" will receive a cash prize of $5,000, with two semifinalists each receiving a cash prize of $2,500. This competition is open to unpublished work by undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in degree programs at accredited U.S. higher education institutions during the 2021-22 academic year.
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2022
If requested, the Intelligence Studies Project will assist in publishing the winning paper and ensure it is made available to current intelligence practitioners interested in the paper's topic. At the discretion of the Intelligence Studies Project, the authors of meritorious papers that are not recognized with an award and cash prize may be offered support in further research and editing in anticipation of publication.
Additional information about the Inman Award, including submission requirements and previous winners, is available here.
CFP on "Domestic Intelligence Organizations in Non-Democratic Regimes" for the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
The resurgence of authoritarianism in the 21st century coincides with transformations in intelligence that offer states greater surveillance capabilities than any other era of human history. This special issue will explore intelligence in non-democratic regimes to elicit insights on how these non-democratic intelligence cultures and practices might harness intelligence in the future compared to how they have in the past. The editors are particularly interested in case studies that focus less on theory and more on history and new evidence, although papers that offer original theoretical concepts are welcome.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, the following questions and issues:
· The role of new technology in domestic intelligence or surveillance by non-democratic states (including the newly-developed digital authoritarianism practices)
· How ideology shaped domestic intelligence organizations, functions, or operations in non-democratic states
· Single or comparative case studies
· The influence of society, culture, and history on intelligence in non-democratic regimes and vice versa
· The role of individuals as driving forces in non-democratic intelligence structure, organization, and behavior
· The effect of intelligence on minority or underrepresented groups and voices
· The pressure or influence of outside states, including allies, adversaries, or patrons, on intelligence by non-democratic regimes
· Innovations in non-democratic intelligence practices
· Areas of continuity or discontinuity in the transition from a non-democratic to a democratic state
Abstracts are due by 15 August 2022; Manuscripts are due 15 December 2022.
Manuscripts should be between 4,000-8,000 words (including the abstract, an author bio, references, figures, and tables.) All manuscripts should be formatted following the style of the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence.
Submissions or questions: Florina Cristiana Matei,, or Jeff Rogg,
UK Historian Seeking Former Officer Knowledge of 1956 Lionel Crabb Case (went missing diving under Russian vessel in UK waters)
AFIO Members: I have a quick question. I am a UK historian trying to trace any former intelligence officer who might have been involved in the 1956 Lionel Crabb case: this was the case of a British spy who went missing whilst diving under Khrushchev's vessel during his visit to the UK.
I am making a podcast series about this and would like to know more about the CIA's reported involvement.
If you can help, I would be very grateful. Please reply to Giles Milton
More about Giles Milton here
WANTED: Sources for Research Exploring OSINT's Utilities in Counterterrorism
Terrorism analyst and open source intelligence (OSINT) specialist Michael S. Smith II is conducting PhD research focused on OSINT's utilities in counterterrorism initiatives. Supervised by faculty in the Department of War Studies at King's College London, this research aims to improve understandings of how OSINT has and could be utilized to manage threats posed by al-Qa'ida, ISIS and their supporters. If you are a current or retired intelligence, defense, or law enforcement professional, or a policymaking professional who may be able to contribute, Mr. Smith would greatly appreciate an opportunity to share more information about his PhD research project and ways that you might be able to contribute to this research.
Interested parties may contact Mr. Smith via the contact form on his personal bio site,, or at
National Academies Seeking Director for Intelligence Community Studies Board - Keck Center, Washington, DC
We're Hiring! Seeking the Next Director for the Intelligence Community Studies Board - National Academies, 1 June 2022
Are you an exceptional leader and manager with a strong background working in the Intelligence Community (IC), particularly at the intersections of sciences, engineering, and medicine with policy? Do you have the ability to develop portfolios of projects and negotiate external funding from sponsors in the IC and Federal Agencies?
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is seeking a director for the Intelligence Community Studies Board (ICSB). The ICSB serves as the convening authority for the discussion of science and technology issues of importance to the U.S. IC. Although the principal sponsor of the ICSB is the Director of S&T at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), ICSB resources and publications are used to benefit all parts of the IC. In coordination with ODNI and other IC members, the ICSB produces studies and holds workshops, symposia, and expert meetings to explore science and technology topics of interest. The ICSB is also home to the Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group, a large, diverse, collection of experts across a broad range of science, technology, and medicine that is available to provide quick-response advice to ODNI and the IC.
You should have experience in managing staff and fostering their growth, providing oversight on quality and timeliness for a diverse program of activities, and managing relationships with federal, state, and private sponsors.
The successful candidate for this position will have an advanced degree in a related field (physical sciences, engineering, social sciences, or a related field), as well as 10 years of experience related to advancing science or policy, particularly related to fund raising and managing projects and budgets. Previous experience in government service in an executive agency, Capitol Hill, or the White House would be preferred. The preferred candidate should also have a TS/SCI Clearance.
For a complete job description, desired qualifications, and description of benefits, please visit our website to learn more and apply.
Geographic location of position is here
Details or to
College in Lynchburg, VA Seeks Assistant Professor to teach Intelligence and National Security - Fall, Full-time
Liberty University is seeking a full time, residential, Assistant Professor to teach Intelligence and National Security courses in the School of Government. Courses support a curriculum which features a major or minor field of study in Strategic Intelligence Studies and include Introduction to Intelligence, Intelligence Analysis, Ethics in Intelligence, History of Intelligence, Intelligence and Military Operations, Strategic Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Terrorism, Counter-terrorism and Psychological Operations. A minimum of a Master's Degree and extensive experience in the Intelligence profession is required.
Liberty University is located in Lynchburg, VA, 3 hours south of Washington, D.C. It is a private, Christian, liberal arts, accredited institution with 15 colleges and schools. The modern campus at Liberty Mountain supports 15,000 residential students, Division I sports and over 115,000 online students. Liberty has a large and thriving Army and Air Force ROTC presence. Details on the job are at here. Interested partieis should contact
Seeking Director of Global and National Security Programs - Univ of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico (UNM) invites applications for the part-time (.50 FTE) position of Director of Global and National Security Programs. This position will be for four years with the possibility of renewal and will report to the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
UNM's Global and National Security Policy Institute (GNSPI) grew out of a perceived need for greater coordination among international security-related STEM, social science, law, and humanities fields. GNSPI developed a Professional Masters of Science Degree in Global and National Security (PMSGNS) based on intensive 8-week modules designed for working professionals seeking interdisciplinary education on security policy questions, broadly defined. The program is of particular interest to technical professionals whose duties or career goals extend to addressing broad policy issues that are inherently interdisciplinary. GNSPI holds an annual symposium and other events that promote dialogue among academics and practitioners on global security issues and emerging challenges.
UNM also developed an undergraduate-focused Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC-CAE), that offers a certificate in National Security and Strategic Analysis, as well as a Global and National Security concentration under UNM's interdisciplinary Bachelors of Integrative Studies and Innovation degree program. The Director of Global and National Security Programs will oversee both the graduate and undergraduate programs, in coordination with the Deans of participating colleges and the Dean of Graduate Studies. Please see the position posting here.
Full-Time Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (Intelligence Studies) - University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, GA
Job Summary: Type: Full-Time; Posted: 02/02/2022; Category: Criminal Justice; Job ID: 238891
The Department of Criminal Justice at The University of North Georgia invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the Dahlonega campus. This position will focus primarily on Intelligence Studies. Special attention will be given to applicants who have four or more years of practitioner experience and the ability to manage applied analytic projects. The workload may require travel across campuses, teaching at off-campus teaching sites, and online teaching.
Responsibilities: Teach four undergraduate courses per semester to include Introduction to Criminal Justice; Maintain an active research agenda in an effort to produce scholarly publications; Assist in the advising of students enrolled in Bachelor of Science Degree Criminal Justice with an Intelligence Studies Concentration; Serve on University, College, and Departmental Committees; Teaching schedule may include assignments on other campuses, evening or on-line classes.
Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in Criminal Justice is required. Intelligence Studies, Homeland Security or a closely related field is preferred; Experience teaching Intelligence Studies at the university or college level; Successful candidates should be able to teach one or more of the following courses: Introduction to Intelligence, Fundamentals of Intelligence Analysis, or Methods of Intelligence; Ability to work collaboratively with all campus constituencies.
To explore this job or to apply, do so here
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Intelligence, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL
Job Description: The Department of Security Studies and International Affairs (SSIA) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL., invites candidates to apply for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Intelligence (GEOINT). The successful candidate should have experience in one or more of the domains related to intelligence and security with skillsets in technologies such as Geospatial Intelligence, Remote Sensing using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), satellite imagery, as well as spatial analyses using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
The successful candidate will contribute to SSIA's interdisciplinary Homeland Security and Intelligence program. In addition, the candidate will support the department and college to help integrate technology into the existing Homeland Security & Intelligence and Global Conflict Studies undergraduate degree programs as well as other programs external to the department. Primary tasks include undergraduate teaching and research, student advising, and relationship building with external organizations and agencies. The position requires teaching flexibility to cover a variety of courses in geospatial intelligence, geographic information systems, and their applications across a broad range of intelligence and security issues. Additional duties include scholarship, professional development, committee participation, and other activities to support the Department. This is a nine-month position with the possibility of summer teaching assignments. Position available August 2022.
Qualifications: An earned doctorate in intelligence-related discipline such as Geospatial Intelligence, Security Studies, Political Science, Remote Sensing, or related field is preferred. Special attention will be given to candidates with Intelligence Community experience and demonstrated success in securing and managing applied analytic projects. Knowledge of technical as well as policy and procedural aspects of geospatial intelligence and its applications is a plus. An exceptional candidate who is ABD (with an expected completion date within six months of the hire date) will be considered.
More info or to apply
Bob DiPalma, Naval Intelligence Officer
Robert Francis DiPalma, Capt., U.S. Navy (Ret.), 86, a Naval Intelligence Officer, died 31 May 2022 in Herndon, VA.
Born in Middleboro, MA, Bob attended elementary and high school in Middleboro and then at Providence College in Rhode Island where he earned a degree in political science.
In 1957, Bob enrolled in the Naval Flight Officer Candidate Program at NAS Pensacola, FL, where he earned his wings as a Naval Flight Officer and was commissioned as an Ensign. His first duty station was at NAS Glynco, Georgia for training on the Lockheed WV-2 Super Constellation, where he met and soon married Anne Cochran, a nurse studying at St. Vincent's Hospital in Jacksonville, FL. Their first duty station together was NAS Agaña, Guam, where Bob flew with Airborne Early Warning Squadrons 1 and 3.
Following his deployment as a flight instructor at NAS Pensacola, FL and as Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bob left flight service in 1966 and was stationed with the newly stood-up Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific (FICPAC), where he received specialized training in the fledgling field of digital satellite imagery. His additional tours included IOIC Officer aboard the USS Independence; Executive and Commanding Officer of the Naval Investigative Office (later renamed NCIS) HQ, Norfolk; Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence at Naval Surface Forces, Atlantic (SURFLANT); Intelligence Officer for Commander, Carrier Group 8 (COMCARGRU 8); and with the Director of Tactical Intelligence/Surveillance Advisory Group at D.I.A. He returned to FICPAC, this time to serve as its Commanding Officer and revisited the Washington, DC area where he served on the Staff of the Secretary of Defense as Intelligence Officer for Tactical Intelligence Systems until he retired in 1986.
During his 29-years of service, Bob's achievements in the Navy included the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, and he was twice awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal.
After retiring from the Navy, Bob remained in Intelligence, working for a number of defense contractors providing intelligence support from EOD technology to imagery expertise in telemedicine. His local community service included as docent and tour guide at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy Center, where he shared his knowledge of and experiences with historic aircraft (he is included on the NASM Wall of Honor). Bob was presented the Providence College National Alumni Association Personal Achievement Award in 2017.
He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Anne DiPalma, three sons, a sister and a brother, and other family.
George Eppard, CIA Logistics Officer
George Richard Eppard, 82, a CIA Logistics Officer, died 26 March 2022 in Martinsburg, WV.
He was a CIA logistics Officer who served in Laos and elsewhere.
He is survived by his wife, Gail Ann Simpson Eppard, and other family.
An intimate Inurmnent-Graveside Service will be held noon, Friday 8 April 2022 at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Silver Spring, MD. Following the graveside service all are welcomed to join the family at Mamma Lucia Restaurant, 14921 Shady Grove Rd (Fallsgrove Shopping Center) Rockville, MD.
A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will offered at 11:00 am, Saturday 23 April 2022, at St. James Catholic Church, 49 Crosswinds Dr., Charles Town, WV 25414
Section V - Events
Virtual = ; In-Person = 
None at this time
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
Wednesday, 15 June 2022, noon EDT - Virtual - "New Perspectives on Intelligence Analysis for the Private Sector" - hosted by Johns Hopkins University

Host Dr. Michael Ard of JHU's MS in Intelligence Analysis leads a curated discussion with Dr. Maria Robson Morrow and Lewis Sage-Passant on Intelligence Analysis for the Private Sector.
Dr. Maria Robson Morrow teaches research methods in the MS in Intelligence Analysis program. Outside of Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Robson Morrow works as the Intelligence Project Program Coordinator at the Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Northeastern University.
Lewis Sage-Passant is a doctoral researcher at the University of Loughborough, where he studies the history and present structure, sources, and methods of private sector intelligence teams. Sage-Passant is Manager of Global Strategic Intelligence at the US technology firm Salesforce.
No charge to attend.
To explore or register, do so here
Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 6:30pm - Virtual - Washington, DC - SPY Summer Social: Young Professionals Event - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Sneak into the International Spy Museum after hours for the SPY Summer Social! SPY will kick off its 20th Anniversary celebration with drinks and bites on the rooftop - including unforgettable views of DC at sunset and exclusive access to our galleries complete with a birthday cake bar. More fun surprises will be revealed throughout the night. Register below.
Thursday, 16 June 2022, noon - Virtual - Washington, DC - Code Name Madeleine with Arthur J. Magida - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Seventy-nine years ago today—June 16, 1943—Noor Inayat Khan was flown to France on a small Lysander plane to take on the dangerous job as a wireless operator for Britain's Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Nazi-controlled France. The daughter of a Sufi mystic from India and an American mother, Khan became an unlikely World War II heroine. Raised in a lush suburb of 1920s Paris, Khan was an introspective musician and writer, dedicated to her family and to her father's spiritual values of harmony, beauty, and tolerance. She did not seem destined for wartime heroism. Yet, faced with the evils of Nazi violence and the German occupation of France, Khan joined the SOE and trained in espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance. For crucial months of the war, Khan was the only wireless operator sending critical information to London from Paris, significantly aiding the success of the Allies on D-Day. Join us for a discussion with Arthur J. Magida, author of Code Name Madeleine: A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris. Magida will share the rich details he gleaned from dozens of interviews, newly discovered manuscripts, official documents, and personal letters about this valiant young woman.
Thursday, 16 June 2022, 6 - 7:30pm EDT - Virtual - Digital World: Killing Espionage but Saving Intelligence? - by The OSS Society

We're less than two weeks away from the next installment in the OSS Society's "Oh So Social" Conversation Series on 16 June 2022. Sue Gordon, the former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Ellen McCarthy, former Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR - the successor to the OSS's Research and Analysis Branch), will discuss how the digital environment is revolutionizing the craft of intelligence.
This is a virtual event as part of The OSS Society's "Oh So Social" Conversation Series.
Fee ranges from free to $1000.
Register today by clicking here
Thursday, 16 June 2022, 1800/6:00 PM EDT - Virtual - NIP Virtual Speaker Event Featuring NGA's Mark Andress discussing "Leading the Way During a GEOINT Revolution."
This Naval Intelligence Professionals virtual speaker event features NGA's Mark Andress discussing "Leading the Way During a GEOINT Revolution."
GUEST Speaker: Mark Andress, Chief Information Officer & Director, IT Services, NGA.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50 PM EDT:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (571) 317-3112 Access Code: 916-927-157
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: • (5 min) Ms. B. Lynn Wright, DDNI (Ret.), NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks and NIP Update; • (~25 min) Mark Andress's Remarks; • (~30 min) Q & A moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please enter your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your questions in advance/during the video conference to:
Friday, 17 June 2022, noon - Washington, DC - The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate with Jefferson Morley - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Fifty years ago today, five men were discovered breaking into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate in Washington, DC. President Nixon, desperate to shut down the FBI's investigation of the crime, sought the support of CIA Director Richard Helms. To mark this unhappy anniversary join us for a discussion with Jefferson Morley, the author of the new book Scorpion's Dance: The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate, and James Rosen, author of The Strong Man: John Mitchell and the Secrets of Watergate. In conversation, Morley and Rosen will explore the concealed, deadly power struggle between Nixon and Helms, two Cold Warriors whose edgy relationship dated back to the 1950s. Both president and spymaster knew secrets about the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as well as off-the-books American government and CIA plots to remove Fidel Castro and other leaders in Latin America. Both had enough information on each other to ruin their careers. Morley and Rosen, both veteran Washington reporters, will discuss the various theories of Watergate and the long-neglected evidence Morley has uncovered to give a new perspective on one of America's most notorious presidential scandals.
19-22 June 2022 - Treviso (near Venice), Italy - 2022 IAFIE and IAFIE-EC Conference and CFP
Theme: "Working Wicked Intelligence Challenges: Intelligence Research, Education-Training and Practice"
The 2022 CALL FOR PAPERS addresses engaging themes that combine the different Intelligence domains and disciplines with a look into the future challenges.
Read the Call for Papers to know the main Conference themes, requirements, deadline and the new IAFIE Study Group Initiative.
Those who had planned to attend and present papers at the postponed 2020 or 2021 Italy conference can resubmit their papers--or propose to present new papers--at the June 2022 Treviso-Venice Conference.
Presenters are encouraged to submit papers for publication in the Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education (JSIRE). IAFIE announces the requirements for a peer-reviewed paper to be accepted for publication in the Call for Papers.
The Call for Papers includes details about Registration, Fees, Travel, and Accommodations along with additional tour options and partners/spouses' tour.
Conference includes a tour to Venice (free of charge) at the end of the Conference.
Event will be hosted by École Universitaire Internationale - Italy.
The Conference will take place in the territories that have witnessed the rise of the first structured Intelligence service in the world, and have always been the bridge between west and east, forefront observer of their evolution through time;
Be with us to live what freedom and Democracy are. Be with us to be a sign, a design for what freedom and democracy will be in the future.
We will meet in Treviso, near Venice, crossroad city that unites cultures, east-west, north-south for a vision of the global universe.
For more information, to respond to the CFP, or to register, do so here.
Thursday, 23 June 2022, noon - Washington, DC - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris Costa with Darrell M. Blocker - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Darrell M. Blocker, former Deputy Director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center. Blocker is the Chief Operating Officer for MOSAIC Security, a strategic intelligence, crisis management, and executive advisory firm. He retired from government service after a successful 32-year career in the US intelligence community, including 28 years as a CIA operative. He was awarded the CIA's Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal and was recognized as the most senior Black officer in CIA's Directorate of Operations upon retirement in 2018. Blocker is an ABC News National Security Analyst and Contributor. He is also developing espionage-themed content in Hollywood, serving as a tv consultant, and volunteers with nonprofits dedicated to serving youth in the foster care system (
Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 3-4pm EDT - Virtual - "The Israeli Perspective on Strategic Intelligence" - featuring Col Itai Shapira, hosted by Johns Hopkins University

Michael J. Ard, JHU host, leads discussion with intelligence analyst Colonel Itai Shapira on "the Israeli Perspective on Strategic Intelligence."
Colonel (res.) Itai Shapira has more than 25 years of experience in the Israeli Defense Intelligence (IDI), where he has served in various intelligence analysis and management roles on the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. His last assignments included the deputy for analysis in the IDI's Research and Analysis Division (RAD), the head of the Syrian department in the RAD, and the head of the IDI's "Devil's Advocate" department.
Itai holds a B.A and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University and is a graduate of the Israeli National Defense College. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Leicester – studying Israeli national intelligence culture.
No charge to attend. Explore more or Register here.
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 - See Website - CIRA National Summer Lunch Features John Brennan
Please join your CIRA colleagues for our Summer National Lunch!
The keynote speaker will be John Brennan. This will be a conversation with the former director. A cash bar reception will begin at 11:30am, followed by lunch and presentation. Lunch cost is $45 per person and includes salad, entree choice, sides, dessert, and coffee/tea. When you register for the lunch you will need to make a choice of chicken, salmon, or vegetarian entree. If you have a required dietary restriction please let us know for the venue may be able to provide alternatives.
Payment Details: If you pay by credit card on the website, you will be able to indicate your meal choice at the same time. If you are paying by credit card and bringing a guest(s), please send the name(s) and meal choices in an email to
Reservations with Credit Card Payment: Log in to the CIRA Website and click on "Online Payments"
Scroll down the page and click on the blue box named "Make Lunch Payment(s)"
Check Payment/Reservation: Credit card payments are strongly encouraged, but if you prefer to pay by check, it must arrive in our post office box by 19 July. You will need to send your meal choice in the envelope with your check. You will also need to include the name(s) of your guest(s) and their meal choice(s).
Mail your Check to arrive by Tuesday July 19th to: CIRA, PO Box 7154, McLean, VA 22106-7154
Additional Notes: Refunds? We are obligated to pay for the number of attendees guaranteed in advance, so refunds cannot be provided should you be unable to attend. Thank you for your understanding.
We will follow the VA Gov's COVID guidance, but will be taking additional precautions to keep our colleagues safe. Anyone not fully vaccinated must wear a mask.
Tuesday, 2 August 2022, 6 - 7:30pm EDT - Virtual - The OSS Society's "Oh So Social" Conversation Series features General David Petraeus + Dr. Michael Vickers

General David Petraeus, USA (Ret.) and Dr. Michael Vickers talk one-on-one about the state of the world in this latest "Oh So Social" Virtual Conversation Series by The OSS Society.
Fee ranges from free to $1,000.
Register here
DATES VARY. Spy Tours in Washington DC Area: Spring has Sprung! Book a Spy-themed Tour Today
Former intelligence officers deliver tours of Washington D.C. and share unique insights on what it's like to operate in the world of espionage. Alternate dates and times or custom tours available upon request. Tours option include:
- "The Spies of Georgetown Private Walking Tour" - 2 hour tour through the scenic Georgetown neighborhood with a former CIA officer. Learn about the role the residents here played in the WWII era. These pre- and post- war influencers played friend and foe alike to the Soviets. Learn more about the origins of the CIA, and the life of an operative shared through curated (and unclassified) real-life stories. Group Size: up to 17 people. More info here.
- "The Spies of Embassy Row Private Walking Tour" - 2 hour tour of Dupont Circle and Embassy Row through the eyes of a spy! Hear contemporary and historical stories of conspiracy, politics, cover-ups and assassinations… We'll start where the battered body of a Kremlin insider was discovered in 2015. Then, we'll walk up Massachusetts Avenue, part of "Embassy Row", an elegant boulevard lined by homes originally belonging to some of the richest and most influential people, now housing Embassies, associations, foundations, and clubs. Visit the spot where a car bomb killed beloved Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier and U.S. citizen Ronni Moffitt, and pass the former home of FDR and Jay Pollard. By the end of this tour, you will see the people and neighborhoods around you in a new light… Time: 2 hours. Group size up to 17. More info here.
- "The Spies of Arlington National Cemetery Private Walking Tour" - Learn about intelligence professionals buried in Arlington National Cemetery. These quiet heroes lived extraordinary lives and in some cases made the ultimate sacrifice. Along the way we'll stop at the Kennedy gravesites and the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. We'll also visit the PanAm Memorial and the Beirut Barracks Memorial, in addition to sections 34 and 59. If visitors want to visit a particular grave we can also adjust to make that possible. Time: 3.5 hours. Group Size: up to 25 people. More info here.
- "Custom Tours" - We also offer custom, private tours upon request. Not seeing a tour that works in your schedule? Contact us and submit a request for a new date/time.
We'll work with you and do our best to accommodate your needs. More info at here.
Questions or more information here or email Rosanne at
Store Items:
   
Now available: Black short-sleeved polo shirts with Embroidered AFIO logo
Show your support for AFIO with our new Black Short-sleeve Polo Shirts. Shirts are shrink and wrinkle resistant of fine cotton with a soft, "well-worn, comfy" yet substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal. Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues, family, and friends. Only $50 each including shipping.
Sizes for (M) men, only; Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, and XXXL. $50 per shirt.
You may pay by check or credit card. Complete your order online here or mail an order along with payment to: AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Ste 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Phone orders at 703-790-0320. Questions? Contact Annette at:
PopSocket for cellphones or tablets
Show your support to AFIO while enjoying the convenience offered by our AFIO Logo PopSocket. The PopSocket is most commonly used as a stand and as a grip for your mobile phone or tablet; handy for taking selfies, watching videos, and for texting. The PopSocket looks like a small button or sticker which, when closed, sticks flat to your mobile device. However, its accordion-like design enables it to pop open for use. The benefits of using a PopSocket make it a must-have accessory for your mobile phone or tablet. It also aids in keeping your phone from slipping off your hand during use, falling, or breaking.
Price: $15. Order this and other store items online here.
Caps - Dark Navy with Navy AFIO Logo
An authentic silhouette with the comfort of an unstructured, adjustable fit. Fabric: 100% cotton. Unstructured. Fabric strap closure with adjustable D-clip. Price: $30. Order this and other store items online here.
Duffel Bags - Royal Blue and Black with Full Color AFIO Logo This duffel has it all when it comes to value, style and organization.
600 denier polyester canvas with polyester double contrast; D-shaped zippered entry for easy access. Front pocket with hook and loop closure. End mesh pocket Easy-access end pockets. Four durable, protective feet and built-in bottom board for added strength. Web handles with padded grip. Detachable, adjustable shoulder strap.
Dimensions: 11"h x 19.75"w x 9.75"d; Approx. 2,118 cubic inches
Price: $50. Order this and other store items online here.

AFIO Mug with color glazed logo. Made in
America. Sturdy enough to sit on desk to hold pens, cards,
paperclips, and candy.
This handsome large, heavy USA-made ceramic mug is
dishwasher-safe with a glazed seal. $35 per mug includes shipping.
Order this and other store items online here.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
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materials, and membership applications and much more!
(c) 1998 thru 2022. NOTE NEW ADDRESS: AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Suite 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Voice:
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