Weekly Intelligence Notes #25-17 dated 4 July 2017
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Section II - CONTEXT &
Section IV - CAREERS,
Section V - Events
Upcoming AFIO Events
- Thursday, 20 July 2017, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. Schuyler Foerster, discussing "The U.S. and Europe: What kind of Europe? What kind of relationship?"
- Thursday, 24 August 2017, noon - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts LTC Juan Carlos Garcia, CENTCOM, on Operations in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt
- Wednesday,
13 September 2017 - New York, NY - The NY Metro Chapter
Meeting features Carol Rollie Flynn, former
career CIA Officer, discussed "Ethics in Intelligence."
- 21
September 2017, 11 am - 4 pm - Riverside, CA - AFIO Los
Angeles Chapter Tours Drone Pilot Training Program in special
visit to March Air Base - NOT TO MISS.
- Register
Now - 28 - 29 September 2017 - Tysons Corner, VA -
AFIO's 2017 National Intelligence Symposium at National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Other Upcoming Events
- Thursday, 6
July 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - Zero Day [a novel] with T.L. Williams: WMD Program - at the
International Spy Museum
parents: Friday, 7 July to Saturday, 8 July 2017, 7 pm - 10 am
- Washington, DC - KidSpy Overnight: Operation Secret Slumber
- at the International Spy Museum
parents: Saturday, 8 July 2017, 11 am - noon - Washington, DC
- The Magic of Spying: Tradecraft Trickery - at the
International Spy Museum
- Wednesday,
12 July 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism,
Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update by David
Major - at the International Spy Museum
- 17 July
2017, noon - 2 pm - Washington, DC - DIAA and DACOR hosts John
Pustay discussing "Second Wave of Conflict in the
Middle East: Challenges for the New Administration."
- Tuesday, 18
July 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - The History and Mystery
of the World's Greatest Ciphers from Ancient Egypt to Online
Secret Societies - at the International Spy Museum
and parents: Monday, 24 July to Friday, 28 July 2017, 9 am - 3
pm - Washington, DC - Spy Camp: Session 1 - at the
International Spy Museum
- 24
August 2017, 8 am - 2 pm - Alexandria, VA - Analytic
Objectivity Symposium by OSD/DI
- 25
September 2017 - Bethesda, MD - HOLD THE DATE for the PenFed
Foundation Military Heroes Golf Classic
- 18 October
2017, 9 am - 3 pm - Laurel, MD - NCMF General Meeting &
Symposium: "How Cyber has Changed the World Around Us."
- 19
- 20 October 2017 - Laurel, MD - 16th NSA/CSS Center for
Cryptologic History Symposium: "Milestones, Memories, and
- 21
October 2017 - Washington, DC - The OSS Society Holds the
Donovan Awards Dinner honoring Dr. Michael G. Vickers
For Additional AFIO and other Events two+ months or more... Calendar of Events
WIN CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE: The WIN editors thank the
following special contributors: pjk, mh, km, gh, mk, rd, fm,
kc, jm, mr, jg, th and fwr. They have contributed one or more
stories used in this issue.
The WIN editors attempt to include a wide
range of articles and commentary in the Weekly Notes to inform
and educate our readers. However, the views expressed in the
articles are purely those of the authors, and in no way reflect
support or endorsement from the WIN editors or the AFIO officers
and staff. We welcome comments from the WIN readers on any and
all articles and commentary.
AFIO does not "vet" or endorse research inquiries, career
announcements, or job offers. Reasonable-sounding inquiries and
career offerings are published as a service to our members, and
for researchers, educators, and subscribers. You are urged to
exercise your usual caution and good judgment when responding,
and should verify the source independently before supplying any
resume, career data, or personal information.]
If you are having difficulties with the links or viewing this
newsletter when it arrives by email, members may view the latest
edition each week at this link. You will need your LOGIN NAME and
Recently released - AFIO's 2017 edition of...
As a Career - with updated listings of colleges
teaching intelligence courses, and Q&As on needed foreign
languages, as well as the courses, grades, extracurricular
activities, and behavioral characteristics and life experiences
sought by modern US intelligence agencies.
AFIO's popular 56-page booklet reaches high school and college
students considering careers in the US Intelligence Community.
This is the fourth edition.
The publication is also popular with University Career Guidance
Centers, professors and academic departments specializing in
national security, and parents assisting children or grandchildren
in choosing meaningful, public service careers.
This booklet is provided at no cost as a public service - online
and in print - from the generosity of AFIO board, donors, and
members. 20,000 printed copies of each edition are distributed.
Many more are accessed online.
We thank all members and donors for their support which has made
this possible.
2017 edition of Careers Booklet in PDF
Format available here.
Also now online as a public service from the generosity
of our members and donors is the entire 788-page AFIO's
Guide to the Study of Intelligence, Peter Oleson, Editor,
with a foreword by Dr. Robert M. Gates.
It can be accessed here.
If you wish, instead, to own a printed, bound copy, those are
available here (AFIO) and here (Amazon). |
Have a Safe Fourth
on this day we celebrate all who fought
-- openly and in the shadows -- for our independence and to ensure continuation of our freedoms.

Register now for
AFIO-NGA's 2017 National Intelligence Symposium
"Succeeding in the
Open — The Future of GEOINT"
at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency on Thursday, 28 September
and |
on Friday, 29 September at the Hilton Hotel, participate in discussions on
"Active Measures — A Global Threat"
Includes agitprop, kompromat, fake news, political spin, hacks and ransomware, and other methods to harm U.S. businesses, citizens, and cohesiveness.
Thursday & Friday, 28 to 29 September 2017
Hotel: DoubleTree-Hilton, Tysons Corner, VA |
Tentative Agenda: • Opening
Remarks by AFIO President; • NGA Overview and Q&A; • Video
Presentation; • NGA Leadership Remarks (D/NGA or DD) - Includes
GEOINT Strategy and Functional Management; • Lunch (with museum
tours, NGA store, and group photo). Presentations/Panels on: • KH
8 Declassification; • Pathfinder (unclassified research to solve
intel problems); • Commercial GEOINT Activity; and • the Small
Satellite Revolution. |
Arrive Wednesday evening, 27 September, to overnight at the hotel
to be ready early Thursday, 28 September, for coach service to NGA
Headquarters for all day conference including visit to their new
museum. Welcome by NGA Director Robert Cardillo.
Friday activities at hotel TBA. Tentative agenda here and will be updated
frequently. Friday evening is our "Spies in Black Ties" banquet.
Hotel: DoubleTree-Hilton, Tysons Corner,
VA [formerly the Crowne Plaza], at 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean,
VA 22102. |
Reserve overnight rooms at hotel now while the special
group price is valid: Room registrations can be made at
1-800-HILTONS at $119/nite. [To make room reservations carefully
follow the prompts dialing "1" twice... this is to get to
reservations, and then to make a new reservation. You then are
asked to enter your phone number followed by the pound
sign. After that, you are placed into a queue in order to
speak with a customer service rep. When they get on the line, they
ask for the city [Tysons Corner, VA], the name of the hotel
[DoubleTree-Hilton], and the group name for the special rate [AFIO
$119/nite.] |
Registration for SYMPOSIUM 2017 has just opened. Register
securely ONLINE now to ensure a place.
Or use this printable Registration Packet.
Contains the formal invitation, tentative agenda, and off-line
registration forms sent earlier to all current member. Complete
and return by fax or US Mail. |
Books of the Week
Two on Active Measures in the U.S. -
Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump
by Dick Morris, Eileen McGann (St. Martin's Press, Aug 2017)
Order here.
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann present what they see are the facts behind allegations of foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election. This exposé questions the motives of U.S. Intelligence agencies, leftover partisans within our government, and members of the mainstream press. Donald Trump's first 100 days in office were roiled by allegations of treasonous contacts between his campaign team and the Kremlin to rig the election. These charges first surfaced in the notorious "Trump Dossier," an unverified document of suspect provenance, full of wild and salacious accusations –– compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative who teamed up with the FBI and anti-Trump partisans. Hillary Clinton supporters paid for Steele's work. When no news media would publish the unverified dossier, the ex-spook enlisted the help of a former UK ambassador to Russia, who arranged for a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State to get the document to Senator John McCain, in the hope he would bring it to FBI Director James Comey's attention. McCain did that. And it was Comey who brought the dossier ultimately going public, giving a confidential summary to President Obama and Congressional leaders. It was immediately leaked by political-bitten rogue spooks in order to demean, destabilize, and destroy Donald Trump's nascent presidency. The dossier and this mythical intelligence are the basis for the phony claims about a Russia/Trump collusion to steal the election. No proof was found and none ever presented. No substantiation uncovered. Yet the leaks, smears, and allegations continued. Working in concert with liberal news outlets, these leaking and politically-spinning intelligence officers formed a new intel/media complex that threatens our democracy. Rogue Spooks reveals how it works and how leaks to the media fueled the phony scandal, and how intelligence agencies and crafty legal-political operatives - inside and outside the IC - will now try to use special prosecutors and legal trickery to oust Trump.
The book may be ordered here.
The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote by Sharyl Attkisson (Harper, July 2017)
Order here.
Ever wonder how politics turned into a take-no-prisoners blood sport? The New York Times bestselling author of Stonewalled pulls back the curtain on the shady world of opposition research and reveals the dirty tricks those in power use to influence your opinions. Behind most major political stories in the modern era, there is an agenda; an effort by opposition researchers, spin doctors, and outside interests to destroy an idea or a person. The tactic they use is the Smear. Every day, Americans are influenced by the Smear without knowing it. Paid forces cleverly shape virtually every image you cross. Maybe you read that Donald Trump is a racist misogynist, or saw someone on the news mocking the Bernie Sanders campaign. The trick of the Smear is that it is often based on some shred of truth, but these media-driven "hit pieces" are designed to obscure the truth. Success hinges on the Smear artist’s ability to remain invisible; to make it seem as if their work is neither calculated nor scripted. It must appear to be precisely what it is not. Veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson has witnessed this practice firsthand. After years of being pitched hit jobs and puff pieces, she's an expert at detecting Smear campaigns. Now, the hard-hitting investigative reporter shares her inside knowledge, revealing how the Smear takes shape and who its perpetrators are — including Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal and, most influential of all, "right-wing assassin turned left-wing assassin" (National Review) political operative David Brock and his Media Matters for America empire. Attkisson exposes the diabolical tactics of Smear artists, and their outrageous access to the biggest names in political media — operatives who are corrupting the political process, and discouraging widespread citizen involvement in our democracy.
The book may be ordered here.
Harry Potter and the Art of Spying: Young Agent Edition
by Lynn Boughey, Peter Earnest (former Chairman & President of AFIO)
(Wise Ink Creative Publishing, Apr 2017)
Click on image to explore book contents. |
Spy Agencies Seek Permanent
Authority for Contested Surveillance Program. The
intelligence community is seeking permanent authority for a contested
surveillance program at a time when senators in both parties are
increasingly frustrated in their attempts to learn how much information spy
agencies collect on American citizens - and even on senators themselves.
At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham
(R-S.C.) asked a panel of intelligence officials whether his communications
had ever been swept up when he was talking to a foreign leader abroad.
"Am I entitled to know?" he demanded. "Am I entitled to know if my
communications were collected?"
The officials - from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
(ODNI), the National Security Agency, the FBI and the Justice Department -
struggled to answer the senators' questions, in some cases saying they could
better reply in a classified session before the same panel on
Wednesday. [Read More: Nakashima/washingtonpost/27Jun2017]
Defense Intelligence Agency Views
Russian Military Power. The Defense Intelligence Agency
yesterday launched a new series of unclassified publications on foreign
military threats to the United States with a report on the Russian military.
"The resurgence of Russia on the world stage - seizing the Crimean
Peninsula, destabilizing eastern Ukraine, intervening on behalf of Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad, and shaping the information environment to suit
its interests - poses a major challenge to the United States," the report
The 116-page report provides DIA data and perspective on Russian military
strategy, force structure, defense spending, intelligence, nuclear weaponry,
cyber programs, foreign arms sales, and more. Though unclassified and citing
open sources, it is presumably consistent with DIA's classified collection.
See Russia Military Power 2017 published by the Defense Intelligence Agency,
June 2017.
The new publication is inspired by the Soviet Military Power series that was
published by DIA in the 1980s to draw critical attention to Soviet military
programs. Both informative and provocative, Soviet Military Power was
immensely popular by government document standards though it was viewed by
some critics as verging on, or crossing over into, propaganda. [Read
More: Aftergood/fas/29Jun2017]
Spies Fear Trump's First Meeting
With Putin. Moscow believes its leader, ex-spy master
Vladimir Putin, can extract major concessions from President Donald Trump
when the two meet for the first time next week, European officials tell The
Daily Beast.
The officials say their intelligence indicates Putin thinks he can
outmaneuver Trump at the G-20 summit, playing on promises of cooperation on
areas like counterterrorism to win concessions like a reduction in the raft
of sanctions against Russia.
"When you meet Russia, don't give anything away for free," one Western
official warned, echoing the fears of many European diplomats ahead of next
week's Trump-Putin meeting on the fringes of the G-20 in Germany.
Their misgivings highlight concern that Trump's inexperience and Putin's
ability to flatter will slowly degrade the U.S. alliance with Europe over
time, and boost Moscow back to near-superpower status while extracting no
changes to its aggressive, expansionist behavior. [Read More:
Pakistan Official Angry Over Ex-CIA
Contractor's Memoir. Pakistan intelligence and security
officials reacted angrily Sunday to the release of a memoir by an ex-CIA
contractor, saying his 2011 acquittal in a high-profile murder case and
subsequent return to the U.S. was an arrangement between Pakistan and the
U.S., not among individuals.
Raymond Davis made headlines this week when his book exposed the alleged
role of Pakistan's former spy chief Shuja Pasha in quashing a murder trial
against Davis by paying $2.4 million to the families of two men Davis killed
while working for the CIA in Pakistan in 2011.
The incident triggered a diplomatic crisis when police arrested Davis for
the killings. But, seven weeks later, the families of the slain men told a
court that they pardoned Davis, ending a tense showdown between the U.S. and
Pakistan, America's ally in the war on extremism.
Sunday's reaction came after Davis released "The Contractor: How I Landed in
a Pakistani Prison and Ignited a Diplomatic Crisis." In the book, Davis says
he considered the two Pakistanis a threat when they rode their motorcycle
near his car and one of them had a gun in his hand. [Read More:
U.S. Senators Seek Military Ban on
Kaspersky Lab Products Amid FBI Probe. U.S. senators
sought on Wednesday to ban Moscow-based cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab's
products from use by the military because of fears the company is vulnerable
to "Russian government influence," a day after the FBI interviewed several
of its U.S. employees as part of a probe into its operations.
Federal Bureau of Investigation agents visited the homes of Kaspersky
employees late on Tuesday in multiple U.S. cities, although no search
warrants were served, according to two sources, who spoke on condition of
anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the FBI probe.
Kaspersky Lab confirmed in a statement on Wednesday that FBI agents have had
"brief interactions" with some of its U.S. employees, discussions that the
company described as "due diligence" chats. The FBI declined to comment.
The interviews were followed on Wednesday by the release of a defense
spending policy bill passed by the Senate Armed Services Committee, which
would prohibit the U.S. Defense Department from using Kaspersky software
platforms because the company "might be vulnerable to Russian government
influence," according to a summary of the legislation. [Read
More: Volz, Menn/reuters/28Jun2017]
China's Controversial New Intelligence Law
Goes into Effect, Aimed at Cracking Down on Foreign Spies.
A controversial new intelligence law went into effect on Wednesday aimed at
allowing the Chinese government to even further crack down on foreign spies
by monitoring suspects, searching homes, seizing property and mobilizing
spies of their own, providing legal ground for domestic intelligence
agencies to carry out operations both inside China and abroad.
The National Intelligence Law was approved (rather quickly) at the bi-annual
meeting of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee and has
now taken full effect in China. It is China's first attempt at legislating
-- and providing legislative cover for -- its spy agencies and
operations. [Read More: shanghailist/29Jun2017]
British Intelligence Services
Could be Forced to Disclose Secret Activities in Legal Challenge.
British intelligence services are facing legal action that could force them
to disclose details about their most secretive activities.
Campaign groups, Reprieve and Privacy International, have taken a case to
the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, which oversees MI5, MI6 and GCHQ in an
attempt to force them to disclose details of some of their sensitive work.
It concerns an order issued by the Prime Minister to security services,
which requires "risky and covert activities" and are overseen by the
Intelligence Services Commissioner, Repreive said in a statement.
In a previous case brought by the London-based group Privacy International,
it was revealed that three such orders, also known as "directions", had been
made by the Prime Minister. [Read More: Farand/independent/30Jun2017]
Trump Taps Gordon to be Principal
Deputy in ODNI. Susan Gordon, who has spent her entire
professional career working for intelligence agencies, is poised to add
another agency to her lengthy resume as the Trump administration's nominee
to be principal deputy director of national intelligence.
Since January 2015, Gordon has served as the deputy director of the National
Geospatial Intelligence Agency. One of her roles at NGA was to support the
Intelligence Community Information Technology Enterprise, one of the major
IC information sharing initiatives led by ODNI.
Gordon spent the bulk of her career at the CIA, which she joined in 1980 as
an analyst in the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research in the
Directorate of Intelligence.
From there, she advanced to hold numerous positions in the agency, including
executive assistant to the executive director of the CIA, director of
special activities in the Directorate of Science and Technology, director of
the CIA's Information Operations Center and senior cyber advisor to the CIA
director. [Read More: Carberry/fcw/29Jun2017]
Israel Intelligence Agency Offers
Grants To Develop New Espionage Techniques. Israel's
Mossad intelligence agency is offering grants up to 2 million shekels ($570,
000) per project as part of an investment fund to help develop new espionage
Mossad was seeking technologies in various fields that include robotics,
miniaturization and encryption and automated methods of gleaning information
from documents, according to a government statement released Tuesday.
A statement by the new fund, called Libertad, said it would be willing to
give grants of up to 2 million shekels per project in exchange for
non-exclusive rights to the technology, Japan Times reported.
"The Mossad wants to encourage innovation and creation of groundbreaking
technology...the technology developed will be implemented by us, in
cooperation between the parties," Libertad explained in a document.
[Read More: defenseworld/28Jun2017]
"What the Heck Was I Gonna Do With a
Dumb Gun?" The Derring-Do of Stephanie Czech Rader. There
are relatively few centenarians buried at Arlington National Cemetery, even
fewer who are female, and only a mere fraction of those who served as
intelligence officers. But one such woman was laid to rest there on June 1,
2016, buried next to her husband, outstanding in his own right. Her
accomplishments would be considered exemplary in any era, even more so in
one in which the professional accomplishments of women were often
unacknowledged or, at best, slighted. Only now are we learning about the
accomplishments of Stephanie Czech Rader, or "Captain Czech," as she was
known to colleagues.
Captain Czech was a woman ahead of her time. Not only did she go to college,
but she eventually earned a master's degree - in chemistry. She caught the
attention of the OSS, which sent her on an undercover mission to Warsaw at a
time when women were restricted from working in a military or intelligence
capacity in Poland. Stephanie narrowly evaded capture by the Russians and
still successfully completed her mission. It wasn't until decades later that
the details of her amazing story were declassified.
From Humble Beginnings - Stephanie Czech was born in Toledo, Ohio on May 16,
1915, the daughter of Polish immigrants. She grew up in a household that
didn't speak English, which made going to school a challenge. She worked
hard, however, and caught the attention of her high school teacher, a
Cornell alumnus.
Unbeknownst to Stephanie, this teacher submitted an application to attend
Cornell on her behalf. When she received a full scholarship, she
enthusiastically accepted and became the first member of her family to
graduate from college, earning a degree in chemistry. [Read
More: cia/28Jun2017]
What You Need to Know About China's
Intelligence Law That Takes Effect Today. China's new spying law
goes into effect today (June 28), after it was hastily passed by the
In a nutshell, the National Intelligence Law gives authorities sweeping
powers to monitor and investigate foreign and domestic individuals and
institutions. It allows Chinese intelligence agencies to search premises,
seize property, and mobilize individuals or organizations to carry out
espionage. It also gives intelligence agencies legal ground to carry out
their work both in and outside China. Those violating the law will be
subject to detention of up to 15 days, and can be charged with a crime.
The law is the first that governs China's secret police system, which
comprises the Ministry of National Security and the Internal Security Bureau
of the Ministry of Public Security. The two government organs, known as
guoan and guobao respectively, used to mostly just follow existing ministry
The new law is part of a slew of legislation focusing on state security
enacted in recent years under president Xi Jinping. China's top legislature,
the National People's Congress (NPC), passed a national security law in
2014, followed by ones involving or targeting counter-terrorism,
counter-espionage, foreign non-profits, and cybersecurity. During the same
period, the crackdown on dissidents and civil society has grown harsher.
Critics fear even greater surveillance under the new law, but Beijing says
it is appropriate for its national security concerns. [Read
More: qz/28Jun2017]
World War II MI6 Agent Mary Lillian
Corke Gets Ready to Make Century. A TEMPLESTOWE
great-grandmother, who worked for MI6 coding secret messages during World
War II, is gearing up for her 100th birthday.
Mary Lillian Corke was employed by the British 'Intelligence Service and
trained in coding and 'decoding messages during the war.
Her adventures included travelling on the RMS Queen Elizabeth around Cape
Town to Cairo at the age of 25.
She was one of six women among 15,000 men on board. The journey took six
weeks and was a rough ride due to the 'constant threat posed by German
U-boats. [Read More: Elg/heraldsun/2Jul2017]
The "Keys to the Cyber
Caliphate": The Daring U.S. Raid to Seize the ISIS Personnel Database.
When he woke for dawn prayers on 17 May, 2015, "Caliph" Ibrahim, a.k.a. Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi, the commander of the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant al-Sham, a.k.a. ISIS, would be informed of a massacre that
had occurred near Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. US Special Operations forces
had completed a bold and daring direct action, penetrating directly into the
heart of the territory occupied by the self-proclaimed "ISIS". The Americans
had not just carried out a raid but had flown hundreds of miles behind ISIS
lines to capture a man named Abu Sayyaf. When the smoke cleared, the Delta
troopers had killed every terrorist present including their intended target,
but the mission was still considered a resounding success. The New York
Times and the Wall Street Journal reported that even though Abu Sayyaf had
not been taken alive, during the sensitive site's exploitation, the
intelligence team collected four to seven terabytes of computer data that
gave US intelligence a treasure trove of information about the financial
workings of ISIS.
There was nothing routine about the mission to seize or kill Abu Sayyaf,
whose real name was Fathi ben Awn ben Jildi Murad al-Tunisi. He was a
Tunisian jihadi and keeper of the keys to the ISIS oil wealth. Abu Sayyaf
worked out of the offices of the Euphrates Oil Company at al-Omar, the
largest oilfield in Syria. As treasurer to ISIS, it was his job to produce,
collect, and distribute hundreds of millions of dollars in profits
throughout the caliphate from illicit oil, sale of antiquities and slaves,
and levying taxes on Christians. He was a very high-value target, but the
generals at the Pentagon would have been reluctant to risk the lives of the
most elite soldiers America possessed, the National Mission Force, just to
recover a pile of financial data. That could be electronically collected by
NSA or purchased by gold or cash from CIA assets. No, there had to be
something far more valuable and important in his possession that made the
mission an imperative. Whatever it was would have to be a game changer.
The most critical indicator of the importance of the mission and its
objective was the fact that the President was moved to sign the order. The
intelligence community does not undertake these missions on a whim, and,
even with solid intelligence, the payoff would have to exceed the risk by an
order of magnitude. The amount of people, intelligence, and weapons
dedicated to this type of mission is staggering.
To approve the al-Omar raid would require solid, triple-checked intelligence
from multiple sources from inside ISIS itself. The sources would have to be
considered extremely reliable and their information triple checked. Once
confidence was high, the Director of National Intelligence, the CIA, and
Pentagon would have to convince the President that the success-to-failure
ratio exceeded ninety percent or more before he would sign the "Go" order to
invade ISIS-controlled Syria. [Read More: Nance, Sampson/salon/2Jul2017]
Special Report: How the Federal
Reserve Serves U.S. Foreign Intelligence. The Federal
Reserve's little-known role housing the assets of other central banks comes
with a unique benefit to the United States: It serves as a source of foreign
intelligence for Washington.
Senior officials from the U.S. Treasury and other government departments
have turned to these otherwise confidential accounts several times a year to
analyze the asset holdings of the central banks of Russia, China, Iraq,
Turkey, Yemen, Libya and others, according to more than a dozen current and
former senior Fed and Treasury officials.
The U.S. central bank keeps a tight lid on information contained in these
accounts. But according to the officials interviewed by Reuters, U.S.
authorities regularly use a "need to know" confidentiality exception in the
Fed's service contracts with foreign central banks.
The exception has allowed Treasury, State and Fed officials without regular
access to glean information about the movement of funds in and out of the
accounts, those people said. Such information has helped Washington monitor
economic sanctions, fight terror financing and money laundering, or get a
fuller picture of market hot spots around the world. [Read More:
Did Errol Flynn's Nazi Pal Convert
Him? American intelligence agents considered him one of
the most dangerous operatives in Mexico during World War II. One writer
called him "ingenious" and possessed of "a diabolically brilliant
intelligence". A witness to his behavior called him "obnoxiously
anti-Semitic". And a world-famous actor called him "the greatest
influence on my life".
The actor was Hollywood legend Errol Flynn, and the "greatest influence" was
Hermann Erben, an Austrian doctor who also worked for the Nazis. Because of
his association with Erben, the actor was supposedly "outed" by author
Charles Higham in 1980 as a Nazi agent in the controversial biography Errol
Flynn: The Untold Story. Despite subsequent examinations of how Higham
cherry-picked supposedly secret documents about Flynn, the myth of Flynn as
a spy endures: The makers of the retro film The Rocketeer (based on the
comic by Dave Stevens) even fashioned their villain, a swashbuckling actor
and Nazi spy, after Flynn.
Erben (1897-1985) was indeed a Nazi spy, despite being half-Jewish. To
American authorities after the war, he admitted that he served in German
military intelligence from 1941-1945. Although there is more rumor than
record about when precisely he joined the Nazi Party (there is a party card
from 1938), formal membership did not matter. Erben's zeal was such that he
publicly expressed it as far back as the '20s.
Higham called Erben "one of the most important and ingenious Nazi agents of
the 20th century". But as a spy, he was a washout, frequently breaking
cover to express pro-Nazi sentiments. On board a ship in 1934, he told
fellow passengers that he murdered many for the Nazis and would return to
Austria to "blow up some people for the Nazis". On another cruise, he
wiped his hands on the American flag and gave the Nazi salute to a passing
German ship. And he was frequently and clumsily caught in the act of taking
pictures of pre-war American and British military installations. [Read
More: Capshaw/thedailybeast/1Jul2017]
They Were Smokejumpers When CIA
Sent Them to Laos; They Came Back in Caskets. Their
families didn't know they were in Laos, and didn't know that they'd started
working for the CIA in addition to their jobs with the U.S. Forest Service.
They were young firefighters-turned-CIA operatives working thousands of
miles from home in a remote corner of Southeast Asia. David W. Bevan,
Darrell A. Eubanks and John S. Lewis, all in their mid-20s, were on a
mission to drop supplies for anti-Communist forces in what was then known as
the Kingdom of Laos. But on Aug. 13, 1961, the CIA-operated Air America
plane carrying the men tried turning out of a mountaintop bowl near the
Laotian capital of Vientiane and one of its wings hooked into a ridge.
The C-46 "cartwheeled into little pieces," according to the book,
"Smokejumpers and the CIA," published by the National Smokejumpers
Association. The CIA operatives died, along with Air America's two pilots.
When their families were told they'd been killed in Laos in a plane crash,
they were stunned. [Read More: Shapira/myajc/26Jun2017]
"Identity Intel Ops" Turn US
Special Operators Into Combat Detectives. When you hear a
report about an American counter-terrorism operation, especially one that
results in the death or capture of some apparently notable militant in a hot
spot around the world, you'll often hear about how important intelligence
was in tracking them down. What you won't hear much about is exactly what
this "intelligence driven" process necessarily entails in any detail. The
War Zone has now obtained a document through the Freedom of Information Act
that gives a more in depth look at how U.S. special operators are becoming
combat detectives, gathering vacuuming up forensic details during missions
that could lead them to their next target.
Though it's just one piece of the intelligence puzzle, so-called "identity
intelligence", or I2, has become an essential part of the action cycle,
which broadly involves gathering information, tracking individual
terrorists, neutralizing them, and then repeating the process with any new
data obtained during those raids. U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
has codified these concepts what it officially calls Directive 525-40,
Identity Intelligence. Thanks to the FOIA, we received what appears to be
the most recent edition of this document, which is dated April 7, 2017. This
replaced a previous version the Pentagon's top special operations command
had published four years earlier.
That special operations forces "will conduct more multinational,
intelligence driven, I2 Ops supporting the range of military operations," is
the guide's number one assumption. "I2 Ops...deny anonymity to the
adversary, and protect U.S. and allied assets, facilities, and forces."
In short, identity intelligence can scoop up information with an eye toward
identifying a particular enemy target - not necessarily just individuals,
but also groups, objects, facilities, and other items of interest - or
helping conceal a friendly element by determining what exactly an opponent
might know. The main focus is definitely on hunting down terrorists and
objects of interest, though. From the directive, the ability for special
operations to quickly spot potential useful items in the field and otherwise
collect vast amounts of largely physical data during operations is
critical. [Read More: Trevithick/thedrive/30Jun2017]
National Security Takeaways From
1776. Independence Day is more about celebration than
reflection. Yet, while enjoying our fireworks and burgers, we should pause
long enough to recall that merely declaring independence did not grant us
independence nor establish government "by the people."
Americans celebrate only because we persevered through years of bitter
struggle. Can this victory in the era of musket and sail offer any lessons
for the era of cyberattacks, rogue states with nuclear-tipped missiles, or
ISIS suicide bombers? Yes. The seeds of that victory are as relevant to the
protection of our national security in the 21st century as they were in the
18th century. Here are six national security lessons we should take away
from the founding of our nation: [Read more: Pope/themonitor/2July2017]
Section IV - Careers, Obituaries
Seeking Covert Action Instructor for Graduate School Intelligence Program
Johns Hopkins University's School of Arts and Sciences, Advanced Academic Programs seeks an adjunct instructor for a graduate course on covert and clandestine operations in a foreign policy context. This could be taught as an evening on-ground course in Washington, DC or in an online format. The course will launch in 2018 (semester negotiable) and will be an elective in a graduate certificate program in Intelligence and an MA program in Global Security Studies. The instructor may use a pre-existing syllabus or design his/her own from scratch. The ideal instructor will have significant experience in covert action or counterintelligence, interest in history or foreign affairs, and a passion for teaching. Advanced degrees and prior teaching experience are desirable but not required.
Competitive adjunct pay and a separate development contract if the course is to be taught online. For further information or to be considered, contact Dr. Mark Stout,
Cyber Intelligence Analyst (TS/SCI) sought at FireEye, Inc. in Fort Meade, MD. The iSIGHT Intelligence team is seeking an experienced Cyber Intelligence Analyst to support a long-term government client. The successful candidate will have extensive experience in cyber intelligence analysis and is a polished report writer who delivers high-impact briefings. The analyst will utilize FireEye's sources, methods and data to provide the client with context about the evolving threat landscape. The successful candidate excels at interpreting and analyzing large, sometimes ambiguous, data sets and has experience in writing publication-worthy analysis with minimal direction and oversight. The analyst's work will inform a range of tactical and strategic decisions and should equip audiences with actionable assessments. Responsibilities: Function as a forward deployed intelligence analyst Analyze threats to specific networks, customers, industries and personnel Present tactical and strategic intelligence about threat groups, the methodologies they use and the motivations behind their activity Write finished intelligence at the technical and strategic levels Convey the importance of findings both verbally and in writing Prepare and deliver briefings and reports to the client's executives, security team or fellow analysts Track progress and actions. More info here.
Samuel V. Wilson 93, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and former
Army lieutenant general
who developed counterinsurgency practices that became widely used during
the Vietnam War as part of an American effort to win the "hearts and
minds" of the Vietnamese, died 10 June at his home in Rice, VA.
His wife, Susi Wilson, said the cause was lung cancer, and that he died on
their 28th wedding anniversary.
General Wilson, who fought in the jungles of Burma during World War II and
worked in intelligence in Germany and Russia at the height of the Cold
War, combined the savvy of a spymaster with the grit of a hardened combat
In 1959, he became the director of the Army Special Forces School (now the
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School) at Fort Bragg in North
Carolina. He and a group of officers developed a program of instruction
for counterinsurgency operations that has evolved into a multipronged
American strategy known as COIN. [Read More: Slotnik/nytimes/26Jun2017]
Section V - Events
Thursday, 20 July 2017, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. Schuyler Foerster, discussing "The U.S. and Europe: What kind of Europe? What kind of relationship?"
The post-Cold War vision of "Europe whole and free" is looking more and more tenuous, with an assertive Russia, growing political movements to break away from the EU, and the prospect of a new Administration changing the ground rules of NATO's transatlantic security relationship. How these trends play out remain to be seen, but it is clear that long-standing assumptions need to be revisited. Dr. Schuyler Foerster will have just returned from a semester teaching at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic as the Fulbright Commission's Distinguished Chair in Social Studies and from a Wilton Park (UK) Conference on recent developments in relations between Russia and the West. He will report on how these trends are playing out and the prospects for sustaining a healthy transatlantic relationship.
From 2010-2016, Dr. Foerster served as the Brent Scowcroft Professor of National Security Studies at the U.S. Air Force Academy. During his 26-year Air Force career, he served as a senior advisor in security and arms control policy, on the USAF Academy faculty, and as an intelligence officer. A graduate of the USAF Academy, he holds a doctorate from Oxford University in politics as well as master's degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the American University, and served as a national security fellow at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He is the founding principal of CGST Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in national security policy and civic education, teaches at Colorado College, and is past president of the Colorado Springs World Affairs Council.
To register of for more details, contact Tom VanWormer at
Thursday, 24 August 2017, noon - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hosts LTC Juan Carlos Garcia, CENTCOM, on Operations in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.
We have an informative program as we welcome LTC Juan Carlos Garcia, the Branch Chief for the Syria-Iraq-Levant in the CENTCOM J-3 Information Operations (CCJ3-IO) Division. His team is responsible for the planning, coordination and synchronization of Information Operations (IO) throughout the region encompassing Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. A strict policy of non-attribution will apply to LTC Garcia's remarks.
RSVP: Individuals wishing to attend must respond to the Chapter secretary at, no later than Thursday, August 17. If individuals do not have base access, please contact the Chapter secretary for further information. The luncheon fee is $20.
LOCATION: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Boulevard, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 5:30 pm - New York, NY - The NY Metro Chapter Meeting features Carol Rollie Flynn, former Senior CIA Officer, discusses "Ethics in Intelligence." y
A 30-year veteran of CIA, Carol Rollie Flynn held senior executive positions including Director of the CIA's Leadership Academy, Associate Deputy Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Director of the Office of Foreign Intelligence Relationships, Executive Director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center (CTC), and Chief of Station in major posts in Southeast Asia and Latin America. She has extensive experience in overseas intelligence operations, security, and counterintelligence as well as expertise in designing and delivering advanced education and training to adult learners. Ms. Flynn is also an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy and Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service/Security Studies Program and a visiting faculty member at Wellesley College's Madeleine Albright Institute and the Fordham University Graduate School of Business. She serves as Adjunct Staff at Rand Corporation and is a senior affiliate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Coach Federation, Ms. Flynn has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wellesley College, a Masters of Science in Cyber Security from University of Maryland, University College, and has completed executive leadership programs at Duke University and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. She is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation.
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St (between Park and Lexington), New York, NY 10065.
Timing: Registration starts at 5:30 pm, Speaker presentation starts at 6 pm.
Fee: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner, cash bar.
RSVP: Strongly recommended that you RSVP to insure space at event. Call or Email Chapter President Jerry Goodwin at or 646-717-3776.
September 2017, 11 am - 4 pm - Riverside, CA - AFIO Los Angeles
Chapter Tours Drone Pilot Training Program in special visit to March
Air Base
NOT TO MISS. Recently the drone
pilot training program previously, based out at the Southern California
Logistics Center in Victorville, moved to March Air Base in Riverside, CA.
With this change of location putting it in the chapter's backyard, Chapter
President Vinc Autiero has arranged for our chapter to take a tour of the
base which will cover a lot of great points of interest.
Tour will include: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Division
(1hr); MQ-9 Reaper (1 hr); Lunch at The Backstreet Caf' 1.30 P.M.
(approx); Security Forces Weapons Demonstration (1 hr); C-17 Globemaster
III (1 hr); Departure Time 4 PM (approx)
LOCATION: March Air Base 655 M St. Riverside,
California, 92518-5000
TO ATTEND: This is expected to be an all day event when
you factor in drive time and the time you are on the base. Please confirm
your attendance at your earliest convenience so that I can put together a
head count. A minimum of 20 attendees are needed for this event. Must be a
U.S. Citizen.
RSVP with Full Name of All Attendees:
Questions? Contact Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter,
5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Email him at
If you haven't yet joined this active chapter, visit AFIO and then visit
their webpage:
P.S. The event is scheduled September 21, 2017, for those of you planning
to attend the annual AFIO national symposium at NGA headquarters, you will
find that there is no conflict with the dates that the symposium is
occurring and our visit to March Air Base.
has opened. 28 - 29 September 2017 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO's 2017
National Intelligence Symposium
"Succeeding in the Open—The
Future of GEOINT" at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
and "Active Measures—A Global Threat" at the
Doubletree-Hilton are the themes for the AFIO-NGA 2017 National
Intelligence Symposium being held at NGA and DoubleTree-Hilton, Tysons
Corner, VA
Tentative Agenda: • Opening Remarks by
AFIO President; • NGA Overview and Q&A; • Video Presentation; ' NGA
Leadership Remarks (D/NGA or DD) - Includes GEOINT Strategy and Functional
Management; • Lunch (with museum tours, NGA store, and group photo).
Presentations/Panels on: • KH 8 Declassification; • Pathfinder
(unclassified research to solve intel problems); • Commercial GEOINT
Activity; and • the Small Satellite Revolution.
Arrive Wednesday evening, 27 September, to overnight at the hotel to be
ready early Thursday, 28 September, for coach service to NGA Headquarters
for all day conference including visit to their new museum. Welcome by NGA
Director Robert Cardillo. Friday activities at hotel TBA.
Tentative agenda here and will be updated frequently.
Friday evening is our "Spies in Black Ties" banquet.
Hotel: DoubleTree-Hilton, Tysons Corner, VA
[formerly the Crowne Plaza], at 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22102.
Reserve overnight rooms at hotel now while the special group price
is valid: Room registrations can be made at 1-800-HILTONS at
$119/nite. [To make room reservations carefully follow the prompts dialing
"1" twice... this is to get to reservations, and then to make a new
reservation. You then are asked to enter your phone number followed
by the pound sign. After that, you are placed into a queue in order
to speak with a customer service rep. When they get on the line, they ask
for the city [Tysons Corner, VA], the name of the hotel
[DoubleTree-Hilton], and the group name for the special rate [AFIO
Registration for SYMPOSIUM 2017 has just opened. Register
securely ONLINE now to ensure a place.
Or use this printable Registration Packet.
Contains the formal invitation, tentative agenda, and off-line
registration forms sent earlier to all current member. Complete and return
by fax or US Mail.
Other Upcoming Events
6 July 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - Zero Day [a novel]
with T.L. Williams: WMD Program - at the International Spy Museum
Cyber hacking is fast becoming a preferred method of
21st century conflict. Recent attacks by Russia and China show the
susceptibility of our economy, political institutions, and our democracy
to this high-tech method of modern warfare. In Zero Day: China's
Cyber Wars [a novel], T.L. Williams, a former
CIA operative who ran human intelligence operations in Asia and Europe for
over 30 years, has crafted an intriguing story about what this threat
means to our interests here and abroad, the techniques used by cyber
spies, and what it really means to be a spy in this new day of rapidly
changing technology. Join Williams as he shares how he drew on his
intelligence background to compose a thriller that moves elegantly between
Chongqing, China, and Langley, Virginia, to reveal a plot by the Chinese
government to seize the edge on global power by undermining the US
economy. Zero Day will be available for sale and signing at the
event. Tickets for the general public: $10 per person; Members: $8. Visit
and parents: Friday, 7 July to Saturday, 8 July 2017, 7 pm - 10 am -
Washington, DC - KidSpy Overnight: Operation Secret Slumber - at the
International Spy Museum
When the lights go down, the adventure begins! The
Museum doors have been locked for the night, but in the shadows a group of
exclusive recruits stand ready to begin a night of top-secret KidSpy
training. Perfect your alias and cover-story, check in at "Border Patrol,"
and prepare for a night of intrigue and adventure. As a spy school
recruit, your mission begins with taking on a secret identity and
gathering intelligence about real spy skills. During the night, you will
transform yourself through disguise, make and break secret codes, uncover
important secrets, interrogate real spies, and hunt for a mole within your
ranks! At the same time, the adults lurking nearby will be kept on their
toes with their own super-clandestine mission. As day breaks, enemy agents
will be exposed in a dramatic finale, KidSpy agents and adults will
reclaim their "real" (how do we know you are who you say you are?)
identities and this adventure-filled mission will be accomplished.
*Includes an evening spy snack, light breakfast, take-home goody bag, and
admission to the Museum on Saturday. Bring a sleeping bag, air
mattress/pad, pillow, and sense of adventure. Tickets for the general
public: $115 per person; Members: $105. Visit
and parents: Saturday, 8 July 2017, 11 am - noon - Washington, DC -
The Magic of Spying: Tradecraft Trickery - at the International Spy
In the real-life world of espionage, spies often call
upon the art of magic and illusion to distract the enemy, make evidence
disappear, and escape unnoticed. Join professional magician, Peter
Wood, as he demonstrates the art of misdirection, sleight of
hand, and other illusions used by skilled spies. This one of a kind
performance, custom-designed for the Spy Museum, is guaranteed to
fascinate children and adults alike. Ages: 7 and up (one adult required
for every five KidSpy agents). Tickets for the general public: $10;
Members: $9. Visit
12 July 2017, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and
Cybersecurity Monthly Update - at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news!
Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director
of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing
on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and
penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for
Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will
cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest
reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his
expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to
both intelligence and national security professionals and the public.
Event is free. Visit
17 July
2017, noon - 2 pm - Washington, DC - DIAA and DACOR hosts John Pustay
discussing "Second Wave of Conflict in the Middle East: Challenges for
the New Administration."
The Defense Intel Alumni Association and the Diplomat and Counselor
Officers Retired-Joint Forum hosts John S. Pustay, PhD,
Lieutenant General USAF, Retired; will address "Second Wave of
Conflict in the Middle East: Challenges for the New Administration." This
lecture will cover a range of current flashpoints in the region and
discuss the dynamic undercurrents which will surface even after the
destruction of the Islamic State "Caliphate." To begin, ISIS in Syria and
Iraq will morph into an underground terrorist organization in the region
with tentacles in Africa and Western Europe and possibly Russia and
Central Asia. Even after a cessation of current military activities in
Syria, Iraq and Yemen, a regional tribal, sectarian and nationalistic
conflicts will arise complicating boundary settlements of existing or
newly emerging political entities.
Schedule: noon - Reception in honor of General Pustay (cash bar); 12:30
Lunch; 1:15 General Pustay's remarks; 1:45 Q&A
Location: DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F St. NW, Washington, DC 20006
Registration: via email at or call (202) 682-0500 ext. 11. When registering identify yourself as
being associated with DIAA. It is $25 pp collected at the door. If you
find you are unable to attend let DIAA/DACOR know as soon as possible. The
deadline to cancel your reservation without charge is 9 am the day prior
to the event.
Tuesday, 18
July 2017, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - The History and Mystery of the
World's Greatest Ciphers from Ancient Egypt to Online Secret Societies
- at the International Spy Museum
In 1953, a man was found dead from poisoning near the
Philadelphia airport with a picture of a Nazi aircraft in his wallet.
Taped to his abdomen was an enciphered message. In 1912, a book dealer
named Wilfrid Voynich came into possession of an illuminated cipher
manuscript once belonging to Emperor Rudolf II. Wartime codebreakers
tried-and failed-to unlock the book's secrets, and it remains an enigma to
this day. Craig Bauer, author of Unsolved Ciphers and editor of Cryptologia, will examine these and other vexing
ciphers yet to be cracked. Some may reveal the identity of a spy or serial
killer, provide the location of buried treasure, or expose a secret
society-while others may be elaborate hoaxes. Guests are invited to stay
after his talk for some collaborative cipher-breaking fun. Unsolved
Ciphers will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for
the general public: $10; Members: $8. Visit
and Parents: Monday, 24 July to Friday, 28 July 2017, 9 am - 3 pm -
Washington, DC - Spy Camp: Session 1 - at the International Spy Museum
Somewhere deep inside the Museum an elite group of
recruits is lurking in the shadows preparing to take on top secret
missions. No one really knows who they are, or for that matter, what
they're really up to. Now it's your turn to join their ranks. Each day at
Spy Camp is filled with top secret briefings and activities that will put
spy skills and street smarts to the test. Aspiring KidSpy recruits will
hone their tradecraft, learn from real spies, and hit the streets to run
training missions. Develop a disguise for cover, make and break codes,
discover escape and evasion techniques, create and use spy gadgets,
uncover the science behind spying-all of this and more awaits young
recruits! Tickets for the general public: $445; Members: $415. Visit
August 2017, 8 am - 2 pm - Alexandria, VA - Analytic Objectivity
Symposium by OSD/DI
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence is hosting
an Analytic Objectivity Symposium with panelists representing business,
judiciary, intelligence, medicine, finance & academic research.
Featured speakers include: Judge James A Wynn Jr., US
Court of Appeals for Fourth Circuit, Ret Capt, USN; Dr. Mark
Lowenthal, Former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence
for Analysis & Production; Bob Woodward, Senior
Editor, Washington Post, Author; and Jeffrey Ballou,
President, National Press Club. Location: The Mark Center, 4800 Mark
Center Dr., Alexandria, VA 22311. Information and Registration: contact
Kevin Riehle, Defense Analysis & Partnership Engagement Directorate,
OUSD(I), at 703-571-2404 or at
September 2017 - Bethesda, MD - HOLD THE DATE for the PenFed
Foundation Military Heroes Golf Classic.
Join the PenFed Foundation for the 14th Annual Military Heroes Golf
Classic on 25 September 2017, at the world-renowned Congressional Country
Club, host to five major championships, three US Opens and a PGA
Championship, in Bethesda, MD. As you enjoy a round of golf, know that
your support will help the Foundation meet the unmet needs of our
Military, Veterans, and their families. Their grants help ensure that
those who have bravely served our country will not struggle to pay
necessary bills, purchase a home, or get the treatment and support they
need. Their 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities are now available. Download the
sponsorship packet here. If you are interested in securing a
sponsorship or participating in the tournament,* please call 703-838-1302
or visit
18 October
2017, 9 am - 3 pm - Laurel, MD - NCMF General Meeting & Symposium:
"How Cyber has Changed the World Around Us."
SAVE THE DATE. Information coming in July. Details will
be at
Event location: The Kossiakoff Center, Johns Hopkins University/Applied
Physics Laboratory.
- 20 October 2017 - Laurel, MD - 16th NSA/CSS Center for Cryptologic
History Symposium: "Milestones, Memories, and Momentum."
SAVE THE DATE. Information forthcoming. This symposium
will be followed on 21 October 2017 with tours and workshops at the
National Cryptologic Museum.
Location: Kossiakoff Conference Center, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics
Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland.
For more about the program, visit
The theme for the 2017 Symposium will be "Milestones,
Memories, and Momentum." There are many milestones to mark in 2017: the
160th anniversary of the first attempt to span the Atlantic with a
telegraph cable, 100 years since both the entry of the United States into
World War I and the Russian October Revolution, and 75 years after the
World War II battles of Coral Sea and Midway. The Symposium will take
place just a few months before the 50th anniversary of the Tet Offensive
in Vietnam, and during the 25th year after the fall of the Soviet Union
and the end of the Cold War.
Costs: Registration costs for 2017 have not yet been
set, but for planning purposes the costs for 2015 were as follows: $70/day
($140 for 2 days, no cost for the museum visit); $35/day ($70 for 2 days)
for full-time students with ID. The fee includes lunch and snacks. In the
past we have been able to waive the fees for non-government speakers on
the day they present their paper. We hope to have final registration
costs available at the time you are notified about the status of your
proposal. See details here. Questions to Program
Chair Betsy Rohaly Smoot at or to her care at The Center for Cryptologic History, Suite 6886, 9800
Savage Road, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755.
October 2017 - Washington, DC - The OSS Society Holds the Donovan
Awards Dinner honoring Dr. Michael G. Vickers
Invitations will be mailed shortly to The OSS Society's 2017 William J.
Donovan Awards Dinner honoring Dr. Michael G. Vickers. The event, by
invitation only, takes place at The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC.
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