Section II -
Section III -
Section IV -
Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Section V - Events
AFIO Events
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
- Thursday, 25
Feb 2021, 1800/6pm EST; 1500/3pm PST; 1300/1pm HST - Virtual
GoToMeeting - NIP Speaker Series Features RDML Michael
- Thursday, 25
February 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris
Costa and Special Guest Thomas P.
Bossert - Virtual International Spy Museum
- Sunday,
28 February 2021, 2-3:30pm EST - Virtual - The Cold War
Museum hosts MG Robert Parker (USAF, ret.) on "Protection
and Inspection: US Missile Forces & Site Inspections
in the USSR"
- Sunday, 28
February 2012, 3pm EST - Virtual - The Magic of Spying with Peter Wood: Live Virtual Family Performance
and Workshop - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
- Wednesday, 3 March
2021, noon EST - Virtual - Secret History of History: Three
Ordinary Girls - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
- Saturday, 6 March
2021, 11am-2pm EST - Virtual - Sisterhood of Spies: A
Virtual Girl Scout Event - Virtual International Spy Museum
- Thursday, 11
March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Secret History of History:
Color Wars Part II - Virtual International Spy Museum
- Wednesday, 17
March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Curator's Corner: CROSSFIRE
HURRICANE with Josh Campbell - Virtual International Spy
Museum Program
- Thursday, 25
March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with Chris
Costa and Special Guest Lieutenant General Robert P. Ashley,
Jr. - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
- 25 March 2021 - Virtual -
The next OSS "Oh So Social" Conversation features former
Asst Sec of State for INR Ellen McCarthy
For Additional AFIO and other Events two+ months or more... Calendar of Events
WIN CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE: The WIN editors thank the
following special contributors: rsy, ec, po, pj, mh, km, gh, mk,
rd, fm, kc, jm, mr, jg, th, ed, and fwr. They have
contributed one or more stories used in this issue.
The WIN editors attempt to include a
wide range of articles and commentary in the Weekly Notes to
inform and educate our readers. However, the views expressed
in the articles are purely those of the authors, and in no way
reflect support or endorsement from the WIN editors or the
AFIO officers and staff. We welcome comments from the WIN
readers on any and all articles and commentary.
IMPORTANT: AFIO does not "vet" or endorse research inquiries,
career announcements, or job offers. Reasonable-sounding
inquiries and career offerings are published as a service to
our members, and for researchers, educators, and subscribers.
You are urged to exercise your usual caution and good judgment
when responding, and should verify the source independently
before supplying any resume, career data, or personal
If you are having difficulties with the links or viewing this
newsletter when it arrives by email, members may view the latest
edition each week at this link.
Other items brought to our
The Intelligence Community And Open-Source Information In The Digital Age – Analysis, by member George W. Croner, former NSA General Counsel, in Eurasia Review, FPRI — On January 22, 2021, the New York Times reported that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) was acquiring commercially available databases from vendors containing U.S. person location data generated by smartphone applications, and the DIA was periodically using that data to track U.S. person device locations (specifically, the Times reported, "Defense Intelligence Agency analysts have searched for the movements of Americans within a commercial database in five investigations over the past two and a half years"). The Times article included a link to a DIA memorandum prepared in response to inquiries about the practice received from the office of Senator Ron Wyden. Senator Wyden subsequently raised the issue during the confirmation hearing of Avril Haines for the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) asking Haines about "abuses" of commercially available location data. In a statement released by Wyden's legislative office in connection with Haines' confirmation process, he describes the DIA practice discussed in the Times article as "unacceptable" and as an intrusion on constitutional privacy rights, saying, "The Fourth Amendment is not for sale."
Article continues here...
Published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute, 22 February 2021.
The Arkin Group's February 18 "In Other News" letter to
private clients by former Operations Officer
Jack Devine features...
• The Justice Department has charged three North Koreans in connection with some of the highest-profile cyberattacks in recent history.
• A White House statement indicates that the SolarWinds hack took place from inside the United States, though U.S. officials still see the attack as being perpetrated by the Russians.
• Below-normal temperatures in the southern U.S. triggered a broad swath of power outages and systems failures that have cut oil production by as much as 4 million barrels per day, the equivalent of ~40% of total U.S. output and ~4% of global output.
• Just released: Jack Devine's Spymaster's Prism. AFIO conducted an
interview with him about this book and will release that
interview to members on March 2.
The Latest... from Jeff Stein's Provocative "SpyTalk" Series
Feb 24: "Intel Panel Chair: Retool Spec Ops for China War" by Jeff Stein
Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego also aiming at using more military spies and rooting out extremists in the ranks
Article here
Feb 20: "A Few Bad Men -- and More" by Adam Zagorin
The Mauritanian's gripping Guantánamo drama lets military officials off the hook
Article here
Feb 19: "A Spy for Every Winter" by Robert Gaudet
Virginia Hall's World War Two exploits never get cold
Article here
Readers can subscribe for free at the moment here.
News, Podcasts, Interviews, Analysis....from what must be a busy SCIF run by JJ Green of WTOP:
the SCIF by JJ Green, WTOP -
Issue #101, 18 February has details on "What does the IC think of Joe Biden?"; China's foreign policy doctrine; French Cyber Agency tracks Russian Hackers; Morocco foils terror attack; US troops rejecting COVID vaccines; NK attempts to steal Pfizer vaccine info; and much more.
The latest Target USA Podcast 264 is on: "Qanon floats conspiracy theory about 4 March 2021" It's a date conspiracy theorists say Donald Trump will return to Washington "to reclaim the Presidency." Former Deputy Director of the Secret Service, A.T. Smith says law enforcement are prepared.
And "The Hunt" explores: Facebook claims terror groups are banned, yet allows ISIS to post material. Why? Dr. Hans Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Counter Extremism Project, discusses what ISIS' objective is and how they're getting away with this.
From the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation:
THE NCMF's #CyberChats, held virtually via their Nepris online
classroom, have resumed.
NCMF #CyberChat with Debbie Plunkett is
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 2 to 3 pm EST. Access it here.
Digital Learning Day will be held Thursday, 25 February 2021.
Access it here.
CodeDay - Virtual is being held Friday, 26 February 2021 and
Sunday, 28 February 2021. Explore it here.
NCMF Fireside #CyberChat with Barbara McNamara for Women's History Month is Thursday, 11 March 2021 noon to 1
pm EST. Access it virtually here.
Other NCMF upcoming events will be:
NCMF Fireside #CyberChat with Sally Botsai on 25 March 2021.
Stay Tuned for link to register.
NCMF 25th Anniversary on 17 April 2021. Stay tuned for details.
One of the special benefits of membership in AFIO:
access to CIA's inhouse gift shop — the EAA Store.
It requires a quick preapproval process described here to all newly joined and current AFIO
members. And then allows you to purchase online their unusual
logo'd gift items for self or colleagues. Here is the latest
photo EAA released on January 22 featuring some of their newest

Just released to members-only...
Experiences serving as Undersecretary, Office of Intelligence and Analysis,
at the Department of Homeland Security

Released 23 February 2021
Interview of Friday, 29 January 2021 of Caryn Wagner, Former Undersecretary, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, DHS. Interviewer - Host: James Hughes, AFIO President, a former CIA Operations Officer.
TOPIC: Caryn Wagner and Jim Hughes discuss Wagner's experience serving as Undersecretary, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, at the Department of Homeland Security. Includes discussion of the political complexities of focusing on domestic terrorism, homeland intelligence, and internal national security issues, the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Forces, Fusion Centers, sharing of intelligence, National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), relations with state and local partners in law enforcement, ICE, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Coast Guard, no-fly lists and other domestic security lists, the National Intelligence Program, and various funding issues.
The interview runs 47 minutes which includes several Q&As.
Access Wagner video here or click above image.
Prior Videos in the "AFIO Now" Series
To view them, visit our YouTube page here
or log into the Member-Only area of our website here.
Steve Vogel, author, Washington Post journalist, on his book "Betrayal in Berlin: The True Story of the Cold War's Most Audacious Espionage Operation"
Loftis, attorney, author, professor, on "The Princess Spy" on
WWII Spy Aline Griffith, Countess of Romanones
Millis, former Senior Intelligence Officer at NSA, CIA, ODNI on
"Women in Intelligence"
Houghton PhD, Director, National Cryptologic Museum on "The
Nuclear Spies: America's Atomic Intelligence Operation Against
Hitler and Stalin"
Augustyn, former CIA Clandestine Services Officer on "CIA's
Defector Resettlement Program"
Joseph W.
Augustyn, former CIA Clandestine Services Officer on "CIA's Role
in the Creation of the Department of Homeland Security"
Jones PhD, Director, Transnational Threats Project, CSIS on "A
Covert Action"
Priess PhD, Author, former Senior CIA Analyst and PDB Briefer on
"The President's Book of Secrets"
Jordan, Dep Asst Sec for IC Integration, Office of Intel and
Analysis, Treasury on "Enjoying a Rich, Challenging Intelligence
Career Spanning Multiple Agencies."
Riedel, former CIA Senior Analyst, Served on National Security
Council during Iraq War on "Early Gulf War Policy Decisions"
Pierson, Election Threats Executive, Office of the Director of
National Intelligence on "Nationwide Election Security"
Klingner, Former CIA Deputy Division Chief for Korea; Heritage
Foundation Fellow on "U.S. Strategy Towards North Korea"
Introduction: Stewart Baker, Chairman, and James Hughes,
Dujmović, Professor, Author, former CIA Historian, PDB Editor on
"Guidelines and Experiences Teaching Intelligence at the
University Level"
Robarge, CIA Chief Historian, PDB Editor on "The Complexities of
Houghton PhD, Director, National Cryptologic Museum on "Nuking
the Moon...and Other Intelligence Themes and Military Plots Left
on the Drawing Board"
C. Faga, former Director, National Reconnaissance Office on "NRO
Support to the Gulf War"
Visit, Follow, Subscribe to AFIO's LinkedIn, Twitter, and
YouTube pages to receive updates.
Members who use social media or wish to explore, will find new
announcements and other material on AFIO's Twitter and LinkedIn
pages. New videos on our YouTube page appears below as well.
Access them here: LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. By following or subscribing on
those sites, one can be notified as new material appears.

NEW — PODCASTS: Our new social media expert
has been busy! Are you too busy to sit and watch an entire "AFIO
Now" episode above on YouTube? Would you rather listen in your car
or while accomplishing other tasks? Now you can quickly download
or stream episodes on your favorite podcasting platform. AFIO is now available on 8 podcasting platforms. Search
for 'AFIO Podcast' for a selection of the interviews above (public
released ones) on Podbean; iTunes; Google; Spotify; Amazon Music; Amazon TuneIn + Alexa; iHeartRadio; and Pandora.
Newly Released, Overlooked, or Forthcoming
Red Line: The Unraveling of Syria and America's Race to Destroy the Most Dangerous Arsenal in the World
by Joby Warrick
(Doubleday, Feb 2021)
Warrick provides a character-driven narrative with a cast of heroes and villains, including weapons hunters, politicians, commandos, diplomats, and spies. He traces the decadeslong buildup of the Syrian government's chemical weapons stockpile; its sporadic use against rebels, including a 2013 sarin attack near Damascus that may have killed 1,429 people; the American diplomatic push—after President Obama called chemical attacks a "red line" that Syria's government must not cross—that yielded an agreement to destroy the country's "declared" stockpile; its shipboard destruction in 2014 by a portable hydrolysis device nicknamed the "Margarita Machine" by "a Pentagon wag"; and later chemical weapons programs and chlorine-gas attacks by ISIS militants. Warrick balances harrowing reports of poisoned children dying of paralysis and asphyxiation with character sketches of Syrian spies and medical workers, UN chemical-weapons investigators braving sniper fire, and American engineers facing toxic spills, hostile environmentalist flotillas, and the possible capsizing of their ship. —PW
Book may be ordered here.
Operation Dragon: Inside the Kremlin's Secret War on America
by R. James Woolsey, Ion Mihai Pacepa
(Encounter Books, Feb 2021)
Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey and former Romanian spy chief Ion Mihai Pacepa ( who defected to the US in 1978), describe why Russia remains an extremely dangerous force in the world while putting to rest the question of who killed President Kennedy on November 22,1963. All evidence, they say, points to the fact that the assassination—carried out by Lee Harvey Oswald—was ordered by Khrushchev, acting through what is essentially the Russian leader's personal spy force, the KGB (today's FSB).
Per this review in the New York Post headlined "Lee Harvey Oswald ordered to kill JFK by Soviets, ex-CIA chief claims" by Larry Getlen:
Lee Harvey Oswald was a KGB associate who was personally instructed by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to assassinate President Kennedy. Sometime shortly thereafter, the Soviets changed their minds, and Oswald was told to drop the plan. But Oswald, harboring a blinding love for all things USSR, refused.
. . .
The authors claim that all the evidence needed to make their case is contained in the 26-volume Warren Commission Report, but that so much of it is "codified" that no one understood its significance until now.
"Decoded, these pieces of evidence prove that John F. Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, had a clandestine meeting in Mexico City with his Soviet case officer, 'comrade Kostin,' " the authors write, "who … belongs to the KGB's Thirteenth Department for assassinations abroad." [NYPost review continues here...]
Book may be ordered
following articles from the Winter-Spring 2021 edition of Intelligencer are available as PDFs at these links:
• Terror in Athens — Remembering CIA Station Chief
Dick Welch by Samantha Randazzo Childress and Carol "Rollie" Flynn
• When Intelligence Made a Difference - Part V Intro by Peter Oleson
• Soviet Deception and the Cuban Missile Crisis by Robert M. Clark
• Occasionem Cognosce — Francis Cabot Lowell by Joel Wickwire
• The Seizure of Danang City Hall by Jim
Schnell PhD
• The Breaking of JN-25 and its Impact in the War
Against Japan by Peter C. Oleson
• Developing a Cooperative Strategy in the El
Salvador Civil War by John Fishel
Writers, Officers: Please Provide A
Brief Article for This Ongoing AFIO History Project
educational project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" seeks
writers to identify events throughout history involving any nation
or organization when the outcome was affected significantly by
AFIO has been publishing edited submissions serially in Intelligencer released two to three times a year.
To see what has been published, it is available here. Also look at the Winter-Spring edition
of the journal arriving in the mail of all members and subscribers
over the next three weeks.
Those readers interested in contributing an article, should email
For instructors, this project makes a great class assignment.
Accepted articles give students a publication credit in a
recognized journal.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
Section I -
Top Scientist in Syria Chemical
Weapons Program Spied for CIA, Says New Book. The
Syrian chemical weapons program's top scientist is alleged to have
spied for the United States for years while working to advance the
Assad regime's capabilities, according to a new book being published
this week.
Red Line: The Unraveling of Syria and America's Race to Destroy the
Most Dangerous Arsenal in the World, written by the award-winning
American journalist Joby Warrick, reveals the scientist's journey
and role in Damascus' chemical weapons program while providing
information to the US.
The scientist - whose identity is withheld by the author but is
referred to as "Ayman" - returned to Syria after studying in the US
during the 1980s on a scholarship. He then became a senior
researcher in a secret chemical weapons program named Institute
3000, which was covertly part of Syria's Scientific Studies and
Research Centre (SSRC), the institute set up by President Bashar
Al-Assad's father Hafez which leads the regime's development of
chemical weapons. [Read more: MiddleEastMonitor/22February2021]
Trial of Alleged Egyptian Spy in
Merkel's Press Office Starts. The trial of an alleged
Egyptian spy who worked for years as a staffer in the German
government's press office began in Berlin on Tuesday.
The 66-year-old defendant, identified as Amin K.*, is alleged to
have passed information to the Egyptian foreign intelligence service
(GIS) between 2010 and 2019.
According to the indictment, Amin K. allegedly monitored media
content while working at the federal press office's visitor service,
gathered information for Egyptian intelligence officers and tried to
recruit another spy. He is also alleged to have passed on the names
of five press office colleagues with Syrian roots to the GIS.
In return, prosecutors allege that authorities in Egypt supposedly
offered him preferential treatment. [Read more: DW/2February2021]
303rd MI BN Fields
Near-Real-Time Intelligence Unit. While units on Fort
Hood are brandishing the latest model of weapons, the intelligence
community is receiving the latest model of intelligence equipment
and software. On January 26, Bravo Company, 303rd Military
Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade became
the first unit in the Army to field the Tactical Intelligence Ground
System (TGS-Lot E). The TGS is a vehicle-mounted system that
processes near-real-time intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance information to intelligence analysts and commanders.
The TGS extracts information from different intelligence feeds as it
occurs on the ground, providing data for quick battlefield
Staff Sgt. Marquis Fuse, who is the platoon sergeant for the TGS
processing, exploitation, and dissemination platoon, and other
geospatial analysts have conducted two FORSCOM level assessments of
the new system over the past year. He said that the system allows
intelligence analysts to weed through intelligence information all
at one time instead of going to multiple locations to feed their
commanders information for decision making.
"Our unit's feedback was critical to the fielding of the equipment
in the Army, the operability of the system, and assisting other
units in understanding their need for training." [Read more:
US Charges North Korean Computer
Programmers in Global Hacks. The Justice Department has
charged three North Korean computer programmers in a broad range of
global hacks, including a destructive attack targeting an American
movie studio, and in the attempted theft and extortion of more than
$1.3 billion from banks and companies, federal prosecutors said
The newly unsealed indictment builds off an earlier criminal case
brought in 2018 and adds two additional North Korean defendants.
Prosecutors identified all three as members of a North Korean
military intelligence agency, accusing them of carrying out hacks at
the behest of the government with a goal of using stolen funds for
the benefit of the regime. Alarmingly to U.S. officials, the
defendants worked at times from locations in Russia and China.
Law enforcement officials say the prosecution highlights the
profit-driven motive behind North Korea's criminal hacking, a
contrast from other adversarial nations like Russia, China and Iran
who are generally more interested in espionage, intellectual
property theft or even disrupting democracy. [Read more: Tucker/AP/17February2021]
Taiwan's New Defense Chief
Assumes Post. Former intelligence chief Chiu Kuo-cheng
officially became Taiwan's Minister of National Defense on Tuesday
in a ceremony held behind closed doors.
Chiu was part of the cabinet reshuffle announced by the Presidential
Office on Feb. 19, involving three key security positions.
According to the Military News Agency (MNA), the handover ceremony
was presided over by Minister without Portfolio Lo Ping-cheng, who
represented Premier Su Tseng-chang. [Read more: CNA/23February2021]
Russian Spy and FBI Traitor
Robert Hanssen Arrested 20 Years Ago. On this day in
history (February 18), one of the most famous and damaging insiders
within the FBI, Robert Philip Hanssen was arrested. He worked as a
source for the USSR and subsequently The Russian Federation. Twenty
years ago today, Hanssen was arrested on February 18, 2001 when he
was servicing a dead drop (covert cache of classified documents)
where he was leaving classified documents to be clandestinely picked
up by a Russian intelligence officer.
The affidavit in support of the arrest of Hanssen lays out the depth
of his subterfuge. On July 6, 2001, Hanssen subsequently pled guilty
to 15 charges of espionage and receiving in excess of $1.2 million
for his efforts on behalf of Russia.
He is currently serving a life sentence (without possibility of
parole) at the United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum
Facility in Florence, Colorado (aka ADX Florence in a 7-by-12 ft
cell with four slit windows where he sits for 23 of 24 hours each
day. [Read more: Burgess/ClearanceJobs/18February2021]
The Once-Classified Tale of
Juanita Moody. On the morning of Sunday, October 14,
1962, Juanita Moody exited the headquarters of the National Security
Agency, at Fort Meade, Maryland, and walked the short distance to
her car, parked in one of the front-row spaces reserved for top
leadership. The sky was a crystalline blue, "a most beautiful day,"
she recalled later. Moody had just learned that the U.S. Air Force
was sending a U-2 spy plane over Cuba to take high-altitude
photographs of military installations across the island. Moody was
worried for the pilot - "twice already in the past two years a U-2
spy plane had been shot out of the sky, once over the Soviet Union
and once over China. She was also worried for the country. Tensions
between the United States and the Soviet Union were worsening by the
day. President John F. Kennedy, American military leaders and the
intelligence community believed that the Soviet military was up to
something in Cuba. Exactly what, no one could say. "I went out and
got into my old convertible at the precise moment I had been told
this pilot was going to get into his plane," Moody said.
What unfolded over the next two weeks was arguably the most
dangerous period in the history of civilization. Close to 60 years
later, the Cuban Missile Crisis is still considered a nearly
catastrophic failure on the part of America's national security
apparatus. How America's top agents, soldiers, diplomats,
intelligence analysts and elected officials failed to anticipate and
uncover the buildup of a nuclear arsenal on America's doorstep, less
than 100 miles off the coast, is still being studied and debated. At
best, the story of American intelligence activities before and
during the crisis is far from complete. One of the most
extraordinary omissions to date is the central role played by Moody,
a 38-year-old code-breaking whiz and the head of the NSA's Cuba desk
during the perilous fall of 1962. Even today her name is largely
unknown outside the agency, and the details of her contributions to
the nation's security remain closely guarded. [Read more: SmithsonianMagazine/March2021]
Russian Intel Caught
Stealing Sweden's Technology and Defense Secrets. This
month, Swedish prosecutors dropped the other shoe upon Swedish
citizen, Kristian Dmitrievski, charging him with espionage on behalf
of the Russian Federation. Dmitrievski had been arrested by the
Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) on the evening of February 26, 2019
while meeting with Russian intelligence officer, Yevgeny Umerenko,
an SVR (Russia foreign intelligence) in central Stockholm.
Dmitrievski stood accused of passing Swedish industrial secrets to
Russia, from at least 2017, and his arrest was characterized at that
time by SÄPO spokesperson Gabriel Wernstedt as "the result of a
prolonged probe that took a substantial period of time and involved
intensive intelligence and investigative work."
Dmitreivski is a 47 year-old, Russian-born, naturalized Swedish
citizen worked for Volvo Cars and Scania (a truck manufacturer) -
both located in Goteborg. His work provided him unencumbered access
to Swedish defense information, analogous to U.S. defense
contractors who have access to U.S. national defense information.
While he was remanded to custody, in March 2019, he was released
pending the filing of charges. Given the long pause, Dmitreivski may
have been surprised to find himself facing espionage charges, which
carry a maximum of six-years imprisonment in Sweden, almost two
years later.
How did it come about? [Read more: Burgess/ClearanceJobs/23February2021]
Kremlin Critic Trailed By FSB
Squad Before Alleged Poisoning, Report Says. NPR's Noel
King talks to opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza about the
possible role of the FSB, Russia's intelligence agency, in attacks
against opposition activists - including himself. [Read or listen: NPR/18February2021]
Philadelphia Is a Secret Spy
Mecca. A little-known secret of Philadelphia is its two
centuries at the center of American espionage. A year before the
Founding Fathers met in Independence Hall to draft the Declaration
of Independence, several signatories -including Thomas Jefferson,
John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin - created a spy network to counter
the overwhelming superiority of the British army in the colonies.
The seeds that were planted in Philadelphia during the Revolutionary
War grew into tangled roots of intrigue through the course of
American history. SPY SITES OF PHILADELPHIA (Georgetown University
Press) presents 130 accounts of Philadelphia spy operations and
spymasters - here is a small taste. [Read more: Melton&Wallace/DailyBeast/23February2021]
Section III -
The Intelligence Community and
Open-Source Information in the Digital Age. On January
22, 2021, the New York Times reported that the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) was acquiring commercially available databases from
vendors containing U.S. person location data generated by smartphone
applications, and the DIA was periodically using that data to track
U.S. person device locations (specifically, the Times reported,
"Defense Intelligence Agency analysts have searched for the
movements of Americans within a commercial database in five
investigations over the past two and a half years"). The Times
article included a link to a DIA memorandum prepared in response to
inquiries about the practice received from the office of Senator Ron
Wyden. Senator Wyden subsequently raised the issue during the
confirmation hearing of Avril Haines for the position of Director of
National Intelligence (DNI) asking Haines about "abuses" of
commercially available location data. In a statement released by
Wyden's legislative office in connection with Haines' confirmation
process, he describes the DIA practice discussed in the Times
article as "unacceptable" and as an intrusion on constitutional
privacy rights, saying, "The Fourth Amendment is not for sale."
Other elements of the Intelligence Community also acquire databases
from commercial vendors that contain anonymized mobile location
information generated by smartphone applications. [Read more:
An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was
a Russian Asset Since 1987. Does it Matter? In 2018, I
became either famous or notorious - depending on your point of view
- for writing a story speculating that Russia had secret leverage
over Trump (which turned out to be correct). The story’s most
controversial suggestion was that it was plausible, though hardly
certain, that Russia’s influence over Trump might even date back as
far as 1987.
I conceded it was probably just a coincidence that Trump came back
from his trip to Russia and started spouting themes that happened to
dovetail closely with Russia’s geopolitical goal of splitting the
United States from its allies. But there was a reasonable chance - I
loosely pegged it at 10 or 20 percent - that the Soviets had planted
some of these thoughts, which he had never expressed before the
trip, in his head.
If I had to guess today, I’d put the odds higher, perhaps over 50
percent. [Read more: Chait/NewYorkMagazine/20February2021]
My Tribute to a CIA Legend. "Do
good and avoid evil." These were the words that John Stein, who
passed away in Rhode Island recently at the age of 88, told his
nephew, a newly minted CIA officer, nearly 30 years ago as the
nephew set out for foreign lands. These words ring true even today
and stand the test of time for every CIA operations officer.
Stein was a legend at CIA, having served as Deputy Director of
Operations (the highest-ranking operations official at CIA), the
Inspector General, multiple Chief of station tours, and a host of
other operational assignments over his storied career. I was
fortunate to meet John and his wife Charlie after he retired and I
recall the day vividly, wondering how badly I had stumbled in trying
to impress one of the heroes of the cold war.
Stein’s career reads out of the traditional CIA of the 1950s. [Read
more: Polymeropoulos/TheCipherBrief/18February2021]
Section IV -
Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Seeking Spy-Themed Tourism Experts and New Recruits (with IC backgrounds) for Metro D.C. area opportunity
ISO former Intelligence Officers who might be interested in getting involved in spy-themed tourism in the Washington D.C.
metropolitan area.
Also interested in speaking with those who may already be involved in the tourism and travel industry elsewhere.
Please contact Rosanna Minchew at or 571-236-9052.
Dept of Labor
Researcher Seeks Subject Matter Experts on Apprenticeability
of "Cyber All Source Analyst" Jobs
Dear AFIO Members:
One of the responsibilities of the U.S. Department of Labor's,
Office of Apprenticeship is to determine if an occupation can be
learned through the apprenticeship system of training. Recently,
we received an apprenticeability determination request for the
occupation of Cyber All Source Analyst. We would very much like to
have the benefit of your experience and expertise to assist us in
making this determination.
As stated in Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, part 29.4,
Criteria for Apprenticeable Occupations: An apprenticeable
occupation is one which is specified by industry and which must:
(a) Involve skills that are customarily learned in a practical way
through a structured, systematic program of on-the-job supervised
(b) Be clearly identified and commonly recognized throughout an
(c) Involve the progressive attainment of manual, mechanical or
technical skills and knowledge which, in accordance with the
industry standard for the occupation, would require the completion
of at least 2,000 hours on on-the-job learning to attain; and
(d) Require related instruction to supplement the on-the-job
Here is a link to a copy of the Job Description,
Work Process Schedule and Related Instruction Outline developed for this occupation. We would appreciate your comments,
suggestions and recommendations on the attached Apprenticeability
Determination Worksheet. Please return it to us by February 25,
Please feel free to share the linked documents above in the PDF
with as many subject-matter experts as you deem necessary. If you
need further information or additional time to prepare a response,
please call Dr. Ricky C. Godbolt at (202)
693-3813 or e-mail him at:
Daughter Seeks
Info on father, Charles Peter Brooks, from CIC Colleagues
Vienna/Salzburg 1948-50; CIA Colleagues 1950-60 Berlin or
My father Charles Peter Brooks, died September 10, 1995 leaving
me with too many questions and only a few clues of his real life.
After 25 years of research, I have figured out just a few and
would appreciate AFIO members help to find former colleagues who
might still be around and/or family members of those who might
have worked with him. In short, he was born in 1922 in
Czechoslovakia, fought WWII in the SNP resisting Nazis in the
Tatra mountains, managed to escape, became an economist. In 1948
he was working at the Ministry of Agriculture in Bratislava when
he was warned of imminent death and escaped to Austria. In his
resistance to communism, he worked with British intelligence as I
gathered from some Czech archive records. Helped many Czechs
escape but not his former girlfriend who was arrested, in an
escape from Brno with a British intelligence supported movement.
He then worked with CIC from Vienna and Salzburg during 1948-1950,
in collaboration with Imrich Kružliak. At that time he was still
Koloman (or Kalman, Kolman). After Austria he was Charlie.
I wonder if there are any CIC colleagues who worked in Austria
during those years that could remember him, or any former
colleagues family members? I am happy to send photos that I have
found to recognize him.
He then worked for CIA, trained in DC around 1950-51, posted in
Berlin 1952-1960. Any Berlin colleagues or families posted there?
He was apparently married there to a lady called Inge (I do not
have a last name) and her mother lived with them, as well as a
boxer dog. He was very proud of a Prussian tsar desk in his
apartment. Wondering if anyone would know who Inge was, or her
last name? I would not know if this was a real marriage or part of
his work. He was very undercover, spoke 7 languages, and was sent
in missions to Czechoslovakia I believe as well. I believe there
was a French bar where they used to drink beers and gather in the
evenings. Hoping former Berlin colleagues could remember him, and
the nature of his work there?
He was then posted in Buenos Aires, Argentina from around 1960 to
1974, when he was going to Vietnam. (although someone mentioned he
was in a private lunch with Kennedy in Berlin, that was off
agenda, anyone else here that was in that lunch?). In Buenos
Aires, he was apparently a secretary at the US Embassy, but
working with local SIDE and police, including apparently other
missions in Latin America. If you were in the region during the
'60s and the '70s please contact me if you might have crossed
paths. A great golf player as well.
Finally, the rest of the '70s and '80s coming and going dividing
his time between DC, Miami, Argentina. In Miami he lived in Miami
Shores. During the '80s he did polygraph training and testing in
Miami, and another CIA colleague was taking the training there
with him (if you are here in might remember him?).
Please contact me at
Any information or guidance helps me put his life together.
Endlessly grateful to all.
Author Seeks Your
Assistance Answering a Few Questions Regarding al Qaeda and
US Operations
AFIO Colleagues,
I have benefited in the past with AFIO's assistance and need a few
additional answers as I write a four-volume history of
anti-American terrorism in the US and overseas from the Eisenhower
through Trump administrations. Volumes I and II are published and
were featured in prior Weekly Notes. I am now working on Volume
III which addresses the Clinton and Bush II administrations. This
volume has many pages on the evolution of al Qaeda, the 9/11
attacks and subsequent investigations, and the responses by both
administrations to the prevailing threat. First, much of the
relevant material has not been declassified. In addition, the
memoirs by relevant actors are written from the perspective of
highlighting the successes and minimizing or ignoring the
failures. Given the developments that took place during these two
administrations, many of the key actors have not written their
memoirs. There have been many books written on al Qaeda, the 9/11
attacks, and the intelligence "malfunction" which contain many
examples of "dueling facts" on events and developments. I am
seeking to present the facts in my study, but when I cannot
determine a "fact," what can I do? I can present both
presentations of the fact, which will take up a lot of space in
the volume, or simply pick the fact presentation that I think
makes most sense. In that case, it is not a fact but an
interpretation. I want facts.
Towards that goal, I ask of you AFIO members and colleagues, to
help me with a few of these facts. Below is a brief list of
questions. If you can answer any of them, please email me at
These questions deal with the 1990s, the pre-9/11
decade...developments over two decades ago.
1. In what year did the NSA or CIA detect bin Laden's first
satellite phone? I do not want sources and methods, just the year.
2. In what year did the NSA or CIA first detect al Qaeda's London
communication hub at which Khaled al Fawwaz acted as the
3. In mid-1996, bin Laden asked for an updated Inmarsat Compact M
satellite phone. This was tasked to Dr. Saad al Fagih, who tasked
it to Ziyad Khaleel, a student in Virginia. He reportedly bought
the phone from a store in Dix Hills, Long Island in November 1996.
This would mean that the FBI was involved in monitoring this
purchase. This would also mean that the FBI might have known that
the NSA and or CIA were monitoring bin Laden's cell phone. Is it
true that the FBI knew about bin Laden's cell phone in 1996?
4. In what year did the NSA and CIA first detect al Qaeda's
communications hub in Sana'a, Yemen – BEFORE the August 1998
attacks on the U.S. Embassies or AFTER, when the FBI obtained the
phone number from of the Embassy bombers – Mohamed Rashed Daoud
5. In what year did the CIA establish its ground based dish to
intercept one side of the calls coming into the Sana's hub?
6. If the NSA knew that some phone calls from the U.S. were coming
into the Sana'a hub in 2000 / 2001, why were they not able to
determine locations in the U.S.? The prevailing open source
explanation is that it did not have the technological capability.
7. Lastly, could someone explain to me in layman's terms how the
USG would have intercepted in the 1990s a phone call from a
landline and a satellite phone?
These questions are historical. It is unlikely sources and methods
used in some of these events are still active. I have read James
Bamford and Matthew Aid's books on NSA. While the CIA and DOJ
declassified their Inspector General reports on pre-9/11
activities of the CIA and FBI, the NSA has not.
Whatever help you can provide me would be greatly appreciated. I
do not have to source you. If you wish, I can camo source you – "A
former U.S. government employee who wishes to remain anonymous."
I leave you with a thought you should ponder – the sharpest and
largest thorn in history is silence.
Thank you. REPLIES TO: Author/Research Dennis Pluchinsky at
THREE Faculty
Openings for 2021 at Hilbert College, Hamburg, NY
Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice; Assistant Professor,
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Joel Cherry, CIA Officer
Joel Payne Cherry, 80, a career CIA Officer, died 10 February 2021 in Falls Church, VA of cancer.
Joel graduated with a Master's in social science from the University of Toledo. He worked for the CIA for over 25 years living in many countries including Cyprus where he met and married Yilper Cemal in 1968.
The family lived abroad in Okinawa, Japan; Ft. Clayton, Panama; Manama, Bahrain and Amman, Jordan.
Post retirement he ran a coin collecting business, Mercury Numismatics, the culmination of a boyhood hobby started at the age of 7. He also enjoyed spending time with family, reading, doing crossword puzzles, and -- of course -- was an enthusiastic world traveler.
He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Yilper; a son, a daughter, and other family. To share condolences with the family, please visit
Ken Pyne, Linguist, Executive Manager at NSA; Professor
Kenneth Lauren Pyne, 86, Linguist, Executive Manager at NSA, Professor, died 10 February 2021 in Macungie, PA of complications of Parkinson's disease. He formerly lived in Lancaster, PA.
Born in Everett, MA, he was a graduate of Moravian College, earned his Masters from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Doctorate from the London Institute of Applied Research. He was also a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College and the National Defense University.
He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving as an SP4 as a Russian Linguist. He then served in the U.S. Army Reserves in Military Intelligence, attaining the rank of Lt. Colonel.
Ken worked as an executive manager with the National Security Agency (NSA) over 24 years of service. He entered as a Russian linguist and rose to senior manager, while serving two tours overseas in the UK. He retired as a Director for Change Management at the UK Field Station. Ken also served for 20 years as an instructor in Russian, English and Social Studies at Moravian College, where he was also the chairman of the Foreign Language Dept., and was the Asst. Professor of Russian and Director of Special Sessions.
He loved to travel with his wife Jean, enjoyed golf and tennis, and spending time with family. He had a passion for history and sharing it with others. And a great love for his country.
He is survived by five children: two sons and three daughters, and other family.
Friends will be received by Ken's family on Friday, 26 February 2021 from 10:30-11AM at the Charles F. Snyder, Jr. Funeral Home & Crematory, 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz, PA, with the Memorial Service to follow at 11AM. Interment with Military Honors will follow at 1:30PM at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery. To send a condolence, please visit
Section V - Events
4 March 2021 - Virtual - San Antonio AFIO will discuss "CIA's Defector Resettlement Program" based on CIA Officer Joe Augustyn's AFIO Now Interview
The next San Antonio AFIO Chapter Meeting will include discussion of CIA's Defector Resettlement Program. The topic is part of the National AFIO programing that was recently recorded interview with CIA Operations Officer Joe Augustyn, who managed the defector resettlement program.
A message with the link to the meeting will be sent prior to the meetings.
For more detail, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio at or 210-863-0430
17 March 2021 - Virtual on Zoom - AFIO Atlanta presents its
St. Patrick's Day Event featuring Ruth Dudley Edwards on
"How the Appeasement of Terrorism in Northern Ireland by
Western Liberalism has led to the Spectre of a Fascist
The AFIO Atlanta Chapter hosts Ruth
Dudley Edwards, an Irish historian, political
commentator, and crime writer who has written extensively on the
Troubles. Her most recent book is The Seven: The Lives and
Legacies of the Founding Fathers of the Irish Republic (2016), and some of her other works include Aftermath: The
Omagh Bombings and the Families' Pursuit of Justice and The
Faithful Tribe: An Intimate Portrait of the Loyal Institutions (shortlisted for Channel 4/The House Politico's Book of the Year).
Her bio can be found here.
RSVP or questions to or 404.403.8004, Brian Hooper, President, AFIO
Atlanta, 1266 West Paces Ferry Road NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30327.
All AFIO members and friends are invited!
Wednesday, 17
March 2021, noon PST - Virtual Zoom Event - The "Andre Le
Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Phil Gioia on "The
History of the OSS."
The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Phil Gioia on "The History of the OSS."
Phil Gioia grew up as an Army Brat on US Army
posts in the United States, Japan, and Italy. After graduating
from Virginia Military Institute, he was commissioned as a Regular
Officer in the US Army. Twice wounded in action in Vietnam, he
served as an Infantry platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne Division
during the 1968 TET Offensive, and as an Infantry company
commander in the First Air Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in
Following his military service, Phil received an MBA from Stanford
University. He also holds a Master of Science in Foreign Service
from Georgetown University.
Phil has thirty years of experience in business management, has
served as investor, CEO or board member of emerging-growth
corporations in the technology sector, and is a co-founder of
Pathfinder Partners LLC, providing services to the US defense and
national security communities.
Registration is required to receive the zoom
link. Register
Questions to Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary, AFIO San Francisco
Chapter at
Thursday, 18 March 2021, 12:30-1:30 pm PST - Virtual Go-to-Meeting Platform - the Los Angeles AFIO Chapter hosts Mark Gorwitz on Iran's Nuclear Activities
This LA Chapter virtual event features guest speaker Mark Gorwitz speaking on open source research of Iran's lithium-6 and tritium activities uncovered last year. Details will be presented on Iranian research going back to the early 1980s and continuing to the present day. Both English and Farsi language thesis, journal articles, conference presentations and documents will be covered.
Mark Gorwitz has over thirty years of experience working in the field of the scientific aspects of dual-use nuclear and missile proliferation. He has written numerous articles during this time mainly focusing on Iran and North Korea. His research activities were profiled in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and he has also been interviewed by major news organizations for many important proliferation sensitive events such as South Korea's past research in the area of uranium laser isotope separation (AVLIS). He spent ten years working for the DOD and served as a consultant to various U.S. government agencies and contractors in the WMD field. He is currently writing a detailed report on Iran's research activities in the lithium-6 and tritium areas.
Meeting Information: Virtual using the Go-To-Meeting Platform.
TO ATTEND: RSVP via email to
Questions? contact Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter at
Thursday, 25 March 2021, noon - Tampa, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hears FBI Cyber Agent discuss Cybercrime
The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter is holding its first post-pandemic inperson gathering featuring John Cauthen, a cybercrime investigator and retired FBI Cyber Agent who worked on many infamous cases during his FBI career. He will share some stories from his tenure and speak to the critical elements of cybercrime.
Event location: the offices of Bleakley, Bavol, Denman & Grace, 15316 N Florida Avenue, Tampa, FL 33613. The offices are off I-275 just north of the Bearss Avenue exit. The program is scheduled to start at noon.
After careful evaluation of the current situation, we concluded it is reasonable to hold an inperson Chapter meeting employing suitable safeguards such as social distancing, mask use, and hand sanitizer.
We have striven to make our meetings informative but also provide the opportunity to meet with colleagues and maintain the ties that are a foundation of involvement in the intelligence community. Almost certainly, we have all experienced Zoom overload, so this is a great chance to gather in person following all COVID-19 guidelines. We thank our member Brian Battaglia for allowing us to utilize space at his office that will satisfy these safety requirements and allow us to meet again.
REGISTRATION GUIDELINES: The chapter will provide box lunches and adhere to CDC guidelines for social distancing, mask use, temperature checks and availability of hand sanitizer. Obtain details from the Chapter secretary at
Registrants/Attendees will be required to complete a COVID-19 Health Acknowledgements and Food Order form which must be returned with reservations no later than noon on Wednesday, 17 March. Complete, scan, and return forms with your email RSVP or fax them to (813) 832-1154.
The cost is $10, cash or check made out to "Suncoast Chapter, AFIO."
TO ATTEND: If you will be attending, please send an email to Michael Shapiro at, no later than noon on Wednesday, 17 March, with your name and the names of any guests. Each guest must also complete a box lunch and health acknowledgement form (Michael will send you those forms if you lack them). The logistics of this meeting require us to enforce a strict reply deadline, so please do not respond late nor forget to include your box lunch order form(s) and your health acknowledgement form(s) since we will be unable to accept late or incomplete RSVPs.
If you make a reservation, find that you cannot attend, but do not formally cancel and receive a cancellation confirmation by 17 March, and then fail to show up, you will be responsible for the cost of your registration because the chapter will have to pay for your scheduled, uneaten meal.
1 April 2021 - Virtual - San Antonio AFIO hosts Martin Gurri on "The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium."
On 1 April the San Antonio Chapter meeting will feature a live presentation by Martin Gurri a geopolitical analyst and expert in new media and information effects. He served the DNI Open Source Center in various senior positions, including Director of Research and chief of a Latin American bureau. Wikipedia. He will be talking about topics related to his book: The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium.
A message with the link to the meeting will be sent prior to the meetings.
For more detail, contact John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio at or 210-863-0430
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
25 Feb 2021, 1800/6pm EST; 1500/3pm PST; 1300/1pm HST -
Virtual GoToMeeting - NIP Speaker Series Features RDML
Michael Vernazza
The Naval Intelligence Professionals Virtual
Speaker Series this month features RDML Michael Vernazza – Commander, Naval Information Warfighting Development Center, on
"Mission, Role, and Status of the Naval Information Warfighting
Development Center."
Biography: RDML Vernazza bio available here.
FORMAT: Video Conference – GoToMeeting. Please join the meeting
from your computer, tablet or smartphone, beginning at 1750/5:50
EDT at this link:
You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 153-406-485.
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now at and be ready when your first meeting starts.
As always, please mute your device/phone. Thanks.
AGENDA: (3 min) RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming
remarks; (~30 min) RDML Vernazza remarks; Q & A moderated by CAPT
(Ret.) Bob Allen.
Please ask your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email
your questions in advance/during the video conference to:
25 February 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with
Chris Costa and Special Guest Thomas P. Bossert - Virtual
International Spy Museum Program
Join these experts for an online discussion of
the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues
in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa,
a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing.
He will be joined by Thomas P. Bossert, who
served as Homeland Security Advisor to two US presidents.
Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able to ask
questions via our online platform. Sponsored by Accenture. Event
is free but registration required. Visit
28 February 2021, 2-3:30pm EST - Virtual - The Cold War
Museum hosts MG Robert Parker (USAF, ret.) on "Protection
and Inspection: US Missile Forces & Site Inspections in
the USSR"
The Soviets Signed a Lot of Arm Control
Treaties with Us. Then Came the Hard Part: Making Sure They Were
Complying. What Did That Look Like on the Ground? How Did We Know
They Weren't Spoofing Us? How Did Those Site Inspections Work? Ask
the Former Missileer AF General Who Was Director of the On-Site
Inspection Agency—and Commanded Our ICBM Missile Forces. Major General Robert Parker (USAF, ret.) will discuss
"Protection and Inspection: US Missile Forces & Site
Inspections in the USSR."
This presentation provides a window into what it took to be a Cold
War Missileer at all levels and in many capacities, from Second
Lt. Parker reporting for duty at Ellsworth AFB to his rise to
commanding the deployment of 1,000 missiles at six bases. But the
second phase of his career, as Director the On-Site Inspection
Agency, while depending heavily on his experience as a missile
commander, called for additional skills: as a diplomat and as an
expert evaluator of technological situations with very important
strategic consequences.
General Parker will take us through the highlights both of his
leadership of the forces controlling some of our most devastating
strategic weapons and what it looks and feels like to be part of
an on-site missile inspection team where the stakes were very
high, and error was not an option.
This is the 41st in a series of presentations sponsored by the
Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on,
significant Cold War events and activities.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the
Cold War Museum.
ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the
virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take
place. Event, including the Q&A, will be recorded and for
those unable to virtually attend when event is taking place, you
will still have access to the video after the event. The video
will also be placed in the Cold War Museum's archives.
To access the event video after the live event, contact CWM
Executive Director Jason Hall at
To register now for this virtual event, use this Eventbrite link.
28 February 2012, 3pm EST - Virtual - The Magic of Spying
with Peter Wood: Live Virtual Family Performance and
Workshop - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
You may have seen him on Penn & Teller:
Fool Us, now join professional magician Peter Wood as he performs the art of misdirection, sleight of hand, and other
illusions used by skilled spies. In the real-life world of
espionage, spies often call upon the art of magic and illusion to
distract the enemy, make evidence disappear, and escape unnoticed.
Event is $10/household. Visit
3 March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Secret History of
History: Three Ordinary Girls - Virtual International Spy
Museum Program
Truus Oversteegen, her younger sister Freddie,
and their friend Hannie Schaft, came of age during a tumultuous
moment in 1930s Europe. In their medieval home city of Haarlem,
there were mass protests, communist party meetings, and whispers
that the Queen's son-in-law had secret ties to the Nazi party.
When the commander of The Dutch Royal Army surrendered to the
Nazis in May 1940, the girls felt compelled to resist. Join us for
a talk with award-winning author Tim Brady,
about his new book Three Ordinary Girls which explores
how these young women cleverly wielded the only weapons at their
disposal – wits, bravery, audacity, intelligence, and youth – to
repeatedly undermine the Nazis and their Dutch collaborators.
These Dutch girls started with simple acts of covert illegality:
lifting German ID cards to counterfeit them, distributing fliers
announcing strikes, and passing out anti-Nazi literature. They
then progressed to bigger, deadlier jobs: ferrying Jewish children
to safeguard locations, stockpiling weapons, detonating bombs,
gathering intel, and ultimately murder. All in support of the
Dutch Resistance.
Event is free - registration required. Visit
6 March 2021, 11am-2pm EST - Virtual - Sisterhood of Spies:
A Virtual Girl Scout Event - Virtual International Spy
Museum Program
Calling all Girl Scouts! Celebrate Women's
History Month with the International Spy Museum and learn about
the Sisterhood of Spies. Girl Scouts will test their spy skills
and learn tricks of the trade. They will meet Sonia
Purnell, author of A Woman of No Importance: The
Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II to learn about Virginia Hall; former Chief of Disguise of the CIA
Jonna Mendez for a gadget workshop; Liza Mundy,
author of Code Girls: The True Story of the American Women
Who Secretly Broke Codes in World War II to discuss female
code breakers; and Tracy Walder, former CIA and
FBI and author of The Unexpected Spy. The speakers will
share their knowledge about the shadow world of spying and
participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. Designed
for Brownies through Senior Girl Scouts.
Event is $12/household. Visit
11 March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Secret History of
History: Color Wars Part II - Virtual International Spy
Museum Program
Some of us have the blues these days we'd like
to shake, but some blues are the subject of desire, intrigue, and
passion. This is the story of indigo. Every year Pantone picks a
"Color of the Year"—2021 is a departure—two colors: Ultimate Gray
and Illuminating Yellow. But these can't hold a candle to a color
that's been desired for centuries — indigo. In October we explored
how cochineal red became coveted and was the subject of economic
intelligence campaigns. Today, we will submerge ourselves in the
elemental and timelessness of indigo blue—its history, cultural
role, and the efforts made to steal and recreate it far from the
land where it emerged. Catherine E. McKinley,
author of Indigo: In Search of the Color that Seduced the
World and just published The African Lookbook,
will explore her personal search for indigo and the incredible
role it has played globally for centuries. Please join this
colorful conversation, and then you'll be able to ask questions
via the online platform.
Event is free – registration required. Visit
17 March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Curator's Corner:
CROSSFIRE HURRICANE with Josh Campbell - Virtual
International Spy Museum Program
CROSSFIRE HURRICANE was the codename the FBI
gave the investigation into the Trump campaign's possible ties to
Russia. And like any hurricane disaster surrounded it. Join Spy
Museum's Historian and Curator Andrew Hammond in
conversation with Josh Campbell, former Special Assistant to FBI Director James Comey. In that position, Campbell
had a front row seat to the FBI's investigation and experienced
the growing alarm inside the Bureau about the sustained assault on
the FBI and its independence. The former special agent has written CROSSFIRE HURRICANE: Inside Donald Trump's War on the FBI,
an illuminating fly-on-the-wall account from the earliest days of
the Russia investigation. Campbell—now a CNN analyst on crime, justice, and national security issues—will also discuss
the investigation into the question of Hillary Clinton's private
emails and his insights into Trump's war on justice from his
perspective inside the FBI. Following their discussion, you'll be
able to ask questions via the online platform.
Event is free – registration required. Visit
25 March 2021, noon EST - Virtual - Virtual Spy Chat with
Chris Costa and Special Guest Lieutenant General Robert P.
Ashley, Jr. - Virtual International Spy Museum Program
Join us for an online discussion of the latest
intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news.
Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence
officer of 34 years, will lead the briefing. He will be joined by Lieutenant General Robert Ashley, Jr., who
retired as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in October
of 2020. Following their discussion of key issues, you'll be able
to ask questions via our online platform. Sponsored by Accenture.
Event is free – registration required. Visit
25 March
2021 - Virtual - The next OSS "Oh So Social" Conversation
features former Asst Sec of State for INR Ellen McCarthy
The next "Oh So Social" conversation by The
OSS Society will feature the Honorable Ellen McCarthy,
former Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Intelligence
and Research - the successor to the OSS' Research and Analysis
Branch - will interview best-selling author Erika Robuck about her new book "The Invisible Woman" - the OSS'
Virginia Hall, the only civilian woman to receive the
Distinguished Service Cross in World War II. To register for this
virtual event, do so here
Store Items:
In addition to the new Royal Blue long sleeve shirts, and the
gray long sleeve hooded sweatshirts, the AFIO Store also has the
following items ready for quick shipment:
NEW: LONG and Short-Sleeved Shirts with
embroidered AFIO Logo and New Mugs with color-glazed permanent
your support for AFIO with our new Polo Shirts. Be the first to
buy these new, high quality, subtle heathered grey short
sleeve shirts, and dark blue long sleeved shirts, of
shrink and wrinkle resistant fine cotton with a soft yet
substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal.
Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues,
family, and friends. Only $45 each including shipping.
Sizes of (M) men or (W) women shirts; Small, Medium, Large, XL,
XXL, and XXXL. At this time all orders will arrive as Short
Sleeve shirts.
You may pay by check or credit card. Complete your order online here or mail an order along
with payment to: AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Ste 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Phone orders at 703-790-0320. If interested in
other shirt colors or sleeve lengths, contact Annette at:
Available as a thank you for donations are the new AFIO
logo face masks:
These soft,
form-fitting, washable, non-medical grade fabric face masks have
wide behind-the-ear elastics to make long periods of wear
comfortable. Also easier to quickly put on or take off. Blue on
outside, white inside. The masks do not have a nose wire but are
sculpted, shaped, and sewn to fit most users. The all-cloth
composition allows the masks to be washed or steam-disinfected
without concerns over metal wires. The color logo is washable and
a permanent part of the mask.
The masks, however, are not for sale. They are being offered
strictly as a thank you gift to our donors.
For tax-deductible donations of $50 you will receive a receipt and
our thank you gift of two of these newly-arrived
face masks.
Donations of $100 receive four masks to be sent to the same
address. Other amounts and split-shipments are available.
To donate now to support AFIO's programs and publications, please
do so here.
We wish all members and donors continued good health, safe social
distancing, and warmly appreciate any support you are able to
provide the association.

AFIO Mug with color glazed logo. Made in
America. Sturdy enough to sit on desk to hold pens, cards,
paperclips, and candy.
This handsome large, heavy USA-made ceramic mug is
dishwasher-safe with a glazed seal. $35 per mug includes shipping.
Order this and other store items online here.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
and Removal Instructions
Weekly Intelligence Notes (WINs) are commentaries on Intelligence
and related national security matters, based on open media
sources, selected, interpreted, edited and produced for non-profit
educational uses by members and WIN subscribers.
REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS: We do not wish to add clutter to inboxes.
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a) IF YOU ARE A MEMBER - click here: UNSUBSCRIBE and supply your full name and
email address where you receive the WINs. Click SEND, you will be
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