Weekly Intelligence Notes #35-16 dated 6 September 2016
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Section II - CONTEXT &
Section IV - Jobs,
Obituaries, and Call for Papers
for Papers
Section V - Events
Upcoming AFIO Events
- Wednesday, 7 September
2016, 6 pm - Las Vegas, NV - AFIO Las Vegas Chapter hears Dr.
Wilfred Krom on "Present Day South Africa, Through
the Eyes of an Expatriate."
- Thursday, 8
September 2016, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO AZ
hosts SSA George K. Steuer, FBI Phoenix, on
"Threat Mitigation."
- 10 September
2016, 11:30am - Melbourne, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite
Chapter hosts Lou Pernice on "The History of
Homeland Security."
- Thursday, 15
September 2016, 11:30am - Colorado Springs, CO - AFIO Rocky
Mountain Chapter hosts Elizabeth Boardman discussing "Cybersecurity 101: Types of Cybersecurity, Recent
Threats, Personal Cybersecurity Safety, Tools Going Forward."
- 15 September 2016,
12:30 - 2 pm - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO'L.A hosts Maj.
Gen. Mark MacCarley, US Army, (Ret) on "Integrating
the Active Army, Guard, and Army Reserve for Enhanced National
Security Readiness."
Other Upcoming Events
- Friday
September 9, 2016 - noon to 2 pm - The Loudoun Crime
Commission Luncheon features Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.,
on "Why There Can Be No Substitute for Victory Over Jihad."
- Thursday, 15
September 2016, 11:30 am - 1 pm - Washington, DC - Daniel
Morgan Academy hosts "by invitation only" talk on "The NYPD
Confronts Terrorism: Leading the Response to the 9/11 Attack"
by David Cohen, former CIA DDO, and former
NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence.
- Monday, 19
September 2016, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Storm Over
Leyte with John Prados - at the International Spy
- 20
September 2016, 11:30 am - 1 pm - McLean, VA - The Defense
Intelligence Forum (DIA Alumni Association) hosts Thomas
McCabe on "China's Air and Space Revolutions."
- Wednesday, 21
September 2016, noon - Washington, DC - True Believer:
Stalin's Last American Spy - at the International Spy
- Wednesday,
19 October 2016, 8 am - 3 pm - Laurel, MD - Paul
Goldenberg, John Farmer and
Distinguished Panelists address "Combating Domestic Terrorism"
at this National Cryptologic Museum Foundation's 18th Annual
Symposium and Membership Meeting
- 28
- 29 October 2016 - The Hague, Netherlands - "Witness to
Change: Intelligence Analysis in a Changing Environment" is
the theme of the NISA 25th Anniversary Conference
For Additional AFIO and other Events two+ months or more... Calendar of Events
WIN CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE: The WIN editors thank the
following special contributors: mh, gh, mk, fm, kc, jm, mr,
jg, th and fwr. They have contributed one or more stories
used in this issue.
The WIN editors attempt to include a wide
range of articles and commentary in the Weekly Notes to inform
and educate our readers. However, the views expressed in the
articles are purely those of the authors, and in no way reflect
support or endorsement from the WIN editors or the AFIO officers
and staff. We welcome comments from the WIN readers on any and
all articles and commentary.
IMPORTANT: AFIO does not "vet" or endorse research inquiries,
career announcements, or job offers. Reasonable-sounding
inquiries and career offerings are published as a service to our
members, and for researchers, educators, and subscribers. You
are urged to exercise your usual caution and good judgment when
responding, and should verify the source independently before
supplying any resume, career data, or personal information.]
If you are having difficulties with the links or viewing this
newsletter when it arrives by email, members may view the latest
edition each week at this link: You will need your LOGIN NAME and your PASSWORD. |
"Combating Domestic Terrorism"
A Symposium and Review by Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and
Legal Experts
Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 8 am - 3 pm
in the spacious auditorium of the
Johns Hopkins/APL Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, MD
Paul Goldenberg, John Farmer and Other Distinguished Panelists (see below) address this
and related topics at the
18th National Cryptologic Museum Foundation's Symposium
and Membership Meeting
This year's NCMF's Annual Symposium
looks at "Combating Domestic Terrorism" featuring Paul
Goldenberg, CEO, Cardinal Point Strategies, Co-Chair of
the DHS Foreign Fighter Task Force and Co-Chair of the DHS
Faith-Based Security Council. He will be joined by his associate, John Farmer, Professor of Law and Special Counsel
to the President of Rutgers University and former Attorney General
of New Jersey in providing their unique insights on their work in
Belgium and other parts of Europe following the recent terrorism
events there.
We also have an exciting lineup of speakers for the afternoon
session which will feature a notable panel of local law
enforcement officials who will offer their perspective on
protecting Maryland's citizens, property and information in the
wake of terrorism and domestic unrest.
Panel Members are: Kemp Ensor, NSA Associate
Director of Security and Counterintelligence; Kevin
Perkins, FBI Special Agent in Charge, Baltimore Field
Office; Col. William Pallozzi, Superintendent,
Maryland State Police, and panel moderator Richard C.
Schaeffer, President, National Cryptologic Museum
Also joining the afternoon discussions will be Ronald Lee,
Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP and former NSA General Counsel
and Associate Deputy Attorney General of the Department of
Justice, speaking on protecting the privacy rights of U.S.
citizens in the fight against terrorism.
REGISTRATION and NCMF exhibits open at 0800. A continental
breakfast will be available from 0800-0900 and lunch will be
served from 1200-1300. Speaker presentations run 0900-1500.
LOCATION: Event will be held at Johns Hopkins University/APL
Kossiakoff Center, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd., Laurel, MD 20723. Once
you reach the APL at Johns Hopkins Rd, Turn right on Pond Road,
just past the service station. Follow the signs to the Kossiakoff
Center parking on the lower lot. The lower level parking lot near
the Kossiakoff Center is recommended and a shuttle service will
operate from 0745-1530 for your convenience. More granular driving
directions are available here.
The fee for NCMF members is $30 and guests $60 (includes a
one-year guest membership). Register online at Registration
closes on Friday, 14 October. Or you may mail-in your registration
fee to NCMF, P.O. Box 1682, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-9998.
Forthcoming Book of the Week:

STALIN'S ENGLISHMAN: Guy Burgess, the Cold War, and the Cambridge Spy Ring
(St. Martin's Press; October 4, 2016; $29.99 hardcover)
...the title of Andrew Lownie's close examination of an enigmatic member of the Cambridge Spy Ring. Guy Burgess was an engaging and charming companion to some; an unappealing, repellent, or utterly ruthless manipulator to others. A man of enormous contradictions and complexities. Lownie unravels these through primary documents and over 100 fresh interviews with people who knew Burgess personally, and most of whom have never spoken publicly until now.
STALIN'S ENGLISHMAN provides a different picture, arguing that Burgess was the most important member of the Cambridge Spy Ring. Some revelatory insights include: • The existence of an additional spy working at the Washington Embassy, Wilfrid Mann, who was later given American citizenship in exchange for spying against the Russians. • Burgess's career in British intelligence began earlier than has been realized and he continued to play an important role for the Russians even after he defected to Russia including advising the Russian Foreign Ministry and taking part in a honey trap. • Guy Burgess was engaged to Winston Churchill's niece and the wife of the Prime Minister Anthony Eden as well as to Esther Whitfield, the secretary and mistress of Kim Philby. In the 1930s, Burgess, along with notable members Donald MacLean, Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt, was recruited by the Soviet Union to betray their country, the United Kingdom. Burgess rose through academia, the BBC, the Foreign Office, MI5 and MI6, and in doing so, he gained access to thousands of highly sensitive and secret documents which he passed to his Russian handlers.
Lownie describes that despite Burgess's chaotic personal life of drunken philandering and promiscuous homosexuality, it did nothing to stop his penetration and betrayal of the British Intelligence Service. Even when he was under suspicion, the fabled charm which had brought him many close personal relationships with influential Establishment figures (including Winston Churchill) also served to Teflonize him...preventing his exposure as a spy for many years. Why did he seek to betray the British Establishment by becoming a Soviet agent? How was he recruited and run? Why was he not discovered until after his flight in 1951? What information did he provide? How far did he change the course of the twentieth century history? Are there still further spies to be revealed? Lownie answers these and more.
About ANDREW LOWNIE: He was born in Kenya, brought up in Bermuda and educated in Asheville, NC before attending the universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh. He first became interested in the Cambridge Spy Ring when, as President of the Cambridge Union Society in 1984, he arranged an international seminar on the subject. After graduating from Cambridge University, where he won the Dunster Prize for History, Lownie went on to take a postgraduate degree in history at Edinburgh University. A former journalist for The London Times and the British representative for the Washington-based National Intelligence Centre, he helped set up the Spy Museum in Washington. He is now a successful literary agent, and has written or edited seven books, including a biography of John Buchan
"A crack biography of a man who was a preposterous enigma." – Kirkus Reviews
"Awful human beings make for splendid biographies." - Times Best Biographies of the Year 2015 (UK)
"[A] fine biography about an effective spy and a disgraceful traitor who lived to enjoy Communist reality firsthand. It fills a major historical gap in espionage history." - CIA's Studies In Intelligence
"A remarkable and definitive portrait of the truly ghastly spy and traitor Guy Burgess who should surely never have been permitted to do us so much damage. And a portrait of the snobbery and laxity that permitted an Old Etonian who had changed sides to get away with it for so long." —Frederick Forsyth, former journalist and spy.
The book may be ordered here. |
$12M Federal
Contract to MU to Found Education Program for National Intelligence
Agency. Sailors, pilots, military service men and women
deployed around the world, and government officials who make national
security decisions all rely on the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
(NGA) to provide them with timely geospatial information that is critical
for planning and decision-making. The University of Missouri College of
Engineering has just been awarded a five-year, $12 million contract to
deliver a comprehensive data science education program that will provide
cutting-edge analytical training for the NGA workforce and potentially other
members of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). This new program will
address key education and training needs identified by NGA.
The program is a collaboration between the MU College of Engineering's
Center for Geospatial Intelligence (CGI) and the MU Informatics Institute's
Data Science and Analytics (DSA) master's degree program. The newly
established effort is part of the NGA College's Learning Outreach program
that partners with qualified academic institutions and industry partners to
address key education and training gaps within the NGA. Mizzou will provide
a comprehensive data science education program that includes databases and
programming, statistical analyses and predictive modeling, data
visualization and data mining, cloud-based computing, and machine learning
among other specialties that will help develop the NGA and IC workforce.
"Our faculty are thrilled to be able to support NGA's effort to equip its
workforce with the data science skills necessary for NGA to make sense out
of the overwhelming volume of government, commercial, and open-source
geospatial information they have to deal with on a day-to-day basis," said
Curt Davis, director of the CGI and professor of electrical and computer
engineering. "The information that NGA provides to policymakers and members
of the U.S. armed services on a daily basis is vital to our national
security. Faculty from MU's Center for Geospatial Intelligence have worked
on a wide variety of NGA and IC-funded projects over the last 10 years, so
we have a great appreciation and deep respect for the NGA mission."
[Read more: Eurekalert/1September2016]
Jakarta -
Controversial Police General Tapped to Become Spy Chief. It
appears that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo could no longer avoid the
pressure of having to make a quick decision regarding the career of
controversial police general Com. Gen. Budi Gunawan.
It took Jokowi one year before he decided to name Budi the deputy national
police chief after he declined to inaugurate him in the chief's position in
February 2015 over allegations that he was involved in a graft case.
Facing pressure for Budi to take over as National Police chief when Gen.
Badrodin Haiti retired in July, Jokowi again resisted and instead appointed
Budi's junior, Gen. Tito Karnavian.
When Jokowi decided to undertake another Cabinet reshuffle in July,
speculation was rife that Budi would be given a ministerial position, but
the prediction did not come to pass. [Read more: JakartaPost/3September2016]
Intelligence Agency Initiates Investigation into Attack on Chinese
Embassy. The State Committee for National Security of
Kyrgyzstan, an intelligence agency, has initiated a criminal investigation
into the attack targeting the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan capital Bishkek,
the press service of the agency said on Tuesday.
The attack on the Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday morning involved
a suicide car bomber, who was killed instantly.
According to preliminary data, three Kyrgyz employees of the embassy were
wounded in the terrorist attack and their injuries were not serious.
China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying also confirmed at a press
conference that three people of the Chinese embassy were injured in the
attack. [Read more: Xinhua/31August2016]
Intelligence Troops Learn to Work Together in New Multifunctional
Platoon. The 82nd Airborne Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team,
serving as the core of the nation's Global Response Force, is looking to
change the way it collects intelligence on the battlefield.
For the last six months, soldiers in D Company, 127th Brigade Engineer
Battalion have been honing their skills as part of the brigade's first
multifunctional military intelligence platoon.
That platoon is merging two of the 82nd Airborne's intelligence efforts that
previously have been split into two separate domains.
The first, signal intelligence, is focused on using advanced technology,
some of which is classified, to track enemy whereabouts and unveil future
plans. The other, human intelligence, relies on people with direct knowledge
of the enemy. It depends on relationships between soldiers and trusted
contacts who may conduct covert meetings. [Read more: Brooks/FayObserver/4September2016]
Intelligence: Don't Take Your Phone Overseas. Finland's
Security Intelligence Service, Supo, has advised citizens not to take any
electronic devices with them when travelling abroad due to the risk of
The Nordic nation's intelligence agency has warned citizens against taking
phones, laptops and tablets when travelling to any other foreign country,
Finland's national broadcaster YLE reported.
Supo also said if devices must be taken abroad that under no circumstances
should they be left in a hotel room. It also advised against trusting the
security of hotel room safes.
The risks associated with carrying electronic devices abroad are well known
to public and private sector employees, be they mathematicians, scientists,
business execs or any person whose devices may contain sensitive, regulated
or valuable information. [Read more: Tung/CSO/2September2016]
Iran Eyes
Intelligence Cooperation with Japan against Terrorism. Chairman
of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission
called for stronger cooperation with Japan in various fields, including
intelligence, as part of international efforts in the fight against
One of the areas for cooperation between Tehran and Tokyo could be
intelligence efforts in battling terrorism, given the need for concerted,
international action against the threat of terrorism, which knows no
boundaries, Alaeddin Boroujerdi said in a meeting with Japan's State
Minister for Foreign Affairs Kentaro Sonoura, held in Tehran on Saturday.
The senior Iranian lawmaker also lashed out at the US and its regional
partners for funding and arming terrorist groups in the region, slamming
that policy as a grave mistake.
The Japanese diplomat, for his part, said he has travelled to Tehran in
pursuit of practical cooperation between the two countries. [Read
more: TasminNewsAgency/4September2016]
Future Agents
in Training: High School Students Get Inside Look at FBI
Careers. It was just before noon when explosives detonated
inside four cars on a grassy field near the FBI Training Academy in
Quantico, Virginia. Shortly after the blasts, a group of high school
students loaded up equipment and made their way downrange to investigate.
It was a textbook post-blast crime scene for the Bureau's Evidence Response
Teams, only this scenario was part of a weeklong course for teenagers
interested in career opportunities with the FBI.
Since 2008, the FBI's Washington Field Office (WFO) has hosted the annual
Future Agents in Training (FAIT) program, which provides a hands-on approach
to educating area high school juniors and seniors on the Bureau's
operations. With a focus on becoming a special agent, the program presents a
cross section of the FBI, including its criminal, counterterrorism,
intelligence, and administrative divisions.
"The high school students who attend the FAIT program are among the best and
the brightest from our region," said WFO Assistant Director in Charge Paul
Abbate. "While youth today are exposed to stories about law enforcement in
the news and on dramatic television shows, the program provides a realistic,
behind-the-scenes look into life in the FBI." [Read more: FBI/6September2016]
How Israel
Ignored Its Most Valuable Spy. He was the best spy ever
recruited by the Mossad. Too bad the Israelis didn't listen to him. Even
worse, the quarrel over why the spy was ignored inside Israel led to his
death. But the Israelis were not his only clients; this asset also sold his
services to Saudi Arabia.
Ashraf Marwan was the son-in-law of Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser. He
became a crucial adviser to Nasser's successor Anwar el-Sadat. In 1970 he
called the Israeli embassy in London and offered to work for the Israeli
intelligence service. The Mossad ran him as its best asset ever, with then
head of the service Zvi Zamir often meeting him face-to-face to debrief him.
A new book by veteran Israeli intelligence expert Uri Bar-Joseph tells the
story of the Angel, Marwan's code name, in detail. This is a tale of
espionage at the highest level. The Angel provided Israel with Egypt's
entire order of battle for its armed forces and Egypt's war plans for
attacking Israel across the Suez Canal. He provided details of Sadat's
meetings with the Soviet leaders and up-to-the-minute reports on Soviet arms
deliveries to Cairo.
But the Israeli military intelligence experts in the Directorate of Military
Intelligence, which was solely responsible for producing the national
intelligence estimates on whether Egypt would go to war, were convinced
Sadat would not take the risk. The DMI had a concept of war planning. In the
concept, Egypt could not beat Israel because of Israel's overwhelming air
superiority, which Egypt's leaders knew made war suicidal. Thus Sadat
wouldn't attack. [Read more: Riedel/NationalInterest/5September2016]
with a Double Agent: Your Next Dinner Companion Could Be a Spy. Naveed
Jamali spent four years of his life looking over his shoulder, noting every
parked van and imitating Daniel Craig's best Bond smirk.
He recited lines from thrillers such as "Spy Game," arranged meetings with
Russian intelligence officers, and even drove around in a black corvette.
Jamali was a real-life spy - a double agent, to be exact - and he's sharing
his story over dinner at the Spy Museum's Dinner with a Spy event Oct. 5.
Jamali got into espionage at a young age. His immigrant parents owned a
small store in New York that specialized in acquiring books and scholarly
articles for businesses and government agencies. [Read more:
Watch CIA
Director John Brennan Throw Out the First Pitch Before It Becomes
Classified Information. John O. Brennan, director of the
Central Intelligence Agency, threw out the first pitch before Monday's Labor
Day matchup between the Blue Jays and the Yankees.
Take a look, because it's a seriously good pitch - as if Brennan played some
ball before heading into the world of international intrigue and espionage,
Moe Berg-style.
Also, it's only a matter of time before it becomes classified
information: [Read more: MLB/5September2016]
CIA Spook
Recalls Thailand's Role in Secret War. A CIA spy who helped
orchestrate America's "secret war" in Laos said US President Barack Obama's
visit should not dwell on the past as he defended the soldiers he fought
beside, including the Thais.
Mr. Obama will be in the country from Tuesday to Thursday, the first US
president to visit Laos since 1975 when America lost its war in the
landlocked nation - along with a similar defeat in Vietnam.
"Obama's diplomatic visit to Vientiane certainly isn't the time nor the
place to find value or fault in anything the USA did in Laos," retired CIA
officer James "Mule" Parker said. [Parker is the current president of AFIO's Las Vegas chapter].
Now aged 73, he was a CIA paramilitary case officer in Laos from 1971-73 and
authored several books about his experiences in Southeast Asia including Codename Mule, Battle for Skyline Ridge, Last Man Out: A Personal
Account of the Vietnam War and his latest, The Vietnam War Its Ownself. All
are available at or at the author's own website, [Read more: Ehrlich/BangkokPost/4September2016]
Section III -
A New
Trinity May Be the Future of Intelligence. The emergence of
cyber as a battlespace domain has changed the formula for intelligence
gathering as well as warfighting. No longer can any form of the traditional
intelligence architecture guarantee national security superiority. Just as
weapon systems needed to accommodate new technologies, the intelligence
community now must leverage the trinity of sensors, big data and cyber.
Global networks supporting commerce and government have shifted quickly to
agile, mobile, network-based technologies and applications as cyber has
transitioned from cable-bound actors to radio frequency (RF) free-rangers.
Unfortunately, current and planned intelligence acquisitions will not
deliver the capabilities the United States needs fast enough to tackle
rapidly emerging cyberthreats. A new intelligence strategy is required to
achieve global information dominance. This strategy must converge multiple
dimensions of the Internet to detect global changes for indications and
warning and to exploit, correlate, track and target threats in real time in
both cyberspace and the battlespace. Only this will enable the United States
to maintain its superpower edge and reverse adversaries' asymmetric
advantages in cyberspace.
The industrial base's knowledge can help develop and create a new
technology-converged intelligence enterprise in the next decade that will
re-establish U.S. information and intelligence superiority. The country must
act immediately and in earnest to advance the national intelligence mission
or risk losing the diminishing margin of dominance it now has to prosecute
national interests.
A national effort will be needed to tap these advances in intelligence. The
ability of emerging forms of intelligence to perceive the environment
appears to be neither constrained by time nor circumscribed by distance.
Every lightwave, every thermal and sound wave, every frequency in the
electromagnetic spectrum, the most delicate of vibrations and even the
movement of photons and particles at the quantum level do not escape its
notice. It can digitize matter, store data and perfectly recall every piece
of information it gathers. It can make decisions at a rate approaching the
speed of light. [Read more: DelVecchio&Moore/Signal/1September2016]
Elections: A Perilous Time for U.S. Intelligence. Lawfare is
pleased to announce the publication of a new working paper in the Lawfare
Research Paper Series: Presidential Elections: A Perilous Time for U.S.
Intelligence, by Eric Manpearl.
From the abstract: Intelligence issues have intersected with
presidential politics several times in U.S. history. Each instance was
unique, and the effects have been mixed. Candidates have sometimes made
claims based on intelligence to enhance their standing, or to attack their
rivals. In other cases, unforeseen events forced candidates to express and
defend a position on U.S. intelligence. There are also remarkable examples
where politicians voluntarily surrendered a potential electoral advantage to
preserve an important defense secret. Whether an intelligence topic is
inserted into a presidential campaign on purpose or as a result of external
events, there are considerable risks to both the intelligence and the
political processes. [Read more: Jurecic/Lawfare/2September2016]
The Country
That's Holding its Own Against Islamic State. Islamic State
remains strong. It may have lost ground in the Middle East this year, but it
has upped its game beyond the territories it controls in Iraq and Syria,
inspiring or conducting a terrorist attack every 84 hours since June.
It successfully hit two of the three top targets on its list: France and the
United States. To date, however, it failed to perpetrate a successful attack
on its third target: Iran.
It's not for lack of trying. Iran actively fights Islamic State - and
Tehran's counterterrorism efforts have succeeded where others have not.
Iran's goal is twofold: Undermine Islamic State's spread, ideology and
vision, which promotes a sectarian agenda, while working to prevent attacks
on Iranian soil. Iran's efforts in neighboring Iraq and Syria are slowly
paying off, as the territory held by the group continues to shrink.
[Read more: Esfandiary&Tabatabai/Reuters/6September2016]
American Fugitives of Havana. When a cold war winds down, what
happens to its spies and traitors? The British double agents Kim Philby, Guy
Burgess, and Donald Maclean were able to see out their days in Moscow while
it was still ruled by Communists, without fears that their hosts might
betray them and send them back to an unforgiving Great Britain.
Other scenarios, such as that of the United States and Cuba, are more
complicated. On December 17, 2014, the same day that the United States and
Cuba announced the restoration of diplomatic relations, an exchange of
long-imprisoned spies and double agents also took place. Three Cuban sleeper
agents who had been imprisoned in the U.S. since 1998 were released from
U.S. federal prisons and flown home. Simultaneously, Rolando Sarraff
Trujillo, a C.I.A. double agent who had been held in a Cuban prison since
1995, was flown to the U.S., as was Alan Gross, a State Department
contractor who was arrested in 2009 for smuggling Internet equipment onto
the island for dissident groups.
But the fates of many fugitive citizens who were given refuge in the United
States or Cuba remain in limbo. Among them are people sought back home for
crimes including murder, kidnapping, bank robbery, and terrorism. Curious
about such people, I recently asked an American official what prevented the
U.S. government from arresting, and possibly extraditing, Luis Posada
Carriles, an eighty-eight-year-old Cuban exile living in Florida, on
terrorism charges.
Posada, a former C.I.A. operative who spent most of the past half century
involved in efforts to violently destabilize the Castro government, has been
on the top of Cuba's most-wanted list for decades. I ticked off the long
list of his alleged crimes - most notably, the bombing of Cubana de Aviaci'n
Flight 455, in 1976, which killed all seventy-three passengers onboard, and
a number of bombings and assassination attempts across the Western
Hemisphere. As recently as 1997, Posada admitted to planning the bombing of
a Havana hotel, which killed an Italian tourist. [Read more:
Section IV - Jobs,
Obituaries, and Call for Papers
University of Maryland University College (UMUC in Largo, Maryland) seeks a Program Chair, INTELLIGENCE MANAGEMENT, for a specialization within the Graduate School's MS in Management Program. ID: 10561.
• Managing the development, promotion, and direction of the Intelligence Management specialization within the MS in Management program.
• Preparing, developing, and administering new degrees and courses within the specialization
• Leading the programs’ transitions to competency-based programs, to include creating, developing course content, and administering new courses.
• Recruiting, mentoring, and supervising faculty.
• Teaching courses within the specializations.
• Participation in the Graduate School’s Enhanced Learning Model program re-design initiative, including redesigning courses, learning resources, and assignments.
• Performing other job-related assignments.
• Program Chair will be expected to work onsite at the University’s Academic Center in Largo
• Terminal degree in a field related to Intelligence management from an accredited institution of higher learning.
• 10 years of professional and/or managerial work experience in an intelligence-related field.
• Three years of teaching experience with excellent student evaluations, preferably online with adult, established part-time students.
• Excellent administrative, verbal and written communication skills.
• Experience in managing diverse teams and projects.
• Educational and professional experience in intelligence from an accredited institution of higher learning is preferable, although otherwise strong candidates with experience in one area will be considered.
• Experience with competency-based education, teaching and mentoring and developing curriculum in new programs.
To apply, do so here.
Cooper, Wren at Bletchley Park. Margaret Cooper, who has died
aged 98, played a small but significant role at Bletchley Park in the
defeat of German U-boats.
She joined the WRNS in September 1941 and undertook her training at
Westfield College, London which had been taken over by the Admiralty. Two
weeks into her training she was resigned to becoming a cook, but late one
night she and her class were called to the office of the senior WRNS
officer who pointed to a letter on her desk, which she said came from
Winston Churchill, asking for volunteers for work which was "very, very
The officer knew no more except that the need for volunteers was urgent,
and Margaret Cooper and her companions were told to sleep on the offer and
decide in the morning. Eight of the 10 girls on the course volunteered and
the next day they were put in a bus. They were surprised to be taken not
to a seaport but into the country, and when they alighted, they found
themselves at Bletchley Park, the headquarters of the Government's Code
and Cypher School.
At first Margaret Cooper worked in Hut 11 on the bombes - the decoding
machines which had been designed and built by Alan Turing, Gordon Welchman
and Harold Keen. She remembered broken windows, no heating,
round-the-clock working, and exhaustion, and by February 1942 she was
seriously ill with flu. She also remembered her pride later that year when
Montgomery's army brought Rommel's to a halt in the Western Desert partly
because British submarines, cued from Bletchley, had sunk so many German
supply ships in the Mediterranean. [Read more: TheTelegraph/30August2016]
Call for
Call for
papers by NSA's Center for Cryptologic History for their 2017 Symposium.
The Center for Cryptologic History invites proposals for papers to be
delivered at the biennial Symposium on Cryptologic History which will take
place on 19-20 October 2017. The Symposium will be held at the Johns Hopkins
Applied Physics Laboratory's Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, Maryland.
Following the Symposium, on Saturday, 21 October, participants will be given
an opportunity to tour the National Cryptologic Museum and participate in a
workshop on sources for research in cryptologic history. The theme for
the 2017 Symposium will be "Milestones, Memories, and Momentum." There are
many milestones to mark in 2017: the 160th anniversary of the first attempt
to span the Atlantic with a telegraph cable, 100 years since both the entry
of the United States into World War I and the Russian October Revolution,
and 75 years after the World War II battles of Coral Sea and Midway. Our
Symposium will take place just a few months before the 50th anniversary of
the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, and during the 25th year after the fall of the
Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Papers looking at these milestone
events in cryptology and considering how we remember their
significance are particularly encouraged, as are those examining how
cryptologic advances from these times provided momentum to create the
systems of today and the future. We are also eager to have proposals
on cryptologic topics that diverge from the theme. Submissions from those
who are new to the field, particularly graduate students, are very welcome.
This will ensure the variety and diversity of exchange that has been the
hallmark of this event. There will be a World War I-specific track to
mark the centennial of American participation in that war and the birth of
modern signals intelligence.
The Symposium is an occasion for historians (and others) to gather for
reflection and debate on relevant and important topics from the cryptologic
past. Regular participants include historians from the Center for
Cryptologic History, the Intelligence Community, the defense establishment,
the military services, scholars from American and foreign academic
institutions, veterans of the cryptologic profession, graduate and
undergraduate students, and the interested public. Past symposia have
featured scholarship that set out new ways to consider our cryptologic
heritage, and this one will be no exception. The conference will
provide many opportunities to interact with leading historians and other
distinguished experts. We encourage an interdisciplinary approach. The mix
of practitioners, scholars, and interested observers always guarantees a
lively debate promoting an enhanced appreciation for past events.
The proposals and papers must be unclassified. We encourage proposals for
single presentations and full panels; the program committee may form panels
from single presentations with like topics. Presenters should be prepared to
speak for 15-20 minutes; proposals for a longer time slot should include a
strong justification. Your proposal package should include an abstract
of no more than one page, a complete CV, a short biographical sketch (not to
exceed 150 words) to be used in the program, the amount of time you require
for your paper, and full contact details. Panel proposals should include the
above for each presenter and a short explanation of the panel's theme.
Please submit your proposal by noon on Monday, 6 February 2017, to Program
Chair Betsy Rohaly Smoot at or to her care at The Center for Cryptologic History, Suite 6886, 9800
Savage Road, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755. Please note that correspondence
that does not include the suite number may not be delivered in a timely
manner. Proposals received after noon on 6 February will be considered
on a space-available basis. The program committee will notify you about the
final status of your proposal by 9 June 2017, but may engage you in
discussions before that date.
Registration costs for 2017 have not yet been set, but for planning
purposes, the costs for 2015 were as follows: $70/day ($140 for 2 days, no
cost for the museum visit); $35/day ($70 for 2 days) for full-time students
with ID. The fee includes lunch and snacks. In the past, we have been able
to waive the fees for non-government speakers on the day they present their
paper. We hope to have final registration costs available at the time you
are notified about the status of your proposal.
CONTACT Besty Rohaly Smoot
Center for Cryptologic History, National Security Agency,
9800 Savage Road, Suite 6886, Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755, USA.
Section V - Events
Wednesday, 7 September
2016, 6 pm - Las Vegas, NV - AFIO Las Vegas Chapter hears Dr. Wilfred
Krom on "Present Day South Africa, Through the Eyes of an Expatriate."
Wilfred Krom, M.D., FRCS, MCh (Orth) FAAOS, is the
featured speaker at this fall kick-off event by the AFIO Las Vegas, NV
Chapter. His topic will be "Present Day South Africa, Through the Eyes of
an Expatriate."
Krom was born and educated in South Africa. After graduating from medical
school in 1959, while pursuing a career in Orthopedic Surgery, he resided
in Johannesburg, Capetown, London, Liverpool, Los Angeles, and New York
City. He practiced pediatric orthopedics in New York City for three years
before finally settling in Los Angeles, where he remained in practice for
more than 33 years. Dr. Krom retired from the medical field in 2006. He is
a Board certified Orthopedic Surgeon, a Fellow of the American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons, a Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of England,
and holds a Master's Degree in Orthopedic Surgery from the University of
Liverpool. He has been affiliated with the teaching staffs at
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical in New York City, as well as USC and UCLA.
Dr. Krom permanently left South Africa in 1967, and became a proud
American citizen in 1978. He still has several relatives that reside in
South Africa with whom he maintains frequent correspondence. Dr. Krom has
an avocation as a jazz chromatic harmonica player with his own band, which
he pursues with vigor. Dr. Krom will be discussing the status of present
day South Africa, including the resources, economy, short and long-term
outlook, and its place on the continent.
Location: Conference Center at Texas Station Casino, 2101 Texas Star Ln,
North Las Vegas, NV (corner of Rancho Blvd. and West Lake Mead Blvd.)
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
RSVP: Christy Zalesny at or call 702-271-5667.
8 September 2016, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO AZ hosts
SSA George K. Steuer, FBI Phoenix, on "Threat Mitigation."
SSA George K. Steuer, FBI Phoenix, Squad NS-9, will talk
about the Threat Mitigation Squad which fully integrates their
investigation and operations planning. Steuer is a retired senior IC
The National Security Threat Mitigation Squad is comprised of 10 SAs, Task
Force Officers, and intelligence personnel dedicated to thoroughly vetting
and mitigating tips and leads of National Security concern. The squad is
an integral component of the Arizona Intelligence Fusion Center and works
in tandem with Terrorism Liaison Officers throughout the State.
Prior to assuming his current leadership role, George was the SSA over
PX's combined Human Trafficking-Violent Crimes Against Children Task Force
which served as a model for other FBI divisions to emulate. Additionally,
the proactive and innovative techniques utilized by the Task Force to
identify and arrest traffickers, and rescue victims leading up to the 2015
Super Bowl was awarded the 2015 International Association of Chiefs of
Police Civil Rights Award.
Steuer previously served as an Assistant Legal Attach' in Kabul,
Afghanistan where he had management responsibilities over the FBI's Afghan
capacity building and international liaison missions. George previously
deployed to Iraq in 2005 and Afghanistan in 2007 working insurgent and
terror organization threats.
Prior to joining the FBI in November of 1998, George worked for United
States Senator Daniel K. Inouye for eight years.
Location: Best Western Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E Butherus Dr, Scottsdale,
AZ 85260.
Price: $18 pp.
RSVP or or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016.
10 September
2016, 11:30am - Melbourne, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter
hosts Louis Pernice on "The History of Homeland Security."
Guest Speaker at this kick-off event for the fall season is Louis
Pernice, speaking on "The History of Homeland Security: The
American Experience from our Independence to 911." It will be presented
from abroad perspective covering both constitutional, budgetary and social
issues. Lou will also be covering the topic starting from the early
colonial days of defending our borders through the Civil War, both World
Wars, the Cold War, evolution of transnational terrorist threat and up to
the 9/11 attacks.
Lou's professional background includes: Career law enforcement
professional with a leadership record spanning over 40 years of
demonstrated success in five federal/state law enforcement/support
agencies including: United States Treasury Department - Internal Revenue
Service; US Department of Agriculture - Office of Inspector General; US
Department of Justice - Office of the Inspector General; US Immigration
and Naturalization Service - Office of Professional Responsibility; and
the Brevard Police Testing and Selection Center. Lou holds a Masters
Degree in Public Administration from John Jay College of Criminal Justice
in New York and hold a BachelorsDegree in Psychology from Brooklyn College
in New York.
Event will be held at Indian River Colony Club, 1936 Freedom Drive,
Melbourne, FL 32940.
For more information or to register, do so at this chapter website link.
Thursday, 15
September 2016, 11:30am - Colorado Springs area, CO - AFIO Rocky
Mountain Chapter hosts Elizabeth Boardman discussing "Cybersecurity
101: Types of Cybersecurity, Recent Threats, Personal Cybersecurity
Safety, Tools Going Forward."
Elizabeth Boardman discusses "Cybersecurity 101: Types
of Cybersecurity, Recent Threats, Personal Cybersecurity Safety, Tools
Going Forward" at this Rocky Mountain Chapter first meeting of the fall
After going through Naval ROTC in the first class of women at Ohio State
University, Elizabeth Boardman served for 8 years in the Navy and 21 years
in the Naval Reserve, with postings in Groton, Norfolk, South Korea,
Munich, and many others in 8 states, including a tour on the national
staff for the Commander, Naval Reserve Intelligence in Dallas. She also
worked for Boeing in Alaska and Lockheed Martin in Maryland. Her last
position was in Colorado Springs.
She has two Bachelor degrees and a Master's Degree in Computer Security
and in Information Assurance.
Please RSVP to Tom VanWormer at for more details. The cost of the meal is $15.
All presentations to the RMC, AFIO are on the basis of non-attribution so
the speakers can feel free to provide information with the assurance it
will not be published.
September 2016, 12:30 - 2 pm - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO'L.A hosts Maj.
Gen. Mark MacCarley, US Army, (Ret) on "Integrating the Active Army,
Guard, and Army Reserve for Enhanced National Security Readiness."
Maj. Gen.(Ret) MacCarley will be discussing 'Integrating
the Active Army, Guard, and Army Reserve into one Army to optimize
readiness and enhance National Security."
Brief Bio: Among Maj. Gen. MacCarley's many accomplishments in the United
States Army he has served in the following key positions:
Deputy Chief of Staff, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command;
Deputy Commanding General ' Support,1st Army and Commander, 1st Army
Reserve Support Command; Deputy Commanding General, 1st Theater
Sustainment Command, headquartered at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait; Deputy
Commanding General, 8thTheater Sustainment Command, Fort Shafter, Hawaii;
Deputy Defense Coordinating Officer and Regional Emergency Preparedness
Liaison Officer, US Fifth Army; and Chief of Staff, 377th Theater
Sustainment Command, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.
Location: L.A.P.D.-ARTC, 5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Please RSVP: to
attend. Refreshments will be served.
Other Upcoming Events
Friday September
9, 2016 - noon to 2 pm - The Loudoun Crime Commission Luncheon features
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., on "Why There Can Be No Substitute for Victory
Over Jihad."
Mr Frank Gaffney's presentation is titled 'Why There
Can Be No Substitute for Victory Over Jihad.' The global jihad movement is
the premier threat to Western Civilization of the 21st century. Jihadists
use both violent and pre-violent techniques (including subversion,
influence operations, infiltration, propaganda, law fare, migration,
material support for terrorism, etc.) against all pillars of American
civilization (in particular, our political system,
military/intelligence/law enforcement communities, media, clergy, economy,
education system, courts, etc.). The jihad must be effectively and
decisively countered, rolled back, dismantled and ultimately defeated
through the sustained use of a comprehensive, fact-based approach
involving all instruments of national power at the federal, state and
local levels, and wherever possible, the help of like-minded allies.
Gaffney is founder/ and president of the Center for Security Policy (CSP)
in Washington, DC. The Center is a resource for timely analyses of foreign
and defense policy matters. Prior to founding CSP, Gaffney served as the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control
Policy in the Reagan administration. Additionally, Mr. Gaffney was a
Professional Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, chaired
by Senator John Tower (R-Texas).
This event falls 2 days before 13th Anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks
on US.
Location: the Belmont Country Club. Cost $25 pp. cash or check.
RSVP by 6 September to
Thursday, 15
September 2016, 11:30 am - 1 pm - Washington, DC - Daniel Morgan
Academy hosts a "by invitation only" talk on "The NYPD Confronts
Terrorism: Leading the Response to the 9/11 Attack" by David Cohen,
former CIA DDO, former NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence
The Daniel Morgan Academy hosts an invitation-only national security
lecture by David Cohen, Former CIA Deputy Director for
Operations, Former NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence followed by
Q&A. Reception begins at 11:30 am; Cohen talk from noon to 1 pm.
David Cohen is an expert on intelligence analysis and operations, with
four decades of government experience at CIA and the NYPD Police
Mr. Cohen served as Deputy Commissioner of NYPD for Intelligence,
established in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. He was responsible for
revolutionizing the way the NYPD and its nearly forty thousand employees
collected, analyzed, and shared intelligence, as well as how the
organization leveraged traditional intelligence collection and analysis
methods to improve operations and inform the NYPD's counter-terrorism
strategies. Prior to that position, Cohen served as CIA's DDO where he led
what was then called the National Clandestine Services.
LOCATION: Daniel Morgan Academy, 1620 L St NW 7th Flr, Washington, DC
20036. Near Farragut North and West Metro Stations
If you received a direct invite, use the links in that invitation to
register. Other who wish to explore attending should contact Frank
Fletcher, Director of Lectures and Seminars, Daniel Morgan Academy, at or call him at 202-759-4988 to see if space is available.
Monday, 19 September
2016, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Storm Over Leyte with John
Prados - at the International Spy Museum
As the Allies prepared for the invasion of the Philippine island of
Leyte, every available warship, submarine, and airplane was placed on
alert while Japanese admiral Kurita Takeo stalked Admiral William F.
Halsey's unwitting American armada. It was the beginning of the epic
Battle of Leyte Gulf - the greatest naval battle in history. Join
acclaimed historian John Prados, author of the new book Storm Over Leyte, for an unprecedented look at both sides of this
titanic naval clash. Drawing upon a wealth of untapped sources - US and
Japanese military records, diaries, declassified intelligence reports, and
postwar interrogation transcripts - Prados offers up a masterful narrative
of naval conflict on a gigantic scale. With access to the naval
intelligence reports that influenced key strategic decisions on both
sides, find out why Prados believes that despite the Americans'
overwhelming superiority in firepower and supplies, the Japanese found a
new weapon and achieved part of their goal. The event is co-sponsored by
the Naval Intelligence Professionals (NIP). Tickets: $10. Visit
20 September
2016, 11:30 am - 1 pm - McLean, VA - The Defense Intelligence Forum
(DIA Alumni Association) hosts Thomas McCabe on "China's Air and Space
Thomas R. McCabe will speak on "China's Air and Space
Revolutions" at this DIA Alumni Association luncheon known as "the Defense
Intelligence Forum." McCabe was a career analyst for DOD. He started his
long government career as in the Marines, and his intelligence career as a
second lieutenant in the USAF. He worked as a Middle East military
analyst, a counterterrorism analyst for DIA, and as a Russian theater
aviation analyst. He has published numerous articles on air and space
power theory in a variety of well-regarded trade publications. He retired
as lieutenant colonel from the U.S. Air Force and obtained a BA degree
from West Chester State College, MA degree from Georgetown University and
MS degree from the Defense Intelligence College.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA.
Fee: Pay at door by check for $29 payable to DIAA, Inc.
Registration starts at 1130 AM, lunch at 1200
The attribution rule for this presentation will be provided at the
beginning of the presentation.
RSVP by 19 September by email to
Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. At time of
registration, provide for each guest their entree choice: chicken
cacciatore, or tilapia puttanesca, or lasagna, or sausage with peppers, or
fettuccini with portobella.
Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments
are discouraged.
Wednesday, 21
September 2016, noon - Washington, DC - True Believer: Stalin's
Last American Spy - at the International Spy Museum
Noel Field betrayed his country and crushed his family. Once a
well-meaning and privileged American, Field spied for Stalin during the
1930s and '40s. Used as a pawn in Stalin's sinister master strategy, he
was ultimately kidnapped and tortured by the KGB and forced to testify
against his own Communist comrades. Join journalist Kati Marton,
author of True Believer, as she explains how this Ivy
League-educated, US State Department employee, deeply rooted in American
culture and history, became a hardcore Stalinist. With a reporter's eye
for detail and a historian's grasp of the cataclysmic events of the
twentieth century, Marton will discuss how she uncovered Field's quest for
a life of meaning that went horribly wrong through her unprecedented
access to Field family correspondence, Soviet Secret Police records, and
reporting on key players including Alger Hiss, CIA Director Allen Dulles,
World War II spy master "Wild Bill" Donovan, and Josef Stalin himself. No
registration is required. Tickets: FREE. Visit
19 October 2016, 8 am - 3 pm - Laurel, MD - Paul Goldenberg, John
Farmer and Distinguished Panelists address "Combating Domestic
Terrorism" at this National Cryptologic Museum Foundation's 18th
Annual Symposium and Membership Meeting
This year's NCMF's Annual Symposium looks at "Combating Domestic
Terrorism" featuring Paul Goldenberg, CEO, Cardinal
Point Strategies, Co-Chair of the DHS Foreign Fighter Task Force and
Co-Chair of the DHS Faith-Based Security Council. He will be joined by his
associate, John Farmer, Professor of Law and Special
Counsel to the President of Rutgers University and former Attorney General
of New Jersey in providing their unique insights on their work in Belgium
and other parts of Europe following the recent terrorism events there.
We also have an exciting lineup of speakers for the afternoon session
which will feature a notable panel of local law enforcement officials who
will offer their perspective on protecting Maryland's citizens, property
and information in the wake of terrorism and domestic unrest.
Panel Members are: Kemp Ensor, NSA Associate Director of
Security and Counterintelligence; Kevin Perkins, FBI
Special Agent in Charge, Baltimore Field Office; Col. William
Pallozzi, Superintendent, Maryland State Police, and panel
moderator Richard C. Schaeffer, President, National
Cryptologic Museum Foundation.
Also joining the afternoon discussions will be Ronald Lee,
Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP and former NSA General Counsel and
Associate Deputy Attorney General of the Department of Justice, speaking
on protecting the privacy rights of U.S. citizens in the fight against
REGISTRATION and NCMF exhibits open at 0800. A continental breakfast will
be available from 0800-0900 and lunch will be served from 1200-1300.
Speaker presentations run 0900-1500.
LOCATION: Event will be held at Johns Hopkins University/APL Kossiakoff
Center, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd., Laurel, MD 20723. Once you reach the APL
at Johns Hopkins Rd, Turn right on Pond Road, just past the service
station. Follow the signs to the Kossiakoff Center parking on the lower
lot. The lower level parking lot near the Kossiakoff Center is recommended
and a shuttle service will operate from 0745-1530 for your convenience.
More granular driving directions are available here.
The fee for NCMF members is $30 and guests $60 (includes a one-year guest
membership). Register online at Registration closes
on Friday, 14 October. Or you may mail-in your registration fee to NCMF,
P.O. Box 1682, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-9998.
- 29 October 2016 - The Hague, Netherlands - "Witness to Change:
Intelligence Analysis in a Changing Environment" is topic of the NISA
25th Anniversary Conference
The Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) celebrates its
25th anniversary with a two-days conference. Main theme is the strongly
changed environment of the intelligence analyst during these past 25
In other words: the 25th anniversary as a symbol for the revolutionary
changes in the intelligence world with which analysts have to deal; both
external developments (the onset of a multipolar world, asymmetric
conflicts, the information revolution), and internal changes (in
collecting, processing, dissemination, legitimization and supervision).
These developments forced intelligence analysts and organisations to adapt
work processes and methods and techniques. Intelligence analysts still
mostly operate in secret, but the demands of intelligence consumers and
the public have changed over the last 25 years. Social and technological
developments have changed the playing field and the rules of the game for
the intelligence analyst, leading to an enormous growth in (publicly)
available information and means of communication, and demands for more
transparency and accountability. Aim of the conference is to touch on the
consequences of this changed environment, and to look ahead.
Participants are invited to listen to distinguished experts in the field,
and to enter into discussions on various topics relating to intelligence
The Conference will be held at the Nationaal Archief (the National
Archive), Prins Willem Alexanderhof 20, The Hague, the Netherlands.
The conference program may be viewed here as a PDF.
Conference Fee: Standard Fee: Eur175; Student Fee: Eur80 (proof of status
required). Fee covers registration, lunch and drinks.
To join the Conference Diner on Friday 28 October 2016, an extra fee of
Eur30 is applicable.
To Register: For registration: fill this form. After registration you will receive
further information as regards payment of the conference fee and the
programme. There is a limited number of seats. Registration for the
conference will close on 15 October 2016.
For further information please send an e-mail to
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