Weekly Intelligence Notes #43-17 dated 14 November 2017
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- Tuesday,
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- Tuesday,
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- Tuesday, 5 December 2017 - Columbia, MD - Dr Robert W. Love, Historian at US Naval Academy, discusses the rationale and wisdom of the Attack on Pearl Harbor at the NCMF 2017 Pearl Harbor Program
- 5-7 December 2017 - Chantilly, VA - Science, Intelligence and Operations - The Innovation Imperative at this ATIA TS//SI/TK US Only Conference
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WIN CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE: The WIN editors thank the
following special contributors: pjk, mh, km, gh, mk, rd, fm,
kc, jm, mr, jg, th and fwr. They have contributed one or more
stories used in this issue.
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Two Holiday Shopping Ideas for Intelligence Officers

CIA Employee Activity Association (Gift Shop) writes:
Are you getting ready for Black Friday? Forget about it. Why wait until then? Beat the crowds and shop early. Where? Right here on our website. Many new items have been added in case you haven't noticed. To find the new items -- the 70th Anniversary Snowflake ornament you see above, for example -- just click here on "What's New" or on the tool bar when viewing the webpage.
We're sure your family and friends will be very happy with the unique gifts we have available. If you don't find exactly what you're looking for, check back every so often as we should be adding more new items in the coming weeks.
Don't delay in ordering now. If you see something that you would like, buy it now or you could be wishing later on that you had because we're sold out. If it is something you really like, buy two.

The Independent "CIA-Art" Outfit Offers impressive 2018 Wall Calendars and Day Planners
The independent, private artists working with the curator of the CIA Museum, have conceived and developed a collection of declassified missions on permanent display which visually tell the history of many CIA missions.
The originators of these lushly printed, large CIA-themed wall calendars joined with private individuals and corporations willing to commission the artwork. They then donated the completed art to CIA Headquarters where it is currently on permanent display. Now some of these thrilling paintings, historic documents, photos, and descriptions can be on your walls. Or be the ideal gift to send colleagues, friends, and others.
To learn more about these calendars and day planners or to order them visit...
Books of the Week
The Weaponizing of Biology: Bioterrorism, Biocrime and Biohacking
by Marc E. Vargo
(McFarland, Dec 2017)
Focusing on three forms of biological threat --bioterrorism, biocrime and biohacking -- the author examines the history of biowarfare and terrorism. Groups drawn to biological aggression are discussed, along with the array of viruses, bacteria, and toxins they might use in attacks. The phenomenon of biocrime -- biological aggression targeting individuals for personal rather than ideological reasons -- is explored, along with the growing trend of biohacking. Part II presents case studies of bioterrorism and biocrime from the US and Japan.
"Intelligence and security communities have worried about terrorist bioweapon use for four decades. Vargo catches us up on new developments, examines motivations and laboratories of regimes and (so far) rare BW terrorists, and introduces us to biocrime and biohacking. Fascinating, if worrisome, reading." -- Ed Mickolus, president, Vinyard Software, Inc., and retired CIA officer, AFIO member.
Book may be ordered
The Quantum Spy
by David Ignatius
(WW Norton, September 2017)
Review released today in Washington Post.
"For the inside dope on how the CIA works, 'The Quantum Spy' can't be beat."
Excerpt of WPost review: To anyone who has ever said that prize-winning Washington Post columnist and popular spy novelist David Ignatius is too much of an apologist for the CIA, his new book is a dramatic rebuttal. The Quantum Spy is a fascinating, beautifully textured thriller in which the CIA comes across as a racist, sexist institution whose biases play right into the hands of hostile foreign powers. The MacGuffin here is the competition between the US and China to develop a quantum computer that will crack codes and perform other spy work millions of times faster than conventional machines. A Seattle firm seems to be close enough to making a key breakthrough that the agency forces it to hide its work from public view even as its owner, super-geek Jason Schmidt, wants all the world to benefit from the technology. A running argument among several characters throughout the novel is over high-tech openness vs. secrecy.
Read more here.
Book may be ordered here. |
Trudeau Names Parliamentary
Committee to Oversee Security, Intelligence Agencies.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has named an 11-member panel of
parliamentarians to oversee the secretive activities of Canada's national
security and intelligence agencies.
Ontario Liberal MP David McGuinty will chair the National Security and
Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, which includes senators and
Liberal, Conservative and NDP MPs.
"The creation of a strong, accountable and multi-party committee of
dedicated parliamentarians will help us ensure that our national security
agencies continue to keep Canadians safe in a way that also safeguards our
values, rights, and freedoms," Trudeau said in a statement released Monday.
"This independent group will help strengthen the accountability of our
national security and intelligence work. In our system of responsible
government, there is no substitute for scrutiny by parliamentarians."
[Read More: cbc/7Nov2017]
German Court Sentences Swiss Tax Spy.
A German court has given a Swiss intelligence agent a suspended jail
sentence of a year and 10 months for spying on German tax officials.
Daniel Moser, 54, admitted having spied for the Swiss intelligence service
He targeted four officials in Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia state, who
were tracing secret Swiss bank accounts held by suspected German tax
The court in Frankfurt also fined him 25,000 euros ('22,200; $29,000). He
was arrested in the financial hub in April. [Read More: bbc/9Nov2017]
Lawmakers Question Trump
Administration's Choice for CIA Chief Watchdog. Two former
CIA employees are accusing the Trump administration's choice for CIA chief
watchdog of being less than candid when he told Congress he didn't know
about any active whistleblower complaints against him.
Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Christopher Sharpley, the
current acting inspector general who's in line for the permanent job, about
complaints that he and other managers participated in retaliation against
CIA workers who alerted congressional committees and other authorities about
alleged misconduct.
"I'm unaware of any open investigations on me, the details of any complaints
about me," Sharpley testified at his confirmation hearing last month.
He said he might not know because there is a process providing
confidentiality to anyone who wants to file a complaint against government
officials, who often are individually named in cases against
management. [Read More: AP/cbsnews/11Nov2017]
Trump Nominates Pulaski High Grad to
Intelligence Post. President Trump has nominated a Pulaski
High School graduate to a leading position in the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence.
Michael K. Atkinson, of the Pulaski Academy and Central School's Class of
1982, has been nominated to be inspector general of the Intelligence
Community, Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Atkinson did his undergraduate work at Syracuse University and received his
law degree in 1991 from Cornell University. His mother was a long-time
secretary at Pulaski High School and his grandfather was a dairy farmer in
Joseph McGrath, former Pulaski counselor and principal, said Atkinson was
always a joy to have in school. [Read More: Groom/watertowndailytimes/12Nov2017]
Philippine Troops Credit US
Intel, Training for Helping Them Beat ISIS in Marawi.
Filipino troops guarding the ruins of a city freed from Islamic militants
last month said American training and intelligence gave them an edge against
the 1,000 insurgents who fought to nearly the last man.
The Marawi battle zone - encompassing about half of a town once home to
200,000 mostly Muslim residents - is Southeast Asia's version of Mosul,
Raqqa or any other Middle Eastern city reduced to rubble by the Islamic
State group's bloody reign of terror.
After five months of fighting, the Philippine government declared victory in
Marawi; however, it might be years before life there returns to normal.
On Wednesday, houses and shops in the battle zone were pockmarked with
bullet holes and blackened by fire. Streets were full of rubble, the rusting
wrecks of damaged vehicles and the bones of the dead. Soldiers said they
pulled 23 cadavers from the zone earlier in the week. [Read
More: Robson/stripes/9Nov2017]
Russian Tech Firm Wins US
Intelligence Agency's Facial Recognition Software Competition.
Russian software developers NTechlabs have won two categories of a facial
recognition challenge set by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects
Activity (IARPA) of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
The competition was held in collaboration with the National Institute for
Standards and Technology, which will reportedly release a detailed report on
the event soon.
NTechlabs won under two categories - "Identification Speed" and
"Verification Accuracy" - the software's ability to match one picture with
another and verify if they are of the same person - reports Defense One
(DO). Chinese tech firm Yitu took home the prize for "Identification
Accuracy" - the ability of the program to match a face to an identity.
IARPA's competition reportedly involved using software to match faces in the
wild including passively picking up cues from security cam footage.
[Read More: Jotham/ibtimes/9Nov2017]
National Real-Time Intelligence
Sharing System Edges Closer. The Australian Criminal
Intelligence Commission is appealing to the federal government to fund the
full rollout of its new national criminal intelligence system after
completing a two-year pilot of the nascent interjurisdictional platform.
The system will replace the Australian criminal intelligence database
(ACID), which has been used by federal, state and territory law enforcement
agencies and other regulatory authorities to share and analyse criminal
information and intelligence nationally since it was first developed in
While not a national case management system - something federal and state
police unions have wanted for some time - the new national criminal
intelligence system (NCIS) will provide a national, unified view of criminal
intelligence information to avoid agencies doubling up on investigations.
It was first called for by the Australian Crime Commission in 2014 - prior
to its merger with CrimTrac to create ACIC - because of ACID's declining
effectiveness. The agency received a $9.8 million pot of funding from the
government just over a year later for a pilot. [Read More:
With Intelligence Program,
Catholic Becomes Place to Learn. Joe Colucci wasn't
completely in the dark. He had a friend whose father worked for the FBI,
after all. That gave Colucci a peek into the world of intelligence and law
enforcement. Plus, he's seen spy movies. (Actually, that doesn't really help
at all, but more on that later.)
When the 19-year-old Colucci realized Catholic University was starting an
intelligence studies certificate program, he thought it would be a great
opportunity. Even if there was still mystery surrounding the whole thing.
"It was sort of foreign to me," he said. "I had some idea of what they did,
and what their job entailed."
At Catholic, he began to figure it out. "That's when I really, really knew
that this was something I wanted to pursue," said Colucci, a sophomore from
White Plains, NY. [Read More: Larimer/washingtonpost/6Nov2017]
France Frets Over Internal Threat Two
Years After Paris Attacks. Two years after militants
killed 130 people in coordinated attacks across Paris, French officials say
there remains an unprecedented level of "internal" threat from both within
and outside the country.
With Islamic State losing ground in Iraq and Syria, hundreds of French
citizens - and in some cases their children - have started to return to
France, leaving the government in a quandary over how to deal with them.
For the first time as president, Emmanuel Macron will pay tribute on Monday
to the victims of the mass shootings and suicide bombing that took place
across Paris and in the city's northern suburb of Saint-Denis on Nov. 13,
The attacks, the deadliest on French soil since World War Two, prompted the
country to strike back, joining international military operations targeting
IS and other Islamist militant groups in Iraq, Syria, Libya and
elsewhere. [Read More: Pennetier/reuters/12Nov2017]
Review: The Ghost, by Jefferson
Morley. When Americans think about the CIA today - if they
think about it at all - they probably picture a secluded compound in
Langley, Va., where Matt Damon matches wits with Joan Allen.
But those who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s conjure a very different image:
an agency shrouded in rumors of LSD experiments, foreign assassination plots
and booby-trapped cigars - all of which seemed thoroughly outlandish until
proven true by the relentless investigators of the Senate Intelligence
Committee and Seymour Hersh of the New York Times.
Jefferson Morley is of that generation, and he has brought the investigative
tools of a veteran journalist to that murky era - specifically, to the
career of James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's legendary chain-smoking,
orchid-growing, poetry-quoting chief of counterintelligence.
The result is The Ghost, a page-turning biography of an eccentric spy
hunter. But it's also a carefully documented argument that the CIA, an
agency created to defend the ideals of democracy from fascism and communism,
wound up tarnishing those ideals instead. [Read More: Hage/startribune/7Nov2017]
Case Cutlery 9/11 Memorial Knife
Unveiled in NYC. A knife - produced by W.R. Case &
Sons Cutlery Co. - featuring World Trade Center steel was unveiled at a
special event held Friday at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum
in New York City. Lt. Gen. John F. Mulholland Jr., a senior officer in
the US Army and former associate director of the Central Intelligence
Agency for Military Affairs, commissioned the Bradford Township-based
manufacturer to craft a knife honoring America's heroes. The knife, titled
September 11 Memorial V-42, is a limited-production World War II-era
military knife.
"We are extremely humbled that Lt. Gen. Mulholland invited Case to be part
of this powerful project," said George Duke, owner, W.R. Case & Sons
Cutlery Co. "Throughout our nearly 130 year history, Case has been proud to
be a quality American-made company with the privilege of working alongside
some of the finest people our country has to offer, and we are honored to
present these V-42s as a small token of our collective appreciation for the
sacrifices made every day by members of our military and first responders."
The three commemorative V-42s - that will never be made available for sale
to the public - were crafted to honor and recognize three specific groups of
Americans: The citizens who were the victims of the attacks, the
first-responders and the men and women of Combined Joint Special Operations
Task Force-North, also known as Task Force Dagger, who served as the
nation's military response.
Case presented commemorative V-42s to two units that were among the first to
respond in the face of 9/11: The US Army's 5th Special Forces Group, the
first American unit deployed into Afghanistan for Operation Enduring
Freedom, and the Central Intelligence Agency. A third commemorative
knife was presented to the National Sept. 11 Memorial & Museum.
[Read More: bradfordera/11Nov2017]
When Jazz Age Superstar Josephine Baker
Spied on the Nazis. In the fall of 1939, Josephine Baker
stepped onto a stage unlike any other she'd graced in her sizzling career.
Hoping to improve the morale of the troops who manned the Maginot Line, the
massive defensive structure that guarded France's eastern border, the French
high command had asked her to perform a series of shows. The bunkers and
barracks were a far cry from the blazing lights of Paris's Folies-Berg're or
the Casino de Paris where Baker dazzled audiences with her graceful dancing,
comedic timing, and barely-there costumes. Her shows gave the troops a
reprieve from watching the German border and wondering when the Wehrmacht
might strike. Instead, the men hooted and hollered as the 33-year old Baker
sang and slinked her way through a series of French chansons.
Maurice Chevalier, who had made a career of musical comedy in Paris and
Hollywood, joined Baker on the tour. The fifty-something Chevalier, sporting
his trademark straw hat, insisted on going second, intending to finish the
show in grand style. He didn't count on Baker's receiving calls for encore
after encore, cutting into his performance time.
The soldiers responded to Baker the same way Paris had ever since the
ambitious African-American girl from St. Louis charmed the city with her
comedic sensuality. After a hardscrabble childhood in St. Louis, Baker found
her way to headline La revue n'gre at the Th''tre des Champs-'lys'es in
1925. The daring show, which featured Baker dancing in nothing but a feather
skirt, set Paris talking - and it hadn't stopped since. Parisian society
also welcomed Baker, giving her a level of freedom and acclaim that her
country of birth could barely imagine, let alone offer. She embraced it all:
the men, the jewelry, the clothes, the grand houses. She sauntered down the
Champs-'lys'es with her pet cheetah on a leash. She even gave product
endorsements. When Casablancans opened their newspapers and magazines, they
saw ads for Bakerfix, a cr'me "to keep your hair supple, brilliant, and in
place," available at Casablanca's finer salons.
In December, Baker and Chevalier returned to the stage together at the
Casino de Paris, the legendary red-velvet music hall in the ninth
arrondissement. Rationing, curfews, travel permits, sandbags around
monuments, sweethearts kissing loved ones farewell, and daily stories about
war preparation dampened Paris's joie de vivre. Inside the Casino de Paris,
the halcyon days still reigned as people filled the theater to the rafters
to see Paris-Londres, a revue celebrating Anglo-French friendship. The show
- "a new spectacle of rhythm, charm, and beauty" - featured 32 "beautiful
women" from Paris and London, along with performances by Chevalier, Baker,
and Nita Raya. Chevalier opened the review with "Paris Will Always Be
Paris," while Baker closed the show with "Mon coeur est un oiseau des 'les."
The sentimental song, in which she likens her heart a tropical bird, could
melt even the hardest soldier's heart. [Read More: Hindley/thedailybeast/11Nov2017]
Congressional Country Club.
Like any good spy, the Congressional Country Club in Maryland appears at
first glance to be a perfectly ordinary golf course, with verdant
landscaping and a respectable membership. But slumbering beneath this quiet
cover is an explosive history of secret agents, wartime espionage, and the
birth of what would go on to become the Central Intelligence Agency.
Congressional is a private club that can trace its lineage back to roaring
1924 and the tail end of the Gilded Age. But within a decade the Great
Depression brought near-bankruptcy and the future loomed in uncertainty.
World War II proved to be a reversal of fortune for the golf club, as the
federal government was in desperate need training facilities, and willing to
pay top dollar.
The Office of Strategic Services (the 1940s forbearer of the CIA) had a
particularly unusual need for a sort of proto special forces academy. It
wanted a place - hopefully near headquarters - where recruits could practice
the skills needed to infiltrate Nazi-occupied France and wreak havoc across
the countryside. Congressional Country Club was an obvious candidate.
A deal was hammered out in April 1943 between OSS head William Donovan and
Congressional's management. In exchange for $4,000 a month in rent and
promise to pay for future restorations, the government transformed the
bucolic Congressional into a garden of war, with explosive testing in the
sandtraps and live fire exercises on the fairways. [Read More:
Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have
Shaken the NSA to Its Core. Jake Williams awoke last
April in an Orlando, Fla., hotel where he was leading a training session.
Checking Twitter, Mr. Williams, a cybersecurity expert, was dismayed to
discover that he had been thrust into the middle of one of the worst
security debacles ever to befall American intelligence.
Mr. Williams had written on his company blog about the Shadow Brokers, a
mysterious group that had somehow obtained many of the hacking tools the
United States used to spy on other countries. Now the group had replied in
an angry screed on Twitter. It identified him - correctly - as a former
member of the National Security Agency's hacking group, Tailored Access
Operations, or T.A.O., a job he had not publicly disclosed. Then the Shadow
Brokers astonished him by dropping technical details that made clear they
knew about highly classified hacking operations that he had conducted.
America's largest and most secretive intelligence agency had been deeply
"They had operational insight that even most of my fellow operators at
T.A.O. did not have," said Mr. Williams, now with Rendition Infosec, a
cybersecurity firm he founded. "I felt like I'd been kicked in the gut.
Whoever wrote this either was a well-placed insider or had stolen a lot of
operational data." [Read More: Shane, Perlroth, Sanger/nytimes/12Nov2017]
Lincoln's Spy: How Pinkerton Laid
the Foundation for the CIA and FBI. The organized
investigation of suspicious behaviors has evolved in two directions. One is
in the case of detective work, dealing with activities that endanger
individual citizens. The other, integrally linked avenue is in intelligence,
investigating threats to the state. Flowing out of the same font, the modern
incarnation of these entwined investigative avenues are largely the creation
of two people. In Europe, Eugene-Francois Vidocq may be considered the
godfather of the former criminal turned secret agent who is largely
responsible for the development of the modern, entwined arts of
intelligence-gathering and criminal investigation. But stateside, his
parallel, no less influential, was Lincoln's spy master during the Civil
War, Allan Pinkerton.
Born to an impoverished family in Glasgow in 1819, Pinkerton's policeman
father died early, and the young son was forced to work. While earning his
living as a cooper, he grew interested in a pro-democratic movement called
Chartism, which was keenly watched by British authorities. In danger of
arrest for this political activity, he escaped Scotland and moved to the
United States, where he continued to work as a cooper near Chicago. Part of
his early legend was burnished by the story that, while one day felling
trees for wood to make his barrels on a small island, he came upon a group
of counterfeiters, associated with a renowned gang called the Banditti of
the Prairie, who were meeting there, thinking that they were alone. He was
able to single-handedly apprehend them and bring them to the the mainland in
custody. He developed a reputation among the locals as an upright citizen
and was made deputy sheriff. He was promoted in 1846 and worked as a sheriff
based in Chicago. But sensing an opportunity in the
private sector, Pinkerton stepped down from the official police force to
found a private detective agency, along with a lawyer partner, Edward
Rucker. This was not the first private detective agency (recall Vidocq
had founded one in 1833), but it would become the best-known and most
Specializing initially in thefts from trains and train stations, the
Pinkerton National Detective Agency had a series of very high-profile
successes in the 1850s, which impressed the heads of the railroad and the
railroad company's lawyer, a promising young man with political aspirations
by the name of Abraham Lincoln. He was an avid abolitionist and secretly
aided various plots, including John Brown's ill-fated raid on Harpers Ferry
in 1859.
Two years later came Pinkerton's grand success that would make his career -
saving newly-elected President Abraham Lincoln from an assassination attempt
in Baltimore. Pinkerton's agency was hired by the rail company to
investigate suspicions of a threat to the president during his planned route
by train from Illinois, via 70 towns and cities, to Washington, DC. The
main concern was Baltimore, Maryland (a pro-slavery state at the cusp of the
Civil War), one train stop before Washington. Pinkerton had learned from one
of his agents, Kate Warne (like Vidocq, Pinkerton was for equal rights at
the workplace, employing female as well as male detectives), that a plot was
afoot to attack Lincoln in his railroad carriage between the two stations in
Baltimore, on February 23. [Read More: Charney/salon/12Nov2017]
Marti Peterson: "The Widow Spy" Worked
Undercover for the CIA in Moscow (1on1 With Jon Evans podcast).
Martha Peterson was like any other mom. She did the laundry, bought the
groceries, and cooked meals for her husband Steve and their two children in
the family's home outside of Washington, DC. In 1997, with her two children
well into their teenage years, Martha, known as Marti to her friends,
thought it was time to reveal part of her secret to Tyler and Lora. They
learned mom was a spy for the Central Intelligence Agency.
"There is a point with covert people in the CIA, we have this discussion
among us about how to do this and when to do it," Marti says about deciding
to tell her children. "If you wait too long, then they think you're lying
about everything. If you tell them too early, they don't treasure the secret
and they tell too many people."
The world knows about at least one of Marti Peterson's missions as the first
female CIA operative in Moscow. Marti described the details in her book The
Widow Spy, published in 2012. It is also chronicled in the International
Spy Museum in Washington, DC and the KGB Museum in Moscow (the KGB was the
intelligence agency that operated inside the Soviet Union). KGB agents
captured Marti on July 15, 1977 on a bridge in Moscow, after she had
delivered a package for an agent. Marti did not know at the time that the
agent, code named TRIGON, had committed suicide in front of KGB
interrogators weeks earlier. [Read More: Evans/wect/12Nov2017]
Military Intelligence Is not an
Oxymoron. The United States Army Security Agency (ASA) was
the US intelligence branch between 1945 and 1977. However, it existed as
the Army Signals Intelligence Operations as far back as World War I. Besides
intelligence gathering, ASA had responsibility for the cryptographic
security of all Army communications. In 1977, the ASA was reorganized to
create the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).
ASA was responsible for intercepting, monitoring, and interpreting the radio
signals of the Soviet Union, China, and North Vietnam. The ASA had
operational centers wherever the United States had a military presence -
publicly acknowledged or in secret. Due to the extremely sensitive nature of
their work, all ASA personnel were required to hold a Top
Secret/Cryptographic security clearance.
Upon leaving the ASA, all personnel signed an affidavit keep all
ASA-related/classified information secret for 30 years. Today, many ex-ASA
veterans can now identify themselves by wearing a ball cap, which is proudly
emblazoned with the ASA patch of an eagle claw grasping a pair of lightning
bolts. In fact, one of these former ASA "electronic spies" lives right here
in Pell City and is the author of this article. My ASA duties extended from
1962 to 1968.
After my training at the Radio Direction Finding (RDF) school at Fort
Devens, MA, I was assigned to Bangkok, Thailand. I was only a 19-year-old
kid, who had never heard of either Bangkok or Thailand. I had to look at an
encyclopedia map before I knew how close Thailand was to Vietnam. Although
ASA did not see active combat, that doesn't mean we weren't in danger.
Security was very high, and it was a priority of the enemy to find and
destroy our ability to monitor them. A fellow ASA'er, Jim Davis, was the
first documented military fatality in what would ultimately become the
Vietnam War. [Read More: Moritz/newsaegis/9Nov2017]
How Robert Mueller Works a Case.
I worked for Bob Mueller for 12 years while he was the FBI director, running
counterintelligence, espionage and cybercrime investigations. What I saw
recently was a classic law-enforcement response to a suspected Russian
intelligence or political-influence operation. And it was classic Bob
Mueller. Already, he appears to have uncovered details of a far-reaching
Russian political-influence campaign.
Russian spy services use two main methods to run agents. Either they recruit
people as traditional assets, where the targets know they're working for a
foreign government. Or they use unwitting agents - people targeted to
exploit not just what they know, but who they know. That's what seems to
have happened here. Russian intelligence services have run
political-influence operations since the beginning of time, and if you put a
seasoned intelligence officer in front of a traditional, unsuspecting
businessman, there's just no match.
The Russian goal appears to have been to use members of the Trump campaign
to get at the ultimate target: Donald Trump himself. If I want to spy on
Trump, I don't need or necessarily want to get directly in front of him; I
will use sources, or I will use an intermediary known as a cutout. The
Russian intelligence services will then dangle something the cutout wants,
whether it's sex, money, drugs or information. In this case, it was Hillary
Clinton's emails.
To uncover just how far the Russian operation got, Mueller will focus his
team. He'll go after the lower-level or lower-ranking guys like George
Papadopoulos. He'll also use the strategy of following the money. In the
next weeks and months, you'll see more indictments. You're going to see wire
fraud. You're going to see mail fraud. You're going to see violations of the
Foreign Agents Registration Act. You're also going to see other charges.
Moving money around countries to avoid taxes and criminal prosecution are
the kinds of violations we saw continuously while I was working
counterintelligence and espionage investigations. [Read More:
Don't Waste Tax Dollars on
'Secrets' Hiding in Plain Sight. The National Security Act
of 1947 established the Central Intelligence Agency and the position of
Director of Central Intelligence. In addition to setting the Director's
salary ($14,000 per annum) and giving him/her the power to fire CIA
employees, the Act specified the various duties of the new CIA relating to
national security and intelligence. It authorized the CIA "to correlate and
evaluate intelligence relating to the national security" and to protect
sources and methods.
But there is one word that never appears in the authorizing language - and
that word is SECRETS. Yet over the decades, the CIA and other intelligence
community organizations have defined their responsibilities primarily in
terms of secrets.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary lists "information" and "news" as synonyms
for intelligence and defines it as "information concerning an enemy or a
possible enemy or an area." Much of the useful information about our
potential adversaries has always resided in the public domain; just take a
look at any of the declassified National Intelligence Surveys available from
the CIA's electronic reading room - section after section is written at the
unclassified level. And yet, we still debate today how important open source
information should be for the Intelligence Community.
My contention is that information in the public domain is capable of meeting
most of the knowledge needs we have about most issues that concern the
United States. There are notable exceptions, of course. Our troops need to
know exactly what opposing militaries are trying to hide. Many governments
will try to conceal their weapons programs and their intentions. But I think
we could make much better use of the taxpayer's dollar if we only relied
upon secret sources and methods for issues that warranted them, and based
our sense-making efforts on most issues on unclassified information.
[Read More: Medina/thecipherbrief/9Nov2017]
Section IV - Jobs and Obituaries
The Latest Cybersecurity Jobs at FireEye
All four of these jobs are located in Reston, VA.
Strategic Account Manager - Federal - Navy;
Experience: 8 to 10 years
This role requires a deep understanding of the market and technologies that FireEye sells, including our business/industry, our competitors and the ability to use this knowledge to plan for the future. The successful SAM drives a superior customer experience by delivering technology solutions tailored to customer needs and...[more information].
Strategic Account Manager - DoD Agencies;
Experience: 8 to 10 years
This role requires a deep understanding of the Federal Cyber Security market and technologies that FireEye sells; this knowledge will include industry trends, customer budgets and competitive strengths and weaknesses. The successful SAM drives a superior customer experience by delivering solutions tailored to customer needs...[more information].
Strategic Account Manager, Intel Community;
Experience: 3 to 10 years
This role requires a deep understanding of the market and technologies that FireEye sells, including our business/industry, our competitors and the ability to use this knowledge to plan for the future. The successful SAM drives a superior customer experience by delivering technology solutions tailored to customer needs and...[more information].
Strategic Account Manager- Federal System Integrators;
Experience: 8 to 10 years
Job Location: Reston, VA
This role requires a deep understanding of the market and technologies that FireEye sells, including our business/industry, our competitors and the ability to use this knowledge to plan for the future. The successful Account Manager drives a superior customer experience by delivering technology solutions tailored to custome...[more information].
Jeffrey Talbot Richelson PhD, 67, a researcher and prolific author on intelligence, science, and technology, died Saturday, 11 November 2017 in Los Angeles, CA of cancer. He was a Senior Fellow with the National Security Archive, a non-governmental, non-profit research and USG records release/archival institution at George Washington University, Washington, DC, which seeks through FOIA filings and lawsuits to force the declassification of US government documents. (The Archive filed more than 50,000 FOIA and declassification requests in its nearly 30-year history - reports Wikipedia.) For the Archive, Richelson directed its documentation projects on the organization and operations of the US intelligence community, US-China relations, US military space activities, and Presidential national security directives.
He was born in the Bronx, earned his BA at City University of New York, and a PhD at the University of Rochester. He taught at the University of Texas at Austin, the American University, and Catholic University in Washington DC before joining the Archive full-time. He appeared on TV and radio programs, as well as on C-SPAN, and was often quoted in print media. He was author of The U.S. Intelligence Community (Boulder: Westview Press, 7th ed), Defusing Armageddon: Inside NEST, America's Secret Nuclear Bomb Squad (New York: W.W. Norton, 2009), Spying on the Bomb: American Nuclear Intelligence from Nazi Germany to Iran and North Korea (New York: W.W. Norton, 2006); The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology (Boulder: Westview, 2001), America's Space Sentinels: The History of the DSP and SBIRS Satellite Systems (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2012), A Century of Spies: Intelligence in the Twentieth Century (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), and America's Secret Eyes in Space: The US KEYHOLE Spy Satellite Program (New York: Harper & Row, 1990). His articles have appeared in Scientific American, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, International Security, Intelligence and National Security, the Journal of Economic Theory, and AFIO's Intelligencer.
One of Richelson's FOIA requests forced declassification of the CIA's internal history of Area 51, which described how senior officials chose the desert in Nevada which became known as Area 51, and used it to test stolen Soviet MiGs as well as stealth aircraft. He also forced release of documents on the Acoustic Kitty project, in which the CIA surgically wired cats as surveillance tools, aimed at Soviet diplomats in Lafayette Square in Washington DC, only to have a taxi kill the first test cat.
Jeff was an avid tennis and baseball player, and fan of the New York Yankees. [Read more: The National Security Archive/Tribute to Richelson/14Nov2017]]
Beverly Ann Schlie, 70, of Reston, VA died 24 October 2017 of cancer. Bev was born at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida and graduated from Mt. Vernon High School in Alexandria, VA. She attended the Washington School for Secretaries in DC and it led to a secretarial position with the USG, where she worked as a Special Assistant for over 35 years. Her career took her overseas to the Asia/Pacific region for a number of years, with the majority of her work in Northern Virginia. She had the opportunity to be a part of several newly established departments in the government during the '70s and '80s. While growing up in Northern Virginia, she developed a love of horses and was a lover of animals, especially rescue dogs and cairn terriers. She is survived by a father, sister, and other family. [Read
More: Money&King/obituary/Nov2017]
Robert Joseph Lavey, 86, a former CIA officer, died Thursday, 9 November 2017 in Vienna, VA after suffering a stroke.
Bob was born in Omaha, NE and began college at Creighton University, but his studies were interrupted to join the Air Force in 1951 to engage in the Korean War. He attended the Air Force's language school at Syracuse University where he studied Russian. After a year he shipped to Japan then to Ch'o-Do Island off the western coast of North Korea, a hundred miles north of the 38th Parallel. In 1953 he returned to the US and obtained his bachelor's degree in Russian studies at the University of Nebraska and began a master's program in Russian history at University in Kansas. The CIA recruited him before he completed his graduate studies, and he moved to Washington DC.
He served in numerous locations within the US, and had one final posting in Canberra, Australia. He retired in 1987 and did contract work for the Agency for a few years.
In retirement he became a photographer, entering local contests. He took pride in his Irish heritage, and also was proud of being the father of seven children.
He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Patricia, two daughters and four sons, and by other family. [Read More: The Money&King/obituarynotice/Nov2017]
Section V - Events
16 November 2017, 11:30am - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky
Mountain Chapter hosts John Tarbert, discussing "Counterterrorism
Awareness for Public Transportation."
This presentation by Dr. John Tarbert -
"Counterterrorism Awareness for Public Transportation" is based on actual
events happening in the world of public transportation; a favorite target
of terrorist attacks. John Tarbert is an instructor for the Transportation
Security Institute on Terrorism. He was until recently the Chief of Police
Regional, Transportation District, Denver. Before that he was employed in
various police departments in Colorado and Illinois. He is a Certified
Safety and Security Director by the World Safety Organization and a
certified Terrorism Awareness Instructor. He has a Ph.D. in Business
Management from California Coast University, a Master's degree in Criminal
Justice & Public Administration from Webster University and a BA in
Biology & Chemistry from Carthage College.
To attend or for more details, contact Tom VanWormer at
4 December 2017 - New York, NY - The AFIO New York Metro Chapter hosts
Eva Dillon, author of "Spies in the Family: An American Spymaster, His
Russian Crown Jewel, and the Friendship That Helped End the Cold War."
Dillon - Author "Spies in the Family" About her father, an
American Spymaster and his "Russian Crown Jewel" that helped win the Cold
TOPIC: A beautifully written, profoundly moving account
of one of the most important US Intelligence sources ever run inside the
Soviet Union. The book is filled with espionage tradecraft and family
drama. It is essential reading for anyone fascinated by how spying really
works. Books available for sale at the meeting.
LOCATION: Society of Illustrators building 128 East 63rd
Street Between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue
TIME: Registration starts 5:15 PM Meeting starts 6:00 PM
COST: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner,
cash bar.
REGISTRATION: Strongly recommended, not required. Email: Phone:
Other Upcoming Events from
Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
14 November 2017, 6-8pm - Washington, DC - The International Spy
Museum's Spies and Spirits of the Revolution - at Anderson House
Whiskey, spies, and rebellion: a winning combination
for the Patriots in the 1770s and for you in 2017. Spend an evening
enjoying tales and tactics of the cunning spies George Washington depended
on in the magnificent mansion dedicated to the War's memory and toast them
with whiskey distilled just as it was at that time. This evening you'll
enjoy an Old Fashioned cocktail and other whiskey and cider samples from
Wigle Whiskey and Threadbare, Pittsburgh's award-winning craft distillery
and new ciderhouse, while the Spy Museum's Vince Houghton and Jacqueline Van Eyl give you an exciting rundown of
the wildest true tales of the brave and wily men and women who spied for
Independence. After their talk try more Wigle samples, tour Anderson
House, the home of the Society of the Cincinnati - founded by
Revolutionary War officers, and try your hand at using George Washington's
own invisible ink. Society of the Cincinnati Members, please contact Shana
Oltmans at
Tickets for the general public: $25 per person. Visit
November 2017, 5 - 8pm - Washington, DC - The OSS Society hosts "by
invitation only" 75th Anniversary Event
The OSS Society is hosting a "by invitation only" event
at the Omni Shoreham Hotel to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Dr.
Christian Lambertsen's test of his underwater rebreathing unit in the
hotel's pool for the OSS Maritime Unit, precursor to the Navy SEALs. The
speaker will be Patrick O'Donnell, author of First
SEALs: The Untold Story of the Forging of America's Most Elite Unit.
Space is limited and is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
RSVP by 10 November 2017 to
LOCATION: Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert St NW, Washington, DC.
28 November 2017, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - The Foundation of the
CIA: Harry Truman, the Missouri Gang, and the origins of the Cold
War - at the International Spy Museum
The US was late to the practice of intelligence, but
during WWII the country created a new model of combining intelligence
collection and analytic functions into a single organization-the Office of
Strategic Services. How did this outfit transform into today's CIA? Thanks
to President Harry Truman and a small group of advisors. Join Dr.
Richard E. Schroeder, retired CIA officer and author of The
Foundation of the CIA, as he reveals how President Truman and his
"Missouri Gang," which included Sidney Souers and Roscoe Hillenkoetter,
developed this new, centralized agency directly subordinate to and
responsible to the President, despite entrenched institutional resistance.
Schroeder will reveal how this group provided the leadership the US needed
to take on the responsibilities of a global superpower during the very
first years of the Cold War. The book will be available for sale and
signing at the event.
Tickets for the general public: $10 per person. Visit
29 November 2017, 6 - 10pm - Washington, DC - The Honorable William
H. Webster Distinguished Service Award Dinner by the International
Spy Museum
On November 29, 2017, the first annual "The Honorable
William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award Dinner" takes place at The
Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC. This International Spy Museum event honors
an individual who has served the nation in the field of National Security
with integrity and distinction. The Museum's award is named for Judge
William H. Webster, former director of the CIA and FBI (the
only individual to hold both offices), a man whose reputation for probity
and forthrightness is the standard by which all others are measured.
Before serving the intelligence community, Judge Webster was a
distinguished jurist of the US District Court for the Eastern District of
Missouri and of the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
Since retirement from public office, Webster has practiced law at the
Washington DC office of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy where he
specializes in arbitration, mediation, and internal investigation. He is
currently the Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council and a
founding member of the International Spy Museum Advisory Board of
Directors. Judge Webster has a long record of distinguished service to our
country; the International Spy Museum is pleased to name this award in his
LOCATION: The Ritz-Carlton, 1150 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
ATTIRE: Cocktail
EVENT SCHEDULE: VIP Reception 6 - 7 PM; Cocktail
Reception 6:30 - 7:30 PM; Dinner/Awards 7:30 - 9 PM; After-Glow 9 - 10 PM
Sponsorship benefits and opportunities or to attend this event, email:
Rebecca Diamond (Vice President of Development & Membership) at:,
or call: 202.654.0954, or use this online link.
November 2017, 6 pm - Washington, DC - Dr Harlan Ullman discusses
"Anatomy of Failure: Why America Loses Every War It Starts" at City
Tavern Club.
The City Tavern Club invites AFIO
members and guests to attend a program they are hosting upon the release
of Dr. Harlan Ullman's latest book, Anatomy of
Failure: Why America Loses Every War It Starts. Anatomy of
Failure has been called a "must read" by former Secretaries of
State General Colin Powell and Senator John Kerry and termed a
combination of a Tom Clancy thriller with the gravitas of Karl Von
Clausewitz by House of Cards creator Lord Michael Dobbs (see publisher blurb). To attend, contact Zana Metelski
at or
the Club Manager, Heather Herfel, 202 337-8770.
Event location: The City Tavern Club, 3206 M ST NW, Washington, DC
20007; 202 337-8770.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017 - Columbia, MD - Dr Robert W. Love, Historian at US Naval Academy, discusses the rationale and wisdom of the Attack on Pearl Harbor at the NCMF 2017 Pearl Harbor Program
Join the National Cryptologic Foundation on 5 December for their 17th Annual Pearl Harbor Memorial Program which focuses on the rationale for the attack on Pearl Harbor, which even its architect, Admiral Yamamoto, characterized as a "death warrant." The event features special guest speaker Dr. Robert W. Love, a professor and historian at the US Naval Academy. He will explain the motives and goals of the planners and whether it was "a bold stroke or senseless strategy."
When: 10-11:30 am, followed by lunch.
Cost: $25 for NCMF members, $50 for guests (complimentary one-year NCMF membership included with guest purchase).
Where: CACI Inc., Maryland Conference Center, 2720 Technology Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20755
RSVP or More Info: Register online here or mail a check to NCMF, PO Box 1682, Ft. Meade, MD 20755. For further details, call NCMF office at 301-688-5436.
5-7 December 2017 - Chantilly, VA - Science, Intelligence and Operations - The Innovation Imperative at this ATIA TS//SI/TK US Only Conference
The ATIA (Advanced Technical Intelligence Association) believes that the US is at a national, "Sputnik Moment." There is a compelling need to expand the breadth of outreach within government and, externally, with the private sector. The overall goal needs to be accelerating the pace of government science.
The agenda at this classified event provides a structure by which (a) key government management speakers can describe their vision and initiatives; (b) will use case studies to provide an opportunity for deep dives into the problems and technologies needed; and, (c) will include collaboration panels to explore inter-agency opportunities to leverage new and existing technologies across mission needs.
More info on conference is here.
Cost: $1075 discounted to $925 to Nov 19.
Where: Engility Heritage Conference Center, Chantilly, VA 20151
Register here.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017, 7 pm - McLean, VA - Professor Hassan Abbas discusses "The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Afghan-Pakistan Frontier" at the Westminster Institute
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies and Chair of the Department of Regional and Analytical Studies at National Defense University's College of International Security Affairs (CISA), discusses The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Afghan-Pakistan Frontier. Aside from his expertise on Pakistan and Afghanistan, he also travels frequently to Iraq for research work on Hashd al-Shaabi (also known as Popular Mobilization Forces/Shia Militias). Along with addressing the main topic of the Taliban revival, he will compare and contrast Taliban and Hashd.
When: Reception at 7pm; presentation 7:30 to 8:45pm.
Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101
Register here.
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