Section II -
Section III -
Section IV -
Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Section V - Events
AFIO Events
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
WIN CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE: The WIN editors thank the
following special contributors: rsy, ec, po, pj, mh, km, gh, mk,
rd, fm, kc, jm, mr, jg, th, ed, and fwr. They have
contributed one or more stories used in this issue.
The WIN editors attempt to include a
wide range of articles and commentary in the Weekly Notes to
inform and educate our readers. However, the views expressed
in the articles are purely those of the authors, and in no way
reflect support or endorsement from the WIN editors or the
AFIO officers and staff. We welcome comments from the WIN
readers on any and all articles and commentary.
IMPORTANT: AFIO does not "vet" or endorse research inquiries,
career announcements, or job offers. Reasonable-sounding
inquiries and career offerings are published as a service to
our members, and for researchers, educators, and subscribers.
You are urged to exercise your usual caution and good judgment
when responding, and should verify the source independently
before supplying any resume, career data, or personal
If you are having difficulties with the links or viewing this
newsletter when it arrives by email, members may view the latest
edition each week at this link.
Continuing Series of Cryptologic Museum Webinars on Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Virtual Classroom
ONLINE CYBERSECURITY CHATS by the National Cryptologic Museum
The Cyber Center for Education and Innovation (CCEI) have been
conducting a series of Cybersecurity Chats as part of their
special CCEI Cybersecurity Series. These online chats for
K-12 students [but older ages would benefit, too], are presented
by cybersecurity professionals and experts. General information
on the series is here.
There are many online chats that follow and they may be found here.
If you wish to share your own cybersecurity/cryptology
expertise, review the instructions here
Recommended Reads:
More from "SpyTalk" Series
Nov 28: "Biden Could Score Another First at CIA" by Jeff Stein
Former DIA chief and retired Marine Corps General Vincent Stewart is in the running
continues here
Nov 27: "Iran Threatens Revenge 'Like a Thunderbolt'" by Elaine Shannon
The assassination of its top nuclear scientist resets the diplomatic table
Article continues here
Nov 27: "Fear and Loathing on the House Intelligence Committee, Part Deux" by Patricia Ravalgi
The September 11, 2001 terror attacks lays bare the oversight panel's dysfunction
Article continues here
Nov 25: "Fear and Loathing on the House Intelligence Committee" by Patricia Ravalgi
Can a new Congress fix an old problem? Don't hold your breath, says a former staffer
continues here
Readers can subscribe for free at the moment here.
Special Life Insurance Offer for Our Members:

With Open Season upon us, we created a new announcement
regarding the VOYA Life Insurance program for Federal Employees.
This program is very competitive and in many cases saves Feds
thousands of dollars when compared to FEGLI. The coverage can be
provided either as a replacement to FEGLI or as supplemental
coverage. In either case, it is underwritten by VOYA, one of the
country's largest Life Insurance organizations and provided by
Starr Wright USA.
For full details click image above or here.
One of the special benefits of membership in AFIO:
access to CIA's inhouse gift shop — the EAA Store.
It requires a quick preapproval process described here to all newly joined and current AFIO
members. And then allows you to purchase online their unusual
logo'd gift items for self or colleagues. Here is the latest
photo EAA released on November 24th featuring some of their
newest items:

Writers, Officers: Please Provide
A Brief Article for This Ongoing AFIO History Project
educational project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" seeks
writers to identify events throughout history involving any
nation or organization when the outcome was affected
significantly by intelligence.
AFIO has been publishing edited submissions serially in Intelligencer released two to three times a year.
To see what has been published, it is available here. Also look at the Fall edition of the
journal arriving in the mail of all members and subscribers over
the next three weeks.
Those readers interested in contributing an article, should
For instructors, this project makes a great class assignment.
Accepted articles give students a publication credit in a
recognized journal.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
Special Items for our members:

During this end of year, gift-giving season, we encourage you to give to AFIO and help us celebrate the selfless service and sacrifice of the thousands of dedicated men and women who have served without recognition in the U.S. Intelligence Community. And enable us to encourage, advise, and support the career interests of the next generation of Intelligence Officers. If you are ready to "give back"...please donate here.
Latest Video: "U.S. Strategy Towards North Korea"

Released 1 December 2020
Interview of Monday, 9 November 2020 of Bruce Klingner, former CIA's Deputy Division Chief for Korea; Senior Research Fellow for Northeast Asia, The Heritage Foundation.
Interviewer - John Sano, former Deputy Director of CIA's National Clandestine Service; Intelligence Professor at two colleges. Host: James Hughes, AFIO President, a former CIA Operations Officer.
TOPIC: Bruce Klingner and John Sano discuss many issues facing the incoming Biden Administration as it responds to North Korea and the tendency of that Hermit Kingdom to test new administrations with early provocations and taunts. Includes: human rights issues, missile launch threats, odd disappearances of Kim Jong-un and his likely successors, impacts of pandemic, relations with China, money laundering, and assassinations of relatives and others. Also parses possible new economic and trade approaches with South Korea. The interview runs 37 minutes which includes numerous Q&As.
Access Klingner video here or click above image.
Prior videos in
Seth Jones PhD, Director, Transnational Threats Project, CSIS on "A Covert Action"
Everette Jordan, Dep Asst Sec for IC
Integration, Office of Intel and Analysis, Treasury on "Enjoying a Rich, Challenging Intelligence Career Spanning Multiple Agencies."
David Robarge, CIA Chief Historian, PDB
Editor on "The Complexities of Counterintelligence"
Nicholas Dujmović, Professor, Author,
former CIA Historian, PDB Editor on "Guidelines and Experiences Teaching Intelligence at the University Level"
Shelby Pierson, Election Threats
Executive, Office of the Director of National Intelligence on "Nationwide Election Security"
David Priess PhD, Author, former Senior
CIA Analyst and PDB Briefer on "The President's Book of Secrets"
Bruce Riedel, former CIA Senior Analyst,
Served on National Security Council during Iraq War on "Early Gulf War Policy Decisions"
Martin C. Faga, former
Director, National Reconnaissance Office on "NRO Support to the Gulf War"
Joseph W. Augustyn, former CIA
Clandestine Services Officer on "CIA's Role in the Creation of the Department of Homeland Security"
Introduction: Stewart Baker, Chairman, and James
Hughes, President
Visit, Follow, Subscribe to AFIO's LinkedIn, Twitter, and
YouTube pages.
Members who use social media or wish to explore, will find new
announcements and other material on AFIO's Twitter and LinkedIn
pages. New videos on our YouTube page appears below as well.
Access them here: LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. By following or subscribing on
those sites, one can be notified as new material appears.

Other items brought to our
"Stopping the Spread: Pandemics, Warning, and the IC" by James Danoy - A report by the National Security Institute at George Mason University's Scalia Law School. Summarizes the Intelligence Community's (IC) focus on the national security threat posed by the spread of infectious diseases. Argues that the IC, with its unique collection and analytic capabilities, can contribute value-added assistance to the public health community's world-wide threat monitoring and containment efforts. Proposes actionable recommendations to enhance the U.S.' ability to detect and warn of global pathogenic outbreaks in order to implement effective mitigation measures. Author Danoy is a DIA career intelligence officer.
QUOTES: "The IC should work with the other so-called 'Five Eyes' partners to increase the collection and analysis priority of medical intelligence within each respective intelligence service."
"…The IC should develop a dedicated IC global health threat warning problem set in collaboration with the CDC."
More information on report here. Download publication here.
POLLARD... But is HE a HERO? By Jeff Dunetz in The Jewish Press, 25 November 2020.
The Justice Department announced Friday that former Navy intelligence analyst and convicted spy Jonathan Pollard has completed his parole. Pollard's will finally be allowed to make Alyiah (move to Israel). I am happy his too-long prison sentence and his parole are finally over. His imprisonment/parole was way too long. Jonathan Pollard is no hero. When discussing the announcement of Jonathan' Pollard's parole with some friends (most of whom were Americans), I was surprised to hear that some of them felt that Pollard should be greeted in Israel as a returning hero. My response (which surprised many of them) was that he was not a hero and should be treated as a mercenary who sold out his country for money. [AFIO's former chairman, Spike Bowman, is cited in this news analysis]. Article continues here.
Edward Snowden: An Updated Assessment
Driven by recent concerns that Trump might be considering pardons for Snowden and Assange, AFIO's Intelligencer Editor, Peter Oleson, has allowed the early release of his forthcoming update reassessing Snowden. His earlier paper on the subject is also linked below.
Reassessing Edward Snowden: Whistleblower, Traitor, or Spy? [Pre-publication version. Final to be released in print in Spring 2021 edition of Intelligencer]
Assessing Edward Snowden: Whistleblower, Traitor, or Spy? (from Intelligencer Vol 21, No. 2, Summer 2015)
Important clarification on item in prior WIN about new DNI: Though AFIO's WIN provides links to the original source where comments or corrections about articles can be made directly to the journalist or author, we felt this brief note was worth bringing to your attention:
You've probably gotten this several times already: The prospective new DNI will not "oversee the ....the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council..." She will advise both councils as well the president. Perhaps another quibble on the DNI's role in law (and practice thanks to DNI Clapper) over the NIP; oversee may be too weak a descriptor. The DNI determines the NIP and can exercise several other management authorities. e,g. providing "exclusive direction" to OMB on apportioning NIP budget authority.
We thank member R.M. for this clarification.
Intelligence Briefings: From Convention Through
Transition (from Council on Intelligence Issues).
View these timely and enlightening webinars featuring former
intelligence professionals sharing their experiences in planning
and presenting pre-inauguration intelligence briefings. Whether
you missed the "live" events or simply want a breath of fresh air
during this period of transition turmoil, I think you'll enjoy
these videos:
23 event, co-hosted with the Spy Museum.
23 discussion, co-hosted with the Foreign Policy Research
Institute (FPRI).
Presented by the non-profit Council on Intelligence Issues (CII),
panelists shared their experiences and insights on how CIA and the
intelligence community prepare for these briefings, how briefers
remain non-political, what happened when asked about getting "the
good stuff," and more. Moderated by Dr. Mark Lowenthal,
noted author, educator, and former Assistant DCI for Analysis and
Production, these panels featured: John McLaughlin,
former Deputy Director and Acting Director of Central Intelligence
(2000-2004); Dawn Eilenberger, former Deputy
Director of National Intelligence and Assistant DNI for Policy
& Strategy; Peter Clement, Chief of CIA's
Presidential Transition Team (2008); and John Moseman,
previously Senior Advisor to the DNI's Transition Teams for the
2008, 2012 and 2016 elections.
Harvard's Belfer Center Offering Online Executive
Education Programs in Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity: The Intersection of Policy and
Technology January 11-15, 2021
Newly Released, Overlooked, or Forthcoming
The China Nightmare: The Grand Ambitions of a Decaying State
by Dan Blumenthal
(AEI Press, Oct 2020)
A book about China's grand strategy and its future as an ambitious, declining, and dangerous rival power. Once the darling of U.S. statesmen, corporate elites, and academics, the People's Republic of China has evolved into America's most challenging strategic competitor. Its future appears increasingly dystopian. This book tells the story of how China got to this place and analyzes where it will go next and what that will mean for the future of U.S. strategy. Blumenthal makes an extraordinarily compelling case that China's future could be dark and the free world must prepare accordingly.
"A perfectly timed diagnosis of the threat that the Chinese Communist Party poses to the free world. Daniel Blumenthal explains what Chinese leaders want and how they intend to get it. The China Nightmare makes clear that if the Party were to achieve its ambitions, the world would be less free and less safe. The author also provides a compelling prescription for how the United States and like-minded partners must compete effectively to prevent the disease of authoritarianism from spreading. — H.R. McMaster
Book may be ordered
Snow Mountain Misfits: Cold War Tales of the Super Secret Army Security Agency
by Jeremiah Davis
(Independent, Oct 2020)
Life at the U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA) Cold War listening post atop Snow Mountain during the mid-1960s. ASA recruited the brightest of enlistees into its ranks of linguists, intelligence analysts, and technicians from late 1945 until it was absorbed into the Intelligence and Security Command at the end of 1976. Many recruits were college dropouts or flunk-outs. Most were reluctant soldiers who volunteered for ASA instead of being drafted into the infantry. Some served on remote mountaintops like Schneeberg on the West German border with the Communist bloc. Discipline was lax at these outposts, and alcohol and immaturity sometimes led to incidents and adventures that would strain the credulity of by-the-book soldiers. This book peeks behind the curtain of secrecy that screened the men of these ASA detachments from the "real" Army. Come join Jolly Ollie, Whiskey Man, Lurch, and other misfits as they soldier ASA-style through a year at a border site. You'll probably be a little sad when it comes time for you to leave, but you will have enjoyed your visit. [The author is an AFIO member]
Book may be ordered here.
Section I -
Intelligence and Security Experts
Skeptical of Claims that Iranian Nuclear Scientist was Targeted
in 'Remote Control' Assassination. Days after the
assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the
country's state media painted an elaborate picture of the killing
that makes it sound like something straight out of a second-rate spy
A bulletproof car. A remote-controlled machine gun. A seemingly
self-destructing vehicle.
According to Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency, the
assassination played out something like this: Fakhrizadeh was
traveling with his wife in a bulletproof car in the city of Absard,
east of Tehran. They were surrounded by a security detail of three
Fars reported that Fakhrizadeh heard what sounded like bullets
hitting his car and decided to investigate for himself. When he got
out of the vehicle, he was shot at least three times from a Nissan
car that was approximately 150 meters (164 yards) away - the length
of one and a half football fields. The Nissan then exploded. The
entire event lasted three minutes, the news agency said. [Read more: CNN/30November2020]
Pakistan: PM Okays Creation of
Liaison Body for Spy Agencies. Prime Minister Imran
Khan has approved the setting up of the National Intelligence
Coordination Committee (NICC), a senior security source said on
The new body would be led by the director general of the
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), who would function as its
The intelligence agencies have had at least two rounds of
discussions on the issue after which the proposal was submitted to
the prime minister for approval. It is expected that the first
meeting of the coordination body could be held as early as next
week. [Read more: Syed/Dawn/24November2020]
Czech President's Call For List
Of Russian Spies Triggers Security Concerns. Czech
President Milos Zeman has reportedly demanded a list of all Russian
spies active in the Czech Republic, which security experts say could
endanger secret sources of the Czech counterintelligence service.
Czech public broadcaster Cesky Rozhlas reported on November 30 that
Zeman had made the request to Michal Koudelka, director of the
Security Intelligence Service (BIS).
It said Zeman also called on the BIS to provide him with
documentation about all known Russian intelligence operations in the
Czech Republic. [Read more: RFERL/30November2020]
AG Bill Barr Gives Year In Review
On The DOJ's China Initiative. On the two-year
anniversary of the Attorney General's China Initiative, the
Department continues its significant focus on the Initiative's goals
and announced substantial progress during the past year in
disrupting and deterring the wide range of national security threats
posed by the policies and practices of the People's Republic of
China (PRC) government.
"In the last year, the Department has made incredible strides in
countering the systemic efforts by the PRC to enhance its economic
and military strength at America's expense," said Attorney General
William P. Barr. "While much work remains to be done, the Department
is committed to holding to account those who would steal, or
otherwise illicitly obtain, the U.S. intellectual capital that will
propel the future."
"The Chinese Communist Party's theft of sensitive information and
technology isn't a rumor or a baseless accusation. It's very real,
and it's part of a coordinated campaign by the Chinese government,
which the China Initiative is helping to disrupt," said FBI Director
Christopher Wray. "The FBI opens a new China-related
counterintelligence case nearly every 10 hours and we'll continue
our aggressive efforts to counter China's criminal activity." [Read
more: CorridorNews/26November2020]
Former Syrian Spy Chief 'Who is
Wanted for War Crimes was able to Flee to Austria with the help
of Mossad after being Refused Asylum in France'. A
former Syrian intelligence official who was refused asylum in France
was reportedly able to escape to Austria with the help of Mossad.
Brigadier General Khaled al-Halabi,served as chief of Syrian
intelligence in Raqqa from 2009 until 2013,
An investigation by the Daily Telegraph claimed that he was helped
to leave the country and start a new life.
The investigation also found that a lawsuit has been filed against
Mr Halabi in a western country for alleged war crimes and crimes
against humanity. [Read more: Tandon/DailyMail/28November2020]
Report to Congress on Russian
Military Intelligence. The following is the Nov. 24,
2020 Congressional Research Service report, Russian Military
Intelligence: Background and Issues for Congress:
Following Russia's occupation of Ukraine's Crimea region and
invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014, many observers have linked
Russia to additional malicious acts abroad. U.S. and European
officials and analysts have accused Russia of, among other things,
interfering in U.S. elections in 2016; attempting a coup in
Montenegro in 2016; conducting cyberattacks against the World Anti-
Doping Agency and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons in 2016 and 2018, respectively; attempting to assassinate
Russian intelligence defector Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom
in 2018; and offering "bounties" to Taliban-linked fighters to
attack U.S. personnel in Afghanistan. Implicated in all these
activities is Russia's military intelligence agency, the Main
Directorate of the General Staff (GU), also known as the GRU.
The United States has indicted GRU officers and designated the GRU
for sanctions in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
cybercrimes, and election interference. [Read more: CRS/24November2020]
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
- A Real Spy Tells Us How Authentic The Game Is. Activision's
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is finally here, and one part of
the military FPS that people are particularly enjoying is the
campaign and its story. The Black Ops brand has always had a special
flavor to it. It is less serious - remember this?! - and more
narratively open-minded than the ripped-from-the-headlines
storylines in the other historical and modern Call of Duty games.
With Black Ops Cold War, the game's story plays with history and
covers real historical events, but with a healthy amount of
conspiracy theories and deniable operations baked in.
With that in mind, we connected with former Australian Security
Intelligence Organisation operative David Callan (who has since
become a comedian, but more on that later), who told us about his
experience as a counterintelligence officer. Callan worked for the
ASIO in the '80s and '90s, which was a stormy time for international
politics and clandestine operations. Callan shared stories and
insight from his time in the service, and he also discussed what he
thinks Black Ops Cold War, which is set in early 1980s, gets right
about its depiction of the era. [Read more: Makuch/Gamespot/30November2020]
How the Intelligence
Community Makes Decisions. Sir David Omand, one of
Britain's most senior intelligence officials and the author of How
Spies Think: 10 Lessons in Intelligence, talks about the
decision-making process behind the infamous Curveball Incident
during the Iraq War, which he uses as an example of how analysts can
be influenced by their own predispositions:
Curveball was a source of the BND, the German Intelligence Service.
He was an Iraqi refugee in Germany, a chemical engineer, and
crucially had been involved on the fringes of Saddam Hussein's real
biological warfare program in 1990.
In 2002, he generated a large number of intelligence reports about
the situation. It was exactly the information U.S. defense analysts
were looking for, and his description of current biological warfare
production and mobile production units appeared to be entirely
plausible, because he knew what he was writing about.
The problem was, he was making these reports up. [Read more: Ormand/TheBrink/29November2020]
76 Years Ago, a Hancock Boy Scout
and his Neighbor Helped Foil the Plans of two Nazi Spies. It
was a snowy, blustery November night in 1944 when two Hancock
residents separately spotted something highly unusual, as they each
drove home after spending the evening with friends.
Seventeen-year-old Harvard Hodgkins, on his way home from a dance,
saw them first. Then Hodgkins' neighbor, 29-year-old Mary Forni, who
was driving back from playing cards with friends, spotted them - two
men, underdressed and carrying large suitcases, trudging through the
snow along the side of the road. It was just before midnight on a
Wednesday, on the then sparsely populated Hancock Point peninsula.
What on earth were the two men doing?
As it turns out, what both Forni and Hodgkins had spotted were not
two people simply lost in the snow. They'd seen two Nazi spies -
William C. Colepaugh, a 26-year-old native of Niantic, Conn., and
German native Erich Gimpel, 35, who around 11 p.m. on Wednesday,
Nov. 29, 1944 made landfall in the U.S. after a two-month journey
across the Atlantic Ocean in a German U-Boat. [Read more: Burnham/BangorDailyNews/29November2020]
Section III -
CIA's Unlucky Yet
Meaningful Journey. CIA readers know the old adage it
is "always better to be lucky than good." We used it frequently in a
self-deprecating manner during tense and high-stakes moments.
However, the last four years when you, the CIA workforce, were very
"unlucky," you had to be better than good and from my perspective on
the outside, you were more than good, you were exceptional. Many of
us wretched pensioners, your former colleagues, and I suspect many
Americans, could not be more proud of your work.
Your journey in 2020 has proven arduous and exceptionally
challenging. The combination of the politicization of the
Intelligence Community by the President, along with the ravages of
the pandemic, tested each of you as it tested your leaders. In spite
of these existential obstacles, you never wavered, you never
stopped, and you never failed to provide the best intelligence to
the national policy maker. As your Director asked you to do, you
left your personal politics in the parking lot and you focused
resolutely on the safety, security and well-being of the American
people. As an Agency, you followed the truth and invested your
skills and energy into the mission of CIA, holding true to the motto
"The Truth Shall Set You Free."
Sages say that "change is a journey." [Read more: Wise/TheCipherBrief/1December2020]
A Strong, Committed Intelligence
Community is Part of America's Good Fortune. When I was
serving as the CIA's chief of station in a South Asian war zone a
few years ago, we were focused relentlessly on the mission as we
headed into the holiday season. Our officers were out on the front
lines, in harm's way, meeting sources and collecting intelligence on
which policymakers relied to make critical foreign policy decisions.
Counterterrorism was our primary objective. We were "over there," as
the late Charles Krauthammer used to say, to detect and preempt
threats to our nation so that American citizens would be safe "over
But as Thanksgiving approached, we allowed ourselves to take a pause
to reflect together on the many blessings we enjoyed. Naturally, we
were deeply thankful for the camaraderie we shared in public service
to our nation. Committed to the ethos of inclusion, we relished
every opportunity to rally our team of collectors, analysts and
support officers to create a powerful unity of mission.
The Central Intelligence Agency is an elite service because of the
extraordinarily diverse skills and backgrounds of its officers,
every one of whom is expected to make an impact regardless of his or
her level of experience or rank. Everyone's input matters and can
mean the difference between life and death, especially when planning
a high-threat meeting with a terrorist source. As much as diversity
is our strength, a common sense of patriotic duty and mission is
what binds us together. [Read more: Hoffman/TheHill/26November2020]
Intelligence in the Biden
Administration. President-elect Joe Biden will have two
intelligence priorities when he replaces Donald Trump in January.
The first is repairing relations with the intelligence community.
The second is using intelligence to implement Biden's grand
strategy. Intelligence is in line to play a particularly important
role in the next administration, but this won't be possible unless
the new president restores a sense of normalcy to
intelligence-policy relations.
When Trump started his campaign, he promised his supporters a new
kind of White House. Ever the populist, he vowed to drain the swamp
of Washington careerists and fight back against the "deep state"
that supposedly controlled the levers of foreign policy. He took
special aim at intelligence leaders, accusing them of leaking
damaging information to reporters and comparing them with Nazis.
Trump's accusations led to concerns that he would replace
intelligence chiefs with political loyalists and bully the
intelligence community into submission. On most issues, however,
this has not occurred. Trump has been more inclined to ignore
intelligence than politicize it. Fears that he would manipulate
intelligence agencies, forcing them to deliver estimates that
supported his policy preferences, did not come to pass. [Read more:
Section IV -
Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Did you work in CIA's
Alec Station or bin Laden Issue Station?
Author of four-volume history of anti-American terrorism at home
and abroad from Eisenhower through Trump administrations would
like to connect with anyone who worked in the CIA's Alec Station
or Bin Laden Issue Station for assistance in writing an accurate
profile of the unit for volume III (Clinton and Bush
administrations). Please contact Dennis Pluchinsky at
The Vienna Tunnel
- "Operation Silver" - Researcher Seeks More Info
After retiring from the CIA I ended up living in Vienna, Austria
and got interested in the "Vienna Tunnel." It was a SIS/MI6
operation from 1949-52 or so which tapped Soviet phone lines
between Soviet HQs and Moscow. It was the inspiration for the
Berlin Tunnel in that same era. Very little information has been
made public about the Vienna Tunnel and much of the information
doesn't seem to make sense. If you have any ideas for how to find
this tunnel or knowledge about this operation I would love to
hear from you at Than you
in advance, -Hans
Did you know: Eloise
Page, Elizabeth Sudmeier, Adelaide Hawkins, or Mary
Hutchison at CIA? Or have insights on Women in Intelligence?
Please assist this author.
Nathalia Holt, Ph.D., author of Rise of the Rocket Girls:
The Women who Propelled Us from Missiles to the Moon to Mars,
is writing a book about the history of women at the CIA during the
Cold War. She is eager to interview retired and active
intelligence professionals, both men and women, to gather insight
into the role of women at the CIA. She is particularly interested
in those who knew Eloise Page, Adelaide Hawkins, Mary
Hutchison, and Elizabeth Sudmeier.
The CIA public affairs office is cooperating. The book will be
published by Penguin Random House. The aim is to highlight the
untold successes of the CIA during the early Cold War period and
the role of women officers. If you would be willing to chat and
share your insights, please contact Nathalia at or 805-616-1690 (phone, text or Signal app). Holt's book Rise
of the Rocket Girls was a New York Times best-seller and received glowing reviews. USA Today called her book, "Illuminating… these women are vividly depicted
at work, at play, in and out of love, raising children — and
making history. What a team — and what a story!" Her work has
appeared in numerous publications including The New York
Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic,
Slate, Popular Science, and Time. She is a former
fellow at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard University.
Replies to Nathalia Holt PhD at
More info on this author at or
Full Time Assistant
Professor for Intelligence Studies Program at Catholic
University, Washington, DC
AFIO Members with Academic Credentials! Potential Full
Time Teaching Opportunity in 2022 in Catholic University's
Intelligence Program
University located at 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC
Former CIA officer and staff historian Nicholas Dujmovic retired in 2016 to become the founding director of the
Intelligence Studies Program at the Catholic University of America
(CUA) in Washington, D.C. The program is successful and growing.
The undergraduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies currently
has 76 students enrolled--the largest such program on campus. The
program continues to expand the number of intelligence courses
offered, as well as their variety.
Dr. Dujmovic is optimistic that a full time position at the
assistant professor level will open in the summer of 2022.
He is reaching out early to the AFIO community to identify
potential candidates with the following attributes:
- Significant service (at least 15 years) as a professional
intelligence officer involved in analysis, operations, technical
collection, or possibly support. A recent retiree closing a
successful career would be ideal.
- A Ph.D. from an accredited university in political science,
history, area studies, a comparable field or a relevant STEM
- Teaching experience at the university level, either
undergraduate or graduate.
- Evidence of past scholarship and a willingness to engage in
further research and publication, consistent with CUA's
commitment to excellence as a "research university."
- An enthusiasm for teaching and advising mostly undergraduate
AFIO members wishing to learn more are encouraged to contact Dr.
Dujmovic at
Assistant Professor
of Criminal Justice - UTEP - University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas at El Paso's College of Liberal Arts,
Department of Criminal Justice, is seeking a full-time
tenure-track "Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice."
Position Description: The position begins Fall 2021 at the
Assistant Professor level. Responsibilities include conducting and
publishing scholarly research, seeking extramural funding,
teaching face-to-face and online courses, and service to the
department, university, and profession.
About UTEP: The University of Texas at El Paso is a Carnegie R1
and Community Engaged research university in the heart of the
U.S.-Mexico border region, in a bicultural metroplex of over
800,000 people. UTEP faculty are nationally recognized for their
commitment to student success, teaching, and research. UTEP
enrolls more than 25,000 students, of whom nearly 80 percent are
Latino/Latina. UTEP provides equal access and social mobility for
over 50% of its student body of first generation students. UTEP
comprises 10 academic colleges/schools. The Department of CJ
offers an online B.A. in Security Studies, a Master of Science in
Intelligence and National Security and a Master of Defense and
Strategic Studies. The department also offers a B.A. in Criminal
Justice, an equivalent 100% online B.A., and an M.S. in
Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Required Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Criminal
Justice, Criminology or closely related field in Intelligence
and/or Security Studies from an accredited university. ABD
applicants will be considered if doctorate will be completed by
Fall 2021. Active research agenda and published scholarly journal
articles are required to apply. Applicants with only a J.D.,
Psy.D., or Ed.D. will not be considered.
Preferred Areas: All research/teaching areas of criminal justice
and criminology will be considered, but preference will be given
to candidates who have demonstrated teaching and/or research areas
in at least one of these areas: security studies, open source
intelligence, or quantitative methods/statistics.
Application Instructions and Contact Information: To apply, visit Applicants must electronically
submit: (1) letter of interest that includes teaching areas and
research expertise, (2) curriculum vita, (3) one scholarly
publication or dissertation manuscript, and (4) names and full
contact information of three references that we may contact. If
you have questions about the position, please contact the Search
Committee Chair, Dr. Egbert Zavala, at
Application Review Date: Review of applications will begin October
5th, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.
Hiring decisions are based on budget approval. To explore UTEP, do
so here. To apply for the position, contact Dr. Zavala at
numerous career and part-time assignments available for cleared former military personnel. See listing here. Or contact or visit
instructors at the University of Texas at El Paso (US)
The National Security Studies Institute at the University of Texas
at El Paso (UTEP) (see their website here) is seeking adjunct instructors
to teach online graduate-level courses:
Legal Issues in Intelligence and National Security
Propaganda and Influence Operations
Intelligence and Counterterrorism
Political Economy of Terrorism
Risk Analysis
Emergency Management
Public Health and Homeland Security
A PhD in public policy, security studies, political science, or a
related field is required.
Interested and eligible applicants should contact Stephen
Coulthart (
Joan Catherwood, OSS Employee
Joan Kelly Catherwood, 97, former OSS Employee, died 29 October 2020 in Easton, MD.
Born in the Bronx, NY, she grew up in New Jersey and attended Ridgewood High School, followed by Georgetown Visitation College in Washington, DC.
Early in World War II she worked in the New York City office of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Joan transcribed meetings, and reports of OSS agents overseas.
She had a 20+ year career working at Adelphi University. She retired to St Michaels, MD and was active in Easton's Memorial Hospital's Volunteer Auxiliary (now University of Maryland Shore Hospital), as well as in committees at Perry Cabin in St Michaels. She moved to Easton, MD and was living at William Hill Manor, now Bayleigh Chase.
She was an insightful critic of life's absurdity, hated squirrels and green vegetables, loved sausage for breakfast, and made coffee so strong that nobody else could drink it.
Although she had been a lifelong Northeasterner, she loved life by the Chesapeake Bay, and came to understand that "this is just the way things are on the Eastern Shore" when a tradesperson didn't show up for an appointment.
She will be greatly missed by her large family and many friends—including her daughters, sons, and other family.
Roger Fontaine, Former Director Latin American Affairs, NSC
Roger Warren Fontaine, 79, former Director Latin American Affairs, NSC; IWP Professor, died 5 November 2020 in Arlington, VA. He was the son-in-law of the late CIA DI Ray S. Cline.
Prof. Fontaine was an expert on Latin American affairs. He was a national security-minded expert who never indulged in either the willful blindness or the ideological biases that afflicted large parts of the Latin American studies community in this country.
His clearheaded and sober recognition of the Soviet and Cuban subversion in our hemisphere attracted the attention of Governor Ronald Reagan, who enlisted Roger's assistance as one of his foreign policy advisors. At a time of major national debate about surrendering U.S. control over the Panama Canal, Governor Reagan relied heavily on Roger for counsel. Roger then became a candidate to serve as the Director of Latin American Affairs at the National Security Council, serving as President Reagan's chief White House advisor in that field.
His other professional activities included serving as Diplomatic Correspondent with Tiempos del Mundo, as a consultant to the U.S. Mission to the Organization of American States, and as Director of Latin American Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
In addition to his regional area specialization, Fontaine had a broad understanding of world history and overall U.S. national security policy. An integrated strategic thinker, he served as a popular role model for students.
He was a longtime professor at the Institute of World Politics teaching U.S.-Latin American Relations. He also taught the foundational course on International Relations, Statecraft, and Integrated Strategy.
Roger was a remarkably modest man whose spirit was always dedicated to serving a cause higher than himself.
Former Deputy National Counterintelligence Executive and IWP Professor Emeritus Kenneth deGraffenreid commented: "I mourn the passing of my good friend and truly Great American, Roger Fontaine. We joined the Reagan NSC staff on the same evening, and I have admired Roger's work all these years since."
Robert McFarlane, who served as National Security Advisor to President Ronald Reagan, said: "Roger was so much more than a scholar: he was a man of immeasurable empathy, personal devotion and determination; a visionary man dedicated to advancing sound American policy and enlightened support for the people of Central and South America."
His wife Judith M Fontaine (daughter of former Dir of Intelligence Ray Cline) died in 2001. He is survived by a son, a daughter, and other family.
George Wittman, CIA Case Officer, Author, Consultant
George Harold Wittman, 91, CIA Case Officer, Author, Consultant, died 16 November 2020 in Gold Canyon, AZ.
Mr. Wittman was born in New York City. Finishing high school in Princeton, NJ, he went on to attend Trinity College in Hartford, CT where he studied government. As he entered his senior year in the fall of 1950, just months after the start of the Korean War, Wittman joined the Army Reserve with the intention of working towards his commission. Upon his graduation, with honors, in the spring of 1951, Wittman was instead recruited into the recently formed Central Intelligence Agency. By January 1952 he was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany where he rose to the position of case officer. As his career developed, he undertook extensive sensitive assignments across the globe. He worked in this capacity until 1968.
In addition to his CIA career, Wittman took over direction of the family's mining and international trade business, established in 1885. Wittman incorporated the firm as G.H.Wittman, Inc. and shifted the organization's focus to political and economic consulting with particular concentration on Africa and the Middle East.
Later, in the 1970s, Wittman broadened the firm's research and analysis work to include international security and political risk management. Working under contract with the Hudson Institute, he wrote policy briefs and analysis for the DOD. He founded the Middle East Newsletter in the late 1970s. Later, Mr. Wittman served as founding chairman of the National Institute for Public Policy, a nonprofit devoted to research on technological and policy aspects of national defense. By the mid-1980s he had been tapped to lecture periodically at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA on the topics of Middle East politics and terrorism. His expertise also led to a decade-long consulting relationship with the FBI's New York field office.
Mr. Wittman retired to Florida in 1996, and later relocated to Arizona. In retirement he continued to write and offer analysis on international affairs and security matters. He was a regular contributor to several publications including the American Spectator, The Washington Times, and AND Magazine. He wrote several novels: A Matter of Intelligence (1975) and There was a Time (to be published in 2021).
He was known for his intelligence, quick wit, love of debate, and suave manner. Above all, he viewed and presented himself as an American patriot, resisting political affiliation and committed to what he believed was in the best interest of the nation. Beyond his work, he had a breadth of intellectual interests and often spoke eloquently and extemporaneously on topics of history, the arts, and culture.
He enjoyed two marriages: first to Joyce Clark Wittman (d. 1966), and then to Geraldine Wittman (d. 2015). He is survived by four children and other family. Interment will be at a later date at Arlington National Cemetery.
Section V - Events
3 Dec
2020, 11:30 a.m. CST - Virtual - "Lessons Learned from 25
Years in Counter-Terrorism" - CIA Operations Officer Bob
Dougherty at this San Antonio, TX Chapter virtual event
In the short presentation "Lessons Learned from
25 Years in Counter-Terrorism," veteran CIA operations officer Bob
Dougherty utilizes real-world examples from his long
operational career with the Agency to illustrate some major
lessons he learned throughout his time in the field focused on
Counter-Terrorism. Some of these lessons were learned the hard
way, and some were taught and demonstrated to him by fellow CIA
Meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. Central Standard
Time. If already a SA Chapter Member, mark your calendar. You will
be sent a link for the online presentation prior to the meeting.
If not a member, contact President John Franklin
There is no charge to attend these meetings.
Wednesday, 9
December 2020, 12 noon PST - Virtual via Zoom - The "Andre
Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Farhad Mansourian on
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the new United States
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Registration link is here.
Farhad Mansourian is a former anti-terrorist
officer in the Iranian Imperial Army at the time when Islamic
Fundamentalists were attempting to overthrow the 2500 year old
Monarchy in Iran. Upon the fall of the Shah of Iran, Mr.
Mansourian escaped to the United States where he has remained
active and in close contact with current Iranian & Middle East
Mr. Mansourian has provided high level analysis on Iranian,
Middle Eastern and Islamic issues for local, state and numerous
federal agencies including the Pentagon, the White House, Pacific
Region Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), DEA
and the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force in San Francisco, Oakland
and San Jose, California. He is the author of many articles
published in a variety of national and international publications
and numerous radio and television appearances.
Mr. Mansourian brings a unique hands-on and insightful
perspectives on the latest events in the Middle East. Some of the
topics presented will include: the decision making process in the
Islamic Republic of Iran; the role of security and intelligence
agencies in that process; upcoming June 2021 Presidential election
in Iran, The Biden Administration, The Trump Administration arms
deal; what the Iranian leaders say, what they hope for and what
the Iranian people want.
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
The International Spy
Museum has reopened to visitors.
Click here
to explore events, exhibits, and ticketing.
Upcoming virtual (and a few
live, post-quarantine) events at the International Spy Museum.
Click event to explore and register for event. All virtual
events require pre-registration.
Access all upcoming Spy Museum events directly from their website:
Sunday, 6 December
2020, 2-3:30 pm - Virtual - Cold War Museum hosts
presentation by Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise
on "Evading the Best: How We Learned to Conduct Successful
Intelligence Operations in Cold War Moscow."
The Cold War Museum invites you to attend a presentation by
Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise on "Evading the Best:
How We Learned to Conduct Successful Intelligence Operations In
Cold War Moscow."
Jonna Mendez will talk about her 2019 book, The
Moscow Rules, written with her husband Tony Mendez of ARGO
fame, with Matt Baglio. The book discusses the CIA's rules of
comportment when working on the streets of Moscow, which was
perhaps the most difficult environment in the world in which to
conduct intelligence operations during the Cold War, given the
KGB's high level of competence and surveillance manpower. She will
also talk about her next book, being drafted during this
quarantine period, a memoir of her career overseas as a female CIA
technical operations officer. And she has indicated that she'll
tell us some interesting stories about situations where identity
changes via disguise have helped solve difficult problems in
intelligence operations in the field.
Jonna Mendez is a retired CIA officer with 27 years of service.
During her career she lived overseas undercover on multiple
assignments, serving tours of duty in Europe, South Asia, and the
Far East.
This is the 38th in a series of presentations sponsored by the
Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on,
significant Cold War events and activities.
Cost: $20, 100% of which is a contribution to the Cold War Museum.
ONLINE ONLY. Eventbrite ticket buyers will receive a link to the
virtual room on the Zoom platform where this event will take
place. We are recording the whole event, including the Q&A,
for the Museum's archives.
Information and Tickets here.
In addition to the new Royal Blue long sleeve shirts, and the
gray long sleeve hooded sweatshirts, the AFIO Store also has the
following items ready for quick shipment:
NEW: LONG and Short-Sleeved Shirts with
embroidered AFIO Logo and New Mugs with color-glazed permanent
your support for AFIO with our new Polo Shirts. Be the first to
buy these new, high quality, subtle heathered grey short
sleeve shirts, and dark blue long sleeved shirts, of
shrink and wrinkle resistant fine cotton with a soft yet
substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal.
Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues,
family, and friends. Only $45 each including shipping.
Sizes of (M) men or (W) women shirts; Small, Medium, Large, XL,
XXL, and XXXL. At this time all orders will arrive as Short
Sleeve shirts.
You may pay by check or credit card. Complete your order online here or mail an order along
with payment to: AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Ste 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Phone orders at 703-790-0320. If interested in
other shirt colors or sleeve lengths, contact Annette at:
Available as a thank you for donations are the new AFIO
logo face masks:
These soft,
form-fitting, washable, non-medical grade fabric face masks have
wide behind-the-ear elastics to make long periods of wear
comfortable. Also easier to quickly put on or take off. Blue on
outside, white inside. The masks do not have a nose wire but are
sculpted, shaped, and sewn to fit most users. The all-cloth
composition allows the masks to be washed or steam-disinfected
without concerns over metal wires. The color logo is washable and
a permanent part of the mask.
The masks, however, are not for sale. They are being offered
strictly as a thank you gift to our donors.
For tax-deductible donations of $50 you will receive a receipt and
our thank you gift of two of these newly-arrived
face masks.
Donations of $100 receive four masks to be sent to the same
address. Other amounts and split-shipments are available.
To donate now to support AFIO's programs and publications, please
do so here.
We wish all members and donors continued good health, safe social
distancing, and warmly appreciate any support you are able to
provide the association.

AFIO Mug with color glazed logo. Made in
America. Sturdy enough to sit on desk to hold pens, cards,
paperclips, and candy.
This handsome large, heavy USA-made ceramic mug is
dishwasher-safe with a glazed seal. $35 per mug includes shipping.
Order this and other store items online here.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
and Removal Instructions
Weekly Intelligence Notes (WINs) are commentaries on Intelligence
and related national security matters, based on open media
sources, selected, interpreted, edited and produced for non-profit
educational uses by members and WIN subscribers.
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WINs are protected by copyright laws
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re-sent without specific permission from the Producer. Opinions
expressed in the WINs are solely those of the editor's or
author's listed with each article. AFIO Members Support the AFIO
Mission - sponsor new members! CHECK THE AFIO WEBSITE at for back issues of the WINs,
information about AFIO, conference agenda and registrations
materials, and membership applications and much more!
(c) 1998 thru 2020. AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Suite 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Voice:
(703) 790-0320; Fax: (703) 991-1278; Email:
About AFIO | Membership Renewal | Change of Address | Upcoming Events | Chapter Locations | Corporate/Institutional Memberships | Careers in Intelligence Booklet | Guide to the Study of Intelligence | Intelligencer Journal | Weekly Intelligence Notes | To Make A Donation | AFIO Store | Member-Only Section | Code of Ethics | Home Page