AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #26-06 dated 3 July 2006
Weekly Intelligence Notes (WINs) are commentaries on Intelligence and related national
security matters, based on open media sources, selected, interpreted, edited
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are edited by Ernest Hampson, Ph.D., with input from AFIO members and staff.
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NEW YORK TIMES UNDER FIRE FOR DISCLOSING SECRET ANTITERRORISM FINANCIAL TRACKING PROGRAM On June 22, the New York Times disclosed a secret government program that tracks the financial transactions of terrorist groups [NYT]. In reaction to the publication, President Bush called the disclosure "disgraceful" and Rep. Peter King (R-PA) has called for the investigation of the Times for disclosing classified information in absence of an overriding public interest. The program utilizes data provided by a Belgian company the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which tracks over $6 trillion in transactions per day between banks, brokerages, stock exchanges and other institutions. It is run by the CIA with Treasury Department oversight. Stuart Levy, an undersecretary at the Treasury Department said the program, "has provided us with a unique and powerful window into the operations of terrorist networks and is, without doubt, a legal and proper use of our authorities." Levy claims the program's authority lies in part within the President's emergency economic powers and emphasizes that there are numerous safeguards to protect Americans' privacy. A number of important terrorist arrests have been credited to the program. The Times, however, called the program, "a significant departure from typical practice in how the government acquires Americans' financial records," since the government uses administrative subpoenas (a legal practice) opposed to court ordered subpoenas to request information from Swift. Over 20 anonymous current and former government officials are claimed to have come forward to provide the Times with information on the program, saying that they are uncomfortable with it as they though it was a temporary measure, but has been in place for over 5 years now. These unnamed sources believed that congressional approval or formal authorization for the program should have been sought. Other papers, including the L.A. Times and Wall Street Journal published similar stories, but after the New York Times. [PJK/NYT 27Jun06/Stolberg]
ISRAEL INVADES GAZA, CAPTURES MEMBERS OF HAMAS GOVERNMENT IN REACTION TO KIDNAPPING OF JEWISH SOLDIER Dubbed Operation Summer Rains, Israeli tanks and troops crossed in to the Palestinian Territories last Wednesday in reaction to the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier Cpl Gilad Shalit. Israel claims it is trying to avoid civilian casualties and does not want to inflict collective punishment, although that is what many have called the incursions and cutoff of supplies and utilities. Capt. Jacob Dallal of the IDF says that Israel expects the soldier to be returned and will not stop until he is. The prime target of the operation is Hamas, who was elected to power less than a year ago. The armed wing of Hamas has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping. An Israeli gunship fired on the office of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, and several members of Parliament, to include the Deputy Prime Minister, have been taken captive. [CSM 3Jul06/Prusher]
DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENT SHOWS 500 CHEMICAL MUNITIONS FOUND IN IRAQ A recently declassified portion of a report from the U.S. Army National Ground Intelligence Center indicates that 500 munitions containing degraded mustard gas and sarin nerve agent have been found to date in Iraq. Some war supporters [American Thinker] say this number is uncannily consistent with Colin Powell's evidence provided to the U.N. in February 2003 [CNN], which said "Saddam Hussein has never accounted for vast amounts of chemical weaponry: 550 artillery shells with mustard, 30,000 empty munitions and enough precursors to increase his stockpile to as much as 500 tons of chemical agents." On the lethality of the munitions found, the report states, "While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal." The report also predicts that "filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist." The White House has not commented on the report nor has it ever used this evidence to support its claims of Iraqi WMD, and unnamed insiders say that these weapons do not constitute the weapons for which we went to war. [PJK/WashPost 22Jun06/Linzer]
FORMER DIA ANALYST PLEADS GUILTY TO PASSING SECRETS TO CHINESE Ronald N. Montaperto, a former China analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in the Pacific Command, pleaded guilty to illegally holding classified information, and admitted to passing secrets to Chinese officials. Montaperto first came under suspicion in the late 80's and early 90's when he tried to move from his position with DIA to a CIA job. The CIA background investigation led them to believe he might be spying for the Chinese. However, an investigation into his contacts with Chinese military officials was dropped in 1991 due to lack of evidence. A second investigation was launched in August 2001 and led to the discovery of classified documents in his Springfield, Virginia home. In July 2003, the FBI and Naval Criminal Investigation Service began a sting operation no Montaperto. He was invited to join a China-related intelligence project, for which he would have to take a polygraph. During the polygraph examination Montaperto made the admissions that he had passed sensitive and classified information, including SECRET and TOP SECRET data, to Chinese officials Colonel Yang Qiming, Colonel Yu Zhenghe and other Chinese officers over the course of his 22-year government career. Montaperto's plea deal carries a possible fine of up to $250,000 and 10 years in prison. Sentencing will proceed on September 8th. [PJK/WashTimes 23Jun06/Getz]
CUBAN EXILE MILITANT LINKED TO MIAMI CIA OFFICE CIA documents released recently to the Miami Herald showed that Louis Posada Carriles, an exiled Cuban militant, continued to work for the CIA four years after the Bay of Pigs operation. Officially he was listed as "Training Branch Instructor," and was part of the JMWAVE- the code name for the CIA Miami bureau, which at the time operated within the University of Miami and conducted operations into Cuba. He worked for the CIA just over two years, from March 26, 1965, to July 11, 1967. Some of Posada's links to the CIA were already known, but these newly released documents add previously unknown details. Posada is currently being held in El Paso on immigration charges stemming from his illegal entrance into the U.S. from Mexico last year. He is now 78 years old, and is petitioning the U.S. for citizenship based on his CIA service and service as a soldier in the U.S. Army. However, Posada is accused of terrorist-like attacks against Cuba including blowing up a Cuban airliner in the Caribbean in 1976, hotel bombings in Cuba in 1997 and 1998 and conspiring to assassinate Fidel Castro in Panama in 2000. Posada has denied all these allegations. However, his request for asylum was not approved, although a judge refused to allow the U.S. government to deport him to Cuba or Venezuela. His next hearing is set for July 6th, but his release is unlikely as U.S. officials are determined to keep him locked up. Eduardo Soto, Posada's lawyer says the CIA documents could help his client win his freedom as they show he was an employee of the CIA and U.S. military for years. Soto says further that Posada continued to work in support of U.S. interests in Central America in the 1980's. After escaping from a Venezuelan prison where he was being held for the 1976 airline attack, he wound up in El Salvador where he allegedly supported a covert arms-resupply network for the Nicaraguan contras overseen by then National Security Council staff member Oliver North. There is some doubt as to whether the documents will help Posada's case. The documents show that the CIA severed its relationship with him after it had established Posada associated with a known mobster and that his brother had ties to Cuban intelligence. [LeonardS/MiamiHerald 26Jun06/Chardy and Corral]
UNANSWERED QUESTIONS IN U.S. INTELLIGENCE ON IRAQ'S MOBILE BIO LABS Most of us will remember Secretary of State Colin Powell before the U.N. offering evidence of what the U.S. intelligence community claimed to be functioning mobile biological agent laboratories. As it turns out, the evidence was almost wholly provided by an Iraqi informant codenamed "Curveball," who has since been mostly discredited on this point. University of Maryland biological weapons expert Milton Leitenberg recently published a treatise entitled "Unresolved Questions Regarding US Government Attribution of a Mobile Biological Production Capacity by Iraq" which examines questions that still linger about the U.S. claim. In particular, Leitenberg points to the Silberman-Robb Commission Report, in which is found "a very brief and cryptic reference to the supposed vehicles on page 98: �Confirmation/replication of the described design by U.S. contractors (it works).� Leitenberg's paper goes on to explore possible explanations for this quote, which seems to confirm that which is allegedly untrue, that Iraq actually did have mobile bio labs and that Curveball provided accurate designs for them. Included in the possible explanations is that the designs were only reviewed by engineers who found them plausible, and no working model was actually constructed. Leitenberg also points to the possibility that the report was confused with a replica that was built for the training of U.S. Special Operations forces, who might encounter such a vehicle in Iraq, although "It was not meant to replicate Iraqi threats or American designs but instead to illustrate a range of mobile biological threats.� However, Special Ops claims that their mock up was not functional. [StephenA/SecrecyNews Jun06/StephenA]
FBI RECOVERS STOLEN COMPUTER WITH VETERANS' DATA INTACT Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson announced that the laptop computer that was stolen from the home of a VA employee last month has been recovered. The Baltimore office of the FBI said that computer forensic scientists determined that the database containing personal data on 26.5 million veteran and active duty members was intact and had not been accessed. There were no reports of identity theft linked to the stolen computer. In further developments, there now appears to be documentation that shows the employee from whose house the computer was stolen had approval as early as 2002 to use special software at home designed to manipulate large amounts of data. The employee is in the process of being terminated from the VA, but is now fighting that dismissal. [LawrenceS/AP 29Jun06]
NEW EUROPEAN UNION LAW MAY EXPOSE SECRET BRITISH SEA-MAPPING DATA A law recently passed by the European Parliament requires national mapping agencies to make freely available over the Internet data that they collect. However, opponents to the law in Britain fear the new requirement may expose secret sea-mapping data that foreign powers could use to track Royal Navy ships, including those that serve as part of England's nuclear deterrent. Further, the Ordnance Survey, Britain's national mapping agency, has been self-sustaining for the last 7 years, surviving off revenue from licensing their products to government agencies, commercial publishers, and companies including utility firms. This new law may change how the Ordnance Survey can charge for its products and result in its bankruptcy. British officials have pledged to block the draft legislation when it returns to national ministers for final approval in the autumn. [EdM/DailyTelegraph 17Jun06/Rennie]
How the Cold War Began: The Igor Gouzenko Affair and the Hunt for Soviet Spies Amy Knight. Carroll & Graf, $27.95 (368p) ISBN 0-78671-816-1. Retelling of the story of Igor Gouzenko, a Soviet cipher clerk in the Ottawa embassy who defected in September 1945 with a cache of sensitive documents. His information led to the break up of a Soviet spy ring in Canada that included a member of Parliament, and led to the "Red Scare" in the U.S. [EAB]
Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton. Knopf, $25.95 (336p) ISBN 0-307-26377-0. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the 9/11 commission recount the behind-the-scenes action to ferret out the events and failures that led to the worst terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil. The story tells of political and partisan obstacles, the support and criticism of the 9/11 victims' families, the fight to gain access to sensitive information, consensus building, diplomacy and compromise. [EAB]
Confronting Iran: The Failure of American Foreign Policy and the Next Great Crisis in the Middle East , Ali M. Ansari. Perseus Books Group Hardcover, $26.00 ISBN: 0465003508. Starting at the turn of the last century, the author, a British historian, examines the political and military turmoil that has led to the current situation in Iran and America's relationship with it. What were friendly relations with Iran up until the end of World War II, became soured after Mohammad Mosaddeq nationalized his nation's oil industry, and the CIA engineered his 1953 overthrow, an event the author says is remembered in Iran with the intensity Americans recall Pearl Harbor. Besides American missteps, also presented is Iran's distorted view of the West, and "national myth of victimization." [EAB]
The Man Who Saved Britain by Simon Winder Picador, �14.99; 300pp.. Winder explores his boyhood obsession with James Bond, the character he credits with saving British morale after World War II, "as a large part of the planet slipped from Britain�s grasp, one man silently maintained the country�s reputation and morale . . . secretly, in a luxury hotel somewhere in the world, one man was slipping a .25 Beretta into his chamois leather shoulder holster . . . putting on his dinner jacket and going out into the night to save their world�. See the Times review by Stella Rimington, the first female head of MI-5, who points out that "Bond is no spy, he is a mere licensed killer, who after a brief meeting with M, a visit to Q to pick up the gadgets, sets off with no more mission than to destroy." [CameronL/Times Jun06/Rimington]
Premiere Issue of GeoIntelligence Insider Newsletter. Provides timely news and analysis about the use of spatial technologies for homeland security and defense applications. See sample. Requires subscription. [GregO]
WEBSTER AND SCHLESINGER NAMED TO LEADERSHIP OF HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has announced the appointment of Judge William Webster as the Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) and Secretary James Schlesinger as the Vice Chair of the HSAC.� Webster previously served as the HSAC Vice Chair and Schlesinger previously served as an HSAC member. Judge William Webster is Partner at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, LLP. Webster was appointed as a judge of the United States District Court for Eastern District of Missouri in 1970 and subsequently elevated to the United States Court of Appeals in 1973. In 1978 he was appointed as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, where he served for nearly a decade. In 1987 he was sworn in as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served until 1991. His service has been honored in many ways including receiving the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the National Security Medal. Secretary James Schlesinger is Chair of the Board of Trustees for the MITRE Corporation. Early in his career he served as assistant director of the Bureau of the Budget and as a Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in the Nixon Administration. He served as the 12th Secretary of Defense under Presidents Nixon and Ford and became America�s first Secretary of Energy under President Carter. [KathyP/DHSPressOff 27Jun06]
Authors Seeking Assistance
DEVELOPING A COUNTER TERRORISM CURRICULUM AT NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Looking for recommendations on good books, manuals, lecture slides, etc on the History of Middle East Terrorism and where they can be obtained. Contact Stephen Foster (FBI, ret.) [StephenF]
Felton Mark Wyatt,
31-year veteran of CIA's DO, died Thursday, 29 June after a period of
Hospice care. Wyatt served in Italy during the crucial 1948 Italian elections.
On orders from his superiors at the then new U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,
he funneled CIA money to selected Italian politicians in order to prevent a
communist victory. He also served in Luxembourg. After leaving the Agency he
worked with the Jamestown Foundation specializing in the handling and
resettlement of defectors -- mainly those from Eastern Europe. In 1998 Wyatt
played himself in a CNN 24-part historical documentary mini-series called "Cold
War." The film dealt with the relations between the United States, the Soviet
Union and their respective allies between the end of World War II to the
collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 -- which closely tracked some of Wyatt's
Agency years. From the transcripts of that interview, he explained that he
had "...carried out the first
political action, covert political action program in the history of American
intelligence, that would be followed by many, many, many more." He
spoke with the producers of COLD WAR in November and December of 1995, a copy of
that transcript can be found at: and at He
was a life member of AFIO. The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, July
8th at Christ Church, 31st and O Street NW, Washington, DC. The Wyatt family
would appreciate seeing Mark's former colleagues and friends for a final
farewell to this long-serving intelligence-officer-statesman.
Coming Events
20 July 06 - Colorado Springs, CO - AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter holds meeting at USAF Academy O'Club in the Falcon Room, starting at 11:30, lunch served at 12:00 and meeting ends at 1:30 pm. Rocky Mountain Chapter speaker is LTG (r) Ed Anderson, USA, former Dept. Commander NORTHCOM. A West Point graduate, Class of 1966 Questions or Reservations to Dick Durham, 719-488-2884. or
21 - 22 July 06 - Northampton, MA - AFIO New England Chapter holds meeting at the Hotel Northampton. Speakers will be: Professor Emeritus Douglas Wheeler and Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu. Topic to be announced. For further information or to register, contact chapter president Art Lindberg at
12 August 06 - Melbourne, FL - The Florida Satellite Chapter of AFIO will host its luncheon at Colony Hall at the IRCC. The legendary Billy Waugh will be the guest speaker; a man whose career spans some 50 plus years in special operations -tracking Carlos the Jackal, coming face to face with Osama bin Laden are but a few of the stories he will share with us. For more information, contact BEKeith at: or phone: (321) 777-5561.
23 - 25 August 06 - Raleigh, NC - Fourth Annual Raleigh International Spy Conference focuses on topic: Castro and Cuba: What Next? From revolution to Cold War KGB leader, Castro and his era will end soon. Hear the experts -- Don Bohning, Humberto Fontova, Brian Latell, Tim Naftali, Art Padilla, and AFIO's President, Gene Poteat -- take you from the Bay of Pigs through the Cuban Missile Crisis, the intrigue of Castros role as the "Bridgehead" for the KGB-led Non-aligned Movement - including new revelations from the intelligence world and estimates of what will happen to Cuba and its relationship with the US after Castro. Put on your calendar and go to or call the Spy Hotline at 919- 807-7917 to register early for this important event.
3-8 September 06 - Oxford, England - Spies, Lies & Intelligence Conference - From the historical certainties of World War II, through the treacheries and ultimate triumphs of the Cold War, we have emerged into an age when "Terror" is the West's new political and security watchword. This five-day conference brings together authors, experts and intelligence practitioners of international standing and examines the evolution of intelligence, espionage and deception across more than half a century. direct all enquiries and bookings to: The Steward's Office, Christ Church OXFORD OX1 1DP. Tel: +44 (0)1865 286848 Email: or to
8 September 06 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO National Luncheon - Put On Calendar - Details to Follow
9 September 06 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Meeting. Contact Quiel Begonia at for details. Meeting held at Orange Park Country Club, 2625 Country Club Blvd, Orange Park, FL.
14 September 06 - AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter holds meeting at Air Force Academy Officers Club in the Falcon Room, starting at 11:30, lunch served at 12:00 and meeting ends at 1:30 pm. Speakers to be announced. Questions or Reservations to Dick Durham, 719-488-2884. or
14 - 18 September 06 - Arlington, VA - The OSS Society and the Carpetbaggers will be co-hosting a Reunion at the Crown Plaza Hotel Reagan National Airport. 1480 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA, US, 22202. More information can be found at
16 September 06 - Kennebunk, ME. The Maine Chapter of AFIO will meet at 2:00 p.m. at the Kennebunk Free Library, Main St., Kennebunk. Guest speaker will be Janet Ray Weininger, daughter of Thomas "Pete" Ray, a CIA pilot killed in the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. Ray, whose body was kept on display in a Havana morgue, is remembered by Memorial Star 22 on the Wall of Honor and in the Book of Honor at CIA headquarters. Following her successful recovery of her father's body from Cuba, Weininger spearheaded the recovery mission of the remains of two CIA pilots from the remote mountains of Nicaragua in 1998 with support from CIA, a U.S. Army team from the Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii, U. S. Army Black Hawk crews, and U.S. and Nicaraguan diplomats and military. Weininger has been honored by the U. S. Congress for her work and has appeared on national TV programs such as Good Morning America and in the press. Weininger is founder and president of Wings of Valor, a Miami, Fla. based charitable organization dedicated to rebuilding lives torn apart by war, poverty, and disaster. She has a degree in Business Administration and lives in Miami, Fla. with her husband, a Delta Airlines pilot. The meeting is open to the public. Contact 207-985-2392 for information.
17 September 06 - Washington, DC - The International Spy Museum presents "Third-String Catcher, All-Star Spy" This event celebrates American baseball player Moe Berg and his efforts as a secret agent of the OSS. From parachuting into Yugoslavia to clandestinely filming Japanese military installations, Berg was an active agent whose life as a touring baseball player was a perfect cover. Join historians, authors, friends, and fans in this exploration of Berg's career with a special presentation of a commemorative Moe Berg medal to relative Irwin Berg. The event will be held from 1:00-3:15pm at the Spy Museum, 800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC,Gallery Place/Chinatown Metrorail Station. The cost is $15; Members of The Spy Ring: $12; Advance Registration required. Tickets are non-refundable and do not include admission to the International Spy Museum. To register, call Ticketmaster at 202.397.SEAT, 800.551.SEAT or the Museum at 202.393.7798; order online at; or purchase tickets in person at the International Spy Museum. To infiltrate The Spy Ring, the Spy Museum's membership program, visit or call 866.SPYMUSEUM.
21 September 06 - Colorado Springs, CO - AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter holds meeting at Air Force Academy Officers Club in the Falcon Room, starting at 11:30, lunch served at 12:00 and meeting ends at 1:30 pm. Speakers to be announced. Questions or Reservations to Dick Durham, 719-488-2884. or
22 September 06 - New York, NY - AFIO NY Metro Chapter holds evening meeting at Society of Illustrators Building, 128 East 63rd St, (between Park and Lexington). Check-in: 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM. Speakers to be announced. Buffet dinner, tables of eight. $45pp, includes drinks, coffee, dessert. Cash bar. Registration and more information available from Jerry Goodwin, Chapter President, at 212-308-1450, or email him at
23 September 06 - Washington, DC - The Cold War Museum hosts a special Spy Tour of Washington. The Cold War Museum hosts a tour of various espionage sites in Arlington, Washington, and Georgetown; observe the former Caf�' where a Soviet spy escaped from his CIA handlers; listen in on a briefing about Civil War espionage at Lafayette Park; tour the Berlin Wall at the Newseum; and/or visit drop points used by agents such as FBI spy Robert Hanssen. Since its earliest days, Washington, D.C. has been the scene of international intrigue, espionage, and intelligence activity, as the U.S. government has tried to learn the plans of other countries while keeping its own plans secret. Key players in this non-ending drama include personalities as diverse as Rose Greenhow, Herbert Yardley, Major General "Wild Bill" Donovan, Aldrich Ames, and Robert Hanssen. This six-hour bus tour will introduce you to many of the locations in and around Washington that have been associated with intelligence and counter intelligence activities for the past two hundred years. Some walking is required. Optional stop at International Spy Museum not included in price. For more information, private bookings and additional information visit or call the Cold War Museum at (703) 273-2381.
10 October 06 - Tampa, FL- AFIO Suncoast Chapter meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Officers' Club, at MacDill Air Force Base. The luncheon speaker is Billy Waugh who was wounded five times in his seven and a half years as a Green Beret in Vietnam. Many of these years were spent behind enemy lines as part of SOG, a top secret group of elite commandos. Sergeant Major Billy Waugh retired in 1972 to continue his craft as an independent contractor with the CIA. In 1994, Waugh was the team leader of a four-man CIA group that laid the groundwork for the capture of Carlos the Jackal, the world's most wanted man at the time. At the age of 71 shortly after 9/11, he was one of the first on the ground as a team member of a combined Special Forces/CIA takedown unit inside Afghanistan. Earlier Waugh had kept surveillance on Osama bin Laden in Khartoum in 1991 and again in 1992 as one of the first CIA operatives assigned to watch the al Qaeda leader. His book, Hunting the Jackal, recounts a remarkable life of service. For more information contact Don White,
20-21 October 06 - Lubbock, TX - The Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University and CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) will co-host a conference on "Intelligence in the Vietnam War," which will be held in Lubbock, Texas, at the Holiday Inn Park Plaza. The purpose of this conference is to examine intelligence activities in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and elsewhere as they impacted the Vietnam War. We welcome papers that discuss intelligence analysis and operations from all sides of the conflict and desire presentations that discuss US, RVN, DRV, VC, USSR, PRC, Warsaw Pact, and other intelligence activities as they related to the Vietnam War. While the focus will remain on historical events, it is our distinct hope that appropriate historical lessons might be drawn of more immediate application to current wars and conflicts. To that end, we are seeking paper and panel proposals on all subjects related to Intelligence in the Vietnam War to include but not limited to the following topics: Intelligence and counter-intelligence operations to include human, electronic, signals, and imagery intelligence; Terrorism and counter-terrorism; Infiltration operations into North Vietnam, the Viet Cong infrastructure, and elsewhere; Psychological operations; The Phoenix Program, Provincial Reconnaissance Units, and other attempts to neutralize the VCI; Rolling Thunder, enemy order of battle, the will to persist, and other analytical issues; Inter-agency cooperation and conflict between the CIA, DIA, and other intelligence organizations; The politics of intelligence (e.g. the producer v. the consumer in the development of estimative products); the use of RAND and other private analytical resources as intelligence; etc... This conference will offer students, scholars, intelligence officials, policy makers, and others with an excellent opportunity to discuss and learn from intelligence activities from America's longest war along with the many issues that surrounded these complex activities and events. If you are interested in providing either an individual presentation or a panel discussion, submit a proposal (single page or less) to Mr. Stephen Maxner, Deputy Director at the Vietnam Center at or call (806) 742-9010 for more information. Deadline for submissions: August 1, 2006
21 October 06 - Kennebunk, ME - the Maine Chapter of AFIO will meet at 2:00 p.m. at the Kennebunk Free Library, Main St., Kennebunk. Guest speaker will be Colin Beavan, author of "Operation Jedburgh." Further information on the author and book, to follow. The meeting is open to the public. Contact 207-985-2392 for information.
3 - 5 November 06 - Reston, VA - AFIO - DHS National Intelligence Symposium on Homeland, Port and Border Security FOR YOUR Calendars. The AFIO National Symposium with the Department of Homeland Security will focus on DHS's Intelligence and Port and Border enforcement issues. The event will be held 3 November thru 5 November at the Hyatt Regency Hotel - Reston, 1800 Presidents St, Reston, VA 20190. Further information to be sent to all AFIO members in coming months. The hotel offers free shuttle to/from Dulles Airport. Make your flight reservations now.
3 - 4 November 06 - Hampton Beach NH - AFIO New England Chapter meets at the beautiful Ashworth-by-the-Sea Hotel to hear speakers Professor William Tafoya and Joe Wippl, the new CIA Officer-in-Residence at Boston University. For further information or to register, contact chapter president Art Lindberg at
10 November 06 - Ft. Myer and Arlington National Cemetery - Army Counterintelligence Corps Veterans (ACICV) Annual "Day of Remembrance" The ACICV Day of Remembrance, which includes a special Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in the Cemetery and a Memorial Luncheon at Fort Myer, honors the memory of Army Counterintelligence veterans and associates who have passed away since the last Remembrance Day. Friends and supporters of ACICV and Army Counterintelligence are invited to attend. For additional information contact Ed Meiser at 1-518-371-8356 (e-mail: or Elly Burton at 1-703-591-3848 (e-mail
16 November 06 - AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter holds meeting at Air Force Academy Officers Club in the Falcon Room, starting at 11:30, lunch served at 12:00 and meeting ends at 1:30 pm. Speakers to be announced. Questions or Reservations to Dick Durham, 719-488-2884. or
1 December 06 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO National Luncheon - Put On Calendar - Details to Follow
5-7 December 06 - Chantilly, VA - MASINT V The MASINT Association�'s Annual Conference More details to follow. Or write them at
6 December 06 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Meeting. Contact Quiel Begonia at for details. Meeting held at Orange Park Country Club, 2625 Country Club Blvd, Orange Park , FL.
8 December 06 - New York, NY - AFIO NY Metro Chapter holds evening meeting at Society of Illustrators Building, 128 East 63rd St, (between Park and Lexington). Check-in: 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM. Speakers to be announced. Buffet dinner, tables of eight. $45pp, includes drinks, coffee, dessert. Cash bar. Registration and more information available from Jerry Goodwin, Chapter President, at 212-308-1450, or email him at
12 December 06 - Tampa, FL- AFIO Suncoast Chapter meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Officers�' Club, at MacDill Air Force Base. The luncheon speaker is James Pavitt. A 31-year veteran of CIA, who in 1999 was appointed Deputy Director for Operations to head what is now known as the National Clandestine Service, the CIA directorate responsible for the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence. He had served as Associate Deputy Director for Operations from July 1997 through July 1999. He served longer in that position than any DDO in the last 30 years until retiring from CIA and the DO in August 2004. After joining the Agency in 1973 as a Career Trainee, he served in a variety of intelligence assignments in Europe, Asia and at CIA Headquarters. In 1990, he was assigned to the National Security Council as the Director for Intelligence Programs. In June 1992, President Bush appointed him Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and NSC Senior Director for Intelligence Programs. Mr. Pavitt began his intelligence career in the United States Army from 1969-1971 as an intelligence officer. Jim Pavitt is currently a principle at the Scowcroft Group and also serves as a member of the AFIO National Board of Directors. For more information contact Don White,
26-27 January 07 - Springfield, VA- Intelligence and Ethics 2007 and Call for Proposals. The International Intelligence Ethics Association (IIEA) invites paper proposals by September 18, 2006; proposals for dinner table discussions on intelligence ethics in current events, by October 10, 2006, and proposals for lunch-with-an-author, by October 10, 2006. For further information, see or inquire at
13 February 07 - Tampa, FL- AFIO Suncoast Chapter meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Officers' Club, at MacDill Air Force Base. The luncheon speaker is Carl W Ford, Jr., former head of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), from 2001 until 2003. As Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, he reported directly to the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and provided intelligence support and analysis to him and other senior policy makers. He was directly involved in crafting policy related to the war on terrorism, the Iraq war and reconstruction, and issues regarding the Chinese military, nuclear proliferation, the Middle East peace process, and the North Korean military threat. Between 1965 and 1989, Mr. Ford served a tour of duty in Vietnam, was a U.S. Army Military Intelligence Officer, a Defense Intelligence Agency China Strategic Intelligence Officer, a CIA China military analyst, a professional staff member for East Asia on the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the National Intelligence Officer for East Asia at the CIA. Beginning in early 1989, Mr. Ford spent four years working at the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary levels in the Defense Department. For more information contact Don White,
3 March 07 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Meeting. Contact Quiel Begonia at for details. Meeting held at Orange Park Country Club, 2625 Country Club Blvd, Orange Park, FL.
17-19 May 2007 - Omaha, NE - SAC Intelligence/544th & Friends Reunion We have activated a SAC IN/544th & Friends Reunion website to update you on our reunion planning efforts. The web site address is: (note: there is no www in the address). The web site is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION, and will be for some time as we incrementally add/refine relevant reunion information. The initial web site data includes, among other items, a main (i.e. home) page with reunion overview information, and a "participant" link that contains a list of the SAC IN/544th & Friends alumni that we've contacted to date. We request that you review this list to identify anyone you may know who is not on the list and, in turn, contact them (info Marv Howell: and advise them of our reunion plans and ask them to contact Marv to let him know if they are interested (or not) in attending the reunion. Your assistance in identifying and contacting other potential reunion attendees is key to our getting the word out to as many people as possible and is very important to our "sizing" the reunion and developing related reunion cost data. We're also pleased to report that we have signed a contract with the Embassy Suites reserving a ballroom with a capacity of 350 for our banquet on Saturday, May 19, 2007. Additionally, we have blocked 50 rooms at a special rate for our reunion attendees ($129 plus tax, double occupancy). We encourage attendees who plan on staying at the Embassy Suites to make their reservations at the earliest convenient date to be insured of getting the discounted group room rate. Reservations should be made either directly with the Omaha Embassy Suites (402) 346-9000, or through the Embassy Suites central reservation center at 1-800-362-2779, request the "SAC INTELL Reunion" block discount room rate, group code "SIR". For your convenience, our web site provides a link to the Omaha Embassy Suites web site. As regards reunion event planning, we're very proud to note that our reunion banquet keynote speaker, General Michael Hayden (SAC IN analyst & briefer '70-'72), has been confirmed by the Senate to be Director of the CIA. Additionally, we have reserved the Dougherty Conference Center for a symposium to be held on Friday, May 18, and have reserved the Bellevue Lied Activity Center for a presentation on SAC Intelligence's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis to be held on Sat May 19. More detailed information on these reunion events will be posted on our web site as soon as possible. Finally, we have decided on a pre-registration fee of $25 per attendee and would request that those who plan on attending the reunion mail their pre-registration checks, made payable to: "SAC IN/544 Reunion", to: Mike Catherall, 13006 Jan Circle, Bellevue, NE 68123. Early payment (i.e. within the next 30 - 60 days) of the pre-registration fee is encouraged to assist us with meeting reunion planning financial obligations to include payment of a deposit for the banquet ballroom. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you this time next year in Omaha.
2 June 07 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Meeting. Contact Quiel Begonia at for details. Meeting held at Orange Park Country Club, 2625 Country Club Blvd, Orange Park, FL.
8 September 07 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Meeting. Contact Quiel Begonia at for details. Meeting held at Orange Park Country Club, 2625 Country C lub Blvd, Orange Park, FL.
18-19 October 2007: Symposium on Cryptologic History sponsored by the Center for Cryptologic History, to be held at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD. Further details available in early 2007.
1 December 07 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter Meeting. Contact Quiel Begonia at for details. Meeting held at Orange Park Country Club, 2625 Country Club Blvd, Orange Park, FL.
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