Association of Former Intelligence Officers

BRITISH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE IN THE PALESTINE CAMPAIGN, by Yigal Sheffy, London: Frank Cass and Co, 1998. ( ISBN - 0 7146 4208 78) The author, a career officer in the Directorate of Military Intelligence in the Israeli Defense Forces, and now a professor of intelligence in Tel Aviv University, has done a thorough job in integrating intelligence into operations in this study of an often overlooked conflict. Sheffy covers such topics as innovations in collection, the predominance of technical means of collection over human intelligence (already in WW I !!!), deficiencies in analysis, and the role of intelligence in deception operations, and finally, evaluates the successes and failures of British MI against the Ottomans. This is a scholarly work on the development and utilization of military intelligence during World War I, appropriate for serious students of intelligence. (Dr. Ken Campbell)

Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #12-99, 24 March 99

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